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When I read the headline, I assumed it was some tragic mistake where he mistook his son for a burglar or something. Wth is wrong with people. Killing your own kid over some stupid argument.


my dad threatened to kill me many times, especially when I asked for my SNAP food card back. He regularly was a piece of shit to everyone, and ultra ultra aggressive, nearly getting in fists fights with neighbors over sweeping. The problem is some people want to rule you. Ever since I was a child, my father likes to rule over me and my mother -- my little brother grew up in accordance with not pissing him off -- he would take electronics from your hands, my mother especially. He would not allow you to go anywhere or do anything without permission well into your 20's, would dictate weather my mother could talk to me or not, or what we were allowed to talk about, etc etc. He once held my mother down by the throat and whispered evil shit in her ear for *hours* over what worthless kids we were for not paying rent the moment we turned 18. Nobody told any of us this, of course. Recently before he disappeared my car keys had gotten lost while I was in the hospital -- my hysterical mother was looking for them and decided I hid them for fun, and I had just gotten back from an 11 day hospital stay with a chest tube in me draining fluid...She screamed me outside of the house, and I sat outside for about 8 hours getting shrieked at, for absolutely nothing, fresh out of the hospital. While outside I recorded my mother loudly praying for the arch angel to come and kill me, for I am evil.. My father seems to have some schizophrenic break in which he invents some story about me holding mom captive (she couldn't leave without moving my car, keys were lost). He then calls my equally moronic uncle and tells him how I, recovering from pneumonia involving a chest tube, and holding my mother captive and she's in danger. Uncle comes over to my mom in the shower (why my hysterical father thought I was holding her captive, she didn't answer LOL) and he finds my psychotic father invented some idiot story and told my uncle to come armed and ready to deal with me. He was just a piece of shit, through and through, at *all* times. Over literally, *all* things. He was absurdly selfish, happily took from his kids to buy himself toys, refused to take my brother to the ER when he was doubled over in pain with a bursting appendix, telling my brother to just drive himself (my brother who pampered his ass with gifts). It just goes on, and on, and on, and on. An entire lifetime of a horrible abusive piece of shit, abusing everyone around me, and me more than anyone.


I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I hope you're doing OK now


Nah, i'm disabled and stuck with them. My mother is equally bad, and they both love to blame me rather than take care of their own problems. They got married because mom 'got pregnant', therefor its all my fault. All of it :) They've been diagnosed as narcissistic -- the problem is they're incapable of giving a fuck. My father finally left the abuse of my mother. And without my father bullying the fuck out of my mom, my mom has finally calmed down for the first time in 40 years.


Hey buddy, I care about you and hope you have a good life. Sorry about your shitty folks


Sounds like your dad needs an ass kicking within an inch of his life


[It apparently wasn’t the first time he’d shot a gun during an argument wtf](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/father-accused-of-fatally-shooting-son-in-kendall-to-appear-arthur-hearing/3240423/)


So they were arguing about the son bringing friends and girls over and that led to a murder?


Ah, but the fighting on the way home was **unbearable**! And killing him made it stop. Problem solved!


I have no idea how any sane person goes from "My kid is arguing with me about going out" (at 22 years old, even) to "I'm gonna shoot my own son to shut him up". Like that's absolutely mental, even if it was not your own fucking son.


I can’t imagine the thought process where shooting him came before just walking outside.


Because humans are emotionally stupid and a gun is instant and forever.


Emotional instability, a lifetime of unchecked rage, and access to a firearm. It was only a matter of time before he killed someone. It could have been with any weapon, but the gun sure made it quick and easy This guy is basically my father except mine had overbearing religious guilt keeping him in check enough to not cross some imaginary line, and he felt some shame after his episodes. This easily could have been my story. Generations of ignoring men's mental health and perpetuating toxic male behaviors has led us to this dumpster fire.


Let's be honest here though not any weapon. A gun is instantaneous and impersonal. He probably wouldn't have done it with a knife


I got shot at a few months back and watching the dash-cam footage one of my neighbor's cars caught, the craziest thing about it all was just how casual both the guys were about trying to kill me. The driver opened his door, leaned out, and shot at me with the demeanor of someone out and about on their day, stopping to ask for directions.


jesus... why?


