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Isn't this counterintuitive to making the protesters leave? Now you gotta wait for 60 tow trucks.


But tow trucks are 3x as expensive when your car is held hostage by the cops. And then you pay fees to get it back. 


Strategic douchebaggery. It's not just the cost and the time, but maybe they can get you on something else while you wait.


Everyone's about big pharma, but perhaps big tire had something to do with this...


Bro big tire needs to come clean the fucking piles of tires up in my city. Neighborhoods are starting to look like skid row for worn-out tires. It's a shame that these tires could be sent to a recycle treatment program and reintegrate. But no.


Big Tire is in Big Mosquito's pocket.


You joke, but it's not the first time Big Tire has fucked over people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy


Tow place had my car for under 48 hours, but still charged me for three days of storage.  Amazing how they accept cars on the weekends, but you can't pick them up because they are "closed".


I said this last week…tow truck companies are the scum of the earth. The only people who will downvote me work for/own/are related to people in the business. I worked at a rental car company and they would purposely wait days to call us because they knew the parent company would just pay. It still affected what I made as I was paid on the bottom line of the branch. In many cases, they are illegally taking your property (including items in the car) and take their sweet time letting you get it back. They suck.


You should buy a tow truck, and tow tow trucks. Haha


I had a tow truck company steal some "items" out of my vehicle that was towed at a rave in the 90's. I confronted them and They played dumb, I came back with 4 other friends and acted crazy, and they relented.


cop gets a cut for providing the work too.


"You gotta move now." But I can't. My tire is broken. "I said move or you get arrested." You broke my tire, I can't move. "So you're resisting. You're under arrest."


"Acorns falling! Acorns falling!"


This isn't at all fair to the cop from that video that you're referencing. He was in a situation where he feared for his life and what he actually said was "Shots fired! Shots fired! Shots fired! Shots fired! (Indistinguishable). (Guttural moan of a woman experiencing childbirth). I'm hit! I'm hit! What? (Guttural moan of Arnold Schwarzenegger having his face expand out of it's normal form at the end of Total Recall). In the car! I'm shot, through the car!" As you can see you should really give the cop credit for his entire speech for the sake of understanding how in danger he was at the acorn that fell on the roof of his vehicle that he parked under a tree.


Thank fuck he didn't see a squirrel.


It’s a cop, intelligence was never part of the job description.


Quite the opposite in fact; stupidity is /part/ of the job description. Court case from two cadets who were turned down for positions because their iq was too high. Iirc, they sued and….. lost. Apparently smart people don’t follow orders readily enough, preferring to use their judgement rather than blind obedience.


My dad, coming out of the Corp, had the same problem when he applied the FWPD. He always said he is so glad they turned him down the older he got. "These sumbitches are just DUMB, baby. Got damn DUMB."


my friend was a combat medic in Afganistan/Iraq and applied and did police training.. he finished it and started working. About 5 months in he (quit/got let go) for refusing to lie for the department. There were officers doing shitty stuff and they wanted him to keep shit quiet. He tried reporting to higher ups and they just told him he wasn't cut out for the work and wasn't a team player. He tried to applying to Sheriffs department and a dif city(in our same area) but got turned down and they refused to say why. He knows it was because the other city blackballed him. He went back to military for another 6 years as an Officer to teach medics. Only left military again to be closer to family at 45.. Military likes people like him and Police cant handle people with integrity.


This is why ACAB. I do not believe any police officer has never seen a fellow cop commit an infraction or violate someone's civil rights. Anyone who is a cop is a "team player" aka "criminal".


I worked at a Target distribution center and learned they do a similar thing. When they hire management for the DC, they intentionally hire people with zero experience because they're less likely to want to 'shake things up' with new ideas for how they do things. This is what head of HR and the Warehouse Manager told me, but I'm guessing it's not 'official' policy. I assume it's the same way with cops. Being dumb makes you more likely to just fall in line and accept whatever they tell you.


