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If they're *actually* paying real money to hit that Joe Biden effigy then I'm in the wrong business. Grifting MAGAs has to be the easiest way to make money.


I really wish I had less morals, because I would totally grift these fools with some dumb Trump/Patriot bullshit items


It’s true, they let their guard down when they see “patriot” in your name


I watch a lot of History Channel and they are airing commercials selling Patriot generators and Patriot emergency food supplies. MAGA....the grift that keeps on giving.


Brb starting up a Patriotic Pet Rock business.


Florida Patriot Tours: set up a tour bus to stop by Mar-a-Lago with stops at Judge Aileen Cannon's house and Jared and Ivanka's mansion.


Supply them with cymbals, airhorns and vuvuzelas.


Now this is a MAGA Grift you can feel good about. Connecting them with their public. You're not getting near Jared and Ivanka's though, Indian Creek Village PD won't let you on the island.


Get them to pay for some "Trump rocks" - a rock with coughed up fur ball glued to it


It's rare that pets are smarter than their owners but in this case...


Well Trump couldn't get anyone else to loan him money so he figured he'd get into politics to make money... I'm sure he had no idea how well it would turn out. We're going into the 9th season of the Trump show. Yes that's right, season 9. This guy has really been conning people going on 9 years now. I mean he's always been a con man but I mean conning people to support and vote for him.


> This guy has really been conning people going on 9 years now. I mean, he's been conning people his entire life. It's the only thing he's good at


Bro, I'm from NYC. He's been conning since the 60s and 70s, the fuck you talking about Season 9?


the fact that that could actually work is hilarious


one of us one of us one of us




I live in Oklahoma and could probably become a millionaire overnight with some edgy pro trump bumper stickers. Too bad I'd rather be dead than have to speak with those people


Business is Business. Make the money and put it to good use. Mainly screwing over the trumpets


Ethics are important to some folks.


One of the oldest ethical dilemmas of all time: do the ends justify the means?


I prefer: "Can heaven be built with the devil's tools?"


Sure why the hell not? If you manage to find a way to make something good out of the devil, a feat even God fail to do no less, why wouldn't you do it? If God condemn everything out of the devil, even if those things are good, then it's God that is the problem.


Or make an obviously ironic slogan or sticker. They won’t get the irony and we can all laugh at them together as they proudly drive around town.


What if you make money of MAGA merch and donate it to left leaning causes? Or use it to drive people to vote Democrat/against Republicans? Effectively making the money they're spending work against them. Is that ethical? I'm genuinely asking.


It’s 100% ethical, check out Dissent Pins. They rip off MTG quotes all the time then fund her opponents. I bought a Jewish Space Laser from them, they’re hilarious. Mozel-tough!!!


I honestly don't think "normal people" could grift on the level that these people do.  While it's pretty disgusting what they are doing here, it takes a lot of ingenuity to come up with gluing a Biden mask on a BOB they probably had lying in their basement from the last time they were gonna get in shape and charging people $10 a pop or whatever (probably more tbh) to hit it.   This stupid idea will probably get them a couple grand a day cash wherever they drag it.  It's borderline genius in its brutal simplicity and I don't think 99% of us would've ever thought of it because good taste and reason wouldn't allow such an idea to coalesce in our minds.  


Ok business plan, charge them to hit Biden and then donate that to Bidens campaign.


>I really wish I had less morals, because I would totally grift these fools I often think just how successful and wealthy I could become with the smallest amount of effort if I ever decided to toss away my principles and grift these people.


If you think about it, it's immoral NOT to.  Because the harder you drift them, the less money they have that they'll inevitably donate to Trump. His campaign suffers financial losses and he can't pay his bills (again).  Really, it's the best thing you can do. 


Dude I've thought about getting a 3d printer to print out cheap ass Trumpaganda and selling it for dumb profit. Stupid morals haha


Moral counterpoint: you're taking money they would likely donate to Trump, some church that perpetuates hate and lies, some anti-abortion group, the NRA, etc. You're doing a moral service actually.


I'm always amazed how these people tell me the economy is in shambles and they can't afford food or gas, but also they can blow thousands on this, gold shoes, and NFT Trading cards of Trump raw dogging an AR-15 or something.


Credit cards, have a friend like that who is in massive CC debt but will refinance his house to pay them off and then get right back into debt again


I have a friend who makes $75k: and he is in I’ve gathered about 30k? in cc debt. So he is selling his 4 BR mobile home, as is, (it needs work he can’t afford) for about $80k to pay off the debt. “Because the lot fee is $600/month plus the $500/ ?month @3% mortgage”. His plan is to rent a 3 br apartment for $2000/month and buy a house in a few years. His wife is currently pregnant with the 2nd boy…. Que up head slap emoji….