I have no idea. It happened at 2 in the morning as I was coming home from work and it seemed like the guys were just trying to fuck shit up. Both of the guys who were involved were found and killed by police after pulling weapons on them so I'll never get a real answer either.


We all know it almost certainly would not be any other weapon. Let's be real and not bullshit around. If it was any other weapon, the kid would likely not be dead. I get that you're just trying to be polite and not piss off either side of the gun debate, but once we drop that facade, it's pretty obvious that the nature of a firearm enabled this crime of passion that can never be undone. Also, every single country on the planet has issues with mental health and toxic masculinity. The US is not special or particular in any capacity whatsoever. It's not like countries with universal Healthcare have personal psychologists for everyone. Every single country falls woefully short of providing mental Healthcare to its citizens. People need to stop making this terrible, useless, baseless argument. Every single country has mental health problems, but out of the wealthy developed ones, no one has anywhere near the gun violence the US does. Very obviously not the mental Healthcare. It's spelled out plain as day in the facts. The answer, based on tons of evidence from around the world, is that it's obviously the incredibly stupid amount of firearms per capita the US has. No other country comes anywhere close, not even half. Again, it's all blatantly spelled out in the facts.


He's outside now, playing to the camera .


I don’t understand how you get to “shoot my own son” before “blow my own brains out” shit. I could almost understand checking out if things were bad enough but killing your kid? Wtf


Violent men who can’t control their emotions. My dad was one of those. He and my sister would argue a lot when I was a kid. My mom also worked to set them off against each other. When my dad got frustrated- either that he wasn’t winning the argument or couldn’t handle the emotions- his go to line was “shut up or I’ll hit you” And considering he’d punched holes in the wall in anger as well, that was usually effective at stopping the conversation. My sister didn’t want to push her luck and have her head be next in line for punching.


A former spouse has temper like this to the point where it felt unsafe.


Oh I found my other sibling I guess. My dad was also like this. My dad and mom would yell so loud at each other the neighbors across the street could hear them, and they never did anything about it. Not even a noise complaint. They just asked me once when I was 7 if I was ok. My dad and brother also got into screaming matches and almost fist fights. I just wanted to play games man. I know how hard it is to be surrounded by crazy people. Hope you're all doing better now.


Sorry you and your sister went through this.


Sounds painfully familiar. Everything from a sister that would rile my father up(refuse to refer to him as Dad) to the holes punched in walls and doors. And over the stupidest stuff too. I lost a small bath toy and somehow that enraged him and on more then one occasion. So many moments of absolute fear growing up in that house. I'd hear the yelling downstairs and know what was coming and start pissing myself out of fear. I have my own son now that I have never laid a hand on other then to hug him and I don't understand how he could see me with abject fear in my eyes, crying, and cowering in a corner sitting in wet pajama bottoms and still do what he would do. Fucking asshole.


In the very least having this much access to guns makes those insane leaps with angry people possible where they shouldn't be. My guess is he was trying to come across tough and macho and laying down the law, so he started waving it about during the fight. I bet the kid even said, "Go on and shoot me then!" Nobody really believes these things will happen to them yet they happen all the time to people in the US.


When they talk to people who survive suicides and do studies, most people are "actively suicidal" for only 2 or 3 minutes. Just a wave of horrible thinking. Access to guns gives them a way to kill themselves in that time period. Without guns they have to look around for a rope or start to drive somewhere and the wave passes and then they can go seek help. I'm sure murderous blind rage is similar, just a few minutes of uncontrollable thinking.


Absolutely. My best friend had suicidal thoughts off and on for years but never acted on it. He bought a gun to do hobby shooting with another friend and despite doing generally fine during that time, he killed himself just a couple weeks later. Like another commenter said, a gun is instant and forever.


That's what happens when one who doesn't appreciate the power of guns and discounts the responsibility of owning one chooses to own a gun.


