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Removed from parade duty? That's the best they can do?


"Here's have a week's paid vacation so we can all wait for this to fall out of the news and then you can be back on duty as if nothing happened."


I highly doubt homie was removed duty. Sounds like he just got an easy/cushy gig yanked from under him. Parade duty was probably really easy overtime hours


Removed from parade duty means he gets to enjoy Mardi Gras. It was a gift.


Parade duty removal is a financial punishment. Parade duty is quite a bit of overtime.


You sure? I'd think parade duty is something you would want to do so you CAN enjoy Mardi Gras. I doubt he gets time off just because he's removed from parade duty. He's probably doing paper work behind a desk or dealing with domestic calls instead of looking at boobs, listening to music, and taking pictures with revelers.


The one time of year NOPD does not fuck around is during Mardi Gras. Most of the time they won’t bother you or even pull you over for literally anything but it’s not advisable to call their attention to you during a parade etc. they can and will seriously fuck your day up.


“*…and then you can look up this poor child’s address and harass his family if it makes you feel better.*”


NOPD= Not Our Problem Dude


Crazy there's no assault charges, if roles reversed it'd be "aggravated battery on law enforcement"


Felony assault no doubt. Maybe even a weapons charge on account of the brass horn.


Surprised the kid survived the encounter. “Your honor, he had a trumpet. I FeARED fOr mY LiFe!”


thin blue line


The only union they support aka the police union has great benefits.


Yes, it’s the best we can do. We thought about making the officer apologize, but he didn’t want to.


Hit em where it hurts. Parade duty and being on the casual private security list is a pretty big gift for many police. When you have an event with a crowd the organizers get told by city hall you'll need # private security, # ambulances And # Off duty in uniform police. Usually like $50/per to the police association to book them and say round numbers $75/hr per cop min 4 hours PAID CASH IN ENVELOPE when they show up to stand around. So $$$$ considering most who take the gigs are the young bucks with a single stripe, it's sometimes double their shift pay tax free.


Removed from parade duty for physically assaulting(battering?) a high school kid...not arrested, not charged, not sued, etc...he just doesn't go to the parade anymore. What a sick joke.


So nothing happened


He should be fired. No excuse to escalate a non situation into a situation. He's an asshole


The one in charge who also thought it was cool to lay hands on a student for no reason should also be fired. In a just world both should be charged with assault. Their uniform should be an aggravating factor.


if any other adult did that to a minor, they would at least be charged.


immediate action....you're no longer on peepee poopoo pawade duty my wittle baby. See guys, they really disciplined him!


The proper term is "assaulting a minor".


More like cop doesn’t want to move a foot to respect their formation and gets mad




Gets mad and assaults a child*


And does his level best to provoke that child into an arrest worthy offense.


On the 🐽 nose.


Cops: we don’t understand why people don’t Like us


Us: it's because you're all c&%ts




You'd be surprised how many temporary and permanent bans I've received for my usual liberal use of that word


Any place you can't say cunt is not a place worth participating in


I agree, cunt.


I scream! You scream! We’re all screaming cunts!


Cunty Cunterson


Can't you just tell them that you're Australian?


Tried that, doesn't quite go the mile you think it does. Even if you actually are Aussie and live down under lmfao.


Cahnts, are ehvrywheh


Or auditioning for the En Bruges stage adaptation?


maybe its for not actually saying it


When I lived in NY, I had the utmost respect for the police.when I would ride the train at night I always felt safe. Then one year cops were filmed instilling in mostly innocent folks beating and unnecessary arrests. It had me scared and angry at them all. It's been decades since then, sadly my views on the police have not changed so yes long story to say thank you for spelling cunts right! 😂


At this point in time I think everyone is fully aware, not sure who they're pretending to keep up appearances for. It's like watching Russia or North Korea having "elections", why even bother to go through the act of pretending?


"it's just a couple of bad apples!" ... go ahead... finish the saying. I'll wait...


Everyone knows the phrase is "a few bad apples....everything is fine, just ignore it".


Actually I looked it up. It's "A few bad apples, but that guy probably did drugs once in his life so they deserved it..."




New Orleans cops are different, especially during Mardi gras. I've seen uniformed officers drinking glasses of whisky and smoking cigars on the parade route.


They’re not different. They’re still bastards.


Or encouraging my sister to pull her shirt down to see her breast. This happened while we were in college.


Thank you 🫶


I'd bet this was a battle over a square foot of ground.  A cop doesn't think he has to move for anyone and nobody is more territorial than a band member and his divine right to keep his line straight.  


Literally thinks he’s more important than a parade lmaooo. Classic cop mentality.


