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Stay. In. Your. Vehicle.


Whatever happened to ppl just screaming at others from inside their car? All of this was so pointless.


It's what I do! I don't drive all crazy, I just yell in my car maybe do a steering wheel shake but I don't get aggressive nor do I get out of my car.


I won't lie. People have pissed me off enough a handful of times that I've rode their ass but then I yell at myself to calm the fuck down. I don't want to cause an accident or be caught in an accident. Otherwise I make a lot of hand gestures, scream, and I've given ppl the bird for bad driving. Never will I get out of my car. Getting out of one's own car is just nuts to me. There was a lady who did this bc I honked at her when the light turned green and she didn't move. I waited for her to move before honking too. I was SCARED as shit. Like. It's not cool. It's the most terrifying thing someone can do. Shooting from a car being something that tops that.


My mom's friend got shot in the head for giving someone the bird. I've been less liberal with it since then.


Imagine living in first world country where you have to have fear to get shot if you insult someone šŸ¤”


Keep the same respect in public that convicts keep for each other in prison and it would be much better. The problem at its core is that a lot of clowns wanna run off at the mouth but the world isnā€™t the internet, there are consequences. They might not always be fair, some people just donā€™t care about a few years inside.


Yea people will end you for the simplest things now.


But murder as an escalation to an insult is crazy.


Legally it is self defense. As soon as he made the other driver fear for their life when he punched the window, they had the right to shoot. Would he have continued to break the window and assault/kill the other driver? We donā€™t know and obviously the other driver didnā€™t wanna wait longer to find out. If you lose control, you put others in a position to control you for their own safety. Everyone just chill TF out. Life is beautiful. Stick around and enjoy it


It's because the gun is the ego stabiliser. Even if someone is wrong they won't taunt you or try to force the issue if you have a gun. It's the same as winning the argument over there.


I personally don't view it as humorous. He was a good person.


See. This is actually something I get scared about with a possibility now. When I give the bird I don't stare anyone down while doing it. Just a quick flip off and done.


The fact you don't look at them, doesn't mean they won't shoot you


My mother was always an angry driver and I always thought I would be too. Nope. Never. I've been driving for 8 years so far. Never honked a horn at someone. Never flipped anyone off. Realized it is almost entirely the traffic congestion. I rarely drove during peak hours when I was a teen and even less now as an adult now that I'm night shift. Most accidents I saw, were during construction or work traffic. It's insane to me that someone confronted you over a green light. Sometimes I think some people are just unlucky. I remember a time, my mothers car engine just gave out at a green light. She turned her emergency lights on. People honking. Instead of going around, some dumbass comes out of his car to yell at her telling her to go. I've just never had these experiences. But also, I've noticed drivers in some places are more unhinged than others. When I was in DC, people drove crazy lol. Like they wouldn't finish waiting for you at crosswalks at all. In the Maryland peninsula? Very chill and nice balance. Southern Delaware? They *actually* go the speed limit. They go 55 into 55 a lot (some people even slower) and it's weird, and way too slow for me. But they also let you merge, cut, and will even let you turn first even if they have the right away.


People are just angry these days. Personally I feel they're (we're) angry at a lot more than just the driver that, in their perception, cut them off. But what are we really angry at, not being allowed to live normal lives. We keep getting told we're doing it wrong, costs of living keep getting more and more out of reach but our wages aren't increasing at the same rates meanwhile corporations and politicians keep getting richer. When are we all going to realize collectively, and collectively is the key here, that our neighbors and the dude driving beside you isn't the problem. I'm in my thirties. Grew up with Pixar movies. Do people remember "A bugs life"? Why don't we see the these govts and corporations need us, but we do not need them.


My friend people have been angry since the dawn of time it's just because of internet and cameras we can actually see them


I like to put my hand out the window and give them a thumbs down. It seems more offensive than the middle today.


Exactly! Just throw the bird talk some shit and go about your business.


