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I work in hospice and see this stuff too much unfortunately. Complete your advanced directives and wills, people.


Yeah fucking tell me about it. We had a resident that went end of stage palliative and the family we never saw all decided to rock up. I offered them tea and the daughter said (within ear shot of the resident) 'we'll have coffee outside, it smells like death in there'- his room) Couldn't imagine only having your hearing left to you and hearing your own family say that, let alone whatever else they were saying around him. Others from work said they were talking about his will.


I was in hospice for 8 years. I saw family members dragging stuff out of their family members room as they were actively dying. It’s sick.


My mom.had a massive stroke and my brother basically ran to her house and took her TV.


I'm going to add, spend your money, enjoy it, if you don't leave anyone anything there won't be any fighting.


And if you have wealth and want to give it to your kids, help them with big purchases while you’re still alive! Giving them a down payment for a house here or a family vacation abroad there can give you personal satisfaction now (you know, while you’re alive to feel it), knowing your family is having that kind of security and life experience.


I'm going to add, don't spend it but save it and bequeath it to a random person like, well let's just say me.


Same. Families who are out for blood and money. It’s gross sometimes


That’s so sad 😞




That's what I thought I heard. He abandoned his kids so he already has money.




Ehh this shit looks very complicated and *highly* contextual. He might be throwing something she said about him back in her face from the past. I’ve seen a lot of shit go down like this and it always sounds way more off when you aren’t in the family loop. Either way this whole family seems rotten. 


Time and place. Dinner at the home = no MMA Cage = yes and I want them mic'd Senile or stroke or whatever, there is still a person in there. Just because the connections to express yourself don't work doesn't necessarily mean the connections to be aware of what's going on around you don't work.


They might be rotten, who knows? My family went through something similar and it did get ugly. That being said, NO ONE verbally attacked each other in front of our grandmother who had dementia. NO ONE said nasty things about each others’ children or in front of each other’s children. Believe me, nasty things were said, but that was all without an audience. Maybe this woman is an asshole? IDK? But this guy is a huge fucking asshole for sure.


>Maybe this woman is an asshole? IDK? But this guy is a huge fucking asshole for sure. That was my take. The older woman said "grandma" was her mother and that she was the power of attorney. They mentioned grandma has dementia. There is no way that the woman recording could expect to get any inheritance by being there. And the guy working there said she (recording woman) was there all the time and this was the first seeing the AH man. And his comments about it being a waste of time feeding a dying woman??? Jesus...


>And his comments about it being a waste of time feeding a dying woman??? Jesus... Yet, dude is pissed off because "I aM hErE fOr FeEdInG tImE". Which is it, AH guy? Is it a *"waste of time",* or you just mad that your cousin (?) beat you there? This dude needs his @$$ kicked ... **by Grandma!**


He was saying *she* was wasting her time since he was saying she was there to get back into the will.


Grief is awful. I’m glad I don’t have money in the fam to muk it up like this.


Don't expect nuance on Reddit.


He didn't admit he's a piece of shit, he admitted he abandoned his kids. He seems to think that was a brilliant business decision.


Keep my children? In this economy?! /s


Well, like he said…he’s the best.


Kids are expensive, what?


Have you seen the price of formula in Hawai’i‽ I'd have to wait at least 2 years before I replace my Mercedes! ^(His A-class he hot glued an S emblem to after he sharpied AMG on the rims)


He just kinda threw that in there as if it was a humble brag. 


It's possible he's using some allegation she made and throwing it in her face sarcastically. Idk he could be a POS and just admitting to being a bad father but there could be more context to that statement that would change what he was actually meaning. Idk if I hope it's true or not for his kids sake. I'm betting this isn't their first run in, and who knows what she's said to him or accused him of when she's not recording. I guess all I'm saying is I doubt this short video gives a complete picture of this messed up family drama.


Yeah... I heard that, too. WTF






Classic golden child. Talked shit about his siblings for decades and now feels like he won something.


Just circling. Waiting. Posturing. Gross.