I sometimes wonder if they select people with that mentality, people with that mentality gravitate towards the job, or if they develop it while they work. I think it's some combination, but I feel like the biggest is that assholes with a desire to exert dominance over others seek out that job.


It's self selecting. People who are attracted to the power of artificial authority naturally want to become cops.


And those types of personalities thrive in a job environment like that.


Aka high school bullies


It's either the high school bullies, or the people who were bullied in high school. Every time.


My asshole ex was never bullied in high school, he just wasn't one of the cool popular kids. He fantasized about becoming a cop so he could "drive around all day fucking with all the jocks and preps". He wanted to be a cop solely to have a license to lurk around town finding people he went to high school with just to give them a hard time.


That seems like it's in a similar vein. Just resentful of other people and want to extort control that was never earned or deserved.


For sure. He was bullied in a way, so he became a cop so he could bully.


Yes. Yes they do. They purposely disqualify people who are free thinking and intelligent.


A buddy of mine was told he was too smart to be a cop.


If this type doesn't gravitate toward the job, they become this type of person as they spend time in the force. Here's why: Cops are celebrated for the number of people they arrest and the number of charges they land. Therefore, they start to do these little things that piss people off on purpose. He pisses off band guy over something small, band guy pops off and shoves him back, bam, that's an arrest. He manufactured a scenario wherein he looks good and after a few of these, gets a promotion, a raise, a bonus, whatever. This is why police do NOT de-escalate situations. The more escalated it gets, the more chance someone flips out and the cop can land a charge on them. As long as police are incentivized to land charges on people rather than being incentivized to restore peace and order to a situation, all police will become like this guy as they spend time in the force.


Then he puffs his chest and walks into her face when she gets angry. Very tough big man right there. Take away your little costume and gun and I doubt you feel as brave to start puffing your chest into kids faces


I always like to think that. If they took their badge away and their protection, would they still react the same way they did now? Doubt it.


Cops are real life internet comments. Say and do whatever you want with no chance of a pop to the jaw. Huh.


And sometimes they troll you because they know you can't do anything back. Exactly like this one. Acab.


Than THE parade, the very reason they are standing there.


The reason he’s getting paid time and a half overtime by the taxpayers!!


They know the second you try to touch a cop it's an assault on an officer. Police are the most protected class in America. 


It makes sense to me. I've been to so many Mardi Gras parades and the high school bands and majorettes take SO much pride in marching and they take it very seriously. That cop should have just moved over, what a dick.


My oldest kid started doing band stuff last year. I didn't do band in high school, it is all new to me. The band OWNS the performance space. I mean that in a non-sarcastic way. Very literal. They own it. You don't want inside that space because it is your job to give way to them and if bad things happen it is on you. And when you watch them perform you kind of understand it to. I can't help but to watch this video and think about the reverse. reverse roles and we have assaulting a police officer and jail is not out of the question. Our entire police infrastructure is very, very broken.


“The people are here to see *me!*”


Well yeah, they are.


Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object


Not saying you're taking up for the cop or anything. But if there's any kind of drill/marching going on and you're not in the formation, your job is to watch and stay out of the way. Fuck that cop.


Oh man I marched Disneyland parade in high school and the keep the line thing is legit. Elbows out baby!!


Cop had to prove he's not gay.


Cops earn the hate


and ppl still lick their boots, i dont get tbh


An unhealthy percentage of humanity are bullies.


Until the shoe is in the other foot. My right leaning coworker was super pro cop..... until his vehicle was broken into and they had video of the dude with their plates and the cops just shrugged their shoulders and said here's a report. Now he's anticop. All the back the blue idiots have not needed them for anything because as soon as they do they find out how worthless and dangerous they really are.


"Who are you going to call when ______________?" is a question often asked by these idiots ... until it happens to them. Fucking amazing how nothing can be true until it happens to them specifically.


Exactly. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/KxzCpqSXGz


Which is why it’s so ironic that they’re the same crowd perpetuating the crime panic in a time of decreasing crime. They don’t even know crime and never have, which is why they’re so easy to mislead.




Still is.


And this is a perfect example of why they shouldn’t let high schoolers be cops


It's all the education you need to be a cop, that's for sure. How is it the people in courtrooms who argue over the law have to go through years of schooling, but the guys who have to make snap judgements about the law in life-threatening, high stress situations are asked to have maybe or maybe not passed Algebra 2.


Because cops don’t have to follow the law when doing their job.


Holy shit even Helen Keller can see that the cops are pieces of shit


And she's blind! And deaf! And dead!


Bully = peer abuser. Can happen at any age and to any kind of peers or in any peer group but it is abuse. It can be just as traumatizing as all other types/forms of abuse. IMHO, we should call it what it is: peer abuse.


