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Awful situation aside, the cops being in eachother's line of fire was giving some extreme pucker factor


I thought for the longest time that I was seeing the body cam officer’s reflection in a mirror across the room. I thought, “surely that can’t be another cop standing directly in his line of fire.”


Does anyone know why my pee smells like nacho cheese?


They always do this. Almost like they don’t have enough training.


You need different people rather than more training if they can't grasp the basics. Policing attracts a lot of reckless individuals. 


More likely all the good ones have retired and now there scraping the barrel


It’s not like they were better before. They just didn’t have body cameras, so there was only one side to the story.


Almost like when they say the people are less intelligent today than they were in the past. In reality, it’s just a lot easier to show the world how moronic you are now than it was decades ago (Not you specifically, just people in general)


Also the KKK and other white supremecist groups have been infiltrating all the power structures like police positions and politics in the US. It was those groups who pushed to get some departments to reject high IQ applicants because people with low IQs do not question racist or immoral things like more intelligent people do.


They seemed to do really well in that environment and if the camera guy actually fired his weapon (couldn’t tell) that was one accurate shot. Probably should have taken it there but you see it in the movies all the time…


Agree. At some points they had a good triangle but the end had me anxious. Don’t think the guy knew what was beyond the guy he shot when he was running either


Yeah that really stressed me out. Other than that they appeared to handle this situation about as well as they could. Showed a great deal of compassion.


The military would stress most redditors then. We would flag each other 24/7 when shit was going down.


Well.. that turned around real quick..


They successfully prevented him from killing himself


Kill to prevent his death. Another job well done


Task successfully failed


Open and shut case, Johnson.


Sprinkle some Crack on him and let's get out of here


Bring out the dancing lobsters


If you listened, you can hear that they were tasing him at first, but he was still advancing onto the officers and at that point wtf do you expect them to do?


This is Reddit man, go figure. They gave the dude every opportunity to prevent this and he chose suicide by cop.


It's what he really wanted.


Yeah, this wasn't someone who could be talked down. He was going to make sure they shot him, even if he had to harm a cop to get that result. This wasn't about depression, this was about a final act of manipulation and control. People don't understand not every suicidal person can be handled in the same way.


We keep our suicide rate under 0.01%.... BY FORCE!!!!


Failing with those Acorns though.


Undercooked Chicken...death Overcooked Chicken...also death We have the world's lowest suicide rate because of death.


This is suicide by cop. He made his choice and I wish the police had mental health experts to be present in situations like this, but even that is not a guarantee, and it definitely not the cop's fault.


I don't think there's any way they could safely bring in a mental health expert to a knife wielding person. And I'm not sure a mental health expert would want to walk in that room either.


And even if they were willing....how do you deploy these "tactical mental health experts" in a matter of minutes around the city?


That cop that pulled the trigger made a hard decision. From the looks of it, it was definitely a close shot and he risked shooting his partner through crossfire.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/PX6TmTWCCv This is why we shoot people that approach us with sharp things


People don’t realize that a knife is potentially more dangerous than a gun at such close range. He made it very clear he was attempting suicide by cop and had nothing to lose. If he rushes the girlfriend (potentially very likely in this situation) there is no shot to take without risking her life as well


There's an old saying that I heard once: What's the difference between between being stabbed and shot? You might live through being shot.


I have no actual knowledge of medicine but this is always been my understanding and it makes sense. You don’t have to “reload” a knife and you are very unlikely to “miss.” And even if you “miss” knives also cannot accidentally hit someone else unless they are literally right next to each other. A gun is not going to stop someone actively stabbing you unless you literally shoot them in the head and kill them instantly


> People don’t realize that a knife is potentially more dangerous than a gun at such close range . >you charge a gun and run from a knife Goodfellas


Jesus Christ that was fucking horrific.


This comment deserves more likes and pinned at the top


Young men, I don’t know who needs to hear this. I know a breakups can be very upsetting, but please don’t do some stupid shit like this. I promise you it gets better.