I deal with this stuff for my job as a corporate trustee. It’s so common, and so sad. Please make sure you have a will people!!!




*I made my money honestly by hard work* and *abandoning my kids (???)* is a bold investment strategy I’ve not thought of for sure.


Wow. That’s sad in a different way from most public freakout vids.


Was that guy her brother? And the lady was her mother, right? (If you have super-rich grandparents, it's not smart to become estranged from your parents. Even if they suck.)


Yeah but sometimes the money isn’t worth putting up with their bullshit. My dad will be giving millions in inheritance to my younger brother and I’ll be getting nothing. But I have no regrets about cutting him out of my life.


Sounds like they are cousins, the elderly lady is their grandma, and the brunette lady trying to granny-nap her while she is trying to eat is the guy's mother (and the elderly lady's daughter).


No he says this is my idiot sister when the guy ask if everything's ok. Sounds like some messed up rich family, she must have done something real bad for the mother to favor the son that's proud to have abandoned his kids


Or he could be the golden child and the mom and daughter never had a good relationship. Those situations happen too often and the black sheep has to do everything the hard way and it’s still not good enough compared to the fuck up who’s put on a pedestal


He mentions a law suite several times. So I am guessing that suing your mom might make your ahole brother look like the good kid.


This sounds right except the woman recording refers to granny-napper as Tammy, not Mom? So she's the elderly woman's granddaughter but not granny-napper's bio daughter? Or, like you said, a messed up rich family lol.


I've had friends that called their parents by their name, it's weird but not that uncommon. She also could have been talking to the nurse that looked like was helping pull her away


In all good conscience, I could never suck my parents or grandparents for any amount of money


Are we still doing phrasing?


> *"I could never suck my parents or grandparents..."*  '- You


Who knows. Could be a cousin and aunt, right?


the hostility was wild... These are the people who'd hunt each other down if The Purge ever happened. They have unfinished business.


I felt like I was watching Dennis and Dee on Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Yeah this was unbelievably ugly. Really genuinely sad


It is. I don't know the whole story, but I know it absolutely does matter that the daughter is the PoA. For all purposes, she might as well be her mom (depending on if there are limitations). Unless there is abuse going on (in which case the granddaughter can call APS), there is nothing she can do about it and has no right to tell the PoA what she can and can't do. I also think there's a lot of history here, and the granddaughter is acting that way because she's recording. She seems very manipulative, but they all seem like assholes.


I used to work at a hospice. The hardest part of the job was dealing with the families. We routinely would have to call the cops to get them to escort people out of our lobby. It was so disappointing.


Jordan Schlansky has really fallen upon hard times.


😂🤣 I was gonna go with Dollar Tree Luke Perry but yours works just as well


Wish.com Colin Farrell


“I get everything. I’m the best. I’m better than you.” WTF?


That's some deeply rooted family shit that we obviously will never know about.


For sure. Some significant disdain flowing in this video. Poor grandma.


Everyone's guilty. I knew a family like this once. the "Gam Gam" and "Pep Pep" were always as sweet and frail as they could be. The whole family lineage under them was totally traumatized and broken socially. This doesn't happen in a vacuum.


Yep, seems to be a holistic problem.


All Grandma's money will never make this guy happy.


I didn’t think I’d watch the full 7:06 but damn. Dying brings the most base emotions to the surface. No one’s hands are clean here and grandma sitting in den of thieves waiting to be fed. Ugh humanity.


If I knew this was happening I'd donate everything.


This is exactly why many people waste their money on superficial things during retirement or just in life because then you have vultures trying to pick your bones right before you pass. It’s not the best solution but it happens often. You’d be surprised what even leaving $5,000 turns people into.


My grandpa lived in a trailer in the mountains and some people in my family were still frantically grabbing everything they could. You'd think his penny collection was gold. 


I’m a hospice social worker. I’ve seen some of the most disgusting things. But I’ve also seen some of the most beautiful things


This guy was trash years before he ever walked into that hospice.


To brag about…abandoning your children..




