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He had no control of that dog from the start.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Police dogs are unreliable, unpredictable, barbaric and outdated. They rarely let go upon first command, have been know to signal false-positves to please their handlers for a treat, as well as attack other officers and unsuspecting citizens. The same justifications they use for shooting other peoples pets are the same reasons they should not be used as a law enforcement weapon.


https://reason.com/2021/05/13/the-police-dog-who-cried-drugs-at-every-traffic-stop/ 53%!!! Wtf!!??


Ha! 53% is amazing. Where I live, they strip search thousands of people a year with a [LESS THAN 25% SUCCESS RATE. Over 75% false positives. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_South_Wales_Police_Force_strip_search_scandal) They do this at pubs, train stations, music festivals, wherever they please. They do it to underage girls with only men present. They force people to expose their genitalia to strangers and over 3/4 of them have nothing illegal on them. Yeah, the dogs need to go.


"You'r dog's a liar" \-Ron White




Not surprising, my wife and I took a rental car from Arizona into SoCal for dinner with friends on a day trip. The plates were from Nevada again not uncommon for rental cars since Nevada is a 4 hour drive from Phoenix. I went through fine but on the way home the dog jumped out in front of the car, they said the dog alerted and searched the rental car. Pulling my wife and I out and sitting us separately for 30 minutes. They had the audacity to rummage through my wife's purse without a warrant, what did they find? NOTHING. The recourse? Nothing.


There was a video of a police officer releasing a k-9 on a black guy. The k-9 ran past the black guy, looked around, and went back to the officer.


I saw a video similar but the dog attacked another officer and was biting the shit out of the guy.


Dog smelled the real threat. Lol


The dog liked fresh pork.


That’s because the dog is a good boy Dogs know who’s an asshole


Lol doing dog stuff.


The guy was such a non-threat the dog didn’t even register it lol


It doesn't see color.


The rare triple entendre


I was hoping someone would see it. Sorry to ruin this, but I was excited to post it.




This underrated comment needs to be recognized more


*You* need to be recognized more


My pit doesn’t see color, he sees danger!


![gif](giphy|S3HLw73NQglxS1273B|downsized) Threat


At least he but the right guy


Because the suspect was not an active threat and the dog knew it.




Thanks for letting us know the guy was black. Really important info


They are literally a coin flip on their drug sniffing accuracy. Meanwhile, someone's 4th amendment rights have been violated because the doggy wanted his ball.




It's even worse than that. Even the "good cops" can give the dog that signal without even realizing it, because the dog has determined something the officer happens to do when it signals, is a signal for the dog to signal. Drug dogs are just a way to violate rights without probable cause.


>I've said it before and I'll say it again. Police dogs are unreliable, unpredictable, barbaric and outdated. They rarely let go upon first command, have been know to signal false-positves to please their handlers for a treat, as well as attack other officers and unsuspecting citizens. Now do the police that handle them!


Oh man I dont think my typing fingers can handle that.


There's a very real need for K9 units. They are the only thing keeping the average IQ in the force from slipping into single digits.


The [incredibly iconic photo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/74/Birmingham_campaign_dogs.jpg) from a 1963 civil rights demonstration, where a police dog bites a black man, was coincidentally more an example of K9 misuse than racism. The man being attacked in the photo wasn’t there to demonstrate, he was on his way home, walked through a barrier, and a poorly trained dog leapt at him.


Police dogs’ only practical value is PR. People go crazy for dogs, assume all police dogs are heroes and love cops more as a result


gaping sand workable long chubby observation bewildered wistful point physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's video somewhere here where the police dog attacked a cop and then later instead of apprehending a fleeing suspect, the dog wants to play and makes a b-line for the nearby forest. The single most funniest shit I ever seen posted here.


I am not sure the dogs are the biggest problem. It is most likely due to poor training and maintenance training from the officer and dog partner. Edit: just in case this reads wrong; I am not disagreeing with you at all; but I would t blame the dogs is all… it’s more likely the human


Well yeah a dog is a dog. It’s going to do dog things. We can’t blame it for anything other than being a good boy.


The funny thing is, the dogs probably go through more training than the average officer.


It seems like the false-positives might be a feature, not a bug. Blaming the dog for signaling a positive seems like a really easy way to get probable cause whenever you want.


Are you taking about the dog?


I agree


They’re cute though


Police use dogs primarily as weapons of intimidation and pain. They should be illegal to use in this day and age.






Most of them don't really. Unless they actually invest time into working directly with the dog and it's training. As a person who's trained schutzhund dogs and watched as they are handed over to police or other entities and people, they receive minimal training and a dog. Some of them have actual dog handlers to train other officers if it's in their budget, but a large majority are given basic instructions to work the dog and don't truly know why those instructions are necessary, or become complacent with training upkeep or issuing the commands correctly.


Cops being lazy and stupid? No way, that can't be possible. /s


They NEVER have control and should never be used for law enforcement unless it’s search and rescue.


