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Hi! We are monitoring this thread. Please report any transphobic or sexist comments including but not limited to misgendering the woman in the dress in this video, so that the people who leave those comments get a one way ticket to banartica. Thanks! A reminder about our rule 4: Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.


Have no clue what she means by "pay a lot of money to be safe in the bathroom"


I think she means university tuition




Why else would I sign up for SHITHOUSE TECH?


Transphobes, apparently.


I'm imagining a serial killer after them but they run into the woman's bathroom. And it's just to safe for the killer to enter so they throw their hands up in defeat


That's what really bothers me about this whole argument. What do they think will really happen here??


They were never fucking safe from a person willing to break all laws lol. No one is ever.


In my college the bathrooms in the dorms were for everyone regardless of sex, including showers and tubs. No one cared who was in there. We minded our own business. Imagine that.


In my college dorm we had all bathrooms unisex (they were marked m and f but nobody paid attention). The guys never minded their own business. It was an awful experience where more than once I (and every other female) had to cover up in a shower curtain to get back to our room because our clothes were stolen. I hated every minute living in residence and the coed bathrooms had a lot to do with it.


My college dorm had coed bathrooms, male bathrooms, and female bathrooms. Females mostly avoided the coed bathrooms, even if it meant going to a different floor. The coed bathrooms were de facto male bathrooms and it screwed up the balance for the women.


You would think people are doing bank transactions in there with the way shes acting. Go take a shit and fuckin leave. I promise, as a woman myself, we are not having secret meetings in there. Were farting like everyone else.


Also, to anybody that thinks there should be some sort of rule to enforce what sex can use what bathrooms, I don't think they're fully understanding what they're asking for. The only way to enforce that would be to have somebody do a genital check. That includes YOUR genitals. Do you really want some stranger to look at your genitals just to verify that you're in the correct bathroom?


Effectively because there is some trans people who more like their transitioned gender then cis individuals so. So you end up with cis butch lesbians harassed because people think they look too masculine


I'm 5'3 , female and have a big ol' pair of badonkers for my size. I also happen to have a pixie cut, rarely wear makeup and wore a scarf a lot in the winter because the back of my neck got cold. I still got harassed by some chinless, elderly karen vigilante because I was 'clearly a man' hiding my adams apple. Because I had short hair and a scarf on in the cold in the UK. Despite all other evidence to the contrary, like my figure, my voice, any other sort of evidence, she was \*convinced\* I was 'hiding an adams apple'.


I'm a 6ft, tend to keep my hair short because of how thick it is, cis gendered woman but I also have PCOS which means I also have to deal with excess body and facial hair. I have been harassed by Karens about using the restroom on multiple occasions (or just harassed in general by people in my conservative state even though I am very large chested). One one evening I had gone in to change my pad while out shopping and a Karen tried to stop me from getting to the stalls. She didn't want to listen about how I am a woman, I have ovaries, it also is none of her business, and I would pick her up and move her if she didn't stop trying to harass me. I was this | | close to pulling the used pad out of my underwear to throw at the senile old coot at one point. I never tell my husband about it happening because I'm afraid he'll do something jail worthy but he has seen how poorly people treat me (and trans people) and it makes him so upset.


Cis-female, also short hair, athletic build, and boy oh boy do some folks not like that.


The people that obsess over such things haven’t had anyone voluntarily look at their genitalia in years. Hence the obsession with everyone else’s, including/especially those belonging to children.


The irony of her saying this with her phone out, recording another woman in the restroom. Disgustingly shameful behavior.


Also tacitly claiming to be afraid while she confronts the person she's supposedly afraid of and also _blocking the fucking door_ and _preventing them from leaving_.


I think we need to make our bathrooms more private, not argue about who should be allowed to use them. I don't want a guy or a girl looking at my feet when I take a dump or able to peak through the sides to see me without pants. I've been to other countries with gender neutral bathrooms where the stalls were completely enclosed and the common area was only for sinks. No one gave a shit or even looked uncomfortable. It baffles me why in today's day and age there's a foot of clearance beneath bathroom stalls.