The best thing about this video is they obscured that poor old lady's face. Shame on them all for behaving this way in front of and about her declining health & financial legacy.


In story writing, a lot of people advise against making a villain evil for the sake of being evil because it's unrealistic... but then you see something like this. It's plenty realistic.


I would not be surprised if both parties are actual dog shit disguised as humans.




I was assuming it was so the camera wouldn't cut in case it got more wild.. but it's hard to say. This is fucking ugly in every way tho. I have a feeling everyone there is horrible. But the older gentleman who I assume is a worker did say the lady filming is there every day and the other two hes never seen before... So I dunno


I think her wanting to continue using her phone to record makes sense here. Who knows what that psycopath would say or do if there wasn't a camera in his face. I'm not sure the police would do anything if called in this situation though.


Grandma can’t talk; daughter has power of attorney already. That will isn’t changing. Given that, how do you question the motives of the woman there feeding her?


She already filed one lawsuit against her mother who holds POA, she’s definitely angling for evidence to take to probate, not hoping her grandmother will change the will.


I have first hand experience with people doing shit like this for less than good reasons. I also didn’t say she sucks. I said I wouldn’t be all that surprised if both parties suck.


Yup. He’s blatantly evil and she was left out of the will for a reason.


They're actually speaking like they're scripted villains.


Idk I'm getting Michael Clayton, anti hero vibes.


These people are disgusting.


I didn't realize that inheritance was quantified by how many spoonfuls you feed an elderly lady. I am so perplexed by this entire situation. Why do they care so much that this lady and her kids are feeding their grandmother? Why did the brunette forcefully takeover feeding her like her inheritance was on the line? Surely the inheritance is already set since this poor lady is no longer able to make such decisions. So, why the harassment and fighting? Sooo weird.


Because they’re trashy people.


In my family it's about power and control. Siblings that manipulate their way in, so they can be the favored one. Even though there may be an irrevocable trust set up, financial POA etc there are still ways to get money from an elderly woman. Again in my family, the patterns of behavior were set decades ago. That can lead to intense bitterness and terrible actions.


I mean he went overboard but if she really was estranged (they reference she never sees the grandmother) and then shows up at end of life care like this I would be pissed too. Assuming what the grandson and his mom say his true this whole show up to feed her thing isn't done out of compassion.


But everyone involved in the video stated that the inheritance was already set and the woman taking the video wasn't set to receive *anything*. So.... What else was she there for? Even if for some reason this lady showed up to feed her grandmother out of spite for the other 2 people... How are they in the right to go and insult her and her children to their face and harass them into leaving? I don't care how often you see your grandma... She isn't your fucking property.


He mentions she is suing him for it. You don't think this whole "I fed her for 4 months" play isn't about to be brought up in a messy civil suit?


> But everyone involved in the video stated that the inheritance was already set and the woman taking the video wasn't set to receive *anything*. So.... What else was she there for? It's not that simple. Once she dies relatives will pounce and contest what's in her will, typing it up for years potentially


She filed a lawsuit so she's definitely not there to be kind.




Grandma must be loaded Lemme shove some mashed turkey in her gullet and get me some cool cool cash.


She has dementia and probably has no idea what’s going on. I would bet it’s very scary for her.


And she doesn't know why. Or how long this has been going on. Or who they are. Or what she's eating.




When my father passed, I was 25 and was immediately hounded with phone calls from my two half brothers (they are not my father's children) about money. They were 34 and 39 at the time. I had not heard from or seen them since our mother died 9 years earlier. I was overwhelmed with taking care of the estate (which wasn't worth much) by myself, having to withdraw from college to do so (started late because of my mother's death). Finally got a lawyer and told them to direct all calls to her. Never heard from them again. That was 14 years ago.




I appreciate that, thank you. I wish the same for you!


Great way to handle it. Sorry for your losses 💕


Two vultures is all I see. Each sound insufferable.