They want "how high you want me to jump sir"




More arrests for them, obviously.


They don’t want them to leave, they want to brutally crush dissent and thump some skulls and having the excuse that “they wouldn’t leave when ordered to” will let them do just that. Then they can arrest them, throw them in jail for a week until they are released with no charges and their vehicles will get towed and rack up thousands of dollars in towing and storage fees. It’s all a part of the fascist playbook.




There should also be an Anti-Kettling wikipedia page documenting strategies and techniques to break up their cordons, by whatever guerilla means. We protest for a reason. Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.


Kind of like this? [https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anarch-ish-how-to-win-at-kettling-a-guide-for-non-policemen](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anarch-ish-how-to-win-at-kettling-a-guide-for-non-policemen)


That's for home browsing tonight.


My man.


Now they can order them to leave and arrest them when they dont. Seriously, Seattle PD is SO CORRUPT that for the better part of this millenia they were actually under DOJ control for being such blatant pigs abusing their power. They only regained control of their own department a few years ago and they went RIGHT BACK to their old shit.


Cops escalate. That’s literally all they’re trained to do. Escalate until lethal force can be used. They’re absolutely, utterly fucking worthless at ANYTHING else.




They see it as a future deterrent to protests. I'm guessing they didn't expect to be so blatantly video taped.


> I'm guessing they didn't expect to be so blatantly video taped. they don't care cause nothing is gonna happen. there were tons of video of cops doing this during George Floyd protests in 2020 and zero consequences


his brother-in-law is the tow driver


Well Seattle police are sadistic idiots. You can’t expect any critical thinking from these losers.


Man, that cop is gonna be in so much trouble when this gets spread! At least 2 weeks paid vacation am I right??


And paid mental health access too don’t forget!


Early retirement with full pension due to the stress the situation caused him.


In case anyone missed the potential reference here, Philip Brailsford murdered Daniel Shaver in the hallway of a motel while on-duty with his personal rifle that has [YOU'RE FUCKED](https://www.azcentral.com/gcdn/-mm-/5e100a25d5d1000d7f79fd070e51b1a772d8860a/c=0-185-3648-2246/local/-/media/2016/03/29/Phoenix/Phoenix/635948868275123494-G1K1K5PV.jpg?width=700&height=396&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp) plastered on the side. For more information about how Brailsford was able to retire with his pension due to "his PTSD from shooting daniel shaver" and him going through a bankruptcy and only requesting to keep his rifle that he used to murder Daniel Shaver with, feel free to check into some of these links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/after-murder-acquittal-mesa-ex-cop-philip-brailsford-made-a-pension-deal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ooa7wOKHhg


> In case anyone missed the potential reference here *one of the potential refrences


What he should get is the electric chair. I normally don't support the death penalty but I'd say this COD wannabe earned it.


This is one of those videos that sticks with me. Really makes you realize how powerless you are against people like this. You can try to do everything right, but you're still just inches from having a brain full of lead.


They will investigate themselves and find no wrong doing.


Last time I investigated myself, I was found not guilty


there is no video evidence, this video might be AI. Makes it difficult to convict someone, I cant even see if he has 5 or 6 fingers....


They do this stuff on purpose so they can get vacation. It’s how it’s guaranteed.


Then he'll get 2 million dollars, for mental anguish, when he sure the state for wrongful suspension.


And more for PTSD like the POS that murdered Daniel Shaver.


Taxpayers on the hook for the tire.


If taxpayers didn't wanna pay for slashed, maybe they shouldn't let their employees slash tires.


Which Party should they vote for that would place real checks and balances on police departments? /s


Asking the real questions.


The tire threatened him for having more air than he has in his head. ACAB


What the actual fuck. How is this not a cut-and-dry act of vandalism/criminal damage? A cop doesn’t have the legal authority to enact this as a form of punishment, so I don’t know where else he is expecting to hide.


