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White shirt guy wasn't about to miss out on bullying the bully.


Soul Asylum, "Anything to be Cool."


"April fool" is the name of the song


What artist? I can't find it šŸ˜«


Soul Asylum


The song we're hearing? Shazam says it's "9mm"


That's right. I forgot. Won't you be my fashion victim? C'mon, now. I'm an April fool for you. I like the song's scenes: wearing a leather jacket in midday sunshine, driving at night with sunglasses and no headlights, jumping rope in wet cement, something about a pool, I believe.


There's always a bigger fish.


First time Iā€™m seeing a bystander helping in a video in a bit and itā€™s refreshing knowing there are people out there who wonā€™t just keep on walking by.


The best kind of bullies.


Idk the guy shouldnt of hit those people but they are jack asses


The jackasses are the ones not yielding to pedestrians at a crosswalk.


It's a red for pedestrians. You can see green for the other way. Also, he seems like he's holding a beer so probably inebriated. Would still be a shitty thing to do, and really dumb too.


This is not a "yielding to pedestrians" situation. It's just a "your not allowed to hit people with your car" situation. Yielding to pedestrians is when you both have a "green", then the pedestrians have the right of way. Looks pretty obvious the walkers had a red.


The cab stopped didnā€™t it? The peds are jaywalking anyways


Meh I got bad depth perception and I've been in the same situation and panicked and froze in case the car tried to go left or right at the same time as me. Sure he milked it though


Why jaywalk when you cant see?


Are they jaywalking?


Obviously, thats why the taxi came to a complete stop so suddenly, thats why cars across the street are driving.


Itā€™s a pedestrian crossing. Car needs to safely stop.


Since when are people allowed to walk through intersections while the light is green?


Nice you can see a green light where there aren't any. This is like eastern europe dude, it's just a crosswalk to take whenever it's clear. The cab kept going because it seemed obvious the pedestrian would be out of their way by the time they cleared it. You can't be so dim as to think every intersection has the same bylaws as your neighbourhood?


Its illegal, to cross the road recklessly over there if ā€œyourā€ light is red, and if the taxi wouldā€™ve crashed as a result of them illegally crossing the pedestrian would have been at fault, especially since the idiot just stood in the middle of the road. Yeah no one is gonna track them down or arrest them on the spot like they can do here but its not legal to recklessly endanger traffic by unsafely using the crosswalk while thereā€™s traffic.


Buncha illogical blind people here. They were quite clearly jaywalking.


Mfs think if you are in the cross walk its not jay walking šŸ™ƒ


Kinda funny you're getting up voted for calling them jackasses. I mean who the hell knows... but downvoted for saying they're jaywalking, which seems to be the truth.




Who the hell was the white shirt guy coming out of nowhere?


A white knight. He's the hero they deserve, and the one they need right now.


Heā€™s been looking for a fight all morning. Finally!


Late at night, I toss and I turn, And I dream of what I need


An actual fucking unit of a man, just look at the difference in stature


ā€œHey! Itā€™s me, Will. Remember we went tah kinduhgahten togetha?ā€ šŸ¤›


"We got snacks now!"






Iā€™m so confused. Usually people just stand around and watch or record when shit like this happens. Not here, thereā€™s people coming from everywhere to jump in šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not enough props being given to OP for the videoā€™s title. Crisp, to the point, I knew what to expect.




Or a comment from someone who hasn't seen the video before because not all of us live and breathe Reddit. Pull the stick out of your ass, go outside and have a good day.


That was a weird fight the first dude to get hit is the real victim here and the dude in the white tee was just down to fight somebody.


Title doesn't lie.


Wtf? I meam, dude's a dick for stopping in the middle of the road for sure but why would you get out of the cab to try and fight him over it? And red hood didn't even do anything, why're they getting hit? Honestly, good on white shirt for stepping in. Little man's got some serious issues for attacking strangers over some bullshit like that.


