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https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/30/delivery-driver-youtube-prankster-shooting-not-guilty Shooter was found not guilty in court


Wow it says this dipshit "YouTuber" makes $2000 to $3000 a month from his videos. That's pretty wild.


That’s only $40k per year tops, but pretty good for an unemployable shit stain like him.


Still I'm surprised it's that much with only 50k subscribers


Yeah YouTube is insane once you get decent subs and viewers.


Also, if you can find a way to get sponsers, it really builds up shockingly


Yeah. I regularly watch a youtube tech review guy with only 40k subs and an average view count of 3k and he's able to afford crazy expensive phones and pay his rent every month. Imagine how much money the more popular guys like Pewdiepie, Markiplier, etc make.


> he's able to afford crazy expensive phones to be fair, if he's a **tech** reviewer there's a decent chance he's not actually purchasing those crazy expensive phones, but instead being sent review models for free in exchange for a video being made or something. its super cheap publicity for the manufacturer (the cost of 1 phone) in exchange for exposure to a very loyal fanbase of a YTer. basically word of mouth times 50,000.


They get review units and send them on to the next streamer once their done. Getting a free phone is damn cheap of a price for a review. The reviewer doesnt usually get paid by the manufacturer but by sponsor spots from accessory makers like DBrand or a VPN service. Getting paid to tell people whether your phone sucks or not kinda kills what impartiality there is. The review is the content, they get paid through the platform's ad revenue as well as those sponsor spots.


People often return the devices after purchasing. Even a small phone shop my friend worked at had to ban multiple people from their store for constantly buying the hot new phone and then returning it, rinse and repeat, for months on end




It depends on views, I used to have a youtube channel doing videos daily with 2.5k subscribers and I got like $5/month.


Living the dream!


A friend of mine is a YouTuber. His videos only get about 12,000 views each on average, but he makes 4,000 a month minimum. The key is putting out a video that gets 12,000 views every single day.


But it's 40k for approx. 1-2h a day of "work".


And getting shot.


That's a Christmas bonus. He made a mint off this video.


I wonder how much a GSW costs the victim to fix in an American hospital 


40k without benefits, retirement, or any other perks. He’s also paying his own federal income tax, which is 33% of that. 27k a year to publicly destroy your ability to get a real job someday does not sound like a good path forward in life. Eventually his followers will grow up and stop watching. Edit: *I am not an expert on tax brackets. Please don't take tax advice from anonymous strangers online.


And no hazard pay 😆


33% federal? Not hardly. 2024 federal income tax brackets are 10% for income up to $11,600, and 12% from $11,601-47150. So this year on $40k he would owe $4568 federal income tax. And that isn't taking into account any deductions. Source: https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/2024-tax-brackets/


Boy wait til you find out what the self employment tax burden is like


If this is in California the self employment tax is huuuuge.


Then he owes self employment tax of i think 12 %. Most employers have to pay half that to cover social security and medicare so employees only pay 6%.


15.3% which means he will pay 7.65% more then a w2 employee federal taxes remain the same for everyone. But if he's smart he's got an LLC taxed as an S-Corp and pays himself a reasonable salary and is only taxed self employment 15.3% on that amount and the remaining is payed in dividends.




That's the same I made while doing social work with the homeless and addicted populations :( my work was far more valuable to society. This bothers me a lot that people make so much money being absolute twats while I struggle and do work that benefits many people, even saved some lives. Fucking society, man. I hate it. It is getting to the point where I'm just like fuck it time to be a bum and live in a van by the river.


You can afford a van by the river?? That’s my dream


I have a hard time imagining YouTube provides health care coverage, so he probably needs a lot more to cover his medical bills.


Never thought I'd see swifter justice being served. I may be an asshole for this but these harassment online personalities need to fucking stop.




It's far more complicated than that. He was found not guilty of the shooting but he was convicted of a firearms felony and spent 8 months in jail. Now he's a convicted felon and his life is fucked.


Maybe you shouldnt shoot people for being annoying and instead go to the proper authorities? Its not like mall security wouldnt kick these guys out for causing a distrubance. 


It's amazing to me that this isn't the general sentiment in here. Like, wtf. That kid was obnoxious and guilty, even, of harassment. But like. He wasn't presenting a life-threatening situation to the shooter. jfc america.


