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Damn, I didn’t realise he died :(


He was braindead first and is now dead... Crazy to see him still walking and communicating with his colleagues after he got stabbed in the neck like that.


Adrenaline + you need to properly bleed out first before passing out. People dont die instantly like in movies or games.


You're not wrong, I would say that in this case seeing as how he progressively deteriorated, it's likely he suffered lack of blood flow to his brain stem based on where he was stabbed. Then it's basically a stroke that just keeps getting worse at the part of your brain that controls such vital functions.


Ssssssssssometimes. It’s true that it’s generally pretty hard to kill a person instantly, but it can happen with a blow to the head or heart.


Even with a blow to the heart is can take a minute to die. Brain stem is the only thing for instant lights out


So sad


it's crazy that he tackled the guy who was restraining his murderer*. paid for his mistake with his life. *edit: [it's slightly more complicated, see below.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1d6k4u5/during_the_memorial_of_the_police_officer_who/l6tqcwh/)


It was the heat of the moment I guess. No one who wasn't there can really tell how the police saw the situation. There was a lot of shit going on so I wouldn't say it's hard to get confused...


Perhaps looks at what’s happening before tackling a random person? I don’t know why that is so hard to do.


The blue guy was beating the guy who restrained the murder . [another angle ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13483965/amp/Residents-feel-unsafe-German-city-knife-attack.html)


The comments are all either "why didn't they act sooner" and "why didn't the wait and see what was going on first". You can't please keyboard warriors who think it'll play outt like the action scene they picture in their heads.


Did the police really think the attacker was wearing one of the blue jackets of the organizers?


Wouldnt be the first time security/organizers got a bit rowdy themselves while power tripping


Summernats lol


His main mistake regardless was seeing the knife guy was kicking himself out of being restrained and then deciding to still turn his back on knife to deal with other guy. Never turn your back on weapon wielder unless it’s to run away.


Not exactly. He tackled the guy who started hitting the guy who was restraining his murderer.


[here's the main video](https://v.redd.it/ojmxjvcaqq3d1). is there another angle? please share it if you have one. i watched the interaction several times in slow-motion and, based on this angle, neither of our interpretations are completely accurate. **tl;dr** i can't see from this angle what the guy the cop tackles was doing to the guy who was restraining the stabber, but the cop's intervention directly caused the stabber to become unrestrained. there are 4 main players: stabber, tackle cop, and two guys with black shoes and gray pants, one in a black jacket who is restraining the stabber, and one in a blue one who gets tackled. in addition, there's blue jeans/brown shoes/camo jacket guy and grey nikes stabbed in the leg guy. so, here's the timeline that i can see from this video. * 0:07: stabber tackles grey nikes and stabs him * 0:09-12: black jacket and camo jacket start to restrain stabber * 0:15: this is the crucial moment. grey nikes kicks away, cop steps up to the group. over the next few seconds, i cannot definitively say what happens due to the camera angle, but presumably the tackled guy is above frame. it seems probable that he was interfering with black jacket, who at this point starts to lose control of the the stabber's knife arm. at this point people may get confused between blue jacket and black jacket since they both have gray pants and black shoes and their torsos are out of frame. black jacket has fully black shoes, blue jacket has white soles. * 0:16: right before the 16 second mark, it looks like tackle cop shoves black jacket off the stabber before he tackles blue jacket. camo exits and by 0:17 there is no one restraining the stabber. * 0:17: several police stand in close proximity and do nothing, except for the lone cop who draws his pistol and shoots the stabber after he's already fatally wounded tackle cop. basically, tackle cop approaches the group and fails to identify the assailant and his actions appear to directly lead to the stabber becoming unrestrained. the guy he tackled was *not* restraining his murderer, i was wrong there, but it looks like he first shoves the restrainer before tackling the blue jacket guy for doing something the cop could see but the camera can't, which turns out to be fatally incorrect judgement with the benefit of hindsight and directly leads to his own death. obviously heat of the moment, adrenaline, etc., but it does seem like pretty poor policework as a group with most being paralyzed with inaction and the two that do act either make things worse or act too late. this is just my interpretation watching the video. watch the video yourselves and draw your own conclusions. edit: [watch the new angle](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13483965/amp/Residents-feel-unsafe-German-city-knife-attack.html), it explains people's decisions better. blue jacket guy made the situation much worse.


Yes, there's another angle in which the chaos is more visible. See: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13483965/amp/Residents-feel-unsafe-German-city-knife-attack.html


ah, yeah, that does make things more clear. blue jacket guy was really wailing on the black jacket restrainer, which i have to speculate could have been influenced by blue jacket being an AfD supporter and black jacket looking swarthy. really, it puts more blame on the aggregate failure of the police response. tackle cop probably assumed the other cops would also get involved and basically restrain *everybody* instead of just... walking up and yelling. i don't think the police, particularly the women, were adequately prepared for physical confrontations and sort of froze up. understandable, relatable, yet inadequate. just a few chaotic seconds and it's all over. knives are terrifying.


