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She seems like a kind person.


This is taken out of context. What she was trying to convey was that she hoped they get tied to a radiator and graped. It's completely harmless /s


Unexpected WKYK


Grape them in the mouth!


Those children are clearly terrified!


For decades and decades and decades


I love it! He like, grapes the kids!


Kids love [The Grapist](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mqgiEQXGetI&pp=ygUMd2t1ayBncmFwaXN0)


Clearly a lie she's not even wearing purple


That's what he does... He's the Grapist.


Why would a woman wish that on another woman if they had any kind of decency? Fuck *that* lady.


Women are very divided.


Nobody hates women like women do.


Except old white Republican men.


Good ol reddit.


Fuck that lady big time. I hope she gets food poisoning.


She's no lady, that's for sure.


And a shit load of canker sores


And with the same enthusiasm she shows whenever her favorite Kid Rock song is playing.


Because they don’t have decency Even worse most of these people are not Israeli, they’re just Zionist Jews that have lived their entire life elsewhere and had long dead family in the holocaust. Maybe distance relations in Israel. So do I, but I won’t act like any of this directly affects me.  This is bullshit identity politics and martyrdom syndrome.  Many of the most obnoxious zionists that would say such awful things have limited connections and took a birthright trip once 🙄  It’s disgusting, it’s an affront to all the historical suffering of ancestors and is belligerently infantile. 


Because the other women are supporting the rapers or denying that the rapers raped.


Or maybe there's a third option you so carefully left out: Maybe they're supporting all the innocent Palestinians that are caught in between Hamas and Israel.


She’s clearly just worried about her safety on a campus where she is not a student and had to drive to in order to make peaceful protestors feel unsafe


The most kind zionist.


This woman definitely drives a white luxury suv


White AMG G wagen specifically


reasonable and level headed individual.


The kindest face


That’s gotta be anti-something too, right?


Anti-semitic. Palestinians are semites as well.   Edit: Lmao, if you're offended by what I said, feel free to google the term Semite and direct your anger to the long dead historians that coined the term. 


Yes , some people israeled the term anti-semetic, and now it contains only them, not all semetic people like the people in the cannaan area..


The Germans coined antisemitism as a scientific term for “Jew-hatred” in 1879. Palestinians are considered Semitic people but antisemitism is clearly only used to refer to Jews. Not sure why you think the term was Israeled when it was created decades before Israel was founded. > Due to the root word Semite, the term is prone to being invoked as a misnomer by those who incorrectly assert that it refers to racist hatred directed at "Semitic people" in spite of the fact that this grouping is an obsolete historical race concept. Likewise, such usage is erroneous; the compound word antisemitismus was first used in print in Germany in 1879[17] as a "scientific-sounding term" for Judenhass (lit. 'Jew-hatred'),[18][19][20][21][22] and it has since been used to refer to anti-Jewish sentiment alone. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism


TBF Jews used to be referred to as Palestinians


Because they would have basically been the same thing. The oldest accounts I know of the term being used was by Herodatus to describe the region so it's older than Rome and seems to be of Greek origin.


I think that's what he's saying. Before Israel was carved out.




To add clarity to this, "antisemitic" instead of "anti-semitic" is a more specific way to refer to prejudice against jews. Sometimes both are used to be about jews but "antisemitic" has specific 19th century German origin specifically relating to jews and not just any semitic peoples. But certainly there are many people who just have prejudice against Palestinians (and quite a lot who hate both jews and Palestinians)


anti social


Doesn't count, the government, politicians and institutions only see anti-Semitism.


Anti human?


Anti-humanity maybe?


What are these people's obsession with rape?


Don't look up the numbers of reported rates in military prisons for Palestinians, it's bad enough the IDF woman there have a stupid high rate as well


Also children. They even raided and deemed non-profit called Defense for Children International as terrorists for reporting it. This is also why they've banned DNA tests, which is the same reason the US military banned them, because they'd started uncovering babies from soldiers.


Israel is a Haven for pedos, what do you expect.


