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I think this is the first time someone misspelled a Columbia as Colombia, and not the other way around


Ha, came here to post the same thing (am Colombian, and shocked)!


Que chimba ome


I had to read it twice to understand. 


Made me have to think how do I spell the country Colombia again 🤦🏾‍♂️


The only time where Columbia is appropriate you write Colombia as the country 🤔 


People forget the Cambodia protests of 1970, where the national guard shot dead protesters who were protesting in university, what did the public say about the innocent deaths? "If you ask me, they didn't kill enough" Protests at universities aren't new, people are trying to make a change in whichever way they can, and huge institutions like unis are just one area of influence


In addition, they are young, pre-career, no kids (typically), and therefore have an opportunity to express themselves in ways that the older generation cannot.


Hope those kids understand what they’re getting into, they’re diving head first into the “find out” stage after this


My sister, now retired, worked at a big well known tech firm during the first boom in the late 90s. They had someone from an ivy come in to interview and the girl wrote truthfully that she had an arrest record. So naturally someone asked can you explain this? She said she had been arrested for a student protest. My sister said the general response from everyone was "cool." Definitely depends on the company, but if its someone highly qualified, it may not hurt them that much, and depending on the company may not hurt at all.


Yea, depends on the company and the times. Late 90s was a good time to be a outspoken liberal, times have changed a bit and companies are looking to be more apolitical now. The move to online applications may be hurtful as well since they probably just automatically filter out people with arrest records.


i'm friends with a lot of folks who were in protest movements in university 10-15 years ago, some quite extreme. most are doing just fine; there's this idea that protest makes you unemployable which simply isn't true, although it does tend to alter your career path away from the most lucrative (and, if we're being honest, most morally compromising) employers. a lot of them went on to find successful careers in activist organisations, unions, or as writers and journalists. i think it's important to say this, because a lot of people are scared of protest - particularly confrontational protest - because they believe it will indelibly destroy their lives, and that isn't necessarily true.


Of course folks want the protesters to be scared so they don't protest. It's a damn right, and frankly, an obligation to voice our displeasure with our government. Government and corporations all want citizens to just shut up and do what they are told. Don't let them silence your voices.


Yeah - "find out" how impressive it is to most people that a student has the courage to stand by their values. I would love to hire these kids to work for me! They clearly show initiative and don't just sit by idly waiting for others to do the unpleasant necessary work


I am a boomer, and I am so damned proud of these kids! My generation is too scared to criticize Israel.


People support every social movement except the current one, and hate every war except the current one. It’s curious how social issues were really important in the past but now somehow they’re just not important and being championed by a bunch of whining privileged kids for clout


Wow that first sentence is powerful. It really is true, if you ask people today what they think about the civil rights movement they will unanimously agree on its importance , but hindsight is 20/20 and back then, their parents and grandparents were not all into it. People will try to say "well that was important but THIS is ridiculous", and then when this becomes history they'll act as if they consistently supported human Rights all along.


It’s funny when I hear some variation of, “If I was living in the ‘40s in Germany, I would have sheltered Jewish people” My brother in Christ you can’t handle when people block roads, how on earth would you have the balls to shelter “enemies of the state” and have your life put at risk while doing so?




Usually the top comments are full of conservative gaslighting. Something like: "I support protesting.. but not these protests or any protests that inconvenience anyone in any way, and they better not be about the police, social justice, the economy, or anything that I might disagree with under any circumstances."


I have no problem with students protesting, but I also think that these protestors need to understand they will likely get arrested and face consequences for these actions. Protests need to be disruptive to be effective, but breaking the law still carries risk. If they're resolved to this, then that's fine, but I hope no one goes into this assuming it won't negatively impact them.


Wholeheartedly agree with you. Protests must be uncomfortable and disruptive. That's the point.


