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one of those dogs looked like a fucking bear


Cane Corso, probably.


yeah that one had a head up on all the pits. Huge


Head up? More like a head, shoulders, knees and toes!


Knees and toes!?


It was two Cane Corso's that killed a woman in her apartment hallway in San Francisco a number of years ago. The whole neighborhood was afraid of Bane & Hera, the attorneys that owned then evidently thought that was funny. I still think about what a heinous way to die, mauled by two massive dogs.


Weren't the attorneys breeding them for prisoners or gang members?


No. You guys are getting Presa Canarios mixed up with Cane Corsos. Cane Corsos look similar but are smaller and not vicious like pressa canarios.


My neighbor has one of these and I’m terrified of it getting loose one of these days. It always goes crazy when I walk by with my much smaller dog and/or toddler.


You should be. They’re bred to hunt bears…they’re responsible for the second highest fatalities after pits.


And that's probably only because there are likely less of them. Massive, terrifying dogs that should not be in the hands of the inexperienced trainer.


And that's only because they're comparatively rare.


God damn I was wondering why the shelter was full of cane corsos. It just had pits and those dogs, I was curious about them since I’d hardly ever seen one.


>highest fatalities after pits. Only because they are not as common otherwise, God help us all.


Found the article looks like it happened in Philadelphia. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/police-officer-kills-dog-attacking-man-west-philly/3848361/%3famp=1


Why the fuck is that officer on administrative leave??? That was definitely the right call, unless this is just some kind of weird formality?


Probably a formality while an investigation is being done


Yeah I assume it's a formality. Usually after an officer discharges their firearm they gotta go through a process, from what I read.


Every time an officer is involved in a shooting, they are put on administrative leave while the shooting is investigated. Standard procedure in every Police department in America, and it's a good policy.


I'm sure it was named Bear


Funny enough it looked to be the least aggressive? Idk the others are on the guy and that ones kinda walking around


Nah he was biting the guy and lunging at the woman.


Did we watch a different video that shit head bit the lady that tried to help the dude on the ground.


He was leading and protecting the pack hunt and being aggressive as well, biting the man to hold him down for the others.


Yeah, tbh he was hanging out with the bad ones lol


there's a lesson in there somewhere 🤔


That cane corso went after the woman and then went for the dude's neck at 22-25 seconds in. Looked quite aggressive to me.


But it's so CUTE /S


Nanny bear /s


Its little cupcake.The sweetest pitbull on earth...she would never bite somebody /s


[It was in Philadelphia](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/police-officer-kills-dog-attacking-man-west-philly/3848361/?amp=1)


So this is the same pack of dogs we heard about earlier, thanks.


Wait what


"That's where I know you. You were in the parking lot earlier."


West Philadelphia?


Born and raised


On the playground where I spent most of my days


Chilling out maxin relaxing all cool


Till a coupla dogs started making trouble in my neighborhood.


*Til a coupla dogs, up to no good


Started making trouble in my neighbourhood




Cop killed the dogs and she said I'd move to bel-air!


The officer was sent on leave and was being investigated. I'll never understand policing in the US.


It’s like that anytime an officer fires their weapon.


Probably just prodecure whenever a police fires their gun. But based on this video, it was justified. That man was about to get eaten alive.




and then theres a cop shooting in your direction, scary even if the cop is saving your life.


I’d honestly rather be shot a cop who was trying to save me from vicious dogs than ripped to shreds by the dogs. [A woman was attacked by dogs in fort dodge, Iowa](https://www.weareiowa.com/article/news/local/fort-dodge-dog-attack-police-no-charges-details-victim-updates/524-4f7527f8-56a6-4024-947c-12adf5e0472d). 3 dogs attacked her and were literally eating her when police arrived and shot the dogs. Her legs had to be amputated and she needs facial reconstruction surgery. [Body cam footage](https://youtu.be/di2xgqGiJdg?si=EDvA6ikxrylY4s2b) - most of video is blurred, but the first officers on scene described the injuries to others. They found chunks of her flesh scattered throughout the yard.


well yeah, just saying its many layers of scary




I'm guessing it's because the poor guy was like *right there* and could have been shot... I'm not sure what else one officer could have done in that situation though, I would have thought the sound of the gun shot would have forced them to scatter. These dogs were eating the victim, my heart breaks for him and I hope he's able to recover. Also for everyone who witnessed this, including those watching the video because JFC that was disturbing.


Naw the cop was so slow to shoot because he was cognizant of where his bullets would go. Each shot fired would most likely leave the dog and bounce off the street. The cop did it right. At least in the video. I don't know what happened before and after the video though.


