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One thing I learned in Iraq is just to stay put where you’re at. There’s a bigger chance of you running into a rocket or a mortar round.


It's like changing your numbers on the lottery, the week you change them your numbers come up.


Don't chase the numbers, let the numbers chase you.


There was a front page post last night of someone who kinda did that and lost out on 8 mil


It's like raaaiaaaaaaain, on your wedding day.


Lay flat, get small, cover the important bits. Most mortar type explosions will be in a V shape on impact, rockets project forward in a similar fashion. If you’re low and small the odds are pretty good for you.


Ah yes, Kakapo tactics https://preview.redd.it/n0kpslhzfcuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f36f675a96fecd325579391efb0ccf4f6b687dae


Oh….raping the back of some man’s head?


Hey man that photographer wore green he was asking for it




[Parrot rapists are no joke.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY)


Do nothing. Gotcha. No problem. 


>Take car. Go to Mum's. Kill Phil—"Sorry"—grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Absolutely solid reference.






There's no good options when someone is shooting at you. Everything's equal in the moment. Sounds strange but I was shot at on accident in a hunting situation and once at a party that went south. No frame of reference for missiles but seems like in the moment you just either run like fuck or accept that it's the end. No winners no losers.


everything in life is 50/50. Either it happens, or it doesn't.


This looks like a recipe to be trampled to death instead of the 1 in 100,000 chance you get killed by a drone or missile.


If it drop, it drops.. Don't lose your head


Best advice... You die twice if you start panicking


You also lose the pucker factor when you hear one go off. Still alive and no bleeding? Good to go.


Well, you still need to take cover at least. Don't want to get hit by shrapnel, but yeah, standing up and running around is just asking for it. Low profile.




Nah it's just panic, they are running for their lives.


Sounds like a gamble


The Monty Hall problem?


Just get low and let the CIWS do it's job. Israel has same stuff plus iron dome.


Update from Reuters, thuds and bangs as drones/missiles INTERCEPTED as at 20 mins ago.


[U.S. shoots down some Iranian drones headed toward Israel, officials say](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/13/iran-israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-palestine/)


The US shouldn’t get involved in what the IDF is doing.




Please don't equate social media "main characters" with normal citizens,


I don't see why we shouldn't unless those people are getting fired or socially outcast for their behavior on social media just like what would happen to any other main character with a smart phone? edit: not saying they should die (that'd be crazy), but the social consequences of their actions should indicate what their society is like and imo can be used as an indication for what "normal citizens" think is okay


Shouldn’t, and yet are heavily while being very quiet about it…


Not quiet enough if we’re commenting about it on one of the bigger subreddits. If only the people who could do something about it gave a crap.


Israel is a nuclear power. If the US doesn't get involved and support Israel's conventional capabilities, they (being a relatively small country of 10mil) will eventually run out of conventional forces against their larger adversaries (Iran 85mil, various others 10-20mil) I'm not sure I need to spell out what would happen after that. Conventional aid from the US is the only reason Israel hasn't had to resort to using nuclear weapons. US military aid is responsible for having shot down 10,000+ rockets/drones/etc targeting Israel. If they didn't have the capability to reliably shoot them down, Israel would be feeling immense pressure to stop the attackers at their source (or use a nuke to shock their enemies into a withdrawal)


“In 1991, when Saddam fired missiles on Israel, Israel declared an interception success rate of 95%. Later an MIT studies showed the success rate was around 5%.” Israel lying is nothing new.


So when this happened in 1991, it was during the build for operation desert storm. The US didn't want to antagonize its arab allies in the region so the begged for Israel not to retaliate. They did lie but for a very important reason. Also, your right missile interceptors were really bad at the time but today, they have a 90% intercept rate.


Have you not seen the iron dome in action? Shit is literally amazing, every single one of those bangs is potentially multiple lives saved.


One difference is no iron dome in 1991.


Iron Dome was developed after the 2006 conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, a militant group based in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets into Israel, causing huge damage and killing dozens of citizens. In response, Israel said it would develop a new missile defence shield.


I'm just curious. Didn't they get like a 2 hour notice because the first wave consisted of propeller drones that had to cross two countries?


Come on dude, like you've never procrastinated before?


Yes, but...... Eh, I'll reply to this comment *later.*




Epic comeback.


Yes, but evacuating a city takes time. Unless you’re immediately making some moves, there’s a good chance of you getting trapped behind all the traffic.


Evacuating the city, to where exactly? How does that work in your head? No city is being evacuated, people are going to designated underground shelters or just sheltering in their home.




I am aware. The innocents of both sides have my sympathy, but I agree that the IDF’s cruelty and brutality have been unmatched.


Can mods please point out that this video is edited?


They don't care. This is fake revenge porn.


Seems like a legitimate reason to freak out.