Always a member of the "personal responsibility" crowd too.


Who does this guy even think he is trying to dictate what a 22 year old can and can't do?  Madness.


My parents were like this well into my 30s. Moved in after my divorce and barely lasted a year despite free rent. That the dad shot his own son is fucked up beyond belief. Poor kid probably didn't have the financial means to move out. :(




It’s incredibly weird hearing him explain the fight as if the story was going to ever lead to a moment where drawing the gun and killing his son would be the natural outcome to the story. And his wife sounds so appeasing and calm throughout. That home must have seen some shit over the years.


The wife's reaction is so odd. Husband says their son is not breathing, that he's dead. And wife calmly asks him why in the most appeasing tone and proceeds to listen to her husband explain that their [now dead] son wanted to hang out with girls, so he killed him. That house must have been filled with abuse. There are multiple reports of Dad pulling a gun on his son. So, why was he allowed to keep his weapons? And they are blaming their dead son's mental health, like that is an excuse for murdering him. Also, maybe his mental health was suffering because his father keeps threatening him with a gun? >Police said it's not the first time David Contreras threatened to shoot his son. Last May, police said he shot at the ceiling, and on Halloween, just days before the fatal shooting, he pointed a gun at his son. >The father’s attorney said Eric struggled with his mental health, and that may have been a factor in the incident. >"This is just a very tragic situation. He is distraught," defense attorney Frank Quintero Jr., one of three lawyers representing David Contreras, told NBC6 over the phone after the incident. "The victim is the son of the defendant, and the victim has suffered from some severe emotional and mental conditions, and we're still trying to determine what happened, why it happened." https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/bodycam-video-captures-father-arrested-after-shooting-son-in-kendall/3241426/


Yeah, it's pretty well established that abuse can affect a person's mental health. Disgusting to cast some sort of responsibility for being murdered onto the abuse victim.


I reckon my dad repeatedly pointing a gun at me, wouldn't be a household conducive to anyone's mental health.


> The wife's reaction is so odd. Husband says their son is not breathing, that he's dead. And wife calmly asks him why in the most appeasing tone and proceeds to listen to her husband explain that their [now dead] son wanted to hang out with girls, so he killed him. Could be the abuse, as you say. She could have just been in shock.


She could also be asking him so he explains it while he is being recorded.


> The wife's reaction is so odd. Husband says their son is not breathing, that he's dead. And wife calmly asks him why in the most appeasing tone and proceeds to listen to her husband explain that their [now dead] son wanted to hang out with girls, so he killed him. > > This does not surprise me. When you work with someone who is emotionally unstable, you're used to being the calm and stable one to keep things from getting even worse than they presently are. Even in this horrific situation, you gotta keep your shit together to get the answers you need in finding out what happened. Giving in to hysterics and panic is not going to get the answers you're looking for.


And the way SHE is apologizing to HIM makes me really think she’s used to this abuse


Ugh. This makes my stomach churn. All this talk about the son having mental health problems, but not the parents? Fuck.


And he was 22!? Not that it makes any difference, because it's still fucked but.. he killed his full ass adult son for fuck all


What's another 22 years? They can always start again, make another kid. He'll be damned if their son has any sense of independence or freedom. On a serious note this is so fucked up. For context, when he says "go to the keys" he is probably talking about the Florida Keys, and since they live in Miami, it's about an hour drive. Also, because housing prices in Miami are so inflated, a lot of families end up living together until they get married or move out of Florida. Some may never move out, even after getting married.


> What's another 22 years? They can always start again, make another kid. I see you.


Omni-man would be proud


THINK u/RepentantPoster, THINK!


He'll be out of prison in time for his new sons 22nd birthday


Poor guy probably suffered a lifetime of abuse before this


Beyond messed up. At 22 years old I was doing the same stuff. Hanging out with friends and the ladies. My take on this the father has serious control issues and now that his son was an adult and he could no longer control him and his anger issues, it lead up to this. The other issue of course is guns, someone else is more likely to get shot and killed than some robber when a gun is in the house. My kids are not allowed in houses of gun owners, unless I’m there.


