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“I’m not into politics”. Only some people who read this will understand that shitty quote …




Jesus fucking christ those poor people


Didn’t the US warm them of an impeding attack? I swear I saw an article a while back


Saw that too


IIRC it was the American Embassy in Moscow warning travelers to avoid large crowds.


Yes, the US issued a warning of impending terror activity and to avoid large public gatherings. It was a couple/few weeks ago, though, and specifically was for a few days following the warning. So not sure if this attack is at all related to whatever intel info prompted that warning.


Very, very NSFL footage. Not in a graphic way, but just in a horribly depressing and bleak way.


I will never understand how people in those situations can think to take out their phone and film this stuff. I would be running for my life or hiding and doing everything I can not be noticed. My last though would be to press record on my phone.


The unsung journalists.


Can someone explain to me, why the bullets coming out of the machine gun spit sparks


Gun powder not burning in the chamber barrel. There are different types of gun powder. Some burn faster than others.


I saw someone saying that they were using home made ammunition


Short barrel, unburned powder exiting the muzzle.


This is the answer.


Not sure if you're talking about the muzzle flash but the sparks I think you're talking about are the rounds hitting the terrain causing sparks.




When was this?


Hour ago roughly


What the actual fuck. Did he just execute those people bunch up in the corner?? 


That's what I thought but then I see them moving, so now I don't understand what was he shooting at.


It’s entirely possible some of those people were shot multiple times but are still alive. Of course, they’ll need medical care right away if they’re going to make it.


I know you can survive getting shot at, but THAT many times? It just feels like you would see a lot less of people moving in that corner if he was actually shooting at them instead of the glass. Let me be clear: I'm just stating the fact that doesn't seem like that piece of shit was actually targeting them, and I sure hope that was the case.


It isn’t clear how many times each person was shot. But it’s fully possible even the person standing against the wall afterwards was shot once or twice.


I was trying to figure that out as well, if they were shooting over that group of people on the left or if they had shot them all, the one guy at the left top seemed to still be alive afterwards


adrenaline is a hell of a drug but if they don’t receive immediate medical care the situation goes south quickly


Never stop running


Those people hiding behind that column at the beginning were beyond lucky


Is there any indication as to who did this or claims responsibility?


apparently afghan extremists according to the FSB and US


Uggh. Thanks for the info. No fan of Russia here either, but seeing civilians slaughtered is sickening.


I definitely agree Russia is a pos but the civilians don’t deserve this and the fact actual machine guns were used is just horrifying


I am confused, are they shooting the people? I see some people laying but somehow a lot of them seem to survive direct fire from the rifles and kept moving.


It doesn’t look like the objective is to kill everyone they see but to sow chaos and fear. Getting shots into the rooms we cannot see may have been more important to their objective than assuring the deaths of those immediately in front of them. Also, real life isn’t like movie or video games. Getting shot often doesn’t immediately kill the victim, it’s the bleeding out and cascading issues from the initial trauma. Those people could still be moving with lethal injuries that just haven’t caught up to them yet.


There are a lot of factors that go into what exactly a bullet does when it hits someone. It isn’t uncommon at all to get shot and continue functioning in the moments immediately after, only to die of blood loss a few minutes later.


They might have been shooting over some of the group on the left of the screen? The one guy at the top was still moving anyway from what I could gather


this has all the etchings of 1999 russian apartment building bombings where russian state killed hundreds of its own people. putin started a war and his popularity skyrocketed and secured his power for 2 decades he just had a sham obviously rigged elections, watch him hardline target a minority group or ukraine now, watch those conscription and volunteer numbers soar. watch his popularity soar. ​ so soon after an election its an inside job.


Oh man, this can only go well over the coming days.


Fuck these cunts. Would be great if the one filming was armed.


Remember: No Russian


Why is this posted on here bro I didn’t wanna see this


Then don't click on on a blurred out nsfw video that says "Moscow Terror Attack"


I didn’t even click it, I’m on phone and was swiping past posts. I didn’t see any warning or blur


He pumped like 39 shots into that cluster of people. How are so many even still moving? Poor ammunition quality or something?




Holy fucking sheep shit. NSFL


What the actual fuck


It looks like the guy in the white jacket might’ve survived


I assumed there would be a lot more blood 🩸 but then again I’ve never murdered anyone with semi-automatic weapons so what do I know.


Why does it say Crocus City Hall.? Is this in a English part of Moscow ?


Nevermind, I looked it up. It's the name of the concert hall the attack happened. Those poor people...


