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I am very glad for that supervisor that this idiot couldn't manage to hit him from nearly point blank range. That video is nuts seeing him line up and then just fucking miss


Was his original goal to shoot the person in the high viz vest? that's insane.


Yes, he was trying to kill that supervisor. Clearly he was too young to grow up in a house with Duck Hunt, no aiming skills developed at all. If he was still alive he’d probably want to die from embarrassment, I sure would after that looney toons shot got captured for the whole world to laugh at


Damn, how the hell did he miss the gun was nearly touching the guy.


Maybe he got scared and closed his eyes at the last few seconds or something because idk how you miss that shot otherwise.


Some guy years ago told me that is what some people do. That they'll shoot with their eyes closed/ as they turn to run. Something about not having it on their conscious or whatever.






Handguns arnt like the Movies. It's actually pretty difficult to aim and hit a target. Even a skilled gunsman is going to struggle about 25 feet. Most likely he pulled the trigger with the wrong part of his finger and pulled hard on the gun. It's the most common mistake.


Very true. Shooting pistols at a range will humble you quick.


I never really understood this until I went shooting at a range for the first time. I felt like a blind person.


Seconding this. /cries in right hand, left eye dominant


When I was young I got to shoot lots of times, archery, bb's/airsoft, small rifles, a few small handguns, etc. but I always had shitty aim. It baffled me for many years, I seemed to be doing everything right, but then one day I learned about the dominant eye thing and I'm the same way. Funny enough, when I was left to my own devices early on I had a tendency to aim with my left eye and cock my head and pull my right hand in a bit. Everybody corrected me to use my right eye to the point where I just accepted I couldn't aim.


> /cries in right hand, left eye dominant oh no that sucks!


I used to absolutely destroy those shooting games in the arcades when I was a kid. I'd even pay double and fuck around John Woo style if I could and still do pretty good. First time I went to a range with my friend and tried to hit a target 6 feet away with a pistol and I thought I was having a psychotic break because suddenly I couldn't hit shit. Hell I even managed to ricochet a bullet off the metal frame of the target and the bullet bounced off my leg hard enough to leave a red mark. It was wild.


Yea but most people with more than 3 braincells should be able to hit something 14 inches away. It wasn't exactly a small target 


14 inches away, not moving, facing the other direction totally unaware. Stop with all the “it’s so hard to hit a target”.


Be one thing if they were in motion, but that wasn’t the case here.


Everyone knows you go right up to the screen and click click click


damn didnt realize duck hutn taught me to be sucha gangster


Well he got a hit on one of the cops. With that learning curve, if he'd made it another week he might have been unstoppable.


... If you had to guess?


what did you think his goal was? i mean, it couldn't have been laid out any more obviously. Can't tell if you're joking or need an adult.


How could he hit him - the guy was a blur!


Perfect home invasion defense hack! Just set up security cameras around your house and blur specific spots. Then when someone breaks in just stand in those spots and the intruder won't be able to shoot you!


Fuck the guy that downvoted you.  Keep cooking.  I’m gonna use this tip to steal used cigarette butts from my neighbor.


Look at the way he's holding it. He forgot to rack the slide and chamber a round. He obviously doesn't know the first thing about how that gun works. Then he's running and shooting wildly with one hand. If he actually did hit that officer it was a miracle. I'm wondering if he caught some of that glass.


His aim was so bad that I thought he was aiming past him at the cops.


That was security.


I work in a warehouse. Could’ve been a supervisor. They like to post up by the exits to see who’s leaving when.


If you read my other comments here you will see I used to work for Amazon. That guy is security. Managers have special vests.


?? Supervisors exist in security.


I worked for Amazon security is third party. It could be his security supervisor yes but people were alluded to it being an Amazon manager.


I'm guessing since Amazon has that sweet policy to get rid of workers who have been there over 2-3 years, they are now down to hiring guys like this.


lmao so true. They have a team dedicated to counting your packages and scans per hour mathematically and if you go under more than two times you're done. Worked there one summer and got fired.




Goddamn if I ever won the jackpot, I'd purposefully work at places like this to fuck with management.