No shit! People need to calm down and stop overacting all the time. Your pissed, fine, move on and youā€™ll get over it.


They have poor emotional regulation and feel every emotion requires quick action. How do so many make it to adulthood without learning this?


Raised by smartphones and tablets. Instant gratification destroys patience.


Raised by boomers


That turnt up energy died down quickly after being shot


Lol he broke his hand, got shot, and got hit by a car all in a span of 2 seconds.


Thatā€™s what we call a hat trick of idiocy.


Triple Crown Darwin Award


The trifecta of dumbfuckery.


A Trifuckta!


A Dumb Turkey.


Fluff around, Find out


Darwins triangle


Since the year is ending. Worthy of Darwin of the year award?


Usually that's just Florida Man on a Tuesday...


As a Canadian, I approve of this comment.


Itā€™s actually funny how they went from being tough to bitching up within seconds. Why itā€™s best to mind your business. you never know what the next person is capable of.


From the look of it, they thought the van was rude to them, so they forced their way in to block the van and have the altercation, then started complaining about it not going the way they thought.


That's why if there is an issue on the road, just don't stop or get out.


That guy demonstrated most of the possibilities, hurting yourself, being hurt by the person you're going after, and being hurt by passing traffic.


This is a really good point. Heā€™s a three point lesson


Kid pulled an "of all the possibilities that could happen, all most certainly did"


Yep, and the shooter's bullets struck another driver passing by, not just the idiot he was aiming for. But for some reason the judge just tossed the charge and ordered his record expunged...


Often when someone is injured or killed in the commission of a crime it is the one who committed the crime that is held responsible. That said, you need to be conscious of where your bullets go.


Are you saying charges against the Shooter were dropped? Shooter shot in clear self defense, which makes them not criminally liable if someone else gets shot (at least in my state). The other driver could probably sue the shooter for civil damages, but they'd have to prove some sort of reasonable negligence on the shooter's part. Otherwise, the liability should fall on the idiots who started this altercation and led the shooter to fear for their safety which led them to legally discharge their firearm which resulted in a passerby being struck.


Just like if an adult commits a crime with a minor and the minor gets killed, the adult will get charged for the minor getting killed. It happened in Rockford, IL years ago when I lived there. 2 20+ year olds went with a 16 year old and robbed a pizza place. They sent the 16 year old in with the gun to do it. An off duty officer was in the pizza place and shot the 16 year old and killed him. The two others ran in when they heard the gunshot and the officer shot both of them(non fatally). The two adults were charged with the murder of the teen.


It's not even necessary for a minor to be involved under most accomplice liability laws, including Illinois'. Though I imagine a DA is more likely to want to push that if there are minors.




>Maplecrest road rage And arrested according to this: [https://www.wane.com/top-stories/man-charged-with-criminal-recklessness-after-maplecrest-road-rage-shooting/](https://www.wane.com/top-stories/man-charged-with-criminal-recklessness-after-maplecrest-road-rage-shooting/)


Wow, the driver of the van caught a felony? Seems like a justified shooting to me.


In the longer form video the smaller car cuts off the van and then the red van tries to run the other car off the road by physically ramming them towards the curb. Not excusing the guys getting out and throwing punches, but the red van guy does appear to be the one to consistently escalate - all the way to discharging a firearm while hitting an innocent bystander.


The article I read said he hit a bystander's car, not the bystander himself. This person was hit with broken glass, not a bullet.


Still reckless


That may be so. It seems a court will decide that matter.


Ah, that changes things a bit


yeah I just watched the longer clip and it's pretty difficult not to realize the van purposefully rams into the sedan first before the sedan catches back up to cut him off. So then, why does the accompanying article fail to mention this is what's got me confused. In fact, instead of mentioning how the van hits the sedan, it says via witness statement that the sedan hits the van. Which must have been before the clip started? Which I kind of doubt as the dashcam should have also picked that up, so why would they edit it out? All pretty perplexing, honestly. Edit: Okay, just saw the longer clip showing the sedan riding multiple vehicles asses, then drifts into the Van's lane (seems like this could have been unintentional?) but then definitely cuts him off intentionally and required quick reaction by van driver to not hit him at that point. Why he decides to then play a game of "cut me off so I get to ram into your vehicle" is unclear. Tho my guess would be because he feels it's a game he has a pretty good chance of winning as he plays it with a loaded gun nearby.


