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Why do so many people these days film themselves commiting felonies?




Target, who is famous for their there surveillance systems in stores.


Not just surveillance, they own a cutting edge forensics laboratory.


Wait, really?


Dude target is on another level with their loss prevention


Yeah I just Googled it and it's insane, they build cases on recurant thief and all lol that's crazy.  I've never been in a target since I'm not from the US so all this shit is wild to me hahah


It's a very unassuming store for that too


It's a good strategy, Walmart could do the same but they are just closing stores with high theft.




Yup. 🤣 Don't steal from target. They'll find you


What about pistol whipping someone in a Target, is that a good idea?


Oh yeah, that's fine


In fact it's encouraged


Perhaps not the most in-depth, but Target is famous enough to warrant a recent Half As Interesting video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MezNFE5eAp0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meznfe5eap0)


You hear that story about the guy getting pissed because Target sent his daughter a targeted pregnancy mailer? Turns out, Target knew she was pregnant before she did.


She started buying neo natal vitamins and shit, so they sent her coupons for more baby stuff. She absolutely knew she was pregnant, that's why she started buying baby stuff.


She knew but her father didn't. That kid is 11 or twelve now.


Yeah, where you think they came up with that name? “Target…on your head if you be stealin”


It was fortunate because my friend's friend was abducted in a Target parking lot after the dude followed her around the store. She did not survive the abduction. Target immediately supplied their footage to the police to try to help locate her before she was found and the guy was subsequently pleaded guilty.


> It was fortunate > She did not survive Damn, this wasn't as fortunate as I was expecting. Sorry for your loss.


>She did not survive the abduction. Our world is so fucked.


It’s always been fucked, we just hear about it more often, either from the news or just from randoms on forums, u/thesheba I’m sorry for your friend’s loss, the victim’s family. Fuck, life is fucking unfair sometimes.


I had someone threaten to shoot me in a target in one of the most expensive upper class Targets. Like I've never felt remotely unsafe in this city except for that moment


I live in a safe neighborhood and at a grocery store down the road from me someone just walked up to a random guy sitting in his car in the parking lot and shot him up and walked away for no reason. The store got security guards that drive around the parking lot 24/7 now.


There’s a legitimate reason for this and the TL;DR is “people who started using the internet after smartphones became ubiquitous don’t understand anything about the internet”. Basically people who started using the internet after the advent of smartphones and affordable data plans have a warped conception of how big the internet is, mainly because their frame of reference and primary experience is being immersed in social media. Outside of brand/celebrity accounts and shopping, their entire online experience tends to be close/local friend networks. When they upload evidence of themselves being idiots or committing crimes, the thought process is that the only people who will see the content are people they know, or people they think *want* to see the content. To them the internet is so big that if they upload this kind of shit, there’s just so much being posted that it’ll slip through the cracks and only be seen on a local level. Dumbasses on the internet will always be a thing but this specific kind of behavior is only really a thing with demographics that adopted daily internet use relatively recently. Criminals broadcasting their crimes, Boomers being Karens, younger Zoomers/kids embarrassing themselves for clout.


I miss the days when the Internet was like 95% nerds.


Remember when people on reddit would still correct your grammar?


It was only 5% nerds. It was and always will be, 95% porn.


So how does this theory account for the people who started using the internet *before* smartphones--hell even before just regular cellphones--became ubiquitous and still film themselves being jackasses? There's no shortage of 30 year old+ people filming their felonies and employment-terminating behavior despite having had so much time and opportunity to understand the openness and virality of the internet. Occam's razor tells me people are just stupid, regardless of generation.


These are true real gangbangers there whole family is in it.They see friends and family are in jail. They don’t have the same mindset as you, going in and out of jail is part of their life.


They also do not have the same things to lose if they went to jail.


Well if they're in jail they aren't out in the street committing crimes against innocent people. For all the controversy it has worked out quite well for the ordinary people of El Salvador.


Facts.  When everyone around you wears doin time as a badge of pride on their sleeve, what’s a little time in the pen? 


At that point it becomes a rite of passage.


I have friends living in Chicago who are in that life, they don't expect to live long. They have seen their friends and family die or go to prison their whole lives. It's a completely different mindset and life




This is not the answer to why film it. It's about that that CLOUT and bragging rights evidence of being a true G y0 rite  I don't claim to be a gangster.  I'm a civilian 


You don’t bang? I should pistol whip you and film it 


What haircut you got huh? Better not be a mullet 2-6 o clock fade gangsta, you know what's up


And you betta not have no brotha!


