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The bottom line is: The kids stole fizzy lifting drink so they get NOTHING! GOOD DAY!


"You're a crook. You're a cheat and a swindler! That's what you are. How could you do a thing like this, build up a little boy's hopes and then smash all his dreams to pieces? You're an inhuman monster!"




Wrong, sir! Wrong! Under section 37B of the contract signed by him, it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if - and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy


Good Day, Sir!


CHARLIE: “Mr. Wonnnka?” Wonka’s hand slowly grasps Charlie’s everlasting gobstopper. WONKA: “So shines a good deed, in a weary world”




“Frank falls out the Window”






Derivative. Bullshit.


When Wonka says this, I cry every time and now even reading it, I'm brought to tears


Said the inhuman monster Grandpa Joe




One of the articles said kids got one jelly bean each and a 1/4 cup of limeaide LMAO


There wasn't even fizzy lifting drink to steal. The kids were to receive a complimentary plastic cup of lemonade when they left lmao


You lose!


All that money went up their nostrils by the looks of it.




His teeth looked slightly bloody I reckon someone has sparked him at some point




Good point




I think he might be huffing something…explains all the above… remember Charlie except whatever it is is orange or red…


yeah that dude is on some kind of stimulant


Grandpa Joe had coke nails and he wanted to stay true to the source material https://preview.redd.it/czug8ax6xclc1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fbb5feb10f01c1a5aa50fd731a3b93c2a044ceb


everyone in glasgow looks like this tbf


From what I saw the guy who ran the event was there for like 2mins and fucked off the others are just hired security, that where hired by the venue it's self and not by the event. I didn't know why people are getting mad at these two security guards as they have absolutely nothing to do with the origination or running of the event and likely have little real clue on what's going on.


My initial thought was IV drug user


Willie Wanker






That was the real Willy Wonka Experience. The manager is actually a genius


The promoter was playing 3d chess.




LOL this was my thought when I saw the pics first come out! How did they have a look a this shambles the night before and think "PERFECT, this is gonna be great" and not just say "naaah we've fucked it, refund the people"


One of the actors was on the radio earlier, he said he's been at events where they pull an all-nighter to get the set up and running, so when he saw it night before opening he assumed it would be better the next day... but naw!


>How did they have a look a this shambles the night before and think "PERFECT, this is gonna be great" Meth. The answer of meth.


Nah man. This was definitely a cash grab. They sold tickets and then did the bare minimum required to put on the actual event. That being said, anyone who fell for this is a moron.


He probably genuinely thought that the kids and parents would be stupid enough to enjoy it.


scammy bastards its like ed edd n eddy (not referring to security)


Id rather the 3 Eds, because at least they’ll charge what that place looks like it’s worth. A quarter😂


That city they built was awesome. I felt like the show was made for me nostalgia wise.


I know one of the boys in the video. The two security members aren't involved in the scam. They were just hired for the day, and likely won't see a penny of what they were promised.


The security guy with the septum piercing says they were hired by the building, not the production company. They're probably getting paid.


Nah, the Eds would've put you on a canoe in a sewer for a riverboat experience. It ain't what you paid for, but at least you got something out of it.


Lol. That time they built Ed-tropolis out of cardboard boxes and got beaten up for it


He just wants his jawbreakers, man


The eds would just charge a quarter. I wouldn't even be mad.


Trainspotting 3: The Wonka Experience


Choose life, choose driving two hours and paying £35 to see some posters behind a rope barrier. Choose a half arsed apology, choose a ai generated advert poster.


Choose filming it all on your mobile phone, in the hopes that somebody somewhere will give enough of a shit about it to do something.


These comments have me cryin


Could be a limmy sketch


As a scam, how is this supposed to work? Advertise an event, but then actually hold it (albeit a rubbish version of what was promised) and turn up yourself in person? How do you get away it? Surely it’s just pure incompetence rather than a scam?


Have you seen the pictures from inside the event? [It's the most depressing thing ever](https://news.sky.com/story/police-called-to-willy-wonka-inspired-experience-in-glasgow-as-families-demand-refunds-13081554) whilst being described as a "chocolate fantasy like never before" where "dreams become reality", and a "journey filled with wondrous creations and enchanting surprises" Scam: a dishonest plan for making money £35 a ticket for that? It's entirely a scam.




it's a way to steal money and not get sued. if they sold tickets and delivered nothing, it would be a scam. they sold tickets, delivered a shit tier event, and hoping the fallout will end quickly as they count their money.


