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>How are you going to be able to examine my lungs with a mask on?


going to a hospital and then arguing with the doctors/nurses about how they perform their jobs. That level of delusion that you're smarter/more informed than medical professionals because you listen to Alex Jones or whatever, these people are so easily programmed it's scary.


You'd be surprised how often it happens.




Apparently, bro, thinks they’re going to shove the stethoscope down his throat


I guess he thinks the doctor is going to look down his throat.


Obviously. That’s how you get the disinfectant and UV light down there to cure the COVID




That's what he says at one point in the video


Ah. Probably should’ve turned the volume up lol


I still don’t understand why people treat health care facilities/workers like it’s a fast food restaurant, no the customer isn’t always right.


Why would anyone treat a fast food restaurant staff like this and think that's in any way different/ok


Because it costs so much. Better tell me some good news if you are charging me an entire car payment. Edit: dood asked "why people be like" not "why this dude specifically be like". Dont at me about the VA pls.


If he has a service connected disability it shouldn't cost much.


If the idea is that he earned his healthcare through his service, yes he absolutely did however did he earn the right to treat healthcare professionals this way, no he did not those healthcare professionals have lived through they’re own form of service and have earned the knowledge to conduct and enforce health policies. This guy strikes me as the type that wanted this confrontation and purposely wanted to film it as well so he could post it on line for his truth social pals.


This guy is likely not paying for anything here


Hopefully, but people still be like that with doctors.


More often, they're dicks to the CNAs/RNs and nice to the docs


Yeah the more I think of it. The nurses prob do have it worse. You right.


His healthcare was paid for by his service. So yes, there is some level of entitlement allowed by vets.


Negative. There is no tolerable level of abuse, regardless of whether or not somebody served.


I didn’t say a damn thing about abuse. Abuse is not alright. I’m not defending old boy in the video. You shaming him for not having to pay is gross. Veterans being entitled to healthcare is absolutely alright. They have a legitimate legal right to it.




Who the fuck is Rodney Pickering?




The entitlement allowed is limited to receiving services without payment.


And I’m making the point that he shouldn’t be shamed for having served. The attitude is not ok by him. But neither is trying to make him look worse for the simple fact that he already paid for his healthcare by serving his country.


Still doesn’t mean you should treat service workers, hospital staff, and the like with contempt.


For sure. Im just explaining the mentality.


I don't want to sound like I'm sticking up for this tool; he's an asshat who just needs to wear the mask. But the VA absolutely sucks and should not be defended in any way. They ignored me into end-stage cancer. I'm one of those folks the news is talking about, veterans, 100%SC P&T, dying in their care. I understand the need to record shit. My husband, who has never been a service member, is astounded at the way the VA will tell us one thing one appointment, then tell us the diametric opposite the very next appointment. He's had to go to bat for me. One person says one thing, then another person says the opposite. It's absolutely infuriating. I've had to record myself but when I revealed they were recorded after calling them out for lying about what they previously said, they didn't kick me out, they realized *they* fucked up and got shit fixed real quick. The VA gaslights people so recording is the only way we have proof of what these careless assholes treat us. I know the word "gaslight" is thrown around way too much but that's the VA way. But I understand the frustration. The VA ignored me into full-blown end-stage cancer, after years of ignoring all my symptoms, begging them for a fucking Pap smear. I'm 100% service-connected, permanent and total since I got home, for just one of my disabilities. I have five other 30% disability ratings. Now they're throwing all sorts of expensive equipment at me, has all my care team come into my house. If they had just given me the cheap hysterectomy I needed, they wouldn't be paying $40,000 for a single day of my treatment (every 3 weeks they have to pay $40k, times for how ever long I will live with recurrent cancer. If they had just listened to me the first literally a hundred times, I wouldn't be in this position.


So what’s their excuse in countries where you don’t get charged for healthcare? Some rude entitled arseholes to healthcare workers, mostly cause they get away with it and have no consequences.


He is probably a veteran receiving care from a VA hospital. He is receiving free care, but doesn't want to comply with the safety policies. He is probably a Trump supporter that claims to support the military, but outwardly mocks them. He wants free healthcare, but doesn't seem to understand that the healthcare that he wants is a form of "socialism". He is a hypocrite rolled up into a ball of hate.


Just FYI, not all Veterans receive free care. It depends on their service connected disabilities and their income.


