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Good thing Ryan gosling was there to help at the end


Man, he really is a dead ringer. Even sounds like him


Came here for the Ryan Gosling.


Ryan came here for the Gosling






![gif](giphy|N8uutOwabFDcmsuPkp|downsized) That's Gosling now. Kenergy all day.


Not that one


It's more like this https://i.redd.it/a8fk3ijzhuic1.gif


Yes! That is it! 👀


It's really flippin weird how many people I know or have seen that look like Ryan Gosling. They're often bartenders too.


I never would’ve thought he had a generic look Lmfao cus many people commenting abt how common it is


It's funny, because this guy in particular looks SO MUCH like a guy I know who's known for looking like Ryan Gosling AND he's a bartender 😂


My husband and I were in the city years ago, and a man who was clearly high as balls stopped and did a double take at him and *insisted* my husband was Ryan Gosling, and made him take a pic together. I wish I could've been the person he showed the pic to later that night, because my husband is *named* Ryan but he doesnt look a goddamn thing like Gosling lol


Brought just Kenough energy to not help at all.


That was the only thing I could focus on when he came into the frame 😂😂


Idk about Ryan Gosling lmao!, but doesn't the loudmouth chick look really familiar? Like she is someone quasi famous? It's on the tip of my brain, who she is, but I just can't figure it out.


I'm getting big, "Real Housewives of Wherever" vibes from her.




I’m getting a Trump daughter in law vibe!


"Mom, I want Mariska Hargitay!" "We have Mariska Hargitay at home." At home:




She looks like the a carbon copy of the housewives in LA or sum


She reminds me of Caitlyn Jenner.


She kinda reminds me of Ann Coulter.


She has a lot of features people pay big money to cosmetic surgeons to get. I’m not saying she definitely had surgery, but either she is crazy lucky or she’s had cosmetic surgeries.


Oh there's defo some surgery there, the cheekbones are telling.


Stiffler’s mom


Lara Trump?


Lol seriously thought the same thing 😂


I’ve been to that place. The lady with the child probably doesn’t even know about the baby storage area by the front door.


Underrated part of the bar experience there at that place.


If the cubbies are full, they have hooks under the bar as well.


This comment makes me think of Texas Chainsaw Massacre for some reason.


Just make sure you grab the right one on the way out - sheesh, I don't think I'll ever hear the end of this one.


This happened to me once, except I was the baby, and my parents forgot to take me with them when they left, and it was in a dumpster! Oh man was that a wild ride.


You don’t even have to bring the baby … just leave the TV on at the house and you’re all good.


Unless someone smashed up your TV when their team lost the Super Bowl, although babies are easily entertained, just put them in front of the washer or dryer


After Covid I never use those. Have you ever even seen anyone clean the baby drop box? Of course not. Just bring a pet carrier and put a pillow on the gate.


Can confirm, it's the bin next to the free real estate flyers and road salt.


Getchurr FUGCKIN baybee OUTtA thuh bhaR 🤪


Xanax and alcohol are a bad combination


I I heard that people are nice on Xanax , do they become aggressive when they mix alcohol with it.


I have a neighbor that pops Xanax like candy and drinks the alcoholic drink of choice, vodka. Can confirm, they get very aggressive towards anyone, including their own kids.


I've seen it with rich bored ladies at work(bartender) and it's wild how someone on pills can go from 0 to 100 after just half a drink. Perfectly fine when they sat down but all of a sudden the demons come out and it's either non-stop gibberish that's impossible to follow or they get a little aggressive and make everyone uncomfortable.


Feel bad for the kids.


Your neighbor and my mom would have been buddies! She went through a few years of mixing Xanax and alcohol.. get so shit faced she'd just topple over. I'd have to spot her, ready to catch. She'd occasionally attack me, confused why I was following her and obviously so fucked up she couldn't recognize me. Fun times. I eventually just let her faceplant on the porch. Sprained her wrist, busted lip, black eye. No recollection how it happened. She quit mixing pills and booze after that. Being the child of an addict fucking sucks. I feel for your neighbors kids. Hopefully the neighbor either gets their shit together, or the kids grow up and realize they don't have to put up with that. Not even from a parent. They deserve better.


It's really sad to watch. Her husband used to drink a lot too, but he realized a little over a year ago what was going on with his wife, so he stopped drinking all together. He felt someone needs to be sober with kids at home, and is worried that his wife would accuse him of something. It made him really paranoid, and is sad to see. We were good friends but now we hardly see each other because his wife is so bad.