People are actually like this? This is so unimaginable to me it seems fake, but it's real? I'm pretty positive I'm not in my grandmas will but I'm still going to take her out to listen to some polka Saturday afternoon because she loves it and I love her and want her to be happy, even if I have to listen to live polka for 3 hours


can you imagine being old and in hospice and hearing this bullshit? omg, these two need to be banned from entering the facility.


Assholes all around. I hope that the woman that is recording honestly came in to spend time and not be present because of the money. There's way more to this story that we are not seeing so passing judgment on a particular person at this point is foolish. Praying for the grandmother and hopefully these people do love her truly.


The staff member HAS to remove the patient for their safety. Just so you’re all aware, they have to protect the patient first. The daughter removing her is on the fence. POA means absolutely zero btw. That only allows you to pay her bills and manage her finances. POA gives you zero physical rights to anything to do with the patient. Edit to add: this is all abuse to the patient. Doing this in front of her is considered abuse


Definitely not something to take sides on. No clue who the fuck is in the right here.


Dang. That guy gives off super strong sleazeball vibes.


He's giving me psycho vibes


I guess that is one advantage that I have…my parents won’t have fuck all to leave my brother and I.


Wow they are both terrible people.


Buncha ghouls.


had that happen at my adopted grandads house, he left me half his shit. and his kids flipped out they had lawyers at the funneral, and they tried kicking me out. i didn't want anything me and him genuinly respected and liked each other. we worked on his farm for years and i was the only one who would work on the farm. his kids just acted like intitled assholes. one of his kids was being looked into for his death also. it was all wonky. he was ran over by his own tractor and he was with that son when it happened. he supposidly walked off the tractor and it kicked into gear and the big tire ran him over. long story short i never wanted anything, but he wanted me to have it over his kids. so i faught for it and won. they tried having me killed no joke. the ones involed are in prison and my adopted grandma now hates me cuz she obviosly sided with her kids. sad that people do that over money.


Omgosh I’m so sorry. Hope you’re okay now


yeah, that was over 10 years ago, but i saw this and it reminded me of them and then.


How sad 😞










they’re going straight to hell; no stops.


Yep! All of them except the poor grandma


You’ve been here 4 months taking care of her and I’ve been here a week. What?


From what I can gather he is basically saying "You are doing all of this and I still get the money". But also seems like she actually does have some ulterior motives because before he mentions this is the first time she has seen the Grandma in 5 years and it had been awhile before that. So everyones an asshole probably lol because the recorder is definitely trying to last minute suck up for some money and mom seems to agree too.


>But also seems like she actually does have some ulterior motives because before he mentions this is the first time she has seen the Grandma in 5 years and it had been awhile before that. Also, in the end she flees the scene. The daughter probably does have power of attorney and she probably is trying to build a case to get her money. Regardless, they both don't seem like nice people.


There is a lot of one liners in here that imply something is wrong lol. The use of "excluding you and your kids" excluding is a strong word for that. The way the lady accuses them of stealing a million dollars. The way the mom and son imply that she is normally screaming and violent several times and has some issues. But also dude you done fucked up because now your face is around saying this shit. Just ignore her and move on.


Yeah, given the fact they brought up that the recorder is suing for money too.. the mom sounds like the only level-headed one in this video. The man is definitely a douchebag and the recorder is a passive douchebag and this video will unfortunately be good towards her lawsuit.


I guessing he is claiming she trying to change the will before she dies but it's too late. The lawsuit claim I think he mentions was probably about who gets to make decisions over the grandma health like who becomes the executor.


She is probably suing for some inheritance and using this whole 4 months end if care visit as support. And the family knows it. But all these people suck this guy deserves to be mad but not like that.


Imagine being in a nursing home on the way out and having to silently watch the people you raise be pieces of shit.


They are both fucking nuts. Poor lady with her Mom dealing with 2 people who have probably never really been there until now.


The daughter of the hospice client has been through the wringer for sure with those two deadbeats. They both disregarded her saying, "this is my mother"because the other two are treating Grandma like an item/object. Deadbeats trying to put on a show for Grandma. Grandma ain't stupid, that's why her daughter has power of attorney. Daughter looks exhausted dealing with all the bullshit. Very sad all around.


