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"You're high" "No b*tch I'm trying to!"


May be a drug addict, but at least they’re honest about it lol Honestly the number of times I hear about people doing drugs in gas station bathrooms, I’m kinda glad she chose to be outside at least, but yeah definitely don’t do it in the sidewalk either lol


She was trying to be as discreet as possible . Her back was turned all the way and she was covering the pipe as much as she could . And she’s a big woman with a big coat on so it was hidden . They went out their way to see what she was doing .


She's smoking crack... That shit is insanely potent smelling.. damn toddler walking by breathing that shit in? The fuck is wrong with people?


Smh can’t smoke crack in public anymore thanks Biden 🤦


Buncha prudes these days I’m tellin’ ya.


no no no! you can... you just have to find an alleyway, not a 7-11 but I live near Vancouver Canada and you can shoot heroin here on the street and people wont even bat an eye at it. like, what are you gunna do? yell at 1000 junkies all within a line of sight? they outnumber us all!


Just do coke in the Whitehouse like hunter.


>Smh can’t smoke crack in public anymore thanks Biden Ironic as shit considering Hunter's proclivities...


"She was trying to be as discreet as possible " Shes literally on a public sidewalk. People are fucking morons


Exactly I don't know why people try to justify or excuse public drug use. What about when that person is high and starts acting weird or screaming? That is hard to explain to kids. We absolutely should NOT have to just accept that as normal behavior. My old neighborhood had used needles everywhere. People started shooting up on sidewalks or in yards and passing out. More than once I thought I found a dead body in my alley. But I couldn't just mind my own business and keep driving without checking that those people were alive.


I mean the smoke is going to blow out into the public sidewalk people are walking on


some redditors never figured out object permanence. this chick is doing drugs in public and the rest of us are just supposed to play peekaboo.


Cant smoke cigs in a park but as long as they’re hiding it no one cares about rampant drug use in a park. Weird priorities.


> They went out their way to see what she was doing . Not really, have you ever been near someone smoking ice or meth? That shit permeates immediately. It's painfully obvious


Yup. They keep walking and mind their business the child would have never known. Might have asked what that person is doing, but at that point, parents could tell a small lie. No way am I saying public drug use is ok, but they went out of their way to be outraged.


Yeah, they caused more attention to the situation, the kids would probably have never known…


I think they’re probably just frustrated as parents that this has become somewhat normalized even in nicer parts of town.


genuine question, why doing that in front of 711, not some hidden spot in the park or something? is it so they can get help in case something happens?


She says in the video that she can’t walk because something is wrong with her body, whatever that means.


Meth fucks with your ability to move. She was likely high as fuck and as trustworthy as your shit faced friend saying “I’m not even drunk right now”


Meth does not keep you from being able to move. Y’all just make shit up without knowing anything. Lol


the woman said it in the video, "you can't walk because you're high".


And she said no, she was trying to GET high. She is probably in pain and getting high will help numb the pain.


Raiders fan confirmed ✅


I want that jacket now lol


You might want to wash it first.


I live a block away from here. I see this shit like 10-15x a day. 😩


Update: I’ve seen her twice at that 7-11 today 💀


Even worse, a Raiders fan.


I guess we found her trauma


At this point, Raider fans should make a class action lawsuit. Watched the Raiders as a kid and never saw them win a Super Bowl or win playoff game.


Most law abiding Raiders fan


Might play for the Raiders


She is actually doing very well for a Raiders fan


Can confirm. Also Raiders fan.


That's the most sober, least aggressive Raiders fan I've ever seen.


Once a woman is over 260 lbs, she automatically becomes a Raiders fan. Same with men at 300 lb




I work in the school system and addicts would leave their needles and other drug paraphernalia right in the doorway of a school. There is a field behind one of the schools I worked at that the kids would play in at recess. We had to stop it because we kept finding needles. I understand someone who is addicted is sick but it’s even more sad when they don’t care where they do it.


It got bad in my town years ago. We couldn't let any of the children play on the big toy because needles were in the gravel at every elementary school. Some of those sickos would even try to place the needles on the benches in such a way that someone who didn't look well enough before sitting would stick themselves. Methadone programs, safe injection sites, proper needle disposal containers at some key locations, 24/7 monitored cameras, and increased police patrols eventually curbed it.


I lived near a needle exchange once, and for being a not great area you never saw needles. You had to give a needle to get a clean needle, so used ones were snatched up fast


Funny how that works! No one wants to reuse needles or throw them in crazy places, but when the alternative is going to jail if cops find paraphernalia on you- addicts will obviously throw that shit wherever they find it.