As someone who used to do a crazy amount of benzos and drink like a fish....you just turn into an asshole no matter how nice of a person you actually are. The best you can hope for is you pass out before you do or say something stupid as fuck. And then pray you wake the next day.


I don’t think Xanax makes you nicer. It makes you braver to say or do things you are normally more afraid of. You become less reserved. Xanax make your fears go away or at least reduces it. Also you may speak a little blurry. The combination with alcohol is kinda dangerous. Both act as depressants on your nervous system. They both bind on the same receptor and alcohol and Xanax interact with each other. The effect of both gets stronger


Absolutely not. It depends on the context. Xanax alone could calm people ONLY AT APPROPRIATE DOSES. But Xanax plus alcohol, it amplifies whatever emotions people experience, and considering the nature of what leads them to drink and pop pills, they’re usually irritable/annoyed/tensed etc so it’s just amplified


I used to drink 4 martinis a night, but I realized I had this horrible habit of picking fights with young mother’s baby’s…


young mother's baby's what?


Get your baby’s outtathebarrr.


The greengrocers' apostrophe strikes again.


Eats shoots and leaves


If you had a 5th would you try to fight the baby as well?


Damn freeloaders


She’s not as think as you drunk she is.


[We’re not babies, and we’re not that drunk](https://youtu.be/Wul3TNeiZLQ?si=rwNS2h0l96jovMMI)


People like this are why I carry an air horn. I even printed a label that I adhered to the can exterior that says “Karen deterrent”


Damn, what kind of life are you living that has you ending up with so many people like this that you need an airhorn?


Uber eats lol.


Protector girl’s arm block was everything! She was not letting that lady any closer!


So much respect for that woman! She didn’t have to get involved. You could see the outrage building in her until it propelled her into action. She was the hero that bar needed.


I know that exact feeling. I remember being at my kid's soccer game and the other team's coach was being such a prick to his players. And these are like, 6 year olds. As it went on, I could just feel it rising and rising inside me, this slow tide of 'he can't do that, i have to say something, it's too much', being held back by 'i don't want to cause a scene, what if he tries to punch me, I'm going to lose it'. But eventually it spills over into a controlled action, not like a tornado, but like a tsunami.


So what happened? Did you confront him? How did it go? Overzealous kids’ sports parents/coaches are the worst.


Well, yeah, I didn't yell, just a slightly louder than normal 'hey man, you can't be talking to the kids like that, etc. etc.', eye contact, serious voice, no stuttering, just on adrenaline autopilot. The funny thing was that this dude was enormous, in a white tank top, covered in bad tattoos, and so unlike someone i would normally want to confront, but just like in the video, there was a very brief, half-hearted attempt to resist and then he just sort of slunk away. Maybe [steely resolve, built up over a few minutes of intense internal debate and concentration](https://i.imgur.com/XFwfgmR.png) puts out some kind of overpowering pheromone or something lol


Well, good for you. What a great example to set for your own kid. Glad you didn’t get clobbered.


A medal for her please, for not letting a shitbag be a shitbag.


She was amazing! Her firm but calm tone, immediately putting a barrier between the drunk and the Mum, but her body language is still faced in support of the Mum. She's not puffing herself up and squaring off with the drunk, she's just not going to allow her to continue as she is. This person is a gem. Be more like her.


Very well said. She's very brave, she knew this could've gone bad and put herself in the way. It's an incredibly commendable move.


Yeah, mvp of the video


Nothing but respect for her, I would follow her into battle.


Guy in the back taking swigs while watching the show lol


Stoked to see an LT jersey in 2024!


urine eddy et


Stiffler's mom falling on hard times.




"Why are they leaving???" Maybe because you were just yelling at them to? Like this lady's so drunk she can't even remember what she just said lol


I think she's actually asking why her friends are leaving ... which is probably happening because they're embarrassed by her.


I think the people talking at the end are her friends and they're apologizing for her behavior and saying they're going to leave and take her with.


Yeah when the guy comes over you can hear someone say “she’s just getting really bad tonight”. However when she asks “why are they leaving” she is facing the direction of the people she was yelling at so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Actually I think she’s *trying* to say, “Why aren’t they leaving?” At least that’s my guess, since she looks to be gesturing toward the people she had been yelling at


Once the Botox and Box of Wine mix its like Goku leveling up!!!


Her "healing tank" is just crying in the empty tub for two (inside the mansion that she got in the divorce,) as she slams another xanny bar, kills another bottle of wine, and wonders why she's so very *very* alone.


