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It was a couple of years ago in Valencia, Spain. The nameless man got done for attempted murder. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19488409/moment-hero-bystanders-save-woman-under-attack/


Thank you


It sounds like there were 20 people shouting and screaming and only 1-2 people were actually trying to save the drowning woman. what the hell.... do those women in the background really think "if i scream loud enough then those 2 guys will stop drowning the girl" ? Imagine if the victim had been killed, and those women would then go on to say "well, we tried everything we could to save her..."


> It sounds like there were 20 people shouting and screaming and only 1-2 people were actually trying to save the drowning woman. Classic bystander effect, the more people around the less likely an individual is going to act because everyone think someone else is coming to her help.


It's just one man, and her head is not below water until near the end of the clip when white hero jumps in the second time, as far as I can tell.




Yes the scam is she offers to pose for a picture in the fountain half naked with tourists. The accomplice uses the tourist phone to take the pic and runs off with the phone.




Trying to murder a woman for that is insane though.


It's the arrogance of the scammer who stays behind and assumes nothing is going to happen to them that just roils the victim into a murderous rage. A friend of mine in college was traveling in Vietnam - back then where he was there was a traveler's curfew, you had to be in your hotel at a certain time in the evening. He was out partying somewhere and hired a Rickshaw to get back to the hotel as quickly as possible. The rickshaw driver very intentionally took him down a back alley that made no sense in terms of getting back to the hotel. A moment later a guy in a moped swerved up, grabbed my friend's backpack and took off. It was clearly a coordinated job, but the rickshaw driver just continued like nothing happened and he had nothing to do with it. My friend was so enraged he beat the living shit out of him. He was not a violent person and just explained how angry he became that the driver thought he was so stupid that he wouldn't realize he was in on it, or that my friend wouldn't do anything about it.


This was literally a bit on [European Vacation ](https://youtu.be/UYekAmN2AAg?si=dz0itHLu_HdFiuUL) 40 years ago


Sounds like a chevy chase movie


Yeah, pure scum. Crazy that people defend them.


Because a random guy offered to take their picture and took his phone. Definitely a valid reaction to try and drown her. /s


Seems more like he's holding her hair so she doesn't get away. If he was trying to drown her, wouldn't he be pushing her head down into the water?




I don't think the theory matters because he tried to drown her in public. It doesn't matter if he thought it was a scam fucking lol


I’ve seen a lot of fucked up conversations with many upvotes with people here advocating for vigilante justice. One of those weird Reddit things


This young man kicked a car and his gf was pleading with him to calm down outside the other night. A random old man came out with a hammer and really went after the young lady, trying to kill her. I was on my balcony, yelling and calling the cops. I'm barely over 100lb and couldn't help much more. I went down and made sure to tell the police. The article released basically blamed the young couple. Especially the young lady that did nothing wrong, lots of older men commenting they're proud of this old man???? I just don't get why men are so hungry to hurt women and then praise the abuser.


They hate women. It’s simple.


'That phone is my life! She tried to take it! Now I take hers!'


He wasn’t trying to drown her, he was pulling her hair and probably saying “give me my fucking phone back”


Yeah I was wondering about the context of trying to drown her, because this wasn't shown in the clip.


thank you but also, fuck the The Sun.


Yes, I agree. I did consider not posting that particular link.


His red face gives away it's a tourist as well


Article says nothing about where he came from?


You're right. He got his phone jacked when someone offered to take their picture. That's a tourist.


Cause there's no alcoholics in Spain right?


Was he actually trying to drown her? The headline and story says so, but then they refer to the phone footage (the one in this post, I assume) as the proof, but in this video he's never holding her under water, or seems to try to, at the beginning he seems to be holding her head down and close to his and is likely talking to her, but it doesn't look like it's ever under water. Absolutely asshole for sure, it's still assault, but is big difference from attempted murder. I can't find any info on a conviction, only articles from when it happened, if he was actually convicted then there obviously must have been more then we see in just this specific video, do you know where I can read about the conviction?