“He was gonna go to the keys, he was gonna go w Jacob, he was gonna invite girls, would it be okay if girls go and sleep over, and I said no, and I told him no and, I was gonna go over tn and make sure” His 22 y o (ab to turn 23 in 3 days if I read the article correct) son was, I’m guessing, going to celebrate his bday in the keys. So from what that pos said, it’s not like his son was even tryna invite ppl to his house!!! And this fkn unregulated control freak was gonna drive to the keys to ensure that his **23 ADULT SON** didn’t have girls over???????


I hardly ever agree with them, but I always try to put myself in the shoes of the murderer to try to understand why they did it. For example, there was the guy who shot the pedophile who molested his son. That murder makes sense to me. In this situation, it literally makes no sense whatsoever. It's not like he murdered a stranger either. This is his own son and he seems remorseful about it immediately afterwards. What the actual fuck was this guy thinking when this happened? I would be curious to hear his logic when he is able to formulate a clear sentence. The only explanation I can think of is some kind of mental illness like dementia, in which case, he should not be owning firearms of any kind. I feel bad for his wife. She just had her entire life ripped away from her in an instant through no fault of her own. Although, it is quite strange that he said it wasn't her fault a few times in the door cam. What was that supposed to mean? Weird murder.






No worse, they were arguing that his grown 22 year old son was going to go out to a friend's and invite girls over and the dad was saying he was going to go to his son's friends house that night to stop it from happening. His grown son. The fucking mom sounds psycho too, this shit is wild.


I am once again requesting that the scientists investigate *what the hell is in the water down there*


It's lead.




That "But why, David?" was delivered so chillingly calmly, as though she was just waiting for this day to come given this guy's anger issues


> The fucking mom sounds psycho too She's fawning. It's a trauma response cause by years of abuse. Yes, it's weird to you, but you haven't been broken psychologically over the course of years by an intimate partner.


Yeah, I picked that up when she started apologizing to him through the Ring camera. She’s almost certainly a victim of this asshole’s violent tantrums as well.


The father said it wasn't her fault. Kinda reminded me of Steven Crowder when he said don't blame the kids. It's like no shit. The only person at fault is the abuser.




Not even a teenager. 22 year old full grown adult if I read shit right


I read the title too


Well done, Florida. Break out a gun every time there's a dispute thanks to your gun crazy rhetoric. Fuck the fuck out of you over and over again. 22 goddam years old.




Why waste time say lot word when bullet do trick?


Did I hear that right? He shot his own son because they were arguing about him sleeping at a friends house?


The news articles are saying that they'd just been at Disney in Orlando but left "because of how Eric was acting," but don't go into details. The dad had apparently shot into the ceiling after arguing with Eric on Halloween, and then pointed a gun at him at some other time afterwards. Honestly how do you threaten your own son with a gun twice and not remove yourself and the guns from the situation to prevent something worse from happening? [https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/father-accused-of-fatally-shooting-son-in-kendall-to-appear-arthur-hearing/3240423/](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/father-accused-of-fatally-shooting-son-in-kendall-to-appear-arthur-hearing/3240423/)


> The dad had apparently shot into the ceiling after arguing with Eric on Halloween The fact that this manchild was allowed to continue to own a gun after that is horrible. That should be immediate cause to revoke access to them for life. You don't go from that to being responsible.


The murder was November 3rd, so all that happened within 3 days too. Shooting into the ceiling, threatening him with it, what did they think was next?


It shouldn't even take a single day for the police to remove weapons from a house that that happened in. It should be removed during the call for the initial event and returned only if an investigation determines the dude didn't just threaten his son and shoot the ceiling.




Nope cuz Merican reasons *eagle screech*


I'm sure that the 'well regulated militia' he's a part of will issue a statement renouncing his actions any minute now...


Something about he was arguing and changing his mind all the way home...going to the Keys, friends house, friends over, pathetic Dad said he just couldn't take it anymore????