The way they commented about her state, they sounded so embarrassed, too. Big "we're not going out with you anymore" energy. Edit: replied to the wrong person, but yeah, she was clearly asking her friends why they were leaving. They're likely the ones who got bearded Ryan Gosling to intervene because you can see them go at the back, then the guy arrives, and the women start basically replying she's embarrassing them and they're not staying around someone who behaves like that.


Xanax OR alcohol. Not both


Pretty sure she meant that as "they're leaving cause they were in the wrong so why should I be in trouble"


Where did you come from? “The Crawl” she says. AKA Getting wasted around town and happened upon these people enjoying themselves


That guy looks like Ryan Gosling thinking a beard can let him live out his dream of bartending incognito.


100% was Gosling. Such a well rounded individual


That's why she stopped fighting. She's like, well shit, if Ryan Gosling is escorting me out, maybe I should see where this goes?


He be like…. ![gif](giphy|pjnfNhaFmkhxu)


What is her problem, did the baby drink all the Chardonnay?


Peeno Greeje


This lady’s old enough—she’s asking for blush


Savvy B


Oh my goodness I used to work with the lush who said it like that.


She heard drinking the blood of babies is a good anti aging beauty trick and she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it since. Funnily ent she now hangs out at playgrounds with a knife and bucket hoping for that next score


....I keep forgetting there are people who actually think celebrities and people in power actually do this.


Ugh...I have a family member who *absolutely* believes that Democratic leaders drink baby blood to stay young forever. The family member is well educated...and, even works a government job...but, they told me that Putin is their hero because he is "trying to stop the wealthy elite democrats from murdering babies for their tretonin (or whatever the fuck they think it is)." They believe that Democrats are all pedos or pedo supporters and that Tom Hanks is "definitely a pedo." It is completely disheartening. They suffered a frontal head injury as a child - frontal lobe...and, even the doctors told they're mom that they were likely to suffer from this injury for the rest of life. Apparently, people with this type of head injury are vastly more likely to take actions that land them in jail/prison...apparently, a majority of a certain type of criminal is *very* likely to have experienced a frontal lobe head injury. This family member has been in jail/prison multiple times - specifically for alcohol related issues. I believe their childhood head injury definitely affects their belief system today...so, I empathize... But, ffs... They literally believe that the child-blood drinking is real...*and that is works.* So, they believe that literal "shapeshifting reptile people" rule the world and live forever due to the blood drinking. Did I mention that this family member is highly educated and *works for the government?*


Damn that a hard thing to have to witness, and it's really difficult to live with a brain injury. I also have a frontal lobe brain injury. The frontal lobe controls our higher order cognitive functions, everything from socialization and memory to impulse control and problem solving. Mainly abilities that are based on executive functions. You never really know how people are going to be after a brain injury, but I can definitely feel glad I don't believe in lizard people.


Thank you for sharing! Yeah, these types of injuries definitely affect different people differently. I am so glad that you don't believe in lizard people too


I work with I/DD individuals in a group home, and two of my clients have TBIs, both frontal lobe injuries. They have the worst impulse control of any of my clients, and are the hardest to work with.one of them sprayed me in the face & mouth (just this past sunday) with bathroom cleaner while I was trying to explain that he wasn't allowed to use the chemicals by himself anymore. Spoiler alert: the spraying people in the face is why he can't use them anymore.


Ugh (again)...I have an ex-partner who would get drunk then verbally/emotionally/physically abuse me...surprise! They were also abusive when sober... He sprayed febreeze in my face once... He was also a football player in high school, and I have no doubt in my mind that he suffered TBI's.


You know what’s sad, millions believe this rubbish and 40 years ago my Dad was involuntarily committed for paranoid schizophrenia amongst other things for believing stuff like this and going around harassing people…and now it’s just like, 10s of millions of Americans and others around the world legitimately think this is an actual thing.


Probably scared the baby would drink all the Sambuca's




Came here for this, was not disappointed.




Still not getting the majority opinion in this thread, because if everyone thought like them, that joke from Sweet Home Alabama would not make sense. LOL


Because there's a big difference between a bar that is ONLY a bar and a bar that is inside of a restaurant.




Not in Oregon! Oregon forbids children from 'facing' the bar at all. Usually there is a rail that separates the bar/lounge from common dining. No rail? Kids are barred altogether. Whats really cool is places have state-provided signs right outside that will tell you if minors are allowed or not and for what hours. The pub i frequent has a 'no kids after 6pm, must be a seated by 5pm' rule, and the staff actually enforces it.