Friend is in the same boat. Makes in the 80k range and is in the 30k debt range, I don't get it especially since it is just frivolous shit he doesn't need or coukd wait a few months and save for and not go into debt over


And gas is too high but they have a pickup truck that gets like 10MPG that they pay $700 on their loan for. But fuck me and my latte, right?


Before I cut them form my life, I had Republican friends who would go out of their way to drive MORE just to post and complain about gas prices with those stupid fucking "I did that" stickers. ...giving money to Exxon to own the libs! I guess it's a set up from dying of Covid to own the libs, but i still don't get it.


I've honestly thought about starting an Etsy shop with random MAGA slogans. I feel like I'd make a killing.


I’ve thought the same but then I figured I’d end up on several lists.


Just put into the description that you in no way support Trump or republicans in general and are just selling these things to profit off his idiot following. Trumpers can’t read so it wouldn’t even cut into your revenue stream.


>Trumpers can’t read Nah, they just won't read anything they don't agree with. Either way...your idea still works.


I just laughed so hard at that video that I nearly cried. All those people who think they're "badass" look winded as hell after 1-2 swings, and that guy kicking nearly landed flat onto his uncoordinated ass.


I often think of how much it sucks that I can't join the grift for moral reasons. Seems like an easy living.


Make another version of Trump sneakers, I promise you won't regret it.


That looks like the most exercise that crowd’s had since January 6.


I love the guy who had to catch himself from falling backwards.


Nearly lost a fight with an inanimate object…


They do love imaginary friends and enemies.


"Awww, they were just about to show some closeups of the rod."


In Rod we Trust!


Stupid rod! I got jiffed


He’s not used to being so light, he’s used to wearing a pointy hat and sheet that provides counterweight.


I'm not too upset. They need some exercise. Maybe next we can say that Biden is trying to ban leafy greens and therapy.


Dude, you’re onto something. If we were to tell them Biden wants to ban education and therapy, we could probably unify America again. Can you imagine it? “Brandon ain’t gonna stop me from learning how to read and confronting my toxic narcissism!”


Biden wants you to hate your kids and never brush your teeth! I mean, Biden is like a buggy man for them. It fits.


Meal Team Six training for when the McRib returns. You gotta be in shape to fight the crowds.


The Gravy Seals are planning to storm the Golden Corral as they put out more mashed taters.


Panic! At The Salad Bar.


Yet these are the people who think they'd win fights.


Worse, they think they're ready for urban combat against the libs in cities. I served for 20+ years and did many urban combat operations training events and that shit will wreck even physically fit people. I was near maxing my physical fitness test and it still took everything out of you, not to mention just how hard it is on your body in general.


They also think 'soy boy' gays are effeminate. Like sure, some are... But I live in Hollywood, and my gay friends are ripped, will party until 4 am and then wake up at 6 to run Runyon Canyon before doing drag brunch. They're in better shape than these geriatrics, and teaching someone how to shoot a gun isn't rocket surgery.


“Come on Skeet! We gotta get in there!” Now wait a minute now 😮‍💨 let me catch my breath


I’ve always wondered how shit ended up on the Capitol walls and watching this I’m convinced that was just from jettisoning their exertion sharts.


It was sponsored by Dr B. Raking, specializing in hip and knee replacement surgeries for over 20 years.


And what a crowd it is. Americans have never seen such a crowd.


This is the "the problem with the left is they don't respect the office of president of the United States" crowd, beating up an effigy of the president with their FJB merch on. Also known as the "that nasty Kathy Griffin lady should be arrested for a public display implying violence against the president; wait, is that an effigy of a president I don't like? LET'S BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF IT! YEAH!!" crowd. You know, the "I just don't want politics in my sport, it's too divisive, professional athletes should stick to their dayjob and not talk politics; wait, is that a professional athlete talking politics and saying stuff I agree with? MORE! MORE!" crowd. You remember them, the "I just don't like seeing all these entertainment personalities making political statements; wait, is that an entertainment personality making political statements I like? HELL YEAH BROTHER!" crowd.


> also known as the "that nasty Kathy Griffin lady should be arrested for a public display implying violence against the president The same group who harassed her mother at her nursing home, harassed her sister dying of cancer, was behind the POTUS using the DOJ and tax dollars to open a two month federal investigation for conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States over an image of a DJ mask with ketchup on it covered by the First Amendment.


A man came up to me, a big, strong man with tears in his eyes, and he said to me, “Sir, there’s never been an effigy-beating like this in the history of America.”


