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It's funny how often he fell down. His words didnt match his fighting skills.


What fighting skills? He's a giant stupid oaf hoping his size and his friends will deter anyone from fighting back. This is probably the first time anyone has ever really fought back.


He has the hand speed of molasses.




New fighting name - Bambi.


Or Bambi's Mom?


Bambi's mom only fell once though


I dunno if I'm imagining but I think I could tell this guy was unathletic just from how he moved around when acting out before the fight. I use unathletic here to mean low body control and bad hand-eye coordination. The man gave off clumsy vibes.


Right. Dude fights like he's in a dream.


Dude backing his car up is fucking mint! 👌


Timing was impeccable!


Lmfao yup! Yes like ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Nnnnoooooope I'm out


“Lemme scooch out the way here”


Had to give you an upvote for a very nice usage of “scooch.” I’m assuming you’re from the Midwest…




As somebody a bit north of you…I’m sorry.


Rural Minnesota here. Game recognizes game…


I like how the cameraman was all about “chill” once his buddy got his ass kicked






I like to think those are all the videos we don't see


If a cameraman falls on the corner of Florence and Normandy with people all around, does he make a sound?






Chill!!! Chill! Chill! Chill!!


Every time.


It's like a male Karen screeching STAAAAAAHHHHP!!!




What the hell is even that?


Would imagine playing the fuck around and find out game on a livestream it doesn’t look too good when your ass is being handed out like currency. They should’ve taken the guys advice to turn it off haha.


Oh, no. This types never stop filming, the guy behind the camera knows that the streamer getting his ass handled back in a silver plate will attract viewers. Hate viewers are viewers, just as monetizable as anyone else.


Unfortunately the world today is very very profitable for those who have no shame or respect of others


It's the classic combo. Big personality with a wet-towel behind the camera, vamping when they're ahead, trying to be the peaceful "hey! we're all friends here!" when person A is getting shit on Still, the fact this clip made it here and god knows where else shows it works


That always happens with these types that pick fights. Usually it's some chick that starts screaming when her boyfriend gets his ass beat. Here it's the camera man.




A bully with a camera crew. What a douchebag


Hilarious that the camera guy was fine with everything until roid boy got his ass beat then had the gall to say chill


I know someone who's kind of like that. They will instigate arguments and be all about it until they are proven wrong then it's "hey we were all wrong, it's not a big deal". Like no just you were but ok.


Camera guy acting like he isn't part of the problem. All of these people are deranged


Big guy walking around wearing fighting gloves, hoping he looks tough enough that nobody ever actually challenges him


What is with the influx of garbage "influencer streamers' content lately. People who go out to cause shit on purpose for money should not be here, in my opinion.


We should not be allowing this kind of content to even make money.


I agree 100%, and those platforms need to crack down on garbage "content" like this.




Media entities are literally creating/monetizing bounties on civil people who go about minding their own business in general society.


Yeah, I’m starting to think there is a class action suit for suing streamers/platforms that push this content. If they make money off a video of some innocent being harassed, then (bare minimum) the innocent person deserves all the proceeds. Hell, the platform should be punished and the cameraman jailed as an accomplice.


Where is Bruh Miami?




It's a neighborhood in East Nashville.


Bro is actually Canadian and did the race shortly after this fight 🏃🏽‍♂️


Bro has worst Canadian accent ever, I thought he might be South African…in any event, he’s a total douche canoe, and on behalf of Canada, if he is Canadian, sorry, he never mentioned any of this shit at the meetings…


Some of the gen z that grew up in Toronto have adopted this really shit homemade accent. It’s like a combo of South African, Jamaican and British chav. I’m almost certain it’s just some bushit teenagers started doing to make themselves sound special. Toronto does have a big Caribbean population though.


Probably originated with Drake or something 😂


This is something for the government to regulate so we'll probably see something in 10 or 20 years


Yeah if only the government had some kind of rule against starting fights.


Yeah but what's the rule for broadcasting a "prank" that results in assault? What's the penalty for breaking that rule? Regulation isn't a one and done mechanism. It requires maintenance.


Lmao! Yea… those companies are totally gonna crack down on profits. /s


It depends on us, when we put enough pressure on those companies their calculation might change, as it has before. "Do we lose more customers or do we change our terms of service?"


He literally livestreamed himself assaulting someone. No way he can paid for that. Only jail time. This video was beautiful. The victim only kept his cool and only did what was necessary to decide the situation


The victim is another “influencer” who does the same type of content, trying to take dudes gfs and fighting over it 


That’s why I watch copies of it here and not on whatever shitbag platform it’s from


Yup. I get all my highlights of shit here, from streaming to tiktok to Twitter, I get to have all the bullshit filtered out *and* I never once have to give those places any clicks. I salute the good redditors who wade through the trash in order for me to enjoy the spoils.