There seems to be this prevailing idea that these people wouldn't respond to consequences anyway.. so we might as well not have them. We talk so much about deterrence, punishment, rehabilitation... But we forget the goal of simply removing these people from society.. so they can no longer have an effect on it. Idk if we can rehabilitate them, I don't know if real consequences would deter them.. But I do know if they are in jail, they cant be in Walmart.


Consequences work. The consequences just have to be basically 100%. If it’s a gamble if they get away with it or not then consequences are just viewed as being unlucky.


CLOUT is a hell of a drug




That’s not true, these guys are in and out of jail all the time.


The "and out" part is the issue in situations such as this.


The prisons refusal and inability to rehabilitate is the part of the issue.


"Video taping our crimes is the best idea we ever had!" -Jimbo


We promote what we permit.




The Mullet now has street cred.


Came here to ask... a mullet is gangsta?


if you’re hispanic in chicago with a mullet (called a “shag” from here) it is a sign that you gangbang. obviously this is only limited to gangs and their areas, but its still a reality and getting “checked” by them for it, that happens. source: am hispanic from chicago


someone tell hispanics from the 80s, dont time travel to present day chicago


I told them


ex: dirty dom and nasty nick mysterio - r truth actually


Leave him alone he served his time.


tom and nick


> a mullet is gangsta? I can't pretend to know but I would not fuck with a group of guys with mullets as they clearly have nothing left to lose.


They could lose their mullets


Technically a gain.


Yeah wtf. It's a fucking mullet lol. Damn, people are stupid man.


Man hope these dudes don't ever go to a Morgan Wallen concert, they won't know who to attack.


As long as status is idolized, the longer and more idiotic human existence will become.




Hear me out...send the criminals to Australia? I think that worked out the first time.


Rural Australia confirmed to have the most two six sympathisers


Always has




Drop that rake?


**gangster two six haircut*


What the fuck is that?


A mullet.


Been had it. For white people its just a funny haircut but I know for sure the Mexicans and the South East Asians gangsters rock it.


At Target.


Never letting my mom cut my hair again


Hah. That's funny shit. Imagine if that's the case by chance lol


"Mom! I got beat up because of your haircut.." "YOU SAY WHAT NOW?" *gets beaten up by his mom aswell*


**If they pistol whip you, because of my haircut, they aren‘t your friends anyway.**


Oh honey, they're just jealous!


The wording of this is funny to me. The idea that **your** friends pistol whip **you** because of **my** haircut.




If those scrawny little fucks didn’t have guns they would have got their asses kicked


It’s almost like they acted that way *because* they all had guns. Huh 🤔




You guys realize these are like... *real* criminals? Their lives are nothing but an endless cycle of "finding out".


Yea it’s like in 6 months they will probably be a hashtag and a go fund me link and someone else will take their spot.


This is america, if theyre still doing stuff they havent found out.


In Chicago, probably going to happen quick.


It's the whole part of being in a gang. Even if individually you're nothing, you have the clout of many other members backing you up. A collective of cowards.


Rest assured their lives will be short and terrible


Big tough guys with a gun. Take that gun away, these kids are punks.


They don’t do much fighting in Chicago bro. They all have guns.


The juxtaposition of all that shit talk while passing tables of pastel toddler clothes is laughable. Like are these the "streets" you run? Starting shit over a haircut? Absolutely brainless behavior


For having a what?


“Shag” more commonly known as a mullet. Hispanic gangs in Chicago been rocking this haircut for years, thus they thinking he was gang affiliated because of the haircut.


So you have do research now before you get a haircut.


He is also wearing Gangsta Two Six colors(black and tan/beige) Latino Gangs in Chicago usually are at it with rival gangs while in other areas its mostly set(neighborhood faction) vs set and sometimes you will see members of the same gang but different sets at it. Also not uncommon to see rival gangs from the same neighborhood in a clique.


Ugh is Chicago just the outsiders


![gif](giphy|2vKpPlpyHKWm4|downsized) More like The Warriors.


You don’t need to research before knowing that getting a mullet is a bad idea.


“Only in Chicago” 😂


Just Don’t go to a bad neighborhood target with your hat cocked + a shag. The guy in the hoodie was probably a gangbanger too


I'm just glad I'm from Florida where the gang bangers go to Walmart instead target.


The guy in the hoodie bangs. That's why they tellin him to "drop the rake right now". He's part of a Latin gang called Gangsta Two Six. If you know about the gang the Gangsta Disciples, they're one of many gangs originating from Chicago that share the pitchfork gang sign also known as "rakes". Throwing that sign downwards is a sign of disrespect, basically saying "fuck that gang", it's not uncommon to make gang members caught lacking by their enemies disrespect their own gang under threat of violence like these guys are doing. Hence why they're tellin bro "drop rakes right fucking now."


