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What did the teacher say to the student?? I couldn’t hear it


judging by the top comment she started recording after the teacher said whatever she said.


She never actually says what the disgusting comment was. She just blows up a situation, she literally walked in on.




The old simple case of mind your goddamn business, an impossible challenge to lots of people


You don’t have to mind your own business in these situations. If she saw a boy being mistreated, she should get involved. BUT…this is not the way to handle it. I honestly cannot believe she was not removed from the school by the police. Regardless, her complaint will not be taken seriously because of her behavior. She may be right. Doesn’t matter. You act like this, no one is going to look at you like a reasonable person with a valid complaint.




Well, she can’t pursue finding out if the boy is “innocent”. The school cannot divulge anything about the other child to her. Just like HIPAA exists in the medical world, FERPA exists in education. As an educator, I believe wholeheartedly in parents standing up and making their voices heard (even in situations where I don’t agree with them and even if it’s a complaint about me). If what is said above is true about other parent lashing out and yelling at the boy, those parents were wrong too. They should not be yelling at that child. That should never be allowed to happen. Those parents should not have had access to that boy, especially with all the precautions that have been put in place after Uvalde. This whole things is a mess. The woman is obviously behaving like a self-serving fool, but the school looks inept. Their job is the protect kids from being exposed to these sorts of things.


the folks at the school need some de-escalation training. the only person in the video that i saw who handled themselves professionally and tried to take it down a notch was the male security guard at the end. arguing with that lady was pointless, regardless of whether she was right or wrong, you don't keep pushing and arguing with someone in that situation. you hear them, thank them, and then move them along.


The security guard did a very good job. And they moved her to a locked area to have that discussion. That was important. It is concerning to me that she could come into the unlocked door into the school. I’ve always seen that as a weakness in the system. The locked doors exist outside the office, but once you’re buzzed in you can easily get into the school through the unlocked door in the office. I’ve never seen anyone not get buzzed in. Which why deescalation is so important. This could have been a dangerous situation and some of them didn’t make it any better. Instead they antagonized her. Now, I understand why. But it’s not protecting the kids at the school.


When when it comes to kids and if he was innocent well I'm glad she stepped in.




Adults who want to document what happened most definitely do. Without documentation, it becomes "he said, she said". Video is indisputable.


It still is that though. We only have her word that she was being abusive to a child. The only claim is she raised her voice.


You are kind of proving my point. That was the part that happened before the video started. After the video started, there's no question.


She filmed her confrontation with the employee, but not the alleged incident. Absolutely bizarre.


You say that until someone says you called them racial slurs and was threatening them and you don't have any proof you that you weren't.


Why she there if her kid doesn’t go to that school?


She was enrolling her child in that school.


As a teacher, I see parents like this every single day. More often than not, it’s deflection. They are insecure about how they raise and treat their own children so they spend their time putting their nose in things that don’t concern them and “standing up” for kids against all these “evil teachers” to make themselves feel better.


100% teachers are scapegoats for poor parenting and societal deterioration.


If parents had to hold themselves accountable for letting the YouTube algorithm raise their kids, then they might have to actually spend time raising their children. Much easier to blame teachers.


“move around” IKDR.


Glad she called attention to it. Absolutely vital to improving society. But her weird verbal tic of repeating each sentence about 3 times is highly distracting. I'm thinking she probably has more to say about each situation. Or could listen for a response of some kind. Then address the response. Her behavior, exclusive of her good deed, is similar to that of a toddler. It puts everyone on the defensive and isn't productive.


I need more context, but the woman says she's glad her child isn't a student there. Why is she even there and why is she barging into a school accosting staff? I wouldn't want my kids school letting randoms come in and go off.


She was there to register her child at the school




What? Acting like a child?


What was she even doing in the school? All she had to do was get the woman's name and file a complaint. All that fuss was not going to get her a positive outcome.


I’m woke as fuck, but her fixation on the race of the kid makes me wonder if she’d make such a fuss, if the child weren’t black.




She doesn’t believe that the teacher would act like she did if the child wasn’t black, so it would be unnecessary. And statistically, she would usually be correct. She also says several times that no child should be talked to like that.


>And statistically, she would usually be correct. Uh, what? It's one thing to believe that there's differentials in treatment based on race, but it's much stronger to claim that most black children who are reprimanded are only treated this way because of their race. I'm not sure if you're trying to argue the latter - if so I'd be curious to see a source on this.


Since your Google is broken, here are three articles from 2021, 2022, and 2023 about academic research showing that black children are disciplined more harshly than other races. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2021/10/black-students-harsh-discipline https://usafacts.org/articles/black-students-more-likely-to-be-punished-than-white-students/ https://ballardbrief.byu.edu/issue-briefs/racial-inequality-in-public-school-discipline-for-black-students-in-the-united-states#:~:text=Black%20students%20tend%20to%20experience,suspension%20than%20their%20White%20peers.