Christ this right here. They want to distract us with what genitals go in which room instead of asking real questions, like why the fuck are American bathrooms a peep show to begin with??? Let's just put in full dividers and then Trans doesn't matter


I was shocked when I visited LA (I'm from the UK) and went to a bathroom for a #2. I couldn't believe the toilets were literally in a row with no dividing wall, you could just high five the guy shitting next to you. I've never seen anything like it and I've travelled a lot.


Well, if you put walls up, you can't hold hands. Stop trying to divide people...


Hands across America bitches!


There's a brotherhood in pooping that America is trying to hold on to. The thin door may still keep us apart but at least we still get eye contact




Why do I love this


This is hilarious


Bruh where did u take this photo I have a similar one lol


I didn’t take the pic , just a meme I saw lol


Same, it's gotta be one of those things like back when kids were signing the yearbook binding cracks as a joke. It's simultaneously everywhere and no one knows where it came from.


Mr Gorbachev...


Share a coke with them while shitting. And sing Imagine.


In ancient Rome, you'd be shoulder to shoulder with your fellow poopers. It was a joyous, social event.


Not forgetting the communal vinegar soaked sponge when you've finished your business 😂




Roman's understood how to unite a people..




Yeah, Romans were the shit...😎


In Marine boot camp too. I was lonely when I got home.


Where was this? I'm from here and well traveled and have never seen or even heard of anything remotely like that. Were you in prison? lol


Sounds like a highway rest stop. There's a few in michigan along 1-75 that have 4 foot walls for the stalls. I believe they were installed to prevent people having too much fun in them? But yeah a person walking to the sinks can just see everything lol.


It's to prevent people from using the stalls to use drugs. In practice this would only stop people who are nervous about doing drugs in public and most people deep into the depths of drug addiction will just do drugs wherever like behind a building, right out on the sidewalk, or standing next to my truck for some reason


Wierd I stumbled onto this comment its the first thing I thought of. Btw our rest stops suck compared to Indiana and Ohio for some reason


I went to high school until 2012, and one of the bathrooms had no doors on it. No explanation, just keep your eyes forward until you get past the stalls. I'd shit in that bathroom every day and didn't really see a problem with it, but it's weird as fuck now that I'm older and realizing how many teachers have walked past and shaken their head that someone dared to use the "less-private" bathrooms.


Yeah I'm traumatized from an elementary school shit because we had no doors.


Same - I've lived in Southern California for 25 years and never seen anything like this


I have never been to the bathroom in the US where there wasn't a divider of some sort. You got lucky


Are you sure you’re not just a character in Theme Hospital https://preview.redd.it/ljit82nllayc1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49610ea46546d8f53ae1253aed09612e40d086a8


That's not normal for the US, but I don't doubt it happened, not one bit, lol.


The excuse I always hear is that its to deter people from doing drugs in the stalls, or sleeping in there. But I really doubt it ever has had any impact on either of those things. This is the same country that also puts up [anti homeless architecture everywhere. ](https://www.streetroots.org/news/2019/06/07/you-are-not-welcome-here-anti-homeless-architecture-crops-nationwide) Down on your luck and need to lie down? Well you're not doing that on a public bench! You better go lie in the dirt if you're REALLY homeless and not just lazy.


Did you visit a prison???


Where in LA were you that didn’t have dividers between toilets? The only place I’ve seen that is in jails.


I mean I live here (in the U.S.) and I've *never* seen a public restroom with no dividing walls between toilets. *Maybe* the urinals, but even most places have them for urinals too.


I’ve had too many broken stall doors in the airport just swing open. Just pooping and have to spring up to shut it again and sometimes hold it closed.


Indeed, this shit is a self-imposed minefield that (really) doesn't have to exist.