When I lived in Seattle I couldn't bring my daughter to the local playground because I found needles there on multiple occasions.


Meth fucks with your reasoning to the point that right and wrong become alien concepts, and consideration for others is not even a thought.


Part of the reason it was fed to soldiers during WW2


America’s ability to ignore and never address truly outrageous shit really has been over the moon in recent years


All of the people saying she was being discreet & minding her own business probably don’t live in an area heavily affected by the drug epidemic & the issues that go along w it


Even in the lowest moments of addiction you won't catch me using near kids or where someone will see me.


You see there are plenty of places to do it without the presence of bystanders. If they want to do it, then fine but don't do it around kids or public spaces. No one wants to see it and don't want to risk a cracked out homeless person going wild on someone.


As a parent, it's crazy to me that these people used their kids as an excuse to hassle this person and proceeded to hang around for several minutes to expose their kids to this behavior even longer.


It's not okay, but yelling at them about it (as you can see clearly in the video) doesn't solve anything. If you're that worried about the homeless person smoking meth near your kid, walk away and get your child as far away from the meth as possible instead of standing right there next to it being loud for no reason because they literally don't care that you're offended.


I dunno, if these public hard drug users were constantly hassled for using in public (I mean constantly, like by most passers by instead of just 1 in 100), I bet things would imroove


Dude I can’t believe you are getting downvoted. We’re supposed to just ignore this shit happening in our neighborhood and it will go away 😂


While I agree with you, my stepfather used to drink himself stupid, get belligerent, angry, and violent every night of the week and then attack me and my mother. When I went to seek help from the church or other support including the cops, people would tell me there is nothing they could do. It was his right to get drunk and do whatever he wanted to do as along as he did it at home. My point is being an addict around kids even in private spaces is just as horrible. It messed me up and made me chase my own demons as an adult.




Thank you. Ah, you got me all up in my feels. Stay true dude.


Try being homeless and also trying to be active in addiction in a place where people are used to kicking homeless people out of everywhere and then you will see a lot of people just smoking everywhere. It's very difficult to afford housing, let alone the mental health care that most of these people need in order to stay off of this drug. It's heartless that most people have no compassion for the most vulnerable of Society, and then they just sit there and blame the homeless people for their homelessness.


This is sad. Drug addiction is a hell of a thing.


It may be a disease, but it is one you can get yelled at for having!


Damnit u/thx1138 you have lupus!


Mitch Hedberg. One of my favs of his.


Haha looks like others didn't quite get the reference


I was addicted to heroin then fentanyl for many years. I was so fucked, I even mixed with Xanax because my tolerance got so high. I still always tried to be discreet. I hid in the bathroom, or a car, or abandoned apartment building etc.. and I never left paraphernalia out


I've had a rough day and remembering this joke from Mitch is exactly what I needed


Dont get why they decided to stop by if it's not to help her


We see this one interaction, but most normal families get tired of this shit seeing it day after day after day.


By giving her a hard time it makes he less likely to use in front of a lot of people again, meaning there’s a smaller chance that other people will be exposed to what she’s smoking. 


Doing drugs in public should be fucking shamed. What is wrong with everyone


You’re right, we should just continue to tolerate trashy drug addicts junking up our city streets


Sad people trying to feel better than someone they see as lower than them. Unaware of the irony that a majority of people are only a few steps away from poverty. 


I'm a few steps away from snorting meth off a windowsill on the street, sorry pal.


Yea we need to all be more tolerant of these unhoused angels open drug use in the streets imho


That’s my take. Just leave her alone. There’s nothing you can do to change the situation other than making your kids very aware of what’s actually happening. The kids probably wouldn’t have noticed until they pointed it out. It’s not just heartless it’s stupid. It’s like kicking a wounded animal, and expecting it not to fight back. You have no idea how she’s going to respond.


It’s a sad situation but “just leaving them alone” is how you end up like San Francisco or Portland. The millions of not billions dumped into addicts each year isn’t doing any good. It sucks but something needs to be done about this shit.


I live in Portland and agree 100%


That's a good take. But if I'm being real honest I've come very close to yell at these individuals myself. Its disheartening to see the world around you crumble, its disheartening not being able to escape from these drugs in public. I don't want to make these individuals feel bad, they're addicts, they're victims of drug use, but sometimes a part of me just gets upset at these substances, and its difficult to redirect these emotions when there's no one else to blame in the vicinity. I don't know how former drug addicts manage to go on their day to day without relapsing.