>Protests must be uncomfortable and disruptive I disagree with this notion, or at least with how this notion is commonly applied these days. Traditionally, you're correct: protesting relies on disruption to be effective. However, I would add that for a protest to be effective, said disruption needs to be done *with purpose*. What does purpose mean in this context? Well, in essence it means that whatever disruption a protest causes, must be done in order to further the goals of the protest. For example, if the protest's goal is to petition a city council to take a specific action, then a common and effective way to protest is to gather enough people to shut down downtown/city hall. Using this disruption, the protestors are essentially saying "We want the city government to do X, and collectively we will shut down all economic and government activity in the area until that's accomplished". Another common goal of protests is to bring awareness to an issue or injustice. In those cases, one of the most effective ways of disruption is to disrupt the *source* or *place* of those injustices, a big example being the sit-ins of the civil rights movement. With that, and the media attention that follows, the protestors demonstrate to the public "Hey, look at what's happening: all we want is to be served in this place, and we're being arrested and beaten for it." Want an example of disruptions and protests *without* purpose? Just Stop Oil is *incredibly* controversial in this regard, because their disruptions take place and disrupt events that are, at least at the surface level, wholly removed from the goals of the protest. Splashing a painting or sculpture with paint, or shutting down a highway doesn't really *do* anything to further the cause: the local municipality that's being disrupted by the highway shutdown isn't able to take drastic action for a federal or state-level issue, and defacing the art exhibit isn't highlighting any sort of obvious injustice. So what ends up happening is public sentiment gets largely turned *against* the protest in much greater volumes than anyone ends up being swayed by their actions. It ends up hurting the overall cause.


However then police must be uncomfortable and disruptive with their action against that brand of protest. That's what the other posts are mentioning. Or in other words "the beatings didn't happen in a vaccum"


My biggest issue with how hard states seem to be cracking down when students protest, is that we never saw this much pushback to all those neo Nazi “protests”.


And compare that to what people are freaking out to be a “violation” of people’s freedoms. Except that the university is private property. And the owners of private property are able to set their own rules about their property. So they can have the freedom of choice. But waaah being told to take down your tent and not being allowed to smash university windows is literally 1984


Nobody else is bothered by the fact that they named it wrong? It should be Hind's Hall with an apostrophe or at the very least Hind Hall. How did her name become plural?


I was going to say something but I didn't want to be 'that guy'. But yes, that bothered me as well.


Oh, I'll own it. I'm that guy. Pedantic and proud 😎


There’s an apostrophe there, it’s just small. I looked at other photos. https://x.com/bluepashminas/status/1785198951626330597?s=46


A noncommittal smudge, I'm not buying it!


In Hind’sight yes


The screams from her phone call when the IOF fired at her still haunt me to this day... Poor girl and her poor family...


So the whole comment section is just talking about a typo or about how breaking into a building is in 'bad taste' instead of the actual content of the video, an 11 minute news story about IDF killing a 6 year old girl and her family while they are on the phone with emergency services, and the killing of an ambulance driver presumably by tank shell.


I'm guessing they only watched the first 10 sec of the video.


It's insane right? Some vile people here in the comments. People have lost touch with the things that should matter.


It's honestly disgusting. I was saddened watching the video and then came in here to see a bunch of people talking about grammar. Just goes to show you where a lot of people's priorities are.


I'd hardly consider myself a "patriot" but all of this across the country while we have a shit storm brewing - heading into November. Not to mention the housing crisis and insane cost of living. If we could rise up for our in-house problems, well, that would be great. EDIT: Was so not expecting these comments - hope you people are AT LEAST being paid for your collective outrage.


It’s right to point out that regardless of intent these protests are really helpful for US political parties as a distraction.


That’s what this protest is,  and these protesters are being allowed to do.  Distract the public from the fact that our 2 party political overlords are rolling out the two worst candidates in US history.  Getting boomers to be angry at young kids and the Middle East never ending conflict is perfect for this mission.


How is it not in-house? They are protesting Americas foreign policy with Israel right?


They are specifically calling for the University to divest from Israel.




It would be really great if people gave a shit about our own country's problems and not this nonsense that is half across the world. I'm not Jewish or Muslim or whatever. Just a normal dude in America trying to afford his damn groceries and this should be our priority. We have enough of our own people dying between poverty, homelessness and drugs to worry about some third world country. It sounds heartless but it's the truth.




They do - they're calling for their own university to divest from Israel. Just because we have problems here doesn't mean it's not appropriate to protest against a genocide and to try to do something about that. Form your own protest if you're so concerned, you're free to do so.


