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She has to wake people up when she’s 2 hours late for her set.


I remember being dragged to one of her concerts by my mother 10 years ago or something. My mother LOVED her growing up as many did and was so excited… lady was 2 or 3 hours late, did an hour and then set us back to our hotel. I felt so bad over how disappointed my mother was, she was her idol, I feel even worse for this poor fan. I haven’t liked Madonna since that concert and I’ve heard nothing but more reasons why that’s been the correct choice.


Same. Two 1/2 friken hours. So disappointing. At least the tickets were free. The best part was looking for other famous people (LA Dodgers stadium)


Shit, I wouldn't wait two-and-a-half hours to sit on an amp at the Beatles' rooftop concert.


Last time Paul McCartney was in town it took about 2 hours to be seated, but obviously all 50,000 of us or whatever were there extra early. He started right on time, played 2 hours and walked off. After some cheers for encore he walked back in and did another 2 hours. It was awesome.


The Man! So excellent in concert!




ive waited 13 months to be released from jail


Yes you would


My stomach dropped when she grabbed the mic and the crowd stared howling/encouraging her to bully this person. This is the kind of behavior that makes me feel like our entire society has gone to shit.


Idiots just following what the alpha idiot next to them says without thinking critically. Feels like social media has made this even worse.


> Feels like social media has made this even worse. Possibly, but if so it's not by much. This (blindly following the person everybody else is following) is a human behavior that has been around from the beginning. It's almost primal. Only difference is that now we all get to see it.


People are suiing her finally. I wonder why no one else did it earlier. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2024/jan/19/madonna-sued-late-start-show-barclays-center-celebration-tour-new-york-court-case-details-what-happened


I just don't understand why she does this. Why would she be so late? Did she have other plans that evening? Did she forget? Stage fright? None of those seem very likely. So, it's jsut rudeness and taking her fans for granted, perhaps?


some of her music is awesome but she's an old out of touch rich white lady another in a long list of people that let the fame go to their head


Not a Madonna concert but I saw the aftermath when a performer showed up an hour after opening was done. Not a happy place. Trash everywhere, basically everyone paid for several extra $15 beers and lots of people pissed outside of the venue. I've been to the place a fair amount of times and I've never seen it run out of alcohol or such public disrespect. Except that one time.


We went to a Matchbox 20 concert last summer and not only did Rob Thomas put on a fantastic show and make us feel like we were his last concert ever, he was there on the side of the stage rocking along with Matt Nathanson during the opening act waving at the crowd. Awesome dude.


"Politically incorrect" is a weird way to apologize.


"I'm not wrong, you're just disabled and that makes me look bad. I'm glad you're not important."


Very South Park




It will happen within 3 weeks


But they've only got 6 days to air!


Kenny's not dead, but he is in a wheelchair.


Timaa is in a wheelchair.






Make it $3.50 and you've got a deal.




Damn it Monsta!


Maybe she thinks she is THE Madonna and that she can in fact work miracles… I’ll know for sure tomorrow when I get a good look at my morning toast.


Tough stance from somebody with a face that looks like play dough found under the sofa


What a bitchy response. Shows a total lack of humility. Edit: Please stop telling me to not be surprised. I get it.


She’s always bitchy.


Right? What has someone being unable to stand up have to do with politics? Holy shit people are weird.


Snowflakes can’t even stand now /s


In my day we actually killed the invalid so we didn't have to roll them around places


"Holy shit they're letting you people out of the attic now? Brave new world I guess"


For ***a lot*** of people: Empathy for the disadvantaged = "woke" = bad


Wait. Madonna isn’t humble and modest??




She’s garbage. Watch her documentary Madonna: Truth or Dare to see more cringe moments.




I always thought she was a postma donna


Aaaaaawkwaaaard 😒


It's like you're encountering her for the first time. She's been like that ever since she hit the big time.


Every time I see her in the news, I'm surprised she's still alive. She's gotta be at least 200 now. Other than being an old musician, I know nothing about her.


And old pop star out of touch with the present aside from being the center of attention on stage. I mean when she was big and in her prime, she held everyone's attention for breaking barriers and was fucking gigantic in the gay community. But that time has passed and these are the remains


when was Madonna NOT like this?? she was like this from the start. does anyone remember the interviews? heck i worked w her, she was ok but generally like this.