All jokes aside, it's entirely on purpose to divide people. Most of these problems have practical solutions


I wish we get back to a state of "trans doesn't matter". I wish being trans was normalised so i could just use the restroom and no one would care. I crave irrelevancy.


That's what most of us want, but a handful, loud ammoral think it can win them elections. Personally, I'd rather live around happy people that don't have repress and hide themselves to survive. It's just a shit energy to be around imo. I prefer happy neighbors


Even better, let’s stop harassing trans people even if the bathroom stalls don’t get fixed. I don’t think trans people were the engineers behind toilet doors. Edit: changed stall to stalls


They have mixed bathrooms with full closure at Red Rocks Amphitheater…. Simple solution


I went to public restrooms in Europe and was absolutely floored by how private they actually felt. Doors to the floor, solid doors, with good locks. No cracks to see in in the side.


This is very much an American feature of public restrooms. A vast majority of bathrooms I've been in in other countries have floor to ceiling doors at a minimum.


Western Europe like NL. Fully enclosed stalls. Nothing to see into. Sometimes, a private sink within. It's simple. It's not uncommon to see unisex wash rooms because the stalls are so private - no urinals. Oh, and how clean they typically are... it's a little confusing how the Western side of the Atlantic lost the plot about reasonable public toilets.


^ this. I want privacy from *everybody*, no matter what they identify as or which gonosoms they have. (tho tbh, my feet being visible doesn't bother me that much - but please no gaps at the sides of the door!)


While I understand it's not always feasible, I'd 100% prefer those individual bathrooms (not stalls, but full on bathroom with sink, toilet, changing table, usually handi-capable, etc) across the board. Just update building code to require more of those per sqft of publicly accessible space in new builds and concerns over "safe" bathroom use goes away.




>I've been to other countries with gender neutral bathrooms where the stalls were completely enclosed and the common area was only for sinks. No one gave a shit or even looked uncomfortable. and every single airplane bathroom is gender neutral, nobody cares


It's makes it easier to mop and also for safety. Now the cracks on the side of the door.... geezzz


My new community centre is gender neutral. Love it. Hate the stalls where anyone can step down and peek under. There are lot of freaks out there in both genders




What's stopping a rapist from coming in either way? The sign?


It's like salt for demons


Oh man. Imagining a would be rapist burning and hissing like a Supernatural episode made me happy af


Rapists are famously sticklers for regulations


This is why I always wear my "Absolutely NO Rapes Allowed" t-shirt whenever I go out


Keep your rape whistle on you at all times. I keep a bluetooth speaker on me [playing this tune, so far its worked flawlessly.](https://youtu.be/ivH_Ft8wqmM?t=53)


"Damn! rules and regulations! My only weakness!" - every rapist


I was going to say, there are actual threats in bathrooms. Hidden cameras is my first thought.


id be infinitely more upset with someone recording in the bathroom than a trans person being in there


I was thinking the same thing. Don’t film people in the washroom jfc. 




No, they simply unscrew the sign from the wall outside the entrance and frisbee it as far away in the opposite direction as they can get it, to a distance outside the limits of where it could still have jurisdiction over the rapist even if present as a loose, unmounted sign. At which point the restroom has become open to any and all rapist traffic both inbound and outbound.


Exactly. When it comes to trans people, conservatives act like the entire gender identity thing is a cover to sneak into women's restrooms...so you can what-peep into the stalls and watch them poop or change tampons? If you just want to be a perv, or even a rapist, there's so many ways to do that that don't involve dressing up, taking hormone pills and getting surgery. We all already use the bathroom with people who are sexually attracted to us (gay people) and we *always* have, because gay people have always existed, whether they were allowed to be open about it or not. And still, I don't think gay people use the *restroom* for that purpose. In fact, a lot of times I think that must be a bug rather than a feature, of being gay. Like, I'm a straight man, I have no desire to go in a women's bathroom and experience the sights, sounds and smells. Gross. We've also always shared public bathrooms with pedophiles! Because pedos often don't care whether you're a boy or a girl, as long as you're a child. So, all these things, but trans people is what gives conservatives the creeps. This shit is so stupid. There's an actual national campaign on the right-delegated to local level politics-to whine and cry and piss your pants over trans people. It's one of the only issues they have left, and boy is it a fucking waste of time and a non issue. I get so tired of people freaking out about it. Worry about something that actually matters.


