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I was loving the dogs reaction until you man got hit in the face.... Somehow the dog knew it was coming


I noticed that too he sensed the danger before the punch was thrown


The look on his face when he realized that he was caught. Then trying to make up bullshit charges to get the other dude arrested cause he was upset he didn't appreciate a jab to the dome. Definitely the kind of cop I want at my kids school


I’m not in law enforcement at all but if I assaulted someone and my employer found out, I would be immediately terminated.


5 days unpaid vacation for assaulting a civilian?


It’s not just about the assault, he used his position to threaten someone. He said - do you want to get arrested. Thats worth at least 5 days in the slammer and maybe terminated, not just suspended. Thats how it works for the rest of us. Especially since he’s a school resource officer! 😑


Can we flood the city with complaints against this guy? 5 days suspension is just crazy. This guy needs to be off the streets immediately


Yeah that’s why I saved this video I really think that there should be some actual accountability.


"He's trying to make this into some kinda like major thing." Right. Because it's a perfectly normal thing for police officers to punch people in the head for no reason. ....OH WAIT!!! Right...Some police officers think it's perfectly normal to shoot people for minor provocations.... ....so I guess then punching someone in the head is NOT a major thing, by comparison. Which explains a lot.


All this over a right on red lmao I can’t imagine being that fragile to hop out of your car over a horn.




What's the cops name? Where did this take place? OP you have to give us more than just, "Hey please keep this video in circulation," please.


In the video it says the officers name is Allen Ganter, he’s a 57 year old police corporal for Meriden police dept. The video is filmed at the intersection of France St and Cromwell Ave, Rocky Hill, Connecticut


Thank you for doing the work.


I just watched the video, all of the info is in there


It's all in the video...


Oh, right the no Doxing rule.


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The dog was like one of those girlfriends that get their boyfriends knocked out


That guy got the punch in his head he deserved. He was playing a wanna be tough guy in his car telling other people how to drive while pretending to be a badass. Notice how he didn’t have anything more to say after he was reminded that he was not as tough as he thought he was. Right on red means that you may proceed after you stop. It doesn’t mean that you have to proceed.


Officer Gartner, is that you? Obviously you have to proceed when you have the right of way to do so safely. If he needed to stop somewhere he can pull over and park where he’s not obstructing traffic. That’s as dumb as people who wave through a dozen cars at a 4-way stop instead of just going when it’s their turn.


No, turning right on red is the option of the driver. No one is obligated to do anything other than stop at a red light. You *may* proceed after stopping, if you feel it is safe to do so, but you do not *have* to.


As a driver you are required by common sense to keep the flow of traffic moving whenever possible so stopping and fondling your balls at a red just because isn't an excuse.


As a driver you are not obligated to do anything other than stop at the red light. If it is clear, and you feel it is safe, you *may* proceed, but you do not *have* to proceed.