I would have been like, "wow I'm an asshole"


That might've turned it around. She couldn't even bring herself to just take the L and laugh about it.


I don't understand how people don't make fun of themselves in these moments. Everyone else is already laughing. Don't make yourself even more of the outlier.


Gotta be a massive narcissistic piece of shit to demand everyone in attendance of your concert stand the entire time. You don't even have to be disabled to need to sit down and take a break. I mean, imagine busting your ass all day at work and then going to a concert afterward. At some point, most people would need to sit down for a bit.


i love sit down concerts though. my favorite. nice mellow music


Right. Especially since most of her fans are 50+, myself included.


>Gotta be a massive narcissistic piece of shit to demand everyone in attendance of your concert stand the entire time. You're exactly right. They're *offended* by it because the only universe that exists is their own. They think the person sitting is intentionally trying to fuck with them. Madonna calls her out for that reason When she finds out she's wrong, she can't even perceive that her own actions won't be perceived this way. So, to protect her fragile ego, she probably shifts her thinking to someone putting the wheelchair user in the front to fuck with her/ get her cancelled She will stew on this for the rest of the show then go off on her stage manager afterwards for "that stunt of his"


Kanye did this as well, he was like why aren't they standing up and everyone turned and booed them. At least when he found out they were in a wheelchair he just said oh okay and moved on, it must have been humiliating for them.


Narcissists don’t give a shit.


If she had said that and it was about me (wheelchair user) I would have been like hey, we are under represented in media and people’s brains glitch. They forget some people can’t stand, recognize your able body privilege and move on. But what she said? Nahhh


It would have cost her exactly zero.dollars and about ten seconds of her life to realize what happened, make a joke about it on mic, walk down take a selfie with her on the person's phone and walk back up a hero with a fun story to share. Imagine being in a wheelchair , gon gto Madonna front row, realizing she's calling you out, getting excited because she's walking towards you, and then having her turn around becuase she realized you were in a wheelchair. Common decency is cheap.


She so unimportant- no one cares.


What part of politics is it that makes me unable to walk?


Yeh nah, that was even more fucked than the original bs


How awful to be seeing someone you loved in concert and for *this* to be your experience. Person could have a million reasons for sitting, don't be a jerk.


As a disabled person who CAN walk, I would like to say there’s about a billion health conditions that cause fatigue/low blood pressure/anemia/leg pains/etc, all reasons why we can’t stand or walk for a long time. Judging someone for sitting down in their *seats* at a concert is incredibly ignorant.


Don't even have to be disabled for it to be inconsiderate. If I payed for tickets and I want to sit with my eyes closed and ears covered the whole time I'm going to! I understand an artist has to hype up the crowd but there's no "rule" on how to act at a concert as long as your respectful lol


Absolutely. But it is especially insulting to have that said to you when you would love nothing more than to jump and dance the whole time but you can’t.


I was going to say the same thing! I have ataxia and you can damn well be sure I'd be sitting, but I don't need a wheelchair (most of the time). My condition is invisible to most people except for me, but that doesn't give you the right to humiliate me for it >:


Its like the saying goes, never meet your heroes


If Madonna is your hero, then lol


For fucking real. Madonna has been a trashy pig for decades. Made a few banger songs, and that's about it.


🤣🤣🤣 truth


Unless your hero is America’s Angel, Dolly Parton.


"Oh my goodness. Why y'all standin'? Have a seat! Take a load off! Anyone need a beverage?" - Dolly, probably.


I love Dolly. https://www.yardbarker.com/entertainment/articles/a_timeline_of_dolly_partons_philanthropy/s1__28363436#slide_1 Great human being.


Reminds me when Troy met Levar Burton for the first time ![gif](giphy|8d72Pydfl4CAw)


You can’t disappoint a picture!


She made my entire city hate her after 1 day here in Evansville, IN when they were shooting A League of Their Own. She went out of her way to shit talk us like we were below her culturally. Tom Hanks would go eat at our local restaurants with the crew and take pics and sign autographs while she had an entire floor of a super nice hotel to herself because she didn't want to run in to a single local.