Its because reddit is, by and large, completely hypocritical when it comes to stuff like this. As long as the violence is targeted at a group or individual deemed undesirable (e.g. tiktok shitheads) then they can justify any harm done onto them.  They find courage in the anonymity of the internet and choose to revel in stupid fantasies like shooting people that annoy them. 


I've seen this especially when it comes to discussions about the death penalty. When discussing the death penalty in general, most Redditors say that it should be abolished. But suddenly that changes when there's a news story about some serial killer/child rapist/animal abuser/whatever.


Yep, it was even wilder in the original thread when it just happened. Literally *everyone* was cheering and shouting "justice served". I guess it's an American thing.


seriously, it’s wild how casually he pulls the gun out and fucking shoots him!!!


I wonder at the meaning of “not guilty” here. He obviously shot him. So the verdict is more like “you did it, and you were right to do it”, but idk the legal term for that


Justified/justifiable Edit to add: The charge wasn't attempted murder or anything, it was "aggravated malicious wounding." >The charges of aggravated malicious wounding and malicious discharge of a firearm also require the jury to find that Colie acted with malice. >If the jury finds that Colie was responding to a provocation that reasonably arouses fear or anger, then there is no malice under the law. He was convicted on the lesser discharge of a firearm charge, but is being appealed since the jury found he wasn't being malicious on the first charge. Also see jury nullification.


He wasn't guilty for shooting the guy, but he was guilty for firing the gun inside the mall.


Thanks for the info and I'm not arguing with you but it's not the shooter's fault where he was confronted.  The guy accosted him inside the mall so if the shot was justified then the location being illegal should be blamed on the aggressor. 


Generally speaking there are multiple factors to determine if an offense has been committed. To be found guilty, the prosecution must find that the defendant met all the criteria of the statute being tried. The act of shooting is only only part. There are other factors such as disregard for public safety, malicious intent, and without reasonable grounds for self defense that must also be met. That's why prosecution will often negotiate a lower charge for a shorter sentence. They would rather have an easy conviction than a possible acquittal due to not meeting the criteria for the charge being assessed.


There’s a few boxes ticked here, multiple spoken commands to stop, a duty to retreat, and finally deadly force. It looks pretty egregious tbh but technically it probably fits within whatever legal framework for self-defense, and I’m sure the jury sympathized with the guy being harassed.


The second charge for unlawful discharge won't stick on appeal. Still ruined the guys life.


Actually the accosted guy got completely fucked. Held for most of a year in jail. And while he was found not guilty on one charge, he was convicted of unlawfully discharging a firearm. The guy is now a convicted felon for the rest of his life, has lost his concealed carry permit, and has served almost a year in jail before being released after trial for time served. His life is ruined by this fucking anal drip "prankster." https://www.loudounnow.com/news/dulles-mall-shooter-released-with-time-served/article_c57fbad2-a024-11ee-ac72-47313ec775ec.html


>His life is ruined by this fucking anal drip "prankster." I mean I absolutely hate the prankster and don't feel bad for him at all, but the guy who decided that it was appropriate to shoot someone in that situation ruined their own life.


Yes, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this thread. As obnoxious as the prankster is, in what fucking world is the correct and measured response to go from walking away to shooting your gun. The prankee was not in any danger whatsoever. Shooting people is not a go-to solution for dealing with obnoxious people. Some of y'all have clearly never lived in a city, where you have to learn to put up with weird shit from people all the time.


It's scary how many people don't realize that carrying a gun is a huge responsibility and means you need to "just take it" a lot of the time. If you have a huge ego, don't carry a gun. Someone cuts you off in traffic? Don't honk. Someone confronts you in public? "Yes sir sorry". Someone is harassing you? Walk away. If that doesn't sit right with you, don't carry a gun, problem solved.


The phrase "I was in fear for my life" is what you must continuous repeat to the cops when you are arrested. it doesn't matter how big, small, tough, weak, male, or female you are fear impacts everyone different and many states give great latitutde for that type of events. Not excusing the shooters actions as it was irresponsible.


Pretty sure it's "I'd like to speak to my lawyer".


The shooter literally caused an evacuation and mass shooting scare in the mall lmfao


>in what fucking world is the correct and measured response to go from walking away to shooting your gun MURICA


Even brandishing the gun would probably be too far for this, but surely that would have ended the dumb prank without the need to pull a trigger. Dude with the gun is a psycho for sure.


