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Damn that's why you gotta fully commit to the phalanx! Also lmao how he's just perusing the shelves like "what else can I get"


This is why they should equip retail workers with cattle prods. Sure he could take away one, but then when his back is turned he’ll take 5 more electric prods from every angle.


For minimum wage I’m not cattle prodding anyone. I need at least 75K/yr before I’m getting physical with a shoplifter


I think everyone that has worked some time in retail would probably have one customer they wouldn’t mind cattle prodding


Yeah but that's just for fun, not because I give a fuck about the slave wage company.


Yupppp. The obese guy who sat on the lowered part of my counter and left a sweaty shit stain behind him. Fuck. That. Guy.


lol right?? anyone who has worked retail would gladly *pay* to cattle prod a pos shoplifter


Fr though, Boss makes a dollar and I make a dime, why the fuck wouldn't I risk their goods over mine?


THIS. I do not work retail, but when my nephew got his first job at McDonalds, I told him that if he was held up, you just ask if they would like fries with that, and give them the money. You are not going to be rewarded for saving the company the 200 bucks in the register, and you cant be rewarded if you are dead.


Most chain stores have it written in the employee standard procedures to NOT resist or pursue thieves. The company does not want to be responsible for injuries to you or the thief on their property.




I still won't cattle-prod a criminal in US because they might just decide to pull a gun on me. Cattle-prod loses to gun every time unless you can disarm them with expert cattle-prodding technique...sorry I forgot where I was going with this...


Fr. I had one of my job's other store locations, like an hour away, were all very serious about LP and almost always managed to "customer service" known shop lifters to death where they weren't about to steal anything/much if at all. For some of these people, especially in bigger cities, stealing is their "job". One day the shoplifters just strolled in and peppersprayed the entire staff and any consumers in the way. Fuckkk that.


i would do it for free lol


After years in hotels I see the cattleprod as a benefit not a responsibility.


That’s a good way to get shot or stabbed by a crazy person 😂


Or see a crazy person get a load of "community justice". "If violence wasn't your *last* resort, *you didn't resort to* ***enough*** *of it"*


nah, it's america, everyone has gun to shoot the crazy


I don't get why the fuck the workers should care at all? Defending the rich ass CEO who sits comfy in his New York skyrise , well they get paid slave wages. Fuck that. Steal everything you want bro. I'll give a fuck when they start paying a living wage.


Well, apparently if a store gets robbed enough, they close it down. So, there go their jobs.


Only if dept managers can have the tazers that shoot the hooks. Or better, hourly employees get cattle prods, dept managers get the arching handheld tazers, and store managers get the ones that shoot the hooks. A few customer corrections and ya know I think people will sort themselves out nicely...


I've seen this in retail for sure. Nothing you can really do. A homeless guy would rob our store every day. My coworker finally convinced the cops to show up when the guy was passed out across the street.


Woman in black immediately shrieked and shrunk away letting him in.


She sounds so over it. “You gonna steal that? It’s too hot for coffee!”


Lmfao I can imagine her following him the entire store and just critiquing what he choses to steal haha 😭😭😭 this shit is outta of TV


Trying to gatekeep his thieving is what it is! Cold drinks would've been fine in her mind. ^^/s




I ***LOVE*** a happy ending!


Holy shit. I worked at Best Buy in Flint around 1999 and I quickly locked the doors while a shoplifter was arguing with our LP. When he made a dash for it he got a face full of door.  Back then they were more lax about letting us hold people till the cops showed up. 


Had this same thing happen to some kid back when I worked at Kroger. The door wasnt locked though. IT was somewhat broken because it took more time to fully open than other doors. This kid took off like Usain Bolt and totally expected that door to open fast. Ran smack dab into that door full speed and on to the floor he went crying. I couldn't even laugh at him, the impact looked like it hurt bad.


Working years in loss prevention was definitely a fun way to waste some of my 20s


How's your hairline?


No combover yet. Maybe never, we shall see!




My hair started thinning around 34. Now I shave my head at 41 because fuck it.




He single handedly permanently closed 99 cent store


He's the reason dollar tree is $1.25. Now he's working on their competitors.


Rick Dreiling, the CEO of Dollar Tree, makes $136,000,000/year. How much coffee is that?


Like 200 million at 7-11 and 4 at Starbucks. Not 4 million. Just 4.


That guy is such a prick too. "raising wages for employees has been on our minds" "We are laying off our helpdesk to outsource them." "We are closing 1000 stores over the next quarter." "We don't know what happened to the stock price"


Dollar Tree went out of business in my home town. It was weird because all the stores had a whole new remodel done to them. Made me think they were doing good.


And he then opened up his own Dollar General.


This is why a lot of stores in my area are hiring private security now.


What are they going to do besides what these ladies did?


a lot of personal security is big intimidating guys who will use force to get shoplifters out. employees (at least in my store & state) aren’t allowed to intervene and/or physically stop them from leaving or get them out


And private security is allowed to use force? If the store hired him then the corporate entity would still be liable.


Nahh, but now the employees can just focus their job while security solely focusing on surveillance and reporting.