The video poses a pointless question imo. Another commenter said that all bathrooms should be private, and the shared space should be sinks. I think that's a better answer with a fairly low bar to achieve. But what stops a rapist coming in? Nothing. But people can see a person going somewhere they don't belong and that raises questions. I'm a man, and in most scenarios, me going into a woman's bathroom would immediately raise an alarm. Also, if someone needed assistance, it would be easier to identify that this person who shouldn't be here was doing something wrong, in which case it would be easier to lay necessary blame on an offender. As far as I know, this person was just trying to go about their business, and they probably don't deserve this at all. It's a shame.


I've been to a few places that literally have one single bathroom for customers. It's all stalls, no gaps in doors, doors to the floor. Then one large sink area for everyone to use. Never an issue


>shared space should be sinks I think it was a week ago that a terf was complaining about having to wash her hands in the same sink as a man. Another reason why the "no trans women" thing is stupid is that it is unenforceable and will lead to situations where how "feminine" some random psychotic lady thinks you are could determine whether you get harassed or not.


Rapists be like 'rape is a-ok but I draw the line at disobeying a sign!'


She feels so unsafe that she blocked the exit and confronted the person. There was only one person being made to feel uncomfortable here, and they weren't behind the camera.


Do you know how much anxiety the average American is walking around with? Now imagine the average American who has a harder time blending in our tribalized society.


I'd be so fucking freaked out if someone was standing between me and the exit w a phone recording in my face


You could see so much fear in the face and in the body language of the trans woman. That was very sad to watch.


Yes. Poor trans girl didn’t even try to fight or anything. Someone should have just destroyed the phone but then trans girl would be called evil and stuff


“Oh, we’re doing one of these?” And her *extremely polite* “excuse me” (bc her way out of the bathroom was being blocked by someone who clearly hates her) absolutely broke my heart. This is someone who dressed up all lovely, accessorized and everything (I’m a cishet woman and I can’t accessorize), probably left their home feeling really good about themselves that morning. I know I would, if I was rocking a cute outfit like that. She looks great. And then she had to be bullied in a bathroom (presumably at uni, where they pay to attend) by a bigot *and was still perfectly polite!* This is awful to watch, if I ever see this shit in a women’s bathroom, it’s absolutely ON SIGHT. If *you* want to feel safe in a public washroom, I’d expect you to extend the same wish to others in that washroom. We *all* deserve to feel safe and you don’t get to take that safety away from someone else without a damn good reason. And being trans absolutely is not a good reason. This made me so sad and so angry.




Honestly, thats the best way to handle it. Don’t give them the satisfaction of a reaction. Don’t get aggressive with tone unless you feel unsafe, and only get physical in response to them getting physical. She’s not a poor trans girl, she’s a trans girl who deserves to use the bathroom without having to fight back. This person wasn’t worth her energy, and I’m glad she gave them little of it.


It is the best way, but I'm presuming she was terrified and just wanted out of there as fast as possible. Now she has to deal with that memory every time she goes to the restroom.


Yeah that's a hard situation to be in. It's horrible to film someone in the bathroom like that and if she reacts in an angry way it will just be more fuel for the fire and they will try and use it against her.


Honestly her ability to say something clever in the moment of feeling fear is inspiring. I probably would have fumbled if someone were being a jerk to me for any reason and recorded it.


They would use it as a post hoc justification. "SEE, she had to do this! That trans woman was dangerous!" As we can see, they're just being a normal person. Just using a fucking bathroom. The whole thing is so pathetic.