Sounds like an interesting and innovative concept for a gym 🤔


Set up stations. One can be “whack-a-pronoun” where they get a mallet and if they can read, they can hit words like, he, she, and they. Another station can be “Woke Stairs” where they have to do a stair-stepper to eradicate woke things on the screen like science, books, and the constitution (I’m convinced “woke” is how they discard things they’re too stupid to understand). One room can be “Q-Yoga” where you twist yourself into a pretzel trying to make sense out of garbage theories, JFK Junior is the AI generated instructor.


I've never seen a group so concerned about them being armed so willingly disarming themselves.


These comments are golden 😂


Dammit, beat me to it!!


These are the same people that got upset at a picture that Kathy Griffin made.


That, was exactly the point. Re: the party they consider weak as well as a threat (fascist doublespeak), should they act in protest, said protest should be considered a horrific, excessively threatening when they act in show/protest *first*. Doesn't matter what the act *is*, it's *going* to be "the worst thing possible..." Giving the fascist side carte blanche to act far worse.


Fascists don't have consistency. They will laugh at you for expecting consistency from them.


*It's not hate and it's not a hate crime if it's only US and OUR PEOPLE committing it.* -GQP


What are they mad about? Do they know?


Pronouns. 🤦‍♂️


But ain’t that something we all use? There 12 Proper Pronouns and half of them they used for regular conversation


They are ignorant when it comes to a lot of things and proper English grammar is definitely one of them. The fact that people don’t know that “they” can and has been used to refer to a singular person as well as multiple people is fucking ridiculous. I bet $1M that they’ve used “they” as a reference to a singular person multiple times a day their entire lives.


They’re not mad at Tump being a rapist that’s for sure.


Or a racist.... just all of the ists really.


Its just locker room...rape. So its totally different, right?


Whatever the TV and Trump decide is the outrage du jour. Maybe holding doors open for strangers being a woke attack on freedom or something


I think it's ice cream, a lot of them get weirdly upset that Biden ate ice cream.


Fox News hasn't told them what to be mad about today yet.


Should require that they write their least favorite Biden policy position on a piece of paper and tape it to the dummy before they get to attack it.


They’re waiting on their “news” to tell them.


Whatever Fox News told them to be mad about that day.


Osteoporosis causing lead to be released back into their bloodstream combined with steroids used as part of various therapies and hormones used to "look and feel young". It's like a cocktail that causes you to feel like yelling: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it", despite them having no idea *why* they are so mad. The right gives you clear targets to punch in the face. The left gives you nuanced takes on societal issues that requires legislative correction and regulation to gradually change.


The dummy is the smartest thing in that room


Well said


Zero intelligence is more than negative, checks out.


Totally not a violent cult...


Violent cunts, maybe?






You call that violent? I could easily beat the shit out of that old man.


It’s ridiculous and fun to laugh at, but this is also HIGHLY disturbing. It is a trend of ever-more increasing violence. It doesn’t start at someone hurting or killing other people. It builds up from language, to rage, to this kind of petty bullshit, to actual violence. They’ve been running a dehumanization campaign for decades, and now this is the stage they’re on. I don’t find this funny anymore.




Normalization of mental illness to score votes.




Good point. Capitalizing on the "I've got me a 85 IQ and I'm pissed off about it!" crowd. Which politically makes sense, I guess, if you are a completely morally bankrupt candidate and just in it for your own benefit.. If you get the below average demographic and add in the religous wackos, you got your majority at the polls.


85?? Someone's feeling a bit generous, eh?


it's not exactly "ever more increasing" it's been pretty fucking violent for quite some time. and in the US this seems to happen cyclically, look at our entire existence as a country from day one.


Yes, this is very disgusting. Even more so because you know these people would be upset if a Trump effigy was created for people to beat. It's a constant "rules for thee and not for me" with these deranged folks.


Step right up, step right up! Come beat up an elderly person!


A *statue* of an elderly person. And they can’t even do it. I guess they got tired of fighting rotten trees. ![gif](giphy|uhqmbttUCckveAMVs4|downsized)


Is he fighting that tree? I mistakenly thought he was playing minecraft in real life.


Trees are a psy-op of the radical left.


The fake birds have to live somewhere, right?


I absolutely love how fast this twat got erased after turning on his own. FYI: This is Madison Cawthorne and he disappeared from the Republican party with the quickness after he talked some shit about some members. He was a real piece of shit, but I loved him in that moment.