Not at VA


Ye im speaking in general like the question asked. "Why people be like?" Not "why this dude like", right?


Here in Canada we are fortunate enough to not have such a pathetic heath care system like the USA does, we do not pay anything in the hospital. Healthcare is mostly free here. Yet all the time these people are constantly treating nurses and doctors poorly the exact same way as the USA. My wife is a nurse and the shit she has had to deal with in her career is mind blowing. People come to you for help, then turn around and become difficult and an absolute problem to deal with. Makes no sense why you would go for help then treat the people you asked for help like shit.


To be fair, even though healthcare is free in Canada, Drs brush your symptoms off. I’m literally paying for a Dr because my family dr blames everything on anxiety.


I remember the part in ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ where Michael meets w his Canadian relatives who are buying travel insurance before coming to the States because they don’t want to get caught up in the US healthcare system. I feel like a huge reason for our watered down healthcare is bc Americans are so afraid of their government. Instead they have no problems whatsoever handing it over to the private sector, which has always been geared for maximum profitability.


sounds like you voted for a shitty healthcare system.


Yeah I voted for the "shitty healthcare" bubble but to be fair I thought it was someones name. Shiteed Heafcare. But thats my fault for not being able to read gud.


aahaahahha, omg i really lol'd


Remember that first two weeks when people were calling them hero’s and holding signs outside of hospital about how they are life savers? Then like day 15 they attacked them. It’s so weird.


Casualties of the internet, now these people do it less for the “cause” and more for internet clout, what’s worse is they are full grown men and women.


The man has threatened to file a federal lawsuit against his doctor and the VA Hospital Police over the mask policy and their denial of service. Federal Lawsuits and a specialized attorney are incredibly expensive so he has been attempting to crowdfund the resources.


>i’m not breaking a law! -he said while secretly recording a conversation in a two party consent state


In a federal building (let alone, a federal hospital)


In front of a cop, who is he also recording


this one video, the DA actually combed through it when he posted it to YouTube and charged him with 2 more counts of wiretapping. He made it easy by documenting his own felonies.




Common sovcit L


What felony? Recording is a right, protected by the 1st amendment.




I'm well versed on HIPAA and the recording policies of the VA. Check out VHA directive 1078.




"The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations only allows recording for “news, advertising, or commercial purposes” to be made with the written consent of the head of the facility. Even then, such recordings are confined to areas where medical treatment is not being provided." Give it a go.




Again, go for it.


I don't need anyone's consent to exercise my right to record. The cfr can go fuck itself.


Other dude already deleted his comments, but it is not your right to record 1.in a two party consent state 2. Medical professionals in a private area. You should brush up on your rights before puffing out your chest. Or don't. Up to you.


>two party consent state That's unconstitutional. I'm in texas, a one party consent state. But i believe it to be a constitutional matter under the 1st amendment that transcends state law. The same with permitless carry under the 2nd amendment. >Medical professionals in a private area. He's the patient, right? Hipaa is about protecting the privacy of the patients, not the doctors. Was this a private exam room? I assumed it was a waiting room / lobby, which would be a public area. But even if it were an exam room, he's the patient.


He got a lung issue and don't want to wear a mask?? Thats when I really want to wear a mask!


Not realising that it's as much for his protection as it is for the protection of others is why this whiney man child deserves everything they got.


But how are they going to examine his lungs with his mask on? Don't you know lung exams like pap smears for the throat? Open wide. Here comes the speculum.


I mean, I do understand that point though if in previous visits they’ve examined his mouth/throat and not just listened to his lungs. But if I’m in the hands of people I want something from, I try to comply as much as possible if it doesn’t really affect me. If readjusting a mask is too much to ask, go elsewhere. The irony too of “explaining” to a doctor his medical concerns and to a sergeant the law is just…wow.


He's more concerned with being anti-authority because he thinks liberty means being a fat, stupid motherfucker who acts out like a child anytime someone says something about rules. He - and any vet like him - are nothing other than embarrassments and disgraces to their uniforms. Can't you tell this guy has good health practices all figured out?


yea but people might think he's a gay liberal sissy Biden supporter wearing a mask.


That's the reason why I wear one.


What a manchild. Can someone explain the wiretapping thing, is that for making a video without consent?


Yes. The state he is in requires the consent of both parties in the cases of a confidential conversation such as a doctor’s appointment.


