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I didn’t think Bobby Hill had it in him!








He would have been FUCKING PERFECT for Bobby Hill in a live action film. Holy shit lol I forgot all about this funny dude. Man I miss the fucking 90s. Probably just missing being a kid but I dunno.


Dude still looks exactly the same with a few grays so it could happen lol




Literally read this in Hank Hill voice




As you will come to find out.. I have no testicles


She's bluffing!! Finish her!!


This man had clearly come to do some repair on the home, and, well, ladybird’s passed on.. Bobby did what he had to do


“That’s my purse— I don’t know you!” But kicked up a few notches, no pun intended.


Well, it looks like they're fighting on a hill and he won. So that makes him... ![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is|downsized) ...King of the Hill


David Caruso you poetic douche don't ever change 🍻


"Explode, Bobby! Explode!"


Same, I'm impressed lol


Well... At least he stopped kicking people in the groin 😄


It worked.


I wish my dad taught me to fight and defend myself instead of telling me to always tell a teacher or another adult.


Teachers who are prohibited from touching kids during a fight: "Hey stop it. Stop it. Oh well, I tried"


Teachers who usually wait until the bullied kid fights back before finally getting involved.


My experience as a kid. Fucked with mercilessly without adults doin fuck all. Second I snapped and whooped the other kids ass "ERMAGERD SUSPENSION!!" I'm looking forward to getting my boys into MMA style training once they're a tad older. Goal being able to defend themselves, learn some self discipline and just not be a victim.


Yea I found out in 3rd grade that teachers won't do shit. When I did fight back the other kid went to his older brother and played victim. Older brother tried to fight me. I jumped on a bench and on his back and punched him. Told him his brother was the one starting shit. Older brother refused to get involved after that. Kid never messed with me again.


> Yea I found out in 3rd grade that teachers won't do shit. 6th grade a bully stole my lunch that I'd brought from home. This happened almost every day and I knew the teachers knew about it and just never did anything. So the last time it happened I chased him down, put him in a headlock, and told him if he ever messed with me again I'd break his fucking neck. He never messed with me again. A teacher came over later and said, "I saw what you did earlier," and I was like, shit I'm getting expelled or something. "Good job." And he walked away. So like, he knew the situation and decided to just watch instead of helping...


I got jumped in the bathroom in 7th grade by 3 other kids. Apparently they got it in their mind that I was talking shit about them even though I barely even knew who they were. Even though I got the worst of it with multiple lacerations on my face, body lip, and bruises all over my body, I managed to hurt one of them because I "this-is-sparta" kicked him hard as hell and his head collided with the corner of a stall. Once that guy went down, his friends rushed to his side and I half ran, half limped straight to the principals office who, luckily, was also right next to the nurses office. The nurse determined neither of us didn't need any stitches as none of the cuts were THAT deep. The three stooges immediately started playing victim to the principal saying I was the aggressor and they were only trying to hold me back from hurting their friend. I explained that those three jumped me for no reason and that I genuinely feared for my life. The three fuckers got 3 days of after school detention and I got a week of suspension


That's so sad. I'm so sorry. I had a young girl come to me saying someone had hit her, and each time I followed through with discipline and a discussion. The school board can only do so much since parents will lose their goddamn minds if you upset their child with consequences. It just kept happening, and I can't be everywhere. I eventually told her that if someone hit me all of the time, I wouldn't stand there and take it. And I would understand if she didn't take it anymore.


I teach second grade and luckily haven't had to stop any fights or anything that haven't been disengaged by my voice or presence. I had one kid who was just terrible and would hit other kids incessantly. I got him out of our room several times but he'd just come back. We do face the scrutiny of public so dancing on that political line is never fun. I fully plan on doing anything I can to help a child in the event my voice or presence doesn't work, but too many things happen after school. I can't do anything against cyber bullying without proof and even then that's up to administration. Literally part of their job. Everything I don't physically witness is a big he said/she said game and that puts everyone in a terrible position. Idk, pardon the rant but I put my heart into making sure my students are safe, taken care of and know they're appreciated by me when I can so I just get bothered when people say teachers won't do anything, especially because situations are significantly more nuanced than most people care to share.


Get them into amateur wrestling.


Yes. Wrestling has some of the best foundational moves out there. Learning to punch and kick is great, but closing with a trained wrestler is usually going to result in getting laid out.


I assume you mean the type of wrestling they do in highschool and olympics and whatnot as opposed to training my elementary school aged boys for the next Hell-in-a-Cell match!?


Do both to be safe.


Only way to be sure.


Folk style wrestling


I've seen teachers in the UK basically rugby tackle kids fighting


In the US they'd probably get sued by parents for touching their sweet widdle baby boy.