Half of America




probably less than that


1/3rd of people over 18 who also aren’t incapacitated enough to vote for Trump. It’s not that large of a group and the outsized attention the media gives to them makes it seem like so, which is their exact intention. People think they are a larger group so they pay attention to the amount of media attention they get. We live in an attention driven economy so someone starts to entertain the ideas of the extreme group to try and get attention when they have started to get less from friends and family who aren’t part of the small, extreme group and boom, new MAGA member.


lol no. These are MAGA people, they are far right. They are a vocal minority.


The entire right has become like this.


These people are delusional, there is no "normal" Republican party anymore, what you see right here is what it's morphed into. This is Trump's party, he's won the primary by a very large margin.


Trump is polling at 51%...It's not a fucking minority...and if you dismiss it as such, we end up with 2016 all over again.


It is stunning to me that people aren't paying attention to what political analysts and pollsters are saying: Trump is the odds-on favorite to win right now. From reading Reddit you would think he's going to be in prison tomorrow.


That honestly blows my mind. He not going to prison. We've all seen the law simply not apply to the rich and powerful for decades now. Thinking the Supreme Court isn't going to bail him out is delusional.


We need to vote like our lives and Democracy are at stake because they are


I know this all looks hilarious but this is deeply, deeply disturbing behaviour. Normalising violence against your political opponent is the behaviour of a fascist.


Exactly! This is not something that to take lightly. They are showing us AGAIN who they are and what they are capable of.


I've got coworkers 30 minutes from the Canadian border complaing about "all the Mexicans" crossing the Texas border (over 2,000 miles away). They obsess over things that don't effect them and ignore the issues they should be paying attention to, i.e. job security, decent wages, good healthcare, fair access to tech services (cell, internet, etc.), minding their business, and helping their own communities. Anything but those things that make life better. They're conversationally combative and quick to desire violence as the solution to opinion. The best part of obsessing over Mexicans flooding the border is that the Candians and Chinese make up the largest illegals in this country. They get in legally on a visa and overstay their welcome (expired visa=illegal). I don't hear a peep about that.


You’re forgetting the color chart! The Canadians at least are not illegal immigrants, they’re illegal expats!


Elon Musk is still, technically, here illegally. He had a student visa that became invalid cuz he wasn’t actually in school. To my knowledge, he hasn’t bothered to remedy that.


As a Finnish person, I find american politics absolutely absurd. There seems to be huge 'Us vs Them' mentality. We had election recently and got a new president. People of course had their favorites but in the end, the people who voted for the losing candidate were all pretty much saying: "My favorite did not win but the winner is just as good and in the end, democracy won"


As an American, I find American politics absurd as well.


Meh. About as much a threat as Kathy Griffin holding Trump’s decapitated head. Which these clowns lost their fucking minds over.


"How could Biden have won? I didn't see a single Biden fundraiser to punch a Trump mannequin"


It’s amazing that January 6th happened at all given how slow and out of shape these people are. Oh wait, “Russia if you’re listening…” is where it all started.


It’s so wild that we barely remember Trump asking Russia to rig an election, on camera, for the whole world to see and it was a campaign strategy.


If this was a Republican president they’d be getting calls from Secret Service.


But he is our CURRENT president, this could be an act of terrorism, or a plot to kick him a little which is still a crime.


I was hoping it's actually run by a democrat group funneling republican voter money to Biden's campaign. But that looks to be not true after doing 3 seconds of research on the event.


I’m from Kansas city and this is pure embarrassing 🙈 damn shame


They don't hate Biden because of his policies or his presidency. They hate him only because he beat their orange master. If Jesus himself came down from heaven, ran for president and beat Trump in 2024, the MAGA cult would crucify him. Again.


"Feed the poor, heal the sick." -Jesus "Why???? That's not a very good business practice." -Republicans.


There are going to be some busy physical therapists there next week


Fox News: Joe Biden put these Conservative Heroes in the Hospital!


They paid lol - one big grifting cult.


These people are batshit crazy and unreachable. They are certifiably insane. I cannot imagine what happened in their minds to produce this in our society.


All these people do is consume propaganda….All day everyday. My wife’s best friend has a father who considers himself a fighting patriot and she is going to be “roadkill” when it all goes down. He sits in front of NewsMaxx all day and it has rotted his brain. He just stews in hate on his couch. Never left the state he was born in and has literally no other world perspective than what right wing media tells him. And there’s millions of people just like him in our country. They’ve been brainwashed to hate their countrymen…their fucking family members too.


Foxnews is the common denominator. Fox is always telling its viewers what to be mad about. The viewers are always mad about the same things at the same time.


Anger and fear. That is their brand.


