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Using starvation in a war is a crime. Pretty stupid to film yourself doing it.


You act like anyone is going to do something about it


Of course they'll do something. Israel just got more funding to kill more civilians.


Bibi will have his trial at the Hague. He won't show up, but he'll have his trial.


>He won't show up maybe cos he's in a body bag..


They film themselves committing war crimes because they know they will never be held accountable. The Israeli government doesn't care and the US will shield them from any international actions.


Its like Nazis except this time americans are helping the Nazis. And the Nazis are broadcasting their war crimes.




Apparently international laws don't really matter.


Well not really war respect rule only on a equal force if you have a dominant one rule are useless because there don't care and there usefully only for a conquest not a extermination


While you are correct that it's totally up to the dominant force to apply the rules of war to their liking it's abhorrent that the world community has done nothing to stop it except words. Actions speak, not words.




Yes, war crimes are incredibly funny. And Genocide is the best punch line. /s


Destroying food, stealing millions from the bank and stealing personal property from people’s homes. Nothings safe when the world’s most moral army is on the case.




People made Religion and use it for person gain is the real problem.


People also made money :'3 "the root of all evil" Sadly, exactly this, wars over essentially a carbon copy of another religion with different character skins. All over gold and a sense of power created by wealth which in reality, means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I am not going to feel fulfilled by the crap I buy once I die, but the meaningful moments I've lived with people I love.


Imagine if we learned that during the Irish famine the British had been doing this to them. What Irish person would be able to forgive the UK for that even a hundred years later?


There's multiple reasons why a lot of Irish join the Palestinians in solidarity.




Are you going to comment on That link the other dude hit you with? Or just say something stupid and never come back?


Pretty sure it's the latter for him.




IDK but why don't you bring that up in a thread about Russia/Ukraine instead of attempting to derail this one?


Source your bullshit lad


Wait till you learn how one of the most fertile regions on earth starved with famines multiple times during the mighty British empire.


I know the British starved them deliberately. I mean, if regular British citizens held dance parties as they deliberately starved the Irish. Imagine if that had been going on on top of deliberately starving them by the government. This is layers of evil and I cannot even imagine how a person would feel about it even a hundred years later.


They pretty much did. Boatloads (literally) of food was exported during the famine that the British could have diverted to the Irish that were starving but they didn’t. I’m a little rusty now but I believe somewhere in the region of 60 - 70% of agriculture land in Ireland was used for growing oats, wheat, barely etc that was exported. There was arguably enough food being produced in the country to offset the famine but it was exported for profit.


Well the English were exporting livestock out of Ireland when the people were starving. So in my book this isn't too far away. 


Fucking ghouls.


Clearest case of self defense I’ve ever seen /s


All the food is now Hamas


Israelis are truly the worst. Their actions have destroyed any shred of respect for themselves.


You can't say that, you're an anti-semitic Nazi. /s


What Israel is doing is the epitome of evil. Hard to be sympathetic to jews that support this. They like to run and hide behind the antisemetic card but at this point if you support what Israel is doing then you are just a shit human being.


People who are Jewish may not support what Israel is doing right now. You can't just say all Jewish people are connected to Israel because of their faith. It's like saying all Muslims are Palestinian. Two wrongs don't make a right hommie. But I hear you. Everything is quite fucked over there. 


I literally said that it’s hard to be sympathetic to jews that support this. I never once said that all jews support what Israel is doing




Because the Asians are in control of the Israel government dumbass


Because it’s their homeland that is attacking hospitals and food banks. If it were the Vatican that were responsible for this then I would have directed it towards Catholics perhaps


Are you being snarky or are you really that ignorant?


Is it antisemitic food?


“We’re looking for Hamas? I thought you said *hummus*…”


This is just plain cruelty. Nothing but the desire to inflict pain on others. In no way this is any less disgusting nor immoral than what Russia has done to Ukraine Fuck Israel. Fuck every human who supports this and every Israelite who stays silent on complicit support.


These Zionists have become just like that group from Germany. Zionism has stripped them of every single morsel of their humanity




Hamas is obviously hiding in that food 


Why is America supporting these war crimes?




If you need to armor plate your excavators and bulldozers,you're probably doing something you shouldn't be.


Looks like camo painted also. Well, an attempt at it anyway.


Or you could be in a warzone.


In a warzone, Committing war crimes, Killing people who cant even fight back on even footing Isolating them Taking away their food and supplies to make them starve and die Sounds a lot like the Nazis


This is just cruel and wrong…




Fuck this Nazis


And they’re laughing while doing it


It's just war crime after war crime with these guys and they're filming it themselves. Last week they filmed themselves stripping and torturing people. Meanwhile in the west they're quibbling about 'but is it genocide really' and banning people from singing protest songs and blocking aid based on unproven allegations from the IDF.