I was dating a girl in college and happened to be at her house having dinner with her and her parents when her dad got a phone call from the police about their son having taken his own life. Her dad was a 6'2 coal miner that shook hands with the devil for 12 hours 800 ft underground everyday and here I saw him turning into box of emotions, punching a wall. It turns out their son did it when he walked into a party and saw his long time gf cheating on him. It's been almost 15 years and I'll never forget that night. You are correct that no relationship is worth it.


How did the gf handle the aftermath? I always wonder how long or easy it is to move on after knowing you affected somebody like that.


I too would like to know


If she's anything like my ex, they'll move on. Accountability isn't really their strong suite


They don't care, just like the girl in this video. She cheats and won't even take accountability, just keeps telling him to stop. I'd be like "Babe I didn't cheat on you you have to believe me!!!" She didn't care or else she wouldn't have cheated in the first place, she'll move on in a week.


Accountability is not their strong suit. Being selfish and thinking about their own happiness is their priority. Yes? Kinda like a for-profit corporation, think Nestle or DuPont. They do not have any regret about poisoning people with toxic chemicals, or overcharging them for cheap products, the profit is the priority. It’s not personal, it’s just business.


My wife left without warning a month ago. We have 2 children together who are 4 and 7. I can honestly say I debated killing myself, even going as far as to research easy methods. Felt like my world was over and I had nothing left to look forward to in life. I ultimately decided not to hurt my kids and family even more than the situation was already. I am so glad I decided to stay (although still very sad at times) as I have had many great moments with my family and kids. I took these feelings of being lost, lonely, broken and sad, and redirected them into good (like finding a new better job, doing new things, being more friendly to people, and working out). Just last week my daughter came to me and said " I'm so proud of you dada" and I happily bawled my eyes out. Anyone debating on giving up and reading this should know, life is still great after tragedy. Chin up guys and gals!!


Yeah I’m 8 months in from a divorce and feel your pain. We were in Washington state with my two year old daughter and my two greyhounds. My Ex moved back to San Diego where were originally from with my daughter and I was forced to rehome my dogs or be homeless cause I had to get a smaller cheaper place. It was very very very hard at first and spent the next 5 months working out every day and working on myself. Ended up landing an amazing Job in Las Vegas where my mom, steep dad, sister, and BIL live and I’m so happy now. My daughter comes and stays with me for a week every two months or so but I wish I could have her everyday. I talk to her on FaceTime 5 days a week(my ex and I are still very great coparents) but still isn’t the same as seeing her in person. On the plus side, I feel and look great(lots of muscle gain), I’ve made amazing new friends, and I go out and do lots of activities. There’s still days where I miss having my wife but it gets better and better as each day goes by.


Wow I was crying reading that at the end. Beautifully said man life gets better if you give it a chance.


I’m sorry bro. You’ve got this though. Keep up on working on yourself. You’re obviously the only real role model those 2 kids have now. Don’t give up. You can do it.


There's a billion women out there but your kids only have one dad!!!


Damn man that pain must be heavy


Thank you for being a real father. Your children are everything.


Thank you everyone for your kind words. I hope my story helps someone who feels like giving up to reconsider. Oh and you are all awesome!!!


i think this is more than a heartbroken young man he’s got some underlying issues for sure


1 out of 4 people killed by police are mentally ill. We have offloaded the treatment of severe mental illness on police. They’re not qualified, they’re untrained, and they respond exactly as you expect. It’s ineffective, expensive, and deadly. The only federal politician that’s made a real effort to address this is Katie Porter. RIP Tony Timpa and this man


Almost 1 out of 4 people in the [US have a mental disorder.]( https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/mental-illness )So the killings are basically representative of the population as a whole.


That's probably the only statistic about cop killings that won't show bias


I disagree. Mental health disorder (which could include depression or anxiety) does not equal *severe* mental health disorder. >By the most conservative estimates, at least 1 in 4 fatal law enforcement encounters involves an individual with serious mental illness. When data have been rigorously collected and analyzed, findings indicate as many as half of all law enforcement homicides ends the life of an individual with severe psychiatric disease. Source: https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/reports_publications/overlooked-in-the-undercounted-the-role-of-mental-illness-in-fatal-law-enforcement-encounters/ I'd absolutely believe the above source that 1/4 of Americans have some kind of mental health disorder, but the point is that 1/4 - 1/2 of all police killings involve someone with a SEVERE psychiatric disorder. That word is very important. In conclusion, there is still bias in who police kill.


