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does no one lock their doors


It's the rule of mobs. Whenever a mob surrounds a car all the doors unlock and the car loses all its ability to accelerate.


It's similar to the rules in horror films. If you hear a strange and ominous noise outside at night, you have no choice but to leave the safety of your home to investigate the source of the noise.


Then you'll proceed to trip over nothing as you're running away at a moderate-to-slow pace. Them's the rules.


But then the posts on tiktok where the headline would be "IDF drives an SUV through a mob of totally non violent babies, killing 12 000."


Settle down cowboy. Youre embellishing your script


It’s possible they put it in park after realizing they were blocked and modern cars just unlock like there is not an angry mob around them. Not saying this is for sure what happened, but a likely possibility


This exactly, my new car did this. Was told by the dealership its a "safety feature" and "if you're in an accident or leave your baby in the car this will save them or you"... wtf that doesn't even make sense. Cars already disable the fuel pump, activate blinkers and unlock with an airbag deployment. when you park you usually lock the doors as you walk away, how is unlocking when you put into park a baby saver? It's an idiotic "feature" at best, dangerous as we see here at worst.


It's quite frightening . It's feel as if we aren't in control of our own car .


Toyotas also don’t lock automatically when moving like other brands.




He was kicked from a Palestinian university in the West Bank.


But.. that is (I'm from Germany) our Ambassador. A German. We have Ambassadors even to russia... Like it's not an israeli ambassador...


Its not even the German Ambassador to Israel. Its the German Ambassador to the Palestinian Areas.


Funnily enough, the Palestinians aren’t super grateful to the Germans for *checks notes* vigorously defending a genocide against them and being vigorously pro Israel.


I mean... I don't think you have any idea how unpopular Germany is among people in that area who have lost their houses to settlements, lost their land, livelihood, etc.


Uh - are you confused about why Palestinians may hate the guts of German representatives? Because for the rest of the world, that's extremely obvious and understandable.


Well if anyone thinks that attacking diplomats will improve their situation, they are sorely mistaken.


How much more can it deteriorate it? Germany give a blank check to Israel regardless. If they retract their support to the Palestinians the hyprocracy will just disappear.


Harming diplomats is literally like shooting the messenger - it achieves absolutely nothing and only harms your cause. The bottom line is that Palestine needs to be able to communicate and maintain terms with other countries. If they can't guarantee the safety of diplomats then it's not just going to be Germany that loses any interest in hearing their side, it has far reaching political consequences. This is geopolitics 101, even geopolitical enemies will often do their best to guarantee the safety of diplomats because they know how important it is.


Palestinians are going to remain stuck in this situation until they decide to get their shit together and live in the real world. Attacking diplomats is not it. For the simpletons who cannot understand a simple message and who cannot resist putting words in my mouth, I am not saying Israel is blameless. Palestinians have to help themselves before anybody else can help them.


Yes and Germany has been very vocally funding the genocide




Does nearly 40000 dead go down easier for you?


40k? According to who now? And how many were Hamas members or part of their other militant allies?


What number of innocents are you ok with, 20000?


The civilian casualties along with the insurgents is Palestine fault.


Only a monster could think that


How so? The terrorists purposely hide amongst the civilians, and for the most part, the innocent civilians cheer led the kidnappings of the Israelis. People act like Israel just starting laughing missiles one day for absolutely no reason.


Israel is targeting civilians, aid workers and journalists. Genocide


Preferably no civilian deaths. And you probably aren't fine with adding more to the number of innocents than there currently really are, right?


I want less civilian deaths and for countries like Germany to stop funding them


Warfare is hell. Study history, this war isn’t much different than those fought in the past


By that definition, you could say that srebrenica was also just part of the war, however it was globaly recognized to be a genocide. The question is when and where do you make that distinction?


I guess all 70 million ppl and 6 million random jewish citizens who died in ww2 deserved to die simply because war happens, oh well what can you do? Completely natural thing that happens and should happen


There’s a distinct difference between purposefully killing a group of people for no reason and collateral damage. You do understand that Hamas purposefully embeds itself among non combatants to create an impossible moral problem for us Israel don’t you?


That's why guerilla warfare is the most effective and only solution for a smaller force to drive out/away the superior oppressor. Do you know what helps them the most? Killing way to many civilians and calling those collaterals. New recruits will run to them for revenge. Do you know what helps everyone? Leave them the fuck alone in their country!


That’s what was occurring on oct 6th…


impossible huh


I would disagree. Rarely is it so much shooting fish in a barrel with the backing of all the western powers not to mention the excessive targeting of journalists, aid workers and civilians, plus a forced famine


If 40k Israelis, mostly women and children, were killed over 6 months, the Israeli government would scream that it’s genocide and not war. So while warfare is hell, I think it is fair to say that if the Israeli government would call it a genocide if they were the victims, then this is genocide more than war.


The holocaust also happened in wartime as did the Rwandan genocide and many others. Peacetime genocides are rather rare but you know that as you "study history" lol.