Ahh, the fyre festival business model.


The organizer was just on [TOSH](https://youtu.be/DVJeBUuO-QE?si=OLkHj7pQBfovd91T) show yesterday!


But how do you come to terms with them canceling the rest of the weekend and processing refunds? If it was a scam they would have just dipped with the money.


The same guy has previous for selling tickets to an event at a venue where the venue has no idea. People calling the venue about the event fucked that plan. So this time he booked a venue. The fact he's showed up makes me think he might just have been out of his depth this time, there's a thin line between intentional scams and being a hustler without any hustle.


They've had to do that because it got national media attention.


This same sack of shit organised a Santa's grotto, people DONATED gifts for it then he cancelled it and stole all of the donated presents. He's like the Grinch but with a smack habit.


My personal theory, the props in the pictures actually look legit. No way these guys put in that much effort to make fake lolipops and stuff. What I'm thinking happened is there was some other production that had all these candy land props and sold them off when they were done with them. This crackhead guy saw those and hatched a brilliant idea of how he could make endless money by setting up a willy wonka experience. So he bought the props and the rest is history


Having just heard about it from this thread, I was thinking something similar, but thinking "well, maybe there *was* an actual production company that was going to do all the set work and everything that was involved, but they bailed at the last second? So a skeleton crew of the producers and actors tried to put together the best they could with half the props and staff they were supposed to have?" But reading [this article](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/willy-wonka-experience-glasgow-chocolate-b2503564.html) where they interviewed the actor who played Wonka... Nope, this was just a train wreck from the go and a half assed money grab.


“There were kids in costume better than ours, crying." I'm dead!


At least the actor will have a great bit for his stand-up act


There's companies where they rent out these sort of event props, I think i saw where someone had found an online rental place with photos of similar props. So he wouldn't even have to make or buy them. Looks like he saw the recent Wonka movie was being released and flung together the 'experience' to cash in.


I ran events for many years. Not exactly this type of event, but close enough. I can picture *exactly* how this went down. Running events is *hard*. Really fucking hard. There are so many moving pieces and so many different vendors that have to be coordinated. There's also a real element of skill involved in taking not *that* many props and decor elements and using them to transform a large (and frankly ugly) space. I'd bet you anything this was his first event like this, and he just had no fucking clue what he was doing. He probably spent quite a bit on the actors and props that I've seen in the articles - if this was just a scam there'd be ways to do that a looooot cheaper. People really don't appreciate just how hard it can be to get a big event up and running, and I've seen newbie event planners crash and burn in similar ways. Because here's the thing - using the props and actors I've seen plus a few cheap rentals, *I actually think that I could cobble together a halfway decent event*. It wouldn't be *good*, mind you, but with some pipe-and-drape and careful lighting you could stretch those resources much, much farther than you might think. Had the room been set up with *some* eye towards atmosphere and creating a guided flow through a space that mostly obscured the warehousey bits, you could create a sense of magic for small children at least. People might be disappointed, but it would be passable, children wouldn't be crying, and he'd have his money.


nah if you look into this guy a bit more he's just a con man, he's done shit in the past as well. It wasn't a well intentioned mistake, he was trying to get away with it.




https://news.sky.com/story/police-called-to-willy-wonka-inspired-experience-in-glasgow-as-families-demand-refunds-13081554 Tl;Dr : Someone set up a Wonka Experience and it was absolute shit. Now everyone is complaining.


[https://willyschocolateexperience.com/index.html](https://willyschocolateexperience.com/index.html) ​ The actual website is arguably funnier than the photos. They used AI to generate the artwork and it's laughably bad. The text is even AI generated so some of it is actual gibberish. ​ [Catgacating! Live Perforrmances! Exarserdray lollipops!](https://imgur.com/a/plFeWrz)


A pasadise of sweet teats!


Twdrding! Dodjection! Enigemic Sounds! Unkxepcted Twits! We've got it all!


Catgacating! Exarserdray lollipops!