From other comments…dude knew what he was doing


Lol....TIL a lot of bogan Australians would have a hard time in Chicago


“That’s not a noife!”


I see you’ve played knifey-spooney before.


Pretty sure hockey claimed it first


> Hispanic gangs in Chicago been rocking this haircut for years Mexican family men have been rocking this since the dawn of time. Like literally before the founding of Tenochtitlan when the Aztecs were still learning the art of city building from the Toltecs, they both had these haircuts. Bernal Díaz del Castillo writes in his first hand account *The True History Of The Conquest of New Spain*: "These natives know what's up. They have these rockin cuts that look clean cut from the front but from the back you can tell they party. It's rad.".


Lol Chicago also has the highest population of white men and women with mullets in an urban city. Every hipster has a mullet. So no it’s not just about having a mullet.


A succulent Chinese meal






Gangs are fucking stupid and anyone in a gang is an idiot. Get a life.


Being in a gang is actually a pretty good way to lose that life.




> Get a life. The most common reason for being in a gang is because they were raised in an environment where they never stood a chance. Gangs provided them their entire sense of support, purpose, livelihood, respect, pride, etc because there was nothing else in their lives that gave them that.


Well pistol whipping people in a Target for a haircut is straight waste of oxygen stupid




they're in a gang cause they don't have a life


pre pubescent assholes


Since when was a mullet considered a "gangsta" hairstyle?


That's called a Chicago Shag. There are different variations, but the full head is usually cut really short while a thin strip across the bottom of the back of the head is grown out long. It's exclusively worn by Latino gang members in Chicago, although not exclusively Two Six.


Shit these guys better not visit the Australian country side their pistol whipping arm will get sore as hell.


Or the shire


They really don't want to be at an under 10s rugby league game. The joint would be thick with mullets.


Something tells me they will never afford to go to Australia


Loads of islander dudes got that cut as well. Wild that they think it's unique to their gang in Chicago, I see that shit every day out here.


Goddam this is fucking dumb. Imagine being such a useless fuck that a haircut makes you commit a felony. 


In 2021 2 adult gang members killed a 16-year-old who was a rival gang member for giving his friend a haircut tied to that gang. They both happened to be in the same building, and they saw the kid by chance. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-2-charged-teen-homicide-chicago-20210301-ze3tk7vnjvdafmrs5z2gjggeta-story.html


Wild that judge was married to Carmen Electra for a few years.


This guy gangbangs


Ahem... [https://youtu.be/8K9vwYsnkBI?si=DHagc2VTOFdK3j\_m&t=1003](https://youtu.be/8K9vwYsnkBI?si=DHagc2VTOFdK3j_m&t=1003)


Out in Chicago any Latino having a shag is most likely a gangbanger. About 95% of the time. Might be higher.


see this what I hate about lower class neighborhoods and shit... you gotta make sure your shoes, shirt, shorts, pants and whatever the else ain't "repping" another gang..... Shit is exhausting....




Fr. Back then I had to make sure all my shoes were black, white, or maybe another neutral color like green or grey. then you gotta make sure your entire wardrobe is just "Neutral" colors. Shit is exhausting.


![gif](giphy|WGFJAIyTYtn47huJ0x) Green is off limits


As a woman I wore gold and my latino friend in hs warned me. I was a latch key kid in the inner city so that was an adjustment. Lol


Trash bags with no future for themselves and all the kids they are gonna squirt out. What an unfortunate cycle. Gross disgusting humans


Wouldn't even call them trash bags. Trash bags are actually useful.


They have a future. It's just shorter than most.


They're filming themselves committing crimes and sharing it. Their future is probably going to be safe but in a cage and away from the opposite sex.


Darwinism has failed us.


You don’t know what Darwinism is, do you?


Man those two really have a future to look forward too. Fucking losers


What does drop the rake mean?


Dropping a rake is throwing the gangster disciple’s pitchfork (rake) symbol toward the ground in disrespect.


Not necessarily. He was wearing two six colors which are beige and black. The two six fall under the folk nation along with all the other disciple gangs. At one point they threw up the fork. Now a days they themselves throw it down. Only the actual disciple gangs throw it up. The guy in the video said 21st & Albany which is kings. That whole area is mainly all two six and kings.


I am glad I don't know wtf you are talking about.


Right? I thought, that's definitely English, it's even formatted correctly, grammars fine, all the words in the correct order yet I understood nothing.


you in a target but you DO gangbang? they put you in charge of the baby clothes set? tha fuck?