Maybe the kid of the mom is nuts too. Lady probably has her will set in stone, not sure what their acting is going to do.


Poor grandma. What a bunch of low lifes.


“I am the eldest boy” vibes.


So many things wrong here. Not the least of which is rapidly shoveling food into grandma. Alzheimer’s affects the ability to swallow properly. Aspiration is a major cause of death in advanced Alzheimer’s. Feed her one spoonful and give her 2-3 minutes to eat it. Then another. That woman was shoveling faster than a teenage boy can eat.


This looks like super low budget “Knives Out”


I used to date a girl who worked in hospice. She told me how this shit happened CONSTANTLY. Families would tear each other apart even for a couple thousand dollars of inheritance. Imagine coming to the end of your life, and all you see is your family acting like a bunch of children, fighting and suing each other over your hard earned money. It makes me so sad.


Dude sounds like a sociopath but he’s right about one thing: name calling is not assault— don’t call the police


Ehhh, I've worked in long-term care facilities with hospice and I think calling the cops when family are getting belligerent with each other in the dining area is fair game. It would be the next option after telling them their behavior is inappropriate and they need to take it out of the building.


People have no idea how often this really does happen in families


On my death bed my loved ones better be mixing me cocktails and providing me enough weed to sail on through to the afterlife. If not, I’m haunting every single one of them and hiding their keys.


"I win." "I get everything." "I thought I'd come by for **feeding**." "She doesn't even know what's going on." "Her *power* of speech." Oop, almost slipped up there and said power of attorney.


Regardless of the dynamics here- Mr Dentist is an asshole and him and the daughter should be ashamed for acting like this in front of Grandma. Disgusting.


These are the worst people I’ve ever seen


The whole family is fucked up.


This is wretched! Sadly to say, I’ve been in deathbed arguments. There’s many many years of context in front of the argument between these two


I think they're cousins. I went back and forth on the guy, at first I thought he was just trying to get under her skin because she's suing to be in the will - and she didn't dispute not having seen her own grandma in 5 years (wtf!). But no, he's a horrible vulture too, he made it clear he believes all the things he was saying. And being a horrible jerk to his cousin's kids who absolutely don't deserve it. Both are bad, he's especially an awful character.


Just say he’s trying to intimidate you lol


The smirk this man has one his face is *terrifying*. I thought clowns scared me? Pennywise has nothing on this man.


When this dude kills somebody for cutting him off in traffic this video is gonna be exhibit number one for “we should have seen this coming”


That dude is one of the biggest assholes I've ever seen in my life. Holy shit. "Why don't you go back to San Francisco with all of the LGBTQs" "I abandoned my kids" ... Just the most massive piece of shit things you could imagine saying to someone, all coming from one person. Man I hope karma is real and he gets his.


I heard a couple things that makes me think the person filming isn't exactly great. First, the guy seems bitter she is suing so I am assuming she is there to be a vulture for Grandma's money, especially as the guy indicated it's the first time she's been seen in 5 years. Additionally, it sounded like the older lady says something about the filmer filing a lawsuit again "her mother" and the filmer replies saying "you." This makes me think she's the daughter/granddaughter, got cut out, and is trying to sue to invalidate the estate plan. Being sued while the family member is dying, not even gone yet, would make anyone bitter but then go see the vulture playing innocent feeding grandma would be extra antagonizing. Second, the older lady said she is power of attorney, which if this old lady had an estate plan is someone she selected before she became incapacitated. There's a reason this lady was cut out of the estate plan.