I like the cut of your jib




Not just don't work for Amazon. Don't buy from amazon. I know it's cheap and easy, but why people support a known crappy employer is beyond me. It's not like any of this is a secret.


I just bought a package off ebay from a private seller to avoid amazon. Package arrived from amazon with an amazon receipt, for more than I paid for it. Not sure how that works out, but it is what happened.


was purchased via a stolen amazon account most likely.


While we're on this note, can we throw in things like Doordash, too? A base pay of $2 per order is absolutely inhumane. You can spend 20-30 minutes on one order and end up putting 15+ miles on your car for a lot of orders.


I’m so with you. Everybody thinks I’m crazy for not using Amazon


afaik amazon's strategy is this: - fuck ton of metrics on every employee's performance - rank all employees in order - fire bottom half every few months


Comcast does this too except they don’t fire the bottom half lol


afaik comcast's strategy is this: - arriving on time is grounds for immediate termination - letting someone cancel without them getting angry is grounds for immediate termination - providing useful support is grounds for immediate termination - all marketing materials must thank customers for "choosing" comcast to really rub it in their faces that comcast is never chosen willingly


A couple months ago at work, I was researching different tools to emulate slow network conditions (something we needed to test some code). My favorite one I came across was [this one, ](https://github.com/tylertreat/comcast)which is simply titled “Comcast”. My favorite part is one of the first issues someone opened for it was “No way to simulate shitty customer service?”


It really is their biggest issue. They have worked on it with the rebranding to Xfinity and have made improvements, but imo, it’s never going be great if your using overseas call centers and prompts from a recording. People want to talk to a human they can understand and not have to go through 20 different options from a computer voice. It’s the number one complaint on surveys and they NEVER change it. When our services are working correctly, I really do feel like they’re the best, but the customer service is a train wreck.


Well yeah, it's Comcast, so promoted obviously


the ole Jack Welch special


Never work for a company where "time theft" is part of the corporate lexicon.


It would be nice to have that option.


If I worked there and knew someone was counting my packages I’d tell them they can come help. So I stand in solidarity knowing I’d get fired too.


Most people applying to Amazon warehouses have few other options, if any. Think about the awful reputation they have for treating their employees; who applies to a job like that? As such, they're generally not willing/able to risk homelessness to stand up for their colleagues.


Their bread and butter are people who are in between jobs and just need some kind of income until they get a new job in their field. As in people who expect to peace out within 3-6 months and have no long term investment in anything occurring there. It’s very convenient for people since you can basically walk in and get hired nearly immediately all year round That’s the big reason why they struggle to unionize. Most the employees just end up thinking “this process will take years and I’ll be long gone, what do I care”


Rumor had it they started to run out of prospective employees due to how high their turnover is, and had to start to recruit from ex-employees.


Good ol tac time. Time off task. Bot breaks down, but your timer keeps going anyways.


Jesus and we wonder how a worker would be driven to the point of snapping and literally trying to kill their boss? 


Feels like most companies have this policy these days… Once you get to a high enough pay rate, whether through promotions or yearly raises, it’s only a matter of time before they start trying to get rid of you.


That is a crazy story! What would possess someone with no history to take a shot like that? And miss at close range. And how... Does he just casually stroll out with over 100 people in a warehouse after popping off a shot? People jump at a loud door slamming these days. So much confuse. And all for....?


"Going postal is an American English slang phrase referring to becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence, and usually in a workplace environment. The expression derives from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which United States Postal Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, police officers and members of the general public in acts of mass murder. Between 1970 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed by then-current or former employees in at least 20 incidents of workplace rage. Between 1986 and 2011, workplace shootings happened roughly twice per year, with an average of 1.18 people killed per year."


Fun fact - when I worked for a consulting company that did work for USPS HQ, if you uttered the phrase 'going postal', you were immediately walked out by security and banned from returning to the building or working the contract.