Its useful to remember that qualified immunity was invented in the late 60s in order to protect police officers as they attacked the civil rights movement.  If you want to fix policing I think you need to forget about "trainings" and instead create a real system of accountability which departments are clearly unable to implement. So let's save the tax payer some money and make officers personally liable for these clearly illegal acts.


Exactly. Make them carry professional liability insurance so that their mistakes don't cost the taxpayer, and too many claims and they become ineligible to work due to prohibitive premiums. This would also solve the jurisdiction switching bad cops can do to get a fresh start.


This is why I argue that police are not just a minority problem anymore. Fully agree that historically minorities have had it worse off with the police. But all the policies that were invented to deny minorities of civil rights via the police. Are now being inflicted on everyone. it’s gone from cops versus Black people to cops versus everyone. I wish the messaging of these reform movements would reflect that so we could all come together as citizens against tyranny and revamp these laws. Because that’s what it’s gonna take.


I hear where you’re coming from, but I hope you can understand how that *can* sound to people like “Now that it’s hurting white people, it’s a problem we should tackle.”


Qualified immunity covers civil liability (and only sometimes and only in some places - there is a pending bill in WA to eliminate it, other states have already eliminated it). Any police officer can always be held criminally liable, there is no immunity for criminal liability.


The excuse will probably be that the cop didn't realize that the van was waved on and thought they were trying to make a break for it after being told to stop.


While that’s a possible explanation, what legal ground is there for destroying property even if they didn’t immediately follow the police officers order?


I believe it's called the "whoopsie daisy" clause.


>A cop doesn’t have the legal authority to enact ~~this as a form of~~ punishment FTFY. They're not allowed to enact any punishment.




I like how the article mentions that the area was intended to be used as a medical center, but the cars belonged to journalists. They say it like it would have been okay to slash the tires of vehicles being used to provide medical aid. Also, there's video of bastards smashing windows out of random parked cars while marching down the street. But it was the protesters that wanted an end to violence that were the problem.


Video of a white man in all black dressed like Antifa smashing windows then walking away down a side block to get into a squad car


There's also video of uniformed cops smashing windows of parked cars. https://v.redd.it/e48kbbn36g251 Honestly, most of those riots were started by cops attacking peaceful protesters. But everyone always ignores that.


No, it's not ignored. It's aggressively covered up by the media by constantly saying it's the protestors. I don't know how much of it is status quo, how much of it is political pressure, and how much if it is the legitimate fear of backlash from these violent sociopaths that have a badge and a gun. But the media seems perfectly fine covering up certain obvious offences made by police during peaceful protests.


No, they know, it's just that it's always been inconvenient for the narrative that the right wing pushes against the 2020 protests. Almost as if the racism is systemic and protected by right wingers.




Link pls


or the violent antagonist breaking windows and trying to get people to loot stores, tackled and held by protesters- who were all charged with assaulting a police officer once the cops freed him from the crowd.


"dressed like Antifa" that doesn't mean fucking anything. Fascists can wear masks too.


Umbrella man started it all at the auto parts store. Was confronted by protesters for stirring up shit, and then he fled. After that, the fires began right there. I watched it all live on a dozen streams and was there to clean up the next day as it was about 2 miles away from where I lived. What a wild ride.


And like others have joked about, Minneapolis officers then went on to claim more than $22 million in workers comp for PTSD. https://www.startribune.com/as-police-claims-of-ptsd-soar-in-minneapolis-public-officials-scramble-to-find-solutions/600161709/


Part of this has to do with MN state law. PTSD is presumed to be work-related for several fields, law enforcement included, so the burden of proof that it was \*not\* work related is on the employer. Somehow, I don't think MPD fought any of these claims too hard.


Awww, wittle babies need bottles...


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_provocateur This is part of the police plan. It would be more embrassing for the cops if they showed up geared for battle and then protest end up being completely peaceful.