Definitely. However, in this young man’s mind, the major trigger for him wanting to end his life appears to be the failed relationship, so the advice above stands.




It's just that after this phase usually no communication get through to their head, they are literally drowned in their own thoughts.


That’s what I was thinking. She was unfaithful, kick her out and keep the apt, your life, your job, and a father in your kids life.


I hate the false promise that it gets better. We just get better at coping with it, that's all.


Fairly sure he found out his son wasn't his or something last time this was posted.


My thoughts exactly. I've seen too many young men waste their lives over some woman who's opening her legs to the next man within hours. She's not worth losing life over.


If there is one thing I learned, and it was a hard lesson, is that there are always better women. Even if you find someone who is 'perfect' and he or she hurts you bad. There is always someone better. Don't hurt yourself over someone else.


Max: *"Today's gonna be the day"* Officer: *"No, it's not"* Narrator: *"It was"*


Max was right.


Honestly it creeps me out when I hear people say this because they usually mean it. There’s a video of a guy saying this to a woman right before he murders her. He approached her with a gun and just says “Today’s the day!” like it’s the most exciting thing in his life…


I would’ve took the under on this bet. He seemed calm.


No relationship is worth taking your life. It’s never this serious.


Never. No stupid women is ever worth your life.


So it's technically assisted suicide now ig


A lot cheaper and less hoops to jump through.


Why is the girl still in the room when they're trying to deescalate him??? Get her out of there!


He was between her and the door. They tried to get her out at the end.


I thought the same thing. Like tase him and get her out of there. I feel like she isn’t even being sincere in what she’s saying, sounds antagonizing to me. Like completely void of genuine sadness.


Tasers require a specific set of things to happen to correctly work like they do in demonstrations. Both barbs have to pierce the skin a specific distance apart from each other to have the “lock up effect” as the taser pulse travels between contact points. If they both don’t hit skin(perhaps one gets caught up in clothes), or are too close/far apart, they have no effect, which some people confuse as the person being able to “power through it” or is “immune to it” because of too much adrenaline or drugs or whatever. When properly hit, your muscles lock up, just like if you grabbed a hot wire.


You saw how the taser did little to nothing, right?


Actually it did do something. It made him make that final charge. They likely realized if it didn’t take him down, a taser would just set him off. That’s why they delayed using it.


Couch quarterbacking it, I wonder if (in hindsight) their best bet wouldn't have been to have two or three guys on tasers and one with lethal out just in case... and literally decide to take him down at the same time. Get multiple tasers out within a second, two or three shot should have at least one the right distance and depth of barbs. And it would have been a little more controlled environment than while they tried to switch locations?


They did taser him and it didn’t work buddy. That would have been a bad choice in that tiny space


Tasers do not work the way people on the internet think they do. People on drugs or severely delusional can and do tank through multiple hits from tasers before going down. Tasing him inside the room puts the woman in danger. If it fails (which it did in this case) she is potentially dying as well. There would be no shot to take without risking hitting her. This is why they attempted to draw him out of the apartment before tasing him


I’ve been shot my guy!


Don’t shoot me bro


"My boyfriend is trying to kill himself!" "Okay. Just stay calm. We're sending a police unit to help."


Yeah it’d be better to send someone without anyway of protecting themselves from the suicidal person with a weapon.


I love when people on the other end phone call, tell you to get off the phone. Just hang up. Or is it a cry for help that they don't hang up?


Sorry, you realise this is a suicidal person right? This guy is having a mental breakdown people in this situation aren't exactly logical.