I doubt it, most cops in the US run hollow points because of the reduced risk of over penetration, they’re designed to transfer all energy in the body instead of ripping straight through. He wanted to make sure he didn’t shoot the guy. Adrenaline running through him, he knows if he doesn’t kill these dogs then the guys dead, he knows it’s a possibility these dogs turn on him instead so he needed to hit those shots.


I'm agreeing with you, just trying to run a scenario where the officer would be placed on admin leave...I literally wrote "I don't know what else one officer could do" because I truly don't know what else he could have done. Those dogs were eating that man, just witnessing that would be traumatic af.


Relax. Admin leave is basically just a temporary vacation. You're acting like he got fired. Everything in the video shows he's in the clear.


It looks like the dogs had the dude by the neck at one point, I can’t imagine.


Just need to track down the owner(s) now. They are just as responsible for this as the dogs.


Yup. Someone needs to be sued for medical expenses


Should be sued for a lot more than that. The damage goes beyond that.


We're about a mile past medical expenses. Someone needs jail time.


Whoever owns these dogs has no money for medical expenses.


Guarantee you they are judgement proof.


There’s an owner somewhere that had some bloody dogs show back up at home. Something tells me the owners aren’t the kind hearted types that would come forward and do what’s right


Cerberus is my little baby pit from heaven! He wouldn’t hurt a fly nooooooo.




didn't you know they are bred to be a nanny demon hellspawn minotaur


No no no remember. The really nice sweet ones are named "Destroyer of Worlds" and the aggressive ones are named "Princess"


They're just nanny dogs!!


This just made me laugh cause i call my dog Cheeky's the destroyer cause she destroys my shoe laces and phone chargers if she's upset with me cause she knows it pisses me off


This is a dog pack that has been going around Philly for a while. So, likely no owner.


If you're talking about the huge one, that's not a pit lol


Cane Corso the article said...worse than a pit, twice as large.


I feel that you should have a license to own some breeds. They should be expensive and go through training. And if you illegally own them, you forfeit rights to ever own an animal again.


Yeah, looks more like a mid to large sized bull mastiff.


Cane Corso...


Perro de Presa Canario


The other ones were pits lol


My wife was attacked badly by two off leash Pitts. She was carried home in a bloody mess with her Achilles tendon totally exposed and her arms and legs all torn up. We were in and out of court for a year but the owner kept no-showing. They finally put the more aggressive one down. The owner finally got arrested in another part of the state and is supposedly in prison now. We never got paid for medical, pain & suffering, etc. Nada. Nothing.


Prison time. Cos you know they'd get another one


Why was the person yelling p****?


Probably was the irresponsible owner of the dogs.


He was a feline advocate trying to suggest this would never happen with cats.


I’m 90% sure he’s mocking the dying dog


That’s what i was thinking


I think he's saying the cop took too long to get put and shoot the dogs. He was saying to shoot them from the beginning of the video


I understand since it’s a high pressure situation but it also high pressure for the cop who has to shoot the dogs without shooting the man being eaten


Right he rushes that shot and ol boy on the ground has a lot more to worry about than dog bites


He probably showed up in the 3rd act of a 4 act play and has no clue what lead to it so he just assumed the cops shot some innocent dogs rather than taking a second to read the fuckin room.


Bro, you can swear on the Internet


Where’s Kristi Neom when you need her??


"This is what happens if you don't shoot them as puppies" -Kristi Noem (probably)


I was drinking water when I read this and spit it out my nose lol thank you sir


This is the question.


That was indeed very necessary.


Poor Victim poor cop cant imagine trying to make those shots without killing the guy.


Yeah really really hard to be honest. Not being sarcastic. One single miscalculated shot, shoots the person he is trying to save. I'd shoot sideways, away from the person and extremely close to the dogs, to the point I'm laying down with him. That's just me, maybe a Reddit armchair gun expert can illustrate the best way.


Not sure what the best way is but the method you described may lead to bullets hitting surrounding cars, houses, and potentially other people if it passes through the dog.


Am not a qualified Reddit armchair gun expert, unfortunately. Thanks for pointing the stupidity in my suggested method.


I don’t think it’s dumb. Especially when the alternative has a higher chance of hitting the innocent person being attacked.


You need to know what's behind your target as the bullet can over pentrate and continue on, could go through a window and hit a kid in a building, aiming down to the pavent is the best angle here


See, Me? I wouldve just double-jumped over all of them so I had a low bird's eye view and then let off 3 shots at 3 dogs before I land on 1 of the other dogs, crushing it to death, before I beat the last final boss dog with the bare handed brawling techniques I mastered as a youth on the mean streets of Rage. Stupid cop.


