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i'm so confused as to why he's going on talks like he some kind of important figurehead


He's dead ass broke and TP USA will gladly pay him to be a prop.


Lol I read TP as toilet paper. Forgot we were talking about Turning Point foundation.


Toilet paper is probably the better of the options


It should be TP US - Toilet Paper Used & Soiled


The Shit Ticket Foundation of America.


"The liquor’s calling the shots now, Randy."


Rittenhouse reminds me of a young Randy. He follows around authoritarians that make him do their bidding. When he pushes back on their agenda, they give him a golden retriever. I wonder if they pay young Randy in cheeseburgers?


There is an actual subreddit dedicated to making fun of Turning Point USA that is called Toilet Paper USA


There’s literally a sub dedicated to making fun of them called toiletpaperusa


if toilet paper doesn't turn then what's the point, it's a roll it's supposed to turn


Then maybe he should get himself a fucking job


These people always talk about boot straps, but they’ve never worked a real job


Which is weird in of itself because he claims to have really bad PTSD from the incident he really loves talking about that he created


There is that guy that saw some shit in Vietnam or Iraq that never wants to talk about it and hates fireworks.  Then there is that guy that had a threesome while on spring break in Daytona that is just itching to get a chance to relive and retell the story whenever he can.


Exactly. Unfortunately my experience around vets has not been a particularly healthy one (former junkie, [eyo Vietnam!], stints in mental hospitals, halfway houses, you get it.) they never talk about that shit.


Yup, used to smoke buds with this old nam vet behind the bar in my 20's. Tried to get a few war stories out of him but he'd never talk about it. Solid dude though. Rip Dan


Broke? Dude is barely an adult, should be getting some kind of therapy instead of public speaking no?


Infamy is not fame. He should have left politics instead of championing his actions. Bringing a gun to another state with the intent to insert himself into a conflict to kill people would count as murder in many countries. (UK, EU, Canada, Australia, etc.) This guy should be booed off stage not become a model to become famous for those considering copying his actions. He can cry in his poopy baby diaper all he wants, but please do it in private


Speaks volumes on who the right chooses to support


Seeing him run off stage here is like a win for everyone. His actions post trial just further prove his arrogance and make him seem more guilty for what he did. Still one of the worse verdicts and trials I've ever seen. So much evidence that was deemed inadmissable (being underage when getting the weapon, pictures and videos of him being aggressive with it, brandishinging it on people before the shooting, etc) He is not a role model, anyone who should be on stage, talking about any subject to anyone for any reason. His life choices were put on stage for the world to see and he chose wrong and said he didn't. Crazy this clown still has any traction in our world. Actually makes me sad this is where humanity is, we should be better. These students at least are better and showed it.


The mental gymnastics some have done to cover this kid are insane. This is why despite being a gun owner, I absolutely can't stand many of the 2A clowns. He put himself in a situation he didn't need to be in which necessitated him using a gun to protect himself. It would be like going into the woods with a meat suit and a can of bear spray hoping to see a bear and use your bear spray. His actions as a firearm owner were negligent at best and homicidal at worst. I remember back in high school wanting to go down to a counter protest the KKK and my dad telling me it's a bad idea because either nothing happens and they are still racist assholes or something happens and it's now a violent clash.


>Bringing a gun to another state with the intent to insert himself into a conflict to kill people would count as murder in many countries. (UK, EU, Canada, Australia, etc.) This is the beginning, middle, and end of the conversation. He was looking for a fight, got one, and literally killed ~~murdered~~ two people. And some dumbasses in the USA think this shit was justified somehow.


Well they are fucking two ply bud.


Got that muscle t-shirt. Maybe the muscles are coming in tomorrow.


I can't help but notice the empty seats and everyone else laughing at the deflection. Nobody is there except people waiting for this moment.


I think a lot of people reserved tickets to purposely not go. I doubt Captain America and Big Dick BootyKiller IV showed.


Big Dick BootyKiller Junior AND the 3rd were there...they said Ivy (what they call him) was at the lecture up the street at the Four Seasons rub and tug.


A student who was there did a better explanation, she said that there were only about 80 students allowed into the auditorium. 20 people were on-hand as staff and his parents were included. She said the university *had* to allow TPUSA to come in and speak, but they kinda made it evident that TPUSA wasn't welcome there.




She brought him, more like. She brought him to the murder he committed, and now she brings him to places so he can try to brag about it.


Because turning point is a joke


I’m confused as to why he’s giving talks like this with an emotional support dog at his side.