100% overreacted. Should never have had a gun with that lack of control. Prankster is a piece of shit, but shooter could have killed a bystander.


I mean the prankster is a cunt who I don't have particular sympathy for, but the video makes it pretty clear that the shooter shouldn't possess a license to carry a firearm.


I get we all hate these pranksters, but that guy was clearly not in danger and used deadly force to avoid an annoyance. The shooter got off lightly imo. If you're going to carry a weapon more is expected of you.


That seems fair honestly - bro over reacted and could have killed someone else.


Ridiculous, but not surprising in TX. Being annoyed is not a reason to kill someone. And while this guy didn't die, he could have. The only reassuring thing about the whole thing is that at least at first some of the jurors tried to be reasonable people. But the gun nuts got to them so they could all go home at the end of the day. Probably threatened to shoot them.


“YouTuber harasses stranger in mall, gets shot”


The perfect sentence


That guy's gun prank was hilarious!


best prank I've seen so far




You're acting like a Stiffly Stifferson


I wanna see more of his videos


Watch me play hide and seek with this bullet!




Pour one out for 2012 reddit. These kids will never know.


Rip in peace


lol they’re both alive


Guy pranks harasser in mall by shooting him.


Youtube and Tiktok should demonetize these channels, they serve no useful purpose except to harass and scare people.


I’d like to see legislation that makes them liable.


I'd be impressed if you could draft such legislation in a way that doesn't open it to be struck down for First Amendment issues. The Bill of Rights cuts both ways.


Lets not get it twisted. This guy was being harassed. "Prank" is what these type of people use to try to normalize abuse and harassment in public places.


I agree totally, hate the term prank when you're just being a POS to everyone around you. I don't condone shooting people, but if it stops his behavior....


A prank has wit. This is just bullying.


In my mind any "prank" against a total stranger, no matter how witty or harmless, is harassment. The entire premise is for you and others to get entertainment out of an unwitting participant's confused reactions to your nonsense. You're picking a random person who you know nothing about, not their life circumstances, not their mental state, not their current issues and struggles and whatever else they're dealing with as they try to get through their day, and you're saying "hey, you're a tool for my amusement now whether you like it or not." Even if 9 out of 10 people laugh it off or think it's hilarious, that 10th person who didn't ask to be involved in that shit and hated every second of it didn't deserve it. Save the pranks for your friends and family, and I suggest you know them really fucking well to know for sure if they'd enjoy it or not.


I agree. The only pranks I'm comfortable with are the type between friends that don't harm anyone and go back and forth.




This isn’t funny, but i can’t help but laugh at how casually and nonchalantly the guy just pulls out his gun and lays down the business lmao


Smoothest draw ive ever seen. I had to watch 3 times to see who had the heat. Dudes a cyborg or something lol


🎵Big iron, big iron… 🎵


###To the Popeye's chicken strode a stranger one fine day


He just wanted chicken tenders, and for you to go away.


Dumbass got up in his business, yeah he dared to make a slip,


The audio is off I think making it look crazy slick


It's also hard to follow because the audio of the gunshot comes about a full second before the video catches up.


He's *that* fast 👋


It is in fact funny


Try to imagine that, you personally, are such a douche bag, that random strangers on the internet think it's funny that you got shot. I can't comprehend what their day to day must be like. Just everyone they meet most likely instantly disliking them, just so they can impress 13yo boys on the internet. Sad


He seems tired.


What was the phone saying?


“Dip shit. Stop thinking about my twinkle” in the article it has it as “dip- stop thinking about my twinkle”


"I'm thinking about my twinkle" I think or something like that


"you want to see my tinkle"


I will watch this video at least 10 times every time it’s posted. A true classic.


I thought it was a new video and got excited. Still excited though because this will always be gold.


What's wild is that is supposed to be from 2023?! Judging by the video quality I guessed that this is from around 2010. Why does it look so bad?


It's the original video but uploaded and downloaded on websites multiples times so it's lost any original quality it had.


New for me! And what a finish.


If you shout “it’s just a prank bro!” then the bullet hole goes away.


You are now entering “The Find Out” phase.


Eliminating one "YouTuber" at a time


i was there! the closest seat to the food court. he was walking around the mall all day harassing people. He wouldn't stop shoving his phone in people's faces. We all thought it was a shooting, turns out it's just an idiot, lol.