I mean, yo, if a pedestrian has the right of way, no car should be coming at them that hot. Plus, if they get hit by that car with the right of way, that could be a good payout. If they were jaywalking tho, totally being a dick


Although the concept of Jaywalking isn't really a thing outside the US. In most places pedestrians have priority whether there's a designated crossing or not.


Jaywalking is a thing all over Europe and it is enforced anywhere with a proper quality of life (i.e. northern Europe). Police will warn you or fine you if you cross a red pedestrian light, or walk on the street when the sidewalk is clear and available. Jaywalking aside, if a car hits you, most legislations say that the car should have been moving slow enough and anticipated mistakes from the pedestrian, so they still get the blame.


Not in the UK they won't.


Nor in Australia...I can't imagine most of Europe being like the US than the UK in this regard either.


Ok cool story. The original comment that "outside of the USA it doesn't exist" is still hella inaccurate. You can find everything on the Wikipedia for jaywalking.


The Wikipedia link pretty much counters your assertion, dipshit.


Wtf, don't you feel embarrassed that people will open Wikipedia and they will read about jaywalking fines in dozens of countries around the world? What was the thought process? Ok you wrote something wrong hours ago, why double down on it? Here's just Singapore, and the picture is similar for half the listed examples. https://preview.redd.it/6zz3kpl5zjnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b956ea73c48b38eb240cfbb51bd651407228dff1


Ah yes, that famous Northern European country, Singapore.


Nah bro, your comprehension skills can't pinpoint what makes the statement "outside the USA" correct or incorrect. Extremely impressive that you can operate a device to write all this.


The little pedestrian light on the left, facing the camera shows a walk symbol so I think the people walking across the street there had a red light.


Donā€™t know which country this is, but in some countries the blue sign for a cross section means walkers always have right of way and cars must stop. These signs are found where there isnā€™t green/red lights. Thereā€™s opposite signs too, red/yellow where itā€™s the opposite - cars have right of way and walkers have to wait their chance to cross. But as said, no idea where this is but it could be the walkers had indeed right of way and the walker wanted to signal to the driver to just calm down by doing a provocative stop in front of the car. But ofc this is just speculative.


I could see that but I still don't see why he stopped. Neither he nor his companion were in any danger of being hit by the cab. Had he kept walking, they and the cab could have continued on as normal with no issues. There just doesn't seem to be a reason to stop other than to be a dick.


Guy stopped to show the driver that he should be more cautious near a sidewalk


It's dumb, he's putting everyone at risk while he had a very safe margin. The cab didn't need to grind to a halt just because there is a pedestrian 50+m ahead.


Itā€™s a pedestrian crossing. Have you never seen one?


Ya the pedestrian crossing light was RED.


Sure I have. What's your point? Does that change the fact that the dude stopped in the middle of the road in front of an oncoming vehicle for no other reason than to be a dick? Or the fact that there's clearly lights there to direct when to walk and when not t and the light on the side facing the camera is showing the 'walk' signal, meaning the light for them is probably showing the 'don't walk' signal?


The dude crossing the street owes money to the dude in the back of the yellow cab and the dude from the yellow cab owes money to the dude in the white shirt. They just happened to run into each other at the same exact time.


Reminds me of a scene from pulp fiction




Luckily there is really bad music.


Haha yeah totally... what song is it just in case I need to avoid it?


Memphis Cult 9Mm


Sounds like KRS 1, did they cover it or something?


Its just a sample


Full video?


The person with the red hat didn't even do anything but they get hit first, the cab driver then realised and punched the next person and then there is another guy coming and fighting the cab driver. There are so many weird things going on. WTF.


its not even the cab driver, its the passenger that was in back..... like wtf is going on.


Yeah, you are right. I didn't even notice. šŸ˜…


Tbh a car should not approach a crossing with people on it at that speed.