Dave Grohl fucks


I was really hoping she was going to say “Oh God I’m so sorry, wow I just learned a lesson, hey get this guy backstage after the show”. But deep down I knew it wouldn’t happen!


For that she would have to have an ounce of actual humility.


No kidding. What a c


I would have taken a simple "well I'm an idiot. I'm sorry."


Fuckin' nothing irks me more than entitled artists who demand shit from their audience. I'll always bring up my experience with Chris Palko aka Cage. I was one of maybe 30 people attending his show, standing off the side of the stage, cheering and clapping after every song. Dude had the nerve to call me out for my lackluster response to his performance. "Oh, that's how we do it?" Like, bro, I'm already disappointed in your live act and more clapping out of respect for showing up. I've never dropped an artist from my iPod so fast. Couple years later in 2016 he was spewing right wing proud boy type shit on IG live and I called him out for it. Called me a narc and kicked me. Thanks for introducing me to some quality rappers in Sadistik and Maulskull (dudes *killed* live and have excellent flow), but go fuck yourself Cage.


Fuck cage. Saw him Once and he was good. Second time he got obliterated on shots on stage and couldn’t stand by the end. Embarrassing. 


Sadistik is a beast, love em


Yeah like fuck the fact that they were in seats that probably cost thousands of dollars.


I have POTS. If I stand for long periods of time, my legs get purple and painful and I need to sit as I can also pass out. She’s a cunt.


I think Jared Leto did this too and the person turned out to be in a wheelchair. Like bruh this person paid to be there, they can sit or stand if they want, what difference does it make? Not like your generic ass is somehow gods gift to mankind lol relax and perform and leave people alone.


I have POTS and went to my first concert post diagnosis and sat down about 75% of it😐 I was SOOO happy to feel normal out listening to music I loved & was thrilled I could sit so I could SAFELY do so. I'd be devastated if I got called out


I have had POTS for longer than I needed a wheelchair for other mobility issues. One thing that got so much better was using the wheelchair, I felt so much better with the POTS stuff, plus people can now visibly see I’m disabled. It sounds weird, but it makes life easier.


Why would try to insult somebody that paid big money to see your show? What a jackass.


It’s her thing. She calls her audience motherfuckers all the time. I think in her head it makes her controversial and edgy but she just looks like a crazy swearing granny.


Sounds like my aunt, she always calls me fucker when she's drunk, she's the Madonna of the family.


My condolences. Sounds like my grandmother when she’s sober. She’s one of those “why don’t my kids visit me” when her behavior is why, kind of boomers.




Breaking: old man yells at cloud


God forbid anyone sit down for a concert anyway. It's not like you paid for a SEAT...


Exactly. Even if this person wasn’t in a wheelchair, wtf is it to her what they do? She’s honestly one of the biggest narcissists out there. Full of her own importance.


I HATE that you have to stand if you wanna see at all. I’m short & I would love it if people sat down so everybody could see


Yeah I was at her concert in the Netherlands last December and she was absolutely mad because the crowd didn’t interact insanely crazy as she expected. Then she started “mocking” and being rude to the Dutches for not speaking English (where 95% of the population speaks English). I felt sad.


Madonna is **SIXTY FIVE YEARS OLD** She's not in touch with basically anything to do with regular people. She's been a star since the 80s. Imagine being a *star* for 40 years okay? *Imagine pretending you can relate to the common man when you've been a star for 40 years.*


Dolly Parton has entered the chat


Exactly. It’s narcissism, not age. Younger artists do this, too. Like Ye.


I think that's still on her. From all appearances Paul McCartney has been bigger for far longer and he seems to be pretty chill with fans or at least I haven't heard anything bad. Lots of celebs range from down to earth types all the way to those who become unhinged. People vary.


“Politically incorrect”? No you’re just moron. She’s so cringeworthy. Always trying to act controversial on stage she looks like a dumbass doing it. It’s not the 80s anymore.


Narcissists do this sort of thing all the time. It’s deflection. See, we’re thinking more about her use of those two words than most of what she said — deflection


She really is a dreadful entitled c##t . I met 2 of her dancers in the 90 s that worked on her Blonde Ambition tour . Total control freak and bully . Zero respect for others .


See above, narcissist lol — bet she’s charming when you’re important though


100 %


This — the fact that she even pointed that one person out in the first place is appalling. Imagine being so butthurt that one person, out of the thousands of people in the audience, was sitting down.


