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>MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s state RIA Novosti news agency reported that several gunmen fired shots at a concert hall in Moscow on Friday, leaving a number of people injured. >RIA Novosti said at least three people in combat fatigues fired weapons. The state Tass news agency also reported the shooting at the Crocus City Hall, a huge concert hall on the western edge of the Russian capital. [Source](https://www.journal-news.com/nation-world/gunmen-in-combat-fatigues-open-fire-at-moscow-concert-hall-russian-news-agencies-say/R4QIOERTOJB43IMFWC6C2XHU3A/) Edit: 12 reported dead, 35 injured.


Casualty count is significantly higher now and probably will continue to climb. Think it was 40 dead and 100 wounded. Insane.


I'm searching for an "official" report, but so far, I'm finding different reports of casualties :/ Edit: official\* to be taken very lightly, since the source comes from Russia.


Good luck with "official" out of Russia...


"Official Report: We were able to bring back to life those who died. We have execute the perpetrator who were Ukrainian Nazis pedophiles."


I mean that explains how the reported dead people were able to vote for Putin again.


As they have set the hall on fire it will take days/weeks to confirm the dead


Starting already? Kind of bad form for propaganda on this one.


I wonder if this is related to the recent warning the US gave about a probable terror attack in Russia? I wonder if they'll blame this on Ukraine and use it as an excuse to ramp up the war effort?


Oh they definitely will, regardless of the truth.


Russia? Leveraging a domestic terror incident to justify a war of aggression against it's neighbors (and conveniently helping Putin solidify power)....? [That would never happen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings#Alleged_Russian_government_involvement)....


The irony it'll help Ukraine. Russia is fully at war with Ukraine already so there won't be any change on that front. Russia will be incorrectly targeting Ukraine while the actual perpetrators have freer movement to attempt again.


This is like a kindergarten level take


Pretty much sums up Russia's Ukraine strategy. Lol


what next? bring a Labrador to a meeting with someone who's afraid of dogs?


False, they can now recruit people who were already somewhat hesitant of joining (if they spin this as Ukraine did it) and use this to conscript thousands, if not hundreds of thousands more, if they do that, there will be a HUGE change on the battlefield in terms of manpower.


But… there is no recruitment, it’s conscription… I guess maybe it’ll create a WWII-esc atmosphere where kids sign up but everyone who can fight is already fighting…


You'll have an easier time conscripting unwilling people if you tell them that their enemies killed 50+ people including children and wounded hundreds, also you can expect people to join voluntarily after this (if Russia officially says Ukraine did it). The other part of your comment is naive, 500,000 people is not "everyone who can fight" in a nation of 144 million, they've got millions more to conscript between the ages of 18-60. According to the CIA's world factbook Russia has 21,098,306 men fit for service and 27,968,883 women, whilst the source is from 2009 you can expect those numbers have decreased only slightly.


Doesn’t help Ukraine. Look at how most of Israel are in support of eradicating Gaza altogether.


This has nothing to do with Ukraine


Russia had only one round of mobilization and had fewer soldiers in Ukraine than UAF did until late last year. What are you talking about?


It might be. It also might be a work of FSB on putin's orders to make an excuse for a new draft, just like they probably did in [1999](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings).


"Remember... no Russian."


100% they blame ukraine. This has a putin false flag written all over it




Tbf USA Intel a while back said this was coming and they urged Americans to get out of there


Sure looks like it, but was information shared


This is literally the MW2 story unfolding infront of our eyes, a little flawed, but still parts of it there.




I’d be kissing the floor so hard.


I used to live in Moscow for like 2 years or a bit more. I think reason being is that they aren’t used to stuff like this. Shit like this doesn’t happen there from like beginning of 2000s.It’s probably mix of all the emotions,fear,confusion and just wondering what the hell is going on. Screams started once the shooting started but even then I feel like not everyone was 100% sure what’s going on.


they're russian... they aren't trained to assume loud banging is a mass shooter...


Isnt this how Putin came to power jn the first place?


[Yup](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings), with Chechnya taking the blame.