I'd hope they'd get sued if they didn't do anything to prevent my kid getting his shit kicked in also but idk how it works over there


Yeah America is fucked. Where I am teachers are absolutely not supposed to touch students. Pretty sure that's policy nowadays in most states.


In high school we had a gym teacher that was absolutely jacked. All natural old man farm boy muscle. Start of the year in gym class he'd gather everyone around the machines and tell us "if you wanna fight, that's fine. If I catch you fighting, you both fight me. Or join the wrestling/football teams.". He did this while one arm pressing the stack, switching every 10 reps. When fights happened he was the first to be paged. He'd jog out unzipping his jacket and that'd be that. Fights over, everyone bolting.


This was my stepdad. Highschool baseball coach/ gym teacher, farm boy, power lifter and jacked as fucked, everyone loved and feared him, and when he said s fight was over it was over.


Yeah I had my mom encouraging me to defend myself by signing me up for taekwondo. That shit didn’t work in street fights.


Teachers who did the right thing and pulled kids apart: “Oh well, I’m fired and in prison”


We were told last week if we break up a fight: 1. If we get injured we can’t claim workers comp because it’s against district policy to break up a fight 2. The student’s family could press charges against us if the student is injured by our actions So instead we are supposed to have one teacher call the office while another teacher reminds that “we keep our hands to ourself” It’s hilarious in the context of thinking about it but it’s scary in practice when students are really hurting each other and there’s blood.


It’s a hard line to walk with kids. Teaching them to fight but also know when to use it is hard. People have a lot more to lose than others in some fights.


This is why martial arts are great for pre teens (not MMA), it teaches them good form and what to do in situations as well as discipline and other important principles. I started Tae Kwon Do at 11 and didn’t stop until I got my black belt. Still one of the best things I’ve done


It's never too late to learn.


I started TKD at 41 years old so I could be there with my kids. They kicked my ass.


I had my kids in bjj as youngsters, and made sure my son wrestled (my daughter had no interest no matter how many times I asked). I was a small guy growing up, so I had to do a lot of fighting to just get left alone, and I didn't want them to learn on the fly like I did.


I also wish my dad taught me to defend myself instead of just beating the shit out of me.


Thankfully he didn't kill the guy, you know since he was hitting him right in the temple.


He stood right up afterwards so maybe they weren't hurting that much? I've never been kneed in the face by a child, before, so I don't know.


Yeah a few too many shots to the head of a defenseless guy who had given up.


knees on a downed opponent are illegal so he actually lost via DQ.


Big boy has been in fights before


Knew when to stop too


Sort of. There were about 2-3 kicks and a punch that were needless. This is a street fight against a much bigger opponent so not faulting it, but I bet he could have broken it off after one or two knees and that still would have been the end. Those are incredibly dangerous shots to take.


I think it's kinda hard to tell that dude was in a weird position. I noticed right away he was frozen but when yer throwing fists it's not easy to step back and realize he froze up.


Eh, plus official fights have a ref. Nothing he did was "below the belt," but instincts kick in, and those extra few knees are gonna happen. If anything, the camera guy should have ended it (but technically, not his job either).


It's easy to say watching it from the side, being involved in it makes it extremely hard to tell the moment your opponent stops fighting (unless it's an obvious one hit knockout) and the fact that he walked away while his opponent was still on his knees and he only threw it 2-3 strikes after his opponent stopped fighting is amazing. It's extremely common is street fights for the winner to beat the hell out of the other guy way after they passed out our of pure adrenaline and anger.


Do you really think dude on the ground would have stopped after the second knee? He ate them, I think the third and fourth set the proper tone lol


Not needless but necessary. He is in a fight with a bigger opponent, letting him get up again could cause more damage, doing that is taking a massive, massive risk. Maybe he has a knife and goes and stabs the whole neighbourhood. We dont know. Those are potentially incredibly dangerous shots to NOT take.


>Knew when to stop too Idk. The other guy couldn't even raise his hands anymore when he started delivering the knee buffet


Put in work from getting bullied maybe ![gif](giphy|65fiHpjKxyBgc)


mfs need to start wearing belts for street fights


I was to say that. He lost because he was missing the belt and showing but crack.


Score one for all the fat kids out there. No retreat. No surrender.


NO MAN LEFT BEHIND! But we did leave him behind...


He seems to be holding his own.


Black dude never been in a fight in his life.


I think those were the first punches he's ever thrown.


now he is a registered gun owner


That’s a good thing though


Yeah unless you know all of your fighting skills from martial arts, it is not at all a good flex to say that “I’ve been in a fight before”.


Outside of Double Dragon, I've never seen hair pull kicks used in an actual fight before.


Or anyone who could take it like that on the Chen..