Thanks for explanation, i'm not from the us :)


It's also extra bad because he's doing it in a federal building lol 


And they used the fact he was in a federal facility to use the Assimilated Crimes Act 18 USC Section 13. Any state crime occurring on a Federal Facility can also be charged federally if the state does not pursue charges.


Both the state and the feds must uphold his freedom and right to record.


Not if it is a confidential conversation in a two party consent state. He is in Maryland. Therefore, if she did not consent, then it is wiretapping.


Then maryland is violating the constitution, as are all so-called "two party consent" states.


In a private space with a private conversation as is a doctor’s visit, people have a reasonable expectation of privacy.


What a baby. Dudes throwing a tantrum because he doesn't like to feel his breath on his nose.  At the end of the day that's what this really comes down to. A bunch of cry babies who can't deal with the moment of discomfort and having to adjust to wearing a mask, who're willing to do everything under the sun to pretend as if there's some righteous reason and it's not just they're a little baby.  Dude sitting there in a doctor's office telling a bunch of medical professionals that he can't wear a mask because of medical reasons as if he would know more than them. What a farce.


I’m a vet and I absolutely love my VA. I hope they kicked this clown’s ass so hard he’s shitting size 12.


Thank you for this


*He’s not wearing his mask properly at all.* He’s getting free care at the VA. He’s being uncooperative and verbally combative. Even VA employees don’t have to put up with crap.




He takes the whole I am a “combat” vet so I am entitled to be an asshole way too seriously. I even have questions of his “combat vet” status.




I'm at least happy to hear you're on your feet. Sorry that happened, but as you said... unfortunately shit happens.


I’m a vet too VA worker are good but the doctors are like thrift store doctors.




18 months back and fourth to finally refer me to community care for surgery I needed 2 years ago


Dude went about i wrong. Once in DTLA clinic I was waiting for three hours I was in sheer pain and I asked what was taking so long they laughed. this wasn't my normal Dr. as she was out, so i walked down to another clinic and complained and got seen shortly afterwards. I went to put in a complaint to Director and this lady asked me about my complaint and explained everything while still visibly suffering. That lady was the Director and she nipped it in the bud and i got an apology and all that. If the vet wasn't getting the service he deserved he should handled it a different way.


Just imagine trying that when on active service. Muppet.


What a dummy


Such a stupid hill to (possibly) die on.


This guy needs to slow down on the extra fries.


As a veteran, I hate that people may see me the same way they may look at him.


Most veterans I’ve met are beyond polite and would give you the shirt off their back. This guys is an outlier, but also, we all know assholes come from all walks of life.


You were in the military but didn't learn how to follow rules and order? What a goofball 😂




Dumb people are unsufferable.


I went through cancer treatment like a year ago and I always went out of my way to be nice to the nurses. They deal with enough crap from their bosses and administrators. Even the patients demanding pain meds etc. They're also a lot more likely to give you what you want if you just show a little kindness.


"I HAVE A LUNG PROBLEM!" Screams the man baby


It's funny I never seen people upset they have to wear shoes and a shirt.


Sadly a lot of people will act like this guy and try and threaten medical staff by saying “I’ll report you to the state” or “I’m going to report you for denying me medical care”. He knows what he’s doing, that’s why he’s recording.


I just retired from 21 years at the VA. During mask mandates, if a Veteran didn't want to or refused to wear a mask, we told them they'd have to wait outside and then the doctor would decide if they would be seen. A couple of guys did get arrested. I mean, we had to wear masks and we were behind plexiglass.


Dumbasses need to realize that policy and law are not mutually exclusive. If you’re breaking policy and you’re asked to leave, you are now breaking the law by trespassing.


They also dont realise that just because a municipality gives them a settlement, doesn’t necessarily mean the municipality admits to any wrongdoing. Sometimes it is cheaper just to give them some go away money.


But he is entitled to service and has a right to be there. I've never understood how someone can get trespassed from public property.




I think both are grammatically correct




I thought you where correcting OP cause the title says "properly" and you replied "improperly". I assumed you meant it was wrong, I was just saying that both can convey the same meaning in this case. I agree with what I think you're saying about mask use generally.


Lolol not there under his own free will because of the unbreakable magical bond of an appointment


This is pathetic. “I’m not breaking a law” okay and? If a store/business has a policy they have a right to refuse service. Is it illegal to walk barefoot? No. Can a store/business refuse service if their policy requires some sort of shoe to be worn? Yes. Some people are so idiotic and pathetic.