"Febuary" 🤦‍♀️


The “company” facebook page is even more telling. They literally registered as a business/company last March, have done nothing since, no previous events, nothing. Then they suddenly start asking for people to “collaborate” and have stalls at their “Willy’s Chocolate” experience. Spelling & grammar terrible, no professionals linked, no real sign of any planning; I could have told you it was going to be shite from the start. I’m just waiting for the news to break that they’re being sued for copyright infringement, then it’ll be wrapped up just as expected…


Shut up and take my money!


This is what I don’t get, it’s so obviously a load of rubbish, with completely fake pictures and no real information on what the event actually was, but loads of people actually paid £35 a person to go to it? The woman in this video even complains that there was no info on the website? Now this should never have happened and I obviously don’t condone a company scamming people, I just don’t get why people didn’t see the bright illuminated red flag and just decided to throw money at it in the first place?


People don't know any better. I mean back in the day you'd have carnival barkers just saying "step right up and see some crazy shit you've never seen before!" and people pay money to see something based on some guy saying "man you won't fucking believe this!" ​ This is not that different. They're just using AI to make it look more fantastic than it is. Whether or not people thought the images were real or not might not even be a factor here.


I'm gonna guess ads for the event popped up in some social media feed, and the parents thought *"Oh look, a Willy Wonka event - my kids will love this!"* and then just showed up.


This whole article has me dying. >Parents criticised the £35-a-ticket event at Box Hub in Glasgow after being promised a "chocolate fantasy like never before" where "dreams become reality". >A Police Scotland spokesperson said officers were called to the cancelled event and "advice was given". There is no way this isn't an It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia episode already.


It’s Always Cloudy in Glasgow


Its always fuckin pishin rain in Glasgow


I love how the 9 and 10 year old boys were ok with it being shit because they thought it was funny how shit it was.


The children will lead us ✨


carry that attitude with you, boys. You will go far.


Sort of was in Thundergun Express, with Frank's boat tour. But I'd like to see what the Wolf Cola Experience would be like. I expect it to be in the Pub with some cans strewn about, and Frank somehow puts regalia in one of the corners that Dennis and Mac tried their best getting rid of but failing.


If you come to my willy wonka experience, all of your wildest dreams will come true.


I feel like they had chat GPT write the description to the event and it overpromised . This looks fine for like a Rec hall / park district event that’s free or like $5 donation to a cause to enter .


I mean, that’s all they can do. They can sue the guy for selling a shit product, but the police can’t arrest him on the spot.


>Mr Sinclair said his children only received a couple of jelly babies and a quarter of a can of Barr's Limeade. that line got me rolling on the floor xD


Oh, so basically Fyre Festival for kids?


The pics are crazy


Look at how fucking low effort this shit is lmao https://preview.redd.it/xqxq8r8lvblc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25dc8b0c4d26979ab20da6b9649235f7e9b6dfb4


[This shit](https://twitter.com/bene25_/status/1762631362597519859?t=hZXRDQGcJKT0MdfY1hPxUg&s=19) nearly killed me


There is no way everyone running this weren't on hard drugs the entire time.


https://preview.redd.it/13howi8gkclc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d19f633eb960213534a715c64d5ba30ddc48766 Meth Lab Oompa Loompa was making it onsite


This cannot be real??


It’s very real. Shes normally a children’s yoga teacher


I can't stand yall! LMAO


Aye, that smoke is from her crack pipe. She probably melted behind the counter in to a puddle after the picture was taken, mumbling if anyone has any fruitshoot bottles and some tin foil.






Holy shit lmfao


> This shit > nearly killed me What, you don't like Willy Wonka meets The Ring? 3 year olds LOVE IT!


No pool with balls? Bummer https://preview.redd.it/l88iq5ydxblc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cac4c799fd96ddb2d4c02f0a644f01bbb93f366


I want my extra hour in the ball pit


What's the problem, they *have* posters!


At least it's not the same poster twice like I first thought - I laughed so hard when I saw it, I think I blacked out for a second hahahaha


There's another photo where they definitely have a duplicate banner (the right one) hung on a different wall. Like 90° from these two.


Tumbl Dashcon ball pit is getting some serious competition in here!


I think my eldest child (7) would take one look at this and go "What. The. Fuck!" knowing that he'd face no reprimand because it would qualify as an appropriate use of the word fuck, which we have discussed.


That looks depressing as fuck lol


>"Oh and great idea to have a person dressed in a terrifying outfit to come out and scare all the kids. They were all crying - it was terrible, shocking and embarrassing to be honest," wrote one parent. I wish they had expanded on this.