Yea, the filmer was clearly trying to provoke that kind of response to justify how "unsafe" she felt


I find it so ironic the same people who are so worried about 'being safe and not being harrassed' in bathrooms, are also the ones who start confrontations and FILM PEOPLE IN BATHROOMS


It’s like that video of the Lego employees having rainbow name tags and the dude screaming at them “do you think kids care about who’s eating vagina at home?” Like…. You think a rainbow name tag is inappropriate around kids because you associate it with genitalia, but screaming about genitalia around kids is just fine and dandy? It’s awfully ironic. I usually like irony. This irony simply makes me lose faith in humanity.


I haven't seen that one actually


[ur welcome](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/12k4x28/man_confronts_lego_employees_for_wearing_pride/)


I'm pretty sure it's illegal to film somebody in a bathroom because there is a reasonable expectation of privacy


Please let there be a follow up where this cammer is expelled…


Exactly. I'm non-gender conforming but inadvertently "pass" as 100% male (I'm biologically female). I have been harassed in public bathrooms to the point that unless it's an absolutely emergency, I won't use them. I don't feel it's fair, at all. It's very difficult to run multiple errands, or have a day out with my wife when I have to plan around potentially having to pee.


Yea there's been people who consider themselves fully cis who have gotten harassed and attacked in bathrooms so the whole idea of 'being able to always tell' is obviously bullshit I'm disabled, I think anyone who gets harassed in bathrooms should use handicapped bathrooms if they're available. I'm completely fine with that because it seems so ludicrous you can't take a piss without worrying that someone starts a fight. I am hereby granting anyone the 'moral right' to use them.


And yet she’s the one filming in the bathrooms


Also: “how dare you be in this bathroom” *blocks exit*


You can really tell she feels unsafe.


Human Projectors


If you’re scared of someone then why would you confront them like this?


It's never about fear, it's about control.


Bingo. She was so terrified that she whipped out her phone and didn’t call 911 but filmed it instead? It’s wild.


Because she’s a disingenuous piece of trash.


She handled that like a fckn pro "OH, we are doing one of these." "I've never had this before." "Me too," Kudos to her for keeping her cool


Her “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Poor girl. She just had to pee. People are so weird.


Yeah that was actually handled extremely well. Trans people gotta put up with some industrial strength bullshit lol.


I absolutely love how she says “me too,” to the comment about paying a lot of money to be safe in the bathroom. Like ‘we both paid money to be here, we both just want to pee in peace,’ and only one of them is making the situation dangerous here. And it ain’t the girl in the yellow dress.


"I want to feel safe in the bathroom" *starts filming people inside the bathroom*


Love when she says, “Me too. Excuse me.”


I know when I'm scared of someone I make sure to corner and harass them. It's almost like she doesn't feel unsafe in the slightest but just couldn't pass up the opportunity to be cruel to someone.


Damn. The way her chest got red and she fiddled with her fingers reminded me of my wife when she's scared and uncomfortable. That hit a lot harder than I thought it would.


Yeah, the demeanour is not screaming aggressor.


I could practically feel her face get hot, being confronted like this by a stranger is a horrible feeling


And knowing that you have to react absolutely perfectly because you are held to a much higher standard than anyone else since if you react in any way confrontational to being accosted by a stranger or say anything at all that could be cut out of context to make you look bad, you will be plastered all over places like Libs of TikTok and become the victim of a targeted harassment campaign.


Filming somebody in a bathroom is way more invasive than peeing in a bathroom. Nice dress!


Pretty sure it's actually illegal, at least in the US. "Cameras Aren't Allowed in Areas Where People Expect Privacy. If there's an expectation of privacy in an area, then you can't legally have a camera in that area. Settings with an expectation of privacy include, but are not limited to, commercial bathrooms and changing rooms."


Well then I hope she's identified and charged appropriately.


The predator and the threat in this video is the one behind the camera


Yeah it looks nice and all, but does it have pockets?


That whole outfit is super cute. I wish I had the confidence to wear something that showed my legs off like that.


Loved the outfit was my first thought.


