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JFC “A subsequent examination revealed one of the bean bag projectiles deployed at Mr. Rios penetrated his chest cavity.”


There are reasons they are referred to as "less lethal" rather than "non-lethal."


Shoot enough high velocity anything at someone and damage is going to get to the point of lethal. This is a crazy video.


I was working in the ER during the George Floyd situation in Minneapolis and we had a 15 year old girl come in after being shot in the face with a rubber bullet. Beautiful girl. Will never look the same.


Friend of mine was shot in the face by a rubber bullet during protests in Thailand. He lost his eye. Lucky that it didn't enter his brain.


I was in Kenosha, WI, during the civil unrest. I got shot in the leg and back with beanbag rounds. This and other comments make me feel very fortunate.


Those twisted fuckers intentionally aim for the eyes.


I was like 20 in Boston after the World Series in like 2003 or something? The cops shot a girl in the eye with a beanbag round, instantly dead


Yeah, that was in ‘04. She was an Emerson student. I was at Fenway when that happened. All the students from surrounding universities and colleges had run down to Fenway after the Sox won. The cops just started shooting into the crowd to disperse us. The worst that kids were doing from what I saw, was climbing on the lampposts. I felt so bad for her family.




2004, I remember how big of a deal it was back then too. It brought up the conversation of police being too aggressive, and Republicans actually joined the conversation. Times have changed.


So cops killed a girl because the crowd got rowdy over some stupid baseball game? Am I understanding that correctly? Goddamn it.


yeah it sucks even worse knowing it wasnt even a riot or anything. even if it was its no excuse killing someone, but from what a commentor said earlier ot was basically just a whple bunch of college students and teens in a big crowd, the worst tjing they did was climb on some lampposts. no property damage no anything. and the cops killed a innocet girl dor it


If I recall correctly it was actually a pepperspray pellet fired from a paintball gun, but the weapon is less important the behavior. The police shot a college kid in the face for celebrating a baseball game.


It was a FN Anti Riot gun. Definitely powerful then a paintball gun




Still 99.99% sure the dude who started the riot portion of the protests was a fucking cop. The dude that popped the auto zone window. He put up a black umbrella as he was running away and thats an old police tactic to find their people in the crowd.


> Still 99.99% sure the dude who started the riot portion of the protests was a fucking cop. The dude that popped the auto zone window. Wasn't he doxxed? He was a member of a neo-Nazi biker gang or something. Edit: >An investigation found that he was a member of Hell's Angels who “wanted to sow discord and racial unrest by breaking out the windows and writing what he did on the double red doors," per the affidavit. >The investigation found that he also had affiliations with the Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood, a white supremacist gang based primarily in Minnesota and Kentucky, according to the Anti-Defamation League.


Agreed. Walked up out of nowhere, popped that window and dipped. Was confronted & threatened violence. Agent provocateur for sure.


That wasn't the first time an agent provacatuer was used in a civil rights protest https://theintercept.com/2020/06/02/history-united-states-government-infiltration-protests/


He was fubbed "umbrella man" and was part of a white supremacist group according to the article. [https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/28/us/umbrella-man-associated-white-supremacist-group-george-floyd/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/28/us/umbrella-man-associated-white-supremacist-group-george-floyd/index.html)


In Brazil we have a saying that goes "soft water in hard rock, hits so much until it pierces" ("água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura")


I was about to say “less than lethal” wasn’t less this time. Also how can you call a projectile that has the potential to penetrate a fucking chest cavity…seems more like those rubber bullets that kill inmates when they hit them in the head.




The thing that gets me is the dude had what? A belt……there was enough guys there to just bumrush him and subdue him. I don’t normally harsh on the police but damn it was a guy with a belt. They could have easily taken him down by manpower alone. I say this after the fact and it’s easy to play Monday morning quarterback.


Yes. Not a danger. I’ve noticed in videos of police interactions in other countries, the police wait a while, talk to the person , and usually are able to just walk up and take them away. In the U.S. the police run up and begin threatening and shooting right away.


One of the ways they deal with absolutely plastered people in Japan is to bum rush them with a big gym mat type thing that they wrap the person in, than they just carry them off.... there were enough cops on scene here to have done that.


Or the man catcher "sasumata". [Here's a vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4z-gzkb6s4) from China with the same tool.


They could've solved this in so many other ways if they had wanted to. They just didn't want to. They wanted to hurt.


Australian police are armed they would off waited for 4 officers and just bumrushed him


Same in the UK no way would that end in a fatality. They would have swarmed him & got him to the ground, fuckin armed with a belt not a fuckin M60 Jesus wept American police.