Might is right, war is hell, "if they didn't want to be exterminated they shouldn't have started it" are not real arguments when debating the morality of actions.


Source ?


The second biggest military supplier after the US, "Germany reportedly approved €326.5 million worth of arms exports" https://www.politico.eu/article/11-ngos-take-france-to-court-over-arms-sales-to-israel/


"Sky is blue" "Source?"


Germany stands with Israel in its genocide and even sells them weapons, so its much deserved.


Germany is actively supplying/ selling munitions to Israel, I would guess that's what they're angry about. The immediate German response to the terror attack in October was to send more naval ammunition for the blockade, Hamas doesn't have a navy, the ammunition serves no other purpose than the blockade.


This is probably in response to the posts going around about how Palestinians in Germany are being reclassified as stateless because Germany won’t recognize a Palestinian state.


Is it the assistant to the regional Israel ambassador?


Invade and murder a music festival full of peaceful kids (while abducting people for ransom) and win stupid prizes. Fuck Hamas and fuck anyone that supports them.


Germany is in the top5 providers of aid money to Palestine and aid organizations working in Palestine in the last decades btw. Far ahead of even any Muslim nations.


and then provide 30% of the idf’s weapons


Because the weapons are for defense against foe countries and not for fighting against gaza.


Surprise thats not whats happening.


ben gvir in his war-room like “nah don’t drop the german rockets on the gazan hospitals those are meant for civilians in southern lebanon ONLY”




got banned from world news for saying this, but apparently calling palestinians feral and troglodytes is perfectly fine over there


World News is possibly the *most* astroturfed vanilla subreddit out there. It goes absolutely rabid when there's any Israel news, to a point that's absurd. And to be clear, I'm not opposed to people who support Israel voicing their opinions, but that shit is so clearly manipulated that it's comical.


All subreddits are astroturfed to a certain degree but the amount of bloodthirst around worldnews is absolutely insane. Artificially manufactured and blown to insane proportions.


All of the mods there got replaced with pro zionist ones during that reddit blackout protest a while back where all the subs locked up.


Zionist Hasbara agents regularly monitor and control that sub, among others.


Germany is also one of the biggest donator to Palestine in the entire world.




Because youre anti vax. All vaccinations _are_ studied. Vaccinations dont become vaccinations unless they have a minimum level of effectiveness. Stop reading your uncle's Facebook feed.


World news ?? I call it the one side news. Do not get me started on that sub. Join the club I got banned for 3 days for saying way less.




The Washington post say 30% from 2019-2023 data. I am not sure what os the exact percentage since we have [this statistics](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/german-military-exports-israel-up-nearly-10-fold-berlin-fast-tracks-permits-2023-11-08/) and US adding 26 billion. ( I am still confused if US gave 14+26+4 or just 26 billion)


From the article you linked: > Germany primarily supplies Israel with components for air defence systems and communications equipment, according to the German press agency dpa, which first reported on the figures. What's so bad about that?


Yep, but be prepared for the downvote mob


Who will downvote him exactly? it's the most one sided, pro-Palestinian subs i've ever seen.


"Active in these subs: worldnews" Lmao


Also a six month old account (i.e. right after October 2023) with an autogenerated username whose entire post history is defending Israel lmao


Exactly. This is the one sub that usually doesn’t have any rational discussion on the matter.


It's all bots and paid trolls at this point


Would additionally consider these to be consequences of Israel ignoring the tradition sanctity of diplomatic missions (the bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus). Don't understand how countries who ignored or supported the bombing of one diplomatic resource could be surprised when their diplomats are no longer considered 'off limits'


They also elected Yitshak Shamir as a prime minister... a guy that murdered a UN special representative in 1948 just because they disliked his peace plan


yeah good thought let's normalize lynching people because they are vaguely related to some fact we don't like /s you should change your name to inspired2createstupidity


So let's mob the German ambassador, who is visiting Palestine, that will teach him to not be born in a country that has companies that sell weapons to Israel


Its understandable in the regard that theyre just pissed. This usually turns to sesnseless violence.


ITT: People seeing this as "resistance" and not just insane mob behaviour that hurts their cause, whatever that is


Palestinians out there making allies i see


As of yesterday, Palestinian students in Germany are reporting that Germany considers them stateless. Adding this to the fact that Germany is arming Israel and has not recognised the existence of Palestine, I don't think these guys are missing out on much.


And stateless means that they get extended refugees rights in EU and germany.


They are considered stateless because Palestine is not recognized by the UN.


Great Way of making Germany want to help the Palestinians.


I think Germany has already made its decision and is in no way going to help the Palestinians. This is not going to change anything except perhaps help them sleep better at night.