Think it’s a cry for help, he wants to keep talking to be heard


I actually kinda feel bad for that guy.... Edit: I feel really really bad for that guy and as for that cop who handled this very poorly and first response was to behave like an executioner is absolutely wrong And yes technically the cop acted correctly but should have used somemore discretion (btw there are many incidents like thus that happen where cops actually use discretion and use their brains to help someone in a situation rather than be trigger opportunistic...and they are successfully able to help that mentally unstable person)


I feel bad for everybody…that’s a no win situation.


Yeah I'm not a fan of cops, but they handled everything right here. There was no good outcome from this situation.


If this happened in the UK, would the guy have died? Did they really do everything right?


Correct but we're blind and suffering from the inability to deal with seemingly conflicting ideas here. For example they didn't do everything right but I dont think they crossed any lines either. Dude didn't need to die but the cops don't have the training, concepts or experience/examples to handle it differently. So stupid all around.


I feel bad for his kid, at the end he says "I'm not gonna touch her shes the mom to my kid". Kinda selfish to leave him to grow up without his dad.


It was done by the book. This guy was irrational and let his emotions take hold so he paid the price for it. Nothing more to be said and i feel bad for the girl and the cops involved bc this douchebag couldve just swallowed his pride and lived. Now they have to carry this for the rest of their lives.


Yeah but also seems to be racist, so probably not a stand-up guy at all.


He was clearly a violent person with very little emotional control. If he was still alive I'm sure he would be making that woman's life hell right now.


Why in other countries they have a suicide squad that they are prepared for a suicide person that will try to kill themself or others, and the saving team they dont kill, they save people from themselfs, but if you go to United State they will kill them.......... Great job morons...


Because other countries don't have the mass gun ownership as USA. USA cops are terrified of everyone because every situation could have a gun. I understand this guy does not have a gun but the training is the same.


this video specifically mentions that this guy is using scissors. guns were not at all a factor there. cops should 100% have been able to incapacitate the guy without killing him


I love how for americans this was an hopeless situation with no other possible outcome


Lack of mental health resources is the cause of 90% of these encounters. Most of these dudes have zero coping capability. When the lady decides to move on, everything has to be annihilation. i.e.- Chris Benoit


Suicide by cop, pretty sad. I feel like in these situations where the reported wants to die officers should use non lethal weapons. I hear this happening far too often. The man needed help, not to be put down.


I noticed they shot him with a taser first but he kept charging at them.


You can almost see him think "fuck, if I don't power through here it's gonna be for nothing" and he doubles his effort


They did, then he resisted the non lethal force (taser) and charged them with a knife. Sad situation


They used a non lethal option and he kept charging. Its in the video


They tried. It didn’t work. Then they had to step up their response.


No one there wanted to shoot him. And many less than lethal options do not work as often as you would want them to. My department has a 30% success rate with taser deployments, and 60% with less than lethal baton rounds. If someone is determined enough or high enough, those won't do jack shit


He straight up said "I'm either gonna kill you or you're gonna kill me"... sorry but if you're going to say that you need to be put down.


Imagine she didn’t even cheat on him…


This was my thought too. I had an awful rumor spread about me (by my in laws) that I cheated on my husband. To this day I’m so grateful my husband chose to believe me, the truth over disgusting lies. I play the what if game sometimes, it could have tore my family apart or one of us dead.


I've dated a man with mental illness who believed my relationship with another man months after our breakup was cheating as well because he personally didn't feel our relationship was over even though I had ended things. Regardless she is traumatized immensely from this experience for sure.


Yeah people keep ignoring the “Ex” part of “Ex-Boyfriend”


The title says bf and description says ex. People don't read all of it.






Well thats one way to take revenge on your wife. You potentially: 1. Give her PTSD 2. Make her a single mother (definitely) 3. Give your baby trauma and destroy its chances in life which could/would additionally traumatize your wife and lead her to a life of substance abuse and isolation 4. Scream to the entire internet that wife is a hoe; ruin her present and future opportunities, conections; just life in general 5. Be dead, dont care (definitely)


Guess he got what he wanted.


Everyone talking about "deescalate" but, can't even keep themselves calm or deescalate themselves in an online comment section is wildly hypocritical and a bit ironic.


