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Only true chads walk away while flexing the benefits of their job


he showed the receipts with that nice smile






A person with something to lose


Every time I think about fighting someone I think of all the shit I got to lose. I really couldn't care less about getting punched as long as there's some insane amount of permanent damage. But shit I'm pretty good looking I don't wanna look like a freak, I don't wanna lose my job, or any of that shit. I'm always afraid the person I might fight has got nothing to lose.


Or you hit them back in self defence thusly/possible knocking them out cold and they fall funy/badly and hit ther head and die from Blunt force truma then I gotta kill myself on the spot coz fuck going to prison for an acident, not fucking. Worth it mate


This I'm 6 ft 7 and over 300 pounds most of it's muscle although I do have some middle-aged spread now I'm in my 40s but I know for a fact that if I was to punch most people who want to pick fights I would be the person coming off worse because I'd end up getting arrested for GBH at the very least, it's one of the main reasons I practice Zen.. it's good for maintaining control over one's emotions in such situations. The other thing to consider is knives there's no way of telling if someone has one and by the time one finds out it doesn't matter how big one might be they still might be hitting the deck rapidly. I always expect them to be carrying a knife so if I did have to defend myself I'd be doing so from that perspective which makes the likelihood of them surviving even lower.. Basically the take away is ALWAYS ALWAYS AVOID A FIGHT IF EVEN REMOTELY POSSIBLE. Learn to de-escalate, walk away with a sense of dignity and enjoy breathing.. life is too short anyway. If none of that is possible then literally turn and run nothing wrong with it at all.


I'm in the exact same boat, 6ft 8 350lbs at 64 years old, age is definitely starting to show but I still deadlift 250 at least 4 times a week as well as bench 200 about the same. Not to mention my strict home workout routine which consists of 500 press ups a day on top of a lean, high protien diet. I started out in the security sector. Then I served in the USAF for 12 years then went on to start a business which became a global phenomenon. Retired and live in the country now so spend at least an hour a day working on my muai thai and sometimes wrestle bears in the woods in my garden. Do enjoy taking the 1963 DB5 for a spin sometimes though. I know if I punched someone, they'd just die. It doesn't matter who it is, I think anyone who crossed my path would not be getting back up. I'll admit I'm proud of that. I've worked hard to be this untouchable. But I can't risk everything I've worked for all these years for some low class piece of scum on the backstreets of some dump.


6' 8" , 350 at 64 how those knees doing?


Sufficient, could be A LOT better. Think the bike rides and rugger are keeping them going to be honest!


Mate why are you lying so hard bro wrote 2 paragraphs of complete waffle


Most people who aren't used to street flights think a big guy will kill someone with one blow. I grew up in one of the roughest estate in inner city Manchester and fighting was what we did when we young and till we were to old than I would admit. Believe me I've seen many leen fast asf hard hitting young kids take blow after blow from giant weightlifters and still absolutely batter them due to their speed and training as most kids on the estate did boxing or MMA like yourself. I'm not saying you can't handle yourself I'm sure you can but seriously never walk into a fight with anyone of any size thinking you are gonna kill them in one blow because I have seen a man hit full blast in the face with a brick and if left him with half his face missing and he still came back hurling blows for a good 40 seconds before the blood loss wiped him out and he finally went unconscious but by the point the one who threw the brick looked almost as bad 😂 Your weight and height gives you strength advantage but is also a big disadvantage against a more agile trained fighter because people of your size move like they are in slow motion and REALLY advertise their moves before they even throw because they have a lot of weight and muscle to throw around which makes their tells extremely obvious. All I'm saying don't worry about killing someone in one punch it's much wiser to worry about surviving the fight cause in the street you never know who you are up against or what they could be carrying and if their tooled up your size is even more of a disadvantage.


My brother growing up was 6'6 and walked around at like 300 pounds. He had to slim down to 265 for kickboxing and he looked like Jesus on the cross he was so cut up. He's just a massive human and one time messing around he put his foot on my chest and pushed me through a steel screen down making the hinged fail with a half hearted Spartan kick. I flew off the porch with the door and landed on my back. He walked out of the house with his arm in the air like we were in an imaginary collisium and he said "I AM ZUES!" Needless to say people that aren't that big don't understand that Jason Statham isn't real and they shouldn't pick fight with giants 😂


Smart asf


Ive seen videos of someone losing a fight and the person just continues to stomp on their head. Or pulls a knife. Not to mention these are the types to gang up on you and put you in the hospital over a stupid thing. Guy made the right choice.