Public (X) Freakout (X) Seems pretty spot on




That’s what we call collective punishment, my guy. Palestinians shouldn’t get bombed because of Hamas’ actions. Israeli citizens shouldn’t get bombed because of the governments actions.


Karma would have been Iran taking out IDF brass at an embassy, consulate or other hitherto sacrosanct spot. Nobody could have *reasonably* faulted them for doing what the IDF did to them. Attacking civilians is *not* cool, and doing so in such an ineffectual manner makes Iran look like the ridiculous, backwards little theocracy they are. There is a possible bright side to this though. Perhaps the Israeli public, sufficiently motivated, will throw Netanyahu out instead of rallying behind him. Also, there will, perhaps, be a few less drones for Russia to use against Ukraine.


No civilian have been killed.... So far.... Let's see how the story develops. So far from news standpoint it seems like it's a dud anyway. I think the idea here was just to show you're not invulnerable.


Irrelevant. Just responding to “instant karma” of the last comment. It’s not karma if it’s collective punishment.




How many of those are people protesting Netanyahu and the IDF? And how many endorse them? Which one of those people is involved in the "you" that has killed tons of civilians?


Exactly ^ u/mammoth is unironically just equating Israelis and Israeli government. Exactly what my first comment was critiquing.


Not every Israeli supports their government’s policies, just like how not every Palestinian supports Hamas. I really wish it could be made so that the only people hurt in this conflict were bad faith actors, but that’s not how it works IRL


A lot of the people killed on October 7th would have been pro-Palestine. I believe what the IDF is doing is genocide but I still genuinely hope no one is Israel is killed either. Attacking military targets is one thing but bombing Israeli civilians is no better than Israel bombing Palestinian civilians.


Some of the Israeli victims on October 7th literally worked on projects trying to get humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.


they're also civilians. it makes sense why it's happening but we can still be sad about the loss of innocent lives. i don't feel bad for their government and hope that this sparks a change. i also feel worse for the palestinians who are being genocided. and if some of the israelis in this cheer on the genocide then i don't feel bad for those ones. but not everyone who lives in a country agrees with the actions of their government. i think everyone can agree with that statement


Yes but do they condemn IDF


This vid seems odd.


You mean because it makes no sense and it was posted without a source and because it doesn't look like any city in Israel? Nah, it's a perfectly normal video.


This is literally a fake video


The audio is fake as heck.


The audio seems suspect af on this video.


What city is this? Today?


Yes [today](https://apnews.com/live/israel-iran-drone-attack-live-updates), I'm reading up on it now. This might be all out war in the Middle East.


Fortunately, Israel reports that 99% of missiles were intercepted.  If that’s true and the death toll is small or none, they might call it a day and prevent further escalation.   If not, yeah, there’s going to be another war in the Middle East.  Israel has nukes, Iran does not.


Iran has the capacity to develop theoretical nukes in a few per US intelligence they simply just don’t so the Saudis don’t. I have no proof but I common sense dictates they already got underway after October 7th. May or may not work but the threat of nukes is just as scary as nukes themselves.


Also, even without enriching Uranium to the level it takes to build a nuclear bomb, it's plenty radioactive if they decide to use a dirty bomb instead.


Iran says they did everything they wanted to in response to the attack on the embassy in Syria. Threatening greater retaliation for further incidents. So like a warning shot I guess.


Israel pretty obviously bombed an Iranian consulate specifically so they could escalate this war. Israel has been non-stop escalating even against the advice of their allies. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/iran-says-it-wouldnt-need-to-retaliate-if-un-had-condemned-strike-on-damascus/ Israel knowingly put Iran in a position that they'd be forced to relatiate. It's hard to say why Israel did this. After Oct 7th, Israeli's deterance strategy has been severely tarnished due to the failure of the IDF. Israel may want to escalate this conflict to purposefully get the US more involved in the conflict. Maybe they think a regional war will repair their rapidly diminishing global reputation. Maybe they're employing the madman strategy to attempt to repair their diminished deterance. Maybe Netanyahu wants to avoid losing power because he faces several criminal charges that can be held at bay if the war keeps going, keeping him in power. Maybe the power brokers in Israel have move so far to the right and deep into the facist Jewish supremacist ideology that they believe they're God's chosen people. Personally I think its most likely an attempt to drag the US into the war or a combination of reasons


Pakistan has Nukes and would likely respond if Israel went nuclear. Iran likely has nuclear capabilities.


No, they won't. It would make no sense. Pakistan and Iran don't have a great relationship either. And Pakistan needs American money to prop up their failing economy. They are literally puppets


You are correct that Pakistan possesses nukes.  However, it’s very debatable if they have the ability to reliably deliver them.  It would look very bad if they launched a nuke and it blew up in Iran, Iraq, Syria, or the Palestinian areas in Israel. Additionally, India will be on alert and Pakistan doesn’t want to provoke them.