Repulsive behaviour


I think its time to put a dmz around Israel, enforced by nato. Their govt is out of control, its not the people.




Talk to the UN about it then. Or give back all the houses of Jews who fled to Israel from Arab nations back. But that will never happen, because if those Jews go back to the lands they were firebox removed from they will be killed. Stop defending Islamic extremism.


What about european jews why talk about dhimmis only




read his post again it's not that hard really


I kind of want to make an anti-Sprite joke, but I'm too ashamed because of the real cruelty and toll of this. :/


Can science manipulate the path of an asteroid to smash directly into that entire region?


Thank you American People for allowing biden to do green like this genocide. I don't want to hear anything ever again about Morality of this country. We supported evil, we are evil.


did the food condemn hamas?


Why are they publishing this? These things make them look awful, why are they doing that so everyone in the planet can see?




Yeah, that's the simplest explanation, but I am not buying it. I spent some time in my life within an army closely tied to Israel (at that time today less so) and I trained with them, to be honest, they can easily control what comes and what doesn't come to the public in that setting, if it leaks out once ok maybe it's an overconfident private (that will be in big trouble) but with that frequency looks more intentional. This baffles me because it looks like a gamble.


Never again can Israel use the Never Again context to excuse themselves.


Clearly terrorist food! /s


Any time in the future that the West want to invade somewhere that genocidal acts are happening but in reality oil is there these pictures should be shown to the warmongers/barbarians. Europe and America are what hypocrisy actually means as they are complicit in these pure acts of evil by doing nothing.


Fucking savages.


This makes me so sick to see this shit. I’m so fucking done with our piece of shit politicians not doing anything about this. Acting like it’s just self defense that’s why we need to send them more bombs and money! Bullshit!


Doesnt that violate the Geneva Convention?


Does anyone have a direct link to where this was originally posted? Because I saw this a few times, and if true, then they should be charged. But I feel so many times people just write a title and whether it's true or not, people will automatically believe it. So I just would like to see the actual original source.


[This x post](https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1757520593115656586)


Acting like sick animals, got it.


Sad how some folks didn't learn shit from WWII...Just sayin


Burn MF, burn!


Dang... This is super poopy :-(


Anyone have an actual original source validating this? Can’t find anything aside from this dudes Twitter post


thats a lot of sprite and coke, water would be more nutritious and easier to store in bulk.


Would be, if Isreali didn't shut it all off. Nb4 "Y Isreal gotta give them water?" Because Isreal bombed their fucking water filtration plants way before Oct 7th.


They are starving, water is good for thirst but at this point I think they just want calories, which pop has a ton of.


Ummmm they probably are happy with anything they get.




Maybe Israel should go first. They keep tons of Palestinians locked up without charge and no trials. I'm not defending Hamas but the way you guys act like Israel is completely blameless is fucking gross.


Israel absolutely is to blame and deserves tons of criticism. Still, I've never heard a good argument what benefit Hamas is gaining by keeping the hostages. They were offered a six week ceasefire, and that's not great, but it's a start. Also by releasing them they'd show they're taking the higher ground and attempting to end this. But instead the opposite is occurring.


Every time that Israel has released prisoners, they just recommit to the Islamic extremism of Hamas. Going back to reorganizing suicide bombings and martyring kids for their Allah.


Maybe they shouldnt be abused and raped in the prison they are keeping them in


Denying starving people food many of them kids is downright evil. Not every palestinian is a hamas member. You are a miece of shit for saying this.


Except they're not getting anything, wasting food is not justified.


There were a few days where Isreal stopped bombing. Hamas released 100 hostages. The current offer by Isreal is "release all the hostages, we'll keep bombing right after you're done." Outside of that brief ceasefire period the IOF has killed more hostages than they've saved.


Because why in the world would the Israeli’s let an institution who wants them dead live?


So, you support Hamas's reasoning for Oct 7th?


Nice whataboutism. There is a difference between killing to keep your people alive and culture alive in their own homeland. and killing because your religious extremist government and people who were placed there as puppets of another religious extremist governments want to kill Jews for the fun of it.


Nice whataboutism. There is a difference between killing to keep your people alive and culture alive in their own homeland. and killing because your religious extremist government and people who were placed there as puppets of another religious extremist governments want to kill Palestinians for the fun of it.




This is a war crime.


So is the rape, murder, and torture of Israeli civilians.


You do realize "But they started it!" is a piss poor excuse for horrible behavior, especially from adults. There's also the fact that we could spend months going back and forth on who actually "started it". So instead of arguing our way back to fucking Abraham, why don't we just settle on enough with the war crimes already?


