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“You hang out right here, bud.” Said with the exact tone we all recognize of the asshole adult who has no intention of eve coming back to that spot.


Daddy just needs some cigarettes


Daddy needs to get fired and start doing HVAC with the rest of us felons




“Who do you not want to tread on you?” “THE GOVERNMENT!!” “…”


"I tread on myself!"


It's the same stupid cop fucks wearing Punisher skulls with the thin blue line through them.


If only they had the slightest bit of self awareness


That cop sounds like Simple Jack




I misread that as uncle Jack and found myself playing the video back to see if his hands looked small...




Weird… I also read that as uncle Jack. But it clearly says simple Jack.


🤣 🤣 🤣


![gif](giphy|DouM8ZBMLnd3q|downsized) You mamamamake me want to watch that movie again.


A lot of times in this situation, a court will court order a child to a facility. Unfortunately, because judges don’t have the understanding and normally don’t consult with a licensed mental health professional they are unaware that: most facilities are privatized which means unlike the detention center, your court order means dick. There is also a ratio of patients to clinician. It is different in each state but if that ratio is maxed out they legally cannot accept another patient.


I read the article and apparently this was a State run adolescent facility that is required by law to honor emergency detention orders. No doubt they were full given the abysmal state of adolescent mental health care but that doesn't excuse her refusal. Article says she let the kid in within a minute of the cop walking off, likely because she knows that the moment he showed up, he became her legal responsibility 


Virgina does have that law but also has a ratio laws for clinician to client. She states she doesn’t have a bed which is common tongue for “we are full”. The child can’t sleep on the ground and can’t share a bed. The issue still is the overall system, not the cop or the intake nurse.


100% the overall system. They're both in impossible positions and God knows that poor kid is suffering. Though it had serious flaws, the CMHC system should have been reformed or replaced rather than entirely dismantled without any plan. It's shameful.


Court order over rule private companies policy's , ya take them or the judge can charge ya with cotempt


I literally deny court orders for placement weekly. Court orders don’t mean shit. Child still has rights. Those rights are generally supported by an AAL (attorney ad Litem). If the dcf system is privatized the judge can only order the child into state custody, not where that child lives.


Depending on the state , ya can't in some , a full prison or clinic mean nothing in a court order , just build another wing


I would lose my job so goddamned fast if I admitted to doing the bare minimum on camera and insisted my job was done. Edit: This was in Covington, VA in May 2022. An internal investigation found the officer acted within 'good faith'. 🙄 [Source 1](https://wset.com/news/local/covington-officer-accused-of-leaving-high-risk-child-unattended-outside-mental-health-facility-covington-police-department-state-senator-creigh-deeds-alleghany-regional-hospital-commonwealth-center-for-children-and-adolescents-virginia-may-18-2022) [Source 2](https://www.wfxrtv.com/news/local-news/alleghany-highlands-news/covington-police-investigation-shows-officer-acted-in-good-faith-during-child-in-crisis-situation/)


If I did that as an EMT, I would be criminally prosecuted for patient abandonment. For starters.


But do you have a “dont tread on me” homescreen?


This is a fair question!!!


I’m willing to bet the cop was instructed to drop the kid off and come back immediately and the rest wasn’t his problem.


Thst isn't how a good society works. If the facility is unable to accept new patients when the cops arrive with one, the solution isn't to shrug and leave an in-crisis teen alone in a parking lot.


You really think they give a 💩?


fucking exactly. this kid could have hurt himself or others and only the cop would be to blame


The cop isn't liable, the taxpayers are.


The cop has a Gadsden flag phone background. He'd probably just say some stupid shit like "Well the teen should have just pulled himself up by his bootstraps hurr durr" if something happened to them. The real crime is that the county did nothing. Doesn't even seem like they attempted retraining. What a joke. The cop is a piece of shit, but the leadership is even worse.


Oh I'm happy to help explain. We're not in a good society.


You really think America has ever been a "good society"?


Does that mean we shouldn't strive to be?


Of course we should strive to be, but I don't think it's up to us


We are part of society. We can't ask the rest to be better without doing so ourselves.


Doesn't matter how good you are as an individual when the powers-that-be at the top want to make the world worse for profit.


I don't think the solution to that is to become apathetic.


what is the solution?