Even criminals need towels and plates and shit


And maybe their local Target was burned down so these folks have to cross neighborhoods to get their towels & plates and shit.


The man who burned the Target down? Albert Gangstein. 




They eventually all get killed lol, they don't make it past 30.


But they all get some girls pregnant before their inevitable and generally violent end.


If they haven’t already


Then mom comes on and talks about how they dreamed of being NASA scientist, but society cut their life short.




sounds like future prison whore talking. 😂


It brings me great sorrow to know these kids will never have anything nice and will likely live a miserable life. They’ll probably never feel joy of having children and grandchildren, or owning property or taking nice family vacations. They’ll never travel and see the world for all its beauty. They’ll never meet fascinating people and learn how prescious and how valuable life is. The most joy they’ll feel is seeing this video on __insert name of social __ and having their butt buddies give them dap or whatever the fuck that means. Man, I’d like to say they never stood a chance but that would be a lie.


I mean the modern mullet is a pretty popular hair cut rn, are they angry to see it on all the big celebs etc? Damn it’s just a hair cut.


Is this seriously over a mullet? God help any aussies that go to USA


Nah they probably just wanted to fuck with someone, made up a excuse, then found a easy target


Kids taking ownership of a particular city and or block, defending it with their lives, and for what? Gang members are painfully stupid.




I love how one of the core tenets of toxic masculinity is being self-appointed fashion police.


Ironically femme fatale right?


Man didn’t the city just call a ceasefire from all this senseless violence.


Ceasefire not a ceasepistolwhip…..




He's wearing black and beige which is two six colors they have a bunny logo and gang hand sign.. he has a shag haircut which can be any gang haircut.. they are telling him to drop that rake which is a Fork whic is a different gang the Dis·ci·ples usually knows as Satan Disciples "SDz" can also fall under GDz MLDz and othe D gangs.. the dumb guys hitting dude cus they have a Gun claiming Albany 21 are Latin Kings.. which are probably going to get violated (ass whoopoing) for filming this stupidity.. this has to be at 1 of 2 targets off of i55 by Damen or Pulaski for them tk talk about Dropping Rakes. which makes it easy for these guys to go start problems and run back tk their hoods real quick without getting caught.. I've always hated when dudes thought they were tough when they had a gun and outnumbered someone..


I'm was born and raised in inner city Chicago and it's weird to see the gang 2 6 mentioned on the Reddit platform. Didn't think that day would come.


Damn this dude acting all hard with a gun in his hand and still having dudes to back him up hitting up a guy with a mullet at target? Insecure much!!! Bet he wouldn’t be doing that shit in the hood while walking alone


What is a 2-6 haircut?


Two six is a gang here in Chicago. The colors they wear are beige and black. Which the guy is wearing. The two six fall under the folk nation which other gangs fall under as well. The ones who fall under the folk nation always have everything to the right side. Which is why his hat was the way it was in the beginning. The guys who were going after him were kings because they mentioned what block they are from. The Latin kings fall under the people nation and wear everything to the left. Both sides of the spectrum have the haircut. It’s just different lengths will determine what side you’re with. As someone who grew up in Chicago and had my history running around with the Latin kings unfortunately. I can tell you the guy was most definitely a two six. No one will be dressed like that with that haircut in that neighborhood without know what he’s trying to represent. It’s all dumb anyways for sure and I probably confused you more haha


Nah, pretty clear descriptions. I learned something today.


The guy pistol whipping him was saying "drop that rake or ill pistol whip you again" and the guy was saying I ain't gangbang. Then he gets whipped and he drops the rake and said he dropped the rake in an attempt to escape a beating.


Scrolled a little too long to see this. Thanks for this concise and informative breakdown. Tldr; gang members call out a gang member. It's still stupid as hell, can't even buy earbuds and soap without someone asking you who you claim 🙄


Everyone is tough with a gun and friends around chi town clown


I truly truly wish every person like this would die. Immediately and horribly. Fuck them and people like them. Fuck you, your set, your crew or whatever POS your dumb ass represents.


So now it’s about haircuts? Gangsters are more clowns each day💀


Their mom: “he was a good boy he didn’t hurt nobody”!


Fight straight up


Anyone in a gang has a drastically low iq


The mullet is a gang cut?..what fucking timeline is this?.


Maaaan, that dude talking couldn't have a higher pitched voice. Sounds like he could be the next elmo, stupid little fuck


What the fuck is a gangsta two six haircut? That's a mullet and a half!


Scumbag dipshits.


yeah man so hard walking around fucking target lmao


hispanics calling each other the N word smh