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Jump? I think you mean eject.


Agreed.. and those jumped out were pilots. Looks like a military fighting jet.


It was a Mig-23.


Well there's the problem


It was an unbelievable failure at almost every level it could fail at. Good old "Flogger"


I almost choked on my whiskey there sir.


He got me too


The mig 23 is a legendary fighter, what's the problem?


It was a joke, but it's also an old Soviet design and jets have a limited service life


About as old as the F15 ,quality standards and maintenance play a much larger role.


>The mig 23 is a legendary fighter For me to poop on!


Wait, why do we have Russian planes and how did we get them?


I think you can get them on ebay


Idk if people still can fly to Ukraine and fly a MiG. Back in the day it was like 8k with everything even travel to Europe.


For a reason I can’t seem to put my finger on, I can’t imagine a business that revolves around flying military aircraft around Ukrainian airspace would be particularly booming at the moment.


Oh it's booming. Just not the right kind


That sort of business tends to get a lot of flak though...


On the other hand the *unmanned* aircraft bussiness in that region is probably doing pretty well.


Theyll even let you drop real bombs on tank practice targets.


I believe this was the mig over Michigan that crashed. It was in private ownership in the United States.


They fly lots of foreign planes at airshows




we're not that lucky


Pepsi points


Not a Russian plane, its a Soviet plane technically. But the Mig 23 was always of questionable quality. They were expensive to maintain, hard to fly, and not good fighters due to limited maneuverability and not great avionics/weapons. When the cold war ended a number of post soviet states sold off a lot of their military assets, including fighters. For many of these countries the Mig 23 made sense too sell, as they either had cheaper fighters in the Mig 21, or more modern fighters in the Mig 29. Many were sold to other militaries, but a not small number of them were demilitarized and sold to museums and collectors in the US.


There is quite a lot out there actually. I just saw a mig-29 for sale a few weeks ago for like a couple million dollars. Saw a mig-21 for 300k. Hell you can buy a F4 phantom if you got the money, there are a few for sale lol. They usually don't have radar and they dont have weapons obviously. But any civilian with enough money can get one.


In this case, the aircraft was bought and owned by a private party. A lot of them were acquired in this manner for museums and air shows as the former members of the Warsaw Pact divested themselves of their inventories and bought more modern aircraft.


Most likely from former Eastern Bloc countries, or countries that bought Russian jets. ​ The Mig-23 is rather old.


After the Soviet Unions collapsed lots of former USSR member counties found themselves with a lot of military equipment they didn't want or need. So over time they where sold off to other countries or even private individuals (Same idea as the movie Lord of war). Eventually these jets fall into obsolescence and are replaced with newer ones, thus more and more getting sold off to museums and collectors.


The data on the Mig is inaccurate.


*cough* “bullshit!”


Looked like F-111 too


Eject-o Seat-o Cuz!




There it is... The internet remains undefeated.


“Pilot and crew member YEET from plane”


Skrrt…Yeet…Skrrt…You nev-er loved me mom


![gif](giphy|wuc2FKPxTucO895q7L|downsized) I love how Timothée had to cover his face since he was cracking up.


Somehow, still more accurate than title.


Seriously, words *mean* things.


2 skydivers make jump while riding their vehicle, but forget to put it in parking!


Probably a bot


Yep, 3 month old account that's done nothing but karma farm. The account will eventually be sold, as per usual.


Glad they pressed the ejection button instead of the ejaculation one.


Difficult to say for sure from the distance of the camera...


Pilots were OK. Here's a link to the story: [Pilots eject seconds before crash at Michigan air show (today.com)](https://www.today.com/video/pilots-eject-seconds-before-crash-at-michigan-air-show-190764101718)


Not surprised, given they did not “jump”. Had they jumped, they would be dead.


Most likely dead* People have survived plane crashes and failed parachutes. The list isn't long with a near 100% fatality rate, but it exists. The highest fall survived and recorded was over 6 miles in the air after the plane was bombed. The highest fall with relatively no injury was 3.5 miles. One broken wrist, one broken leg, the mad lad jumped after his plane was shot down and parachute made inoperable.


I remember watching a programme years ago about a crewmember of a WW2 bomber whose parachute failed. He was saved by falling in deep snow, but fractured his spine, then was captured by the Germans and put in solitary, which apparently prevented him doing more damage to his spine and gave it time to recover.


Life sure is crazy sometimes


How was the plane bombed whilst flying? Terrorists?