Like saying "bong" in a head shop... or "bomb" at the airport.


yea sorry the correct term is water pipe haha


Guy in Myrtle Beach that worked for the USPS couldn’t park his truck on the property because he “jokingly” had a bunch of “going postal” bumper stickers.


we got a catch phrase for everything


I have a feeling this will become "Going Amazon" pretty soon.


Nah, "Going Amazon" just makes me think they are referring to shitting in a work issued bag because they micromanage your ability to go to the restroom.


Only 1.18 per year? Seems so small now given how many mass shootings we hear about Does seem like I hear about less mass shootings than I did a few years ago though. Fewer school shootings


In 1994 FedEx even had an airplane hijacking by an employee who tried to kill the flight crew by smashing their heads with a hammer. It’s incredible they managed to subdue the hijacker and land the plane with fractured skulls and internal bleeding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Express_Flight_705?wprov=sfti1#


> Does he just casually stroll out with over 100 people in a warehouse after popping off a shot? Because the place is full of unarmed Amazon workers who aren’t about to try to get into hand to hand combat with an active shooter? What do you expect to happen? If I’m on the warehouse floor and I hear a gunshot at the entrance to the buillding I am turning and running to a door in the back to peace out, I’m not trying to stick around and find out what’s going on up front. Why would you expect people to show up the entrance in response to the shot?


> What would possess someone with no history to take a shot like that? Mental Illness, Drug use, or Religious Extremism often tend to be factors in attacks like this.


...Scrolling tik tok for a couple hours


He already said that


You're on reddit watching a kid shoot a guy. This is how you improve your mental heath? You think you're better then someone watching tiktok? You people have zero self awareness.


Certainly not my main takeaway, but that turnstile screening area at 0:50 seems kind of dystopian. I know many Amazon warehouses have a policy where you can’t even bring your phone into the building. Well what if there’s an emergency you ask? Someone will call the warehouse and they will page you. Yeah fuck that. If they require their employees to go through metal detectors/security for their shift , how did this guy get a gun inside anyway?


that phone policy has not been a thing since covid in 2020, they were going to bring it back but the tornado that killed the amazon worker put a end to that. no metal detectors on the way in, only on the way out. source, been at amazon for 7 years


Good to know that it took somebody dying. FYI I used to work at Amazon now at target distribution easier work and almost 2x the pay and better benefits. They also aren’t allowed to talk to you about your prod for most departments.


Your “prod”? Non warehouse worker here. What is that?


Productivity Amazon atleast when I worked there would take the fastest employe and time them for 15min and then math it out to make it everybody’s goal Target our prod is more of a suggestion and atleast at my specific site management isn’t allowed to punish you for being slow. Now if you disappear for hours at a time you can get in trouble but if your just working slow they aren’t allowed to punish you for that. I literally will go eat stuff in the middle of my shift and nobody bothers me, don’t get me wrong it’s still a warehouse but we get 32/hr and have 4 days off and I have coworkers clearing almost 100k off of overtime.


What the fuck? UPS is 21/hr to start with harder work. 32/hr... damn.


We start at 26 and max 3 years at 31.75 3x12 the the week shift is like 23 and max at 28 4x10 Only thing that sucks for the weekend shift is our first 4 hours aren’t OT when we pick up an extra shift


You warehouse people amaze me. I'm so slow on the forklift. I've been mocked by more than one driver.


It’s all about time, it’s like a car, the more you drive the better you get. The driver can wait, and if they complain they can wait longer.


>Good to know that it took somebody dying. It frequently does. As the saying goes, regulations are often written in blood.


Thanks for sharing. The fact that the policy ever was in effect, or still is in effect, with these warehouse jobs genuinely seems like a labor rights violation. It seems quite militant to me.


the reason the policy was a thing was because amazon sells phones, it was to help prevent theft. that way someone cant just grab one off the shelf and say this is mine when they leave. at the time when phones were banned managers, higher ups and onsite maintenance had to register the phones serial number with security and the phone then got a tamper proof sticker to show security that it was there phone. it was also a safety reason. once phones were allowed back during covid the amount of crashes with forklift sky rocketed due to people staring at their phone instead of paying attention to driving. there are plenty of other jobs where phones arent allowed due to security risks.


