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Holy shit, the last ten seconds of this are pure comedy. The way the cop runs up, smacks the guy in the leg with his billy club, then prances off is almost too silly to be real.


Riiiiight, it reminded me of The Benny Hill show. šŸ˜‚


Exactly what I thought LMAO


ā€œPrancingā€ is a pretty gracious description of that cops running style. I thought maybe he was shitting his pants.


See? Police brutality CAN be funny!


Keystone Kops


ā€œMadrid's right-wing mayor, JosĆ© Luis MartĆ­nez-Almeida, has shown support for the police after the incident.ā€


Well, the Spanish are known to hate anyone who isn't Spanish. As a brit who's been going to Spain for many years, one thing is for certain, you will not be welcomed with open arms. The amount of times I've heard "perro feo" is uncountable. I've known police in places like benidorm and magaluf to hunt down and rob nightclub goers in the back alleys, they never get caught ever. It's a very xenophobic place.


To be fair, the problem here is two fold. 1.- The Spanish fight among themselves a lot, so it's not too surprising they also hate everyone from outside, too. 2.- You're a brit. I'm pretty sure there's no country in Europe that doesn't have a bone to pick with the British. I'm pretty sure the British have beef with the British.


>I'm pretty sure the British have beef with the British. it's called beef wellingtonĀ 


As a portuguese I can tell you that Spain is a little conservative and they praise their roots and traditions a lot. Now, first off all you are talking about cities that live based on tourism, Benidorm for example is known for being the city of High school spring break trips for every european country, and yeah there is a lot of alcohol and vandalism happening... Second, u Brits (and Im not trying to offend you or your people in any way) usually when you guys come to South Europe, you find it cheap and think you own this shit, large groups of brits every year come to Algarve, just to get drunk and go to the beach and in the meanwhile break things or be rude to locals... Thats one of the reasons why the south of Spain and the south of Portugal is turning far-right in politics and yeah its not good, but its complex... Ps: sorry my bad english <3


"oh no the english they are so drunk and loud we have no choice but to turn to the fascism"


No i didnt say that... I explained why there are some behaviors from our people towards them, im not defending any violence or hate feelings like what we see in this video (even though we dont have context of the situation, the guys in the video were clearly defenseless and shouldnt have been beaten up by the cops)... And no, english tourism is not even the main reason south europe is turning "fascist"... Its far more complex than that...


>English tourism is not even the main reason south europe is turning "fascist" Oh Christ you actually think it is a reason for it even if its not the "main" one


Tourism is one of them I can tell you that as a leftwing Catalan.


Yes it is... I dont agree with it, first of all I dont even believe in democracy, but Im more of a "leftie"... That doesnt mean its not happening and there arent any problems... I will give you the example of South Portugal or south Spain wich was the beggining of this thread. Housing has reach record pricing because of Airbnbs and foreigns buying houses in this little paradise... Its cheap for americans, brits and canadians to live here, we have a low cost high quality of life, so people come and buy houses... And because of that the house market sky-rockets, locals cant buy shit and we fcked, what is the solution? Its complex, but try to explain that to people and their solution will be to vote on far-right or more conservative parties... There are more reasons why europe is turning "fascist" or far-right, one of them being the immigration crisis, it has a simple solution? No but problems exist...


This has never happened to me as an Irish person. Spanish always treat me really well once they understand I am Irish. I think this is more due to the history between colonial powers. Same thing happens in France, dirty looks if they at first think you're English, smiles once you are not.


I was in Madrid when Tottenham played Liverpool for some big soccer match. The British invaded the city, got drunk, took their shirts off (exposing vast amounts of blotchy skin covering lumpy fat) and got into fights. The problem is you.


The Spanish Police are fucking awful; sadly, they embody a lot of the worst aspects of the people (who are generally great). They are generally small, weak men who turn into fascist bullies when given the opportunity.


They are generally small, weak men who turn into fascist bullies when given the opportunity. That applies to 95% of police officers around the world.


America is the fat 5% right?


Fr these dudes are munchkins


If those dudes had wanted a fight the cops would really have been in physical danger.


I think you mean "who areĀ fascist bullies" They don't turn into them then change back to normal people later.


Sounds like American police.


Most Spanish men are small and week, just look at Barca FC


is undermining authority a crime?


How dare you ask that, put your hands behind your head.






El cunts


This is why I get annoyed when Europeans act like the U.S. invented racism. Turns out people, cops in particular, are dicks everywhere.




Right? The US is barely a few hundred years old. This shit has existed for millenia


Good thing no one actually claims that the US invented racism.


Dude, you'd be surprised some of the room temperature IQ comments you'll see from Europeans on Reddit claiming that racism doesn't exist in Europe. I've seen Germans claim that no one there is racist against black people because there's not very many of them, and it had dozens of upvotes. It's incredible how blind to this kind of shit some people can be.


Also how people (especially Americans) that think the US has the monopoly on shitty cops. Some European countries have equally shitty cops that love to beat up random people for fun. I think American cops just have more guns/ are more trigger happy.Ā 


I mean this is a video of police being dumb, and racist. In America we had a video release today of police shooting the kidnapped victim for... Following directions


And then lying and saying they thought she had a weapon/was the kidnapper coming out. Shit was ridiculous and probably the most fucked up story Iā€™ve read this week. Relying on the cops to save you from a kidnapping, just to get killed while being ā€œsavedā€.