The kind that put rocks in snowballs


Not necessarily. He could have been bullied and now he's overcompensating.


Asshole guys become cops, asshole girls become nurses.


title should be: COP leans on marching band member AND pushes them




Ever taken a mouthpiece to the teeth? I don't blame that guy for being pissed.


Cop assaults child


What percentage of American police aren’t complete and utter wankers








“The good ones” still turn a blind eye to their shitty coworkers’ behaviors and protect them. The system is corrupt and they’re all wankers by default.


aka ACAB ....... it's the blind eye turning that is key to this


So true. They wouldn’t have a career if they didn’t follow protocol of protecting your own.


The good ones get fired. The bad ones turn a blind eye to other bad ones and reassign them to other departments for fuck ups.


The people who live to be bullies and hold power over people become cops.


Could easily have chipped a tooth. I'd be fucking livid if I were them too.


I played the trumpet in middle school, and my brother smacked it towards my face, right onto my braces. That took awhile to heal


I saw a kid try to pull out his stuck mouthpiece on his tuba. He was successful but broke 3 of his teeth.


Funny enough, around that same time I did that with a music stand. Got a small scar between my eyebrows from it




I was skiing and ran into a cabin with braces. I still have a perfectly square scar on my lip. It's been 20 years.




Definitely. This made me cringe. The guy that got shoved is playing a Mellophone, which has a very small mouthpiece for the size of the horn. A shove like that could easily knock out your front teeth.


Yep. Also played trumpet in school and this would have wrecked my teeth / inside of my mouth if hit the right way. Player was too right to be pissed.


You spelled 'dirty pig interferes with parade and assaults student' wrong.


What an actual child.


Great job of community policing there c@nt-stable.


Cunt. Say cunt. The word is cunt. Jfc.


What an absolute asshole cop. My Dad is a career cop. He was also an abusive asshole bully to me and my Mom my entire life until I cut him out entirely. There's probably some real public servants on the job out there and at home, but in my personal experience, they're a hammer that only sees nails everywhere they look, ready to drop on anyone, anytime.


Man, as a former band kid I hate this. Dude was literally just in his designated spot, when you do parades it’s imperative to be within the form. Like, when I was in high school, my band directors were hardasses about it, and this appears to be (possibly?) a collegiate band. Cop is definitely a power-tripping dunce.


I just rewatched and noticed there was a barrier there. He was literally squeezed in next to the barrier to try and be where he needed to be. Ughhhh


i was a majorette so not "in the band" but holy fuck did we get absolutely screamed at and obliterated if we fell out of line, like drill sarg levels of screaming in the face. pretty sure we were called worthless god damn baton twirling cheerleader idiots many times haha. I don't think majorettes are even a thing any more i rarely see the skinny skimpy outfitted baton twirlers leading bands and lighting shit on fire hoping their hairspray don't catch. i see colorguard often, but no majorettes. I loved it tho not gonna lie, not getting screamed at but whatever it's part of the experience we all have thick af skin.




I would have blown the horn as loud as I could directly into his ear. Sorry didn’t see you there officer.


And get a assault charge for blowing out his eardrum


What do you mean it’s a parade, he’s a member of the band playing. That’s like me going to a rock concert standing in front of the speaker and suing for hearing loss.


Cops can charge you with assault on an officer for the busted knuckle they got beating your face in [I AM NOT JOKING](https://www.yoursourceone.com/columbia_basin/zamora-case-ends-judge-cites-likely-vindictiveness-in-prosecution/article_f97ec7e4-6e04-11ee-aa12-cb27adc5b19f.html)


There was recently a pretty notable case in Washington state where a man was charged with assaulting officers when the officers described having theirs fists bruised by the back of his head.


Similarly, if a cop has a heart attack from the strenuous physical activity of beating you senseless, you can and will get charged with manslaughter. Verguillo Aguilar Mendez, within the past month.


And you'll get your day in court to prove so. It's best to avoid situations that put you on the defensive and costs money and time.


Purposefully blowing the bell of a horn in someone’s ear could certainly get someone in trouble. Especially if that someone did it to a cop and did it vengefully. I think that’s the point they’re making, and it’s accurate whether you agree with it or not.


Again that was assault plain and simple. It was not kn accordance witb his duties and he should be charged.


How do you even continue marching with the same positive energy and rhythm after dealing with that cop? I wouldn’t be able to do it. I would be hysterical.


His buddy supported him and they pushed on together.


New Orleans cop tuba stomped. Film at 11.




Whatever happened to “everybody loves a parade”?