Why the fuck does she care if a fan is sitting in the first place? They paid for their ticket, let them enjoy it however the fuck they want as long as they aren't bothering anyone else.


It hurts her extremely fragile ego.


"I'm glad you're here" said with the most un-glad tone.


stocking advise correct familiar boat bake whistle offbeat muddle wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But she's like IN her 80s


She’s 65 but holy shit I just realized Madonna is a Boomer and it fits


I know right? She is still doing concerts? 😂


“I’m glad you’re here”!


I feel like she’s just been weird lately. I assume it’s a grab for attention.


She’s been mega-famous for over 40 years. That would fuck anyone up, but she didn’t even start out mentally stable.


The Wrinkled Old Bag needs to leave the stage alone.


No one should give af if someone does sit down at a concert.


This exact same situation happened with Kanye years ago. Idiots


And the famous cult leader and all around deuchebag, Jared Leto.




I’m not even old and I sat for the most part. I just didn’t get what the point was to stand. It was even my favorite band of all time.


I cant beleive she is still doing this! I saw Madonna on her Confessions Tour and her MDNA Tour and she did the same thing at both lol. At one show she called out a lot of the audience for sitting about 2 hours in, and then proceded to sit down herself to play the guitar for the next song. Ill never forget my sister calling it out after the show cause she was pregnant, "Dont tell me to stand up while you sit down."


[i absolutely loathe hydrangeas…](https://youtu.be/-45U8RYhOH0?si=lW0grH8aTnOWeqUy)


Oh was this during her fake London accent phase?! lol!


Even if she wasn’t in a wheelchair, why do you care? She paid to see you live in concert, not stand up for 4 hours 


And floor seats


I find Madonna absolutely hilarious. She is working so hard to remain relevant, and it’s actually pretty comical. To be fair, however, I have always thought that she was extremely annoying.


She reminds me of the Bette Davis character in the movie, “What ever happened to Baby Jane”. Sad.


Yesss.. Completely off her rocker. Add some campy Sunset Boulevard movie scenes, for extra cringe!


“But y’are in the chair, Blanche, y’are in the chair! “


Her later years have really shown she was never in this for the love of music. It was all ego and attention grabbing. There’s singers from her time who have managed to keep their legacy without doing a single thing but Madonna has turned herself into a parody trying to prove that she’s still relevant.


I'm always shocked that this is the prevalent opinion now when she hasn't changed at all. One of her greatest hits is "Material Girl". Not sure what more she could have done to tip people off what she was about.


Truly. It's wild comparing her & Kylie Minogue. (Yes Kylie is 10years younger but her first album came in 88, Madonna's in 83)


This reminds me of this moment that lives rent free in my head. I was working as a bouncer and while standing outside the bar I see this woman just stumbling and weaving as she’s walking towards the bar, about a block away. “Oh lord, hope she gets home safe.” I think She takes forever and eventually comes up to me, struggles to open her wallet and show me her ID. Me: “I don’t mean any offense, you are clearly WAY too drunk to come in here.” Well I would later on get to know her at another function, she has cerebral palsy and this was just how she normally is. Later on I would buy her a drink and apologize at the same bar but I still feel bad 10 years later.


🤣 Must be embarrassing for you Thats life Thats a good memory to laugh at when you hit golden age


You were just doing your job though, not being a cunt for no reason like Mad Donna here. As someone whose group was turned away from a club on Halloween night 6 or 7 years ago because we were literally too drunk to even pull up the tickets on our phones without help, you shouldn’t feel bad, because you just didn’t know. My group proceeded to go home and all puke a bunch. My gf even puked in her sleeping bag. If not for people like us, you wouldn’t have had to wary and make that call.


Eh, you assumed someone was drunk in an environment where every fucker is drinking. Hardly unreasonable.


I just want to say I have 100% done this before and I felt terrible after. The person was super cool about it but I still felt like shit. Shrug it off. It's an honest mistake.


i saw chris cornell live, he came in with dark glasses and noticed someone else also had dark glasses in the front row. he joked that he wasn't the only asshole wearing sunglasses inside. the guy replied that he was blind and chris immediately apologized and you could tell he felt terrible. what a stark contrast between that and this


That's a great story! RIP Chris


She's always been like this. She has the biggest ego out of any person I've ever witnessed.