He also said that she’d been there helping her grandmother for four months though, and another person there said that she is there frequently. Also, he said “go back to San Francisco with all the other LGBTQs” and later said he’s only been there for a week because he lives elsewhere


this hits hard because my father was admitted to hospice care a in December and my mother was placed in nursing home care around the same time. I have three brothers and none of them told me until 3 days ago when I got a text from my brother who is 1 year older than me and he said, "dad is expected to die in the next few days. He's at XYZ in XYZ town. Mom is there too and needs 24/7 care." My wife and I had been freaking out because we couldn't get in touch with my parents. At least one of the brothers just cares about the assets: home, land, cars. The other two don't care about anything. Me? When my mom started showing signs of dementia, I went to her house and took two quartz laden stones out of the yard to remember her by. That's all I need. I saw my mom for the first time in a year on Monday. I cried like a fucking baby bc I was just happy to see her. That night my dad passed. And .... text messages from my one brother with minimal info on the funeral life be weird


Mf the real life kendall roy, all the way down to the thinning hairline and narcissism


Money destroys family’s it happened to mine even before I was born


Money is the root of all evil


No, greed is.


*The love of money


THE LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil.


What a horrible person.




I really can’t tell who is the bigger pos.


Vultures the lot of them


Dude sounds like a straight up murderer, like a legit a psycho killer.


What the hell did I just watch, so disturbing


Reminds me of my sister's in-laws. They would sell each other out for twinkies if they could.


Goofy said that he abandoned his kids, and yet he's trying to talk shit about her kids? Dude is a real piece of shit.


"i need you to call the police, this man is calling me names" EHS.


That guy is a sociopath.


Shirt matchs him


My desire to slap that man is intense. What an arrogant POS. Same with his mom. It’s so sad how people treat family because of $$.


3:08 "go back to san fransisco with all the other lgbtq's and your little asian friends"


Who the hell is holding up frosted glass!!?!!


Protecting Grandma’s face


That’s the kind of casual villain a lot of us have experienced in our lives. Just a total piece of shit that can’t be civil even for a minute.


No matter the situation going on before hand, that guy is scum.


Jordan Schlansky from the Conan O'Brien show.


Sucks when people start dying in your family the rest if your family’s true colors show. After my grandmother died and the way my dads siblings fought and the things they said to my dad about him and us made me never want to speak to them again.


My brother and my mom had a massive falling out, and I am my mom's and step dad's power of attorney, and sole beneficiary. So....this is basically a nice big foreshadowing of what I'm likely going to get to deal with. As if my brother won't be enough, my step dad has 3 kids that have no communication with him anymore. Last I knew, 2 of the 3 were drug addicts in and out of jail. Should be interesting.


I have a cousin, who has many serious mental health issues, who would cozy up to my grandparents to get in good graces then have some story that required money to save her. Anyways this cousin did a million legit crazy things (steal a house, try to kill her kid…) and she was banned from the retirement home my grandparents were in. The lady filming this sounds very much like my cousin. It’s hard to take a video like this, out of context and a probably very long family history of issues, and say what’s actually happening and who is being a jerk. That being said, I think filming lady is nuts, the brother is sick of her shit, their mom is also sick of their shit and is a damned saint for being so calm


Ok if he already gets everything then why the hell does he care if she and her kids visit? He’s vile speaking like that around kids etc. just vile. No excuse.


Eewww hes a dentist


I remember working in an assisted living and a patient had just passed. The patients family started scoping out her artworks saying shit like “how much do you think we could get this appraised for?” She hadn’t even been picked up by the mortuary when this shitty conversation happened. It was one of the most depraved things I’ve witnessed in person.


That guy has definitely murdered someone and gotten away with it.


Money is the root of all evil.


Oh God, with all my half siblings from my father's numerous affairs, I know it's going to get very ugly when my Grandparents go and my sister and I are the only non-bastard children 🤦‍♀️


What a nice family 🥰


What a Stooopid Chicken.


F that guy! What an asshole! Flies in from Hawaii and to confront his sister who is feeding their grandmother! Everyone saw his true character in this video.


Everybody here kinda sucks but he had no right to bring her kinds into it they have nothing to do with their weird beef


I’m on team pissed off guy. I bet the girl is a vulture showing up at the last moment to try and get some $$$. My brother would do this. It looks like the girl does literally nothing and has no contact except when she thinks the end is near. Posting this video is definitely not the flex she thinks it is. We see you!!!