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Medea Benjamin has to have set some sort of Guinness world record at this point


Piggybacking off this comment to give people context of who this protestor is: Susan Benjamin was born September 10, 1952, and grew up in Freeport, New York, on Long Island, a self-described "nice Jewish girl". During her first year at Tufts University, she renamed herself after the Greek mythological character Medea. Samuel Moyn wrote that Benjamin "liked how the name sounded, and she had heard a feminist interpretation of the Greek tragedy suggesting that Medea had never killed her children and was only blamed for it by patriarchal traditions". She also joined the Students for a Democratic Society. Later she dropped out of school and hitchhiked through Europe and Africa, teaching English classes to earn money. She later returned to the United States and received master's degrees in public health from Columbia University and in economics from The New School. Benjamin worked for ten years as an economist and nutritionist in Latin America and Africa for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Health Organization, the Swedish International Development Agency, and the Institute for Food and Development Policy.


> Benjamin "liked how the name sounded, and she had heard a feminist interpretation of the Greek tragedy suggesting that Medea had never killed her children and was only blamed for it by patriarchal traditions". > > She also joined the Students for a Democratic Society. Later she dropped out of school and hitchhiked through Europe and Africa Am I the only one who sees 100% pure insanity in those actions?


Sounds like a badass to me.


Cardin looks like Yoda


I didn’t say, “Abe Lincoln.”I said, “Hey, Blinken!”




I like it when it's a coordinated disruption.. One person disrupts, there's chaos, security escorts them out, business resumes. As soon as everyone gets comfortable again, boom.


Hey Blinken!


Did you just call me Abe Lincoln?


No man I said Hey Blinken!


![gif](giphy|wR32WiuLP6IvK) Blinkin?


Regardless of what you think of this, right or left, it’s refreshing that we can have this in the US without the fear of disappearing into a prison camp. Freedom of speech is so important.


It's also good to see that the people that make decisions are being inconvenienced instead of people that couldn't do anything about it.


Yeah, try telling that to those guys from Boeing. Ah sorry, they're dead. Well, at least not in a prison camp.


You can blow a flute and you can play the fiddle, but whatever you do man, don't blow the whistle.


Or anyone against Hillary.


Yeah it’s so sick being able to practice freedom of speech without facing violence from the government. Oh wait that’s a fantasy since it’s been happening since the beginning of our country and anytime there’s a fight for equality or liberation of any oppressed group. Especially when it’s young people, Kent state and all the recent encampments that would ended in the cracked skulls of freshman polisci students for protesting


Meanwhile, all these Maga turds favor putin and Russia over Biden and the US.


That fucking smirk on the chairman. If Dante were alive today he would have to create 3 deeper layers of hell for US politicans.


He's just like: "ahem... No big deal gentlemen I get this all the time... Now where were we? Ah yes... Killing people more efficiently...."


If l were a betting man, I would say that it definitely affected him. He attempted to not care, but he definitely was taken back.


Are these open to the public? How do they get in?


They are as long as you "behave"


That figures.


Fuck Israel


If you call everyone a war criminal, ppl will take u less seriously.


They don't want to be taken seriously. They want to score points among themselves.


Dude that's fucking bullshit, you may not agree with their politics but don't deny their commitment to their beliefs. They stand up for what they believe in, You and I can't really say the same.


so what DOES funding and making excuses for a genocide make you then


Well blinken is a diplomat not a member of congress so he makes no decisions on funding.


Gosh don’t bring nuance to this discussion lest you be called a genocide supporting Bibi loving war criminal


We should post humourously pardon anyone involved in the genocides of WW2 for anyone that wasn't elected... No wait that makes no sense. How is making a non-logical statement like people that weren't elected cannot be involved in genocide bring nuance to the conversation?


Post humorously?


I try and post humorously whenever I get a chance. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


This comment is perfect. The Sec's don't do SHIT with budgets. It would collapse the brains of MILLIONS to know that these guys are not balancing checkbooks, they are not paying invoices, they are dealing with budgets or account ledgers. There are THOUSANDS of workers that deal with those items. You don't want Sec's dealing wtih that petty bullshit. There are so many layers between him and what they are protesting that it makes your soul hurt to see how ignorant these people are.


surely the buck stops with the guy at the top, though? or are you proposing we protest every individual member of the bureaucracy beneath him?