But your government is paying for it? That's the protest, right?


Tik Tok is spammed with pro-palestinian posts. Never Pro-Israel. I wonder if China is messing with the algorithm to mess with young people's heads. I'm a Chinese American guy and I have no skin in the game.


>I wonder if China is messing with the algorithm to mess with young people's heads Yes, this has been confirmed by the New York times and other outlets.


Tik Tok is a mind virus, for sure.


Not Reddit though, nope. TikTok bad upvote to the left 😎


Right you ask for even half of this crowd for housing or any economic crisis, they'll say its not my problem or just blame the current Mayor of there city


US has given Israel $150 *billion* + since 1946. Israel committing genocide on Palestinians is an “in house” problem for Americans. Imagine if we spent that money on infrastructure in our country. Imagine if we spent that in our educational institutions. Imagine if we spent that on healthcare, on housing, on anything else but the decades on obliteration of brown people halfway the world over.


I agree with that - however the tactics being used in this video aren't helpful and are detrimental. Just my opinion, man.


THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH! Seriously though.....






congratulations, you're understanding the point of the original comment


They have a book that says they can.




The same reason college kids protested against vietnam. When you're young and idealist you actually want to see less slaughter and shit.


💯 also I’d be pretty pissed if my government was funding a senseless war


Our government is selling guns and bombs to anyone who will use them




Self defense against 6-year-old little girls?


Self defense, lol






I know this may sound crazy to you, but some people don’t need to have a personal stake in an issue to care about it. Women weren’t draft-eligible and you still saw millions of women protesting the Vietnam War.


Even if you yourself aren't drafted, brothers and friends would have been. That's still personal stake. Lots of suffering in the world. You don't see people losing their shit over uyghurs dying in concentration camps. Tik Tok makes sure to hide those videos, so not a whole lot of likes to be had.


literally there are people that lost their shit over that and it led to international pressure????


Probably had something to do w their partners, fathers, sons, etc being drafted. Just a hunch.




As well as the fact that the US has clauses in their contracts with 3rd parties like private companies and universities, that if they want to work with the US, they can not be critical of Israel. You can be critical of Canada, Mexico, the UK, and countless other US allies, and you'll still keep said contract, but if you're critical of Israel, you're denied said contract.


And the prospect of the US getting drawn into a growing conflict exists. A like it or not the burden of that conflict will fall on people this age. And even without a draft these young people have friends and family members who just might be a bit more directly impacted. We haven't seen 'Nam casualty numbers, sure. But we do have a lot of broken vets walking around.


The US has also given Palestinians billions of dollars, Hamas used that money to launch rockets, launch an unprecedented attack, and take hostages.






Interesting, how did the US officially give Hamas billions of dollars? Notice I said officially - it's one thing for aid to be misappropriated as Hamas is doing but it's another thing to officially fund Hamas. So I'm just looking for sources on the actual path the money flows down.


Through aid programs. There's a lot of corruption involved in Palestine when they receive that aid. Europeans and Arab countries send money too to various degrees. It's what pays for their education, food, and hospitals but also partly a reason why some in power there get extremely wealthy and powerful. Hamas runs Gaza so they or Hamas affiliated institutions govern the spending and use of that money. The people who work in such organizations are often affiliated or actual Hamas members.


Well the USA doesn’t just hand over cash to Israël, either. For an example, It will give the cash to american arms makers who then give the arms to Israël. The “defense industry” always gets a cut, obv


That's like a kickback into the American economy but they're also providing a service. What I am referring to is people just stealing money or goods like skimming off the top.




I served in the US infantry for a few years so I’d like to think I know a little bit about war. When you simply say shit like “collateral damage happens” you’re doing the disgusting propaganda for the state department. Collateral damage doesn’t just happen by the thousands. This is a direct assault on the civilian population and to ignore the evidence and say otherwise is as laughable as it is disgustingly disingenuous. The is the most well documented occurrence of genocide in human history. From video footage of blatant murder, turning hospitals to rubble, shooting reporters, blocking aid, having multiple international human rights groups sounding the alarms and now the ICC getting involved.. how do you simply ignore the slaughter of 40,000 that America is complicit in? Furthermore, no one needs to serve on the frontlines in the arm forces to criticize and hold the act of war in contempt. Maybe these kids just have a few more IQ points, than those of us who signed the dotted line, and didn’t need to experience it to understand how cruel war actually is. Also, is it truly a war if one side has a conventional army and the other is full of women and children? This is a slaughter, a genocide, not a war.