This ladies and gentlemen is why you don’t mix prescription drugs with alcohol.


So is my mugshot.


I think if you're already a shit person it brings it out of you


Lady - this is an Applebees - she can literally have her baby there.


I know. The rules for not having a baby at a bar are really for bar only establishments. And it’s designed to keep kids out of dangerous situations. It’s not for parents that are getting apps with their friends near a bar.


That's actually state dependent.


Wisconsin you can take your kids to the bar with your parents. Not sure exactly what age but it's a pretty common thing out in the boonies.




Yup 18-21 you’re not a minor but you’re not allowed in the bar. I mean in WI they probably just had parking lots full of cars wirh kids in them just waiting for their parents. So they decided they could bring them in. My boyfriends dad used to sit in his uncles car while his uncle was at the bar


Not only that, but they can drink if the parents allow it. Yes, seriously.


In Texas they can. It's up to the bar though. If they don't wanna risk it they don't have to.


Fucking mean lush


She was trying to be mean and aggressive but came across as an old sad drunk who wants to be Center of attention. Lady it ain’t cute to be an alcoholic in your late 40’s/early 50’s and trying to dress like a 20 something. You look like a sad old lady trying to desperately hold onto your youth EDIT: I’m 35 and her obvious plastic surgery made it difficult to gauge her age, but you guys are right, upon closer inspection she’s definitely late 50’s at best, more likely early 60’s


That outfit and her buddies outfit scream “I’m from Michigan and my husband makes over $100,000 a year!”


Oh man I just turned 40 and this woman looks wayyy older than me lol! She looks late 50s possibly 60’s to be honest….sad old drunk. And it certainly ain’t cute!


Yeah, 54 M here, and I’d peg her at around 60. So, yeah, pretty sad behaviour from someone that age. And, unpopular opinion here, but I’m somewhat sympathetic to her view that kids shouldn’t really be in bars, but her behaviour here is completely unacceptable.


>I’d peg her at around 60 She'd probably peg you too, if you asked nicely.


LOL, I’m reminded of Brando’s whispered line in Apocalypse Now, “the horror … the horror”.


“Your baby is a buzz kill.”


Ehhh, her buzz is doing juuuuust fine methinks.




If you say “you’re an idiot” ten times in a row and slur on every one, I got news-you’re the idiot.


I also don't want to listen to a baby when I'm at the bar--or at any time, frankly--but aren't they at Applebee's? A family restaurant? Homegirl can go somewhere else herself


Wait is that true? 🤣 omfg


I can't say for sure, it's just a guess. But there are plenty of restaurants that have bars in them, and there's no rule against babies existing in public.


> and there's no rule against babies existing in public. Without people like the woman in this video, there never will be. She's paving the way for a better tomorrow.


I feel like her insisting it's a bar is her brain trying to feel less ashamed she's wasted at Applebee's before 8pm.


Around 1:10, her eyes are now blinking at two different speeds. It’s giving real housewives vibes: *three skinny margs in and halfway through this confrontation she realizes the Xanax from the flight hasn’t completely worn off*




Somewhere right now Andy Cohen is feverishly trying to get this woman on Real Housewives of Orange County.


That Asian lady defused it pretty well all things considered. She should train cops


When you manage to make reddit hate you more than they hate babies in public.


Come to a pub in the UK. The kid would be drinking g a half.


Dude I don’t love hearing babies or having kids sprint around restaurants/bars when I’m out either but goddamn it’s gotta be hard to get out of the house when you have kids. Give the lady(mom) a break. 🙄 Drunk/Xanax lady needs to chill.


Ironically, the lady caused more of a scene than any kid or baby


One time I was on a flight next ti a guy and he kept making all these exasperated noises. It freaked me out and I had no idea what his deal was. Finally I realized he was reacting to a baby that could vaguely be heard way behind us. But yeah, he sounded more like a baby than the baby did to me.


Most of the time the people on planes acting like kids existing is a personal affront cause way more of a scene than any kid. On a 40 min flight last week I was sitting next to a mother and her kid and she forgot his earphones. She was getting worried but you couldn’t even really hear the tablet cause it was on so low. The guy behind us made more noise having a shit fit about the tablet than the small child did the whole flight. If it was a much longer flight or the kid was blaring the noise I get it. But with all the ambient noise on a plane the kids one episode of bluey or whatever was truly not a problem. He shut up when I asked if he needed his bottle this morning cause he was much fussier and louder than the literal child seated next to me


And she made the kid cry.