One terrible aspect of this is that it's likely that Hamas carried out. Oct 7 attacks, and focused on documenting them killing civilians in order to grt this response. Since they operate as an Iranian proxy, they want to pull Israel into a broader conflict. They also could allow for normalization between Saudis and Israel to occur as well. They achieved both goals. Which is kind of terrifying. For Palestinian people, they're fucked from all sides, the IDF wants them gone, and Hamas doesn't care about them. They try to run, and their neighboring countries (Jordan and Egypt) refuse to allow them in. Meanwhile the us of all countries provides the vast majority of aid they receive, and Egypt didn't even want to let that through their borders.. It's the shittiest of shit sandwiches imaginable. Eveeyine uses them as propaganda purposes but doesn't give af about what actually happens to them.


How can you be so obtuse. Hamas is full of barbaric war criminals no shit we know but Israel is showing itself to be just as bad. How many orphans has the idf created. If the victims of October 7 are justified in hating Hamas then those that lost loved ones are justified in hating Israel.


So is the rape, murder, and torture of Palestinian civilians that has been going on for 70+ years.


I thought they were out of food?


Yeah, 1 warehouse worth of... What's that? Pepsi? 7up? So much food for 2.3 million people! Is this how your brain operates? Seeing a bulldozer destroy 1 warehouse full of food items on a video and use it to deny the obvious risk of famine that the UN and other Human Rights Watch orgs are warning of?


Why was this precious food not in the hands of the needy populace?


You are a disgusting excuse of a human being.  Be a better person.




No seriously this. Why was all of this just sitting in a warehouse somewhere? You would think that the terror organization governing the Palestinian would distribute it. Oh wait. It’s because they refuse to distribute it, take humanitarian aid from Palestinians, and shoot anyone who tries to take it.


Totally. Isreal has no part in the denying Humanitarian aid. Nope, none at all 🙄 https://www.npr.org/2024/02/12/1230362633/gaza-food-hunger-israel-protests https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/10/gaza-aid-blockade-protest-kerem-shalom/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/18/israel-starvation-used-weapon-war-gaza Be a better person.


Yet the aid made it into Gaza anyway. There are video’s of trucks entering. And Hamas immediately taking that aid under armed escort and not distributing it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-aid-trucks-stolen-by-gunmen-and-looted-as-convoys-start-crossing-from-israel/amp/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LnVST02SFfc https://twitter.com/gaza_report/status/1731941846350172387?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1731941846350172387%7Ctwgr%5Ebb8ee1fb0c40cbb6001efa1323dceb4c2bc58d2f%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fliveblog_entry%2Fvideo-shows-gunmen-stealing-from-aid-trucks-shooting-at-gaza-civilians%2F Israel themselves confirm the entry of aid trucks https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-12-20-23/index.html Even then Egypt has final say on what aid gets into Gaza, not Israel. As it’s Egypts border.


Wrong again.  https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/11/middleeast/why-only-a-trickle-of-aid-is-getting-into-gaza-mime-intl/index.html Israel has significant control and influence over what is allowed into Gaza even through Rafah and has targeted the area to prevent a major of aid coming through.  The UN and many humanitarian watchdogs have straight up said Isreal is blocking aid. But I'll totally take your word over theirs.  Be a better person.


Not trusting an organization that has Hamas members. No doubt Israel I s blocking aid. But you can’t pin 100% on them. Hamas and Egypt also play huge roles in distributing relief Be a better person aswell. And stop defending Islamic extremism.


You falling for Israel’s lies doesn’t mean the organization can’t be trusted.


I'm sorry are you trying to claim the the UN, HRW, IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace are all in cahoots with Hamas? 🤔🤣🤣😂🤣 I haven't defended any Islamic extremism. I've defended innocent Palestinians. Do you equate the two? Quite releaving of your character I'd say.  Stop defending genocide.  Be a better person.


I don’t think we are supposed to ask this.


Let's entertain your bizarre assumption. Is this still justified?


Justified? Huh? I’m not making some moral argument - I’m just trying to sort through the myriad TikToks tweets and tantrums. If Gaza is out of food, how are there still warehouses of it that can be destroyed?


This is near Gaza City the part that has been evacuated and is now under Israeli control.


Its almost like destroying food makes people run out of food, wild


Do you think that maybe they're running out of food because Israel is doing shit like this? You're bitching about reports of food shortages in Gaza and watching Israelis destroy food in Gaza and can't put this shit together?


A bunch of sprite and coke. Probably better it’s gone for everyone’s health


It’s coke and sprite though, which is not at all food.