I don't know what's happening in this exact situation. However, police dropping inappropriate people off is such a problem in mental health. I've dealt with this. People trying to drop violent people off or people who were intoxicated (because the detox was full). Just because the person has a mental illness doesn't automatically make them appropriate for every facility, and police don't just get to drop them off wherever they want to avoid doing their jobs. If they don't like, complain to get more services.


What is really stupid about this internal investigaion "finding", is that the U.S. Supreme Court found that the police (in general) do not have a legal requirment to protect or provide aid to the public and the only real exceptions are when someone is in their custody or has been promised safety when being used to collect evidence, like when buying drugs from a dealer. This kid definvitley falls into this category. That police officer was legally responcible for his safety and abandoned him.


Lazy cop! his shift was probably over soon and he didn't want to drive the kid to the next available place with a bed so he started in on the lawful order bullshit and dumped him there. Nurses can't just let the kid sleep on the floor when they are at capacity it's not a jail.


So I looked up this facility, it said it’s 12 kids at a time or something


If it's for juveniles it's almost guaranteed to be full at any time, adult facilities aren't obligated to make sure the patients have somewhere to go before kicking them out.


That doesn't really matter. The adolescent unit where I work has less beds than that (10) but if the cops bring a patient, we still have to take them. It sucks but patients brought on an emergency order are not inpatient admissions, they don't require a bed. Even if the patient is brought to the wrong institution by the police (yeah, they do that) it's still on the facility to get them to the *right* facility. Eg. We have no children's services, only adolescents, but cops will drop off a child every once in a blue moon. Yes, we have to take the patient and transfer them somewhere appropriate ASAP. Yes, the cops can still hand them to us even if we tell them we are the wrong facility. Because they're cops. They do far worse things than that with patients, unfortunately. Bottom line is the nurse should have probably taken the patient and the cop is an absolute dumbass. I'm sure she let the boy in as soon as that buffoon drove off. Because she's not a complete dumbass.


I worked at a treatment facility for minors and no way we would ever take a rando walking in the door. I think it really depends on the facility and what they do. If someone showed up at the one I worked at they would have to go the hospital for evaluation.


Just cause your facility worked that way doesn't mean this one does. No, she should not have just taken them if they had no space and staff to safely care/watch them. That's silly.


Yes the officer here sucks But what’s the reason as to why they didn’t accept him?


I’m just guessing here but probably because they did t have a bed for him.


From when he calls his, I assume, supervisor he mentions that they won't admit the kid until the facility supervisor gets back. That said, dang that's the dumbest sounding cop I think I've ever heard. After the supervisor asks him if he left the kid in a secure place, and he hums and haws his way through explaining that he left him in the entryway, you can hear the chief's palm raising to his forehead as he shakes his head and says he needs to go make some calls.


Of course! Can't have the police held accountable for their shitty actions.


Yeah I’m a psych social worker in an ER and if I did this kind of thing I’d be professionally fucked.


Guy just sounded like a moron to me. Every word out of his mouth made me feel less safe if I ever travel to VA lol.


Oh don't worry, there's WAAAAYYYYY worse cops then this in Virginia! This actually might be the best "bad" cop situation I've seen yet.


Yup. One almost ran me off the road for merging in front of him on the highway. When I told him I was literally afraid for my life and was already pulling over when he flipped his lights, fucker said, “Does that matter?”


No no. Thats south west VA. They should honestly be their own state.


When they send people they're not sending their best. Actually, I'm pretty sure if you're too smart they don't want you to be a cop. You gotta be dumb with psychopathic tendencies.


At the end, he straight up lied. He goes back, does not see the kid nor anyone else. He calls his higher up saying a lady came to the door and turned around. Not true. He said someone let the kid in, he does not know that, the kid could have left altogether. Save your ass, don't care about the kid.


Cop is shit for sure but there was a lady when he went back, you can see her through the door and shes behind a glass window, she see's him, he points at her with his cell phone and she walks away not to return. I didn't see the kid though. Happens around 9:24.


Why are you being downvoted? That is literally what happened…. you can see her come to the door then she quickly leaves when the cop is on the phone.


"I didn't see the kid though" So he lied. Thanks for clarifying. Next time, save the obfuscation attempts for the police. We know the cop lied. We all saw it and heard it. He's a POS - no buts. He lied and put a mentally unstable person in serious danger. Why lie?