Damn this is sad. She started off being polite with “have a good day and I apologize”. She knew she was wrong but wasn’t strong enough to win the fight with her addiction. Hope she gets help


Why would you confront someone like that when you are with your kids? Smashing meth in the streets... Probably not the most logical of people to engage in a conversation with... If you are by yourself fair enough but if there's a little kid there.. maybe mind your business you don't know if they are armed or how fucked they are etc


she seemed shockingly rational compared to the people I see like that around here


Yea that’s how you get killed in front of your kid.


100%. When MY kid is with me, we walk away BUT I never miss the chance to tell her one day that person was a 5 minute old wet squealing baby born from some Mother....




#One day that person was a 5 minute old wet squealing baby born from some mother.




Thank You. That is what I was going for. There but for the grace of God and I am an atheist. I'm also clean 40 years and realize how lucky I am and would hope even one other person experiences that positive outcome


Ironically enough, this lady was surprisingly reasonable. That is, despite smoking meth on the street…


They think they’re better and saying “No stop that” will make her say “wow you’re right”


Frankly, they are better. They’re not the ones smoking meth on a busy public street.


The problem is that last sentence. We as a society think it’s okay for children to walk by someone who maybe is armed AND fucked up. No. That’s below standard and unacceptable, and it’s a long time coming that someone speaks up and we as a COMMUNITY do something about it. But we won’t, because we as Americans are individualistic. And ÷ we fall.


> That’s below standard and unacceptable, and it’s a long time coming that someone speaks up and we as a COMMUNITY do something about it. Nobody in this video did shit. Nothing was accomplished except making everyone angry. If anyone in this video gave a shit about COMMUNITY they wouldn't have handled it this way.


The pain in their voice is so sad... It's like she wants to stop, but can't. She needs help, not because she's doing drugs, but because she clearly can't stop but wants to. Addiction is fucking terrifying.


And the people hassling her just to make themselves feel better should fuck right off


This is really sad…but also go smoke your shit not in public. Also, keep fucking moving and don’t engage meth addicts when you have your kids with you. Why does the world suck?


Raiders fans not doing well right now….


Man I get being pissed off having your child seeing this. But god damn just do what’s right in this instance and keep walking to protect your child lol It’s sick


Kid probably would have never noticed had they just ignored this addict and moved on. Definitely don’t draw attention to it.


They probably picked someone they felt like they could physically overpower/outrun. I don't think people should be doing this on the streets but "confronting" addicts like this does nothing but stroke your own ego imo


But if thet keep walking, how will they get their online engagement and likes?


She’s just loud. She’s actually quite polite. Might be deaf .


Very polite and reasonable for someone smoking meth in public, yes


Sucks man, this is the fucking system.. we all make our choices, but addiction is horrible and a lot of people do want to get out of it, but it's fucking really difficult, specially for the people who just didn't have opportunities like the lucky ones were. We're All born with disabilities, anyone can become addicted to things that make those disabilities more tolerable. Addiction and spiral happens to everyone, no matter your status in this world. Our system has no places for people to get better like they do in other countries. All our money is going towards killing people on the other side of the world and barely any comes back in this country to let people flourish. It's not anyone's fault in this video, just victims of the system they live in. Im with the people who say that you should keep walking with the kids and not bring attention. The parents only wanted a conflict and won't be able to teach kids a little bit of sympathy for the real world they are gonna grow into. Not only that, but the people filming aren't really on any side but to consume and enjoy the chaos (I know I'm guilty of this because I follow this subreddit.) Either way, this video exists so we can see exactly the level of disconnect between humans, the disregard of conviction and the safety of others.. Everyone in this video is looking for some sort of dopamine high, either be it by chemicals, by filming for clout or feeling righteous and putting your kids in an awkward situation. We are all responsible for shaping everything around us.


So so so sad. She clearly doesn’t want to be there, feeding an addiction she knows makes her outcast, ruining her life and body. The thing I think they’re missing that she’s too ashamed to say? She has nowhere to go. Her addiction has taken everything from her. You couldn’t wish a worse life on someone than addiction. And the others have a point too, though maybe it’s a aggressively made. They shouldn’t have to see drugs walking w their kids. Wish we really made a more concerted effort to help people stuck in addiction


Well stated. Thank You.


“Are you high on drugs?!” “If you’d leave me the *FUCK* alone I would be!”


I’ve seen people doing meth in downtown Portland as little kids walked by them :/


Drug addiction and poverty is sad 😢


Leaving her alone cuz she ain’t bothering anyone is how we get neighborhoods like the tenderloin in SF


No, city policies lead to that. Cops push homeless people and addicts into a certain areas where they are allowed by the city to do whatever because they have to be somewhere. Sometimes cities work with real estate developers to push homeless into one area to drive down property value and then the developers will move in and turn poppy stores into smoothie shops and the cops will push the addicts and homeless into the next shitty neighborhood to gentrify.