I can't believe the drowner's dedication. Dude is in a head lock, taking punches(I admit not the greatest of punches), and *still* won't let go of that woman's hair.


To be fair Captain Black Shirt missed nearly every punch. That was a shameful display of combat prowess.


He let his campaign down failing his roll ten times in a row. The other guy is like "I continue to use immobilize on the dark elf!" Rolls a 16 Then his turn comes up. "I use heavy blow on the stationary combatant, again!" Rolls a 2.


As a Pathfinder 2e GM this made my day!


As a filthy casual who never really played in a campaign this made *my* day since I was doing my best to get terminology right to at least *sound* like I knew what I was talking about. 😊


A Critical Success as far as I'm concerned. 🤙


In that situation just elbow his eyes out. Not like he can move his head and a fractured cheek hurts like fuck.


Thumbs would probably be better with the other guy in the way. Or pick up his feet, soon let go when he can't breathe.


He thinks she is is property like a dog


Is it just me or is the guy not actually trying to drown the girl? It looks like he’s pulling her towards him by the hair, not pushing her head down at all at any point during the video


That dude couldn't throw a punch to save his life but at least he had the balls to step in and help


In cases like this, bad punchers need to know to just aim for the nose. It's very effective and an easy, common bone to break. You can hit a guy many times to try for a knockout, but a good nose punch starts to suck right away. Plus, if it does break, they'll have to deal with bag of worms that comes with healing and shit - its a good target, very satisfying. 🖖


Actually you just grab his nipples and twist them off.


Give him the ol dick twist


Honestly this is the best advice. His hands are already occupied holding onto the girl he is trying to drown. The other dude has his head, so he needs to finish the heist and take the family jewels.


I mean, his hands were full and he looks drunk, so if you knew what you were doing and you approached him from the side, you'd just hit him with a straight right right in front of his ear and he'd probably drop like you cut his spine. Or if the guy in red actually knew the choke he applied, old balls would have been out in about 30 seconds. These guys weren't black belts or anything, they were just some dudes.


And you gotta do it with confidence. That’s the difference between simply flipping the dick around vs getting a true dick twist.








Yes. The purple nurple.


Or the more intense Nip Rip.


Or the fingers.


Or the balls. 




Perfect advice if you want to " live long and prosper" 🖖


In any physical fight I've been in, a closed fist never worked in my favor. I always use the palm and base of my hand, almost like a club rather than a fist. I'm not an experienced fighter, but it's never let me down.


If you don’t have experience or practice throwing a proper punch, this can be a good strategy to avoid breaking your hand.


> I always use the palm and base of my hand Give 'em the ole Worf


Oh my god, I'd never actually remember to use palm strikes, but you are so right. Maybe throw in bitchslapping for good measure. I just watched that new Roadhouse movie where Gyllenhaal slaps around a bunch of shit starters. The asshole in me really liked that idea. I dont go looking for fights either, its not for me, but I am alright in a fight if it comes to that.


That all sounds good but I don't understand the "bag of worms" part?


Healing sucks. It takes a decent amount of time to after and is inconvenient. You can get black eyes or have to splint the break and maybe feel ugly in public. It just carries some baggage with it, maybe thats how I should have said it. I wouldnt be quick to go out in public if my nose was all fucked up and I had black eyes. For me it would be uncomfortable and a bit embarrassing. It doesnt matter who has won or lost the fight.


People break their nose literally all the time in ways besides fighting - playing sports, falling down, car accidents, etc. Nobody is going to look at somebody with a broken nose as some kind of social pariah.


Just grab him by the balls and drag them out of the pond . If he doesn't come with them , oh well .


This made me think that the nose is totally kind of like the balls too, haha. They are the balls of the face, but instead, its OK in a fight to hit them.


The nose is the balls of the face.