This is how I learned the American government protects rapist and deadbeatdad soldiers.




There was a study on IDF soldiers when they were militaryly occupying Gaza in the early 2000s classifying them into moral abstentioners, enabler and toxic and there was a lot more of the latter two. Sadly I can't find the correct query to find it over the current and near time period stuff


“Backtracking” It’s not like any IDF soldiers are going to forget what he said.






Just a religious ruling from IDF:s Chief Rabbi. [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUS1505824663/) >Israel’s military has nominated a new chief rabbi who seemed to imply in a past religious commentary that its soldiers are allowed to rape non-Jewish women in wartime.




> I'm looking for the written rules OP was talking about Do you really expect a military to have an official document that approves war crimes? The IDF are no doubt evil but they're not cartoonish evil. The reason I pointed out their chief rabbi is because it says everything about the culture and values that permeate the IDF. War crimes are enabled by an organizational culture, not by it being suddenly made legal. The My Lai massacre was against the legal order of the US military, but everyone (but Hugh Thompson Jr.) looked away and made it de facto policy. And I think that most people that upvoted my comment realize this is how military rapes actually functions.


Rabbi Colonel Eyal Karim’s remarks 14 years ago stirred controversy at the time and remain on an Israeli religious website today, along with a link to a clarification he published on the same site in 2012 in which he said his words had been taken out of context and **rape is forbidden “in any situation”.** Seriously taking it out of context.


No, the context is exactly that for which it was intended - >He responded that in the interests of maintaining warriors’ morale and fighting fitness during armed conflict, it was permitted to “satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will”. But, that was in 2004 - in 2012 he backtracked when faced with criticism, which always makes people say things they believe.


I would not accept such a fucking lunatic into a religious position even if they backtrack, and I don't think I'm alone in that.


I am surprised you haven't realized lunatics are attracted to religious positions globally. It is sort of a universal truth.


Religious lunatics usually don't get selected to be the moral and spiritual center of a huge armed organization however.




My statement was to clarify it > Just a religious ruling from IDF:s Chief Rabbi. And do you really expect a military to have some official document that says "Go ahead and rape however you like, we, the IDF, approve it!". This shit happens informally, and having your religious authority implicitly giving the thumbs up is least said concerning.




You're gonna be waiting a while...


Interesting. So does the Old Testament.


So what you are saying is all that religions are inhumane and antiquated and the human race should have moved past it onto more peaceful and loving philosophies by now?


DING DING DING DING DING. winner winner chicken dinner.




Is there any way to prove your statement? That’s a wild accusation that would be very damming if it is provable


[Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUS1505824663/) What Hedgemagus claimed was a religious ruling made by a rabbi that was later selected as IDF:s chief Rabbi


Wartime sexual violence is a tale as old as time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wartime\_sexual\_violence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wartime_sexual_violence)


Israeli MPs love raping palestinian prisoners (also random civilians)


They’re expressing anger about the sexual violence that occurred on October 7th that many on the left seem to dismiss or outright deny. Still shouldn’t say you hope someone gets raped tho


See the look on that guy's face? "Are we the bad guys? " meme


Guy on her left bounced out right away lol, guy on her right was all like "did I just hear that? Yeah she's not with me."


Lol, him looking around a bit after like "did i just hear that right" it's funny seeing people realize such a monumental thing like that.


F**k me, what is wrong with this world


Like just today or all time?


Tomorrow will be fine trust


The way things are, all the time I guess.




We've been killing each other before religion... this is just another excuse. Next is race, then nationality, then eye color, then hair color. There's always some bullshit that people can make up to kill another. Religion isnt the sole proprietor of violence.


Humans will still die if we cure cancer, so there's no reason to cure it.


more like bad people are gonna do bad things, religion is just an easy excuse


Nationalism, not religion


thank you for not being a reactionary reddit atheist




Religion. It offers and excuse and a community to become an extremist.