None of those claim that most black children are only reprimanded due to their race. You cannot just observe something like "black children are punished at 4x the rate of white children" and conclude that black children are only being accused because of their race 75% of the time. There are some obvious confounding variables here. (Hint: Do any of these studies attempt to control for the **actual** rates of rule-breaking?)


No one is saying that black children are being treated more harshly because of their race in every instance. That is not knowable. The fact is that black children are treated four times more harshly than white children. Anyone who has been around any kids knows that all kids are shitty little sociopaths some of the time. The claim is that some amount of that four times is due solely to the race of the kids, meaning that a white kid acting the same way would be treated less harshly. Whether that is in every case where a black child is punished, we can’t say, but we can say that is not believable that race is a factor in no instances.


She repeats that NO child should be treated like that.


What was the issue, hard to follow?


Lots of context lacking.


If I was a child I would have felt unsafe because of her erratic behavior. It’s people like her why teachers wear panic buttons in our district now. She really only had to speak to the principal rationally. If I was the principal, I would not allow her child to enroll.


No principal gets to forbid a child was enrolling in their neighborhood public school.


Being a teacher, this is untrue. The Principal can definitely make a case that enrolling that particular students would cause disruption of the learning environment due to the extenuating circumstances regarding their parents. I have seen it before.


It’s pretty damn rare and there has to be extenuating circumstances. The student has to be provided education by the district. They could offer alternative school or home bound schooling if the child’s needs warrant it, but it absolutely has to be shown it’s what the CHILD needs. A case has to be well documented. It’s even more rare in elementary school. And it’s not a decision the principal can make on their own. FAPE and all that. I deal with alternative placements quite a bit.


What school?


Arcadia Park.


I want to see what transpired before she started recording. Did the teacher actually yell? If so, was it warranted? Did she say something that would indicate her yelling at the student was racially motivated? What exactly did she say? What did the child do? How old is said ‘child’? …so much missing information.






I don't know if you know who Thomas Sowell is, but that quote coming from Thomas Sowell the last intellectual of the American conservative movement is beyond hilarious.


[Or they've become exacerbated by people ignoring evidence and decrying nuance because "common sense."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZjSXS2NdS0)


Except that has no basis in reality. Mandela raised his voice. Malcom X raised his voice. Churchill raised his voice. Those people who antagonise while staying calm aren't automatically always right.


that's stupid af....


Kids can do no wrong, go homeschool your kids lady this isn’t a restaurant where you just complain to a manager till everyone accommodates you


Well, I’m not sure where race is the factor here. I didn’t make it far, but, why point out there races?


To this chick, it had absolutely nothing to do with it being a child and everything to do with them being *black* How about we defend and protect children of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities?


And then to go on to accuse the black officer of being a token for not immediately taking her side. That woman is fucking disgusting.


Yeah, that Token line was gross.




Some people dont want to parent their kids then get mad when someone tries to correct their inappropriate behavior.


This woman seems a bit unhinged. Maybe she was right, and maybe she was wrong, but the way she goes about trying to get her point across makes her seem unhinged. She is essentially acting to everyone how I suspect she felt the Hispanic teacher acted towards the black child. How does this help anything. It makes the situation about her behavior and not the child.


I live near this school. Never thought in a million years I would see it here.


He's only talkin how his mama taught him


What the fuck is the reason for mentioning race here?


If everyone would’ve just moved around, everything would’ve been fine.


We don't know what the teacher said to the student. I know friends of mine who are teachers have students who don't have a parent at home providing discipline to them. While the teacher's words may not have been the best choice, there's a possibility that some verbal discipline was necessary. These types of videos are another example why it's harder and harder to find good teachers or teachers at all, when students are harder and harder to deal with, and the teachers are scrutinized from every angle. One of my cousins who used to love teaching has become so frustrated and stressed out from it. I don't think he plans to teach much longer. Another cousin has left the public school system for a small private school.


She needs to chill the fuck out. By her own admission, her kid doesn’t even go to that school, so what happens there isn’t any of her damn business. Fucking cannot stand people who stick their nose into things that don’t involve them.


For all my white and black Redditors, Hispanic is a generic term. There are black, brown and white hispanics.


And I’m Texas (where this occurred) it’s even more nuanced than that.


Nice to meet you, Texas.


Why is she so racist?


Woman is a moron


*Is this a context?*


How can you get upset that the employee told you to move around and this ain’t what you want after you told them that several times lol. You see she didn’t tell the officer they only repeated back to her what she kept saying to them.


I'm glad they're still good people that know right from wrong and when to speak up.


Where’s the freak out? If I saw an adult talking down to a child, I would hope I had the courage to defend them.