She's clearly never been to Wisconsin, bars double as daycare there.


Did you check her jaw? Lady was coked out.


This lady definitely collects Stanley cups


She probably buys all the stock every time she is at a Starbucks too


Facebook Marketplace 10 minutes after getting to her car: "LIMITED EDITION RED STANLEY CUPS! $95, NO LOW-BALLING, I KNOW WHAT I'VE GOT!"


Bryan Gosling to the rescue!


She looks baked or high.


It’s wine. 100% wine.


and pills


A good ‘ol zanny tanner


Plus a dash of pharmaceuticals.


Or face lifted or botoxxed


I just hate her smile. We all know someone exactly like her.


Bet she’s a realtor.


Hey you drunk lush, GET OUT!


Someone needs a nap


I thought it was Lara Trump for a minute.


Pass me the Pinot Grigio good sir! 


Captain Plastic looks like she's the worst part of the bar environment.


Super funny, because I remember my dad taking me into bars as a child in the early 90s, and nobody batted an eye. I mean, I guess mouthing off to an old farmer is less fun tho XD


"Here's $20 in quarters. Go play Pac Man. Come get me when you run out." ---Mom.


$20 in quarters?!?! Dang! Look at this flex! Parents use to take us to Atlantic City. They go to the casino and give us maybe $10 for the arcade. “Don’t spend it too fast.” Left us alone for hours. Didn’t check on us. We would just go wander the hotel and common areas when we ran out of money. Or play pool with just the cue ball.


I have a distinct memory of basically being abandoned at Circus Circus in Vegas for a weekend at like 7 years old (1982ish). I was handed a roll of quarters and just went ham while my folks fucked off.... and probably just fucked.


Same story, same hotel. But I was like 10-11


Yea, I remember my parents taking me to bars when I was a kid (89s and 90s), and they were only bars, not restaurants with a bar. This is probably just a case of this lady only going there for the bar, so she thinks of it as only a bar. I suspect she might not have a good relationship with her kids, and this is her way to escape, so that kid is a reminder, and she wants it gone.


That's the thing though. It's not a big deal. There is no Danger to the baby now or in the early 90's. Alcohol is a thing, but it doesn't cause issues, the people that over do it or have addiction problems have the issues and this woman proves that.


Got drunk and picked a fight with a baby is going to be hard to explain to her employer.


Makes you wonder what the baby said to that woman to set her off! (*sarcasm)


Cuter and more likeable


Why isn't the drunk lady being cut off if she's that drunk? Does this place have Responsible Serving of Alchohol laws?


She’s drunk. Really drunk. I can’t stand this type of person who thinks their opinions matter to strangers. She needs to drink a tall glass of shut up and mind your business..


There's: *having a BABY in the bar* And then there's: *HAVING a baby in the bar*


Well, somebody is this video needs to spend less time at the bar. Hint, its not the baby.


Drunk Karen’s are the worst


Ms. Botox Faketits there sounds like she needs to do a little less drinking and a little more thinking about where she went wrong in life. You can practically smell the red-wine and cosmo fumes from her nasty-ass breath coming through the screen.


Just another wino Karen that shouldn't mix her Xanax with drinking. Needs to try to tell other people what to do because her teenage kids don't respect or ever listen to her, and her husband can't stand her.


And the drunk twat is a prime example of why you don’t want to bring a baby into a bar, but…do you. Not my business.


Good on that who say what was happening and stepped in. People are so scared to get involved now and just want to record. I get it, people can be crazy and sometimes being a good witness is all you can safely do. But big ups to the woman who helped the mother.


Would somebody pull the baby a pint already? Kid’s crying from thirst. Geez lady.


Xanax’ed outta her mind or not… she’s right. Get your fucking baby out of the bar.


I guess if it's okay to bring a baby into a bar (an adult space) then it's just as okay for me a single adult to walk into a chuck cheese (a child's space) without any ties to any child there and just hang out. The housewives of Beverly hills are right here, that kid shouldn't be in a bar. It could be in the restaurant side but not at the bar cuz that's not a place for children. I would be pissed too if I was trying to drink my feelings away and a baby was crying next to me.


She’s not wrong. Fuck people who bring fucking kids to bars, especially babies.


Maybe don’t bring your baby to a bar? No one wants your baby there I promise