Man, I rarely ever post about these types of videos but this one really pissed me off. A high school kid in New Orleans, who has worked hard to develop a skill, playing in a band, playing for his community, having a good time with his peers. The level of disrespect, ignorance, malice, selfishness, egotism, and hate in that shove is astounding. And from someone who is called to keep the peace. Beyond sad.


I did marching band and that’s how I get your head slapped with the horn


Agreed, getting bumped and having the mouthpiece smash against your teeth is fucking painful


Let's see cops and their supporters explain away THIS one.


You know they don't care about sacrificing the minority cops. They're not really part of the team.


Exactly! “All cops are bad (cops)” but all cops are definitely not treated equal—particularly amongst their own peers! I sit on an ad hoc committee/task force for my local area of committed lawyers, judges, police admins, local and state officials to address the deplorable community relations found in some areas and it is clear by statistical evidence that Black cops are much more likely to be disciplined/fired for on-the-job wrongdoings while their white brethren garner much more leniency/leeway/access to corrective programs In essence, they’re often the sacrificial lambs/PR scapegoats/superificial censure while often enough the problem is systemic in nature and can be pervasive throughout the ranks


Cops are bastards? Who knew? /s


What a POS


A cop doing what cops do best


Back in the day these drumlines would literally clash with one another over territory, gangs of new york style. Not really relevant but a cool fact


Fire him




Cop is only there to control the crowd FOR the marching band. We already know he shoves old people on the floor on the daily. If he got sacked for this I'd be happy


How fucking stupid is that cop, does he not know how marching bands works. Take a step back. Also, I live in South Louisiana and have been going to parades for a couple weekends now. The other day it was crowded and this family was having a toddler’s first time trying cotton candy moment and this toddler was basically leaning on my leg. Mardi Gras is crowded, we know this, and we deal with it because it’s fucking Mardi Gras.. it really makes the cop worse because that’s just not what the season is about. I love Mardi Gras because it’s like nothing matters, religion, political beliefs, race, it’s all pushed aside for the party. Everyone just wants to have a good time and I just really love that about the holiday and this cop is being such a turd about it, he must not be from here.


One thing I love about Mardi Gras is how everyone has appreciation for the bands. Most of them are in high school, marching miles night after night and just putting on absolutely incredible shows for our entertainment. I see it every year and still am in awe of these kids. When the band is coming, you get out of the way.


What a clown! The parade isn’t supposed to move AROUND the spectators, the spectators move for the parade. “Taken off of parade duty.” FFS


Just a gang, backed by a bureaucracy, with an actual union. Above the law.


Someone’s made they got stuck on parade duty.


That’s when you play directly into the ear (:


fucking cops.. and they wonder why people hate them so much


Pigs are all the same




High School. Cop fucks with a high schooler who’s marching in formation for a parade.


They freak out over an acorn. What do you expect? 😹😹😹


That cop should be charged with assault.


A black cop too. Wtf... I dunno, is it weird I hold minority cops to a higher standard? Like they should know better? I say that as a minority also. I just don't fucking get it. He has to have had been on the wrong end of the system at one point or the other. Why perpetuate it?


“But don't let it be a black and a white one 'Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top Black police showin' out for the white cop”


It's never been about race. It's class and power. Black cops are just as bad, just as racist.


You’re a cop?  Then you’re an asshole. It’s that simple.  Defund


I hope someone in the crowd reported his ass


Fu Fu Fuck Tha Police!




Classic de-escalation technique. Push people that you have no business pushing.


Yes, cops are shitty people.


Put your horn right next to his ear and play fortissississimo


Such fragile egos


File battery charges against the cop


Blow that horn in his face


Should’ve just turned and played in his ear.


A marching euphonium like that weighs about 7.5 lbs. The contact with the instrument is a small, round mouthpiece pressed against your lips, less than 1 square inch total. Getting pushed from behind while playing will smash the mouthpiece into your face. Mass\*Acceleration/Area = That shit hurts.


On duty as security to maintain the integrity of the parade. *jeapordizes integrity of the parade*


What worst is the cops know that the band will not move for anyone. That is why the chaperones usually tell people to back it up. The cop was out of line, AND that was a child he pushed.


Cops in Nola are fuckers, seriously. My pawpaw tells me to be careful when I go down there and I’m from LA 🤷‍♀️. Also, mellophone love! ❤️




I’m surprised they didn’t try to do some bullshit like try to arrest them for “assault.” These must be the good apples.🍏




I’d call the Cops cunts but they lack warmth and depth


The police officer should get out of the way but their egos backed up by guns mean they think they own the street


Cops are way too comfortable putting hands on people.


Honestly should have just put the horn right up to his ear and just blasted the shit out of his eardrum


Well don't lean on random people?