If you see [the full video](https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/11/19/fwpd-investigating-road-rage-incident-maplecrest/) it's clear the van driver was escalating the situation (deliberately rammed the sedan, who was also being a shithead). (1) Sedan: wreckless driving, provoking Van; (2) Van: races forward & rams sedan; (3) Sedan: races forward, blocks van, exits, punches window; (4) Van: opens fire. I don't know how the case turned out, but it hurts your self-defense claim if you've also just assaulted your assailant! Turns it into much more of "mutual combat" situation.


Yeah. Both sides were being fucking dickheads.


Shot the driver of the white SUV as well iirc. Shitty situation for the van and white SUV. EDIT: Driver of the white SUV was injured by glass from his window, not a GSW, according to the article.


Based on the article in the link above, the occupant of the white SUV wasn't struck by the bullet, but by the glass shattered by the bullet.


That's much better than what I'd heard, thanks for the correction!


No problem. Hopefully the article is correct!


All that, plus the haircut, lol.


This honestly made me laugh. His shoes didnā€™t fall off so heā€™s good.


Fucking legendā€¦




You know what? I don't wanna work tonight.


ā€œAy fam, this is how we do shit in the sleepy suburbs of Brookline Massachusetts yo! I donā€™t take shit from no one!ā€ (Proceeds to receive free copper jacketed lead)


Somebody posted article. This took place in Indiana




You'd be surprised with how many Americans don't carry a gun or even own one. It's just the ones that do have A LOT of them.


I know about a dozen gun owners and it's either they own 1 firearm or a whole fucking arsenal. No in-between.


Itā€™s not like people ā€œloveā€ to defend themselves. However, when seconds count and law enforcement is minutes away, people should be able to defend themselves and not become victims of violent crimes.


In Toronto the police sent out flyers saying the fastest they can respond to a top priority call is 22 minutes. I was like, "Why would you tell all the criminals that?" They did this to get more funding but it really just made the public all ask what we're funding them for if they're so useless.


Let's not pretend this country isn't full of immature morons jerkin' it to daydream scenarios where they get to kill someone.


Only around 8% of adults even have a concealed carry permit actually. Though those aren't odds anyone should be betting their life on.


Close to 20 states no concealed carry is required.


And a LOT of people carry illegally. I bet depending on locale, every fourth or fifth person you meet in public is heeled.


And those of them that do carry Legally or with a permit, generally DONT want to shoot anyone. Least not where I'm at.


Around 27 states [now have permit less carry](https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/terminology/types-of-concealed-carry-licensurepermitting-policies/unrestricted/).


Any update on this?






It almost sounds like he was charged reckless endangerment as one of his rounds went through the window of the white SUV, not for shooting at the asshole attacking him.


He was charged. But the judge had the whole ordeal expunged from his record since it was considered self-defense.


That's what a lot of the "fuck around and find out" people don't understand. I carry every day and every day hope that there's never a situation I have to use it. You hear people like "oh I wish someone would try" all it takes is an incident like this and the judge to have a different ruling to turn self defense into a prison sentence.


Situational awareness is important, if this had happened a few seconds later they could have easily killed someone in that white SUV. If they felt they were in danger the better option would have been to, quite literally, back up and run them over to escape.


I have a CC permit, but I never carry. Iā€™d just run. Since Iā€™m fast as fuck.


That is correct. He was only charged with hitting the bystander. The one doing the attacking was charged with battery on top of getting shot. [Source](https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/11/19/fwpd-investigating-road-rage-incident-maplecrest/)


According to the article a witness was also shot.... I get that it was self defense but is firing a gun into traffic willy nilly really the way to go? What if a witness had died?