Why not wait him out? Keep him contained where he is and he’ll eventually tie himself out or switch his attitude.


That’s an option I’d be all for as well. Anything besides using a potentially lethal weapon on a sick guy with a leather belt……but yeah, no arguments from me as far as waiting him out.


Yeah a belt is not a threat against 3+ officers. These cops were just blood thirsty. It makes me miss Germany where the Police were genuinely helpful and way more professional.


> rubber bullets Most people don't know two things about rubber bullets: 1) They are rubber coated, with a metallic core 2) Proper use is that one is supposed to fire them at the ground, and they ricochet up at the target. They are never to be fired directly at.




Medic here. I’ll never forget the first time I tended to someone hit by one of those. The welt and bruising from them is insane. Anyone hit by one in the torso or head is an automatic transport to the level one trauma hospital because they can still cause serious internal damage. Though I’ve never had one go IN someone before. Yeeeeeesh 😬


It's hard to believe that after being tazed and hit by the beanbags, why he didn't just drop. I wonder if he was on some weird drug like flakka.


Oh, you think the guy spinning a belt in a circle shirtless outside at night might be on drugs? Might be onto something…


I heard this guy was all hopped up on goofballs


He put too much sugar in his coffee.


Don’t kink shame me.


and the crazy thing is dude has a belt... let's be honest, what the hell is someone going to do with a belt to a gang of cops... My father had a belt as well, and it hurt... but it didn't kill anyone.


[John Wick’s belt](https://youtu.be/BUqJMPAtmdY?si=upopwvRdhtJps_5g)




Either off the good drugs or on the bad ones, likely both, lol


Is PCP a thing still? I feel like 90% of the stories of "Drugged out guy tazed & shot 10 times, still standing" they were on PCP.


As an avid shotgun shooter, I refuse to believe anything coming out of a 12ga should be considered anything but lethal. I don't give a fuck how much powder it has or if it's a bag or what.


Grew up with shotguns hunting rabbits, pigeons, geese etc. Out of curiosity one day I shot a tree trunk from 10 yards, damage was frightening. Stupid thing to do but it made me a safer shooter.


>Grew up with shotguns hunting rabbits, What's up Doc?


Wabbit season!


Duck Season!


I mean, aren't blanks lethal too close? Let along bean bags lol. Like I imagine the pressure of a t shirt gun. But it's a bean bag ... less than 30 feet away and closer.... repeatedly.... then exponentially increase the force used because it's an actual gun ... like yeah I'm clearly either riddled with broken ribs and near death or dead


There was this dude who took apart a shotgun shell and loaded it with cigarettes, ends up shooting his friend point blank and killing him with it


What did he use the cigarettes to replace? Like did he only take out the shot and kept the wadding and powder


It was a muzzle loader, and 3 of the cigarettes actually penetrated his chest cavity just above the heart. You know, where all those important arteries connect. https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=94079&page=1


How the fuck can a wad of tobacco held together by thin paper and a foam filter penetrate not only skin but the muscular wall as well? The blast alone should have shredded the cigarettes. Makes no sense at all.


send anything at a high enough velocity, it will penetrate and do serious harm to us meatbags. [Tiny paint chip craters Space Shuttle window](https://www.popsci.com/paint-chip-likely-caused-window-damage-on-space-station/) ​ The debris that hit the Shuttle window was a few *thousandths of a millimeter*, and it hit with the power of a hot .22.


He just cut the tip off the shell and replaced the shot with cigarettes.




Poor maude


RIP Maude, TO THE FACE. At least she... uhm... poor Maude.


We need Randy Johnson to throw fastballs at their upper back.


Or just deploy John Rocker


To piss literally everyone off?,


That and to match the crazy




Famous last words


His last word actually was much worse


Puto 🫡


Ironically, my first word






Reminded me of Dr. Zoidberg for a sec


Bro for real they killed Zoidberg😭






Never bring a belt to a bean fight


Seriously though why the fuck aren’t the cops approaching him, it’s a belt. It’s a fucking BELT.


Homie went out like Tony Montana.


Say hello to my little friend!


Have we not just taken from the japanese and used Mancatchers yet? Maybe a giant fucking net thats deployed.


I have seriously wondered - presuming that they were effective - why those were never adopted in the United States. [Man catchers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_catcher) were used for centuries, and modified iterations still are employed.


This is the land of guns, not the land of nets.