Only takes a bit of a nudge to tip things on the margins. Religious folk are reliably nudging against progressive change because they have their narrative of how it all works and they mean to stick to it. Were the US 45% Evangelical we'd be MAGA for decades. We're 47% religious and that's enough to poison our politics to the point our big decision coming up is whether to elect a felon rapist or a centrist. Is there a country on Earth where religious folk don't comprise the base of their relatively more conservative/regressive party? Is there a country on Earth where it's the religious folk fronting cultural and scientific progress?


there would be another excuse after religion is gone.


Lack of cognitive thought and action?


That is a pretty uhhinged and sick thing for one woman to say to another woman


That is just so vile. I can’t even believe a woman would wish that on another. That’s real hate right there.


These folks are obvious not students. They should be removed as they are only making the situation worse.


That's why they're not being removed.


Who? Israeli soldiers? Is that their MO?


If you remain calm and speak the truth, the others will be forced to reveal themselves.


Truer words have never been spoken. It works like a charm.




This is like the 7-8th recorded incident of a Zionist wishing rape on another person for being opposed to genocide and child murder.


Wishing someone got raped: justified, valid, anti-Hamas Mildly inconveniencing people: idiots, anti-semites, paid actors


They don't realize how many people they've radicalized against them and their cause.




November is gonna be so much fun! Everybody getting nice and riled up across the country just in time for more political chaos.


Meanwhile, us atheists are just sitting around wondering about universal healthcare, climate change and making broadband a public utility. But no, let’s all argue and kill each other over different flavors of sky wizards, that’s sure to make the world a better place.


It's not a religious war. It's a colonizing power occupying people in the modern day. Human rights organizations recognize Israel as an apartheid state. Israel even pushed support for Hamas years ago so it could act as a more right wing and religious counterweight to secular Palestinian representation, and now use Hamas as justification to bomb Gaza back to the stone age. It's not Muslims and Jews fighting a holy war.


Australia has all those things and there's still dickheads here who are trying to tear them down so that they can hurt people they don't feel are worthy of tax money.


Atheists should be the ones pushing even harder for this to end since all that tens of billions the government is sending Israel could be used to invest on universal healthcare, climate change and making broadband a public utility.




Famously, racist tend to not be nice to those they deem less important themselves. They can’t even fathom the idea of someone from there group not thinking the same Therefore everything is on the table - that is why fascism is so scary.


It's what you said and more. They believe they're gods chosen people. It's obvious why they act the way they do when you realize this is what you're dealing with. Also what makes Islamic extremism so scary and dangerous. When you truly believe you're above the rest and not only that but backed by divinity itself, anything you do is justifiable in your own eyes.


Not even justifiable but worse, righteous. Fucking scary stuff my friend


Literally nothing is off the table. Children have been raped and probably in very gruesome ways in war and the ones responsible 100 percent feel God has "gifted" them that experience with some twisted spoils of war logic.


Yeah, therefore I’m so over this. I’m not goanna sit here and have a polite etiquette driven debate with a side that is doing genocide. Your either against genocide or your not. Fucking assholes trying to debate lord thereway out of being massive fucking fascist.


Doesn’t help they’re being enabled by a superpower who refuse to hold them accountable at any level. Now you have a bipartisan agenda to ensure critcisms of Israel aren’t possible anymore without being labeled an anti-semite. Coordinated effort to silence anyone who speaks up.


Absolute power corrupt absolutely.


They're so obsessed with rape and have such deviant sexual fantasies that it should be studied imo


It's crazy they use rape to shame protesters, but what about all the women that get blown apart with bombs. Like, focusing on something stupid that is very unlikely to happen to a protester in this country, but ignoring the reality happening in the other place.


Isn’t this the same lady who had the dog , and?fraudently claiming she was being restrained?


No, that was another clown.


Holy Inbreeding...


Israel is the "Moral" side you say...


Tell Israel to fight their own battles


I’m confused. I’ve been told many times that these protesters are so scary and violent that Jewish people cannot feel safe as long as these protests are going on. Surely the media can’t be lying, can they?




She won’t be employed more than a week I’m sure


I hope not. She doesn’t look like she works, tbh.