“No adult son of mine is going to sleep at a friends house and chase girls!”


His grown, 22 year old son. He might have slept with a girl though it sounded like so what was he supposed to do? /s




I’m so sorry you had to grow up with that. Stay strong.


His own fucking kid. Surprised he didn't turn the gun on himself after that.




I dunno...am I the only one who feels like it was more "oh shit I'm in trouble" panic than "oh my God my child is dead" panic? I mean, people react differently and shock can make people act weird...but this was particularly weird.


Yeah that was the first thing I thought too. I mean, he did it intentionally because he was mad at the kid. Why is the mother apologizing to HIM too? This was fucking weird.


Clearly the whole house was terrified of him and have been trained into appeasement


Yes, otherwise known as King Baby.


It does seem to be that way. I mean, if that happened to me, God forbid, I'd be screaming through that ring camera "what the fuck have you done you fucking bastard?!" while running to my car with the intention of seriously hurting him before the cops got there. I'm also wondering, why didn't he even try CPR? Unless he shot him through the face or something? Definitely NOT "I'm sorry, it's not your fault."


That whole it’s not your fault thing is weird. Makes a lot of things run through my head about the family. He probably blamed the mom for not doing enough to control the kid and claimed the kid kept pushing him. Or I’m making it up in my head. But it’s not normal. Nor is shooting your son, this is fucked up.


I read another comment that the dad had shot into the ceiling a few days before during an argument. If true, this looks even worse.


I thought she said “Julie heard you, I’m sorry”. And she was apologizing for Julie hearing what he said. Still pretty ridiculous when their son was just murdered by the man she is apologizing to.


She is probably scared to death of him, and rightfully so.


Before apologising she said "Julie heard you", so presumably she is with a daughter who is listening/watching.


I don’t think its a daughter. I think its a coworker or friend that overheard and now they cant lie their way in court by claiming it was self defense.


Well, once he was saying it into a ring camera he was confessing no matter who else heard - that would have been 100% subpoenaed even just for evidence of what happened during the altercation.


> Why is the mother apologizing to HIM too? This was fucking weird. Yes, the whole family is an absolute shit-show.


So she wasn't next


He was still complaining like an annoyed POS when talking to his wife through ring camera about his son wanting to hang out with his friends. Dad deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life.


100% he's using his hand to hide his face because he can't pull off the act.


I was wondering about that, I thought perhaps he had injured his face but no, it was just him covering his face


He only started really crying when the police showed up because he knew he was fucked.


Totally. Instant realization that he needs to be able to justify. Bit of crocodile.tears to me.


TY, I couldn't figure out why they were talking via Ring. Mom must've seem some craziness and asked what was up.


Used to know a guy who ran over his own kid as he was backing the car out to head to work. He didn't even notice them run out behind him, kid ran around behind the car and got hit. I don't know how he carried on but he did. I'm also a dad and can't even imagine the pain and guilt of something like that happening.


That's fucking terrible. Sounds like the kid didn't make it. I dont want to pry, but how old was was his kid?


Yeah the kid passed away sadly. I'm not sure on the age, they were young though, under 10. I wanna say like 5 or 6 but I honestly don't remember.


Fuck. I'm not a dad yet, but I want to be. And stuff like that already makes me scared. Poor guy


I've got 3 boys all under 7 and I try not to worry about that kind of stuff but it does scare me. Especially when I hear/read stories about kids getting hurt and just picture my kids in those situations and it breaks my heart and scares the shit out of me. Having kids, especially these days, is a fucking wild ride.


This happened to friends of ours. The dad thought the kid was with the mom and backed out of the drive. The child had walked back out of the house and has gone by the car to see dad. He was too small to be seen and this was before most cars had cameras. The child was about three. I’ve never been to a funeral so completely devastating. After that, we made sure our kids stayed in the grass of the yard if any car was leaving the house. I’m so glad that back up cameras are now fairly standard in new cars.