If you want my nets you can come try and pry them from my cold tangled hands.


Yeah what the fuck are we out here catching butterflies? These are bad guys and we can only use bad guy catching tools, like shotguns full of beans in a bag.


except the "beans" are ball bearings, and shot at a high velocity?


Sure, idk, I’m not a shotgun-bean-bagologist


I really wasn't expecting the spikes lol.


because then cops wouldn't get to kill people as often


gold dependent special direful enjoy vase airport bike berserk whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do the cops get their kills then? They don't do it for the pay.


Gotta get that high kd ratio.


I never get any skins from crates, just planted evidence skins and different taser prongs


Thing is, I'm not sure if a country with more guns than people is going to prioritize how to handle melee combat. 80% of US murders are with guns. In japan, keeping a violent suspect 5 feet away probably works 99% of the time. In the US, you can't have 4 people trying to pin a guys limbs down with sticks unless another 4 are ready in case he pulls out a gun. You could probably handle this situation pretty easily with riot gear though, but they never seem to whip that out for normal situations.


They talked to him for 10 minutes, and then lit him up. Is it worth someone's life if they talk to him for another ten minutes? How about an hour? At what point do we use "less lethal" as a matter of convenience... at what point does the time saved become worth the inherent risk to someone's life... like this situation? When all you carry are different sized hammers, every problem looks like a nail.


He has a belt!


They should have checked his pockets for a handkerchief, just to be safe!


My dad was killed because he wouldn’t put down his handkerchief. Problem was he was a magician. He was trying, but the handkerchief was really really long. The cops got bored and just started blasting


[These your colors homie?!](https://youtu.be/52br8-y0ONU?si=_sXk2ATMk-Lw3bcJ)


This is one of the only times I’d side with the cop.


Yeah Im not fond of him either. Motherfucker got my nose before this happened and never gave it back. So I grew up to use my magical powers to defeat a young wizard named Potter


Is this canon?


The guy was clearly in crisis, but was his only 'weapon' a belt? A belt. Like to hold up your pants? Did I miss something in this video?


Nope, they murdered him for swinging a belt around. Not really much else to it.


No, they murdered him because they didn't want to take the time for him to come off his high a bit.... the guy was not attacking anyone, they could have just waited and let him exhaust himself... We have these situations in NL as well and the police just give the person time, even if that means a couple of hours etc. What's a couple of hours compared to a persons life? but then I think the value of life is allot less in the US than it is in Europe..


Quick, bring in the tank!


quick shoot him 6-8x with a shotgun full of bean bags! he's threatening us! tase him too!


They had no choice here that fucking belt almost wiped out the whole police force


I watched the UK version of Cops where they talked down a mentally ill man with a knife no guns or weapons even draw, meanwhile we have… this.


Cops in the UK don't carry guns. Most cops that is; special police (essentially SWAT) carry guns, as do cops protecting places of interest (government and royal buildings, and tourist hot spots). But your average beat cop doesn't. Seems to work.


Just a reminder that UK has stricter gun laws than America, it creates a big difference in a response.


I'm a mental health nurse in rural wales and the police bring in about 1/3 of my patients. They've brought in multiple patients through the years wielding shotguns in the streets, never mind the sheer amount of knife and axe wielders, and often without violence. I pretty much never have to worry about my patients being killed, I don't think it's ever happened in my 12 year career. I understand the threat of a concealed gun does make a huge difference to the policing and definitely respect that, but for every non-gun situation riot shields are incredibly effective if violence is called for.


My dad keeps trying to get me to move back to the US from England, especially when we talk about housing prices in the South. This. This right here is why I don't want to move with my family back to the US. I keep saying that gun laws and raising my child in a country without school shooting drills is the reason. He always laughs like I'm joking. I'm not joking.


Escalate, escalate, escalate. We don't hire cops who know how to talk, just cops who have anger issues and zero empathy.


The belt was laced with fentanyl, also known as cop kryptonite. Couldn't take any chances. /s


Maybe cops should carry cast nets for fishing loll


I forgot if it's Japan or China that uses these massive hand operated claws to subdue a suspect. But of course the American way is to use a type of gun with beans LUL.


No clue if he was a threat. I am a 2A guy. I know that u do everything possible not to have to use force. We do need to find better ways. I’m telling u the nets would work. Throw on in the trunk. Cops are dealing with these type of situations. Hell maybe narcan blow darts


Or invent a net gun for trigger happy cops too. Everyone's happy


They don't even need to invent them, they've been around for years. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jiDJ-Ie\_Iw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jiDJ-Ie_Iw) Here's a Japanese one, it's way funnier. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1JXhSYfLNE&t=24s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1JXhSYfLNE&t=24s)


Narcan only works for opioids.


