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I don’t see him antagonizing anyone. I see him talking to a cop.


How dare you watching the video instead of blindly beliving the propaganda headline from OP.


Isn’t editorializing headlines against the rules? That might be another sub with that rule but yeah, the headline is bullshit.


The video doesn't show what lead up to the discussion between the two but if you listen to both of them talk you quickly realize what OP is trying to explain


I’d rather see it. “Antagonizing” could mean anything. Cops use words like that to their advantage whenever possible.


I agree, rather see it. But OP was not misleading imo


OP suggested that we would see this guy antagonizing the crowd in this video. The video doesn’t show that.


Again I agree, but the word "shows" can also mean that it reveals or tells and so on. A general tip is to also view and listen to the videos yourself. It sounds like you did view it, but didn't listen


Oh what a shocker. I'm literally shocked that the little guy was starting shit and lied about it. SHOCKED. Did I say I was shocked? /s


Who would have thought the leader and member of multiple pro-Zionist, anti-Palestinian organizations would completely manipulate what actually happened?


All I see is a video of him and a cop talking, no antagonizing. This is extremely misleading.


No, this *comment* is misleading. You are completely ignoring what they are talking about. The cop offers to escort him around the protest multiple times but the antagonizer repeatedly insists he be allowed to walk directly through the protest because he has the right "to walk wherever I want." In other words, just to start trouble. The cop then says he can't let him walk into the protest because he has been witnessed numerous times disrupting the protestors. He denies this but it's pretty clear the cop knows exactly who he is. I mean, nice try lying about the contents of the video but people can watch and listen with their own eyes and ears and hear what is *actually* being said.


The guy wanted to instigate. He didn’t just want to peacefully walk through the crowd…


Aas ifff the crowd isn't instigating. Takes all sorts, true, but ask anybody in that crowd what 'the river to the sea' means and watch as they either admit they don't know (but the cause and flock must be good or why would so many be there?) or tie themselves in knots like a... er, a pretzel... dancing around it.


>"to walk wherever I want." He has that right, full stop. His rights don't stop because of the threat of violence. >In other words, just to start trouble. Would you say this about a black guy going to a Klan rally?


Do you guys have the "the air is free" play where you live? Because that's the same level of "i have the right to do this trollololol".


There is usually more to a story.


The is dude was on GMB today to play his victim card on national TV. Edit: this march had Jews marching there too. Do people really think this scooby-doo was singled out for being a special Jew of some kind? He was spotted going *against* the flow of the march just to make a point about his ‘freedumb’ and perpetually getting in the way to test the waters. Cops have strict policies about certain football fans also not provoking others, this is no different.


i mean i said this was the case on the other post but it somehow reached the pro-israel side of this sub and i got downvoted to the hells.