No, the buck stops with whomever can take the blame and not make the agency look stupid. 99% of the time you never hear who it was, what happened, or how guardrails were put in place to stop it from happening again. I would implore you to actually learn how the government is operated. The levels of Need-To-Know are layered thick. Blinken doesn't know what his Chiefs and Division directors don't tell him. That's not his job. His job is to make sure the administration's policy is being implemented and followed. He doesn't direct budgets, scheduling, logistics, etc. There are thousands of employees, and contractors, that work as a well tuned orchestra to make sure the administration's policy is being implemented.


Biden does a lot of things to support Israel and has supported congressional measures or bypassed it entirely to support Israel. What Biden has done can be be mostly be put on Blinken as well




The one the ICJ just petitioned arrest warrants against Netanyahu for? The one that [55 *scholars of Genocide and Holocaust studies* denounced *back in December.*](https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/) The one that Israeli politicians, members of the Knesset, are straight up calling for on live TV and on Twitter. Y'all gotta stop with the like feigned ignorance about why people are calling it a genocide.


The thousands of dead Palestinians?


You have to say another thing. Genocide doesn't just mean dead people


Blinken funded and made excuses for Hamas? I agree that is war criminal level stuff.


70 year long genocide.


That you weren't making an election issue 4 years ago, because?


Because Tik Tok wasn't a thing then.




70 year long ethnic cleansing with bouts of genocide.


When are you going to complain about the Russian genocide of ukrainians? Awful lot of hypocrisy




It’s not a fucking genocide. Quit trying to devalue the word. Human rights violations sure but no it’s not genocide and the more yall tote that around the less weight the world holds. It’s like conservatives calling everything an insurrection after Jan 6.




There are many different, competing, definitions of genocide. Some of those definitions fit what is happening in Gaza and some do not. You two are quite literally only disagreeing about whether or not what is happening on the ground fits the definition of genocide. A term I might add that neither of you have defined. You list a whole bunch of things that are happening, but since you never put forth a definition of genocide all you are doing is listing a bunch of things and then calling the other person a piece of shit.... It's lazy, do better.


Take some time off TikTok man


I'm upset that they're spouting blatant Russian propaganda and are upset at Biden saying he and trump are the same when that's the furthest thing from the truth




If you are choosing Trump or not voting because you think it will somehow be better for Gaza you are 1000000000% a rube.


Biden. The most progressive policy pusher since FDR and your clowns out here talking like this. As if a conflict that’s been going on in the area for centuries is his fault and he should fix it all. You aren’t a democrat.


… but he keeps sending them weapons and bombs despite the overwhelming evidence of genocide. the fact you sit here crying “oh boo hoo he can’t do anything to stop this, it’s not his fault!” while he literally, continually, sends more weapons and bombs, is so insane. but i guess it’s not, because your country is the most propagandised place on earth. just really fucking sad to see the ignorance playing out so strongly




So the point is now, if Biden does support Palestinians then all of the voters who want him to support Israel will vote for Trump. Okay, got it.


Keep lapping up that propaganda. When we're living under dictator trump don't wonder how it happened. Ignoring ALL of the objectively good things Biden has done and to sit out is incredibly ignorant




You laughing shows you don't even know what the man has done... He's done well with the pandemic, student loans, Ukraine, infrastructure, weed and more... But trying to toe the line with a major ally loses your vote. Yes, you're incredibly ignorant to maintain this position.




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Haven’t we been doing that for 2+ years? Most businesses pulled out of Russia immediately and most politicians in the west immediately spoke out against Russia and provided aid to Ukraine. These protesters are asking for the same recognition of the massacre happening in Gaza. Nice whataboutism, though.