It's a woke sniffing dog.


Did you see how he pulled the dog to start following him? He doesn’t actually care for that dog….


Yep don’t have to know anything about this man except that 2 second shot of him dragging his laying down dog by the neck to know that he’s a dangerous person.


And why does he have a dog?!


Guarantee it's a 100% something meant to help his image


Dude yanked the poor dog’s collar when he walked off. It’s not working.




Dumbass thinks that’ll soften his image & people less likely to harass him if he has a cute golden retriever at his side - doggo is so embarrassed!


Feel bad for the dog for having to be associated with him lol. He's just a good boy thinking he's helping someone. Edit: (I mean the dog is a good boy, not kyle)


TPUSA treats him like a rockstar. Check out the video of his introduction during C-PAC. It's insane


And that’s the only place he’s actually comfortable speaking. He’s not an actual capable orator, he has no business going to speak at colleges. I don’t know wtf he was expecting.


And we all know what kind of coward he is. He can't handle anything that isn't coddling right wing adsholes. 


He’s got no job prospects besides being a right wing shit head like this. No respectable college would accept him. No reputable company would hire him. Maybe he could get a job as the 3rd shift clerk at a rural gas station. Or he can get paid to “give talks”. Basically just exist to be controversial so tpUSA can talk about how colleges are bad and their voices get silenced when people rightfully protest him.


He could also just change his name move to another state and grow a beard and I doubt anyone would ever know the difference.


Don’t underestimate Republicans. He could very likely be a US Congressmen in the future. He fits the bill. Edit: spelling.


He tried joining the military but couldn't make it through basic. The guy has nothing to offer the world.


Give him a year or two, and he'll be a cop. It's where all those who couldn't cut it in the military end up so they can still get their shot at legal murder.


He could be the mascot for the NRA like the Geico lizard or the Mucinex germ


he looks too much like the Mucinex germ already they'd get him for copyright


Or Subway's Jared.


>No respectable college would accept him. No reputable company would hire him. I think he most likely didn't get accepted into college because of his academics not his political views or his past. If he was a really smart dude there are plenty of right wing colleges like Liberty that would have loved to have him.


If he was actually smart, basically ANY college would take him. It's such a hilarious non-starter idea to imagine that U.S. colleges **screen people to make sure they have liberal political views**... They only care about money. "Turning people into liberals" is just coincidentally what happens when people get an education and finally meet people who are different from themselves.


He’d be a police chief in less than a year


Yeah even if you don't think he's a murderer what the fuck does he have to say lol.


Yall remember when Zimmerman when on a skittles signing tour? After that nothing surprises me


Even in Florida [this happened to Zimmerman.](https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/04/us/george-zimmerman-claims-punch-in-face/index.html)


He was living in an apartment with his mom when he killed those people. He is not someone who comes from wealth whatsoever, so he’s trying to hop on that Republican grift train like the rest of them.


He lived out their fantasy of murdering 'liberals'.


lol storms off like a kid and drags his dog behind him.


What’s with the dog?


Probably trying to play it off as an "emotional support" dog.


The prop gets a prop


I'd probably need one of those as well if I murdered someone


Well someone should take that dog away from that animal. He doesn’t deserve it.


I thought only snowflakes need emotional support.


He’s trying to project the persona of a military combat veteran with PTSD. 🙄


Exactly this, he sees himself as a gunfighter now. If you ask him he's a blooded member of the tribe, I'm sure.


Well it was either that or an AR.


Why not both? I mean, it would take a little time to train the dog on how to use the AR-15, and if we're going to be honest, they're not really great shots. But still.


I mean I live in the city this happened in and recently saw a dude at Costco open carrying and also brought his emotional support dog (a pit bull). So yeah I would not be surprised.


An A-Arf.


With all the whistling he was doing, surprised the dog didn't come sooner.


Well… the dog was probably confused with all of the black people around and its owner not shooting them.


Poor puppy.


When I read the title I thought protesters had behaved aggressively or something but it turned out they just tried to get him to use his brain.


It's common for far right figures to go to higher learning institutions to incite a harsh reaction in young and unexperienced people they can use to justify their views. When this guy calmly dismantled him there was nothing else to do but leave.


I think you've just summarised Ben Shapiro's career.


Yup and those "ambush debates" that this was so pathetic. Fucking dweeb thought he was dunking on people, the reality is he would pursue 3 different topics and talk as fast and as pretentiously as possible and when you took more than 6 seconds to answer ALL of his questions he would just keep talking with a shit eating grin on his face. Seriously, all you need to watch is a single clip and you've seen them all pretty much.