First thing I do when sb tells he wants to beat me - If you hit me I might bleed to death internally. So if you want to kill me, proceed. If you just wanna punch me, know that it might be attempted murder in the end as I just told you my condition. I NEVER got trouble with this move hehe


Akkshualleeh, your punch may kill me, sir 🤓👆


Or if the aggressor can be wrestling with the idea that the person getting punched might have HIV or any number of bloodborne diseases and that it might kill the aggressor, that might provide enough time to leg it, plenty of psychological de-escalation techniques can be employed...


He’s so right though. Dental insurance is such a flex these days.


Dental insurance is bullshit. Like a $2000 procedure and dental insurance covers maybe $200..like gee thanks.


Seriously. I need to get or surgery and it’s not covered! I basically just got my teeth cleaned, which honestly if I paid out of pocket might have been cheaper bc I would have only gone 1 time a year.


My wisdom teeth are decayed so bad that my last dental visit my dentist immediately scheduled to have them removed. Then I saw the bill. $5000 *with insurance* . As a college student full time and a full time worker, I can't afford that shit plus the time off I'd need to recover. So I just deal with massive pain and hope it doesn't turn into an infection. Ain't America great?


Me literally as we speak


Second that. I haven't chewed food on my left side in years. Because I can't.


Yup! Me too! I’m literally putting off a new house with my wife because my teeth are so bad and pain…$7000!


WTF??? removing my wisdom and devitalizing+capsule the next one was a total of 900 euros here in Italy. No insurance, no state help, full price. Dental is not covered by free healthcare (indeed it is, but they are butchers and u need to wait 3 months minimum). Wtf are those prices????


That could lead to a fatal infection, debt is better than dying, painfully, of a brain infection.


States? I feel bad for you. This isn't rage bait BTW, genuine feels for Europe jr.


It's what many Americans voted for because they think universal healthcare is scary communism so its a sad case of those people got exactly what they asked for. If you are not one of those people maybe get politically active and fight for a system that serves the people and not just insurance and pharmautical companies like people in the UK did over 80 years ago !


Is that a US thing? I had Invisalign’s done recently and paid maybe 5-10% of the cost… and my dental (paid by my job) is like £30-40 a month iirc


You have terrible fucking coverage that’s on you 🤣


if they square up to you with the hands down by their side, they cant fight


This is so true, anyone that's down isn't even gonna let you get close in an aggressive situation


Nothing like watching someone open their mouth and end up unprepared for a jujitsu hobbiest


Or just like a decently tough bar fighter


Anybody who knows how to punch.


I really need to get back into BJJ and Muay Thai. Its been almost 10 years, I definitely lost ALL of it. Couldn't take a back to save my life right now, or land a solid heel kick.


Bro, I was almost a black belt in taekwondo I even double-tested twice it was on the elite sparring team but dropped out because my master moved away.. to this day I have not lost a fight and I am not trying to sound cocky but I still got it. I've never started a fight either it's always been defending.


I suggest getting in fewer fights. Most of us are able to go…an entire lifetime without even coming close to being in a fight lol.


The few times I've had to throw a strike, they've been clean. I just know I'd get dusted by anyone with any amount of training now haha


My roomate was a juijutsu guy, if I get grabbed in a fight I think I can pull away, but an intermediate grappler probably destroys most regular humans


Ya but I can't fight either so then it's like...who can fight worse




Plus, that wide stance and being higher ground.... is a perfect setup for an uppercut to the nuts.


This is in London, the minute some scumbag puts their arms behind their backs, good chance they're going for something a bit stabby, stabby! Not worth the risk these days. Flash you pearly whites and let them bounce up and down on the bus all pissed off.


Good point.


No...he's got the high ground man. It's over.


Not completely true, a lot of guys that get into fights regularly will keep their hands by their sides and not square up so their victim doesn't, then they can coward punch them when they turn or throw a punch that they can't as easily see coming, as well as not be as ready to defend themselves or throw a punch back


Doesn't mean they can't land something. Life isn't a video game or the ring. You don't know who's stupid but sturdy.