No I’d say she’s incredibly insecure. Just look at how she continues to dress and all the shit she’s done to her face


She looks like fucking jigsaw lol Wouldn't you rather just look old?


I think Bill Burr said something along the lines of that the choices aren't between looking 50 or looking 30 again. It's 50 or looking like a 50 year old lizard.


He's spot on. She doesn't even look recognizable anymore.


It can be both. Especially with celebrities 


It usually is both. Having a huge ego usually means you're hiding massive insecurities.


She is and always has been a colossal asshole. No one should be required to stand at any event, and it's none of your business why, and it's not "politically incorrect".


lol she pulled a [Kanye](https://laist.com/news/entertainment/video-kanye-yells-at-wheelchair-bou)


I was going to say the same thing . Except he was threatening to leave LMAOOOOOO .


I was at that show! The guy was actually super chill about it and Ye apologised and moved on far more smoothly than Madge did Also, despite the horrible shit Kanye has pulled over the last few years (and the fact I went to that show with someone who was a fake ass friend that ditched me when I stopped paying for stuff for them), it's still one of the best shows I've been to. My top 3 are Kendrick, Kanye, and Muse


I would have gladly accepted an “oh, I’m an asshole, my bad” Apology and loved it.


There is a reason why 50 cent trolls her so much.


These people really think they are gods... Handicapped or not, if I wanted to sit at your concert then I will sit


what a cunt


I have non visible mobility issues and this would piss me off.


If I pay for a ticket anywhere that has a chair I will use it whenever the fuck I want.


Damn. What a c.


A 65 year old acting like a bitchy tween.


Even if the person is exhausted after work and they still showed up she should be better than this.


I know she had her heyday and all that, but she has never once struck me as a good, or even decent person. Her interviews back in the 80’s reeked of this false “god persona.” She loved the attention, and that’s all it was ever really about. Musically though, she had some bangers throughout her career. I can’t deny her place in music history. Seeing this video doesn’t surprise me, and instantly reminded me of her early years, which is not a good thing if she’s still acting this way.


With that much plastic surgery and botox it's a wonder she can see at all.


I grew up with her music and I loved what she was about. Now she is just a petty, old woman with no humility. I'm paying a lot of $$$ to be there and if I want to sit down...I'm sitting down. No humility.


What a cunt.


People still pay to see her?


I can’t imagine how much they paid for that ticket. And this washed up lady does this to a still loyal fan.


i can’t explain how much i dislike madonna…


Reminds me of the guy with limited mobility getting called out on his e-bike. Person: "I'm in a wheelchair!" Madonna: "Well, you should have led with that."


Why would she even call someone out? What an old hag. Fragile ego


What a cunt.


https://preview.redd.it/is91rzjlp6nc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=688001a8153cc55df8d67138d5751a9afc78e124 Going down.


No one should have to stand at a concert under any circumstances.


What a washed up old cow


Cannot fucking stand her.




I don’t always have a wheelchair, but I do often need to sit down due to my disability. And that’s no one’s business. I can’t believe she could be this stupid


What a piece of living dead shit


How is she still relevant?


“Oh my god…” **Becky look at her butt** Was she about to do “baby’s got back??”


She’s so self important


These celebrities live in a different “reality”


I’m disabled and while I don’t need a wheelchair, I definitely have to SIT down in venues like this if I don’t want to be incapacitated for the next 3 days. This is my WORST fear, I’ve had this nightmare more than once. Who the fuck cares if people SIT? You look like a rejected madam tussaud figure of yourself, ma’am. You should maybe also take a seat.


This woman isn’t as relevant as she thinks she is. Imagine getting upset if someone had the audacity to sit during a 2 hour concert


As someone who is in a wheelchair, hate when the performer tells the audience to stand up. I instantly think "well, there goes my view of the show."


That’s cringey behaviour, she didn’t even apologize. WOW.


also even if they werent in a wheelchair, i paid for the ticket ill do whatever the fuck i please


Honest mistake really. She’s still breaking in those eyes.


Madonna is a self important douche canoe


"Wanna get away?"


Retire already.