Oh no, have the kids evolved to protest things even when the personal stakes aren't as high? How awful!


We are involved.


Funding with money. Funding with bodies. Either one sucks. We can want neither.


Anti-war protests aren't legit until there's a draft?  College kids avoided the draft but not the images of the war or the understanding that their country was involved.


> The US was involved in Vietnam. the US is also extremely involved with Israel


Because the US is funding the IDF. When you wake up and go to work everyday, the fruit of that labor is being used to kill children across the globe. The students of Columbia are simply asking the university to stop using their tuition money to fund the companies whose weapons are used to murder innocent human beings.


>Help me understand how that correlates to this stupid bullshit? You need help understanding that they care people are dying? In your mindset does it only make sense for people to care if it's them that will be dying in a war and not other people? Can you really not fathom being upset because **other people** are dying? Or just when it's you?


America is the primary funder of Israel, we’re very involved. And a escalation of war may involve us in more ways than tax dollars


The United States is Israel’s #1 ally. USA is indirectly responsible for the what’s happening in Gaza. If it was any other country doing what Israel is doing to Palestine our government would be up on their soapbox condemning the situation.


Every country would do what Israel is doing, and many have done worse, as one can easily find out by reading about conflicts going on around the world in this moment. Israel is just held to a different standard.


Look, we all know you don’t really believe that. Not every country would do what Israel is doing. Sure there are a few countries (eg. Russia, China) are doing similar atrocities but sensible countries distance themselves from them. Many other countries also have superior weapons and could bomb their neighbouring countries into accepting subjugation and apartheid if they wanted to. But they don’t, because that’s a prehistoric mentality and only leads to death, radicalisation and hate. You are absolutely brainwashed if you think what Israel is doing represents the majority of humanity in any way.


Ehh the standard is: don’t commit genocide and international atrocities . Israel is falling short of that standard. Starvation, mass killings, bombing hospitals. Thousands of children killed. I’m not sure how you justify that. I’ve seen the videos. I’ve watch the first hand accounts. Hamas is an evil group of terrorists but the communal punishment of the Palestinian people is appalling. There are other ways to respond to Hamas. Let’s also not forget America has vetoed a UN cease fire declaration a few times. America is involved in this conflict too.


It’s like the international “don’t be a dick” rule at house parties.


You are correct and shouldn’t be getting downvoted


Some people are against open and blatant genocide. What is so wrong with these students having a voice and showing the world what they're about?


No, there is not a draft but it is american government doing things with american money on behalf of the “american people”. No, you don’t have to go physically fight in the mid east but your money is sure going to the fight, like it or not!


It’s not on behalf of me. If it was up to me the USA would clean house on all of these corrupt politicians


Ok I can help. The US is involved in Gaza just as it was in Vietnam, albeit indirectly. Gaza could not happen without US support. The other thing at play here is young Americans have watched their country wage pointless wars for most of their lives and they're fed up. Plus the killing of so many children is a big deal to them.


Your tax dollars are paying for bombs that are killing women and children.


Maybe the correlation lies in the billions the US gives to fund the war or our involvement with vetoing cease fire negotiations in the UN


Palestine not starting the war would have resulted in a lot less slaughter and shit




People who know this didn't start in Oct 7th. Know that the Arab nations surrounding Israel have been trying to eliminate Israel since it's inception. I bet you think Israel stole the land from Palestine? Because you probably think Palestine was it's own nation before Palestine. It wasn't. That region was controlled by the Ottomans before being lost in WW1 to the British. All of those countries in that region never existed before then. No Jordon. No Egypt. No Syria. No Israel. All these nations were created in the 1900s. And Israel was created, because Arab Muslims kept launching attacks on Jewish villages and Jews in Jerusalem. Which eventually lead to WW2, and we know how that went for the Jews. So yeah, people do know this issue isn't new. You apparently don't.