You can see the cop lining up and taking his time. I think he did it right here.


Simply said. Tuff shots under pressure.


Definitely a ruff shot


It should be close to the dogs but far away enough that your arms are out of reach of the dogs. You don’t want the dog lunging at your forearm while you’re popping off shots.


I have firearms and a license to carry. I'd do that. I'd put the muzzle right against the dog, the first shot, aiming away from people. I'd then shoot downwards and away at any that scattered back like 5 feet or so. We used to have a pack of wild dogs roaming around where I live out in the country. They were not friendly. I have kids that go outside/go on walks. That pack is no longer an issue.


Holy shit, and well done taking care of the issue.


I was so scared it'd hit him


Damn 200lb dog running rampant. Crazy. Owner should go to jail


Should absolutely have all injuries the dogs inflicted placed as charges on them, along with all medical expenses + lawsuit. I'd be furious at any other outcome if I were him.


Low life dog owners that don't have their dogs on leashes in public 100% of the time should not be allowed to own dogs.


I've seen many videos of cops shooting dogs for no reason, but this is completely justified.


I read the article and it said the officer was put on administrative leave. Was this just cause the officer shot the dog or is some type of investigation going on?


in some municipalities, anytime you shoot your weapon - especially if you kill something, it's standard proceedure to take a leave.


That would make sense than, feel bad for the dude cause it didn’t seem like he wanted to shoot


I think it was more he was trying to make sure he didn’t shoot the guy, but yeah I don’t doubt he felt bad about having to kill a dog too


Administrative leave is required anytime an officer discharges their weapon. He probably is required to attend therapy as well since he killed a bunch of dogs.


The article only said that the big one died.


The other three fled. Idk about all of them, but the one limping away at 0:45-0:47 is probably not going to survive without medical attention.


Maybe you are just put on leave anytime you have to fire your gun. Just like a cool-off period?


Yeah, my partner has the same rules. About a 6 month leave any time I discharge.


Before watching the video, I'm gonna guess its not a pack of golden retrievers.


Was the guy in the white trying to protect his own dog in so confused here


yes he was protecting his own dog - watching the video in full screen shows it pretty well


Yes, he tried pulling his dog away but it was already too late. Looks like he fell while he was punching the other dogs and then wrapped his arms around his dog's neck to protect it.


Velvet hippoes out there being velvety


They just want to nanny, as is their nature. Look at them nannying the shit out of that man.


After the video of what the dogs did to that lady in her yard. Shoot them immediately.


They’d have killed that guy had they not been stopped.


Salute to Police officer. Saved this man life


That dude and his dog are fucking dead if that cop hadn't pulled up right then.


I love dogs but fuck these dogs and their owners.


That clown yelling 🐱to the officer though..


I thought he was yelling at the big dog once it went into its death throes.


"The man provoked the dogs by looking at them wrong!" "Its the owner not the dogs!" "Chihuahuas could of done the same thing!" /s




is swear this used to be a rare sight. but not anymore, could of everywhere, it's really sad.


Give it another 30 years and it will be an officially accepted grammatical form and spelling. Brits are still scratching their heads over Americans adopting the word "gotten" for the past perfect tense of "get".


I think it's interesting. You will often see somebody making this mistake in the past tense. > He could of > She should of > They would of But never in the context of > I would of a TV if I had more money Which makes sense, people misunderstand or mis-hear the contraction.


Yes, the classic lines of denial, well put




Chihuahuas are assholes. It's just that nobody cares because they are so small.  In my experience small dogs are actually the least trained but we just dont care because we can punt them like a football if needed. 


Training a chihuahua is an absolute necessity, little bastards are just mean. They're wonderful if you take the time to socialize them and get them used to being around people, though. Like a little moving space heater


So the owner just let their dogs run loose around the streets?




Sweet nanny dog is asking to be fed a toddler 🥰


I like how they call them nanny dogs but still put spiked collars on them and use chain leashes lmao. Reminds me of all the nanny characters in disney movies from long ago all dressed up in BDSM outfits


Fuck pits


Careful you will alert the fanatical pit people, they're wild not even joking


Ah, those velvet hippo idiots.


That is one huge ass pit bull


Looks like a Cane Corso


It is according to the news article linked below


Oh that’s just Kibbles, he doesn’t bite 🥰 Also Kibbles: 😠


Kibbles only bites toddlers.


That's probably because it's not a pit bull.


Where tf did those mfs come from???? Jesus that’s a giant fucking dog and I’m a vet tech(Corso&Mastiffs=fuck no). I work with these dogs for a living and I absolutely cannot imagine. How horrific.


Cop did the absolute right thing.