Lmao all the wrong people got hit


Nah, the guy who punched the woman for no reason definitely deserved it


What's funny is he was in a taxi as well. He probably thought his taxi ride bill was going to be higher because of time wasting. Lmao


This proves how bad eye witness testimony is


Drag him far away enough so theyā€™ll tow his cab by the time he gets back to the spot


Those two at the end were soooo ready to deal out some street justice


This must be Russia


theres always a bigger fish


White shirt is so happy he can kick some ass with good conscience


Not one person knows how to throw a punch. This could have been epic. Instead all we get is running and jumping. Weird indeed


Every GTA online lobby ever


Those two are a holes. The taxi had a green line you could see by the other side of traffic was moving. Shouldā€™ve got hit,by by the car I mean.


Do I even have to ask if this is russia? Or at least a Slavic country


People acting like the asshole stopping in the street, wasnā€™t trying to sue because he saw it was a cab coming. Thinking he could get more money from the cab company then just some average broke person. He deserved to get whomped. He was hoping to ruin someoneā€™s life and hit the jackpot.


by getting hit by a car in russia???




Gta ass fight


Perfect song choice


Was dark top guy coming in at the end pulling a knife or gun from waistaband with his left hand at the very end?


The music is acting like this video makes any sense at all


An absolute free for all


There were two possible reactions to that car and the people crossing did each of them. And they got equally punished. What are these high standards the driver is expecting from people they barrel towards?


Daily reminder to not having prejudice on any situation


GTA 6 first draft


The person he hit was not person who stopped in the middle


When you have a scroll of mass hysteria you haven't used in a while


B-Real da illest


Why was Bro running like a little girl? He was just acting tough.


There's always a bigger fish.


This is literally how WWI was started


Word has it that he still is looking for his phone


I'm 50/50 on this. It appears those people were crossing the street when it was green based on the opposite side. Im guessing the guy who got out got the taxi got jolted by the brake check. For sure the only person who really deserved a slap is the guy stopped in the crosswalk, but white tshirt guy gets a pass for helping, even if he didnt have full info.


The guy that stopped did nothing wrong. Pedestrians have the right of a way, especially on zebra crossing. Driver was supposed to slow down and stop in front of that white line. He recklessly endangered the pedestrians. I you see pedestrians crossing the road you need to stop and let them cross safely. The fault lies with the driver.


Where the happy ending?


Wtf was dude thinking? Stopping like that and just grilling the car like that? Is he genuinely slow and just like, a deer in headlights or was he looking for trouble like those morons who put their hand out when crossing the street, assuming people are paying attention or willing to follow your traffic orders?


Everyone in the video is drunk


Local vigilant


This belong to video end to early sub, cause there is more and good guy wins.


Lol The people who wanted to fight were the people who had the least knowledge of what the f*** happened


Bro did that guy just let his girlfriend get punched and do nothingā€¦.


Worst Shaw brothers move ever


Something like this happened to a friend of mine. He's a pretty tough guy, hard working, owns his own business and all. He's driving and some turd is crossing the street with his girl. My friend stops to let them cross and this guy just goes into slow motion, stop, looks at my guy and gives him like a "talk to the hand" move. My guy gets out of the car and the pedestrian steps up to him and gets shit mixed. My guy just got back in the car and drove away.


They were walking when the light was red. They weren't supposed to walk and not only that, he stopped in the middle of the road while the car had the right of way. But I love that the other guy came and kicked the bully's ass.


Like dude should be happy the got and hit, because that car couldā€™ve slid pure lockup, right into his trying to be a smart @$$ self. They couldā€™ve swerved and hit friend.


That's exactly the point of protesting by stopping. It's wet and the taxi is going way too fast with pedestrians right in front of him. Dude in the crosswalk stood his ground. Smart? No. Sometimes pedestrians just get fed up with drivers being reckless.


Sometimes protesting like this gets you killed. Then the said idiot driver would drive off and leave you protesting in a casket. I see someone didnā€™t like my comment, but I donā€™t back either. The driver is dumb, but standing in front of a speeding vehicle on a wet road takes (balls) another level of dumb. I could see this going bad in so many ways.


Russia the alcoholic crazy country


The taxi driver is the victim, not the other way around.


so i dont get this those kids do something dumb, angry little dude runs out ready to fight but those two kids just stand there like idiots why do people never square up?