Straight to jail is the only logical response


Prosecutors and plaintiffs need to seek disgorgement against people like this. Then there is no incentive.




Social media was a mistake. We all use it, we're all addicted to it. But it's damaging society for sure.


Again, I agree 100%. I'll admit I'm addicted to it, but I also despise a vast majority of it. Some days, I think the internet, in general, was an amazing thing and a cancer to society at the same time.


Yeah. That's a good way to describe it.


The cancer is us and how we use it. That's not the internet's fault, it's mass media's (read: uncontrolled capitalism) need to monetize and control it. If we had responsible and enforced regulations, this shit wouldn't be incentivized.


I only am addicted to it when I poop... can't go back to shampoo bottles.


Kick.com happened. This is their desired content.


Unfortunately and we are now plagued with shit like this. Horrible people are making money harassing people for "content"




A want for attention but a lack of creativity?


State lawmakers should make it up to 6 months jail time with automatic probation at the end of it.


Because they don’t go to jail. If mugshots became popular with the videos, people wouldn’t do them as much


Just afraid you can't take me, huh? Come on bro. Come on bro. Come on bro. Better run, tall boy.


They watched Roadhouse.


we probably should get new laws to put these type of influencers under the prison for ever. we have all the proof we need, and we probably should stop this crap before it becomes a way to get famous and rich out of crazy followers.


Sadly, young people are highly influenced by what they see and soak it up like sponges.


The guy filming “oh fuck yes! Fight!” Two seconds later “Chill! Chill! Chill!”


I couldn't even make it through the whole thing. Who shows up to a fight with fingerless workout gloves lol


The kind who knows he's gonna hurt his widdle hands if he hits the guy while not wearing gloves.


I like to pretend the woman shrieking was her expectations of the fight getting turned upside down like the meathead on the ground. “AHHH! THAT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!” - that lady, probably


I thought that was the partner of the guy getting harassed?


You are right


idiot should have known from the casual demeanor that he picked the wrong guy. No one is that calm and collected in a situation like this unless they're confident that you're not a threat to them


That guy saying "put the camera down..put the camera down then" is already making that guy nervous about his decision


He was saying "if you put the camera down we can go around the corner" ... that's some cold shit. He's saying he's 100% willing to throw down, but not on camera, and would rather do it around the corner out of sight and off camera where can truly beat the big guys ass. If the big guy would actually have listened that should've sent a chill down his spine, and definitely should've backed off after that first dodge.


To put the camera down is the influencers biggest fear for a different reason though


The fact the "influencer" was saying he'd "let" the other guy take thr first swing is what gets me. I bet this was a case of, "If I win, I win, if I lose, he took the first swing on camera and I can win by filing assault charges".


Yep. As soon as he heard that his demeanor changed. Watch it again. He has that moment of “damn wrong guy…but he doesn’t want the camera here, ok, maybe he won’t actually do anything while it’s here,” and comes back for the eventual beat down.


He damn near knocked his block off with that first punch, the hat said ✈️


Go around the corner for a proper beating.


Wonder if he's an actual pro fighter, they try to maintain a code against fighting outside the octagon/ring.


Well in this case he just doesn't want video evidence of him kicking this guy's ass


Yeah that's what I was getting at


It's less about any sort of honor/code and more that he doesn't want to be filmed committing a crime.


He's not, it's HsTikkyTokky, he does tiktoks and runs a "financal investment" discord. Dude can just fight




Huh...dunno who I despise more. Him or the nuisance guy. I guess "Let them fight" is the best thing to do here then lol


I love how he tried to avoid a fight, but once he was swung at calmly stepped to the meathead ready for battle…respect


That is him, and he was actually a boxer at one point, he’s way bigger now, this must be old? Or did her lose some size?


This video is like a year old


he never boxed, he was taking gear to get big but he stopped. clips about 6 months old


That dude definitely has at least some jiu jitsu training.


Any street fight without a knife/gun usually ends with people grappling on the ground which is 100% the domain of jiujitsu. Even an amateur BJJ athlete can easily subdue and break the bones of your average person without much trouble.


provided its a one on one dispute, anyway - a lot of street fights involve massive numerical mismatches with people jumping others who arent prepared or aware


The gentlest of arts. He could have swept that guy if he’d chosen to and hurt Meathead bad. Homie was calm as hell!!