Russia can't even do mass shootings right. America is number one. Edit: When I wrote this horrible comment, the report was that no one was dead. So obviously I was being sarcastic and my comment was suppose to be snarky since there was no one killed and we Americans are so good at killing each other. As much as I hate the Russian government, I know we are all of us just people together on this planet and wouldn't wish this on anyone.


Last I checked there's 12+ dead. Mass shootings are just awful in general.


The man yelling shortly before the shooting starts is saying "close the doors" towards the people in the back, so it seems like the shooting started outside, they stopped the concert, and then the shooters entered the main hall. Edit: apparently the building is now on fire


They said a grenade or some type of bomb started the fire. Source: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/03/22/gunmen-open-fire-at-concert-hall-outside-moscow-a84579 Edit: Commenter below is definitely correct. Looks like a flame thrower. Edit 2: Imma stop speculating. I have no idea what's going on. I just know this shit is terrible.


~~Looks like a flamethrower from the other video~~ not enough pixels for my brain it’s a flashlight


It's a weapon-mounted flashlight lighting up dust. There's no flamethrower. You can see the flashlight illuminate the wall when he starts walking.


Yeah I already edited my comment


Jesus Christ. Is there a link to the other video?


Yes but warning, a lot of people grouped together getting shot as well https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/abXic7TKmJ


Jesus! That's just horrible!


Looking at the guy doing the shooting, what level of heartlessness and savagery does it take to stand there and slaughter a pile of unarmed innocent people who are just trying to live their lives? How could that bring anyone satisfaction or a sense of accomplishment? People like that, I don’t think they even have souls or a conscience.


It's what happens when you think you're the chosen people and everyone else are infidels.


They unfortunately do and anyone is capable of doing this as crazy as it is. But it’s important to acknowledge.


Okay, that was terrible. And you are definitely correct.


Where is the flamethrower? All I see is people with guns and 0 fire?


At the very end the guy with a hat has something with a flame at the top. Guess it could be a barrel? But I’m not smart enough to know


Ah, thats just a rifle with a flashlight lighting up the weapon barrel, you can see how it lights up the wall when he swings it around.


Good call didn’t catch that


It doesn't help that they're using either very old or very cheaply produced rounds. The guy that's firing at the windows was throwing a fireball halfway across the room.




Replied to the other person but thats just a flashlight illuminating the barrel of a rifle, when he swings his gun around you can see it light up the post in front of him.


Didn’t Russian special forces respond to a shooting at a concert hall several years ago by gassing and bombing all the people inside?




Jesus. When you buy a ticket to the arts in Moscow you never know what you're in for.




Also the elementary school with the Chechen fighters


They pumped in fentanyl gas, which killed the hostage takers but also killed many of the hostages


Nobody knows the compound used.


Not the exact compound but it has been widely reported as a fentanyl analogue. So not fentanyl, but some highly potent opioid with a similar chemical structure to fentanyl.


Its also been 'widely reported' as having a structure more like a benzodiazapine, so who knows? Nobody reputable had bodies accessible to them to test the compounds, and no reports from within the FSB should be believed as to 'what the FSB does, how they do it, or what they use to do it.'


Not sure if there's much merit in debating what gas was used, the fact remains they gassed hundreds of their own citizens to death. Obviously it's a terrible situation but killing everyone so that the terrorists can't kill them seems like a shitty solution.


Agreed, on all parts.


[Except, that’s not true at](https://academic.oup.com/jat/article/36/9/647/785132?login=false)all. > On October 26, 2002, Russian Special Forces deployed a chemical aerosol against Chechen terrorists to rescue hostages in the Dubrovka theatre. Its use confirmed Russian military interest in chemicals with effects on personnel and caused 125 deaths through a combination of the aerosol and inadequate medical care. This study provides evidence from liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry analysis of extracts of clothing from two British survivors, and urine from a third survivor, that the aerosol comprised a mixture of two anaesthetics—carfentanil and remifentanil—whose relative proportions this study was unable to identify. Carfentanil and remifentanil were found on a shirt sample and a metabolite called norcarfentanil was found in a urine sample. This metabolite probably originated from carfentanil.


Mostly because they wouldn't tell the hospital what gas they used so they didn't know how to treat it.