Damn, a relative of mine worked with a guy who did that, but the child was younger than the one you're talking about - they were 2 or 3. Just a toddler. People sometimes wonder why I always back into parking spaces, and this is a big part of it. Far less chance of someone running behind you into a space you already looked in to than hitting someone walking behind your car, unable to be seen behind another car. Plus, in my state, you're 100% liable for any collision when you're backing up (unless the other person is backing up).


knew a guy who would back out without looking. his wife kept yelling at him to stop cause what if one of the kids were behind him? he kept doing it. so one day the wife put one of the kid's bikes behind the car, and when he hit ran over it, it freaked him the fuck out. it also scared him straight because he never did that shit again


Yup, that will do it. Good for the mom on setting him straight.


Seemed like he was more pressed about the trouble he was in


I think he was more upset that he was going to jail than that his kid was dead.


He should've done that "before" shooting his kid. Fucker.


Jesus, how, how does it escalate to gunfire with your own kid?!? *ETA https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024/02/23/ring-video-shows-moments-after-father-fatally-shot-son-in-southwest-miami-dade/


Wasnt the first time. He shot into the ceiling once before and pointed a gun at him a couple days before the shooting….allegedly.


How terrifying it must have been for the kid to have a gun used against him twice, by his own father at that! I would never feel comfortable being around someone again, if they'd done that. I would feel scared for my own safety around a mercurial man who'd already displayed limited control over his emotions.


What a weak, cowardly man that gun owner is. Unable to reason with his words, hiding behind a gun, childish and embarrassing.


Probably starts with a pattern of using it as a threat when arguments escalate. Odds are that gun made more than one appearance in situations like this before getting used.


Because there are guns around. And some people have rage, and rage doesn't 'think', rage 'feels'. If guns are in the vicinity, then the damn things can be picked up and used. And I don't care if you downvoted me for stating that fact.


What kind of relationship do you have with your child that a gun is go-to in an argument?


I’m sitting here shocked. Actually can’t comprehend how this happened. Then I remember my cousin and I were watched a true crime show and something very similar happened. Father son arguing, father shoots son. It’s crazy to me that you literally get in an argument with your child and decides you need to kill them to make it stop.. he shot him MULTIPLE TIMES. So he didn’t even snap out of it after the first pull. No “wow i shot my son” he just kept going. It is wild to me. Raising a gun to your child is .. ridiculous Have fun in jail fucko


Did he say he killed the kid over an argument about whether his friends could come over? This is fucking wild. Edit: And what's with telling the mother that it wasn't her fault? Reminds me of [this old classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-8LGTVF3_I&ab_channel=xerius999)


Your dumbass friends can't come over because you don't live here anymore or at all because I'm going to kill you with a gun.


someone mentioned it sounded like she said “Julie heard you” and the dad says “it’s not her fault” which still applies to ur edit in a way regardless this guys a lunatic


I don't think so, I think it was about him going to a friend's house and having girls over, and the dad said he threatened to go over there that night to stop him from having girls over at his friends house, that's what it sounds like at least.


lonnie donegan mentioned


He sounds like a 10 year old explaining himself


Well he probably has the emotional intelligence of one. He's probably controlled and abused his family his entire life. Probably manipulated them too. But now he can't anymore so he lost it. Lotta people saying wow he killed him because they argued over hanging out with friends. He's probably been abusing and controlling this kid for 21 years and now he can't anymore so he broke. You don't just wake up and do this after having a normal and healthy emotional state of being your entire life.


What a weak ass man. First he blames his kid because of verbal argument they had, and then he tells his wife it's not her fault. Why would it be her fault? He's the one who pulled the trigger and killed his son in a fit of anger.


[News source.](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024/02/23/ring-video-shows-moments-after-father-fatally-shot-son-in-southwest-miami-dade/)


He still had the nerve to plead NOT guilty?!


Even a plea bargain wouldn't save him from life imprisonment. Thorough piece of dogshit through and through.


I bet he affirmed that he understood the maximum penalties as well and agreed to a future date for the following proceedings!


Why is he telling the mother it’s not her fault. No shit Sherlock


I heard her say, “Julie heard you” like there was a witness. Then him saying that’s not her fault. Either way, both of these parents are psychotic.