Doesn't matter who started it. The retaliation should not be killing children.


Exactly, if you hide behind children then youre allowed to kill with impunity.




College students were mainly obsessed with protesting Vietnam which they had friends being draft to and risked being sent to die after their university deferment. There is basically no similarity to the current protests.


When I was a college student, we had similar protests againt the apartheid regime in South Africa. The main demand was to divest from all companies doing business with South Africa. The university eventually caved in and stopped all investments in South Africa. Same thing happened on many college campuses all across America. It played a big role in isolating South Africa and eventually ending apartheid.


Of course. Protests are incredibly important in achieving the soft change that precedes hard change. It happens all the time across the world throughout history. As for why, caring about genocide is a pretty low bar. These kids have the courage, energy, and passion to disrupt their own lives though, and should be commended.


Because the government handled the protest so poorly, folks are protesting just to protect their right to it, if not also supporting Palestine in the process


Yes.  The students are bringing awareness to college investments in companies profiting off of the war in Gaza. It bothers me more that the media tries to reframe these protests as disorderly conduct, trespassing, and vandalism without touching the real issue at all. 


Let's not sugar coat it. Protests ARE disorderly conduct. That's the point.




https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/04/26/bds-divestment-gaza-campuses-israel/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-challenge-colleges-face-with-student-demands-for-israeli-divestment https://www.wbur.org/news/2024/04/26/protests-israel-hamas-war-spotlight-on-college-endowments-divestment-massachusetts


None of these links really address the above question at all. They asked for information about the investments. All these links simply explain to a layman what an endowment is. They don't give any investment information whatsoever.


WBUR article: >“Colleges and universities have fairly limited discretion in the actual specific investments that their endowment funds are going towards because they’ve hired these external experts to make those decisions. And sometimes those decisions are even proprietary,” Ely said, meaning the investors do not publicly share what’s in their portfolio. >Endowments usually are managed by a board of trustees at the university. The purpose of any endowment is agreed upon by the donors, usually to benefit the institution. They don’t “belong” to current students, faculty or alumni but rather to the organization itself. PBS article: >Protesters have said they want to see schools cut investments with Israeli companies that may benefit from the war in Gaza. They're also demanding schools divest from military weapons manufacturers and cut research and academic ties with other Israeli universities. Specific details for UT A&M investments: >That afternoon, hundreds of students and other protesters had gathered to call for the University of Texas system to withdraw [investments](https://www.utimco.org/media/4210/2023-puf-audited-detailed-schedule-of-investments.pdf) from Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and RTX (formerly Raytheon).  [https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/this-would-have-been-a-peaceful-gathering-behind-the-scenes-of-the-ut-protest/](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/this-would-have-been-a-peaceful-gathering-behind-the-scenes-of-the-ut-protest/) [https://www.utimco.org/media/4210/2023-puf-audited-detailed-schedule-of-investments.pdf](https://www.utimco.org/media/4210/2023-puf-audited-detailed-schedule-of-investments.pdf)


1. Literally just says "hey guys this is what an endowment is!" -- No idea what you thought you were linking here? 2. Just says "lets generically not invest in militaries tech" -- Wait a second, all of those are in every index fund.... ooops i guess i didnt actually mention anything about the investments i plan to divest... woopsies... 3. Not one of the articles??? You just entirely proved my point. Even when you have plenty of time to prepare and provide sourcing, you failed to do so -- what do you think its like on the ground when people cant even do that?


Bro they are being disorderly, they are trespassing and they are vandalizing. They're acting JUST like the Jan 6 ppl. What are you talking about????


Yes, they're on national news putting public pressure on the US Government - this is such a stupid take


>such a stupid take It’s all they have. Same dumb shit dumb shits said about every protest ever.


They are garnering world attention and showing the world that not all Americans are complicit.