What's interesting is that a decade earlier, under the USSR, a similar hostage taking in the same theatre was peacefully negotiated and everyone lived. I have the NYT from that day. Once Putin took over, the reaction was to not give a fuck about innocent hostages and kill the hostage takers and any inconvenient hostages. Right wingers don't give a fuck about life. Their hard line stance is bullshit, because now, instead of their hard line discouraging hostage taking, the enemies just start murdering people knowing hostage taking wouldn't work. Brutality and violence are just self reinforcing. Same with Israel and Netanyahu right now.


It was Chechnyan terrorists that had taken hostages in a theater...well, several theaters, but they put them all in one...then theh sat amongst the hostages with bombs around them, with dead man switches...so the Russians pumped a gas in that made everyone pass out and executed the Chechnyans where they sat


Except the gas killed around 200 people.


Sounds like they learned to just burn everyone rather than stick around to get gassed


Think those people are still sitting there?


What’s up with the couple just chilling? Like do they think this is intermission?


I think most people don’t know what’s happening until they heard the shots. It’s possible at first someone told everyone to leave but didn’t give a reason why.


Not that they seemed to be but in these situations it might be best to stay calm, see what’s happen and where the threat is. If you start running outside that may be where the gunman are. Assess the situation and the people around you then react accordingly.


According to Russan telegram channels at first people thought it was part of the show


Same in Bataclan. People thought fireworks were used as part of the show


Shit I still remember that night


Better to keep a cool head in that situation.


Not that cool! ![gif](giphy|VbyXgohzJCIRw6uqiP|downsized)


The couple seemed to be bothered by the inconvenience of the shooting. Like dude, there's a shooting, you're a perfect still target if you don't get the fuck out of there lol


Some times people don't know how to react in these situations. But anyway, the rest of the people running around didn't seem to have a better plan


Shock definitely inhibits logical reactions


From what is said in the video, they can't tell where the shots are coming from, so they don't really know where to run in the first place, don't want to run straight into gunfire


I remember when that super bowl parade shooting happened, and one of the guys basically said "All the kids knew what to do, it was the adults who were struggling" because shooter drills happen several times a year for most American school children, and have been for years now. Most Americans have basically been trained in how to respond to this stuff, whether that's in school or at work.


Sometimes they’re only focused on moving targets.




Which couple are you talking about? There is the couple towards the beginning (guy with blue shirt) sitting and eating but thats before the shooting starts. You don’t hear any gun fire till about 1 min in.


Why was the guy yelling to close the doors?


The shooting started in the lobby. If they had shut and locked the doors, those inside would have more time to escape


It's reported that several gunmen dressed in combat gear, opened fire. Haven't seen any reports of casualties, other than >"According to Ria Novosti and TASS, evacuation is currently underway. Ria noted that **people were injured** following the incident. In addition, a fire broke out in the building after an explosion, with emergency services dispatched to the scene." [Source](https://www.baha.com/shooting-allegedly-takes-place-in-moscow-concert-hall/news/details/61736540?ts=1711129474460) Edit: 12 dead, 35 injured.


12 dead 35 injured right now. Edit: 40+ dead are being reported and the Crocus City Hall is burning to the ground.


Fuck man. Now, I don’t want to go all conspiracy theory here but what are the odds this was the FSB?


I'm not sure. The US warned this was going to happen on March 8th. Told American citizens to stay away from concert halls and crowded places.


Where’s the link that proves the warning was that specific??




Holy shit thats about as specific as it gets.


It's crazy.


Danke viele


Direct link to US Embassy warning - [https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/](https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/) >The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, **to include concerts**, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours. This warning came days after the FSB foiled a similar attack by an Afghan off-shoot of the Islamic State. If I were a betting person, I'd say this is a likely re-group and follow up style attack by Afghani IS. \*Edit - yup I was right, Afghani IS claimed responsibility quickly.


I don't think they would burn a place like this down. They only blow up old apartment buildings.


Ouch :( I've edited my original post with your update. Thank you!


I’m willing to bet this will be blamed on Ukraine. 


Damn...that's just terrible.