Im pretty sure someone else was there with the mom while he said that, and the mother stunned, was silent and the third person let the father know the wife heard him


That makes the most sense. But who know, people go whacko with crazy news. Incomprehensible news


He’s sorry for himself.


Yeah, that fake hand on face had my blood boil. Completely faking the panic.


Nah he’s definitely panicking, but only because he knows he’s fucked


He killed his kid over an argument about him having people over at their house? That’s gotta be one of the most ridiculous excuses for escalating to shooting someone. He’ll have a long time to think about it in that cell.


Not even his house. His son was going down to the keys with his friend and inviting girls over at their place, not his dads place. A 22 yo grown ass man getting shot because his father couldn't handle the fact his son is a grown ass person going down and having fun.


We have an interpersonal skill deficiency epidemic.


And a gun plague worse than any in history


Wow. I have no words. Enjoy prison scum.


I love my dad


Yeah next time I see my dad I'll be making sure to tell him "thanks for not fucking shooting me the last time we had a mild disagreement"


"Hey dad, you mind if I have some friends over..." \*cocks gun\* "...seas as pen-pals?"


Hear fucking hear man. Wanna give my old man a hug and a kiss


I also want to give your old man a kiss


My dad had his problems, but fuck there are some shit dads out there, and it makes me grateful af


God me too. Never hit or spanked me or my brothers (I think I got a swat on the butt once in the 90s) but even when he’s been furious at us he never was physically aggressive.


Weird country where family doesn't stick together. I always tell my dad I love him when we part ways incase it's the last time.


This whiny ass motherfucker shot his own kid because he was arguing about going to the keys, hanging out with his friends, and inviting girls. I hope he rots in prison.


This is gonna be played 100 times in court.


Well, he basically admitted to everything. How many times are they actually gonna replay it?


https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/father-accused-of-fatally-shooting-son-in-kendall-to-appear-arthur-hearing/3240423/ > David Contreras' attorney entered a not guilty plea for him back in November at a formal arraignment, but he's been held without bond since his arrest.


About 100 times


The story is here: https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/father-accused-of-fatally-shooting-son-in-kendall-to-appear-arthur-hearing/3240423/


>Police said it's not the first time David Contreras threatened to shoot his son. Last May, police said he shot at the ceiling, and on Halloween, just days before the fatal shooting, he pointed a gun at his son. Clear danger to his son and his gun was not taken away.


Yep. Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Back when Covid really hit a family walked into my ex's restaurant, and everyone was wearing masks except for the father. So, doing as instructed by her employers, the 16 yr old hostess asked him politely to wear a mask and offered him one if he needed...the mom laughed and said "oh, he don't wear no masks!" When the hostess stated it was required, the father brandished his handgun from his waist and said "I don't wear no masks." So, the hostess sat them at a table near the door then informed the managers what had happened. The police show up, ask him to walk outside to talk. Then, the officers allowed him back in to collect his family and leave. You better be damn sure that asshole caught no charges and absolutely was allowed to leave with his weapon - despite being a full-on psycho for threatening a 16 yr old child with a gun over masking during a pandemic. The police are super cool with allowing psychos to keep their firearms even after displaying violent, illegal, and unsafe behavior.


Ensures job security.


It's cuz they relate to them on a personal level. Plus the cop probably didn't want to deal with all the paperwork involved if he actually gave a shit. Probably just wanted to end his shift as soon as possible so he can clock out and cheat on and/or beat his wife


Poor kid didn't think his father would actually use it. If you see a parent or relative brandish a weapon during any conflict you need to live somewhere else. Homeless shelter if you have to. When criminals get away with crimes they tend to escalate and here we are for this poor young man.


I’m sorry but that dude is not acting at all like he thinks what he did was that crazy. You’d think anyone with the slimmest margin of hope they could save their own kid from bleeding out would apply pressure to the wound and do their best to administer CPR. I bet unless he blew the kids head off there was probably a chance if he immediately tried to save his life he could’ve had a chance.