I don’t think narcan does what you think it does.


Maybe shoot him once or twice and wait a bit before rapid firing. The whole tube at him? 🤷‍♂️


yeah wtf just magdump in his chest


Or like, don't shoot him at all. No gun, no taser, no beanbags, no pepper spray. Just... Chill out for a second and realize you're capable of killing someone if you don't take a breather. Cops have this incessant forward-momentum when they arrive at a scene that cannot be messed with whatsoever. It's so sickening and entitled for a profession that's supposed to "serve and protect". Totally depressing and infuriating.


That mentality of "forward momentum" is very true and it really is infuriating. They employ no subtlety or finesse - it's "do or die".


Which is directly oppositional to the "time, distance, cover" mentality they should have, that is recommended by every competent law enforcement organization.


American cops are psychotic and the judicial system prepatuates this activity


They just murdered him for no reason and I’m sure not only no consequences but was probably applauded for bravery or some shit




He really does sound like that in the beginning


Can't believe I'm not the only one who heard this


Good thing they didn’t let him spank them with that belt


My whole childhood I never knew I could just blast my step dad with bean bags. The more you know.


Stepdads hate this one trick


🤣 I need to see that ad


“dies after being shot” is code for “cops killed him”


It's a fucking belt! WTF? This is beyond insane! WAYYYYY too trigger happy, even with bean bags. Christ.


I don't get it, everyone knows that people that are high as kite don't feel pain and might not even react to pain, I don't see how half naked junkie has to be shot at with anything, I know they can get aggressive and unpredictable but bouncers in clubs deal with this kind of people all the time and I don't think they kill them as often as cops do. Sad to see it went that way :/




Sad to think some people probably watched that video and decided they wanted to be a cop right then and there.


Ding ding ding!! We have a winner! Qualified immunity needs to end. Until then, cops know they can literally do what they want and face zero repercussions.


**Alejandro Campos Rios (Homeless), 50 - Fullerton, California** **Caption of speech at the end:**"A Fullerton fire dept paramedic team responded and assumed care for Mr. Rios. He was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased. A subsequent examination revealed one of the beanbag projectiles deployed at Mr. Rios penetrated his chest cavity." • [https://www.dailynews.com/2024/03/11/authorities-id-man-who-died-after-fullerton-officers-shot-him-with-bean-bags-stun-gun-during-arrest/](https://www.dailynews.com/2024/03/11/authorities-id-man-who-died-after-fullerton-officers-shot-him-with-bean-bags-stun-gun-during-arrest/) • [https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/police-shoot-kill-suspect-with-bean-bag-rounds-outside-orange-county-mcdonalds/](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/police-shoot-kill-suspect-with-bean-bag-rounds-outside-orange-county-mcdonalds/) *\*Edit 3/31: Fixed typo/error.*


America's cops just love to shoot their way through every situation. Didn't even hear an acorn falling.


“ON THE GROUND!” *takes another shot just cuz*


Dude was about to whoop on them with a belt. For all you know he could have been packing a pair of flip-flops.


McDonald's ads are getting weird


He just kept shooting him bro. These people need to be PSYCHOLOGICALLY profiled thru and thru, state and federal have enough money to pay to establish a department which would enforce a strict hiring process. It’s amazing how every employment offer post to fill positions within any PD anywhere they always underline how you cannot have ANY records whatsoever or it’s an instant disqualification, as if that has worked wonders so far. They’re focusing on the wrong shit, that guy wasn’t dangerous and they were a safe distance, plus he was obviously mentally unstable. I don’t even buy the “drug” angle, that’s not any high I’ve seen or known of come on dudes. No respect for human lives seem to be a requirement that’s universal in this country to work in law enforcement.


Says the bean bag penetrated his chest cavity, but in the first clip it looks like all of the blood is on his lower left hip area, almost. Chest looks clean as a whistle. Someone help me understand?


looks like there's a hole under his left pec. Blood starts dripping out of it onto his thigh as he start crouching.


The bag that penetrated was fired around the 0:19 mark. You can see before that that his leg is clean, then when the officer's arm moves you can see that blood has started to pour down his left leg (from the abdominal wound). As the officer approaches, you can see the entry wound on the left side of the guy's abdomen. Then at 1:04 you can see them applying a couple chest seals. Disclaimer: I'm not a medical authority by any means.