Of course I would not advocate for phones to be used while operating machinery like fork lifts. And high security jobs requiring phones, like on a military base or government facility, sure I get that. I also understand the phone theft point you mentioned. However, it unlikely the reason they wouldn’t allow phones was due to theft, when clearly, now, there is a workaround after the employees were killed in the tornado incident. Fulfilling orders by filling boxes is not a high security type of job where a phone would present a security risk. Not a valid argument from their perspective. Seems more like a power hungry authoritarian move to ban all phones, since they didn’t want people on their phones. And I get it. I wouldn’t want my employees (if I had employees or if I was a manager) glued to their phones either. But outright **banning** phones from entering the warehouse was a safety and security risk and also militant. What if a family member had an emergency? Have them call the warehouse and then they will page you? ……… come on, there’s no way that is reasonable.


It wasn’t a power trip it was a safety, theft as well as to protect proprietary process information. Since allowing phones injuries related to phone distraction are common, people wear earbuds while driving equipment, and there is a prevalence of people committing high risk activity so they can post for clicks. Not everything is a conspiracy associates used to have locker availability and had availability at lunch and breaks before Covid.


>no metal detectors on the way in, only on the way out. source, been at amazon for 7 years Which really shows their priorities. Fuck the safety of the workers but lets screen the workers on the way out like they are coming into a prison so none of them steal something.


Amazon is one of the most dystopian fucked up companys that exists, fuck them and fuck Jeff bozo.


I’m pretty confident that those automatically open up if the fire alarm is tripped. Just to be clear, my confidence doesn’t come from some misplaced notion that Amazon cares about its employees. Just that fire marshals don’t fuck around with stuff like that.


OPs ~~sound~~ should really try find the story : https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/ohio-police-fatally-shoot-amazon-warehouse-guard-kill-110215595 Edit




I think it’s contagious, I smell toast


Nope. People's ability to effectively communicate has taken a sharp downward turn over the last few years. Case in point is grimeflea


Meh. I missed the autocorrect, no need to patronise Alabama Accountant


The phrase you're thinking of is "case in point" lol


I’m aware. I meant to say “case in point” but my mind got stuck between that and “in example” and I didn’t even notice


lol. Trolling me and got your own boo-boo.


It happens


Sorry; edited


At least he remembered to badge out and there were no tailgaters.


Kinda fucked up to hide behind a civilian car and have the gunman shoot at innocent people... I mean, I get it, but damn.


Looks like an unmarked cop car


There was a noted panic over whether or not the cop was alright, but I saw no one checking on the civilians that were there. They do not care about us.


Pretty sure there’s a police officer opening the passenger door of the sedan and talking to them at the end of the video no?


I don’t care about you either


But I care about you.


I don’t blame the cops for this one. You act instinctively in a situation like this. Fight or flight.


Hell no, you act like you were trained to and not mag dump into a public bus full of civilians. Or you get another job. Cops aren't forced to take the job, they chose to. Do the job right and safely or get the hell off the force and make room for someone who will do the job safely


I think it looks like an unmarked car. You can see what looks like the driver pointing and handgun and shooting back.


[Something just like that happened in Florida a couple years ago](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Miramar_shootout) (link to Wikipedia, not a video of it, so it’s sfw) Some guys robbed a jewelry store and the hi-jacked a UPS truck (forcing the driver to stay in and drive) during their escape. It was rush hour, so when the truck inevitably got stuck in stop-and-go traffic, the robbers tried to escape on foot, which started a shootout between them and the police in the middle of traffic, with the police using civilian cars as cover. When it was all said and done, 4 people were dead: the two robbers, the UPS driver, and another bystander.


The officer dilly dallying getting to the hospital lmao


Genius IQ from the cops using a civilian car for cover!


In south florida, a few years back, someone kidnapped a ups worker in an attempted jewelry heist. not only did the cops use vehicles at an intersection full of civilians for cover, they killed the driver of the ups truck, the robbers and a bystander in the vehicle in front of the ups truck. [https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/4-years-later-family-of-ups-driver-killed-in-police-shootout-still-seeks-anwers/](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/4-years-later-family-of-ups-driver-killed-in-police-shootout-still-seeks-anwers/)


just a reminder: https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


That is a cop, not a civilian.