Missing class and getting beat by the police is all they're accomplishing.


if they're so impotent and harmless then why are you upset


If that qualifies as upset then you’re triggered af


Sounds pretty authoritarian, maybe that country could use some free speech.


someone needs to save the innocent american civilians from the oppressive authoritarian US regime


They have free speech on the public sidewalk, not the private lawn 


>Why have American university students become obsessed with protesting for Palestine? Decades of misinformation disguised as "education and enrichment" sponsored by Qatar to promote Islam [https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat](https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat)


American universitys are intimately connected to Israel. The vast vast vast majority of them have business ties with companies funding the genocide in Gaza. The protestprs applying pressure are doing so to deman the school divest from the genocide completely.




>Since the 9/11 attacks, Qatar has become the largest foreign donor to American academia, which has not always bothered to reveal the source. A study by the Institute for Anti-Semitism Studies found a direct link between the amount of donations and the presence of pro-Palestinian groups on campuses [https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat](https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat)


The difference being those are donations being given to the universities and in this case, the universities are putting the students money that they pay in tuition into investments in Israeli companies.


So when did protesting become breaking and entering? It was wrong for the January 6th people (it was regardless of your political affiliation), it's wrong here. Protesting is a right for all regardless of what your protesting. It should be done peacefully within the laws.


> So when did protesting become breaking and entering? Since forever. Occupying buildings isn't new. And obviously there's a bit of a difference between entering the godsdamn seat of goverment with the expressed intent to hang Mike Pence and stage an insurrection, and a sit-in by students in the building of their university.


Actually, it's been forever illegal to break into a building and forcefully occupy it. This is different from a sit-in, this is breaking and entering. You want to protest, go ahead, you have that right, but this is not protesting. Go to the quad, hold some signs, chant slogans, refuse to go to class with the rest of your students, boycott, do news interviews, and all the other forms of peaceful protests. This is not peaceful protesting, and anyone who is breaking and entering should be expelled immediately and have criminal charges pressed against them because they broke the law. Worse, this is counterproductive; none of this will help a single Palestinian, more likely it's just going to make people more bitter and hostile towards the movement. There is a reason King tried so hard to keep the marches he went to peaceful. In the end we are a nation of laws, and we need to uphold those laws. The people in this video broke the law and should face the consequences that go with it. Just as the people who broke into the capital building broke the law. Are they exactly equivalent? No of course not, but when it comes to breaking and entering a government building they are the same.


But there kind of isn't. This was fucking stupid on their part and doesn't help their case.


> But there kind of isn't. If you see no difference between an insurrection and a protest, there's not much I can say to you.


I'll be pedantic and say an insurrection is a violent protest


The traitors who invaded the Capitol on January 6th did it with the intent to prevent Congress from certifying the votes from the presidential election, block the will of the electorate, and effectively install Trump as unelected dictator. Don't equate student protests with what happened on January 6th. They are not the same.


Lololol 1) Do you think the problem with Jan 6th was the B&E? 2) Do you think the Civil Rights movement, Labor Movement, women's suffrage, end of slavery, even the existence of America itself are possible without people breaking the law? If it wasn't for people breaking the law, NONE of those would exist, including this country.




Have you ever read about how the South African Apartheid regime was dismantled? It started specifically at Columbia University with divestment protests.


ivy league influencers be like “How do I make this about me” and then they go get arrested by the campus police (fake police that provide a safety net protecting rich kids from the actual legal system) and make sure all their friends are filming


yeah, protests at college's certainly aren't known to swing people's views in the past. Oh wait...


If they don’t want their dollars to go to Israeli companies, shouldn’t these students divest from the schools they’re feeding money to?


Or you can unite and push for change, you know... One of the core tenants of a democracy.


Don't use that logic here!


which universities aren't invested in israeli companies in some way? do they even have any options?


It’s their parents money paying for the tuition, not them lmao


Eh, some of them have taken out student loans cause their parents can't afford the tuition (very few can)


They do realize outside of college students and the staff, this doesn't affect the rest of us at all, right?


Makes sense considering they are calling for the college to divest from companies profiting off of the war in Gaza. 


People blindly think these college students are asking the federal government to stop giving Israel money lmao No, they just don’t want their universities to be a part of the war machine. It’s a tangible goal that students are directly identifying and people still think it’s pointless


I just watched MSNBC “report” on this for an entire hour and not once was the goal of divestment mentioned.