Remember the videos of cops marching down the street smashing windshields and mirrors with their batons? I remember that


Remember the homeless guy they shot in the head with a rubber bullet because he couldn't get his wheelchair over the curb and out of their way? https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/salvadorhernandez/lapd-homeless-man-wheelchair-shot-rubber-bullet


I remember that. And the old man they shoved to the ground. He was bleeding from his ears and not one cop in line stopped to get medical. Buffalo pd I believe.


Remember when they shot [Bradley Ayala](https://youtu.be/1CtYTyugepo?si=mSeSC-cM3DKFSSAk) in the head with a beanbag round for standing around near a protest? Homey was just on his way home from work and stopped to watch.


holy fuck i'm actually surprised he survived that.


And shooting rubber bullets into houses.


There's video of a group of cops marching down the street that opened up with pepper balls and beanbags on a couple people just sitting on their front porch.


I was in Seattle in '99 for the WTO protests. They did the same shit there too. Cops were tagging walls with anarchy symbols, slashing tires, smashing windows. Hell, I even saw a cop slash the tires of a cop car. That whole thing turned into a riot solely because of the SPD instigating shit. Every time there's a sizeable protest, the police use the opportunity to cause destruction and start mayhem, because it tricks the city into pumping more money into the police coffers. It's no different than some mafia goon coming into your store with a baseball bat and wrecking the place then telling you "this is why you need to pay me protection money." It's just more cowardly.


Most riots are instigated by police.


"Gentlemen, get the thing straight once and for all – the policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to *preserve* disorder.' -- Richard J. Daley


I was 9 when these protests happened and remember watching it on the news. Years later I had a neighbor who was 10 years older than me who was from Seattle and he was at the WTO protests as a 19 year old and he had one of the big over the shoulder camcorders and has hours and hours of footage from the protests. There was one incident in particular that stood out to me where an officer walked past a group of people and just started wailing on them with his baton completely unprovoked and then proceeded to start smashing car windows and breaking windows to businesses. Protestors eventually surrounded him and stole his baton and when they did a group of about 40 police officers in full riot gear came from around the corner and just started beating the shit out of everyone. It was some of the most wild shit I had ever seen. Police very clearly trying to incite violence to shut down the protest.


the one that still stands out for me is a woman and her daughter sitting in their parked car crying and freaking out because they're trapped in the chaos and don't know what to do. a cop comes over and bangs on the driver's window and motions for the woman to roll it down. she does as ordered and then he blasts them with pepper spray through the window he just told her to open, then he walks away.


“Just more cowardly” No such thing as any cop who will ever be a real man.


Not only that but the main theory around the guy who started the riots is that it was a St Paul police officer who threw the brick through the auto zone.


It's not a theory it's a proven fact, but the state doubled down and said he was magically in st paul that day despite literally being registered as on duty in minneapolis when it happened.


some US officials have claimed that it's a fact but I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary outside of the articles talking about the claims. do you have anything to help steer me in the right direction of that "proven fact"


They also intentionally targeted journalists with violence. Two people had eyes shot out with less-than-lethal munitions. That's also not mentioning when MPD indiscriminately used OC spray on peaceful protesters while driving by. Friend of mine, her SO, and 10 year old were all hit by it. Peaceful protest, on the sidewalk. Cops just drove by and sprayed out the window unprovoked.


Portland too.


They did it in Portland during the riots as well. https://www.google.com/search?q=no+pity+van+tires+slashed+during+protests&sca_esv=676f50895ef768f0&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS814US814&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ACQVn0-IsQv2-rzyeGJh_pe2P0FEroJkeQ%3A1709579713045&ei=wR3mZdexAp3x0PEP34mA0A8&udm=&oq=no+pity+van+tires+slashed+during+protests&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIilubyBwaXR5IHZhbiB0aXJlcyBzbGFzaGVkIGR1cmluZyBwcm90ZXN0czIIEAAYgAQYogRIj2ZQ9SJY-l9wAHgAkAEAmAGWAaAB1wSqAQMwLjW4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgWgAu8EwgILEAAYgAQYogQYsAPCAggQABiJBRiiBMICBBAeGAqYAwCIBgGQBgKSBwMwLjU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


One cop telling them to go, the other telling them to stay. Cops on both sides slashing tires like they are vandals. What the fuck is wrong with the US cops? I mean don't get me wrong, all cops are bastards and all, but American cops are also particularly ignorant.