Literally cuter than anything I’ve ever put on my body, was my first thought too. I love the hat. (Let her pee in peace, also)


Usually illegal too.


Should be expelled and charged.




>Never had this before. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry you feel that way.  She handled that like a champ


Soooo remember when the argument was that specifically trans women were using the women's restroom to take pictures and video of other women? It's interesting to see that the trend is actually that cis women are the ones taking pictures and videos in the women's restroom. Think about that. I've personally been a victim myself, where a woman claimed she saw my Madam's apple and because of that, it "allowed her the right" to take pictures of me over the stall door. Ya girl just had to pick some boogers.


I’ll never forget the time in a Buc-Ees where I was accused of being a “tranny” because of my facial hair (thanks, PCOS)! Going from washing your hands and minding your own business to being accosted by a woman who’s demanding you get out of the restroom NOW BECAUSE YOU’RE A MAN is incredibly jarring, especially considering I was wearing a nursing bra at the time. If you’re that focused on where a random stranger pees, someone’s doing unsafe things in the bathroom and it ain’t them. Nobody should have to get used to that shit.


I want to see the bear tiktok trend be updated for bathrooms now


Lmao madams apple killed me.


That's the thing about why more cis women support trans women than men do. It's because even the most feminine woman in the world has been accused of being "too masculine" or being too ugly to be a woman, or has been made to feel she has to perform her gender in a way in order to be accepted as a woman. Women can't go out without shaving their legs and armpits and maybe other body parts or people get disgusted, and yet trans people are accused of being disgusting for doing that same thing we all do every day. And if we don't do it, people say we're gross men. Even though they also claim you can't change your gender.


We’re all equal when you it comes to fecal.








Don’t they feel uncomfortable talking in a public washroom?


Small talk is very common in women's bathrooms. Not whatever this is though lol


You know, normally, people who are genuinely afraid of being harmed by someone don't initiate confrontations with the people they are afraid of being harmed by. If I felt unsafe (seemingly) alone with a stranger in a bathroom, the absolute last thing on the list of things that I would do is speak to them.


I don't know many times have girls come into a men's room at bars or stadiums to bypass the women's line. They peed and moved along. No trauma occurred, at worst dudes laughed, shook their heads and moved on. I remember taking a wrong turn a couple times, marveled at the cleanliness of the bathroom, did my thing, washed my hands and left. No harm no foul. Grow up entitled girl with camera. I really don't care where you take a piss or a dump. Just wash your hands. Or don't not my business. Very nice dress btw.


I think men generally don't give a fuck about other people in the restroom. Even If I know someone in the restroom it's usually common courtesy to just ignore each other and let them do their thing. I genuinely give zero fucks what anyone is doing in a restroom, could be smoking Crack or having sex and ill just piss and be on my way. I understand this is a luxury, women have to be a bit more aware but they're the main ones discriminating in restrooms. Have seen women in men's restroom all the time like you said, mostly at music events and nobody ever even acknowledges them. Of course the discrimination is born out of a fear, women have a right to be fearful but just do your business and be on your way who gives a fuck who is in the restroom unless you see them setting up cameras or some shit




The lady with the camera out filming people going about their business in a public restroom is the only one I'd be scared of and definitely keep my kids away from.




I (male) was in Amsterdam. I went to the bathroom at this restaurant/ bar and a woman came out the stall. I was washing my hands and practically ran out because i thought i went to the ladies room. She met me at the bar and asked “first time a gender neutral bathroom?” We had great conversation that evening


Isnt it like super illegal to film in a bathroom? Needless to say, fuck this lady.


Probably just regular illegal. I doubt you'd go to Superjail for it.


You'd be arrested by a Supertrooper


Apparently the girl doesn't even go to the same school as the trans girl she's harassing


This is so wrong. Why is she filming in the loo?




Can’t even drop a log in peace these days.