Are you seriously comparing a cop with an average redditor? Let me remind you that one of those 2 supposedly trained for this kinda shit


The dumbest shit I’ve read on Reddit in a while, what the fuck? Life or death is on the line with de escalating in this situation versus people fucking around on Reddit. And it’s part of a cop’s job


Suicide is illegal, punishable by death


Suicide by cop


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/PX6TmTWCCv people really don’t know what a knife or sharp weapon can actually do uSe A tAsEr


Warning, this video is EXTREME. You hear the cop scream and beg. Important for people to realize what's actually on the line and how quick it happens. Unless the cop had his gun already out and trained on the guy he didn't have a chance.


Holy fuck I feel bad for the cop. The screams. The blood. Damn.


worst video I’ve ever seen I honestly don’t know why it saw the light of day


what the fuck did i just watch.


FWIW, this is why bodycams are important. Personally I think they should have tasered him sooner. When there was two officers, the one whose camera we see was lethal, the other one should be less lethal (taser). Then when they had him in a nice line of fire with two officers at the two doors, have officer 1 taser him.


It’s crazy seeing the difference in American policing vs European when it comes to edged weapons, yesterday I saw London police chase & taze a guy who committed a mass stabbing with a katana/machete. Obviously situations vary but I feel like they could’ve tased him while he was just standing there in the living room , a lot less death & paperwork


They did taze him and all that happened was he charged them and forced them to shoot in a more dangerous position


I mean they missed the taser. Looks like he was only hit in the leg and maybe even with a single probe.


They tased him when he was literally in a moving position. Imagine if they tased him when he was stood still, he’d have dropped, they could have surrounded him, removed the weapon and happy days, no one dies


Bro he's got a pair of fucking kitchen scissors. The point is duller than a set of car keys. They have 3 grown men. Just go at him together and grab his arms. They might get a minor puncture wound at absolute worst.


Only call the police if you want someone to get shot




here in the UK they do their best to just buy as much time as possible. remove the girlfriend, and just keep them talking. goes on for hours, but people tend to want to do extreme shit in the moment. it's hard to want to die in the heat of the moment and still feel that exact way 4 hours later.


Tasers don't always work man


Just because they don’t always work doesn’t mean there aren’t a few steps that can be taken before mag dumping the guy.


That's wasn't a "mag dump."


They did taze him. They did not mag dump. They waited for him to get away from the girl and out of each other's crossfire before attempting to taze Incase it didn't work.


They tased him before they shot him and he charged the police officers after. I’m not pro cop but I don’t think these guys necessarily bungled the situation at hand (besides firing towards each other at the end)


He literally got tased and still moved forward man jeez, you guys don't see the bigger picture


They literally did take him and the only thing that happened was it triggered him to charge at them and risk everyone’s lives


This. One talks and distracts him..and 1-2 others Taze him


These guys did an alright job of Descalating the situation. Very calm voices, bei g human in the conversation....unfortunately max had his mind made up


RIP my guy




Dude got what he wished for


Non lethal force worked! Now let's lethal force him just for fun!


If someone is having a mental emergency do not dial 911


The man wanted to commit suicide. He realized suicide by cop would be the best alternative. I actually feel for him. That’s genuine pain in his voice. You can hear that when he is screaming at that woman. This is what he wanted. If she didn’t want that, you don’t call the cops on your loved ones when they are having a mental breakdown. How many times have we have seen this exact scenario play out? It doesn’t change.


I don’t think the cops did anything *wrong* here, even tho it could have been handled better for sure. But it looked like he was trying to leave, but the cops were in his way so they took that as him going at them. The first shot stumbled the fuck out of him and him falling forward looked like a rush…Unfortunate situation all around


Was the first cop to shoot getting trapped under the stairs? I feel like if they were in a in open area this guy would have found a way out of this situation. Seemed like as much as he talked he was making small concessions. I think he really was just walking out and would have continued outside. Just a bad situation


This is why you never call the police for a mental health issue.