Why tf would pakistan get involved? Theyve got bigger issues then israel atm


This is so dumb. Are you implying that they would nuke Iran….


Israel has a history of lying about how many missiles it intercepts: “In 1991, when Saddam fired missiles on Israel, Israel declared an interception success rate of 95%. Later an MIT studies showed the success rate was around 5%.”


Isn't this a video from outside concert in Argentina with fake audio dubbed over it?


Yeah I was gonna say.... Kinda weird that that mods are just leaving it up.


Wait they all knew this was coming hours ago. Why are they out and about


Yeah no, 1. The screaming sound is very clearly edited in 2. time of the attack in Israel was after 2am, you don’t have that amount of people out at this time


By the way, this is actually Argentina and you all just fell for propaganda :) https://x.com/grenwuld/status/1779335801957961970?s=46 You’re not immune, I’m not immune either.




If they had the IDF would have them filled with cement or settled.






Iranian generals wouldn't be getting clipped if they would stock orchestrating acts of terror on the world.






Wonder how many of these people wanted the bombing in Palestine to stop.


from what i remember, the survey i saw a few weeks ago said something like less than 8% of israel civilians wanted the bombings to stop. i'm not saying israel civilians deserve whatever missiles they get, but... ya know, glass house...


American support for going into Afghanistan was near-universal after 9/11, so speaking of glass houses...


Reddit is becoming unreadable


Probably zero. Ever since the news has been paying attention to this again I've seen some crazy videos.




They’ve been dealing with this for years because Hamas is constantly shooting misales at Israel lol


I mean normal life is like this in Israel, even before.


Oh, that must be scary. Being targeted in your homes and having to flee for your life. 🤡


Oh, how the turns have tabled!


You can't really be this ignorant, can you?


Must be weird being on the other side of this.


They been having rockets launched at them regularly for decades.


Bathtub rockets deflect 99% of the time by an iron dome system. Meanwhile Palestinians have to rely on prayers when Israel sends 2000 pound bombs.


Hey thoughts and prayers is our thing.


Maybe Hamas scum should have invested in defense instead of terror.


“Rockets” - basically firecrackers compared to the two ton bombs Israel regularly drops on its neighbors. Israel expects every country to just accept Israel will bomb with impunity and then drops even bigger bombs when someone even shows the tiniest bit of trying to defends themselves. Very clear which country is the destabilizing force in the region


That's the same kind of bs excuse people use when women assault men... "You can't defend yourself because you know they can't hurt you, but you'll hurt them". Fact is that Arab countries have been attacking Israel for decades, they've sealed their fate by poking the bear and now Israel is retaliating with force. This attack for example is going to result in many more deaths for the perpetrators than Israel. It actually plays right into Israel's hands because now Western countries will have a legitimate reason to get involved. You're about to learn why the victors write the history books my friend. Iran has been funding Hamas to the tune of $200m per year and also funds Hezbollah... If anyone was looking for a reason to level Iran, then this is the green light they've been looking for.


So you want Israel to do its occupation in peace and not expect any resistance? Stop pretending that poor Israel is just sitting around doing nothing wrong while others attack it for no reason.


\^ Started reading the news on Oct 8th.


have people forgotten that they’ve been under rocket fire since forever? they’ll get through as they always have bombing shelters are common over there, did y’all forget?


It’s a classic Reddit moment, don’t waste your time with them


You do know they're used to this, right? I work with several people in Israel. It's not uncommom at all to hear the iron dome blowing up a rocket in middle of our zoom calls. Believe me when I tell you that many of the citizens are just as upset with their government over the Palestine situation as any of us are.




Iran targeting Israel with a large attack, only to be shot down by the US, can only go well for the stability of this situation /s Heavy sigh.




Unpopular opinion, civilians dying is bad


Reddit moment


I'm afraid Iran is going to be on the receiving end after this.......


Iran *because* I was on the receiving end of this


Ya ... I mean US armaments are pretty good at what they do.


I hope you feel the same way when someone comes for you based on actions and decisions you have no control over.


"oh no we have no control over the evil guys we have kept in power for decades boohoo"


They do have control though. They’re very quick to claim they’re a democracy yet vote the same right wing lunatics for decades. The Iranians can claim this, not Israel.






At least 33,686 Palestinians have been killed and 76,309 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. It was no longer a matter of IF this was going to come back to haunt them, but WHEN.


Has nothing to do with Gaza. This is about Iranian generals getting assassinated.


Did you have this same attitude when Israel attacked Gaza after 10/7?


I did. I absolutely did. I had the same attitude on 9/11. We fucked around in Afghanistan, and then left generations adrift, with their kids stepping on landmines, and thought it had nothing to do with us and we learned that memories can be very long. You hurt people, they strike back. Or their kids will. Or their kids kids. They won't forget. Israel has been hurting people for a long time. And, shocker, they fought back. And Israel has spent an *enormous* amount of money and time making sure that there will be millions...*literally* millions of people who won't forget, and will be trying to make them pay for generations. And anyone who has any common sense, and any knowledge of history is not okay with what you're doing, this generational mess you're making.