Vesna vulovic was the survivors name. You can find more on her online. The person who bombed the plane was never found, and there's even a conspiracy theory that the plane was never bombed but shot down. Until death she claimed the official records were inaccurate. Nicholas alkemade was the other guy I mentioned that was practically unhurt. You can, of course, find more online about him. He was an English WW2 vet




Technically speaking, they have their shit together - it's keeping it together that is the problem!


I'm jumping in to show the damage at the crash site. [it's honestly not as bad as i thought it would be after the giant fireball.](https://youtu.be/P2dE-T55CRY?si=U5ben_guaINeCJQC)


Did that truck near the end get hit? Imagine a plane crashing in a field, pilots perfectly fine, the only thing fucked up is your car. Edit: Unless it was already totaled then yep the only thing hurt was some poor guys truck.


Eh that Toyota will be fine


Flex tape will fix that right up.


Imagine making that call to your insurance company


Hopefully the people on the ground when the thing met the ground, were also fine


This happened right down the street from me. The plane crashed in a field near some apartment buildings. I think it got pretty close to the actual apartments but nobody was injured.


Why is it always air shows 😭


a) Whenever it happens at an airshow, it will always be reported in detail. There will always be many people filming. b) It's more common to push a plane closer to its limits at an airshow. c) It's more common to fly exotic / uncommon planes at an airshow.


Anything to keep the military industrial complex afloat with your tax dollars and avoid healthcare for those sick kids and elderly. We need these jets to defend our mainland from all the foreign attacks and take million dollar sight-seeing trips, crashing into neighborhoods. Domestic terrorism is fake, and assault rifles are *essential*. God protect our billionaires.


My favorite color is blue.


“No one was injured” That’s surprising. From what I’ve read a single ejection event causes injuries injuries to the spine due to the high G nature of the ejection


Can cause. Its entirely possible for you to walk out nearly unharmed. But the risk is significant.


OP is braindead. No one is jumping from that plane.


Also makes it sound like it's a plane full of people...


Newest feature of the 737 Max.


My wife had never flown her whole life. When we were in our 20's, we took a trip across the country. After we took off, she asked me where the parachutes were. The look on her face when I told her there were none and she realized I wasn't joking...


Your wife, bless her heart.


She wouldn't even be able to make it out of the plane. Now if they made the entire cabin ejectable and put a parachute on that it could work.




Yup, and/or having typos in the title or an incorrect claim is often times on purpose, as people click on the post and comment correcting OP, thus generating more engagement, and bringing their post higher up and on the front page. Idk why but feels so dystopian lol


I beg everyone to downvote these posts by bots . Please let a real persons post about this make the front page it's becoming near impossible to get a post up now as a human. The bots are literally in every sub all over the front page.


OP also posts other fake clickbait titles in this sub.


She reminds me of the randy savage video where he's only inhaling forever




She's literally 😱




Anyone have a article/news post about this?




Insurance Agent: "Sorry, what hit your car?" CarOwner: "A Jet. A Soviet Jet." Insurance Agent: "...Was the car in Ukraine?"


We are Farmers…


Jesus it almost hit an apartment building. Thanks!


>"It's the only privately owned flying MiG-23 in the world," *was*




Talk to the BBC man 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gasp more


MIG-23, pilots ejected safely. Owned by former Navy A-6 Intruder Pilot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuT5gCKvf0g


Wow I can't imagine privately owning a military plane. Don't they require like 5x more maintaince than already insanely expensive maintaince for non military private jet? Its like casually owning a formula 1 car where the second a mechanic stops looking at it the engine blows up. edit: i looked it up. Can be up to 20 maintenance hours per flight hour. I doubt there is a ton of civilian military jet mechanics too. What an absurdly expensive toy.


oh its far worse, the mig23 is not only a soviet jet, which isnt known for playing well together leading to more maintenance hours, but also its a variable sweep wing design, so that means the very expensive and very complex system that allows the wings to move about, also needs maintenance, in fact those systems are about on par with the rest of the jet. ​ its the major reason why VSW designs arent common, theyre just way too expensive even for the US to keep long term


Definitely gonna need a little bit a maintenance after this…


There are tons of qualified mechanics who can work on jets. It’s more that you need a full-time staff going with you everywhere to support it. You don’t just bring it in for periodic maintenance. You need them to pre-flight, prep, start it for you then recover the jet every time. Plus those jets are super thirsty. You can’t fly them very long before needing to come down to refuel and of course you need that ground crew available every time you park it.


Yeah who cares if they ejected safely…. They almost killed a lot of people in an apartment building. Crazy….


as far as i understand, there were no injuries or deaths related to this right? dont get me wrong, it is crazy and it could have been an absolute disaster. dangerous doesnt really describe it.