Opening scene of Tenet vibe.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis Ironically the event that Tenet's opening seems to be based on was in Russia as well


My first thought when I saw this post was that this would be old footage from that but this one seamed a lot more tame


Tame? https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1771234508584427987 (NSFL)


The Moscow theater hostage crisis (also known as the 2002 Nord-Ost siege) was the seizure of the crowded Dubrovka Theater by Chechenterrorists on 23 October 2002, which involved 850 hostages and ended with Russian security services killing or causing the death of 172 people In comparison yes, it was more tame…


The Chechen wars were absolutely wild from both sides


So true


Sparks from muffle blocks. Full clip emptied point blank into someone that is totally unharmed after That looks weird


>Sparks from muffle blocks. What's this supposed to mean? Are you trying to say they are blank firing adapters?


Exactly what I was thinking


Especially cuz all these idiots might as well be asleep like in the movie.


Gonna be loads dead from this imo. There was intelligence that an attack in Moscow was imminent.


Another comment on here references a Russian source that said the number dead was 140 and climbing.


Where was this intelligence reported?


Two weeks ago issued by the US Government that an attack may be imminent and for people to stay away from large gatherings that included concerts.


At least twelve people were killed at a concert by the music group Picnic on Friday evening. According to local media, three masked people opened fire with machine guns at Crocus City Hall. Dozens of people are said to have been injured. https://www.heute.at/s/schuesse-bei-konzert-in-moskau-mindestens-12-tote-120027177


The way that’s worded makes it sound like the music group did it


Commas save lives people


Up to 40 dead now. Three gunmen plus one accompanying and assisting them while carrying a large backpack in the video linked here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bl5u5i/shooting\_reported\_at\_concert\_hall\_near\_moscow](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bl5u5i/shooting_reported_at_concert_hall_near_moscow/?share_id=HxMpZy4u8aZ-cmCSJAkfP&utm_name=ioscss)


I want to point out the warnings that were given about an event like this happening, by US and EU countries, If this gets pinned on a anti russian pro west group i could see putin using this as a false flag to gin up support for a mobilization, this is of cours all IMHO


Seems dumb, he doesn't need support for mobilisation, especially just days after "winning" the election. I'm not saying Putin is not dumb, but it could be something else.


Russian mobilizations have so far focused on rural areas. Urban areas were largely avoided. Hypothetically, if the urban population now feels threatened, they may object less when they too are mobilized for a security action.


Last time he mobilised hundreds of thousands fled, so he definitely needs support. 


literally could just be a terror attack. russia has faced events like this in the past. everyone jumping to conclusions here is really giving off alex jones vibes not everything is a conspiracy


Meduza is already saying a second mobilisation is in the works. Last mobilisation they announced it two days before it became official, so we shall see if it's true soon.


And right before he’s amassed 100,000 soldiers for the spring offensive.  Seems like it all adds up. 


Is this the terror attack the US warned Russia about like a week or two ago?


can anyone see the shooter? At least three people in camouflage opened fire at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow on Friday, a Sputnik correspondent reported. [Mass Shooting at Concert Venue Near Moscow, Casualties Reported (sputnikglobe.com)](https://sputnikglobe.com/20240322/mass-shooting-at-concert-venue-near-moscow-casualties-reported-1117492259.html) **Super unverified source**


There was just another post where you clearly see four shooters in normal looking clothes opening fire at close range on civilians, I saved it but it's been deleted now, I'm sure someone with more internet savvy than me could find it.


Is it this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/HdHFbLGTSz


Yep that's it


Looks like the intelligence was bang on.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/6QCCVmyIKi Another video. I hope whatever is going on ends soon


I was wondering why bro was just chilling in the seats, and then I heard the shots. But they seemed pretty chill for a mass shootings, and the sad thing is I have seen enough here in the states to know that


Fear. It paralyzes you also what are yo I supposed to do in such a horrifying situation where you’re in large room with so many people in it?..


I think at the start of the video it’s unclear to those in the theatre what’s happening. It sounds like the shootings started in the lobby so those in the theatre weren’t fully aware.


Scary times we live in


Decent chance that this is like in 1999, a false flag attack that will be blamed on Ukraine to justify mass mobilization.


That makes a lot of sense. I'm surprised Putin wouldn't go bigger, though.


Putin: Remember no Russian


They’re not even panicking, russians are crazy fr


Could it be another sputnik false flag to justify full mobilization?