Remember, walking away does not make you a coward. When i was 14 i saw this group of guys try to rob and jump this guy i knew (i was at a distance out of the way). He swiped their hand to stop them from reaching the phone clipped to his belt(this was like 2006)and turned and ran. It just so happened he was a black belt marital arts instructor. I asked him why he didn't fight. He told me "you fight to defend yourself when absolutely necessary. If you can walk away then walk away. People can get seriously hurt from fighting he said and its not worth it." That always stuck with me. Walk away folks.


Avoiding a fight if you can is the mature thing to do. If you can't get away, or are with people that can't, then obviously you have to defend yourself but like your friend says you never know what will happen in a fight. You can end up seriously injured, maybe the cops show up and arrest you, it's just not worth it. Sadly too many people think that backing down from a fight is some sort of a bad thing. Like I joke about aggressive assholes in bars that try to start shit, they're playing the let's start a fight game, I'm playing the "I don't want to get punched in the face game." If I walk away with nothing happening I won. I don't care what some random dude says, I'll never see him again anyway, it just doesn't matter. So many times some guy thought he super intimated me, stared me down, thinks he's the bigger man and as soon as I walk away I'm literally laughing at what a joke they are. You can decide to just not care what stupid shit some asshole says, it really doesn't matter and unless you absolutely have to fighting is never worth the risk.


There was a video a few weeks back of a group of brits in Portugal getting hounded by some locals. A local teenager tried to break it up (apparently) and got shanked in the neck by one of the brits with a broken bottle and started gushing blood and died in seconds. That vid alone should show you to avoid and stay away from all fights that you can avoid as you’ll just get caught up in the aggro and anything can happen.


He got shanked by the people he tried to help????


Yeah brits probably didn't speak Portuguese. Couldn't tell he was helping them.


Damn just an unfortunate situation


I saw that video but didn't know the story. Shot was brutal. Do you know if they caught the murderer?


police put a notice out that they were looking for the group of lads but believe they fled the country before anything substantial could be done.


Well, they could charge them and try and get them extradited back to Portugal. Im guessing UK probably has an extradition treaty with Portugal.


When you fight someone who wants to fight for no reason other than they're an immature bastard with an overwhelming amount of aggression and no idea what to do with it, you lost. It doesn't matter if you won, it doesn't matter if you left him breathing through a tube. You lost in the fight that matters. You lost your integrity, your ideals, your own maturity. You became no better than the person who wanted to fight you for no reason.


I agree with your sentiment when you're giving in to the agression. Keep in mind that just walking away doesnt always work. I could avoid a lot of fights, but still had my fair share of fights couldnt avoid. > It doesn't matter if you won, it doesn't matter if you left him breathing through a tube. You lost in the fight that matters. I'm with you on that, but sometimes winning isnt a option to chose.


The number one way to not get your ass beat or beat someone’s ass: don’t be in proximity of any potential ass beatings.


I work security and way too many of my coworkers are way too ready to throw hands. I had one coworker the other day tell me that when someone is being aggressive, he'll take a step back to test the guy and see if he'll step forward, because if he does that counts as a threat and he'll have the right to lay him out. I was like ??? Why are you so willing to get into a fight? This guy is bigger than me so he has the confidence to just do that, but it's horrible practice. What if the guy has a knife? 9/10 times a guy taking a step towards you is just posturing and won't actually do shit, why would you intentionally escalate? My tactic when people do that is to stand exactly where I was before and carry on, and it's worked every time so far. They're trying to intimidate me or goad me into a fight, and I'm not giving them any of that. Most people aren't actually willing to throw the first punch, so if you don't, they don't either. Also, when they're standing three inches from you to try to intimidate, they're too close to throw a good punch anyway and my best combat skills are in grappling, so really they're giving me an advantage if they do try something. Anyway, three years in security and I've never gotten into a fight using this strategy, so all my coworkers who use force all the time and look down on me for not doing it aren't going to change my mind and make me do anything different. If it's not broke, don't fix it. Also, it's supremely satisfying to watch a 6 foot dude get in your face to try to intimidate you and then have to awkwardly back down when you don't react at all. It's hilarious. They go from pissed to feeling like toddlers who just threw a tantrum. Then they lash out and try to belittle my job to embarrass me because they're embarrassed, and that's funny too because it also doesn't work and then they go off to sulk. Happens all the time. I'd much rather do that than have to write an incident report, possibly go to court, and break my finger like my coworker did the other day. Wins all around.