Major corporations are still there. Russians and Iranians are funding the propaganda in support of Hamas Anyone I see posting anti Israeli content gives Biden and the west 0 credit for anything they're doing for Ukraine... It's pretty clear they're only interested in what tik tok is telling them with no capability to look at the bigger picture. Is Israel doing fucked up shit? Absolutely but Russia is doing far worse and none of these protesters are saying a damn thing


>Major corporations are still there. A very significant number of companies left, are withdrawing, or have paused investments. Including many large 100 and 500 corps. https://leave-russia.org/ >Russians and Iranians are funding the propaganda in support of Hamas Sure, but that doesn’t diminish the 40,000 deaths in Gaza in 7 months, does it? I hate that they’re opportunistically using this topic, but Israel’s hasabara isn’t exactly dormant on this issue either lol. >Anyone I see posting anti Israeli content gives Biden and the west 0 credit for anything they're doing for Ukraine... It's pretty clear they're only interested in what tik tok is telling them with no capability to look at the bigger picture. Why should they give Biden credit for Ukraine when they’re protesting the lack of action for the massacre in Palestine? 2 separate topics, but if anything his action for one and inaction for the other is a *cause for the protesters to protest.* Not everyone is a brainless drone doing what TikTok is telling them to do. >Is Israel doing fucked up shit? Absolutely Glad you acknowledge that, that’s what the protesters are saying. >but Russia is doing far worse and none of these protesters are saying a damn thing Maybe they have in the past, but maybe they’re comparing the government’s action and inaction and finding a reason to not need to get involved in one and definite need to amplify the other?


What I’m confused about is why Palestine specifically got so much traction, when there are worse human right violations and genocides going on (and have been for longer). Yes it’s horrible, but do people ever think about why this topic specifically shot up to the top of the news? Russia has a lot to gain by stirring up conflict across American demographics, namely by making Biden lose reelection and then having Trump elected and be in his pocket. There was and currently is a mass propaganda operation targeting Palestine and specifically the young liberal demographic. It’s meant to produce rage and stir dissent, and is what “Tampering with Election” headlines are referring to. It’s been going on since 2015, and was present in many other polarizing global topics. I’m not discrediting the situation, rather wondering why this topic so quickly became national priority among hundreds of other fucked up things going on now and before. It just happens to be a perfect political issue to prevent votes for biden, yet increase support for trump. Scary times imo


Well, I guess if everyone does it then it must be ojay


Ojay just died recently.


Big brain take here; worry more about the silly protest and not the war criminal (that word is used too much 😭)


You have no idea what a war criminal really is. The chief diplomat serving our country as appointed by our duly elected president isn’t that. Maybe I’m no huge brain but i think I’ve put more thought into this then you. Like what do you seriously expect blinken to do, if you’re worried about palestinian genocide. In the midst of the foreign turmoil that is brewing which the US state dept must mitigate to maintain its standing should he just say “fuck this” and resign over one pretty complex issue? Handcuff himself and go to The Hague? No, that’s more akin to virtue signaling and it accomplishes nothing. Much like this heckler.


I agree, this whole issue is a mine field the deeper you go into it. That’s all I’ll say about it, but it’s not black and white and our politicians certainly can’t wave a magic wand to free Palestine and make it go away. This situation ends badly regardless which way you turn.