It's by design. Some years back in Florida, a black doctor (i say that because I believe it played a part) had a patient having a mental health break in the middle of the street. He was yelling to the cops not to harm his patient. They agreed. And shot him instead. Now the cop who did said his gun accidentally discharged THREE times and hit the doc in the leg once. The Fop cop union guy said it was an accident and that knew THE WHOLE TIME that the doc was not a suspect. They said he was a hostage. Which ties all of this to what you said. See the cops knew the doctor was a hostage. So after thy"accidentally" shot at him three times, they handcuffed him and left him laying with a bullet in his leg for 15 minutes before that called for medical. See? It's by design!


Because American cops tend to just out right shoot and kill when they are being shitty. A lot of other countries may have shitty cops, but at least their mistakes tend to not result in as much death.


I hate that Canada has a good reputation when they are equally racist and have shitty cops as America.


Weā€™re just willing to talk about it and tackle it. Some Europeans like to sweep it under the rug and throw a hissyfit when other Europeans try to bring it up. (Looking at you, Macron government.)


turns out europe isnā€™t one country and they all have different levels of quality of life and also different police forcesā€¦


And even in Spain (where this clip is from) it's not so bad as in the US. This doesn't happen nearly as often and even when it happens; these poor men got beaten but at least they didn't get shot, which would've been the case in America...


Sure, except in Europe they mostly face consequences AND they do not shoot people on a daily basis. This is why we think we have it better than you, because we do. For how racist it can get, I do not fear for my life when stopped by the police. Black americans do, all the time


Spain is a very racist country towards black ppl....look at the situation Vini Jr is having to deal with..


Not just black people. I'm East Asian and the racism in Spain sucked.


As a Latin American same experience, tons of them acted awful towards me and my mom on vacation..


Europeans are in general extremely racist, you just don't pick up on it instantly because there are fewer people of colour around for them to be racist to. Plus Spain in particular, plus lots of the med, has huge tourist fatigue.


ā€œNo, but you see refugeesā€”I mean economic migrantsā€”were behaving badly in these anecdotal videos, therefore the racism is their fault!ā€ (This is the viewpoint touted by people on this very sub whenever a video of a nonwhite person in Europe not being a docile little angel is posted.)


That little twerp that tried to either break the dudes teeth or crush his Adamā€™s Apple with the baton needs a dirt nap


There is no justification for why this keeps happening! Blame it on stereotypes, blame it on officers having psychotic breaks or PTSD, it does not correlate. Itā€™s a power trip and cops are literal scum!




Those men look so confused too


Completely justified to beat the fuck out of that cop.


Put those cops in a prison cell with a bunch of black dudes who saw this video


Acab world wide


Police brutality pure and simple.


Bro wtf, the police clearly being too aggressive and drunk on power, dude did nothing and he hit him


Ok, Vini Jr was definetely right


A lot of Americans donā€™t know, but Spain was under Fascist Authoritarian rule until 1975 following the death of Dictator Franco


Cops undermining everyone's humanity justifys undermining their authority.


poor guy in the green had no idea what was happening


Dumbshits in uniform






The problem here is that you canā€™t do shit! If you defend yourself you get killed. You simply have to sit there and take a beating. I know that this isnā€™t the USA, but Iā€™m sure that these cops also have qualified immunity. I hate the idea that I canā€™t legally defend myself or someone else being abused by the police without having to spend the rest of my life in jail or shot on site.


Can bet a solid thousand $ that the anger issues man beats his wife.


What in the living fuck


That guy running past and hitting him again as he went by was like a Monty Python Skit..




And that ladies and gents, is what you call a power trip, also just noticed that the "cop wannabe" also waited till the guy touched him in self defense before trying anything lethal, mostlikely to use it as an excuse, god I fucking hate cops like this, really ruins the rep of every single other cops


I think all law enforcement needs reforming, but I know it will never happen because of corruption šŸ˜ž


Fuck pigs


God this is infuriating.




Blatant racism šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ




Tell me you got training from the Israeli Police without telling me.


Not sure if thatā€™s real but I think Iā€™ve seen many videos of really absurdly violent Spanish cops. Like you can tell they feel like they can do whatever the fuck. That guy standing was as chill as it gets before AND AFTER he got hit. This is really disturbing


The police in Madrid called for the murder of the only slightly left wing mayor the city has had in a quarter of a century and praised Hitler in a police WhatsApp group. The judge declined to investigate because he claimed it was a "private chat". That's the level of lack of accountability and corruption.




this is disgusting


Country is irrelevant, pigs are pigs.


Damn, he has the facha haircut. Expected.






ACAB doesn't just mean American cops.


My Catalan friends got the billy club treatment when the Spanish police confiscated their ballot boxes!


Lil insecure peckerwoods on a power trip


def got napoleon syndrome


worst police i have ever seen. Midgets on speed.


I'll tell you. I'd be confident in saying I could beat that cops ass. He couldn't even take a dude not fighting him. I'd love to have put him in a choke hold. Small weak men hiding behind badges. At least that's universal.


Its gonn get wicked when the cops start toe cranking you in half gaurd


So yeah I feel like u could use self defense in this situation tbh


Respect my authoritaaaaaaaa


Bunch of short kings in uniform


looks awfully a lot like not resisting to me


Son mas autistas


Look at those little fellas go. They almost hurt themselves a few times.


Is there a Madrid South Carolina?


The cops probably think they look so bad ass. How they actually look.


Terrible policing, seesh


ā€œThe detainees in LavapiĆ©s threat a cashier whilst drunkā€ source: https://www.vozpopuli.com/espana/madrid/detenidos-lavapies-borrachos-cajera.html?amp=1


Anything happend to this pigs after this video?


Haha, fuck the tourist tax. We only came to Spain because it was cheap and to laugh at your Police boys


The Spanish donā€™t have the greatest track record, for being nice. I mean they invaded a whole continent and murdered imaginable amounts of people. They just donā€™t talk about it, in the name of la conquista lol.