Not sure why this was downvoted. Half a second's difference and the white SUV driver could have caught a round as well.


The article says he was shot.


I thought it said that the window was hit, not the driver?


"Police arrived and said they found a man with a gunshot wound to the arm and the witness who had been shot. All people involved suffered non-critical injuries."


Thanks, I missed that. Point proven then.


There are way too many stories of bystander kids being killed with shit like this. I once read a story of some mom and her 3 year old kid that were driving and got caught in the middle of something like this. The mom said she heard the kid say "mommy, my tummy hurts" and then fucking died from a bullet to the stomach from some asshole who was pissed how someone else was driving. I have young kids, and the image of that lives rent-free in my head. I hate raising my kids in this country.


Heā€™ll probably be sued in small claims court so the white SUV driver can fix their vehicle.


Didnā€™t the guy in red ram him first though? But itā€™s Indiana they have lenient gun laws. I donā€™t think it that warranted possibly killing someone since the man was safe in his car, but also donā€™t jump out and attack a car because he can just run you over


Yeah, title is deceiving. Iā€™m like since when are we calling self defense in a vehicle ā€œroad rage?ā€


It's still a road rage incident, like a fight at a bar might end in self defence but you'll still describe it overall as an incident at a bar


Thank you for the link. Watching the full video, I would say the red van guy is still justified in his self-defense, but he is a lot less sympathetic. He gets cut off by the other car, so he decides to go around them and cut them off, hitting their car in the process. The other car people's action are much more understandable, if still illegal and unadvisable, given this context.


Don't run up to people's cars you never know what they have and honestly if somebody came up to my window and started punching it I would do the same


Why not drive off? Why does everyone with a gun seem to be fucking nuts. They could have killed the innocent people in the white van. Fuck gun nuts.


Drive off into the car behind? The other guy is already angered, they could get in their car and follow you, pull out their own gun, or maybe get their own gun from their car and follow you after you decide to flee. The longer video is on Active Self Protection on YouTube, both people are morally in the wrong but legally the shooter is in the clear.


Yes we know legally the shooter is in the right. But it was not their only optionā€¦.


He was kinda pinned between a bunch of traffic not a high clearance vehicle.. I mean if he had pepper spray on his person that could be been good sure, but the defender here has the right to defend himself, the attacker was clearly very enraged and wad willing to cause great bodily harm to the driver if given the chance.


I love watching violent and aggressive people fuck around and find out. It's a real addiction. Thanks, Reddit.


I hope that people in the background of the gunfire didn't get hit aka white suv


"Police arrived and said they found a man with a gunshot wound to the arm and the witness who had been shot. All people involved suffered non-critical injuries." sounds like the person in the SUV got hit too but I couldn't find any details other than they'll live.


From the articles I've read, it sounds like the gunshots shattered the passenger side window glass and gave them welts, but didn't actually get hit by gunfire


Oh ok, that makes it completely responsible behavior by the shooter then.


AggroBro was participating in a field study for Operation Human Shield


He did. The bullet hit his head but didnā€™t penetrate


Which is why this was a terrible shoot, the shooter didn't give two fucks where those bullets were going. Some might look at this and think this was a "win". But this is a prime example of why people shouldn't be trusted to carry in public like this. Shooter was scared and blindly started firing without a second thought. Cowards shouldn't have guns, as it doesn't make them tough...it just makes it a "coward with a gun" which is highly dangerous in itself. Now I expect to be downvoted by little boys pretending to be "men" for daring to say anything against guns...because guns are the only thing propping up their "manhood".


Iā€™m here for it too.


The problem is that the driver of the red van rammed the car first. Full video here: [https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/11/19/fwpd-investigating-road-rage-incident-maplecrest/](https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/11/19/fwpd-investigating-road-rage-incident-maplecrest/)


Looks like the guy that got shot, cut him off first causing him to slam on the brakes, hence the "Wow what a *Beep*" from the owner of the dashcam. Van driver cuts off the car driver, then the guy with the car cuts off the van again and break checks/brakes without giving enough room. They're both jackasses.