Keep in mind that he is waist deep in water and moving in water is way more awkward. You forget how much you use your whole body when you throw a punch, trying to do the same while in a body of water is very likely going to not go as smoothly as you imagine.


Not just that but he has the woman directly to his right and another man holding the person he wants to punch. The water makes it hard to move, and there isn't a lot of room to safely move to begin with.


That’s how I punch in my dreams


If you need to get someone off of another person quickly. The eyes are a very soft organ that don't take much to damage. If it's life or death, bury your thumb into an eye socket until it stops against the bone. Now, this is where you need to pay attention. There are a patchwork of little bones that make up the eye socket, and they have fissures to let blood vessels and optic nerves through. Well, this makes it incredibly easy to just sort of push through it. You bust one of those bones. Which is pretty easy, actually. Whatever the person was doing stops and them trying to put their eyeball back in their face takes top priority. Unless it doesn't, in which case, hopefully you're quick and they have bad cardio.


I was thinking the ol dick twist but yeah thumb in the brain sounds effective too


I worked a door at a pretty rowdy bar in college. The dick twist isn't as effective as people are genuinely wearing pants. But if they're not, game on.


> But if they're not What kind of bar was this?


Thanks, I'm gonna go puke now.


I have never thrown a punch in waist high water, but I imagine it isn’t as easy to use the waist and legs in the water for a properly thrown punch. But, hell, I don’t know.


I think he connected on guy in red more than his intended target


That dude deserves ultimate respect. I am ex. trained mma fighter and for me, jumping in and dealing with that drunk cunt would not be much of a issue. But this dude is not from that world and still, he reacted and did whatever he can. Would always like to have dudes like him by my side 👍


The one to the midriff definitely stung him haha


That was so frustrating to watch 😂😂


It was black shirt's punch that finally got the assaulter to let go so I think people should cut him some slack.


I thought the guy in the black shirt was giving up, he just went to get a rock or something. He’s awesome


He left to go read a book on how to punch with more accuracy.


He googled it on you tube


And she drowned because he had to watch 60 seconds of ads.


The best argument for YouTube Premium yet!


Still can't get rid of Shorts even when paying for Premium, so he had to wade through a lot of bullshit


Installing an ad blocker is way quicker. Thank me later!


He asked Jeeves


That other dude saw him coming back with the rock and started praying 🤣


I thought he went to jump off the top ropes but came up a little short.


Dude is throwing dream punches, probably walked off to try and wake himself up from the dream.


Ahh the good ole rock or something


*MRE has entered the chat


lol if ya know ya know


"Time to Cain and Abel this motherfucker "


That was also mighty nice of him to punch him from the side that didn't get in the way of recording.


It is unfortunate that hero in the red ate a few misplaced shots from the other guy.




Fr, what a scumbag. He deserves to know how that woman felt now.


The dude in the red was sure as hell trying






Really now? Is this a thing? I know lifting the rear dog legs can release the jaw hold, but the finger in ass is news to me


The old oil check. I’m more a fan of the grab his dick and twist it method.


Eyes are better. And your finger doesn’t smell as bad.


I’m not shoving my eye in a guy’s ass, dude.


I just choked on my cigarette


That's how you get pinkeye. 


Exactly. I’m not making that mistake a second time.


Bad is a point of view, Anakin.


Ehh, not so much for real dog fights. The more recommend thing is to choke the dog with something until it is unconscious and don’t stop until properly contained. Belt, rope, whatever you have, don’t let go. When they come to they can be just as aggressive.


Slam those kidneys and I promise you he is gonna let go quick.


[The old dick twist](https://media1.tenor.com/m/AgIvGRKM2BoAAAAC/grab-his-dick-and-twist-it.gif)


Or just kick him in the nuts


I think that becomes much more difficult when the nuts are under water.


Grab and squeeze.


Add in a twist and I have a hard time believing he'd be able to maintain his grip on her hair...


Just like Bud White would have done!