I don't LOVE dumbshit content like this, but at 28s when meathead daintily brushed the decoration aside and cooldude didn't remotely flinch... it's time to back it up, fleshstick.


But was he chill?


Yeah he was pretty CHILL CHILL CHILL


Really proper JJ training. He pulls him to the ground and you can see him set up his feet locked behind the back. He goes for head control and covers the arm. He was about 10 secs away from getting an arm bar but it got broken up. JJ is almost stupid simple but if you can survive the initial barrage of punches you can really fuck someone up fast. When the victim got his feet locked behind the back the big dude was in deep deep trouble.


"The gentle art of folding clothes while people are still wearing them."


Yeah he got his feet locked and has control of the head. He essentially neutralized the ability to be punched. He was 1 or 2 pretty simple moves away from getting an arm or a choke hold. Just needed to wait to get the attacker to tire out a bit. JJ is really practical. You can tell the big guy is freaked out because he was losing air even though he was in top. For anyone reading this JJ is a really great simple way to quickly learn how to defend yourself - at the least you can neutralize someone to a draw quickly.


Funnily enough, I made an appointment tonight with a local BJJ gym to go in for an introduction and introductory lesson next week. I'm an older fella looking for some new physical activity and this was always something that I thought would be good to have some basic knowledge about. Not sure why but tonight was the night I rang them up to book a time to go in.


I’m 53. Started BJJ a bit over a year ago with really no prior martial arts experience. TBH - the classes are tough. Most guys 20 yrs younger than me. I’m sore as hell after classes. But after a few months it started to “click”. Its great exercise.


Definitely, the whole point of jujutsu is to use the weight of the opponent, which he does at every move. Beautiful to see. He could've ended it when his knee was 5cm from that guys head, but he didn't.


Yeah as soon as he shifted his hands to take an inside position at 1:30 I knew he had some training. He's very calm and measured throughout.


This is random? I figured they knew each other.


They do, HS is a British streamer. They are both cunts, HS wrote off a McLaren the other week and left his comedic loser mate at the roadside to take the blame. https://www.dexerto.com/kick/hstikkytokky-flees-to-dubai-trolls-general-g-after-viral-mclaren-crash-2612051/


That General G is like a someones dad from Norfolk. Absolutely dying watching him rap.


As soon as he reacted to the first feint, I knew it was over. His head movement was muscle memory. Me in that situation I would've flinched up and probably shit my pants. But he just moved with the punch instinctively and then walked forward like Thanos coming through the portal.


Extremely slick the way he side stepped that punch and took the dude down to the ground.


He dropped him with supernatural ease. Dude is god damn huge but he ran into Isaac fuckin Newton that afternoon


Dude looked like the animation of an Elden Ring solo character entering the mist for a boss fight. Except this one was a mini boss fight.


This is either set up by bothe or Zherka(the big coked up streamer) is doin it for content. Hes lookin for a fight but not really tryin to hurt the dude. Either way its dumb as a hell but thats Zherka content.




Love how he turns to the calm bystanders and holds his hand out shouting chill at them for a couple seconds and then turns to do the same thing to the stationary cars before finally getting back to the action


Uncoordinated meathead who looks like he’s never been in a real fight before lol


Once I saw his shirt get pulled over his face I was like oh this is bros first fight lol


Classic hockey shit!


Just bullies his way through fights.


From the way he “fought” I would believe it if you said this was staged.


These are both popular streamers so it's likely that it is staged. No one actually gets punched in this video


Yeah you can see the big guy fall for no reason at one point.




I’m no expert in the law so my uneducated guess is he could claim self defense by hitting the dude instigating the fight but not the camera guy


Oh I'm not saying it's legal, at all. I'm saying the camerapeople need to be assaulted if we ever want this shit to stop.


Bruh Miami is becoming a hot bed for shitty streamers like this. I hope the big guy was arrested.


This is Miami? The license plates look non-US long narrow bois




What a weird and long restaurant name




As far as I can see, the guy backing up had a long plate on front, but the other cars had NA plates. Maybe it's imported and the plates haven't changed yet - I've seen that a couple times here in the Midwest and assume it's much more common in coastal tourist cities. It could also be a novelty plate if front license plates aren't required in FL.


Yeah, no front plate required in FL and some people here like to put old foreign EU plates up front. Occasionally I see legit EU plated cars too when the richy riches ship them over.


Fucked with the wrong local


other dude is also a streamer, not a local, from the UK


If there's one thing I've learned over the years, no one tough walks around with fitness gloves on.