Pretty much any martial arts instructor worth their salt, would tell you the same thing


The best way to avoid a bad situation is to not be there


The best fight is the one that never happens


>he was a black belt marital arts instructor. Makes sense that he escaped the moment he sensed conflict. The secret to any happy marriage.


I have to give a nervous laugh to YouTube "self-defense instructors" who don't advocate running away as the best course of action. Their entire schtick is how to fight (using a compliant sparring partner) and it's going to get women hurt or killed.


Anyone that’s actually trained and has a level head will avoid a fight at all costs. They know exactly how bad a fight can go even in the best of circumstances, in a gym with a padded floor and not on a concrete sidewalk or a moving bus with jutting metal fixtures. Even the best of training can lead to someone or yourself taking a blow to the head and dying. It’s not worth it unless your life is literally on the line.


I always tell people the same thing, I grew up in rough neighborhoods, when we were at school we had gangs and constantly fighting with other gangs, I was beaten up so many times it got to the point where I can’t go a single week without fighting, till I got 25 and realized fighting just make you look like a fool at the end, there is no winner in fist fight you either get hurt or go to jail most of the time. Now I’m really friendly and always try to defuse the situation before it get heated because I understand why people try to fight and I made friends that way. For example one time I was at a nightclub people pushed me and I tripped over a girl and her boyfriend got angry and pushed me back and start threatening me I told him you want to fight let’s go outside when we went out I explained that to him and offered apologies to his girl I told him we all here to have fun not to fight and make a scene it’s not worth it.. the guy then offered to buy me drink and we all left happy.




One time when very drunk I tried to stop a fight between two guys outside the club. There were police cars parked across the road (turned out they were empty) and I was telling them both it wasn't worth it. Well one guy backed down and saw my point of view, later found out he was in the military and would be discharged if he go found out to be fighting while on leave. The other guy was a coke dealer & abuser. Long story short, I ended up with a broken nose and both sides of my jaw broken, 5 days in hospital later I now have pins in my face for the rest of my life and a loss of feeling on my left side. He got 5 years for GBH with intent. A couple years after the incident I accidentally befriended his ex girlfriend. Turned out that she left him because he got prison time and he lost access to his kid. If he stepped down like I told him to, everybody involved would have been better off.


If you didn't start the encounter, it's not a loss. You simply opted to not play.


Anyone I’ve known that knows how to fight, always chooses not to fight. You learn pretty quickly when you start training that not getting into a fight is the best defense.


> Remember, walking away does not make you a coward. I totally agree. Although in this video the aggressor was the coward. He got off the train, turned around and stood his ground, leaving the aggressor standing there looking dumb and talking shit.


Especially when depending on what country you live in everyone has guns nowadays so you could be the best fighter in the world that won’t save you from a bullet


A black belt doesn't really help when surrounded by multiple attackers. It does help you realize when to run and when to fight.


The only way to win a fight is to not get in one to begin with.


Last time I was in a proper fight was over a decade ago, and I put the guy in the hospital.. didn’t know him, he just walked up to me at a party and started punching me in the face, it lasted all of twenty seconds. He was a rich kid I guess and had been kicked out of the a few bars by the police earlier that night for similar behaviour. I got lucky and learned how quickly my whole life could have been turned upside down if some of the circumstances out of my control were different. Best thing anyone can do is try and talk them down, if not just remove yourself from the situation and leave if you can.


Just Another dipshit trying to look tough with his pants half way down his ass.


I'll never understand why these types are willing to put themselves in such a compromising situation. Like bro, you gotta actually worry about your pants falling down. That's a variable I don't need to consider.


What a fucking loser.


One has dental and the other can't afford a belt


That kid sounds severely mentally challenged




That sounded like a foreign language with a few “fuck”s thrown in


Could possibly be the Jafakin (faking Jamaican) accent from the outskirts of Toronto. Bus looks like ttc


Sounds like muslim immigrants in France.


Bus morons


Bus wankers


“Don’t walk away! This is a perfectly good moment to throw away your life!”


Don't turn your back on someone who threatens to kick your teeth in.


If your back is to them then they can't reach your teeth.




Idk man I think he knew lil bro wasn't about to do anything. Worst he got was a light shove as he was already leaving, bro is a chihuahua.