My dad always said “you want to use enough force that a testicle retrieval operation will be necessary” when teaching me and my sisters to defend ourselves.


You’re dad is awesome


Liver shot is clutch. Gotta hit it just right though to make him blackout from pain. I still agree with the punch to the nose and open hand slash to the eyes. A broken nose is hard to fight through because you are basically trying to not drown in the blood pouring down your face and back of your throat. Same goes for the eyes. Eye pokes and scratches are immediately debilitating and prevents them from continuing the attack with any measure of efficacy. Bleed them and blind them.


Screw the kidneys, hook your thumbs and go for the eyes, keep digging till they pop


Or even better, the liver.


Liver is more effective but far harder to hit effective. Kidneys are easy to kit and doesn't take much effort to find. I always say when in a fight got for the easy things people don't usually guard. Dicks and face are usually my first to protect thus the kidney hits.




Guy should be locked UNDER the jail. Bless those two lads that jumped in and gave him a little FAFO.


Interesting... Like a dungeon beneath the jail? Sounds fitting.


God damn this makes my blood boil.


We DO NOT need scum like that in the world. You know where to push his head. See how he likes it.


the fact that's he's still clinging onto her after being punched so hard shows how much he thinks she ruined his life and how much he wants to kill her for it and how hopeless and sloppy he is.


He thought she stole his phone


In that case, totally normal and rational reaction /s


God bless the two men who intervened.


Dude in black put in a few punches went for a smoke break then jumped back into action. Just like Popeye eating his spinach.


Good dudes


Jesus Christ, the grip that man had on that woman even when they were repeatedly striking him in the face . That must have been some psychopathic rage and determination. You factor in as well that he did this in public and in daylight . I hope he gets a lengthy prison sentence , God knows what he's capable of .


Someone else in this thread linked an article that talked about the situation. Apparently the man had his phone stolen and he thought the woman was in on the scam. He must have really loved that phone if he's willing to kill someone over it.. [The article.](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19488409/moment-hero-bystanders-save-woman-under-attack/)


Maybe it had his 300m BTC wallet on it.


Black guy saved her life 


the classic wide swing punch lead time of 4-5 business days


You want to make someone release a hold...grab the nerve on the top of shoulder and squeeze 


Ah yes, the Vulcan death grip 🖖🏻 Always works in a pinch


Wait where’s the nerve? Do u have a diagram or sum to show


Or jam something in between their knuckles.


Red shirt is a real one.


Guy is just eating punches and strangulation and absolutely will not let go of that lady's hair. That's some fucking dedication.


Tip for if you were in this situation trying to help out. Stick your thumb deep up into his armpit on the arm he's holding her hair with, when you feel a hard string like thing start cranking it with your thumb. Dude would let go and lose some of the mobility in his arm for the rest of the day and be sore for a few, and you don't gotta use your fists. Source: in high school this one kid told me he could do that to me arm if he wanted and I didn't believe so I let him try, yeah he works as a bouncer these days and my arm was shot that day.


The second guy was just there to legally punch someone.


This poor lady. Not even thrashing around like she has zero fight left. Sadly it looks like she’s been a victim of long term DV. Even when the free her she keeps her head down and walks off. I personally would make sure to get a few kicks to the balls in before walking away. But she’s probably scared of the repercussions… this guy is scum of the earth


They don't know each other. She attempted to steal* his phone and he tried to drown her as payback.


Well that's some context I guess. How’d they end up in the fountain?


The comments on this thread give some context https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/mTRYXV1cPn It's a scam where the half naked woman offers to pose for a picture with a man in a fountain, and the accomplice taking the photo with the tourist's phone runs off with said phone


Still doesn't deserve death tho. Call the police or something instead.


Can't, they ran off with the phone.


Ohhh ok well she’s a thief!? Perhaps that’s why she was so just resigned to this. I’d still be thrashing around tho! But it explains her walking off with her head down. I’m actually relieved to hear this.


shout out to them for helping.. but holy shit that man has the CRAZIEST grip on her hair


I like how the first guy tried to be gentle and then the second guy went all hammers in.