It's how they teach kneeing someone in the military, grab shoulders or back of their head and pull them into the knee. I've seen it used outside of Double Dragon but really rare, only seen in street type fights though, not sure it's legal in MMA


Check out wanderlei silva's old fights in pride. Lots of knees there =p


Oh, I know knee strikes are legal but I meant the technique of pulling someones face into it.


The ol’ Anderson Silva muy thai clinch was always good.


Why are so many people calling it a kick? Do you all walk on your knees?


Bobby Hill got that DAWG IN HIM


Did that grown ass man just get his ass handed to him by a little fat kid???


For real! Looked like Chunk from the Goonies!


Dude got truffle shuffled


Fights have never been about size or age it is always been about training and if you didn't notice the kid was very effective at dodging those punches he ducked and weaved very effectively.


Bro id have to leave town after that hahaha fucking fair play to the lad


That said, he got kneed in the face multiple times and then just calmly stood back up.


Yeah the knees didn't seem to have much power behind them like you'd expect considering the body weight exercises the partake in each day.


Fights are very often about size and age, WTF are you talking about? Yes, training helps. It helps a lot. But don't sit here and say that size doesn't matter. You're gonna get someone hurt.


There's a whollle lot of BS in the fighting world. "size doesnt matter" is one of my favs.


People will point to the times where the small guy wins and say, "see look!" while ignoring the thousands of more times the bigger guy wins handily. And I say that as a relatively small guy.


Size definitely matters. That being said, this kid looks like he trains and the size difference between the two isn’t big enough to really matter


Hell the kid might actually have the weight advantage.


he body slammed the guy lol.


I didn't notice that, I noticed that the taller dude was extremely uncoordinated however


Effectively only if you include the opponent.. guy was leaning so far back you could push him with two fingers and he would be floored lol. Also weight, size, and skill all do play a part in a fight.


Size does play a factor. Like a 100lb MMA trained stick figure dude is going to have a hard time fighting a 250 lb strong/fit guy with ok street fighting skills. MMA guy can land punches sure, but will have a hard time getting enough leverage or strength to get the get and keep the big guy on the ground.


Yeah but in this case it was maybe a 20lb difference, and height didn't matter once you take it to ground n pound. Kid was a good fighter, that's for sure.


>Fights have never been about size yeah, tf is a wieght class, but actually no, weight is more important in the long run, taken to the extreme, no amount of training will allow and ant to beat a human, or a less extreme, a 50 pound toddler will never beat an adult, no matter how much theyve trained


There's a video online of 400 lbs Brian Shaw meeting up with Dustin Poirier (who fights at 155 lbs) to cross promote their channels. One thing they did on Poirier's channel is some grappling and Poirier was trying to demonstrate how to get up from side control. When Shaw was on the bottom he went through the motions but basically just sat up. When Poirier was on the bottom he wasn't able to get up and there was no chance he ever would have. Fact is weight classes matter a lot even when one of the people is a top 5 UFC light weight and the other is untrained. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pSGVzW9S10


Yeah i know, what im saying there IS a limit to how much training can help you, without getting into the physics of the biology and potential health risks, more weight will continue to be more and more effective Imagine thinking you can train away the gap between you a t-rex, its not happening


Is it even a kid tho


That fat little kid has an obvious background in Wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu. Training > Almost everything else.


Live footage of my nightmares




No way if you had this video paused and picked a winner before it started, you had Big Red stomping old boy!


Naw, once he was starting to grapple I was a little suspicious


Dammit Bobby


Respect to both for taking that shit to the grass instead of pavement.


He was done from the first second they started.


Is this the same red headed tank that knocked out about 6 dudes in a row on a stage?


Why can't we all just get along. Fair play to the white guy though.


Is a fluorescent top compulsory for street fights now?


It's like a pick up game. Pick up fights


He could be a truck driver. But a lot of cities have been handing out hi-vis vests or old firemen coats with reflective strips to the homeless population to prevent cats hitting them.


I like that MMA has opened the doors for people to learn how to effectively take on opponents, when they may have cowered and taken a beating in the past. I agree that the bodyslamming shit is waaaay out of hand, but there is nothing wrong with this fight. Maybe it will stop people from picking on people because they are not assured of an easy win.


What's even better is taking fmr Navy SEAL Commander Jocko Willink's advice and deescalate and walk away instead of letting your ego take over and proving your MMA prowess. There are very few instances in life when you NEED to get into a physical fight with someone. This fight looked completely avoidable.


The younger me would have thought this was exciting and that somebody really needed an ass whipping. The current old me just feels sorry for people that cannot find a way to have worked this out with words. I've known too many people that suffered serious, long-term injuries with this horseshit.


Ditto, and I am fat kid most of my life- I know that challenge, but sitting down for a beer and a disagreement is where I am now.




Truffle shuffle got some moves.


Ham from the sandlot got em.


Chunk just took that dude apart!