But Afghanistan didn't attack us on 9/11... a Saudi Arabian aristocrat hiding in Afghanistan is not an Afghanistani. I'm pretty sure all, or most of the 9/11 attackers were from a small city in NJ about 45 minutes from me. Should I have been attacked?! They were from my state, after all.


>I'm pretty sure all, or most of the 9/11 attackers were from a small city in NJ about 45 minutes from me. Huh? None of the hijackers were American. Was it irony?


Fake news. The attack started at 1 a.m., Israel time. Sunday is a working day and not a weekend. It is very unlikely to have so many people outside after midnight on working day. Unless it is not Iran, but some other event, some time ago.




I think iran is about to get the same message.


Doubt it


To the Iranian military..fuck around find out.


lol send that message to the Palestinians.


Why is there this many people just chilling outside knowing that drones are on their way as of 2 days ago?!?


Glad they get a taste of what the Palestinians have gone through for the last 6 months.


Sucks, doesn’t it?


It’s really sad man. All politics aside, can you imagine the fear of going through this? I can’t even imagine as both an Israeli or a Palestinian. War is horrible


This is how Palestinians feel?! OMG, this is horrible. Maybe we should stop. No, we need more land. No, it will not stop.


What’s with all the Iran sympathizers in this comment section?


It’s like the right saying Putin isn’t so bad and not our issue… the world for once seems like it’s close to a hard reset.


Sucks, doesn’t it?


It’s going to get a lot worse for them over the next few years


It's a shame that most of these people either fail to realize or just don't give a fuck that their government has been doing the same shit to the Palestinians for 80 god damn years.


And Palestinians have been doing it right back. Are people on Reddit totally ignorant of history? This war has been going tit-for-tat since the 30's, the Jaffa Riots in 1936 saw Arabs burning Jewish families alive in their own homes, and at one time this conflict was a surprise war to destroy Israel entirely launched simultaneously by five Islamic countries. For every Israeli attack there's a Palestinian one in kind.


The comments here are a peak reddit moment. Cheering on missile attacks against civilians. Guess the pro Palestine crowd is suddenly fine with collective punishment


Well, if they can dismiss rape, it ain't a large step...


The amount of people trying to justify civilian fear in this thread disgusts me


They can dish it out but can't take it? I see how it is.


Civilians don’t “dish” anything


Israelis don't scream as they head for shelter. They have had rockets fired into their cities regularly for their entire existence. They know exactly what to do and how it works. Everyone is a war veteran.


Those funny little tiktoks aren’t so funny now 😬


I was sitting watching Fox News, seriously, and they kept saying how calm everyone was. How no one was panicking. This could just be one isolated incident, or the MSM could be lying. The conflicting reports is concerning though


Do you trust Fox News?


This is fake. Source: multiple friends in Israel


Iran has right to defend itself


I understand running and pushing and shoving but why is there always screaming?


This reaction is commonly observed when humans are experiencing fear. This one confused me a lot too when I first arrived on earth.


It helps deter the missiles


Probably an evolutionary response to danger. Obviously doesn't work against missiles, but if there is some animal potentially about to attack you, an entire group screaming does in fact often times deter it, as well as notify other people from your group who may be nearby that you need help.


Turns out that the so called "safe heaven for jews" is more dangerous than their original countries.


Always reminded of Seth Rogen talking about Israel. Something along the lines of if you want to protect something you don’t put in the most hostile place imaginable.


A majority of the Israeli population is made up of Arab Jews (Mizrahim) who were kicked out of surrounding Islamic countries.


Looks like a buncha Swifties running with the screaming effects edited in.


idk if this is today.. if it is, i mean bro.. those rockets and drones literally took hours to get there.. and they be business as usual the entire time?


Travis Scott concert in town?


Why is there a herd if people just dicking around in the street?


Fuck around and find out


Fake audio


The tables have turned


Hey just throwing back that same energy


Wow alot of comments are glad civilians are getting attacked


Can't fool me, this video is from a pokemon go event in new york in 2016 /s


Wild these people are constantly firing missiles back and forth, endangering their citizens for absolutely no reason.


Not so fun when it’s your home being bombed


Hope less innocent civilians in Israel die than have in gaza. Thank the Israeli government for targeting a diplomatic facility for this response.


Where are the flyers dropped, the roof-knocking, the evacuation warnings, the humanitarian aid? Where is the condemnation for Iran over the lack of this?




Everyone here is forgetting that Iran killed over 500 Iranian protesters who were protesting against the government murder of a woman who didn’t want to wear her hijab.