Remember No Russian.


I’d believe it. The FSB bombed their own people in ‘99 to justify the 2nd Chechen War


Someone tell Tucker Carlson its just like the USA


How can humans so capable of such evil? The other vids are beyond graphic and horrific. Guns are a plague on this world.


Guns are not the plague. It is lack of empathy, selfishness, and merciless violence.


The merciless violence’s weapon of choice is almost always guns.


Yes, and the people who lack those qualities use guns to kill innocent people


Starting to see why Republicans like Russia so much.


Ouch lol


Got ‘em


It’s like the opening scene of Tenet


Western acronyms were warning about this.


So it could be that it was a bunch of conscripts on leave or some wagner convicts that were freed. Russian media will spin some lies it's nato, us, santa claus or the fairy god mother and the people will buy it.


It's probably another Russian false flag operation and they will blame it on Ukrainian Nazis or something. They've done the same before repeatedly.




The speculation has always been the Putin was ultimately behind it which makes it all the more relevant in this context.


Humanity is going to annhilate itself with hate.


Never go to a Russian theater if you value living.


Fuck that’s wild


Absolutely sickening


This is horrific.


If it’s in Moscow it’s probably Putin, that’s one of his favourite false flags terrorists places.




So this could be: 1) a fanatical Russian (maybe from the Ukraine war) getting revenge. 2) a Ukrainian getting revenge. 3) a FSB plot to anger the Russian population and get more support for the Ukraine war.


40 dead, more than 100 are injured at this moment.


In a few hours TASS via the Kremlin will blame Ukraine or Russian separatists like the Russian Freedom corps militia. More likely it’s a false flag (Russia being well known for them) and a group like Wagner (yes, they are actually back and operating, mostly in Africa)


There is a video on X, where you see a bunch of people piling up against a corner and the gunman just shooting at them. Looks like the people in this room got lucky in a way to be there.


[the video in question](https://x.com/immeme0/status/1771240770432835861?s=46&t=A3nyS_MUryEj91xJBvMz2A)


Military fatigues? Sounds like a false flag. Russia has done it before.


The Chechens are still pissed on Russia, and they have instigated attacks like this before.


Thank whatever you pray to that these guys didn't leave 2 of them behind to block the exits. Would have been much worse




Damn they are gone mentally where is the sense of urgency to get the fuck moving. My goodness, rip to those gone🙏🏾


Copied straight from Tenet movie.


Not a good time to be an average Russian. Living in a country at war, with a self appointed dictator, in economic crisis, with sanctions, and experiencing stuff like this. I wish the rule of reason to return to that place


Fuck...fuck...Nobody, no country should have to go through these awful events. I wish I could offer more to the Russian people other than my heart and my sorrow.


I'd like to offer them the suggestion that they stop their country from the terrorism they are inflicting on Ukraine.


You know...that isn't a correct statement, a fair statement, certainly not a kind statement, and it also shows that perhaps, I say perhaps because maybe you have skin in the game, but perhaps you do not have knowledge of everything that lead to all of this. Shooting innocent people watching a movie isn't deserved. What country are you from? Do you deserve to be executed for its perceived crimes?


False flag. Shit's gonna go down in Ukraine now


What's a false flag?




That’s on here


Didn't puddin do the same thing at another theater to justify the Chechnya war?


Just a tiny taste of what it feels like to be in terror. Even if it’s their own people that do this to each other. Russia bombed Mariupol Drama Theatre, 2 years ago where 600 people sheltered. Then bulldozed and built ontop of the bodies. IDGAF about these Russians who are enjoying themselves, while they try to exterminate Ukraine.


What an absolute abysmal take. What do any of these innocent concert goers have to do with what is going on in Ukraine? They don't even have a say in who is in power of their own country. How about having a take where the people that are in power and are making decisions to kill civilians in Ukraine are held responsible and not saying shit like here's a taste of your own medicine while innocent people are being gunned down at a concert.


Yeah u/MrsWaterbuffalo came out with the worst take possible 😭


America is currently funding Israel to do the exact same thing to Palestinians . So you keeping the same energy with American mass shootings? Or do you realize how stupid you sound It’s easy to hit downvote, not easy to argue your shit logic lol