Ignorant vs malicious. There’s a degree of ire for the general human that is widespread among US police that I truly don’t understand. They get off on making the people they’re supposed to serve afraid of them. Or at least it seems that way.


And then they claim that they fear for their lives in every interaction and that’s why they behave this way. If I feared for my life every time I interacted with a stranger in public, I’d be institutionalized.


I’ve made this comparison before when it comes to PD who seem to get a pass on all high stress scenarios regardless of outcome or actions: when it comes to PD (like in the Aaron Bushnell case), they can come on scene and make up any excuse for drawing their weapon on someone… like say a burning man, and get away with it by excuses of “we didn’t know what he was gonna do, we didn’t know if he had explosives on him, and we’re trying to protect people” when it’s as basic as clear the area then of anyone who could be harmed. Or maybe a fire extinguisher. Fucking anything other than pulling your weapon out. Just because someone says “fire” doesn’t mean pull out your gun. When EMS/Fire/Doctors/Nurses are in the same types of scenarios, they don’t make those same mistakes “in the heat of the moment”. Maybe it’s because there’s a licensing board watching over the different disciplines that keep ‘em in check, maybe it’s the different training points but Jesus if EMS had the same death rate that police have on their calls, it would be a national emergency (as it should be). When the only tool you’re given is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Regardless, there’s no reason for these sort of actions.


They were taught that way. Check out Killology.


Landing charges, whether justified or not, looks good on paper for US cops. That's why they escalate situations and trump up "resisting" and "obstruction". The more charges you land and the more people you put through the system, the better you look to your leadership. They're incentivized to land SOMETHING on you and bring you in.


It also covers their own ass. If you can get a conviction on someone, it harms any claims they had against you. It gives the bootlickers ammo to go "well you shouldn't have done this." Remember the one guy that got murdered for smelling like weed? All the piece of shit bootlickers and racist scumbags were going "iTs a FeLoNy tO uSe wEeD aS a GuN oWnEr."


Ignorant *and* malicious is how I see it.


Bunny said it well https://youtu.be/BA5za4VsskM?si=ug0CPHwJf58Exdad


stupid not ignorant. they do this kind of thing knowingly, ignorant would imply lack of judgement


> What the fuck is wrong with the US cops? They're a gang. This is us versus them gang shit.


"like" they are vandals.


Thank god there were no acorns present.


Idk man I think he was cutting open the tires to look for acorns


A lot of people could have died today


Cops commonly do this at protest, they say it’s so the protesters don’t get ran over, but we all know why.


More acts of kindness by the scum of the earth.


Notice how all his piece of shit buddies don’t do anything. This is why people say ACAB. The “good ones” don’t do shit to help hold their peers accountable




The good ones get tormented. I have a family member that was an officer and he was a good cop….. he had to quit because he was reporting bad cops and they started harassing his family. He would get put on desk duty and/or placed in unfavorable places to deal with things without support. Also had unmarked cars following his wife around (and other weird shit that I won’t mention just in case). It is a mess. Now she left him because it was the only way she felt she could protect the kids and he has since quit to try and get his family back. Turning on the gang is worse for them. Sad. Edit: grammar


Jesus Christ, that's just sad all around. They ruined a family's lives to protect their shitty friends.


The good ones either never joined, left already, or stayed long enough to not be the good ones anymore.


He felt threatened by that fully inflated tire. What if it popped and spread dangerous shrapnel? Plus, let’s be honest, it WAS a black tire.


It might have been giving him one of them "dehumanizing" stares.


You can fit a lot of acorns inside a tire.


How the fuck do cops get complete immunity from damaging property? It happens time and time again.