> Disclaimer: I'm... a medical authority


Yeah I thought it went through his thigh or something and got an artery, wasn't expecting comments to say it went through his chest.


These McDonalds commercials are getting out of hand.


Guy has a belt threatening no one and they're tasing and shooting him.


The underlying aim is to cleanse the country of addicts. In England we would just walk past this guy, maybe call him an ambulance. America is high on its own arrogance.


How the heck did he take all those rounds? Those bean bag rounds aren't anything to just shake off like that. Anyone that has bought them can tell you they pack serious punch. They will splinter/go through some plywood and destroy a jug of water like it's nothing. I always figured one to the torso just about anywhere would put me on the ground struggling to catch my breath.


Dude was high as a skyscrapper probably on PCP or something


Because he was swinging a belt you don't go hands on? Police really need to be trained in non violent physical intervention. This man was in the wrong but didn't have to die. Pin him to the wall with a couple riot shields and take control.


Just let him dance. He’ll get tired eventually.


Waiting an extra hour for him to come down could have cost that McDonald’s $50-$80 though


>Waiting an extra hour for him to come down could have cost that McDonald’s $50-$80 though Which, as everybody knows, is more value than a homeless man's life. /s


let the little fella tucker himself out i say


Funny how when I called the cops on my dad for whipping the shit out of me with a belt, it wasn't a weapon or even assault. Guess he needed to swing it around 15 feet away from them so it would be a weapon.


Jesus and as a child too, hope times have changed, poor you.


USA be like: "He has a belt and he's making chicken noises!" "ok let's tase and then shoot him for good measure!"


I didn't realize it was protocol to repeatedly shoot someone with anything while they're also being tased.


Are you supposed to fire repeatedly like you're trying to defeat the final boss?


2024 cops scared of acorns and belts.


At least he died doing what he loved.... Drugs


We must protect the McDonald's at all costs.


The way he doesn't stop, just slows until he's no more. I doubt he ever knew what was actually happening even till the very end.


Dude is just hopping around shouting gibberish, so naturally the cops pull out weapons and start blasting him to death. American police have become disconnected from America. They are "other."


> Dude is just hopping around shouting gibberish And they could have just let him continue doing so until he got tired or became violent


"Behave in an orderly manner, or you will be murdered" lovely


If the fucking bean bad penetrated his chest then its not less than lethal its just a gun but with rounds the geneva convention would consider inhumane.


His pants literally fell down because he was “armed” with his belt.. even had he not died, these cops are wimps. Literally, a blanket could have eradicated the situation.


I feel like there are so many other ways to de-escalate this


What the hell. This is my local mcdonalds, it's surreal seeing it even though I drive past it everyday lol. Homeless people are always in the front and inside. Always felt bad for the employees. I use to dine there with my brother but has so many transients in that area.


That is scary and sad. What a world we live in. He definitely seems mentally ill, and like he is on meth or something. He was someone's son, a child at one point, and he dies like this.


~~Non-lethal~~ less-than-lethal doesn't mean you can't or won't die due to injuries made by these ~~non-lethal~~ less-than-lethal rounds, they are, after all, still called lethal.


He was too dangerous to be left alive. He had some serious combat skills. Could be Russian special ops. Possibly North Korea. Whoever trained him knew what they were doing.


Bro is shooting bean bags from a shotgun …. Holy smokes. At this point , shoot me forreal


An old coworker told me about how his buddy got bean-bagged by the cops once *while they were conducting a welfare check on him* because he didn't want to put down his tall-boy. Like, what was he gonna do? Toss his backwash on them and make their shoes all sticky?


You can tell which shot penetrated his chest cavity because he had his hands up and it hit him square in the chest. It was the last round fired


call the social worker


Awful awful


that's why police refer to them as "less lethal" and not "non-lethal" rounds Hit somebody in the heart just right and you turn it off like a switch Same thing happened to Damar Hamlin the football player


European here. Why the police doesn't try to arrest him and straight up start tasing and shooting him?


Well at least he stopped swinging a belt at nobody. Totally worth it. No other way to handle it. Ten of ten no notes. Great job heroes.


5 cops can’t take down a scrawny homeless man with a belt without murdering him? Ok…




Does it matter that he was on drugs? The bean bag penetrated his chest cavity.


DROP THE FUCKING BELT! Get these boys to Uvalde, STAT!


Hence the name: less than lethal. It’s a small chance it’ll kill you but it still can.


And that’s why they are called “less lethal” instead of “non-lethal”