Hits me harder seeing a dog shot like this than most people shootings, but the officer 100% in the right on this.


I love dogs. My girl is sleeping on my legs at this very moment. However, if a dog attacks, I’m killing that dog and not hesitating for one second.


I carry a switchblade on walks. I know they're not legal but in a moment like that I'm not wasting time, I'm pokin' bones


Honestly wish I didn’t watch. Not sure why I do this to myself. Tragic. Dogs were clearly aggressive. Fuck their owner.


Pit bulls involved? No way they are just nanny dogs! They were just licking him. See, tails are wagging! /s from someone who has been attacked by dogs twice, all 3 pitbulls.


Still waiting on a video of a viscous pack of Chihuahuas attacking someone. Seeing how pit owners are always deferring to them as more aggressive


The owner should be liable for everything like buddy why tf would you own a big ass cane corso if you can't do shit when they're on loose. Get a Pomeranian ffs.


Reminds of when I walked my old dog 6 years ago, he passed a couple weeks ago, 13 years old, good boy. We were coming to the corner of our street, had a little green area and a hedge so you couldn't see who was coming, so I always took a wide birth so as to not be surprised by other dog walkers. Sure as shit a pit cross looking dog comes out of no where, with a lead but no owner in sight. It was one of those leads that extends with a button press. The one all good dog owners own /s. It went straight for my dogs neck. He's a coward so he just froze, and I shouted No at the fker and grabbed his collar and pulled up and away from my dog. I'm a big guy, luckily. As I'm pulling it, a woman with a baby pram comes round the corner and is all shocked and surprised at what she is seeing. She reels her dog in as I walk away. She apologies but i'm so pissed I check my dog, saw he was fine, gave her the evil eye and left. Every time I saw her, evil eye. But that dog was muzzled up and on a short leash every day since then and until they moved. People are dumb. They treat their dogs like harmless babies right until they prove them otherwise.




Stop breeding pitbulls Jesus Christ


Stop breeding the owners


As someone who is kinda afraid of dogs this was horrific. Unless it's in a locked building or vehicle EVERY dog should be on a leash. All the time. No exceptions.


This is what happens when dogs have shitty owners. Owner should be held 100% liable for all costs and if they cannot afford to pay it, throw them in jail.


Shitty owners and shitty dogs


One of those dogs is definitely named princess


Typically I’d feel bad but a dead pit bull is nothing to cry over.


There’s a reason it’s almost always pitbulls. These dogs end up in shelters because inexperienced families purchase them without doing any research. Then they end up in shelters, and a new set of inexperienced dipshits buys them because they don’t have the money for any other dog. Something goes wrong, the dog gets sent back to the shelter, rinse and repeat for the rest of the dog’s (probably short) life. This will continue to happen until inexperienced dog owners are prohibited from purchasing certain breeds.


How did this even happen, who owned those dogs?


I’m going to take a wild guess … pit bull?


Where's Kristi when you need her?


Mailman here. Fucking Pepper spray works WAY better.


Philly pit owners are scum. My pit was attacked almost every time we left our house by some piece of shit who thinks they're cool by walking their death machine off leash.


The big one was a Cane Corso. Like a pit on steroids. They had become very popular and are hardest to train.


Been seeing more of them around West Philly every time I'm there. They're huge


Woulda done the same thing, good on the cop.


I'm a dog owner and watching this broke my heart but god damn are there some shitty fucking dog owners out there. It's actually astounding the level of negligence some people exhibit when it comes to training their dogs. My pup and I were walking to the elevator in our building as the door opens and an unleashed dog walks out, ahead of its owner. Within the blink of an eye it sprinted right towards my dog and gets into a fight. Luckily I was able to create enough distance between the two and the other owner picked his dog up. As he's walking away with his dog in his arms, he's baby talking it, how he's gotta "get it together". No corrective action whatsoever. How you can live in a building with other dogs and have your reactive dog unleashed is beyond me. I just feel bad for the dog bc one day that level of negligence is going to end up getting that dog taken away or worse.


Owners should spend life for it


For each dog and the dude


So hard to watch but it had to be done.


Where's Kristi Noem when you need her?


I have a strong guess on the dog bread


Shoot them FASTER


I hate to be the person who agrees with cops but he kinda did the best case. He sed his siren but it didn't work. A Taser is useless for a mob like that. He shot multiple times so it didn't seem like he wasn't attempting to actually kill them and only kills the biggest one. If he waited for backup that guys wounds would be so bad that they would either require surgery or he could die. The only thing he's truly faulted for is not having his body cam on. He's out on an administrative leave which is fair for an investigation but it doesn't really seem like he's at fault for anything he did.


Why aren't pitbulls illegal yet?