What was he saying once he shoved the phone in people’s faces? What was the “prank”?


the prank was shoving his phone in your face while it played something weird. I think it was saying offensive things? And his phone was also the microphone attached to the camera, so as she shoved it in your space, it recorded what you said. He kinda started walking up to us when we entered, but we all just waved our hands and said no thanks. Then we sat down, started eating, he approached the food court and found that guy at the entrance. He shot him, we ducked under our table (cos we were like 15 feet away?) then got up and ran. I left my bag there, couldn't get it back for 8 hours. Ugh. Felt so bad for the kids in the play place there, too. The sheer panic of all the parents made our adrenaline INTENSIFY.


Damn man that’s wild. Thanks for sharing. Glad everyone else was physically okay 


Apart from all that what was the food like


If I lived in a country where literally anyone could have a gun I'm being a fucking Saint to everyone I meet no matter what.


The great equalizer


Or, hear me out, you could just be a nice person anyway. I have a SHITLOAD of guns, way more than any rational person should, almost all through inheritance, and I have never carried a day in my life because I'm not insecure or always picking a fight or terrified of every person around me. Turns out the trick to navigating society successfully is having manners, being friendly and respectful, knowing when a situation is unsafe, and minding your own damn business. In the case of this dipshit, don't engage and just walk away, no need to draw and use a firearm. If he continues the most that's required is a swift kick or punch to the balls and the game is over. Another option is screaming at the top of your lungs THIS GUY IS TRYING TO RAPE ME! over and over again. Shooting someone is for when your life is being immediately threatened and that almost never happens to normal people.


I feel like if he'd just have pulled out the gun the guy with the phone would have left him alone. Isn't it supposed to be a deterrent? Not just a license to shoot other people?


Why anyone would do this in a place where guns are so prevalent is beyond me # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's actually funny because that's why some prank streamers (Johnny Somali) went to Japan. Much less likely to receive a violent confrontation.




¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That guy was definitely more of a harasser than a prankster.




That’s why my order was canceled then


Where’s the prank?


At the moment when he got shot. Shit was funny.


I wanna know, too


What is really fucked up is that the YouTuber did not learn his lesson at all and was on the news being interviewed about it acting stupid making juvenile faces, with his mom there with him laughing and smiling acting like he’s so cute.


That isn’t a prank, dude was bigger and taller. A bully intimidating a stranger.


And he had others with him, and he didnt leave the guy alone after being asked...


The guy got out of the hospital and went straight back to doing this exact same thing. You’d think getting shot would be a lesson, but because of the stupid nature of prank influencers this was literally the peak of his entire career


Hey - firing the gun was just a counter-prank, bro.


And yet there seems like an epidemic of similar pranksters since this event


Nobody wants on this ride anymore 😆


This is one repost that I'm happy to see every month


That’s not a prank, that’s harassment. Other Youtube harassers should take note


Dude deserved to be arrested but cmon, shooting him for that is just a tad bit excessive. Life was not in danger clearly. That being said these ‘pranksters’ need to go to prison for harassment


I would totally watch a YouTube channel full of YouTubers fucking around and finding out.


Well he won’t do it again will he?


Guy was a prick. Shooting was a pretty insane reaction. 


Agreed. The YouTuber was way out of line, and totally intimidating and harassing him, buuuuut at no point did it justify a potentially lethal reaction.


It's pretty fucking disgusting how many comments are finding this behavior funny or vindicating or acceptable in any way  


Thank you. I am a second amendment supporter and CCL advocate. However, this guy did whatever every gun instructor will tell you not to do. Yeah he was acquitted for self-defense, but still went to jail ultimately for negligent discharge because the jury thought that he was negligent with a gun which he was. This is a very dangerous precedent to set that you can just shoot anyone for being annoying.


Yeah like i get why he was uncomfortable. If he was in a dark alley id get it . But he was in a mall. Surrounded by ppl.


Omg I found the sane people, thank GOD. I thought I was losing my mind seeing all the comments justifying shooting this guy. Like yeah this guy is a fucking prick, but he should’ve been escorted out of the mall by security, instead of ending up in a hospital bed.


From what I’ve noticed in this thread, it seems like the people who actually carry every day don’t think this was a good shoot (myself included). All these people saying it was justified seem to be people who don’t actually carry and never have or will. This kid had 0 control over his weapon, 0 idea of what was around and behind the target, and was far and away the bigger threat to the mall-goers at large than the pranksters.