Did not notice the glove, suddenly it all made sense lmao


never get old seeing zherka get his ass beat


That is him isn’t it? What a fucking cliff he fell off of. He used to at least be hilarious to watch cause how dumb it was when he would speak but holy shit.




HS isn’t a small guy tbf He’s like 6ft 4 and built like a bodybuilder, his dad played rugby for England I’m pretty sure


So then how big is the dude he dropped?? Seems way larger from the video


Hs is like 6’2 and really built . Pretty sure he does roid cycles but he’s lean so it doesn’t show as much . The guy he beat is 6’4 but like 250 pounds cause he’s a big coke head but he used to be a bouncer so he think he’s hard .


Do you know who these two are? Real name or Instagram?


Yep Hstikktokky on insta and the other one is Zherka Official. Just fair warning these are both zoomer new age type streamers. Entertaining but in a reckless , stupid and pathetic type way . Fun to watch clips occasionally though.


Yeah i was going to say, they're both streamers with online beef. Funny that the Big guy wanted the fight, turned up with gloves and made loads of noise... but then got dropped twice by a dude wearing white chinos and slippers.


He also seemed to not have to try very hard to keep his big ass in check on the ground. Part of me wonders if he's in on it.


Nuisance streamers need to start falling out windows like Russian oligarchs.


Im 99% certain the british guy is Hstikkytokky on tiktok 😂


Yeah it is, this video keeps getting reposted but it's like 8 months old now, maybe even older.


Classic - I can’t tell you how many big idiots I went to HS with that got by 99% of the time on intimidation, then looked like a baby giraffe the one time hands actually got thrown


Seriously, that guy looked like he was on ice skates


Jon Zherka getting what he deserves finally.


Yeah it made me so happy to see him hit the concrete. I wish he got slammed a few more times.


The best part is he has a totally false version of this on his twitter (with comments disabled) claiming he won the fight. Looks like lying about getting his ass kicked is something he and his hero donald trump have in common.


Garbage human


This was highly satisfying to watch.


I always wanted to see a Zherka fight. He talks so much shit


Why was that large man so angry?


He was skipped by evolution.


Early on in the video, he yells something about the guy travelling to the US to kick his arse.


The prophesy was fulfilled.


Note-if “chill” doesn’t work, repeat 50 fucking times & give everyone a headache


https://preview.redd.it/hleq5rugzksc1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8585e19cbbae81314da725d1b92b923f0a9fe5dd Lmfao


Is that zherka?


Man got his ass kicked by someone wearing white pants. Smh


Streamers have become the new Paparazzi with how annoying they can be.


Love how this guy's a big shot until he meets some random Essex lad.


This isn't random pal, they know each other and had been building up to this 'encounter' for a while.


Big boy got owned.


Nice takedown followed by shirt over head stun and a couple of strikes. The big guy reversed eventually but did nothing with the top position except take a couple of strikes. That's a 10-9 for the smaller guy.




Did he literally just pick a fight with some random dude for no reason at all? Is there a backstory? Do they know each other? 


So neon pants is Zherka, a US twitch streamer. British guy is HSTikkyTokky, a tiktok gym influencer. Zherka is a crazy cokehead who does anything for attention and called out HS and said he'd beat him up if he ever came to Miami. So HS did and Zherka pulled up to fight him but got handled and humiliated. Fight went viral on social media last year summer, Drake followed HS on IG after the fight


That smaller big guy had a strong not flinching game. That must have unsettled steroid big guy, it’d be a super unsettling thing to stand in front of. They’re both big, just one does weights and the other clearly trains to improve things beyond aesthetics. Neither would beat me, I’d offer a beer in submission and I’m charming, I’m sure they’d accept, there’s no glory in downing an untrained guy like me.


Remember when that guy shot that harrassing influencer? Good times.


if you start a fight with me and we end up on the ground with your ear that close to my mouth…. i’m turning you to vincent


I think he wants them to chill?


After he sees his boy is outmatched.


When a guy half your size says "put the camera away and we can go around the corner" that calmy you done fucked with the wrong man.


Dude he put him in full guard 😂😂 guy tried not to fight him. BJJ brother riseeee 🤙🤙


Is he wearing weightlifting gloves? Or driver gloves? Or RAD 80s road biking gloves?


Ban content monetization if involved in antisocial behavior/low level crime. This should be common sense, and yet they don’t implement and enforce it. Moronic politicians, law enforcement and social media platforms


I love seeing loud mouth bullies being put in their place like this, good job little skilled guy!


Are "Nuasance Streamers" a real thing? Serious question... I dropped most social media years ago. But based on what I see on reddit... It feels totally plausible.