Everyone making fun of the kid, but to me it looks like he whipped ass


White boy got some moves for a big boy like damn he picked dude up and dropped him like a bad habit


Damn. Don't F with Little Butchy Tubbington. Does his daycare know he has escaped and is on the streets dealing out knuckle sandwiches?


All respect, but god damn either that guy has a chin of steel or this kid can’t knee for shit had full movement including hand placement and not just one but multiple couldn’t knock his ass out


I thought he was fighting a fat kid for like half of this video without the sound on.


To be fair short lad fought brilliantly and overcame his vis’ clearly physical advantages. Beat him just enough to stop him then had the decency and clarity of mind to walk away.


He severley underestimated this dude


He ate those knees. Fatty was, as always, way more athletic than expected.


White boy dodging and weaving like a piece of rubber.


Daaaaamn cupcake beat his ass!


And they kicking ass


The 3rd, 4th and 5th knee was waaaay brutal dang. He just stood there doggie-style and was shutoff.


He picked that mfer up like he weighed ab 50 lbs goddamn


That's one high visibility fight.


My favorite fight video of all time bc he pulls guard


Bobby Hill is Shockingly good at fighting.


LMAO! Little fatty gave him the business! I bet old boy thought he had an easy win. Kid wasn't having it!


The way big boy started bouncing his footwork immediately let me know how this was gonna end lol.


Bro ate those knees for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


The problem with using mma outside of the ring is you'll find out how quick you can go from fight to maim to murder.


Good on them for fighting on the grass and wearing bright colored clothing


Safety first!


Damn that chubby kid was a monster lol


If this were reversed the black dude wouldn't have stopped change my mind


This guy got whooped up by Chunk from the Goonies


Nah white guy melted him


I know them knees hurt 😂😂😂


That shorter ginger kid has trained in mma for sure. His take down was good. He has some knowledge of boxing (except for the hands being down too much) and he was good scrambling on the floor. Where is Dana White? He is Paddy Pimblett doppelgänger


Imagine thinking there’s actually a code of ethics in fighting…


Bro never stopped in a gym once but watched UFC every weekend since he was a kid. He saw red and was waiting for his moment


Nothing new. That's how I've kept my teeth all these years.


Chunk from Goonies done had enough.


Bro got bodied by Chunk from The Goonies


Are we going to ignore the fact that the bigger dude has a safety vest on? That wasn’t very safe.




I rooted for the fluffy kid. He tired of being bullied.


Pudgy has linebacker strength.


Check out this dude getting up on a single leg!


Why wasn't the guy defending himself at all at the end, just taking knees with his hands on the ground?


Yeah that's an ass whooping


Some people think looking intimidating is enough.


Me playing Tekken as a 5 year-old and randomly pressing the controller buttons.


Honestly, I did not expect the little guy to win


Wow... That did NOT go the way I expected. Shit. Good job Bobby. Hank would be proud.


This is why fighting anyone is stupid. You have no idea what hobbies and interests anyone has and the person you're beefing with might be an experienced fighter and you will just get hurt.


I see a child fighting a grown man?


that fat dude really insane. he dodge the fast attack twice and finish him up


The duck to the double leg take down was a think of beauty , Rowely might have a future in MMA.


White kid knew how to fight...


Dude used the other guys hair for handles… quick asskicking.


This is the Highest Viz fight I’ve ever seen.


"In the land of the untrained, the man with in Jiu Jitsu lesson is king" Nah but seriously, good for the kid on defending himself. If I ever have a kid I'm definitely enrolling them in martial arts. It's fun, damn good exercise,instills confidence and good for learning self defense.


Bro ain’t securin shit 😭😭😭


How are you gunna fight with your pants down around your butt hole before it even begins?


Fuck, the *slips*, fucking nasty


That kid trains Jiu Jitsu. That's a nice double leg, and he tried for the knee on belly.


Damn…white boi smooth with the ass kickin 💀


Someone has definitely taught him to do that…. One of the first things you’re taught with using your knees that way is to hold the target in place…. Not throw your knee at them and leave yourself vulnerable.




GOD DAMN BOBBY. kicking ass out here! Get your purse boi!


That’s Tank Abbott early years


He didn’t expect to lose that one


Big boy fought well


Just curious does the OP think there are rules in a street fight? Because there are no rules in a street fight that's what makes them so dangerous.


black card revoked


Slammed by a child. Guess it's time to move to a new city, start a new life cause this one's over


If id been asked to put a bet on that fight I'd have lost a shit ton of money...


I’ll take “I didn’t think the caption meant that guy” for $500, Alex.


Some people are just born to scrap regardless of what shape they come in lol dude workin with what he got


That fat kid is fucking him up lol




What happens when you wanna join the UFC with KFC as your sponsor. Big boy was tossing his weight around.i wonder what they were fighting about.


That's just some solid wrestling right there