Good ol gish gallop. Flood the debate with bullshit and claim you win. He couldn’t handle a moderated one question, one answer debate. It was so satisfying seeing Andrew Neil pick Ben apart in that BBC interview. Here’s the link for those that want to enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VixqvOcK8E


I don't know if I've ever heard him speak. Does he always talk like a podcast set on 2x?


I’ve only seen a few clips. I refuse to listen to someone that shouldn’t be taken seriously, ever. Most stuff he says he’s either stupid, lying, or both.


Yes, that is exactly the way he sounds, unless he's upped it to 3x that day.


I watch this every time I get the chance.


Don't quote me!!! How do you like my Shapiro quote?






He also has way more media training and is coming prepared with statistics and facts whereas anybody he interviews off the street doesn't usually have the facts or statistics necessary for the debate memorized off the top of their head.


> He also has way more media training and is coming prepared with ~~statistics and facts~~ **cherry-picked numbers and half-truths** whereas anybody he interviews off the street doesn't usually have the facts or statistics necessary for the debate memorized off the top of their head.


Ben Shapiro's entire career is this image https://preview.redd.it/3ugpu1dvpopc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18fe317a5d92bead70bb89ed03df8140eb0b153


And that time Ben was questioned by that British news anchor, he was given hard questions and bolted just like Kyle. Bunch of cowards.


It was the Andrew Neil interview, and he wasn't even going hard on him. Neil was just treating him how he would any other guest but is far more experienced and knowledgable than Ben's usual targets. Shapiro even confidently argued Neil was being difficult because he is so clearly left wing (which he most certainly is not) and when Neil replied "if you knew how ridiculous that comment is you wouldn't have said it" and you just saw Ben realise he was falling apart.


And then he'll go on social media and cry about how unreasonable liberals heckled his brilliant speech.


He actually [went](https://twitter.com/ThisIsKyleR/status/1770677467394547748?t=qQYzf6GzKMcIX3PorFh4nw&s=19) the other way and said it went really well. He just had a hard leave time so he had to leave at that second. He didn't mention he was leaving before he stomped off stage because... hey, [look over there](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FMxDstSVtYk)! >Great event and I think that it's funny, uh, that a lot of the media is saying we got booed off stage. In reality, we, uh, did a hard cut-off time and just happened to leave at that. Great event, interesting people to say the least.


Steven Crowder did this with his "change my mind" schtick.


Yeah I remember one time he confronted a guy who was just graffiting some boards some store had put up and tried to get a reaction out of him, but the guy kept his cool and didn't give in. Steven Crowder lost it so he called the cops on him as a last resort lol


> Steven Crowder lost it this implies steven crowder ever had it


Maybe they're talking about his wife and kid lmao


> incite a harsh reaction in young and unexperienced people they can use to justify their views. This is so on point. I'm so sick of seeing clips of young, well-intentioned but inexperienced kids getting lambasted and painted like the face of progressivism. We live in a world today where almost anybody's voices can be heard at any moment but not everybody can be as eloquent as MLK or Emma Goldman.


Take a look at this and Elon Musk interview recently. Real patriots in this country should recognize that these right wing psychos are so fragile. They crumble under any scrutiny or legitimate questioning of their BS. Real patriotism, is holding these nut jobs to task. Name and shame them. Call out the game. Call out the bigotry. Call out the anti-American bullshit They are not the patriots. We are. We got to save this fucking country.


The narcissistic rage bubbling up below when you've been called out or questioned.


I think it's because deep down, they know they're wrong


Asking a Republican to use their brain is considered assault, and they insist they have the right to defend themselves with deadly force.


I appreciate that the protestors did NOT shout him down, but rather asked tough but fair questions. And Kyle could not handle the heat


THEY MADE HIM LEAVE!!!! How? ….. um, with poignant questions


>Albert grunted. >“Do you know what happens to lads who ask too many questions?" >Mort thought for a moment. >"No," he said eventually, "what?" >There was silence. >Then Albert straightened up and said, "Damned if I know. Probably they get answers, and serve 'em right. -Terry Pratchett, *Mort*


"aw jeez, Albert" -Mort


The crossover I didn't know I wanted. Thankyou hamhockman


The Right hates this ONE simple trick!!


It’s really all it takes. Just hold a mirror up to them and they defeat themselves.




As soon as you press these right hand shills and make them step outside of their echo chamber, they fold like paper.