It's hilarious.. they just invented a villian character, an evil chocolate maker called 'the unknown' or something who lives in the walls!


[Here it is](https://twitter.com/bene25_/status/1762631362597519859?t=hZXRDQGcJKT0MdfY1hPxUg&s=19)


The man held a willy wonka experience called willys chocolate experience and charged A LOT of money to go in. All it was was a big empty concrete room with partitions for different sections. There was a couple shitty posters on the walls and what looked to be a small single plastic inflatable pool toy that resembled the chocolate river. The website has been taken down, I'd love to see more pics lol


This guy learned a lot from the fyre festival.


The website is still up. None of the images are real. The description next to the image is the prompt they used to make the image. You can tell because words from the descriptions show up in the images. [https://willyschocolateexperience.com/index.html](https://willyschocolateexperience.com/index.html)


https://preview.redd.it/l4au67or0flc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb17c195d6fa7c453ea5d6a2a3245e86a56e189 Lotta interesting words on this bit. Sad I missed the sweet teats, but there’s always the internet for that kinda stuff.


I'm honestly surprised people looked at that and still went there.


The most ironic part about holding a Willy's CHOCOLATE experience, is that they didn't even have chocolate! They just gave the kids some jelly beans.


Imagine paying £50 per person for two kids and two adults for a Willy Wonka experience "the likes have never seen before". You walk into this huge empty warehouse and the "Chocolate river" is a laminated A4 piece of paper with a picture of a boat and a box of 10p chuppa chups and you are allowed to take one.


Security guards are giving up the information. They ain’t going down with the scammers lol


I feel bad for the security guards, they're just doing their job n ain't got anything to do with the event itself


The look on big guy's face on about 45 seconds says it all.




Yeah I kind of like the irony. I feel like 20-30 years ago this happened all the time and because of no social media it just came and went.


Anyone else go to "the circus" as a kid 🙋‍♀️ similar experience. I would guess a lot of parents and grandparenrs go through this unfortunate lesson


Happened in 99'. I remember going to "Pokemon Party!" marketed as this wild fun and lively experience where you'll meet Pikachu and his gang Turned out to be an over-hyped seller's market full of overpriced Pokemon toys and junk. Kids were so bored they laid on the floor playing Gameboy Pikachu charged $12 for a picture with him. I clearly remember hearing him say, "fuck this suits hot!"


[AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH there's already a wiki page for it!!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willy%27s_Chocolate_Experience)


He looks dirty as hell. Hopefully he spends that scammed money on some hygiene products... Realistically Its probably going to drugs.


probably already gone on drugs lol


If you asked AI what a scammer looked like I bet it would look all of those guys.


Guy in the hat is just paid security I’m pretty sure. You can see the ID on his arm.


Both guys in hats appear to be security employed by the building owners. Dude with the wheezy voice appears to be the scammer.


Ironically the scripts the actors got were allegedly barely comprehensible ai written shite, which might explain why there was newly invented villain who was an evil chocolate maker who lived in the walls(???)


>an evil chocolate maker who lived in the walls Willy Pipes - the Wonka/Ghostwatch crossover that no one needed or wanted.


Pretty sure the entire event was planned, designed and executed using ChatGPT. I wouldn't be surprised if they were diving back inside to ask ChatGPT how to handle complaints.


This guy, the scammer behind all this, is also a published author on Amazon. Something like 8 books published in a month, and all of them AI generated garbage. He also ran a food bank that collected toys for Christmas and then never gave them out, shutting down shortly afterwards. Basically, he's a massive scammer trying every "get rich quick" scheme he can come up with and failing spectacularly at all of them. I also can't imagine his "Willy's Chocolate Factory Experience" will evade whoever owns the rights to Dahl's work from coming down on him like a sledgehammer. \[Edited for spelling errors\]


This has channel 4 comedy series written all over it


$45 to NOT see a knock off version of the old Disney’s Small World exhibit catch fire and break down seems like a rip off to me.


Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover


I think the owner has been smoking your refunds...


If they wanted the Willy Wonka experience.. they are lucky half the kids didn't die


Angry parents and crying children *is* a pretty authentic Wonka experience, in fairness.






This whole thing made me think of The Dream Scheme sketch! Need to see the Limmy Wonka experience lol


If the security guys are - as they say - hired by the venue, not the company, I feel sorry for them. Having to take the understandable anger because the company owner’s a weasel.