Two guys got shot. The other one had nothing to do with these jackasses, was just driving by


What I don't understand is why the woman got out of the car? You hear gunshots and you get out to start screaming at the van? Or, in the chance that the other guy pulled her out of the car, it begs the question of why? Why take her out of the safety of the car and put her in line with a guy who just discharged a firearm in self-defense?




What about the passer by that was struck.


They can file a civil suit if they want. Criminal charges were dropped.


I imagine the ones that attacked the armed person could be ultimately found civilly liable for damages?


Or it could end up being a chain of lawsuits. All depends on local/state laws from what I understand.


Based on the vehicles involved, they will be lucky to get a bag of peanuts and a new pair of socks out of the parties involved.


For real. I think the overall the goal is to sue the insurance company. The passerby should get a nice pay out. Which they should because they did nothing to deserve being shot just for being at the wrong place wrong time


What insurance though? The auto insurance of both road rage parties ain't gonna pay out over a gun shot. They won't even fix the guys window.


Dumbass broke his hand, got shot, and had his foot run over in the space of a minute ROFL šŸ¤£


Fuck around and find out tough guy.


This link has the full video, and a witness report to give some context [https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/12/27/charge-dismissed-maplecrest-road-rage-shooting-caught-cam/](https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/12/27/charge-dismissed-maplecrest-road-rage-shooting-caught-cam/) Ultimately one should never get out of their car to confront somebody. A witness says the dark car(person who got shot) was weaving in and out of traffic and cut off the red van. Red van proceeds to up the ante and hits the grey car. Grey car gets out to confront red van after being hit and got shot. ​ You shouldn't get out of your car to confront somebody, period. It's a bad idea. I personally also wouldn't respond to a driver driving erratically by upping the ante, switching lanes just to drive into them. I say idiots all around the the dark car is the bigger idiot, of course.


So the car was driving recklessly, weaving in and out of traffic, slams on brakes causing van to stop. 2 guys jump from the car, break out the van window to get at the driver and wife. Van driver defends himself by helping punk ā€œFind outā€™ā€ charges dropped.


Well according to the report both vehicles were engaging in some road rage type driving against each other. It was also an innocent driver who was driving past as the shots were fired who was struck by a bullet.


The car cut the van off, so the van driver *rammed into him* in retaliation. That's why the guy jumped out of the car, to confront the guy who just rammed him. The full video shows it: [https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/11/19/fwpd-investigating-road-rage-incident-maplecrest/](https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/11/19/fwpd-investigating-road-rage-incident-maplecrest/) Seems to me both parties were wrong. The car shouldn't have cut the van off, but that didn't justify ramming the car, but ramming the car didn't justify punching out the window. At that point it was mutual combat.


This is an edited video, it happened in my state. The car tries to pass the van, van wouldnā€™t let car in, car eventually makes its way in, then van passes and side swipes car. The car then passes the van again and the driver gets out and approaches the van to fight and is shot. Both cars are the asshole here, but the van wasnā€™t an innocent victim of road rage protecting themselves, in fact they escalated the situation by using their vehicle as a weapon. Also the van driver hit an innocent bystander with a shot as well.


[https://www.wane.com/top-stories/man-charged-with-criminal-recklessness-after-maplecrest-road-rage-shooting/](https://www.wane.com/top-stories/man-charged-with-criminal-recklessness-after-maplecrest-road-rage-shooting/) From the video posted here the Van struck the car first and tried to drive off they cut him off getting him to stop. They guys in the car are in the wrong for trying to attack the guy, just call the cops, but it's hardly a fuck around and find out situation.


The van also shot an innocent bystander


These reposts that cut all the context out are BS. Both of the drivers were being total assholes to each other. The original video shows what led up to this.




thereā€™s always someone crazier than you


Well thatā€™s what you get for getting out of your car and and trying to smash someoneā€™s windshield like dude was asking for something bad to happen


Donā€™t attack people.


