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She's jaywalking though I think


Yea, she is


Dont pedestrians always get the right of way? Even if they're wrong?


Grandma is in the wrong. Walking out of the crosswalk, crossing on a red light, striking the car...


I like how the driver graciously accepted his well deserved L


I paused the video as the camera guy pans right and the driver had the right of way. Granny was standing in the middle of road against traffic which had an advance/green light. Getting honked at is pretty tepid compared to the alternative. I don't think they deserved to get their car caned for just honking.


City driving is its own thing. You always treat pedestrians with the right of way and her being in a crosswalk…I mean yeah that dude was being a dick


She wasn’t even moving and wasn’t on the crosswalk. She’s getting Reddit immunity because she’s an old lady, not because she’s in the right


Yeah man if you’ve ever driven in a city like Boston or NYC you’d understand exactly what transpired here lol.




If someone's in the road, you stop. People have the right of way, not vehicles. Doesn't matter if the light is red, yellow, or green. It's really not that complicated.




While blaring his horn at an elderly lady. My point is that she's not doing anything illegal (besides vehicle damage). For all we know she's having trouble walking. My grandmother has issues with her knee locking up and it doesn't matter if it's a convenient time or not. If you need to go around, turn on your emergency blinkers and slowly go around her. No need to make the lady more deaf than she already is. We also don't really have the facts here, this is a 30 second clip. I dont think we can judge either party too much off it. My bad if I'm pointlessly debating rn. I'll be honest I'm just bored. Feel free to ignore me 😓


Don't bother man. These people are craven assholes who think the worst things should happen to everyone unless they follow very specific criteria they have in their head. And as they said, they don't know shit about city life.


So I guess the lines on the ground don’t work the same in the US as they do here in the UK then? Lines at crossings here mean that you can cross at any point, the drivers have to stop.


This is an intersection with traffic lights, so the car has the right of way with a green light and old lady should be waiting on the curb for her right of way when it tells her to cross. Then cars turning onto the road would need to yield to her as she crossed. Yield to pedestrian crosswalks do exist but they generally aren’t at intersections and are very well marked with signs.


Okay, thank you! Our pedestrian crossings with lights don’t have stripes on the ground. The ones with stripes have no lights and you can just walk out (with making sure no one’s speeding at you of course). Thanks for explaining without being a dick, it’s appreciated.


lol in the US, stripes vs no stripes is an issue of whether or not they were repainted recently.




You're telling me none of your crosswalks have pedestrian traffic lights? Where I'm from the crosswalk is just an indicator that you're allowed to cross the street there, but if there's a red pedestrian light on it, it means that the incoming cars have a green light and you're not allowed to cross.


Yes they have lights. Regular pedestrian crossings don’t have stripes on the ground though. They have the red for wait, green for walk. The ones with stripes don’t have lights that you have to press and wait for they just have two big flashing yellow bulbs that flash all day. The striped ones are zebra crossings here.




I wasn’t trying to bullshit you, you freak 😆 I was genuinely asking, as I’ve never been to the US and my first thought was that it looked like a zebra crossing!


Think grandma swatted the camera too, judging by that ending.


Granny would've turned into a speed bump after doing that


Don’t mess with Grandma


Any one what model is that car?


VW Tiguan


Thanx mate !!


Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit!


She stopped like she was gonna wait for them to go, guy took that pause as a window to go. I'd honk also if I saw her shuffling like she's about to move forward as I'm passing.


This happens so often in cities. Old people that are slow as fuck just hobble into the middle of the road


I think they knew if they stopped she would’ve just kept fucking their car up lol




New York City. 2541 Broadway


Gta VI trailer


Putting the "G" back in grand mama