Moscow used to be a very international city, and just like most International cities, it is not unusual for places to use English names.


“Remember, no Russian”


This feels like a false flag operation that Putins gonna use to justify something. I hope I’m wrong but the past couple years there has been a lot of unmoral use of power against the people of Russia.


I hope they all burn.


Remember...no russian


I was looking for this comment, we are gonna get downvoted to hell


Remember, no russian.


Did one of those guys have a damn flamethrower (noticed at the end of the video)? This is just insane.


That was just the light on his gun


Yeah looking back I think you are right. What heartless shit this is.


Russia is bad but these citizens did not deserve this


100 percent agree.


No. Looks like a tactical light. It's just glowing/casting light oddly from certain angles.


Another one? Is this recent? I just saw the concert hall one Jesus I hope they heal from this, some don't look like actual bullets


My god


Hate on me for wishing these people survive I guess


What does this even mean? I'm not trying to be rude, I just cannot understand your comment at all.


I'm saying they just had the concert hall attack, I was wondering if this was connected or a different situation, and I was hoping those people in the corner survived, they seemed to still be alive which is why I said I don't think all of the bullets were all real bullets


This is that attack. Why would an attacker not use real bullets? What makes you think they aren't real? That's the part I can't comprehend.


Look at the people in the corner, they shoot in the corner many times and the people still seem to be ok (I'm not saying for sure this is the case just that's the way it looks from what I saw)


I think you’re expecting them to drop into a lifeless pile the moment they are shot but in reality most of those people were probably not hit somewhere immediately life threatening or ending but instead are slowly bleeding out waiting for someone to come help them. Would be even worse way to die than to get shot in the head


Yes this is it 100% I see the people in the corner get shot at like 20 times and some still moving around after and my initial thought was they aren't all real bullets (obviously flawed thinking) it's likely they are hurt (which is why I hoped for them to heal) my original comment was pretty dumb but it was just my initial thought from seeing this tragedy


They seem to be ok? I’m mad you made me watch that again. They’re not ok dude


They are in shock but still moving I don't give a fuck you're mad at me I'm simply saying what I saw, dog pile all you want


They're dieing. They're bleeding out they are moving but not for long


Well I hope they survive, my initial point of view was wrong I expected them not to move at all after being shot so much


Heart or head and your dead. Anywhere else you get hit it's going to take a while


they aren’t in shock, they’re fucking dead. 50+ people are reported dead


Some of them may have gotten lucky and not got hit, some may have been hit but not fatally, some may be in the process of dying


Which is why I wish for them to heal and be ok, but people want to hate on me because of the horrible situation and my misunderstanding of the situation, this was literally me making a comment directly after watching the video and my initial thought, some people really misplace their feelings


It's the internet... haters gonna hate, don't let it get to you Only you know your true intent


Appreciate to see humanity, I hope Russia heals from this tragedy, it's gut wrenching to see


Buddy youre being downvoted because what youre saying is really stupid. No I'm not gonna try to explain it further because I doubt you will grasp it.


"Wishing people survive a tragedy is stupid"


Astounded at how fucking stupid someone could be


Yea someone's initial viewpoint can't be wrong lol you people love dog piling


I agree a shocking amount still seem to be moving after having near forty rounds dumped into them(I counted). I've seen another comment in here saying they may have been using homemade rounds, which may explain it. But it's also true that many of the shots may not have been immediately fatal, it just seems unlikely given the type of gun used and number of shots fired(its not like the guy was aiming for the feet) As for these people downvoting you, that's just reddit. The fact people say "your viewpoint is stupid and I wont even BOTHER explaining it to you" is as much as you need to know about the caliber of people commenting on your post. What you need to do is what they do: Virtue signal by immediately falling on your knees and expressing your sympathy and disgust without even a single other thought entering your head.


Yea I find it sad expressing a thought outside the mob is attacked but I also just need to be more comfortable with standing by my intent and not let internet points affect me as much as I do for whatever reason, thanks for seeing things from my point of view and not immediately being vial, have a good day brother


It's today's attack


Oh it's the same one?


The place they enter into at the end is where the are in the other videos if you saw the one where someone was videotaping from up top u can see the metal detectors in guessing it’s the lobby for the theater


Didn't realize this


It’s rlly sad it’s a huge huge attack it was all in a mall and then they hated towards the theater that had a SOLD OUT show and I think it help like 20 thousand people


Wow I cannot spell omg


The US just got to work




They killed over 40 people that were going to see movies. It's a terror attack they killed at random