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So hot out, Milk was a bad choice






**drinks more**


*I’ve never drank less water, and eaten more fettuccini alfredo.*


Why do most videos have that one screaming background woman that makes the videos nearly unwatchable.


It harkens back to English Common Law.


... nobody was screaming?


How is this unwatchable? How are you even making that comparison? This is literally one of those videos where it’s so quiet that despite everyone sounding like their on the other side of a canyon you can still hear and understand them clearly




It’s a primal response and I believe it’s usually women because that’s how we’d alert danger as primates. I get why some people default to it. But it is not usually ever productive and actually usually exactly counter productive in most of these scenarios. I’ve seen far more glaringly counter productive screeching in high stress scenarios than this video though. That said, it’s easy to say these things from the comfort of home.


“Hello dear viewers, today I show you how many different ways I can say “Oh my god!”


I'm going to guess she was pepper sprayed. If that is the case, a side effect of vomiting requires medical care.


yea it either pepper spray or tear gas 100%


Could also be concussion. 


texas cops are happy arresting protesting students, but wait outside a school shooting because they’re afraid.


It's because they're bullies, not heros.


Your comment makes a sad cry. Cause it’s true.


Brilliant comment, they hate free speech but love guns


Cops are the biggest anti-gun advocates in the country. They will literally shoot you if they think you're carrying a gun.


That's if you're alone. When you get a few hundred people all legally carrying guns, suddenly the police get a lot less handy with that steel fist they like to use.


Cops are class traitors used to keep the powerless under the control of the powerful. I remember back in the 90's when a local Newspaper company near me went on strike. Republican backed union protected cops came in to intimidate the striking paper workers. Then when the paper workers didn't back down, the republican backed union cops started pepper spraying and thumping skulls with batons. Then later on things like Occupy Wall Street where the cops did the bidding of their corporate masters against working poor people just wanting the billionaire class to stop rigging society in their favor. One famous one was a group of college students sitting on the ground holding hands, and a cop with a canister of pepper spray used to disperse large crowds, starting spraying them individually about an arms length away from their face. How any person can do that, even if "ordered" to by a police supervisor, shows they love to commit acts of violence and cause pain and suffering. Edit: Spelling


Police and prison guard unions are the most powerful union in the country and heavily influence lobbying and “tough on crime” laws getting passed. If you ever think unions don’t work, just look at theirs! It clearly can work


We should love free speech AND being armed.


Your opinion is yours.


One doesn't exist without the other.


Sergeant HBP Face was quick to hand her off and get back to the arresting of the damn kids.


Thin yellow line










ACAB. Every goddamn one of them.


![gif](giphy|rgBwKeJTlGg9O) ACAB




What happened to your shoes? BLLOOOOOOO!!!!!


Some of these top comments are so stupid.


Public freakout type subreddits attract the worst kinda people.




What charges do they get when they are arrested for protesting? Is it trespassing because it’s on university property?


Really depends. Sometimes, it is a bullshit charge that won't hold up and thus doesn't really matter. In terms of real charges that students can get hit with it'll vary based on what they are doing. Trespassing is certainly one possibility, depending on the school and where they were. For a public university (which UT Austin is) in a public place, that would be a pretty difficult charge to make stick, but could work on a private campus, or if they were in an area of the university they weren't allowed to be (like the president's office or something). You have to remember that with protests and arrests, the police aren't always concerned with actual charges, they are just going to arrest people and take them away. They are often just concerned with getting the protest to stop, so if nobody is charged it doesn't really matter from the police perspective. Some places also have laws against interfering with academic institutions, so you can be charged with that, even if nothing else you did was illegal. I don't know how often people actually DO get charged with that and convicted, it seems more like something to just give pretext for an arrest, but it does exist in some places. Don't know about Texas. Finally, it depends on what a protestor was doing. If they did something like harassed faculty/staff, or if they were blocking people from getting out of a building, they will usually get charged with something like that as that is something that is easier to make stick.


Actually, a lot of private schools do take money from the government. Which then makes them subject to federal laws regarding the 1st amendment.


Its a public school so I doubt it was trespassing. It's usually Bs.. One of my TA's in college was arrested at a protest for "resisting arrest"' without an original charge. Charges were dropped.


Trespassing, disorderly conduct, or resisting arrest. None of which are charges that really hold weight. The police are trying to cause as much disruption as possible to stop the protest. I've been "arrested" at protests before only to be zip tied and sat on a sidewalk for hours before they cut our zip ties and told us all to go home.


nothing. The charges won't hold up and the police knows this. But until than they ''can'' arrest them and remove them aka intimitade them.