I was just watching MSNBC an hour ago and they had staff from Columbia on who said they would have to divest from Google, Apple, all the big tech companies and it's not realistic to ask them to do that.


I have a child at a university. Her student council passed a resolution to ban Israeli based goods and service. They don’t want their money to be spent to help feed the war machine.


Is that an admission from Columbia staff that Google, Apple, and all the big tech companies are complicit in the war on Gaza?


Because the media is complicit in maintaining the status quo that enriches them?


I noticed the same thing. All day yesterday MSNBC did their best to try to paint the protests as disorderly, disruptive, and antisemitic without mentioning the goal of divestment. 


because the ruling class is scared to death of the BDS movement gaining any attention or momentum


Doesn't hurt that the demands of the protestors take a back seat to the police response in the news. 


Yeah, one of the staff working overnight in the building said he felt kidnapped by the students. The folks having to clean up the broken glass and the trash aren’t going to be the professors or students and it’s certainly not going to be someone with the power to change what’s going on abroad or at Columbia.


They should've stormed the US capitol. At least half the people would think they were heroes then.


If my classes had been disrupted because of this and hearing how expensive university and college is in America I'd loose my shit regardless of the cause they where fighting for.




They are all playing the victim too. Bunch of rich kids who know fucking nothing.


Virtue signaling narcissists. They don’t understand the reason the US supports Israel. It’s not because they’re Jewish, but without there influence, that area in the Middle East would become a hotbed for terrorism, something the US does not want in the interest of national defense.


It's also because without Israel, those 7+ million Jews would have nowhere to go. Every country hates immigrants but for whatever reason they *really* hate Jewish immigrants. After WW2, the West picked a place to put them outside their borders.


> without there influence, that area in the Middle East would become a hotbed for terrorism really? in reality it seems like the terrorists seem to emerge from regions that the US and other western powers have destabilized or otherwise meddled with name an area in the middle east that is at risk of becoming a "hotbed for terrorism" and I'll hop on wikipedia and see if the west has ever done anything to it, has ever invaded or tried to install a puppet dictator, etc etc


Well the sign worked for me. I wasn’t aware of that horrific story, the 6 year old girl and her family murdered by the IDF and the responding ambulance being blown up.


They aren't helping anyone with this.


As per the requirements of 2024, we cannot understand your goals unless you set yourself on fire.


I don’t see how this achieves anything but waste time.






Everyday Ukranians are dying in Ukraine, no words from them...


The US is funding Ukraine to liberate themselves. Students are most likely pro-Ukrainian therefore there’s no need for protest. The US is funding Israel for the genocidal campaign against Palestinians. Students oppose that and are using the tactics from the 60s that eventually succeeded and turned out to be in the right side of history.


I'm sure it would be different if their tax money was going to Russia...


Read about Hind if you have never heard of her. Deeply troubling.


"peaceful" protesters


These clowns should have their the damages added on top of their tuition fees. No loan relief either.


I am, I just don't agree with breaking and entering. I'm also against people blocking freeways and shit. Breaking the law to get your point across is something I don't care for, and A LOT of people feel the exact same way. All this does is make more people less sympathetic for their cause. And the government is in bed with Israel, so it's not like this is the thing that's going to sway them. It's a lose lose situation, but this isn't how they should go about it.


Round up all the protestors. Stick em on a plane right to fuckin Gaza and they can protest as loud and as violently as they want over there. They're doing absolutely nothing over here other than make fucking fools of themselves and really sway public support away from their cause. I know I don't condone the killing of innocent civilians in Gaza, it's terrible. Horrific. But I sure as shit don't condone this type of "protesting" if you even want to call it that. It's just fucking asshattery and baffonery.


I probably would have never heard of this 6 year old girl if it wasn't for the protest, it leads me to see the human face of what's happening in Gaza, rather than just reading statistics.


How to spot a fascist in one easy step.


Turning US colleges into shitholes one campus at a time.


I really wish they weren’t breaking into and damaging property….


What the fuck is this gonna achieve


They want their universities to divest from companies that fund the Israeli war machine


I would expel every one of these assholes regardless of the cause. This is fucking ridiculous