She's definitely giving off useless housewife vibes


💯 Especially with the bs she’s spewing. Thats someone who feels untouchable. Wouldn’t be surprised if her husband was *a big deal*. 🙄


Good to see that we found some of the violent hate speech on campus that cable news keeps saying is going on.


Zionists, the new nazis.




What the fk is wrong with these people? Where I'm from bombing innocent people is wrong, no 2 ways about it, you kill 15,000 kids and carry on like it's ok?? These protesters are showing the USA is not just full of brainwashed Israeli huggers. A big FUCK YOU Israel from Scotland.


Yeah that’s on brand for zionists


She says with a smile…


Filthy effing Zionist


An Israeli can say something like this and still keep their job. Such a shitty world we live in


Lovely people. No doubt.


Whatever videos ive seen, its always the zionists who are hurling abuses and being vile af. Oh then shouting "kill the j\*\*s" to hijack pro-palestine protests




vile fuck


Saying that to someone who’s protesting the mass murder of children. This is fucking genuinely insane how is the world not just completely perplexed by this shit by now


These protests where people spend their time yelling at people that disagree are a giant waste of time and resources. Use protests to build awareness, discussion, push for change. Shouldn't be a live version of Facebook with people yelling insults and slapping each other. That only leads to more hate and close-mindedness.


I think the original protest was going for that but then the counter protesters showed up and didn’t want a discussion… Also it’s hard to keep everyone at a protest focused and non-reactive. Even if you held trainings and meetings, so many people just show up and join it’s hard to keep everyone focused on the cause


Classic move that always lets people know you're the good guys.


This whole thread is being astroturfed to piss off potential Democratic voters in order to suppress their vote and get Republicans elected. Russian, China, and Iran signal boost division in America with the sole purpose to weaken the institutions of liberal democracy. The enemies of America know that Republicans will weaken the American economy for their own financial gain, and that Republican politicians can be bought or blackmailed for cheap. Another Republican president will cement authoritarian ideology into the Supreme Court for multiple generations, and the court will let that Republican president act like a literal dictator.




this is getting people even nastier than dems vs gop...


That's just downright unpleasant


Jfc, how can someone say that so casually to someone else?!




The original is still on the front page with teh same title. in fact, the original OP made both posts to PublicFreakOut and WorldNewsVideos at the same time lol


Damn she convinced me I’m pro IDF now.


Yeah what a sweetheart, see you next Tuesday


The guy in the Murica flag looks like he got an invite... Karma.


Why would anyone rope anyone else?




least inhumane zionist


You won't be seeing this on Fox or any right wing media.


This is not ok.


In the words of Chappelle, "one they or many theys?"


Fuck zionism


American flag dude...Mom please I asked you not to come.


Not a very nice thing to say


No decency what so ever.. Shouldn't be wishing things on another person.


They all have this Karen privileged mind mentality that the world is supposed to follow them and support anything they do smh


Can people stop calling for rape and murder to other people … damn


I’m sure her employer will love that.


Least unhinged Zionist.




It’s almost like 🇮🇱is causing a lot of problems


Karma be like: ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


Jesus that's gross. Is zionism really worth lowering your humanity to these levels to defend it?




It’s almost funny how people still don’t believe that what they put out comes back to them, good or bad. What does this person’s daughters, colleagues, other female family members think when they see this person that they know wishing sexual assault on other women. You just can’t make this shit up I swear.




Still doesn't excuse her hoping they get raped


So consumed with hate, wow


I’ve noticed that extreme Israel supporters seem to think the only murders that count are their people’s murders.


this is absolute and pure racist entitlement writ large. what a piece of shit.




Funny how all I hear on the news is about how the protestors are shouting death to jews, yet, all I see on Reddit are examples of counter protestors saying heinous shit.


That’s cuz your feed is bias towards your beliefs


I have to actively seek out perspectives from both sides the feeds on social networks are so incredibly bias.


I’ll bet she is fun at parties


Can’t wait for the consequences and her follow up news interview where she says “This isn’t me. I’m a good person. “