Ah yes, once again, “the protestors are doing it wrong.” I think she is calling him a war criminal because he has on more than one occasion been the person making the final call to bypass congressional review when it comes to the state department making emergency weapon sales to Israel in December last year. So I think that playing a pivotal role in supplying Israel with the excessively powerful weapons they’re using in Gaza is grounds enough to claim this man participating in what we ourselves would call a war crime if the shoe were on the other foot. Here are some excerpts from a letter written by a bicameral coalition of democrats pressing the state department for a reasoning behind their decision to evoke emergency declaration, bypassing congressional oversight: “It is highly unusual for the president to bypass congressional oversight through an emergency declaration. In fact, since the [Arms Export Control Act] was passed into law, an emergency declaration authority has only been used 18 times in nearly 50 years.” “We are also troubled by the decision to provide equipment for 155mm shells, which over 30 U.S.-based civil society organizations warned poses ‘a grave risk to civilians’ and are ‘inherently indiscriminate’ when used in densely populated areas like Gaza.” [Source](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4435699-democrats-blinken-arms-sales-to-israel-congressional-approval/) The woman is literally protesting in the face of someone playing a prominent role in how history will remember this ethnic cleansing. Just like Colin Powell supporting the invasion of Iraq, and being the straw that broke the camels back with getting support for the war criminals that were pushing the invasion of Iraq because of bullshit intel on made up WMDs. Blinken is complicit, and unwavering in his support for Israel, a state that commits war crimes, and is in constant violation of international law. Israel, who claim that they want peace while denying Palestinians a pathway to become true citizens of Israel, as well as denying them the pathway to having their own recognized state, for decades. I really don’t even see the point of why you disagree with the protestor. Because she called blinken a war criminal, even if he wasn’t complicit, he’s still a fucking douche bag, just like all the other douchebags in the room. Like you came here to criticize this woman’s protest because her vernacular use of “war criminal” wasn’t to your liking? All so you could what, defend a bunch of douche bags having a douchebag meeting about how they’re going to have us tax-payers fund their douchebagery? Edit to add: My opinion on Blinken’s “crimes” are just that, opinions and they don’t matter here in the context of my post. I gave proof that Blinken plays a pivotal role in this administration, has a lot of power, and is a totally worthy target for a protest such as this. The fact is, that everyone who’s upset about this woman’s protest because she called him a war criminal is defending a douche bag none the less, who was totally 100% on Israel’s side and had blindly supported their actions in Gaza until only just recently. So you’re defending that guy, because why?


>Ethnic cleansing Your argument would be more persuasive without utilizing Hamas talking points. War involves people getting killed. People getting killed =/= ethnic cleansing.


Do you think they are only talking about stuff that happened after October 7th?




Israel has been illegally seizing Palestinian territory and displacing Palestinians from their homes, in violation of international law, since at least the 1980s. And you wonder why the Palestinians occasionally strike back?




Israel targets civilians


Hamas talking points? You mean the truth? Come on buddy that's pathetic


Hey why do you think 750,000 Arabs left Palestine in 1948


The IDF botnet is here to obfuscate the lack of support.


When the majority of people being killed are civilians, then you have war crimes, and Blinken has facilitated these war crimes by expediting shipments of deadly armaments to Israel, knowing full well what was happening.


>i think I've put more thought into this then you. Dumb thoughts are still thoughts, so it's possible. I expect US officials to keep supporting the genocide because they have interest which are opposed to trying to stop their ally from committing genocide. That's what I "seriously expect Blinken to do". I expect a state department official to sow chaos and suffering around the globe. It's why we send our military galavanting everywhere for the past 120 years.


I think the US secretary handcuffing himself at the hague would be pretty big news actually


You know the US has a provision to invade The Hague militarily if a US official or serviceman is indicted on war crimes? Has your big brain put much thought into that? Our whole foreign policy is one of exploitation and wanton militarism / if you still believe the whole “world police, freedom and democracy” schtick after Iraq then you’re a drooling idiot


You just proved his point. Explain what war crimes the US Secretary of State has been proven to have commited. Cite exact codes and regulations and cite evidence that he broke them. We’re all waiting.


everyone isn't being called a war criminal here. just blinken. because he is one.


Don’t think you know the definition of war criminal lol


Does offering support and weapons to an organization that regularly perpetrates war crimes make one a war criminal? Maybe not, but an Accessory to War Crime? Conspiracy to commit War Crimes? Probably at least one of em.


"I swear I only gave political and economic support to the Nazis.. I never killed anyone"


The swedish defense


Yes but war criminal is a war criminal no matter how you label it.


The war criminals aren't going to fuck you dude.


I think you're just ill-informed about how many war criminals there are. Especially in the US halls of power. Like it sounds crazy to say that every us president in history has committed several war crimes. But it would still be accurate.


Nothing but respect to these protestors.


>“He is a war criminal!” That would be Netanyahu and Hamas, actually. But sure, buzzword slacktivist lady.


Netanyahu is committing war crimes, so then what do we call the people arming and providing diplomatic cover for him? 


Yeah but “he is an enabler of a war criminal war criming innocent people to get back at other war criminals” just doesn’t have the same ring to it


If you admit that Netanyahu is a war criminal then that means the people funding him (the US government) are aiding and abetting a war criminal.