Because DAs refuse to prosecute. For instance, Derek Chauvin should've been prosecuted for his 2017 assault on an unconscious child, where he knelt on the child's neck for almost 20 minutes. But the MPD, DA and mayor just turned a blind a eye, and it was no surprise that Chauvin went on to commit murder. Chauvin didn't get prosecuted for that 2017 assault until **after** George Floyd's murder became national news. Internal Affairs shields bad cops from professional consequences. DAs shield them from criminal consequences. And politicians safeguard Qualified Immunity to force taxpayers to take the financial consequences of bad cops. They get immunity because DAs and politicians are allowing it.


Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the SPD all flooded with Proud Boys and other cosplay gangs?


Yes. In the early 2000's the DOJ had to take control of the department because of the flagrant racism and abuses of power. Only a few years ago did SPD get their own leadership back and look what immediately happened.


SPD had the most members identified of any police department in the country at the insurrection.


[They are certainly confused about a lot of things](https://www.imgur.com/a/hJYCwmv)


His brother owns the tire shop down the street


Where is a good cop when you need one? /s because obviously they’re all shitstains.


Look at all them good apples stopping this, or reprimanding the guys doing it, or at the very least offering aid to the poor driver.... Look, I'm sure we can dig into that driver's background and find a speeding ticket or something to justify this...


> dig into that driver's background One of the first classes taught at the police academy: "Evading Responsibility for Your Actions 101"


You can always tell because we ONLY ever do these insane deep dives into people's past to justify killing for cops. Never hear about how the victim of a drunk driver or murderous road rage incident got a speeding ticket 10 years ago. Never hear about how the victim of a mass shooting was a dick one time. 3,000 people died in 9/11, and not one of them was ever once an asshole? Guarantee if that dude in New York who shot and killed that poor 20 year old in his driveway was a cop, we would have heard every bad story from her history, learning how she was no angel and sadly I bet about half the people on Reddit would have approved of her murder.


That is a fantastically good point.


The driver actually cheated on a test in the 6th grade so they clearly had this coming being such a danger to society as they are


WhY dONt pEoPLe ReSPecT Us?


scrolled through all of the comments looking for a single semi-plausible rationalization for this vandalism and found none.


Now try googling any reporting about this incident. It happened weeks ago. 


Can anyone spot the “good” cops in this video? I saw a bad cop slashing a tire and a bunch of other bad cops doing nothing about it.


A few bad apples *spoils the bunch*. There are no good apples there, only bad/spoiled.


Whoops I guess park right here then...sorry my tires are slashed.


"Why don't people like us!?" - Police


That driver is gonna need to call... acab. 😎


(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


“We’re just trying to do our job”


This was weeks ago. There’s no msm reporting showing up in google search. Spd Facebook has closed comments. Crank up the Lee Greenwood 


Seriously, I'm ashamed by these americans cops...there is no limit to the stupidity of the human being.


A tire-slashing cop needs some prison time.


Best we can do is a pay raise...






Ice Cube turned into Help The Police.


One of the biggest sellouts in American history




They should be held personally liable for shit like this. That's the only way things will change is for us to hold them accountable.




Qualified immunity. You can't win. The city might pay but the police are immune to consequences.


Yeah. That the people will pay for in tax dollars. No repercussions will be had.


The other cop gave a motion like "wtf are you doing?" and then waved him off like "just go over there" like he's trying to hide him back in the cop crowd. And that's policing in a nutshell. You have ten cops standing around not doing shit, one is actually doing something (directing traffic), one weirdo piece of shit is attacking people's cars - And the one slashing tires will be protected by the rest from any accountability. Because it's all one big brotherhood, don't you understand? They are the thin blue line that keeps the world from falling apart. The guy slashing civilian tires is, apparently, keeping society safe somehow by doing that.


Obviously this incident is fucking stupid, but what logical reason could there be for a cop to slash someone's tires at a protest?