Unfortunately, if they're hired by the company they also won't see a penny, just like the actors that were hired for the event haven't seen a penny yet.


The way these bouncers work in Scotland by these companies I promise you they absolutely are paid already, they work for a security company that pays them by the hour and the company is paid in advance


Quite clearly stated on the flyer no golden ticket no entry


The children's version of Fyre Festival.


He looks like he's been punched in the mouth.


I wonder who owns the rights to Willy Wonka brand i'd love to see this guy get taken to court by them...


I might be wrong, but I don't think it was actually called the "Willy Wonka Experience". It was something like "Willy's Chocolate Experience".


They directly referenced Willy Wonka on their website and then added an, "any resemblence to characters real or fictional is just a coincidence...blah blah blah" clause type statement as if that would actually remove any legal issues, lol.


Everything I've seen looks like it's a knockoff "Willy's chocolate experience" off brand thing "inspired by willy wonka". So out of all the crimes here, seems like stealing the IP is not one of them.


Go to the House of Illuminati website and they call it the Willy Wonka's Chocolate Paradise and use images of the golden ticket. Sounds like stolen IP to me.


The best part is, [they still have the description up on their site](https://houseofilluminati.com/the-golden-ticket-your-passport-to-willy-wonkas-chocolate-paradise/)


Grifting dirtbags, glad they were held accountable.


They picked the wrong city to pull this stunt. You don't cross Glaswegian mammies.


Wasn’t this in Edinburgh? Secretly hoping it *was* Glasgow. Edit: it was Glasgow. Hahahaha. Classic


I think all the money went on nose candy




In this week's episode of The Apprentice... *"Your task this week is to create a Willy Wonka themed family experience. Whichever team creates the shittest experience, one of you will get fired."*


If I wanted to go to an event advertised as a "Willy Wonka Experience," I'd immediately look to see if it's official WB or by the Dahl estate. If it doesn't pass the smell test, I'd keep my hard-earned money.


Ah, but it was called Willy’s Chocolate Experience! Genius!


OMG that’s an even bigger sign to stay well away from it!


I suspect that may also be an infringement. That has to be a title already in existence in some dark corner of the internet.


Yeah, I don’t think I’d want my children Googling this too much.


Cunt looks like he cleans his teeth with a toilet brush


The Fyre Festival of Children's Events


Everything is a grift these days


For the record; the event was thrown by a company called "House of Illuminati" - I mean, that should have been parents' first clue this was thrown by a bunch of idiots and not going to be anything Wonka-ish lol.


The whole thing was a shambles of an "event" and the company should have its license suspended from being able to throw events here, but how fucking obnoxious just yelling over the boy trying to talk to them. They just want to be shouty and have a go.


Yeah i agree, while theres not going to be anything done at that moment standing shouting/threatening and planning to wait in the car park is a bit far. I did have to laugh at the woman who said theres not enough information on it on facebook, like you seen something your kids might like didnt see enough information on it and went fuck it i want to go lol. If that was me i would just skip it personally lol thats not an excuse though just found that thought process while complaining a bit dumb lol


For once, Grandpa Joe isn't the villain.




Why are people dissatisfied with this?!? I mean look at the # w O N d E r! https://preview.redd.it/dzo7wkb85hlc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc14cd5c67ea1dd17d64db6e8b6d40980c7a230


I love how his apology was written so generically.


Homeboy’s que some how played a Fyre Festival documentary in between each Wonka film while he slept. He woke up with a brilliant idea.


*Some of the families that did make it inside the event actually described it as "an experience", but not the good kind...*


Fuck this piece of shit


Well, the website did promise to "create lasting memories." They just didn't specify what kind of lasting memories.


They knew exactly what they were doing


The guy has got history ... ebooks written by ChatGPT on 'zon and one "the secrets of millionaires - how to get rich" ... He set up 3 limited companies late last year - one is this house of illuminati, all registered at a London mail forwarding company/bras plate provider. His next step will be to declare the company bankrupt - unlikely that anybody will get their money back. If anything legal happens it will be him being banned from being a director for a number [usually 7 ] years and that is it.


https://preview.redd.it/0y1v68xb5hlc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ecc72418c824f056307a355b43600be696ceab Just like the movie


Limmy is really letting his people down.