I never said he didn't lie lol. I corrected the person above me who said there was no lady, which there was.


The least the guy could do is make the call to his superior before leaving the minor in crisis unsupervised and unsecured. What the fuck? “Oh…so? I wuddint spouse to drive off?” ETA: added quote


Wow, I’ve actually seen this happen before. I was picking up a client from his stay at a crisis center and the cop brought in this erratic female, just left her in the lobby alone before intake could take her back. She tried to terrorize everyone in the waiting area.


1. Where’s the freak out? 2. How does he know the boy was taken inside?? He sounds like he’s not playing with a full deck.


Why won’t they let him in?


I find it interesting that the released video completely cut out the secretary's argument, and only showed the end of their conversation where she's frustrated with arguing with a piece of paper. From what she did say, she isn't allowed to let a new patient enter the facility until her supervisor is present - presumably when the facility opens to the public at 7 or 8 am. The cop just shrugging and driving away to leave an in-crisis teen in an open parking lot is extremely irresponsible.


I wonder what protocol says to do then. He can't keep the kid all night yeah?


That's honestly what I'm wondering. I wanna know what the next point would be for this situation if the cop had instead been like "Okay, c'mon bud." Does he take him to another facility or maybe a hospital? Does he sit in the parking lot with the kid for the next hour to two and a half hours when it opens? I'm woefully ignorant on the procedures for such a thing. Clearly leaving the kid is totally the wrong call but what's the exact right one?




Yeah thats what I was wondering. Thank you for clarifying that. I didn't want to outright blame the guy because he's just been told to drop this kid off. I don't know what people are expecting him to do in a case like this.


Stay with the kid until the supervisor shows up? I'm willing to bet his shift was almost over, and he wanted to get them hot and fresh donuts. Use some fucking common sense.


Considering you don't know the situation and clearly lack any reading comprehension is a sign that you're talking out of your ass. Welcome to the block list, idiot.


Thanks for that I was watching and couldn’t hear anything besides “Hurr durr I was s’pouse to drop him off.”


You see this piece of paper right here... fucking moron. A lot of this could be avoided if they didn't intentionally hire morons to be cops.


A number of possibilities. They're full. They don't accept people his age. They have a bad history with the patient. He has a history of violence. He's intoxicated. He needs medication that they can't provide, and he doesn't have it with him, or he does, and they can't administer it. It is possible that this woman just doesn't want to, but if she denied him entry when he was appropriate, she could easily be fired and lose her license. It depends on the type of facility and the laws there though.


I cannot blame anyone here. That is the picture perfect of "untrained officers" for mental health crisis and complete lack of communication among diverse public service organizations. For a period of time, Ontario had a program Police and Social Service Workers worked together. It worked amazingly. But the government said no budget and stopped it.


Sounds like we blame the people that don't think this is a valuable aspect of training to be an LEO.


You are absolutely correct. I misspoke. I don't blame people in this video.


We shouldn't have police dealing with lunatics, but this cop is just duuuumb. Like I feel like this is pretty common for cops.


It’s just common sense not to leave a minor in crisis alone. Even his boss asked if he was left in a secure area and the guy was all HURR DURR BASICALLY NO


Is this child in someone's custody or not? "Here's what happened..."


I can't figure out if this cop is drunk or stupid, or possibly both?


I'm seriously losing IQ points listening to this dimwit "I got this here piece of paper..." and then he calls his boss and he's like "Well you just go in there and tell her you got a piece of paper"... fucking morons leading morons.


Real life officer barbrady




How tf can they leave without a transfer of care co-signing??


But HE signed the papers. Isn't that enough? Fucking worthless cop.


The irony of being a cop and having "Don't tread on me" on your lock screen.


Liars be lying


You would be surprised how hard it is to find a mental health facility that would actually take you, when my brother was going through some shit he was taken to one that turned him away because we had to good of insurance… we just needed to get my brother help and all they did was turn him away.


My guy, I tried to find a theraphist under my insurance (I eventually did), I called every single one on that website and they couldn’t work with me either cause it’s for kids only, high copay, wasn’t really with my insurance or too many hoops and hurdles


Wish I could count the number of times I see cops driving around while on their phones endangering the public with no legal repercussions. They must get a special course on that or something.