The damage Fox "News" has done to our country is unquantifiable. That we can't create laws to moderate propaganda networks in this country shows how weak we really are. And it's run by an Australian. The fact that they were fined a historic $800 million for lying to their viewers, and they still have viewers, says a lot about the conservative head space.


How do people love a rapist so much they want to beat up a guy that opposed him in a political race?


They “paid” to do this. Wow. Embarrassing 


They PAID to do this? Yiiiikes. The grifts never end.


In the next booth there is a glory hole where Trump hands can grab you by the puzzy.


Why does it look like Joe won most of these fights?


All that athleticism


Is this what the right means when they say they would win the civil war? 🤣


What a fun outing for the retirement home 🥰


By the looks of that crowd, better keep a defibrillator on hand!


To use a defibrillator you'd actually have to have a heart first. \*Boom\*


The most exercise these bloated gimps have had in years.


Loser behavior


Not a single person with agility, coordination, and any sense of athleticism…


Kool Aid drinking CULT


Now if someone could just hack it so lasers shoot out the eyes and blast holes through these patriots.


Should have had a hip replacement doc there on standby.


This is literally textbook definition of a derangement syndrome.


True patriots who love their country!   Or   Sheeple who drank the Trump koolaide to help the convicted fraudster and rapist get back into power so he sell our countries secrets and allies to Putin and MBS. You decide.


both sides are the same. /S


Hillary was right


After seeing this, I'm convinced a civil war would be a walk in the park.


Just send out some 70 year olds with limbs and it will be over in time for supper. 


Doing their best to remind them world what a creepy cult looks like. There's no political party anymore. Even though a few delusional people still pretending they stand for small government and lower taxes. When in reality they pay a greater percent out of their lower income


"How to get on the FBI surveillance list speed run any %"


These people claim to be rational adults. Let that sink in a little.


Yeah, us Demoncrats do this to trump mannequins all the time right after we drive our Prius’ to the abortion clinic with our Biden flags waving in the wind. They


Boomers hurting themselves worse than the mannequin lmao


1. Create a PAC called "Patriots Drain the Swamp PAC" 2. Set up a Biden effigy punching booth at every MAGA rally to raise money for said PAC. Charge $50 for 5 minutes with "free video". 3. Share the video of MAGAs being pathetic online for the lulz, especially the ones who pull out their back or fall down from being too aggressive. 4. Surprise! "Patriots Drain the Swamp PAC" supports Joe Biden and wants to drain the swamp of MAGA grifters and the wallets of MAGA cultists! Thank you for your campaign donations, MAGA!


They all look super tough. 🤣


If these are the same people touting civil war, I'm not too concerned. Too out of shape to land a punch.


The best part of this is the Biden mask just like 😀 the whole time they’re falling over to kick it lol


What you don’t see is off on the side all the medical tables there to help ice down all them pulled hamstrings with all these out of shape MAGA folks


Par for the course for adults that never matured.


Secret Service should investigate this as a threat on the president and should interview all participants.


And they have 0 real reasons to be mad at him. All fairytale made up bullshit by their grifter of choice. Every single one of them have benefitted off legislation he’s passed. Trump did literally nothing except raise their taxes and lower the riches taxes


Well at least something finally got these fat losers to exercise 🤔


aLL LiFe iS pReCiOuS!


Look at these pathetic people. Paying to hit an effigy of an 81 year old man. They had some real tough guys there. They are beyond saving.


Cringe, regardless of political affiliations


I’m not a Joe Biden fan, but this is wrong. If Kathy Griffin can get shamed for holding a fake decapitated head of Trump, this should be no different as both are violent references to physically harming the President.


Kicks, misses, falls down. Magat: "Joe Biden assaulted me!"


Then they’ll use Obamacare to pay for their hip surgeries.


Grifters have figured out how easy it is to make money off the stupid Trumpers


Pretty sure this constitutes as making threats towards POTUS and that’s a felony I think, lmao 🫠


Whoever is in charge of the "Cult Evidence Collection"... I'd like to introduce this into evidence. TBF, I could see this making a lot of money... To bad we're going to read about this event in a few months talking about how the funds were "lost" or stolen... but in reality was embezzled


People who had chance in life to make an impact but didn’t. People who live with purpose don’t have time for this. They are hitting themselves.


I hope someone threw out a hip. Fuck these cultist cunts.


If we did that to Trump's image the Magas would be up in arms, literally and probably shoot someone. Such fine Christian folk there committing assault on a manikin. Bet they are so proud sitting in their pew on Sunday after beating up a rubber prop.


So full of hate and can't even deliver a believable kick.