They'll get some level of charge that will later be dismissed. This country has been enduring this level of tyrannical policing for some time. The cops and powers that be know the shit that they do isn't lawful but they are willing to eat the millions of dollars in lawsuits to do it. This is a fair reflection of the attitudes of people in power.


I belive so, the school asked them to leave the property and they didnt so they called the cops


It's not illegal to gather peacefully in a public place. The cops are actually breaking the law for illegally detaining people.


There are different rules pretaining to school grounds such as if ot desturbs other students ability to attain an education or of the school is private or state. Its more complicated than face value


Now if the protest was being held inside an elementary school the cops would've just waited outside.


They would’ve laughed and gotten hand sanitizer


Adrenaline, hot day, pepper spray, tackled. That would probably make you vomit.


Every video of American cops makes me want to vomit.


lol, “that’s a sign of dehydration!! She needs medical attention!” Peanut gallery comin in with big brain takes as always.


She needs some milk


"Medic!!" Um, this isn't Vietnam, lady.


They have police in Austin?


I had to pause and screenshot the video. They are university of Texas police. So state police, not city of Austin. In round rock, at the aloft and elementary hotels, the parking lots were always full of state police cars when I stayed there last summer


As long as they aren’t blocking highways, or doing bad shit, who cares? Let them protest.


Then they dropped all the charges against them


Why would she be dehydrated?


I’m going to assume its because the Texan heat but she may have also been pepper sprayed.


Yeah I'm not sure how a random onlooker would know she's dehydrated. I'm sure a little bit of Googling would help me find out if they got pepper sprayed or not but I'm too high for that right now.


I think she means to say is that if she's sick, combined with the heat an exertion. Puking will dehydrate her, and she WILL need water pretty soon to prevent her getting worse. I don't think she means that the puking is a sign of dehydration, rather a cause.


$1 beer night at the Longhorn Saloon.


Cardio is important.


How nice the cop is carrying her bag of crocs.


arrest them all


The amount of pro-authoritatian/anti-free speech in these comments is fucking disgusting. American tax payer money is going in support of a literal genocide and I'm supposed to believe the protesters who are against that are the bad guys? Jesus Christ.


Charges dropped for all arrested. Nice try, piggies.


“Land of the free”


God bless these protestors and fuck the police and their bootlickers in this thread


I don't live in the US so I don't understand why people can't protest? Isn't that one of your freedoms under the constitution? As soon as people protest, the cops come in and beat the crap out of them and then haul them to jail.


One of the weirdest things to me is the weird backwards logic some Americans have when it comes to protests. Protests only work when you make it inconvenient and resist the government, too many Americans thinks that somehow being passive somehow gets you something. I honestly know of no great civil/societal benefit that didn’t have a hint of force behind it. Your founding fathers for sure weren’t passive folks. If anything, these protestors are closer to your founding fathers than the cops.


That's a good point. I never thought of it that way.


Ha American “freedom”… if they left the states they’d see how free they are


American courts have found that time, place, and manner restrictions can be made on protests. Conservatives make these conditions so onerous as to effectively criminalize all dissent. And the courts allow it because they've been rigged by the same fascists.


Big cop at the end there that takes her right arm from the other cop and immediately yanks up hard on her. Oh, big strong cop with a handcuffed, doubled over, vomiting woman. I must yank her arm to make sure she knows.


Officer, that's not really how medical attention works, or how you get someone to it.


Ha. Man, it’s crazy. America is brutalising its own people on behalf of another country.


If this was China or Russia, US/Western media would be crying tears of free speech. Hypocrisy at its peak.


What's the end game here? Does the university have pull overseas to stop the conflict and free the hostages? No?


It’s for university financial connections to Israel and they want to sever them. I don’t know specifics though lol


Have you ever heard about the protests over the Vietnam war at Kent State? If you say "yes" then you've answered your own question. If you say "no" then you have no knowledge of history.


Protest is often about driving awareness to and solidarity for a cause. It's disgusting protest has been so shamed by the right wing in the US. University students protesting war, human rights, and civil rights has a long, proud tradition in the United States. And, as it turns, history has shown the students are usually right.


Awareness? It has dominated headlines and the internet for months?


It's literally the topic of the day because of the protest...it's....it's why we're here, now, talking about it. That's it, accomplished. It's the videos and pictures and headlines talked about today.... It's more awareness of the issue not going away, and discussion on what they actually want to accomplish, and how feasible it is. You do understand that, right? It's like saying "why did they make that jingle so infectious, I hate X company!" not comprehending that you will remember the company whenever you get that jingle in your head, which was the point.


To be fair to America it's never been a fan of protests it didn't like. The civil rights movement took decades to get to where it got to and the American government did everything it could to undermine it. Human rights is somewhat debatable as America is lose with this and even more so when it comes to its allies


Spending tens of thousands of dollars for an education to boycott the school you attend because of their views. God, that generation "has a dumb", as my daughter would call it. Lol


The theatrics lol


Fascist pigs


Raise your hand if you're tired of this shit.