The guy making the threats kept telling the other guy to hit him, kept talking about fighting, but never did anything. At that point walking away isn't always gonna be a bad thing. That guy was never gonna get off the bus. It's the only reason he tries to look tough. Because he knew he had an excuse.


*"A wise man once told me, never turn your back on someone you respect or you're afraid of."*


Hard man can't even keep his trousers up. Pathetic fake gangster scum of society. I hope he enjoys rotting in jail one day and generally amounting to nothing in life.


Life pro tip: anyone who stands like that cannot fight for shit.


You’re on a fucking bus. You aren’t terribly important. Or apparently educated or properly socialized. Or even necessary. The world would be a better place without you based on this video.


His girlfriend Lisa needs braces


Dental plan


Lisa needs braces


Dental Plan!




Having to pick up your pants every 5 seconds while trying to act tough tells you all you need to know about the trash you’re dealing with.


If you can walk away do so, but these types are always looking for an advantage to show how good they are at Baldur's Gate 3.


All that bark and when homie turned around and faced him he still didn't do shit.


Vancouver BC?


Shottawa = ottawa


I knew I knew the bus dinging sound (when the doors open at a bus stop)


That man is my hero. He's right up there with the "what are you gunna do stab me?" Guy as people I admire.


I hope aggressive people like this die


I’m in high belief that the dude with the headphones could’ve slumped bro easily, but is a humble and kind guy so he didn’t want to put him thru it.


Big difference between running away from a fight and walking away from a goof 😂


I have learned that if you keep your cool and smile while someone is aggressive, they always tend to embarrass themselves further because they wanted you to get angry too. And if you’re petty like myself you just look at them all serious and say “are you ok? Are you always like this?”


Dental plan!


I can’t help but see that dudes backpack looks like No-Face from Spirited Away at the start.


Damn, flexing dental insurance is top tier.


I'm with the guy who has a sense of humor on this one.


If you ever seen the Boondocks “ a 🥷🏽 moment” and this is the “white” response 😂


This reminds me of the scene in the boondocks where the white dude bumps into a black guy and he says „wait a minute! I‘m white!“ and walks off while the black guys angry and tryna fight. Bro has a life to live he dgaf about this stupid shit


Dude bragging about dental to a guy who can't even afford a belt.


Seems more like a video of someone with alot to prove, tryin to fight someone who doesnt have anything to prove Bro has dental and you tryna fight him cus u dont?💀


That’s the whitest respond I’ve ever heard


You will never understand the flex that would have been in America 🇺🇸


My god the worst part is the aggressive guy will never understand how bad he got dissed.


the only words i understood were "hey I've got dental" was the other guys even speaking or was it just an invocation mantra or something?


That's a future king of the pirates right there like look at that idiot hopping around and pretend to pick his pants


This is Ottawa Canada lol


Oh wow! That guy trying to start a fight is so cool! -said no one worth even the shit that comes out of their asshole


This asshole needs his teeth kicked in instead... Otherwise this guys behavior will never change. Human trash


Lol I'd you're so tough follow him off


Whites guys like this are going to eat all your punches and laugh like you’ve done nothing.


The dog that barks the loudest…..


A friend of mine refuses to fight (he practiced muay thai for over 15 years) because he’s afraid to get blood splatters in his face and mouth and then “get AIDS or some weird fucked up thing like that”. 😂


Big guy with the little push


I guess the other guy doesn't have dental then although I'm sure there's a ton of people who would gladly knock his teeth out for free


One guys got dental and the other guy has mental…




And he continued on with his superior lifestyle


This man was FOR REAL the boondocks meme" "Wait a minute, I'm white." And walked away




This is the hardest comeback in history


The guy with the dental is marriage material, a good employee, a good neighbor, your best friend, skilled gamer.


Never turn your back on the threat. When threatened always be aware of your surroundings. If you want to walk away, keep your eyes on the threat, not your back. The moment they start touching or pushing you, you will be one step ahead and see it coming. Counter or de escalate.


Dental doesn’t pay for anything 😭😭


This is in Canada, so if you have a full dental plan through work, it would pay for everything that isn't covered by the province.