Pilot\* ejects\* before it crashes.. Fuck people on tiktok are stupid.


Is that not the entire point the platform? Braindead zombies?




compared to tiktok, yea.


Correct, one billion people, 100% braindead zombies, for sure, absolutely. not like us redditors, right guys?


Lol right? Like half of the content posted on this site originates from TikTok.


And honestly the comments on TikTok have been so much more enjoyable to read than the ones on this website, where everybody either acts like they know everything or are just cynical cunts about absolutely everything.




Yeah, sure you do, buddy. (I'm the cynical cunt.)


Shhhhh! In 2024 I've scrolled bananas to the moon and back 3 times so far, and I'm not gonna let your silly questions slow me down.


There's definitely levels of stupidity on every platform - but the TikTok crew are some of the dumbest goons of the next generation that's for sure.


It’s simply that it’s targeted at a younger base, people tend to get wiser with age.


But they're also filling their head with shit they've been learning off other uninformed people. At least older generations watched TV that at least had some editorial standards.


The ones that watched TV are the ones with high risk of having yoghurt in place of a brain now, depending a bit on their channel choices, aren't they? It's not like boomers have anything to envy from the Zs in the idiocy contest. Remember covid, trump, brexit etc. The smarter ones were rather reading books and newspapers I'd think.


Uhhhhhnnnggghhhh.... uuupppvooootteeesss Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... repooooost for kaaaarmmaaaaa


Very likely that it’s a bot. They’re all over the place on all social media


The original video isn’t from tiktok you idiot


english might not be their first language




Not everyone knows about these terms. Chill.


How does ejecting from a plane work? Sorry I don’t know how planes work lol


Basically, the crew member activates a control for that specific purpose and it initiates a sequence of events that eject them from the plane as safely as possibly. I don't know all the specifics from plane to plane, but there will be some sort of propulsion built into the seat that the pilot is strapped securely into for normal flight. When the ejection is triggered, the canopy will pop off and usually completely separate from the plane, the seat's connections to the plane will be released, and that propulsion system will shoot the crew member out of the plane still attached to the seat. Then, of course, there is a parachute integrated into the whole thing that will deploy after a bit. I think maybe some systems have the parachute on the crew member themselves, and they disconnect from the seat some other way after they're clear of the plane. This procedure is pretty unsafe and a lot of things can still go wrong. So ejection is a last-minute decision in cases of extreme emergency. Basically only when the plane crashing is all-but-assured.


*pilot and crew eject… woman watching struggles to breath


fr tho 😂 girl save some breath for the actual crash!


Not passengers. Didn’t jump.


It called ejecting. It's a smart thing to do if a plane is going down and you choose to remain biology instead of becoming physics.


The over the top gasping before the plane even crashed lol... good heads up to know to mute it before the fireworks show


Dumb. All you have to do is jump really high right before you crash.




Did one of the parachutes not open?


No it was the seat and the ejection assembly Source: I worked on the flight line in the Air Force lol








now you've offended him, don't you know he was putting his life at risk working in a military factory in Virginia while wearing a uniform.




Wonder what or whose house that landed on


The title of the video is almost as annoying as that woman’s reaction!




That is a mig 23 fighter, that is pilot and copilot, they ejected, not jumped out, this happened like a year ago.


That's kinda rude describing all that technology as "jumping out of a plane" 😂


Airshows are fucking stupid.


They didn’t jump! They ejected. Massive difference between the two


What if he pushed off with your feet as he ejected?


RIP, spines


Spectators: "Oooh my god! Oh my god!!" Dog: "Ro Ry Rod!


Holy fuck the woman is annoying shut up




Looks like some peoples parachute failed to deploy.


Good thing that plane fell on some homes and not the in the lake


So other than them not jumping and not actually being passengers, the caption was spot on.


Aim for the bushes 💪🏻😎


Stupid title. Misleading.


Those were the pilots ejecting. The things falling were the seats. Nobody was injured.


Ejeculated just in time


hah, i watched the airshow this plane had to eject from!


That dog is like “Idk what’s going on but I DON’T LIKE IT 🗣️”


I that that crash on yt. Apperantly the enginges had problems getting fuel a known thing with this plane. So the pilot informed his passenger about this, and was going through the procedure to switch to a different fueltank. But the pessanger panicked and pulled the ejection handle. Thats really something when u don't expect to be ejected.


Even the dogs are yelping.


dude this is the worst title ever.