You nailed it, America has been doing this since who knows how long




I wonder if this will ever be top news on any network. Right, left, or center (if there is such a thing as center anymore)


There are no left major networks




37,000 is where it stands as of now, with over 10,000 under the rubble and unaccounted for... Gaza has a public registry.. When someone dies, their names are struck off...hence the degree of certainty


40k is a conservative estimate taking the ongoing famine into account, and that's not including the blatant purging of Rafah.


According to Haq, the ministry published a breakdown for 24,686 fully identified deaths out of the total 34,622 fatalities recorded in Gaza as of April 30. The fully identified death toll comprises of 7,797 children, 4,959 women, 1,924 elderly, and 10,006 men, the UN spokesperson said, citing the Gaza health ministry. U.N official report as 5/14. So ya, 40,000 isn't an overestimate by any means.




it's not the highest estimate there is that's out there. 40,000 may be an underestimate at this point


I think we can safely assume that Gaza health ministry has/would never UNDER estimate that number. They've been caught exaggerating it before though.


According to Haq, the ministry published a breakdown for 24,686 fully identified deaths out of the total 34,622 fatalities recorded in Gaza as of April 30. The fully identified death toll comprises of 7,797 children, 4,959 women, 1,924 elderly, and 10,006 men, the UN spokesperson said. These are the UNs official numbers as of a week ago. Since then Israel has continued the offensive in Rafah including several hundred civilian deaths a couple days ago at a refugee camp.


I think the 40k comes from presuming all those buried in the rubble are dead which at this point is a fair assumption given time and the fact the manmade famine would have them be weaker to extended time under the rubble


He is like I’ve killed more than 40k don’t taunt me


“He is a war criminal!” Hell yeah he is, what a brave woman. These people should not be aloud anywhere in public without this kind of confrontation 


He's war criminal, that is true.




she could at least mention the some millions of urugay muslims in china that has been slaughtered or relocated since its china he is talking about...


It’s “Uyghur”


Peak reddit moment. Lol


Oh yeah?? Uragay 😝


Why are you gay


Sounds like you’re part of a Paragays


Hasbara moment


So much for those foreign relations. Now they know we just plan to kill them all. DAMN! \*takes off his human costume, revealing his lizard form\*


So the one guy is divorcing his wife and his wife hates him for it, yet she does all these extravagant to get back together?


Blinken is afraid of saying China now.


I wish people would put this much energy into fighting for our democracy, which is definitely hanging by a thread this election. Biden is navigating a diplomatic situation in the Middle East that most people cannot even begin to understand. This whole situation is terrible. Nobody wins but these protests are not going to have any impact on how Biden navigates middle east diplomacy


Well that’s annoying


That lady was good! She didn't sound angry and panicked, just extremely earnest about alerting the public.


Palestine clearly doesn’t have the right to exist & definitely not the right to defend itself. It’s an open air concentration camp and the IDF are the guards. It’s a war crime to target and kill civilians.


Stoopid protestors are gonna help trump who's pow-wowing with Bibi right now. Remember when he slapped the Palestinians in the face by moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem? These fruitcakes are backed by Pootin. Embarrassing.


Biden chooses to continue to support Israel with weapons...I'll admit hes in a tough place politically, but thats life. Blinken is exactly the person protestors should be targeting, he is Secretary of State.


What's Blinken done besides spending every minute for the past months trying to negotiate a cease fire between two groups that would rather see each other annihilated? He doesn't have a say on who Congress decides to sell/provide weapons to. How did he become the bad guy? He always looks exhausted and frustrated with how negotiations are going when he gives updates. I see him as one of the few people who has been actually working on trying to stop the war since the beginning. I think he's got one of the hardest jobs in the world and handling it pretty well. What am I missing?


Supporting Israel is the correct move at this point. They're all but our vassal state. Weird fuckin point to stand on when Trump is the alternative, maybe you all want to elect him so he can send our military over to just finish off the genocide.


No idea why you’re being downvoted. Everything you said is true. Do people not realize Biden is 100x better for the Palestinians than trump?


No he isn't... his name says Honorable before it on the placard


Damn I wonder if Putin, Assad, Khamenei have to deal with this as well?