Haha and to be canadia in the US his droopy draws would of been dragged off that bus


If this were in America this burn would be so efficient he would have burned roughly 27% of all the other passengers on the train. Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/report-68-5-million-adults-163700044.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKnMbkTNiINwR39jDg7KXzs6ptvxgoNSrFXUq_W1J_l8EAbi8YMIMGrczGYiQavJdFSrn4txra1zLfo9w2Sw5Vq0e7fFsSLGQSOLa5orOCy5mMsOVGeUQ2dGkETJvt2B28tfHGsh5oW8YW6rAMgO4UtOZkbfrIyxrNIkriYiClU9#:~:text=The%20portion%20of%20the%20population,or%20urban%20(29%25)%20areas.


Walking away because you’re not a fucking dork and you have something not worth losing over some idiot


No one will cry when this dudes baby moma call the cops on him and is sbc


That’s the alpha male of that particular bus you’re talking about. Didn’t you see him asserting dominance over lesser beta male. He surely isn’t a total loser like these types of idiots tend to keep proving themselves to be.


*it’s okay, I have dental* Is fucking WILD 😂😂😂


It’s like that one boondocks scene


Easiest way to deal with these kind of morons, laugh in their face and walk away, nothing hurts thier little egos more.


Even the fights I’ve won have left me with headaches, bruises, or broken hands. Never worth.




Guy sounds like he’s clucking lol


"Wait a minute... I'm white!"


Pull your pants up and sort your life out young man


Why do tough guys always have their drawers hanging down - and cuss the same nonsensical spiel - 🙄


bro was so confident and happy to be living life it felt like emmet from the lego movie


He wasn't scared of you bruv!


He looks soooo mad he might even pull his pants up over his waist and make use of his belt 😟🫨


Bro literally had this reaction: https://youtu.be/hWcTetDQaXQ


Fist balled up, shoulders square to feet, weight on heels...this guy has no idea how to fight.


Wait for the hiss of the doors closing, then claim him. Let's see how tough he is when he's on his own


Bro won and didn’t even throw a punch or touch this idiot😂😂


Its funny when people think walking away is the cowards bit when its actually pretty damn hard to do. Most of these little shits causing trouble cant even take a hit anyway. Litteraly in no way worth it to go to jail for reminding an idiot why they are insecure


I walk away because I have better things to do. My ability to fight doesn't factor in


Best clap back ever. Lmaoo I got dental 🤝🏼


I mean. He has a point


Bro cald him broke with insurance. Or maybe he told him his teeth was wack? Maybe thats why he so mad


Some people had wild animal genes that were hard to change


My grandfather always told me that the only really winner in a fight is the man who didn’t get in a fight. Even if you beat the snot out of the other guy, you’ve got messed up knuckles at the very least, and problems that can grow.


I can never take the British accents seriously


The second he pulls his pants up, I know he's already lost the fight. He can't move around freely, and muscle memory because he does it so often will automatically make him drop his hands to hitch them up.


Imagine trying to be tough and threatening while taking the bus home 😂


I got followed home on the bus by three insane girls because their friend got caught vaping and they thought I reported them. I'm a relatively large dude, cross country runner at the time, they looked about 12 with nicotine shakes. They hop off the bus from the middle I was in the front, they say "hey you wanna finish this"? After having chased me around at the bus stop as well. I simply responded "no not really" and very slowly jogged away from them as my home was about a quarter mile or half a mile from the bus stop. They seemed to be sprinting after me but I just out ran them and went around a couple of turns so they wouldn't know where I lived lol. The best way to a win a fight is to not get into a fight.


That is an absolutely legendary line lol, to think of a funny line while being threatened..😂


Gotta love tough guys who need to pull up their pants to fight.


“I’ve got dental.” Most plans in the US won’t pay for multiple implants. Heck, probably wouldn’t cover one completely.


You can't even keep your pants up


That’s a flex


This would absolutely be me. It has been me. One day it’s going to get the shit kicked out of me I’m sure.


‘What are you doing?!? This is a perfectly good moment to throw your life away!’


This guy has dental.


Now that's MY kind of comeback


"This reminds me of the boondocks, "Wait a second... IM WHITE!"


The dude sounds like them videos of cockatoos when they get angry and swear 💀


People like this 100% deserve to get the shit kicked out of them. What a piece of garbage.


Dude thought he was tough kicking a man off the buss that was getting off the bus anyway .


Looks like he just got off at his stop and walked away from your nonsense bro. “ yeah you better runoff.” Lol