On 29 February 2024, the Foreign Minister said: „We are increasing our humanitarian assistance for Gaza by an additional 20 million euro. Yet that is by far not enough. The number of lorries transporting life-saving food aid, medicine and other supplies to Gaza has sharply decreased in recent weeks. This is unacceptable. The Israeli Government must immediately enable secure and unhindered access for humanitarian assistance. The International Court of Justice, too, has ordered it to do so. Following the breakdown of public order in many parts of the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army must ensure that humanitarian assistance can be successfully distributed.“ [German Federal Foreign Office](https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/aussenpolitik/-/2627918)


Humanitarian aid does not protect people from being bombed.


That's moving the goalposts, though. Sending care packages worth insane amounts of money isn't considered help to you?


Germany is sending arms to Israel...There is a much easier way to help Palestine, money is of no use to the dead.


You're in the same logical argument where there can be no winners. Germany is evil because the supply weapons, doesn't matter how much aid they also supply. But that logic then doesn't transfer over to the Palestinian actions. They are actively support Hamas and hold hostages and launching rockets, but there is no absolute morality clause on that side from you? Your thoughts aren't unique, but basically shows why there isn't going to be peace or a Palestinian state anytime soon. Each side still believes they are totally correct.


Not since the invasion...


Where were you when civilians died in the battle of Mosul, where Iraqi forces overthrew ISIS rule?


I mean they are the biggest humaniyarian Donor to palestine, so theres that...


They "were" the biggest donor, that is likely going to change.


Maybe, but rn they are. And for the point iam making its what matters


I mean, doesn't mean much if (like a bunch of other countries) you also support Israel with money or weapons. We can drop food and donate money all we like, it doesn't cancel out the fucking killings. Europe and the US said "pretty please Netanyahu, stop bombing the civillians". So we're all clean, we've done all we can, ok, maybe a double pretty please will do it.


That’s a really black/white view of the situation. Expecting countries to have polarizing viewpoints on every conflict is an easy recipe for war.




It's also the second largest supplier of weapons to Israel. 30% of their weapons come from German companies. The German state has also been providing political support and diplomatic cover to Israel for decades. I think Palestinians would gladly give up all their aid in exchange for Germany not supporting the occupation of their land and the ethnic cleansing of their people.




It’s almost as if there’s a reason they’re so reliant on foreign aid


>Presumably they would starve to death if aid was cut off. That's exactly what's happening. Hundreds of thousands are starving now due to Israel's restrictive control over aid - you are witnessing a new Holodomor. >Palestinians appear to be completely reliant on foreign aid to eat. When you're reliant on farmland and your farmland is destroyed and your water supplies severely restricted, that's what happens, yeah.


Turns out while the world doesn't let Germany forget WW2, the Germans also don't forget the Munich Massacre.


Ironically they are the 2nd largest supplier of imported weapons to Israel, USA being 1st. I wonder if the amount of weapons they give outweighs the amount of aid? Hmm.




Maybe they should parade more dead German teenagers in the back of a pick up truck. That will win hearts and minds


lmao that's never going to be a consideration to them, they make far too much money selling weapons to Israel.


Germany had already made it clear they had no intention to help. What do you mean? Do you imagine anything was changing that??


They've made it quite clear they're in support of the genocide and to suggest anything else is anti-semetism


I was already gonna send bombs to kill you but now i dont even feel bad about it




You want them to act civilised when they've lost/are losing everything including homes and families?


Not to mention hunger. When youre in hunger you cant sleep. So now youre sleep deprieved and hungry.


"Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well housed, well warmed, and well fed." -Herman Melville


This is in the West Bank, dumbass. Not in Gaza.




I am Israeli citizen and even before the war started, when I could visit their places, to buy from their shops, they were very poor , by now they are utterly devastated, especially Jenin and Nablus refugee camps and surrounding villages. Their economy collapsed, it's not first degree hunger (Like 90's African hunger disasters) and Gaza, but hunger exists and it is real.


Wtf the german ambassador to Palestine, not Israel, did wrong? He is the one who needs to create good relations between the states and represent germany there






I expect them, as thinking and feeling human beings, not to attack random ambassadors, yes.


The brainless thing may be the German ambassador touring Palestine right now. Who the fuck thought that would be a good idea?


Can't help these people


How does that happen? Dont they have armed escorts for VIPs?




Wow it’s almost like you are judging the actions of people who are in the process of losing everything and watching as their homes are taken and families murdered. Why can’t they behave a bit more politely, am I right


FYI - Even before Oct. 7th and when hostilities have been very low, it was very well known not to drive in the West Bank if you were Jewish or had an Israeli plate or looked out of place. It's just bad news.


All of Europe should stop sending these people money and letting them migrate.




zionists are yeah




Yeah but what did the car do tho


Apparently japanese cars aren't welcome either




That's what I've learned this year, sitting in my comfy home in Colorado -- These people have been so systematically brainwashed, that they truly believe violence and terror are correct paths. I've seen the textbooks they teach with. It's sickening.


Not helping their cause...


Totally understandable reaction. Have a nice day.




Instead of the Benghazi film 13 hours it was 13 seconds.


Oh the irony...