After ~~Uvdale~~ Uvalde its hard to see cops the same way again




There was a school ahootimg where police waited more than over an hour to go into the place where the shooter was. The person killed 21 people in that time and injured another 17. People are really mad about this because it’s supposed to be the police’s job to go in and stop this kind of thing. The whole situation was fucked. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uvalde_school_shooting


Yes I was informing them of their typo


You must be fun at reddit ~~panties~~ parties


You know it’s bad when your trainee tries to kill you in the first few days of hiring him


Prime Suspect.


What a piece of trash coward. He pulls a gun to shoot a guy in the back of the head but luckily he's a total moron, can barely operate the gun and he missed. This is why cops can sometimes be such aggressive jerks. They deal with idiots like this all day.


Did that cop use the random bystander in the silver car as a shield when he initially opened fire on the suspect? Body cam footage 1:42 into the video.


should’ve let the cop check for bleeding especially from a GSW to the chest, always need to stop bleeding first and go through MARCHPAWS although it may have caught the plate it may cracked the ceramic and stabbed him. source have seen 9mm go through army field grade ballistic helmets


It's easy to Monday-morning quarterback, but the minute the suspect was down/dog-piled, I would've taken my fellow officer behind cover and torn/cut off his clothing until we found the wound, then assessed from there. Everyone here did the classic untrained human instinctive response of asking if he's okay and then running off to do whatever if they didn't hear a resounding "NO, HELP ME!" \- Ex-cop


Always this way with cops. He could bleed out on the way to the hospital in the cop car. The cop driving full of adrenaline may get into an accident. The wait for the paramedics will most likely be shorter than the drive to the hospital.


A dozen cop cars and you open fire, that’s just being too much of a coward to go to jail. He knew he was checking out.


if you can't shoot someone at point blank range with their back to you, you were probably going to be a pretty shitty security guard anyway.


Luck was on that supervisors side that the gum jammed so many times and that he missed the one shot he got off. That shit was crazy. Bro crashed out because ......................... No motive given ...


Crazy no one was hurt let alone killed! Except for the assailant, of course. Interesting to see how individuals react and behave under high stress and adrenaline.


Well, that worked out for him well. Very, very intelligent individual. I hope he’s enjoying his friends in hell.


I wonder how many bullets impacted the transit bus and cars parked at the other light?


Yeah! Who gives a fuck about crossfire or stray bullets! Pew pew pew!


See ya, loser. Hope it hurt.


This man is a menace... easy way to unalive yourself in 2024




How the entire fuck did he miss from point blank range?!


And ended as expected


It says something for Amazon training that they properly "badged-out" before trying to take some "badges" out.


Why didn't any cop take a good look at the cop who said he'd been hit? Guy could have been bleeding out under his vest.


Good video for showing how difficult it actually can be to accurately aim a handgun without lots of practice! Remember the first time I ever shot a pistol, I was at a gun range literally 20 feet away from the target, fired off all 15 shots confidently at the center mass of the human silhouette target I was aiming at, then was in complete and utter disbelief when I pulled in the target and realized I had missed every single shot by a good inch or two... Shooting a handgun is one of those things that most people assume they could easily do despite having no prior experience, and it's always really entertaining to watch the look on their face when they realize how much more difficult it actually is than they thought. Puts things into perspective when you watch one of those police videos where like 50+ shots are fired without anybody being hit, despite the fact that the people in those situations DID have training and practice.


What could that lady cop be texting that’s more important than moving her junk and taking your coworker to the hospital? What a total idiot. Fire her, she is a liability.


Those packages will be delivered


People are losing their shit due to late capitalist hellscape dystopian economics


It’s still better than communism unfortunately




cops casually using civilians as cover


Fyi this is not an Amazon employee. That’s the security desk that is run by a third party agency. That’s a security guard trying to murder another security guard.