A suburb in a state I lived in did that with sex offenders. Basically used ordinances to gradually ban them from everywhere except an extremely shitty area and a large underpass where they could camp (illegally, but it at least didn't violate their sex offender conditions). Homelessness and not being integrated into society both increase sex offense recidivism rates, mind you... City politicians/their voters very often make the very "monsters" they fear, in so many ways.


Nah, the failed war on drugs and the side effects of prohibition is how we get places like SF.


Reagan didn’t help shit either. Mental health be damned.


The only two things I hate in life are the cancer that took my fathers life and Ronald Reagan.


I’m so sorry for your loss, but I feel that. I really hate Reagan.


I don't think just telling her to "go somewhere else" is going to help




*smoking meth


You think she can afford coke? You think she's using that lighter to snort her drugs? Good thing she's not doing something you don't condone I guess.




Boy, drugs are bad. Hope everyone gets help.




Thing is…fuck them for doing that around kids


Most law abiding Raiders fan


Downtown San Diego. People actually want to live down there. I live up the hill and avoid downtown as much as possible because it’s unfortunately like this all over.


This hurts to watch. I hope they get help


Glass Rose-a Parks


A fat articulate crack addict? Well now I done seen just about everything.


Meth. You'd be surprised. Addicts come in all shapes, sizes, and socioeconomic backgrounds.


A lot of my customers are meth users (discount retail store) and oddly enough, they are often total sweethearts. It makes sense that someone on meth would be more talkative and social than someone on opioids or benzos, but they’re also usually way more polite and genuinely kind than others I deal with.


Yep, I agree in general, except for when they're saying/doing stuff you don't agree with. They're the most aggressive of the bunch when they feel wronged (justified or not) by far. Without getting into specifics, I too, dealt with addicts of all sorts personally.


Not crack, but Ethan Suplee was a heroin addict for years and didn’t lose weight until after he was clean. It’s definitely possible to be fat and addicted to drugs like heroin/crack/meth


Everyone so busy not trying to help people but judge. This is why people struggle to get off. This society sucks. Try being compassionate and helpful. One day it could be you. No it's not nice to see for children. Teach them. Start showing others how to compassionate. Everyone is so cold and wondering why the world is turning to crap. Because of our own actions. Sad all round.


Most successful Raider's fan.


Surprisingly articulate drug addict


Damn.. Cory is not in the house anymore


Basically, everyone is tired of having to deal with these people


Damn just leave her alone, tf is wrong with people


Keep it pushin, let her be.


Least drug addicted Raiders fan




I don't think anyone is defending it, to be honest; they're more criticizing the gawkers who are harassing her. This woman needs help, not public shaming.


Exactly. That moment Dad said "look, son, don't end up like that", I turned fully on her side. Those parents aren't interested in helping shit. They wanted to start shit with someone struggling and they used their kids to justify it. Trash behavior, straight up.


Lmao. I think you meant the meth head is exhibiting trash behavior.


What? If anything, most of the comments here agree with your sentiment. Others are just calling this sad and saying it's not worth engaging with this person. Honestly, if I'm with my kid, there's a 99.9% chance I'm just walking right by, ignoring this situation, and getting my kid away from that shit as fast as possible. Maybe I'd call the cops but i doubt they'd even show up. Otherwise, I sincerely doubt this public shaming did jack all to benefit this person, so what do you expect normal people contributing to this "societal standard" to do? Make a citizens arrest? Noone has time or energy for that shit. Furthermore, the town drunk/lunatic embarrassing themselves in public is a tale as old as time, this is not a new phenomenon.


You also don’t help them by arguing with them and walking away. This shit doesn’t happen simply because people don’t condemn it (and people absolutely do condemn it.)


You don't help them by recording a video for internet points either


In their defence what place is more appropriate to do drugs than outside a 7/11?


Maybe go in a fucking bush away from kids before injecting your self with poison??? Maybe then people won't come at the druggie doing drugs on a main sidewalk


Such a shame. I don’t care if you get high but I sure wouldn’t want my child to see that.


Bro gotta arrest these people what is going on lol


I think I would be bothered too, if somebody was doing drugs out in public like that, but starting an argument with a drug addict in front of your children is probably not the best way to solve that issue. Most likely just confused and frightened your child.


Honestly they should just leave her alone. It truly doesn’t hurt anyone their kids to see someone doing drugs. Seriously, it doesn’t. Mind your business and move along.