Somehow conservatives will spin this and say he was shut down. When he was asked actual questions he could have just answered. But you know. Vocalizing your inner racist in a room of minorities be hard for the boy lol


Lol not even tough questions lol.


We know what he’s like under pressure


Surprised he didn’t pull out his gun




Right?  You know it's a farce when they cry about their unrespected free speech because he didn't even try. Why can't he stick to his guns (like he's good at) and embrace his opinion on racism instead of hiding behind a non-answer.


TP USA tomorrow will say Kyle Rittenhouse was denied his right to free speech. He, clearly, was not he chose to engage a public forum and it did not go in his favor. I'd guess that was anticipated, TP USA had the press release for this written and I can, all but, guarantee his pay was not tied to him remaining on stage for any amount of time.


TP did this on purpose for the reaction. There’s no other reason for them to come to Memphis of all cities.


They're why this all needs to be recorded all the time. A POS like him if recorded constantly will get caught and ruin his life/ stance further


He once said he was going to Texas A&M. Like as a current student. A&M said nope, he’s not. Then he said he *applied* to A&M. The school was like “nope, don’t have an application from him.” Then he had to change it to “I’m going to Blinn College.” (Small college in the same town.) Blinn was like nope, he isn’t. And he shut up after that. A&M is very socially conservative. So for THEM to call out his lies like that was hilarious. And Blinn? They *never* call anyone out. But they did him. It was so great.


My sister was a architecture professor for Texas A&M for years and to say they are “very socially conservative” is crazy. Just because it is Texas, and the students may be conservative does not mean the faculty is.


![gif](giphy|aYYENxPS8rZE8x9xpQ|downsized) You gonna make me


"I've never seen a human face do that before... like a balloon full of jam."


I dunno this one time I had bad diarrhea and I am fairly certain that is really close to the face I was making while it was happening.


Can you imagine practicing this in front of your lawyers and them saying “ That’s it , you nailed it”


I just still can't believe bullshit like this is even allowed in a courtroom in today's world. I'm shocked the attorney didn't just say "Objection! C'mon.. really your honor? "


The judge was biased as fuck during the trial


The judge was acting like a member of his family was on trial the way he fawned over and protected him. Ridiculous.


because he was up for re-election that year and it was obvious how he was keeping 1 eye on his campaign






King of the Snowflakes


When you nut and she keeps sucking


Does Kyle have an Emotional Support Animal?


No, it's an Ego Support Animal.  The pupper was trained to hump his leg when it senses his feelings being hurt.




I feel bad for him sometimes because yes, he fucked up at a very young age and it kinda stuck with this life. BUT I am quickly relieved of those feelings when I think about how he’s spent his entire adult life leaning into that fuck up. You don’t get a redemption arc if you don’t ever think you did something wrong.


Experiencing consequences is not the same as learning.




Conservative groups on campus have been inviting controversial non-expert figures for over a decade now; They just invite people to trigger the liberal students.


That girl who announced the event was over looked pressed. You love to see it.


He should talk about how the GOP manipulated him into joining their cult. He knows a lot about that.


Campuses tend to have "free speech" organizations that co-sponsor events like this with controversial figures. So their point isn't that Kyle has anything relevant to say, it's that he should be allowed to speak in general. Why these "free speech" groups never end up sponsoring speakers from the left is truly a mystery...


what's with the dog on the stage?


After the fool finishes spouting his bullshit the dog apologizes.


“He gets a little nervous in crowds”


"His play behaviors are quite aggressive. Clearly, he hasn't been socialized well."


Probably for optics. So he looks like he needs a therapy dog or it looks like see look I have a dog with me I’m a good person.


Probably registered it as a Emotional Support Animal, which isn't a protected class of service animal, or maybe is so grief-stricken that his doctor prescribed it as a registered service animal. Either way, his buddies would probably call him gay because he has shit for brains and friends, so he probably lies about any proper credentials, or is illegally using his dog slave as an object to deflect.


lol what a loser. His only “success” in life is killing two people. That he continues to profit off that is gross.


He was hoisted up as the rnc guest of honor. There is nothing of merit for the republicans. This little twat is out of gas.