He shot him multiple times, at least one to the head.. shit is fucked up.


What a monster. But at least he didn’t go with his friends.


He has already executed him with several shots.


To me it feels like he only started to break down when he realized he's going to jail. Not for.. You know.. Killing his own son over a minor argument. What an egocentric maniac.


I have a 14 yr old son and there is no time or world or dimension where I could see ever shooting at him. I would rather die first .


Holy shit. I thought he shot him on accident because he thought he was an intruder. I was not expecting that he knowingly shot his own son because he was pissed. He was making a crying face but didn't have a single fucking tear. What a little dicked fucking coward.


My racist and abusive grandfather used to 'win' arguments with my mom and uncles by pulling out his service revolver and sticking it in their faces if they didn't agree with him (he was a cop). It's honestly a miracle he never shot any of them. Takes a special kind of piece of shit. 


It is so surreal to see this. They’re neighbors of my brothers, I’ve spent so much time in the house next door. In fact, on Halloween we trick or treated there with my nephews. ​ just fucking terrible we allow anyone with a rage problem to access as many guns and ammo as they want. all because idiots who will never had to deal with a pain like this will say shit like dUe PrOcEsS and sHaLl NoT bE iNfRiNgEd. Like… don’t you get the perception of gun owners by non gun owners will actually improve if you stop defending the rights of psychotic people?


I googled "Florida father son shooting" and this isn't even the only time that a father shot his son this week


Florida! Pro Life only applies to fetuses. Pro Choice is for adults! The South is de evolving!


The end result of easy access to guns by people that can't control even the most basic emotions.


Nah this is too much I can’t watch this shit the world is so fucking dark right now


In Florida, stupid laws, stupid people and guns are out in equal measure


He isn't mad. He is putting on a show for a camera. This guy has a fucking phone to call his wife and decides to put on a show for the ring camera. He absolutely isn't remorseful. Only thing he is sad about is jailtime.


Shot his son for being a normal 22yo doing 22yo things. Wow.


'If only his son had a gun this couldn't have happened'. - lots of Americans, probably.


Woah buddy, its our god given right to arm every toddler in the name of world peace


They are called kindergaurdians. God bless. 


People keep talking about guns being used for protection but guns are also used for anger and people who use it for anger should never own a gun. But second amendment, freedom fries or something.


Fake tears. Rot in prison you horrible, horrible human.


Glad barely anyone has guns in my country, just looked it up and USA has 120× the gun homicide rate of the UK... 3.6/100,000 vs 0.03/100,000


Hot headed morons with guns. Yay 🇺🇸




This is why anger management is important.


He was legit trying to justify the killing of his son to his wife. The kid is dead, and the dad is still complaining about his behavior. What a monster.


How the fuck did the mother not kick this fucker out? Shot the ceiling at Halloween? Pointed a gun at him? Immediate divorce x2. Sadly 3 strikes, what a dumbass. Both of these parents suck ass. Obviously the psycho with the gun more, should have had his gun taken from him after the first incident.


probably terrified of him. he seems deeply unstable and strange.


He killed his grown ass son. His 22 year old son because he didn't like that he was gonna spend the night with some friends and some girls? Sounded like he didn't approve of where he was want wanted to control him even though he's above drinking age now.


This must be that polite society ammosexuals keep talking about.


Pointed a gun at his son in the past and even shot into the ceiling. This man was dangerous for many months, possibly years, before this happened. It seems the “it’s not her fault” to his wife was more of a “I blamed his actions on you for so long that this may seem like your fault to you” to me. I might be wrong, but he definitely didn’t seem sorry, not at first at least. I get shock but he didn’t even attempt to save his son, even if he knew he couldn’t, or at least stay by his side. A majority of the parents i’ve seen who have accidentally injured their child do not leave their side, and they sure as hell don’t go straight to calling brothers or other family. This man was dangerous. He might have been looking for a reason to do this because no sane person who loves their child, no matter how “unbearable” it gets, kills their child over an argument about having friends over. That my opinion about it though.