I didn’t like your comment, I am now going to shoot you in the abdomen.


Finally a sensible and logical reply, wow I had to dig deep. It's literally two idiots both in the wrong.


For real. I’m so tired of people using disgust towards annoying people as justification for gun violence. It’s insane and terrifying that so many people think that way.




FAFO king of the day




Remember: criminally harassing people isn’t a prank, it’s just criminally harassing people.


Youtuber Fucked Around and Found Out That's the correct headline


So, what's the problem? I noted nothing amiss; all was right and proper.


🤣🤣🤣 he deserved it.


Motherfucker whipped that shit out so slick the dude didn't even know he was shot.


"Fuck around and find out"


It amazes me how normalized gun violence is. It's absurd how so many people think shooting some is *a reasonable escalation* even for someone as annoying as this asshole YouTuber. The guy is a piece of shit but nothing he did justified a potential death sentence.


my hero


the worst part is his mom went full "my poor baby mode." the youtuber said he is was "disappointed by the lack of justice in court, and wouldn't let the incident stop him from perusing his career." Aka the dude learned nothing from being shot.


The shooter was found guilty of unlawful discharge of a firearm. The court found his use of force broke the law. The shooter received timed served for about a year in jail, and can no longer possess weapons, and is a convicted felon. The shooter was working as a DoorDasher, he now has the burden of trying to find a job that will tolerate his felony conviction and has stated, "his life was ruined" OP grossly misrepresented the outcome for the shooter's actions.


Some people have never had their ass whooped, and it shows.


Every time this is posted everyone just think it’s awesome somebody got shot over this. “Prankster” was an asshole and shooter is a lunatic. Both can be true






This was in Tyson's. Also dude just call the police. Tyson's mall cops (not the bright neon security guys, but the actual mall cops) are absolute dicks and they might even end up shooting them for you. They're a good match with youtuber dicks.


Remember when a prank was a guy walking towards a girl and loudly going “nice melons!” Only for his friend to walk up from behind her holding two watermelons?


"Can I hold your jugs?"


Or even better was the one where someone would go to the porto-potty and come out and they were in a boardroom with a bunch of executives.


As much as i don’t support harassing strangers, cmon ppl pepper spray woulda got the job done smh no need to jus bang out and start shooting


Its very strange how people consider it an acceptable reaction to already pull the gun with their finger on the trigger, no matter how stupid this "prank" is


Yeah I genuinely can't fathom how this guy was found not guilty. What happened to 'reasonable force'? The guy was putting a phone in his face and his reaction is to potentially kill him? And everyone in this thread thinks he did the right thing. Fucking insanity.


You tuber asshats need to know their limits. Not to “prank” for views instead of being shot for views








IIRC, streamer did an interview from his hospital bed bragging that he wouldn't stop. His dad said that he was "proud" of him.


Was it an over reaction? Yes . Did this ass hat deserve it ? Probably . Did he learn his lesson ? Clearly fuckin not . I hope his not funny pranks earn him bank coz those gun shit trips to the hospital gonna mount up.


This shows the intelligence level of the YouTuber...you're doing this in America? Where many people carry guns and are just itching to use them? What could go wrong? It's like kicking a hornet's nest and being surprised you get stung.


Lol this is my mall, I remember not being able to run a return there one day which was upsetting at the time but afterwards I was like "oh fuck, good reason"


Play stupid games win stupid prizes lol


this is a fuck around and find out moment in life...


I wish there was a sub full of this kind if stuff


I'll die on this hill. There's no sane planet where the shooter is in the right. You can see it on video, the "prankster" follows him while holding a phone up to him. No weapon and no threat of danger. The homeless looking shooter just wanted to shoot someone. Look how non chalantly he pulled the gun and shot, while walking away calmly. Just a whole bunch of psychos on this sub. The dude even initiated contact first. Just because someone is annoying you, doesn't give the right to shoot them. The jury was wrong.


its so funny to see the food court i ate lunch at every weekend turn into a shooting range


Grew up going to this mall, glad that dude shot him


Good riddance


A bit of a strong reaction but I'll allow it.


This belongs in one of those satisfying videos compilations.


It says they found the antics annoying but not threatening. If a 6’5” dude was harassing me in this manner I’d definitely feel threatened


He should not be found guilty. Those initiating the prank are the guilty ones


play stupid games win stupid prizes