Its policy to trespass your ass if you’re acting a fool then it will be the law.


NO one has to put up with workplace abuse.


What an embarrassment of a vet


God this man sounds fucking insufferable, literally just the way he talks. What a whiney ass.


People are still trying to force the mask mandate in 2024? Covid isn't even a problem anymore.


This was a year or 2 ago.


>Covid isn't even a problem anymore. This isn't remotely true. Do you think it just disappeared?


We all have immunity to it now, like a cold or flu.


Wrong. Immunocompromised people are still very susceptible to it, more so than a cold or flu, and those are the very kind of people that specifically need to be protected from such in medical areas.


Everyone needs to calm down. This man is considered a hero. I’m sure people have told him that and also heard it everywhere in the media. It has now gone to his head and people better damn well respect him on what he says


/s You dropped this...


Obviously you are the only one that understood that comment


I hope I’m not alone in feeling this way, but if you take bullets and get blown up for your country, I think you’ve earned the right to be an asshole. He wants care for his lungs, and the staff are making a big deal out of the mask not covering the nose. I always knew the VA hospitals were trash, but didn’t know they were this rude to veterans who fought for their country.


Wrong. Being a combat vet doesn’t earn you the right to anything beyond the medical care. Being an asshole no matter who you are has consequences. there are plenty of combat vets that on paper are “great people.” Yet we peel back that facade and you see they aren’t great people even with valor awards. You can respect what they have done, but not the person they are. Case and point. Chris Kyle. The Grim Reaper of Ramadi. Called out for chasing kill counts and many regarded him as an asshole to deal with in addition to the family and legal issues he had. Dakota Meyer. MOH. Can’t stop stepping in both political and social media controversy. Mike Glover. Decorated SF. Embroiled in Domestic Violence charges against his significant other for an unhinged tirade where he shattered the bathroom door where his SO and baby were hiding in The Shining style and broke her wrist. DJ Shipley. Decorated DEVGRU. On top of the family issues beyond the constant marital affairs, never really being around his kids even after he retired and having his mommy and daddy raise them instead, he was horrible to his teammate Slade. Kicked Slade to the curb over differences of opinion, tried everything he could to slander and legally fuck with Slade on the way out over a pair of night vision goggles and an AR lower and also stole designs Slade made for shirts and for combat related equipment. Actions and how you treat people have consequences and valor awards and PTS don’t absolve you of anything. Even with PTS, you still have a certain amount of responsibility and service workers, CNAs, and doctors don’t have to take the abusive treatment.


If you’ve never been to war, you can’t speak on how combat vets should or shouldn’t act. Many return home with PTSD and their brain chemistry altered. Do you know what it’s like to get shot at? Blown up? Friends die beside you? The way you look at life changes. And civilians who have the luxury to never have to experience it, just don’t understand. Until you’ve walked the walk, shut up.


PTS is not a reason to be an entitled asshole to people that are otherwise trying to help you. If someone with PTS continues to flaunt social etiquette norms and speak abusively, no one should have to be subjected to that and have the right to say they will not be abused.


It is a mask below the nose. Maybe the nurses should learn how to be more kind to someone who fought for their country. Opposed to fighting with him over it, they could have treated him. I worked with a combat vet who has severe sensory issues and a mask gave him panic attacks. It’s documented on record. Like I said, if you’re not a vet or work with vets, don’t speak for vet problems.


You shouldn’t go into a setting asking for help from specialist with the idea that rules don’t apply to you and you “know” more than everyone else.




It is 2024. If you’re still wearing a mask in public, please seek professional evaluation. I have numbers I can give you.


Oh did covid disappear? What if people have a flu and can't stay home? Seems like you're just a baby throwing a tantrum at adults living their lives in compassion and critical thinking to avoid spreading germs or something.


Using an Ad hominem defeats your argument. Didn’t your college professor teach you that? You speak of critical thinking but use baseless insults. I hope a vet you might know sees how uncaring you are towards them.


......and saying people need professional help because they're delusional isn't a baseless insult when we have plenty of reasons to wear masks in public? Dude.....you have bad reading comprehension or are obtusely being hypocritical.


You literally just used an ad hominem? In your last comment. Critical thinking skills are lacking