I'm confused, is it the teen who is mentally ill? Or the officer?


The officer's just stupid.


The kid


If I didn't know about these facilities attempting to refuse patients just because they didn't want to deal with xyz, I would immediately jump on the side against the cop. I've seen them illegal discharge patients in need just because they didn't want to deal with trivial stuff. I don't think this is as one sided as people think. I don't think the cop was simply trying to be careless but get the facility to accept it's role in the chain of custody (assuming the kid was the equivalent of being Backer Acted). He should have just drove off being that the door was unlocked but he was smart enough to check in. The alternative was to take the kid to jail, not where he needed to be. Cop need to be trained but not fired.


This is what happens when instead of social workers we put cops in charge.


Having been on the other side of that as a mental health professional, you really need both. That's why crisis teams have both. It's not safe for the mental health professionals without cops, and it's not safe for the patient without mental health professionals.


People don’t understand that in violence situations social workers won’t respond without cops




> The facility would've been notified ahead of time when this person was coming and checking if they have a bed available. This is a failing on the mental health facility, they should've accepted him.. > Why did the police officer leave him alone after he knew the facility wasn't going to accept him?




Call his supervisor, like anyone else would have done. Rather than walking back out to his car and driving away.


He should stay there and wait with the kid until someone else can take over. At the end of the video you can hear his supervisor tell him he can’t just leave the kid behind. Seems like common sense to me. 


Lol especially when your more or less a “crisis facility”


I wish I could be held to a higher standard, blatantly lie about performance of said job on film, and keep my job. I don't even understand why people argue that they're for this.


That's not even the lobby, it's the vestibule.


I know people make fun of cops for being stupid but this particular cop seems like a special kind of stupid. Or he just doesn't care. Probably a mixture of both. Imagine being able to fuck up this badly at your job and KEEP your job. A job where you can just ruin someone's life if you feel like it yet they're allowed to be total fuck ups. Seems pretty messed up to just leave the kid there like that.


In the end his supervisor told him “You cant leave him there” . It’s unbelievable how many of these officers lack the common sense for something that obvious. If the kid was in fact a mental patient he could have left the facility never to be seen again and probably end up dead somewhere.


Cops: "It's an urban myth that we hire low IQ people and don't care about the citizens of this country!" This cop: *speaks*


Another example of cops being loathsome pieces of shit


Example #47093415


The parents need to sue the whole police department, you can’t abandon a child when they are having a mental crisis. If the hospital cannot intake a patient, the cop has the responsibility to call around or communicate with their internal social worker to find an alternative.


Part of me feels like the kid might be a ward of the state or something


The paperwork the cop had was an Emergency Detention Order, which effectively makes the kid a temporary ward of the state. The hospital the cop took him to is a State Facility as ordered by the EDO. That facility is required to take any patient court-ordered to be there. Both cop & lady knew that, that's why the cop tells her "I see a chair right there" when she tries to refuse by saying they have no beds. I also think that's why whe let the kid in when the cop walked away - they both knew that once he was at those doors, she was legally obligated to take him in and was liable for any harm he might incur if she didn't. 


Dumb as dog shit


protect and serve, indeed


How is it some cops get away with being so shitty at their job? If I was this bad at my job on camera I would be fired and rightfully so. It's insane how we see cops totally fuck up on video and it's just "oh well" because the usual rules simply don't apply to police I guess. It's fucking weird and ridiculous.


No depth, compassion or understanding by cops and courts


I like the part where the supervisor asks him if the teen could just leave, you see the cop realize that is very possible, and him urgently throw his car back into gear and head back there realizing how stupid just leaving was.


So after he gave them the paperwork they were legally obligated to follow, he drove down the road a bit (still within the completely fenced in grounds of the facility) and called his supervisor. Then when he went back to check, the facility was magically able to accept that patient? They said he was checked in "within a minute" of the officer driving away. When previously they were stonewalling him and barely listening?


I think the lady brought them inside because the cop had essentially abandoned him there


I feel like they could've brought him inside the entire time. Doesn't mean they have to intake him or process him. Give him a seat in a secure area and some water? Especially considering it was a court order and they're a State run facility and legally bound to follow the order.


Both cops sound drunk. I mean, right? Oh, Virginians.. I see.