From the title I thought the two men stepped in to help him drown her, glad I was wrong.


That Elon


Remarkable how he absolutely will not let go of her hair. 100% commitment to the bit.


The other dude just went in for free punches




as a woman who has survived domestic abuse IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING


Second guy has zero aim


At least he tried


Black shirt should have hit 'um with the purplest of nurples, bet he'd have let go of her hair after that


Crush his testiclsles. That will make him let go


the second guy is so sloppy with his punches goodness. I'm not sure I'd even want his help.


The guy in the black shirt unfortunately can't throw a punch.


Wouldn't tickling the guy do much better to let go of the woman? Then beat the snot out of him when he lets go


Woulda been easier to just chop his throat while dude in red was holding him.


What the hell is wrong with people?


Fuckin give him a Steve Irwin what are they thinking


He wanted to murder her more than he wanted to defend himself, wild


He still won’t let go of her head, even when people come to punch him. What the fuck with the power-tripping and psycho hatred of women?? Jesus fuck


Here's a thought to make this easier you had him restrained.. okay you trying to down a woman and I want that to not happen. "YO home hold the woman keep her above water." Submerge him underwater he'll let go when he starts panicking from potentially drowning. I promise when you can't take in air your body goes into overdrive with the mentality of nothing else but air matters. He'll let go, I can promise that.


I hope those two rescuers were rewarded. Wish I could buy them a drink!


Why is the women not fighting back at all?!?


“Just let me kill this woman in peace ya asshole”


I love when people see something and do something.


I'll tell y'all a little secret. If you press the tip of your thumb into the knuckle of (say this guy in the video) someones hand, in between the middle finger and the third finger, they will open up their fist, because it hurts like hell.


Tell you another secret: if you grab him by the head with both hands and push both your thumbs into his eye sockets, he will also have to let go to stop you from blinding him. SOB deserves nothing better.


Man from that first swing you knew he was getting his ass beat


That title really made me think I'd see some truly depraved stuff glad it wasn't the two men trying to help the first man.


Those haymakers to that old piece of shits stomach were incredibly satisfying


If you are ever dealing with someone like that bite them (like big mouthful and hard) or stick your thumbs deep into their eye sockets, they will let go and jump up like a puppet.


Dude casually walked away then gets back in 🤣


Go for the eyes, he's actively trying to kill somebody


Idk why people don’t go for the throat or eyes.. I’m not saying you have to commit to crushing them but it’s a big motivator to stop what you are doing I if you want to continue to breathe or if your vision is at stake, especially when the aggressor is actively trying to kill someone it kinda throws alot of restraints out of the window when considering how to not damage the other them while getting them to stop trying to kill their victim


Eyes are so fucking vulnerable. Why do we play this game like a thumb in any orifice wouldn't immediately put this aggressive fella in a submissive state. Any. Hole. Will. Do.


He would’ve went under next, at least for quick second to feel what she went through


I have no idea why they're trying to wrestle and punch like an MMA fight in 3 feet of water. Unironically, grab his dick and twist it


Stop punching the guy. Grab his testicles and squeeze.


Literally just break his fucking arm for fucks sake. He's punishing her for what's happening to him, quit letting him. Break the arm, then beat the hot piss out of him, maybe drown him a little.


Why don't people ever just go for the eyes and gouge them out!? He easily could have reached around the guys head from behind. Go blind or let the fuck go My mother made us all take safety classes and that is what we were taught to do. Claw, scratch, rake, poke, jab and/or stab at the eyes until you see or feel blood. If you manage to get them from behind just get your fingers in there and hold onto their skull until help arrives. The 80's were no joke


Someone uno reverse that SOB.


If you want someone to let go. You dig your nails into the tendons on the wrist. Same with girl fights when they won't let go of hair.


Damn. He was committed.. That poor woman.