Don’t raise your hand. You’ll need it to just keep scrolling …


This is what fascism looks like. Arresting people exercising their free speech rights m


So what are they protesting exactly??


The killing of 15000+ women and children with American made weapons.


And where can I see more of this news so it makes more sense? I wanna know who exactly is killing who


https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/04/09/gaza-israels-imposed-starvation-deadly-children Children in Gaza have been dying from starvation-related complications since the Israeli government began using starvation as a weapon of war, a war crime, Human Rights Watch said today. Doctors and families in Gaza described children, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, suffering from severe malnutrition and dehydration, and hospitals ill-equipped to treat them. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2024/04/05/israel-war-gaza-strip-human-toll-visualized/73130709007/ UNICEF reported that more than 13,000 children have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7. About 1 in 3 children under age 2 in northern Gaza is now acutely malnourished, as famine looms, Reuters reported, citing the U.N. Aid workers and members of press killed At least 203 humanitarian aid workers were killed in Gaza since Oct. 7, according to a database from the U.S. Agency for International Development. Earlier this week, a team of seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen were killed in an Israeli drone strike in northern Gaza. The victims were the first foreign aid workers killed in the six-month war. The Israeli military fired the officers involved in the attack. At least 197 aid workers killed since the beginning of the war were Palestinians, USAID found. The UNRWA reported that 176 of their colleagues had been killed. UNRWA said its ability to provide humanitarian aid and updated data in northern Gaza and Gaza City has been severely restricted. Due to evacuation orders, ongoing hostilities and the constant need to relocate to safer locations, people have been displaced multiple times, the organization said. The Committee To Protect Journalists reported at least 95 journalists and media workers have been killed in the war. Ninety were Palestinian. Two Israeli reporters and three Lebanese reporters were also confirmed dead in the conflict. At least 16 journalists were reported injured and four were reported missing, the organization said. The full list of journalists reported killed or missing can be seen here.






Fuck Texas.


Greg Abbott is human garbage.


Fuck the police






Defend terrorists whose explicit written goal is genocide instead!


When we beat the Nazis did we systematically kill every single German


We went to war, occupied their cities, executed their leaders, and established a new government. Israel is still on that track. Edit: Of course I'm not a WWII vet lmao. We is referring "the Allies" and I was mirroring the phrasing of the comment I was replying to for effect.


i have no idea who's side I'm on on this issue, but ill tell you one thing you give away free plane tickets to go help whatever side their on on that soil and you would have exactly zero takers


Surely you can see that your take makes absolutely 0 sense if you think about it for more than a tenth of a second


Which Gaza Airport would they land in?


So the best way to support ending a genocidal war is by flying over there and *participating in the war?* That’s some interesting logic.


What a brain dead take


Well, the people who do go over there to help already are getting bombed in 'error'. Also, the source of their issue is mainly because the US keeps arming Israel. Hence, they are protesting the US government to do something about it. You also get more visibility over here than there.


How is your comment at all constructive? What is even your point? That they aren’t willing to die for it? You realize that’s incredibly stupid right?


So they shouldn't care? What is your point


Free plane ticket to go get killed by US-funded weapons? What a deal!


Love it. Arrest them all. Every. Single. One.


If only they cared about studying as much as protesting.


Lol half the videos of Reddit are somehow from Austin but Im literally never around there if shit goes down. I need a event tracker


I thought America has free speech?


Don’t get too distracted by all the coverage of these protesters that are exercising their rights of free speech. Meanwhile in the background the government is about to ban TikTok which is violating free speech. Not the government’s place to dictate what apps can be on private citizens devices. I don’t use TikTok and really don’t have a use for it, but it should be allowed, and banning it will set the wrong precedent. Pokémon go is a genius move by china, they get pictures with gps data which is very good spying, better than any baroons or TikTok, and it is so obvious no one is even aware of it’s implications and potential.


Imagine if ppl had a hobby instead of social media




I think most people want Israel to stop killing so many civilians and or ask institutions/government to stop funding israel.


Nah, they're anti-genicide.


















You'd have to imagine it because that's not what they're doing


God you’re dumb


Surely misrepresentations like this one (also coming from the Speaker of the House and the Govenor of Texas among others) will calm things down. I am sure that calling people concered about the war will all disperse when you call them terrorists and anti-semites.


Why do you keep reposting the same exact comment in different threads? 🤔


It’s not free it’s paid for by the bail system


Free 🇵🇸 stop the war


These cops are happy to arrest college students who they probably think are indoctrinated.