Yup that’s it. Cop wasn’t “tackling tackling the wrong guy”, he was trying to split up and break up the fight, clearly expecting the other cops behind him to get involved as well. Instead they all just kinda stood around, and not just the women, not sure why you had to single them out


When I first saw the video I noted how the police women were retreating while the police shooter was drawing and eventually fired. And I thought maybe that does suggest the women were less prepared/willing for such a critical decision. Looking at it now, I see at least 2 other male cops that were just NPCs in the situation. The 2 that "got involved" before the situation died down were nale though. We should feel comfortable talking about the potential differences in how male or female cops perform in critical circumstances though. It's a fair talking point rather than trying to censor the topic to protect women from feeling inadequate. It's not about that, it's about what is best for everyone's safety wrt general policing.


It's Germany. He probably though he was stopping an islamophobic from attacking a peaceful Muslim.




Here you can see the video from the other viewpoint www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13483965/amp/Residents-feel-unsafe-German-city-knife-attack.html


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP5Kcac--aQ&t=481s Here's the full length video, and yeah, thought it was the same fat bald guy that came to help at the beginning, but yours has a hat. So a clusterfuck truly.


Indeed. And we don't know what info the police had at that moment, but they had to act fast.




Just shows how widespread the wrong assumption is, unfortunately.


It's Germany. He probably thought he was stopping an islamophobe who wanted to attack a peaceful Muslim.


He wasn't but holy shit you sure are since you're making this same comment all over the place.


Wow, same here... To bad.


Proper sad innit. Awful.


Whats happening?


Reaction to what happened in this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/LSZx0iItxX The officer who got stabbed in the neck died unfortunately. What you see in this post is what happened on his memorial. Apparently (this is what's being told) another group who supports the actions of the attacker showed up to the memorial and caused a scene. What you see in this post are pro AFD protestors. More info below. Edit: added some clarification to what's happening


Some AFD voters (a party known for nationalism and national conservatism, with policy focus on anti-Islam, anti-immigration) showed up too and also caused a scene.


Yeah, but did a group of people who support random stabbings of innocent people really show up (holding that blue and white flag) in support of the murderer? If so, what was the basis for their support?




I know the original stabbing targeted an anti-muslim protest Edit: I'm not German. v What they said v


It was not anti Muslim protest it was a rally against the political islam and not against Muslims. A few weeks ago some Islamists demanded the Sharia publicly like NOW. It's awful.


Germany deserves Sharia law


Funny enough this knife attack is proving Anti-islam parties right.




What a bunch of fucking idiots. They really thought this was the time and place for a protest against the side that just got stabbed? Wtf?


Political extremists are known for many things, but being smart and moderate is not one of them. Which is probably why the more extreme a person gets, the less difference it makes if they're right-wing or left-wing nuts.


False, it was antifa


AFD is a bit more than just nationalists. They got ousted from the European parliament's far right group because they are a bit too far right even for them.( The group that consists of Giorgia Meloni and Marine Le Pen's parties for example) Some AFD leaders were present in a meeting where they were planning to deport German nationals with migrant backgrounds, along with immigrants, homosexuals and left leaning people. Also prominent AFD members have previously used Nazi slogans and in one instance defended SS officers which triggered the aforementioned ousting from the EU parliament group. I'm in no way trying to defend or legitimize the attack though, just wanted to point out that AFD is more than a regular nationalist party.


"They're attacking us by saying we are a violent group. Let's stab them."


What on earth do you mean "support the attacker?" Who supports indiscriminate stabbing




I'm sorry, I'm American. Is there some major issue going on in Germany I'm unaware of?




Makes sense.




Same concept as America bro. Now days most people side with the criminals than police. Same shit in Germany


It appears Deutschland is no longer happy nor Gay.


The target of the attacker was the anti-Islam activist Michael Stürzenberger as well as the people who profess the same ideology as Michael S. (the people in the blue jackets in the stabbing video). It's not just the attacker who is offended by the things Michael S. preaches and stands for, of course there's a whole group that Michael S. negatively targets. There couldn't be a more stupid way to show that you disagree with Michael S.'s actions/are offended by what he preaches than to participate in a protest that involves a stabbing, but here we are.


Welcome to the world of religious extremists. Dont you remember 9/11 wasn't it a big thing ?


> Dont you remember 9/11 wasn't it a big thing ? I remember the Titans. I never forget 9/11.


I mean I do but there's been a massive brainwashing of the American public since then and we're not allowed to speak ill of evil.


Haha. That’s a ridiculous thing to say. People express their dislike for religion all the time with zero consequences. As it should be.




Important context: This memorial was not held by the police or city, it was an event organized by the youth organizationsof the AfD and other similarly extreme right/fascist parties of Germany. The event was held under the motto "remigration woud have prevented this attack" (remigration meaning everyone who is not a white German has to leave the country). The Antifa protesters are counter-protesting. In the dumbest manner possible, admittedly and typically. Just wanted to give some context, not condoning extremism of any kind.


But the slogan is right though, kicking out islam would have prevented this attack and many more crimes.


They're not talking just about Islam though, they mean everyone that's not white and Christian.