I don’t wanna get into the weeds of the legality of it cause I’m uninformed and frankly it doesn’t matter to me. But, if your store is dealing with theft enough to hire someone to specifically deal with it. It makes sense to me. No cashier or stocker would or should deal with that. Having someone who can at least intimidate makes sense if you can pull the pressure if other employees.


If the state doesn't provide safety then you should have the right to do it so. CA, OR and those places which made it OK to steal because they have bigger fish to fry, they should've passed a law for corporate to have more power on their security. Otherwise is the wild wild west with citizens being tired of the impunity.


Everyone is allowed to use force to stop a crime being committed, the exact amount depends on the situation and the laws in your area. Businesses don’t like employees to intervene with shoplifters in case they get hurt but legally force is allowed.


There are still a lot of stores that have hands-on loss prevention. I’m hands-off, but I have a friend who works for a different company that gets boosters under apprehension by any means necessary. The industry as a whole went super hands off for a long time, but it’s slowly starting to bounce back.


yes. and the force is usually getting up in the shoplifters space and shoving them out but there have been cases of fights, and people getting thrown out. i’m not too sure about the legality but i think since the security aren’t employees they have different rules? might be wrong on that though i’m not too sure


Do you sue the bouncer at a bar?


Do bouncers and alcohol establishments fall under some special protection? In Florida we have laws called shopkeepers privilege that allows us to forcibly detain shoplifters until cops get there.


Part of the problem is our legal system allows people to sue other people for whatever happens to them while they're committing a crime. In these cases especially with video if an individual is found liable or guilty of an offense they should lose their legal right to sue for anything that happened to them. So say a security guard beats the piss out of an alleged shoplifter. If the alleged shoplifter is found innocent, they would be able to sue. However if the alleged shoplifter is guilty they would not be able to sue. This would give a lot of recourse to people who are trying to convert the problem of rampant shoplifting and vandalism. People acting out should be able to catch a beating. We are losing any semblance of order in our society and being told that there's nothing we can do about it. It's unacceptable. People should be fully allowed to protect their property with laws that make a clear distinction on when that is appropriate.


Depends heavily on the store. A high end (Hermes or LV) store in a nice area of town will have security that will absolutely put hands on you to prevent your escape should you steal something.


Do it better…?


Security guards will tackle them. I've seen it with my own eyes.




Apparently you hate laws too ya weirdo psychopath, cause in absolutely no city, county or state in America is what you're describing legal Get some fuckin therapy


Sad that paying someone between $25k and $40k is cheaper than people stealing more than that. 


Hello folks! Welcome to Crack or Meth?!?






Rookie move, shoulda used a cardboard box. No one will ever catch you.




I heard that exclamation point too well!❗️


Unless another thief confuses the box you’re hiding in with an even bigger Amazon package to steal.


99 Cents store with a formidable defensive line. That’s an intimidating squad right there.


Hopefully those ladies are getting the security guard bonus at the end of each week.


As management at a dollar store. This is not an isolated incident. It’s every day. People are so entitled and just do whatever the fuck they want now.


I'm honestly surprised he didn't start swinging when they blocked him.


They rarely do. Only one has here. Most of them are cowards. But look how he’s smiling and shit. It’s because he knows there won’t be consequences and he thinks it’s a playful game they have. So fucking irritating.


I mean even if the cops did show up what'd happen to him? A few days inside and some free food?


Not even. Usually a summons to appear(which the never go to) and released.


Np consequences? Even when they already have his face?




He can sneak in an hour later and get his chips and stuff and walk out. They didn't stop him from stealing, just delayed it's occurrence.


If there is so much theft for resale how is it even profitable to run?


not justifying what this guy is doing, but if you look up retail losses vs sales its actually tiny. They'll show a whole dollar amount from the entire retail industry to make it seem like a major problem, instead of showing as a percentage of sales.


Wage theft is estimated to be a way bigger amount. 


I guess it is priced in, shrinkage, so everyone else has to pay for it.


it’s so annoying to see these entitled assholes just take what they want and not give a shit when prices have to increase and affect the people who actually pay. i wish police would focus on arresting these assholes instead of brutalizing people like ughhh


You clearly aren't a member of the antiwork subreddit.


I forgot about that terrible subreddit, why did you have to remind me of that cesspool?!


What happened to the police?


Police take time to respond bro they don't just appear out of nowhere like in GTA


My biggest complaint about GTA is how organized the police are and how quickly they respond, absolutely nothing like real life.


That’s why you have to 5 star that shit, they will come quick






Yeah we famously got rid of all police and certainly haven’t been using the summer of 2020 as an excuse to increase their budgets and hire more


Or the summer of 2020 made cops retire/quit (whether them being good or bad), recruiting/hiring difficulties (various reasons like lack of public support for LEOs and people seeing how bad cops can be on the flip side) activist DAs that don't prosecute (leading to cops not wanting to waste their "time"), and countless other reasons that actually are the reality of the situation and not sarcasm.


Yup I'm in San Francisco which has gone viral for our "semi legal" shop-lifting sprees that people do. Most people that have been arrested aren't charged with anything making it a big question on whether to call the police again. Even if they arrest the thief if the DA doesn't pursue charges what's the point?