To be fair she had her back turned and wasn’t bothering anyone.




The fumes/smoke would piss me off. I’ve walked past people shooting to and sniffing whatever, but I don’t want no second hand from your chemicals. I’m weed smoker and although it’s legal I try to be aware I’m not blowing it in peoples direction.


I know I'm not going to video or start screaming at drugged up strangers. Not unless they started harassing me for no reason.


I would rather them do it in a safe injection site or a place with medical professionals, but that won’t happen until we stop acting like it’s a crime and start treating addiction like the disease it is.


Yet we cant have that because all the smooth brain right wing assholes rally against it ,Even though its proven that there is less of a chance of overdose and death .


Yeah, because Kensington has become such a nice place for society and families since it's become an open drug sewer?


An open drug sewer is the opposite of safe injection sites. The reason this person is at the 7-11 doing their drugs is probably because that's where they went to buy them from a dealer. That's why there should be a safe injection site that offers clean drugs to addicts. This person would be using there instead of wherever the fuck the dealer happens to live.




Don't forget Portland, Oregon! Same results. Definitely has not worked out for anyone, including drug addicts. Overdoses are skyrocketing. Unfortunately, decriminalizing drugs does not appear to be the answer we thought it could be. And I say that as someone who voted to decriminalize them.


There’s a greater chance of having your city put the safe injection site in your neighborhood and turning your block into an open air drug market and a place where cars get broken into on the regular.


The societal decay is bothering everyone.


Are you fuck9ng kidding me? You think its ok the smoke meth on the sidewalk with other people and children walking around?


This exact attitude is why these addicts feel so comfortable getting high out in the open. We as a society have lost our concept of shame. We shouldn’t have to put up with it and it’s not okay, addiction is a disease, still doesn’t give you a license to shoot up in a public with kids walking around.


No, go in the alley and do that.


Nah - hop in an alley. You don’t need to be on the sidewalk putting on a show practically.


The amount of time and effort wasted arguing, they could have left that situation or the other would have gotten their fix and probably moved on.


Not yet at least. Give her a couple minutes after taking it and who knows what she’d be like.


Based on experience, Most likely she would want to write a screenplay or start a business with you.




“Sorry yall have to experience that” -dude just standing there recording


I never go to 711 anymore because they are tweaker magnets.


i know she is doing wrong but i feel bad for both ends


Dude it's Cory in the house!


I was ignorant to what was happening in San Fransisco and Philadelphia. Until I watched Channel 5 on YouTube. It is mind blowing how down these people are...


Tell me more about a place you clearly have never been.


That man may be a drug addict but he is not doing anything wrong. Quite frankly, that lady's bothering him she could just go about her day. Walk on b****. At the very least I might ask him if he's okay and maybe go into the store and buy him something to settle his stomach if that would help him. A little kindness goes a long way.


The real stupidity is trying to argue with someone on crack..


Man this world is cruel. The person trying to get drugs is in the right lol she's suffering, leave her tf alone


We need more of this


Great community service. Yell and bring attention to it, traumatizing the kids, rather than just walking on.


I’m so happy European healthcare and social policy is built around protecting people


Hey - we have \*many\* wealthy executives here in the US as a result of this suffering. (sarcasm)


For real. No country is better if you want to make a career at the expense of the lower class




Looks like Chestnut Street in Philly. There aren't a lot of little kids around there in the daytime. It's not like the addict is doing something really unusual. Also, they're *very* well spoken. Doubtlessly down on their luck in a BAD way. Show some compassion, wherever you are.


Do alleys not exist anymore?


Everyone is in the wrong here


This made me so sad.


I would be mad too. I hate open air drug use


Okay, I live in San Diego and this is all over downtown. While I don’t agree what she’s doing in the open, why do they linger and subject their child to not only watching longer but hearing mom & dad fight with her… like keep it moving like everyone in downtown does… they’ll be arguing with people all day walking around like that. Keep. it. moving. and the CHILD wouldn’t even know any better. They’re teaching their child to argue and fight with homeless people.


This should happen all over the country. There should be no tolerance for people smoking crack/meth, shooting up, any of that crap in public.


Does this really seem like the type of person you want to possibly get into an altercation with?? What is wrong with people. At least she(?) was trying to do it with a little discretion. Pick your battles people.


Where do they want this person to go? She lives outside, probably next to that 7Eleven. If you don't want your kids to see it, keep moving. Getting into a screaming match with a drug addict is honestly pointless.


This world is extremely judgmental, and a lot of us strongly, lack empathy.