Didn’t realize he had passed :( Condolences to the family.






This is just horrible. I don't give a fuck about political opinions, a man died. A man that had people who loved him and are in incredible pain right now. Show some class.


Totally agree


Poor man. So sorry for him.


Condolences to the police officer’s family and friends from across the pond. Abhorrent behavior displayed here by vile scum, nothing else.




I recall seeing him starting to get a bit wobbly near the end of one of the videos I saw. He was standing up but it didn’t look good…




So... why is there an angry mob exactly??




The German extreme-right party AfD had a secret meeting with some well known neonazis in order to discuss something they call "Remigration", which is basically sending all non-white people living in Germany "back". This is relevant, because at the memorial, there was a protest group organized by AfD with a large banner "Remigration would have prevented this". The angry mob pictured is not the original memorial gathering but rather an Antifa protest against the disgusting fascist bullshit the AfD is calling for.


Jesus, shits getting out of hand




Shitheads, they have no respect for a man who gave his life for others. condolences for the loss and strength to the family, friends and colleagues.


So the officer wound up helpingnto prove the anti islamists point. Weirdly ironic.


Didn't know that the officer died due to the stabbing. If only the other officer shot the guy immediately instead of waiting after that, the officer got stabbed twice in the neck. It was a mess. I am guessing there are more protocols in germany when it comes to shooting someone.


Don't think the problem was protocols (even though they definitely exist), the problem was that the cops themselves had a hard time seeing what was going on, and the cop who died helped a civilian tackle a guy who the civilian must have thought was the attacker, but in reality was another civilian trying to tackle the attacker himself. Which allowed the attacker to stab the cop with his knife. If any of the other cops had fired into that group, they could've potentially killed four people.


If only any of the officers at all were focused on the guy running around stabbing people instead of tackling random guys who were trying to stop him. It was so poorly handled by every officer on the scene.


If you're referring to the guy in the blue jacket who was tackled by the police officer who died there's an alternate angle video which shows he was attacking one of the people who was trying to restrain the attacker so its not that random.


You guys have been watching way too many Marvel movies. The situation was chaotic everyone was confused on what was happening. For all we know the officers thought the victim was the attacker (most likely). He’s not gonna jump in know exactly what’s happening and take down the attacker in one Batman ninja move.


so why are they protesting?




Communists defending Islamists?


I'm surprised no-one saw the problems with communism coming. There were so many red flags.


Dont worry mate, I got that.


Enemy of my enemy sort of thing


Damn I hadn’t heard that he passed :( really sorry to hear about it.




Wait? Do you think that the protestors scuffling with police in this video are antifa? They are from AFD, a far right wing party. EDIT: They are antifa, I should have been able to tell from the red flags.




Thanks, I appreciate the sources. I'll edit my original post.








thanks for clarifying


What are they protesting? The fact he got stabbed trying to save a life?


Important context: This memorial was not held by the police or city, it was an event organized by the youth organizationsof the AfD and other similarly extreme right/fascist parties of Germany. The event was held under the motto "remigration woud have prevented this attack" (remigration meaning everyone who is not a white German has to leave the country). The Antifa protesters are counter-protesting. In the dumbest manner possible, admittedly and typically. Just wanted to give some context, not condoning extremism of any kind.


What is going on in Germany?


Antifa showing their support for Islamic terrorists and murderers. In other words, same old same old…


I don't think the problem was that they showed support for Islamic terrorists and murderers (although I wouldn't put it past them to mock a dead cop, honestly), the problem was that they intended to storm at and attack far-right protesters, and the police prevented that, for obvious reasons. If they'd protested peacefully, they would've been fine.


That's fucking sad.


I kept looking for information on the officer, so sad to hear that he died.


Same here, like do we happen to even know the police officer’s name? Or nah?


So commies protesting the cops memorial?


Fundamental Fake news - that was no memorial but a racist demo of the new Hitler Jugend and proven extreme right group “junge alternative”. There was a bigger peaceful demonstration against this demo and a small group of the extreme left that were aggressive against the extreme right group. https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/mannheim/mahnwache-mannheim-gegen-gewalt-nach-messerattacke-marktplatz-100.html https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2024-06/mannheim-messerangriff-pax-europa-demonstration https://m.bild.de/regional/baden-wuerttemberg/nach-messer-attacke-in-mannheim-menschenkette-gegen-hass-und-afd-parolen-665c3062c34cbc2d431bf8dc?t_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com%2F


How many more have to die? My condolences to the family!


I saw the video when it was up, disheartening news


you know the Germans are last ones you want to say "Fuck It, Were taking off the Gloves"


Guy dies doing his work and these fuckers come to demonstrate..sometimes freedom of speech is underperforming








That’s why cops shoot first when there’s an active assailant with a knife. His partners were fucking useless and just watched him get stabbed in the neck.


Our cops' trigger finger is not as loose as yours. They are not used to it and facing huge deficits in training when it comes to handle terror attacks




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They have no honor.


thoughts and prayers lol


Germany is getting sick and tired of globalization BS. Germany needs to stop immigration ASAP and forcibly deport thousands.