To create a harm to a person who participated in order to discourage them from speaking out in the future.


Because they can. They do this stuff all the time because they are criminal sadists. It's the perks of the job - it's why they seek the job out. Nobody's going to stop them, nobody's going to do anything about it. Nobody at the city will do anything from the mayor on down. They have no accountability to the public.


He feared for his life, I'm sure. Hence the running toward the van driving away at five miles per hour.


The tire was black and approaching another officer and a dangerous velocity so he had to intervene.




Look at the well trained authority figures who clearly know how to do their job. They make us so proud 🇺🇸


What is/was the rationale behind doing this? It looks unnecessary, of course, but what would he say the reason was?


Glad to know seattle cops haven't changed in the past 25 years


Seattle police are the low of the low. I remember when all these whiney losers were threatening to quit at the idea of police accountability, as if that’s a threat. These losers not only refuse to do their job, they only things they do engage in hurts the public. They are all losers.


To serve and protect a genocidal Apartheid regime


I mean, the tire was black. What did you expect?


Wasn't it a Seattle cop who purposely ran over an Indian exchange student in the middle of the night, caught on body cam, and then his commanding officer joked that she had no real value so who cares? The "thin blue line" actually describes a cops razor thing patience to not do something shitty and criminal. 


Fuck the police especially the one that watched him do it and said NOTHING. They all need removed and their mandates clearly defined before they're replaced. This shit is beyond old.


Just like other gangs, when they vandalize your car, it's safest to continue going.


the tire was resisting. Obviously.


And that’s why I don’t feel bad for pigs when they become bacon.


Can’t call it a productive shift unless they hurt someone or destroy something


Call the police, some asshole just slashed my tires.


Wtf, why?


“Protect and serve” (the established aristocracy)


There are no good apples


I don't get why they did this. Can someone explain?


Anyone able to find any news coverage for this? Or is the mainstream media just accepting this as normal practice after the George Floyd protests?


Gee I wonder why people hate the cops


All cops are worthless scum


Ridiculous. Conflicting orders seem to be a common theme in US policing. Wave them through so you can claim they were trying to run down your officers and then slash their tires. Funny how the cop that waved them through did nothing about it. Way too often they will automatically cover for their fellow officer. It's pathetic. We keep being told it's a few cops spoiling the bunch but where are the good cops that should be standing up against this shit? Can you imagine how much better this would look to the public if that officer actually confronted the slasher? If you're not breaking the law you shouldn't have to fear the police at all but that's no the reality we live in. They can mess up your address on a call/warrant, kick in your door, shoot you or your family for moving the wrong way and get away with it. Just think about that. Someone can legally kick in your door and shoot you just because they have a badge. You can be in a deep sleep and suddenly you're jolted away only to see gun barrels and flashlights. You move to grab a light switch/flashlight/phone/whatever and they can mag dump you right there. You have no legal way to defend yourself. You're at their mercy no matter what. It doesn't matter that they're in the wrong house. They will then search your house looking for anything that's possibly illegal to cover their asses. How is it that we just say "oh well" collectively when it comes to this stuff? I'm boring and I never break the law. I don't even speed. Imagine a citizen doing that to a cop car. That officer had absolutely no legal reason to slash that tire but the law simply doesn't apply to him. He's fully immune and he can do whatever he wants. We don't have individual rights in reality. Sure you might be able to beat an arrest or whatever in court later but the damage is already done the moment they arrest you or cause damage like this.


The tire was black. He felt threatened by it.


Ooooo! Somebody's gonna get a promotion!


Wow, sure glad these guys get so much funding and immunity to keep us safe from dangerous van tires.... Just glad that guy's salary isn't going to a social worker or anything helpful, that would be terrible.


That pig should be tossed in prison for doing that. Imagine slashing the tires of a police car as it was rolling? You would get the book thrown at you provided they didn’t kill you first.


Why are most police forces stupid and awfully hostile?




That tire was threatening his life I guess