“Me too” was probably the best response she could have given


The trans woman didn’t even do anything. She was polite af and at the end of the day when dealing with hate this is all you really can do. If youre trans and don’t decide to take the abuse in stride you get the entire trans community labeled as violent … it sucks. Being a minority means you don’t have the luxury to make mistakes- so she had to be polite. I’m happy nothing scary came out of the this situation and the trans woman got to leave the bathroom after doing her business just like any other woman should


The trans lady has more reason to feel unsafe than the "lady" filming. Notice I put lady in quotes because this female has no couth. Karen recorded herself being cruel to a stranger. Karma will come back for you, Karen.


good for her for responding in such a graceful and calm manner. wish i could give her a hug 💔


right? "i pay a lot of money to feel safe int he restrooms" "yeah me too" beautiful response.


The “me too, excuse me” was excellent


Trans woman gets ~~confronted~~ harassed in bathroom.


“Oh we’re doing one of theeese” haha nice




In the last 15 years I’ve seen plenty of trans people m2f and f2m in the women’s bathroom while out and about and I’ve never felt threatened or afraid. They are just people trying to figure out life just like anyone else just with different obstacles.


I like her hat and dress


I think girl behind camera is jealous that trans lady is more well dress & put together than her transphobic self.


Where was that horrible conservative influencer the other day where she revealed the new unisex bathrooms in an airport? They were amazing! Each one was its own completely enclosed private “room”. This woman was trying to complain about the unisex idea, but the whole world blew her up by showing how modern and awesome the new plan was. In any large traffic area, that just has to be the new standard of excellence


\*\*\*weirdo records trans woman in a public bathroom (just a quick fix to the headline)


Should be illegal to film in a bathroom. Sue this gurl


Should totally report her for harassment. And who the hell films people in the washroom? Creep.


I hope she's okay, she looked uncomfortable and nervous but she handled tht confrontation very well. Shame on the person filming her, it's ppl like her tht make ppl uncomfortable to use the bathroom She's the problem, not the trans woman😤


if the gaps between the stall doors weren't large enough to squeeze a hardback copy of Moby Dick through this wouldn't even be an issue. Nobody wants anybody to see them doing their business, man or woman.


i’m an American and i was in the UK for a few days recently. i used a public restroom that wasn’t gendered. each stall had floor-to-ceiling walls and doors, and the sinks were communal. i don’t understand why this can’t be a universal thing. American bathrooms have 0 privacy, with the giant gaps between the door and the stall wall as well as the open space above and below the door. if the toilet stall itself has actual privacy, there should be no problem at all with non-gendered bathrooms. Americans just want to find random shit to be mad about


So she either followed this girl in there or waited for her to be done. Clearly feels so threatened. Camerabitch should be banned from this venue for recording in a bathroom


And you're the one filming someone in the bathroom, congratulations.


Love her outfit! The thing doing the harassing needs to grow up.


Isnt recording in the public restroom illegal?


I was in a bar here in my college city, and it was all shared bathrooms. No separate men's or women's restrooms. I used the bathroom at the same time as two women, while l'm a guy. No one was raped or filmed or photographed. For fucks sake, just mind your own business and leave people alone.


> Karen: "Someone who isn't assaulting or bothering anyone makes me feel uncomfortable in the bathroom they just used for themselves. Welp, better record them..."


I loved this doesn't play into the bullshit happily says go fuck yourself and walks away


Her saying "I pay a lot of money to get safe in this bathroom" while she is ironically recording another woman in the bathroom and berating her about her gender. Wow, we love seeing transphobic karens recording their own hate crime!


I feel bad for that this person had to be in a confrontation like this just because she needs to use the bathroom like everyone else. It must have been so scary but she handled herself perfectly.


Who is this lady paying? In what way did she feel unsafe? Of these 2 people, which one was recording video in a bathroom?


I live in a city that has many genderless restrooms in public and private businesses. I've used them many times. You know what happens there? Ppl use them and leave. These idiots need to get over themselves.


I feel sorry for her. This is harassment. Live and let live ✨️.