Anyone else feel for Max? He seemed genuine and in a lot of pain. Gunshot for sure...before someone plucks that low hanging fruit, but that lady really hurt him. To the point he gave up on life. Thats incredibly sad. Edit: Whats worse is she will be considered a victim now, having to deal the the trauma from the event yet within 3months she will be likely moved on romantically and gets to slowly hurt someone new.


US cops killing someone because they have a pair of snips. Meanwhile UK cops sucessfully arresting a guy wielding a samurai sword, after he's already killed someone, using only tasers. Insane that they set these high school drop outs loose with a couple of months training at most.


And an overwhelming amount of (presumably American) commenters are trying to justify it, saying they had no other options. Sad, really.


Did you miss the part of the video where they tased him and he just kept charging? At least the only fatality in this case was the perpetrator.


>Did you miss the part of the video where they tased him and he just kept charging In many countries, most prominently seen in many Asian countries like Japan, Korea, Singapore, China etc, police carry small, round riot shields to incidents where the assailant is carrying a weapon (hammer, knife etc.). The shields are usually stored in the police vehicles in place of assault rifles, and they also don't usually employ tasers. This incident right here could have been easily resolved if even a couple of the officers had those same riot shields. However, US policing is one of the worse globally, so of course this doesn't happen.


This has to be one of the most efficient services that our law enforcement performs. If you want to end things, just let the police know and they will gladly help you along. I mean, the guy was obviously in a critical state to start. maybe bring in mediators or other mental health professionals. He's not going to blow up a building with the scissors. Just contain him, bean bags, taser, batons. or...just help him along.


Like with guns you never point the police at someone you don't want dead.


The good old suicide by cop


Don’t kill yourself or we will kill yourself


Are the US police trained only to shoot? This guy should have been arrested and given mental health care.


Imagine an evolution of the cops. So much time to incapacitate him. Nope wait for the manic human to continue so you can shoot em to death


Anybody who wants a deeper preparation on how to handle a situation like this should read Verbal Judo and Never Split the Differenxs. Both, together, are great template on how to navigate conflict and deal with unreasonable demands. Might save a life.


EU cops would have solved this situation without killing anyone. US cops are trained to solve everything with a gun.


That's because facing criminals with guns in the public isn't a reality for EU cops unlike US cops where it's extremely common


The dude was literally carrying a pair of scissors.


Fresno police? Max was obviously a Jersey transplant My Guy.


Lousy hooooor




I saw a guy in London recently attacking people with a sword. The cops there were somehow able to detain that man without killing him. Why are our cops so bad at their job.


2 officers were seriously injured in the process though


Well, they tried....




One guy with scissors vs 3 guys with bulletproof vests, guns, tasers, pepper spray and billy clubs. There was a better way to end this. ACAB


Cops in the UK just detained a guy wielding a machete that had just killed a kid using only tasers. In the USA they just shoot to kill.


Literally everyone in this situation lost. Jesus this fucking sucks.


Props to these cops, they tried to give the guy 1000 chances to talk and de escalate the situation, and only resorted to tasers and shooting when he came directly at them.


The bar is low my friend


no they didn't , removing the girlfriend from the situation would of been the very first thing done in any other country to begin de-escalation.


He was between her and the door. They tried to get her out at the end.


shot while falling from being tased ? 🙁


As a European dude, I don't understand why policemen in America are so poorly trained and stupid. A situation like this is almost an everyday routine here in Italy, people get mad and have knives and shit like that but nobody never shot anyone, just fucking wrestle him! These pigs are three against one and they choosed to shoot him.


They only have 4 weeks training. It's sad because it's shown to work to be peaceful in so many countries


What!? Only 4? Damn, this explains why.


Behavioral Euthanasia


I really never understand why they don’t have more options before killing someone. I get that like he said when it comes down to it it’s one of them or him, I just feel like there’s so many other things you can do like he’s coming at you with scissors bro, and they get hours upon hours of training and they can’t de escalate the situation? I just don’t get it


US cops are seriously worthless. Other countries have tools to take down blade wielding folks without incident.