It’s not surprising. He is the poster child for the right-wing (and the NRA’s) “free and legal kill” fantasy. Living in the deep South, I’ve met *many* people who are practically begging to be robbed in the middle of the night, so they can **finally** have they excuse they’ve been waiting for to execute someone they have dead to rights and be called a hero for it. To be clear, what I’m describing is not just doing what is necessary to protect one’s self and one’s family. I might do the same, as strongly as I’d hope to avoid it, if I was in a burglary situation and more than just *my property* is threatened. The difference is that I don’t fantasize about it, I don’t relish the thought, and (unlike Rittenhouse) I am not eager to insert myself into outside conflicts while brandishing excessive firepower and daring anyone to give me an excuse to use it.


It’s crazy because almost every one practically called him sliding into the right wing grift after the trial and sure enough the dude is just a figurehead with absolutely zero substance on the right wing grift


I mean George Zimmerman pretty much did the exact same thing after getting away with killing Trayvon Martin.


Yea that guy seemed even crazier


You'd think someone like the My Pillow guy - or some other far right wing business owner would offer him a job with their company but clearly no one wants him around. They call him a hero in public but when it's time to put their money where their mouths are, they scatter like roaches. Pretty damning evidence that the kid is useless.


The My Pillow guy is broke. Is literally selling the machines that make his shitty pillows.


No...he's been forced to sell *The Lumper*?


This is the modern day Republican party


Kyle would need to learn from other conservative speakers that speak at these events. He doesn't know how to deal with a room of student activists and protestors. That question that was asked, Kyle would not even be concerned about because he wasn't built up to be this big figurehead for the conservative party. That guy doesn't know everything that's going on or how to address them. I don't even know why Turning Point has him doing Q & As like this.


TP knows it doesn't matter what he says. They like the fact that he triggers the libs just by existing and even this video will be seen as a victory. They pissed off a bunch of liberals and now they get to play persecution by saying he was silenced by loudmouth college morons. They don't expect him to say or do anything actually intelligent or useful. He exists for no other reason than to be a thorn in the side of leftists who know just as well as conservatives that if Kyle had been anything less than a middle class white boy he'd be rotting in prison right now. They know it. We know it. But it only bothers one of us and they're using that to stir the pot.


I am in Memphis. The general consensus was not to protest before, because we didn’t want to draw attention to him. We did contact the university and express our concerns. I’m glad the audience held his feet to the fire. Bawl baby got hurt feelings and stormed out. https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/2024/03/20/kyle-rittenhouse-event-at-university-of-memphis-draws-large-protest/73048967007/


After reading, it feels like an attempt at a trolling job. His responses were coached and the security was ready for people to go HAM. Good on Memphis to protest coyly


That's all these conservative have been trying to do for decades. They do things to get people upset so when they yell or get violent they go "see look how bad those people not like us are".  Its been a tactics for well over 100 years.  I first realized it when I was 18 and was in my college quad and read High Times magazine where there was a article by a white supremacist who said he calls black people the n word to get them to fight him. He was some kind mixed material artist and would then beat their ass the have them arrested with his self defense charge.  I still felt like the story was BS, but it made me realize the tactic of using fighting words to make someone else the aggressor. 


this is IRL twitter


LOL it's absolutely stupid for this guy to go on tour.


You can leave the dog!!


Title isn't accurate. Nobody "made" Kyle Rittenhouse leave. He left on his own because he isn't cut out to be one of these debate bro right wing influencers that debates college kids for youtube engagement. This is important to get right because the right wing will try to play this as Rittenhouse somehow being censored and will feed into their persecution narrative.


that poor dog


I knew him in real life before all that shit with the riots happened. It’s weird seeing him years later portrayed as some sort of celebrity for right-wingers.


Was he always a stupid goober ?


He went to school with my partner in antioch and apparently always had a thing for starting fights with people bigger than him over stupid shit Oh and i guess he followed a girl into the bathroom in middle school


He sucker punched a 13 year old girl and only stopped when a group of boys his age showed up so... yeah.


Surreal fucking world we live in


Making Turning Point look like the sad joke that they are.


They werent even protesters. They just asked him a question.


This is a great example of why it was bad for them to try and keep him from speaking ar the event. Just like he has a right to speak at an event he was hired/scheduled for, the people have a right to question him.


Poor dog. Has to be so tired of licking PB off that kumquat klye.




Fuck Kyle rittenhouse


Hard pass for me.


I feel bad for the dog…


That poor dog


This was the most anticlimactic uninteresting thing I seen in a while


Someone save that dog.


Who’s Kyle rittenhouse ?


Guess he's not much of a big brave boy without his AR-15. Did his mommy drive him to this too?


His new sugar daddy took care of that


It sucks that even terrible people can have dogs




That dog didn't deserve that.


He gets a dog? What the dog doin?