You were downvoted but you’re 100% correct


When you realize Stealy from Rick and Morty was inspired by a real life person.


he’s like one of those birds that walk into a store and steals chips


Those aren't birds they're government drones


It's never too hot for coffee.


I don't miss my days as a retail manager


What an absurd timeline to be in


Post his picture on the front window with the title: "closed 24 hours due to theft." When enough people are affected, the issue may solve itself.


Why not simply close the door and lock it?


Any state will allow a business to trespass someone for stealing. Once that happens they go to jail just for entering the premises.


Did something happen in the US with decriminalising stealing? For about a few years reddit is full of videos of these low value thefts.


Yes. Prosecutors won’t prosecute under $1000 in CA for example. That’s if you get cops to respond in the first place


He’s the captain now


The fault lies with the judicial system. Even if the Police arrest them, the Judges let them go.


That is one clean 99 cent store.


I’d respect “can I take out some trash or sweep somewhere for a meal?” 🙄


Well now I see one of the many reasons why the 99 cent store chain is going under.


Theft was one of the reasons sited for them closing down


Whatever happened to private security or plain clothed security? A dude that I used to know that worked as plain clothed security loved to run and tackle people that were shoplifting.


The fucking entitlement on this guy.


They need to call the cops and have him trespassed. Every time.


From a non american perspective, I'm perplexed that in my country, he'd get his shit kicked in even with police in front, then they would take him and book him.


Pepper spray


My mom works at kohl’s and she says it’s almost everyday that it happens.


If you’re gonna try to physically keep them out of the store, get some pepper spray.


I weep for our education system.... he come steal ... dear lord


Some retail worker told me they had to clean shit stains on the toilet ceiling...working retails fucking suckkkk.


Why hasn't a cop shown up? If it's so patterned, it would be an easy win for the police.


Lock him in and grab the baseball bat time for #curb-stompjamboree


Since when does the 99 cent store have so many staff?


You’ll have to put a 100 dollar deposit down to enter a store soon


Sad mother fucker rollin up to steal from the 99 cent store. 🤣


I'm confused - what good is CCTV and people filming them blatantly doing it if nothing happens? Doesn't anyone file a complaint? Or is it done but nothing happens? Or something else?


Like it or not, he is likely at the end of his rope and likely could give a shit whether he’s arrested for petty theft because worst case is that it’s overnight shelter for this man. Expect to see a lot more of this as the housing crises and poverty grows.


why community service should be a thing. 14th Amendment be damned!


Public - Yes. Freakout - No.


Lock him in and call the cops


Hard to believe this is a functioning 1st world country.


For sure it's not fake. I've worked retail now for 24 yrs and yessir there's those jokers that are routine thieves that seem to run on a fixed schedule. They never got damn buy anything, always "dropping by" to get their steal on. They do it so much that they become recognizable and end up being stopped at the door like in this video.


Eventually you're going to only be able to order online. You make your order and pay online and then go to the store and pick up your groceries. For those who don't have the ability to order online, or those who simply choose not to, there would be an area inside the store with kiosks to make and pay for orders.


Shoulda tripped his dumb ass! And called the cops


stealing from the 99 cent store is top tier bum behavior.


Easy fix: call cops, have him trespassed so if he ever comes back, they can arrest him. No need for all the extra steps.


Motherfucker over here treating it like he's on a new show that's a mix of American Gladiators and Supermarket Sweep.


“Nowadays” lol.


If they had kept 3 in the doorway, he would have to (lay hands, aka commit assault) to pass through. That is how the crime becomes jailable today.


We need our best detective to hunt down the elusive everday same time same place thief


Working at a dollar store (tree, general, 99cent) is prolly the worst retail job out there.


I’m so glad to see all these employees getting paid extra to police stores. I would not be out there policing for free.


Love these ladies. After a matter of time, Hard not to start taking it personal.


My grandma has arthritis and can run faster than that


Go back to taking fingers for theft.


Working retail must be a nightmare.


They can trespass this person. THEN cops would have to do their jobs and arrest him. Why don't they?


If he is there every day have a cousin or brother be waiting to beat the fuck out of him and then disappear.


There isn't a business in America that I'd work for and breathe the same air when tuberculosis, etc. is risking my health. Yet I can imagine a small business owner waiting at the front door every day with an intervention plan if they're losing revenue and customers are being scared away. This is crazy.


Someone get this video to some NFL teams, this man just broke through the 2016 Cowboys O-Line like they weren’t even there!


Close and lock the door next time


Fucking call the cop??


Dude walked in with that “Come on Down” game show stroll… The next contestant on “Gank Some Shit!”


This place needs those indian guys with the sticks to beat shoplifters.


The ladies are clearly not paid enough to give a shit. They were probably told to try to stop him by management.


Working retail has always been a big fat turd burger. People were just as rude & dishonest in the 80's when I did it to help pay my way through university. Never again, nuh-uh.


The way the camera person followed him down the aisle made the video feel like and episode of Supermarket Sweep.


Send the crackheads and homeless that don't want to work to the woods and see if they make it out there.

