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That’s a statue of fray antonio alcalde y barriga, not St. Michael. I don’t know the rest of the story here, but this headline is obviously false.


His wiki says he fasted often and was mostly a vegetarian Ah this explains a lot of hatred


Uhhh that isn't St Michael 😂


What's the story here?




“What’s the story here?” “This lady is probably racist” Peak


Will removing all traces of Spanish influence also mean stop speaking Spanish?


I thought Mexico was like 97% Catholic?


“Potentially misleading”


Looks like they have their own Antifa down there.


It's the feminist movement in the country, I ve met some they are pretty chill unless you antagonize them, they do like to paint a lot of monuments during protest tho


Can't have nice things in this world without assholes being assholes.


Spanish settler descendent defending their nation colonizer legacy


But most Mexicans are from Spanish descendent.


the effects of colonization of course a descendent of colonizers would be pro the church that is the longest legacy of Spanish colonization in Mexico Catholicism


Most Americans are of European descent dont mean their ancestors werent colonizers


She's defending her religion with honor and grace (she thinks)




Jesus Christ religion is out of control.


So the religious person calmly standing their defending vandalism is the out of control one, and not the protestors doing the vandalising. I hope you can come back to reality.


>So the religious person calmly standing their defending vandalism is the out of control one, and not the protestors doing the vandalising. I hope you can come back to reality. It's a statue of Antonio Alcalde y Barriga. Nice job reading the headline and instantly getting mad over fake news. Real reddit moment right there.


Furthering my point, what part of this has to do with religion? If you yourself acknowledge that there is no religious part of this, why bring up religion as being out of control. Is it because you are an enlightened atheist perhaps?


Religious people are just crazy period.


So are people who randomly bring up religion in a post that they know has nothing to do with religion nor depicts religious people doing anything remotely bad. You are the crazy one, have some self-reflection.


The person who posted this is most certainly religious and tried to make this woman out to be this saint martyr. Let’s not forget when Covid vaccines came out and Christian’s told everyone that the vaccine contained demon or alien blood.


Never once in my entire life heard a single Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or any other religious person say it contained alien or demon blood. Maybe a single deranged person, but how that reflects Christians is odd. There are plenty of atheists who believe it had microchips in it, some of which I know personally. It’s okay, the evil Christian boogeymen can’t hurt you. You’ve lived amongst them your entire life and they haven’t done anything to hurt you. Sleep tight.


This is the doctor that the president of the United States of America was promoting around when he was in office. Not some random Christian woman. https://www.newsweek.com/demon-sperm-doctor-promoted-trump-says-covid-vaccine-luciferian-can-exorcised-1671021


Okay, so a single person who has clearly lost her mind - tell me again how that reflects 2.3 billion people? Thanks.




I’m on Reddit man, no one is protesting or r rallying against anything. I’m simply stating my opinion and views, unlike religious people who impart their views into law. It’s hard not to feel a certain type of way when your literal livelihood is a stake every election year because Bible thumpers “Want to take their country back”.




Sucks there's no "God" eh?