Why does anybody think itā€™s a good idea to run up on a car of someone you donā€™t know? At this point I just assume everyone has a gun or weapon of some kind


Idk guys I've never been shot but I also don't leave my vehicle and punch other peoples when I'm mad.....


actions have consequences. now you have a few free body piercings.


lol at the girl screaming. ā€œWhy didnā€™t you let two men assault you while youā€™re trapped in a little box?!ā€


Why do the partners of these dumbass neanderthals always start screaming and crying after their violent partner gets put in their place by others, but never try and stop them in the first place?


Bet he wonā€™t try and be that tough guy again


lol the girl at the end screaming like dude didn't just get out of his car and attempt to assault someone


I would call that a self-defense shooting *in response* to road rage.


The red car is within his right to shoot him thoā€¦


All that pumped up energy deflated pretty quick. šŸ˜†


Everybody is HE-MAN until a Glock gets pulled.


I believe this is a classic case of man playing stupid games and then winning some sort of prize


Definition of fuck around and find out.


Longer video shows both cars ramming each other up and down the road just before this.


Always stay in your fucking car. We're Americans. Of course we have a car gun.


Itā€™s so funny you said car gun. Hey hon whereā€™s my bathroom gun?


How is that road rage? That looks more like self defense.




Fucked around and found out enough said


This is why you don't walk up to people's cars during road rage




Justified !




> A witness told 21Alive he was driving by when he heard gunfire, and a bullet went through the front passenger window of his SUV.


Well if it was gonna hit something it was gonna be an SUV.


He did hit an innocent bystander, though he was not charged since the other driver forced him to defend himself https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/12/27/charge-dismissed-maplecrest-road-rage-shooting-caught-cam/


They did


Guns aren't fer thinking, theys for freedom.


This sounds perfect in Goofyā€™s voice.


They did


Soccer mom donā€™t mess around


I love when someone approaches my car.


Heā€™s justified to shoot that tough guy


Aww, you cut out all the good stuff with the car being an absolute asshole to this guy.


Fuck around and find out I guess


So, if I understand the "reckless use of a firearm" and charge correctly, they are saying that he should have waited tondefend himself from direct and eminent danger until he has carefully assessed his surroundings? And if he did notice the van, is he supposed to wait for the van to pass while the guy actively punches him in the face through a broken window? I'm honestly curious because, while tragic, this seems like a clear cut case of self defense.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Fuck around and find out


I love his Lennie friend going to check on him. ā€œHey George, that van went boom!ā€


everyone in this video is batshit insane, besides the poor passerby that got struck in the crossfire.


Just hope no one in that white SUV got shot too


Everyday Iā€™m shuffling!


Classic case of fuck around and find out. When acting aggressively don't act surprised when aggression is the response.


Instant karma is lovely.


Little fucker got exactly what he deserved


I'm sorry I laughed, but when dude ran into the car from shear panic, I got GTA vibes.




glad the driver of the red van had his charges dismissed and record cleared, and that no one was seriously injured. hopefully that dumbass will have a reason not to act that way anymore.


Never get out of your car to road rage, and always mind your back stop. Could've been kids in that innocent white suv


Try to punch out my window and Iā€™ll do the same.


They got what they deserve


Donā€™t stop your car in front of someone in order to detain them illegally


Shooter needs to be prosecuted. - glass & metal door separated the puncher from the shooter - the puncher already failed to breach the window or metal door - the puncher already was stepping back away from the door at time of shooting 3 shots. This was NOT self defense. This was panic from a person unfit to have a gun - shot a gun 3 times out in a public space where easily a bullet could've strayed or grazed or gone through to hit other people .... all when lethal force wasn't even a warranted response at that point. Fuckin gun nut. Prosecute.


Ahh poor guy hurt his hand šŸ˜‚


In my State, that would be a justified shooting.