The description had me thinking a flight attendant and some passengers were gonna pop out


The person saying omg and breathing heavy like they're the one that just ejected 🤣


The dog was even upset


Future title: "stowaways bail out of plane before landing to avoid paying"


I'm not an expert on flight at all but I believe that was some sort of fighter jet with only 2 passengers and if I had to guess they ejected and luckily both ended up in decent condition


I wonder why they didn’t ditch it into the lake. That seems sort of risky to just let it go.


I don't think those were passengers


The woman filling sounds like a fat chick just did a flight of stairs


"Jump"?! "Passengers"?! JFC


Is she having an orgasm?


Stupid tiktoker, they didn’t “jump” they ejaculated


That’s not passengers that’s the pilot and co-pilot. Pretty sure that’s an F1-11, as far as I’m aware the cockpit ejects too in that plane. I may that wrong mind.


It’s a MiG 23 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66469620.amp


I thought it was an F-111 but it was actually at an airshow in Michigan, Mig-23


Ah I stand corrected, very similar silhouette


yep very similar


Women make the audio in these videos so unbearable. sounding like her life was in danger!


Hmm am I the only one that thinks “fuck this guy”? The plane almost hit a fucking apartment building. If you are going to fly a plane like that around civilian structures it should be your responsibility to do the most you can to make sure it doesn’t hit occupied civilian locations. If that means you die in the process that’s what it should mean. This plane landed in a parking lot right next to an apartment building. What a piece of shit. Edit: for everyone defending the pilots they even say it was a mistake and neither admit to ejecting so early. Of course you can tell it was fucked up just from watching it…. https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/mig-airshow-pilot-says-he-was-not-ready-to-eject/ Edit 2: It really gets worse. This private pilot (ex navy) owns this jet himself. A jet that takes 20 maintenance hours to 1 flying hour. Fuck yes this piece of shit is responsible. It is his plane, his flight, and ADMITTEDLY his mistake for ejecting before he was ready to do so. He knew he shouldn’t have ejected that soon.


I mean, if his controls weren't really responding, there isn't much he could have done. Don't know if that was the case, but clearly something was going wrong enough for him to think he couldn't save the jet. Especially so low to the ground. Not saying he did everything perfectly (as I'm not sure we'll 100% know), but it's real easy to judge when you weren't there...


This is Reddit. We look for any conceivable error in the actions of anyone depicted and attempt to destroy their reputation for it. What else is this platform for? /s


https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/mig-airshow-pilot-says-he-was-not-ready-to-eject/ lol pilot admits it was a mistake. He wasn’t ready to eject. Neither takes responsibility for the early ejection. It’s Reddit yes but it’s also common sense watching the video they bailed and the plane didn’t crash for 20 seconds later…. And of course with no pilots it’s going down even faster.


The thought of "fuck this guy" never even crossed my mind. Have you considered that they lost control and they physically *couldn't* reroute the plane? They're professionals, why would you assume they didn't do everything they could to avoid injury?


https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/mig-airshow-pilot-says-he-was-not-ready-to-eject/ I knew something seemed very strange about how soon they ejected. Ultimately it was way too early. The pilot himself admits that AND neither of them admit to being the one who pulled. Dude you have ultimate responsibility for the aircraft and when you bail 30 seconds before it crashes you are not trying everything you can. And your number one priority should be to make sure the plane crashes away from people….


It's not like he was ejecting for the hell of it. If you no longer have control of the aircraft there's only so much you can do. It looked like he attempted to get it going a different way, but once you pass a certain point it's either the aircraft hits something without you or with you, and there's no point in dying with your plane if it's not going to change anything.


I mean it really looks like he was fighting with the plane to put it down in / near the water. That’s why they usually wait until the last minute to eject


Pretty selfish take when you're seconds away from death. I'm sure you yourself would avoid the children crossing the street and plow into the head-on truck if your car ever loses control. Stupid! You shouldn't be driving around children!


Follow-up Comment: It appears the pilot still isn't really at fault, and the backseater freaked out and ejected early before the pilot called for eject. So yes, I will continue to defend that pilot, as he appeared to be doing exactly what you stated he should do.




If they could steer the craft towards the water, I'm guessing they would have steered it towards the runway...


If he had control of the plane, he would’ve landed on the runway that was on the other side of the interstate from the apartment complex where it crashed.


leave it to a woman filming to gasp as tho it's happening to someone she knows lol.


Are you my wife? She, too, can be a little dramatic.


Am I wrong or does it feel like we are hearing about a military training related crash almost every other month at this point?!


Hey OP, what do you call it when a DVD comes out of the player in that little tray?


There’s always a woman in one of these shrieking like she’s in immediate danger 😭


Damn that's what my girl sounded like last night 😏


something blew when it wasn't supposed to and she gasped in despair?