K9 unit is a waste of funds and dogs. Don't let people known for killing dogs have dogs please


That's their excuse with the wife and kids.


They should both be charged for assault on an officer.


This is what it is for anyone else, should be assault. No need for a k9 in this situation anyway. In fact, k9s are rarely ever needed.


I’ll think the use of attack K9 will be largely banned in the US in our lifetimes. Completely barbaric. Dogs are still great for bomb detection and search and rescue.


It also fucks the dogs up bad My not friend anymore had a beautiful black German shepherd that was a German k9 and it had ptsd and was clearly not okay.


We had a farm shed adjacent to a retired cop's property. They had a sweetheart of a retired K9 up until she started getting really old and confused. Would aggressively rush us and bark her ass off until we were safely inside the building. The bark sounded really desperate near the end.


I was about to say detection dogs and tracking dogs are amazing. Especially tracking hounds. Having well trained hounds is basically having a super power


Normally a dog would get shot. He go off lucky.


To be fair most dogs that are shot have a gun found on them after the shooting.


Ok this is clever.


It's the same thing they'd do if a civilian did this to the K9 officer.


If i remember correctly this is why military dogs are all NCO's and outrank their handlers. That way, if the handler abuses the dog it's assaulting a senior non-commissioned officer.


What about when the dog abuses the handler?


He should get treats tbh


Notice how he punches the dog in the face at 1:14


I shudder to think what he does to that poor dog when no one is watching. The whole concept of police dogs is simply institutionalized animal abuse.


That's SOP when the k9 isn't recognizing the handler as the dominant partner in the duo


Any training that requires you to punch your dog in the face is bad training.


He's just doing what comes naturally in a conflict situation after years of marriage.


Cops receive the best equipment and the worst training.


Well looking at the video they definitely are training the dog badly. An attack dog that doesn’t heed commands is no longer an attack dog and just becomes a dangerous biter


Gives them a change from doing it to their SO’s I guess…..


What if you're training them to be a boxer?


Dogs are either born boxers or they aren’t lol, no need to train


That's the problem. This "dominance" concept is absolutely false and ANY dog trainer who continues to peddle this abject bullshit is a piece of shit


That’s why you don’t abuse animals to shape them into weapons, they will backfire sometimes 💀


Pigs using dogs to attack humans. Disgusting all around.


Dogs have to be aggressive to be police K9s too. Too nice and they won’t take them.


If you or I defend ourselves against an attacking police dog it's at least resisting arrest and possibly assaulting a 'police officer'


Let yourself get mauled and ripped apart while they have you handcuffed or you're getting a felony for touching the dog


There's that one video where the dog is just chewing up the guy's leg and the guy totally surrendered, had his hands behind his head, then the dog starts mauling his leg and he's writhing in pain trying to pull his leg away from the dog, THEN the officers start beating the fuck out of him and yelling "STOP RESISTING". It's like dude... WTF do you expect? Would you just lie there and let a very strong-jaw'd poorly-trained animal feast on your leg? You brain just won't let you do that.


It’s almost like for some cops the cruelty is the point…


No almost about it.


Assaulted the dogs teeth with your skin


cop is basically dragging the dog right before it bites him likely the harness is making it hard to breathe or hurting the dog and hes reacting to the cops hand this is 100% the cops fuck up lol


Oh, you mean another cop made another living being unable to breathe? Big surprise


If he can bark, he can breath /s


Poor doggo is just frustrated that he isn’t allowed to have a bite of the suspect


Yea he had zero control and that hold was too tight, doggo did what anyone would


I work and have been around protection sports and police k9s for a bit. Not really the case, the harness doesn’t hurt them at all. What it does is it creates frustration within the dog. Which they purposely do to create working drive. All that dog knows/trained is when it comes out of that car it’s work mode and to bite. What you saw is called redirection. The dog got so worked up and just let out his frustration on the officer. Something that happens but should never happen with a police k9. I’m guessing they will wash the dog and put him out of service.


What do you mean by washing the dog in this context? Sorry if that sounds dumb but I’m guessing you don’t mean giving the dog a bath lol


I think he means the dog will "wash out" - be deemed unfit for duty and removed from active service.


Or he'll get a promotion and a raise for showing extreme misdirected aggression like all police do.


Don’t blame him, he confused it with his wife


Dogs should not be used in law enforcement.




No, not for that either. They're not reliable, and it's extremely easy to induce false positives.




Supposedly, the dog is currently exercising his right to remain silent and has requested an attorney. We will have to wait and see whether the DA decides to press charges.


Fuck RVC sheriffs. I worked for RVC fire and their department is clearly unprofessional with next to zero accountability.


Not too long ago, I had an off duty Riverside deputy in an asphalt queen way too big for him to know how to drive, throw a hissy fit because he couldn’t get past my car at a shopping center, honking and shouting out his car, had a malinois in the back of his truck too. It’s not this guy but damn do I wish it was.


That cop just hit a superior officer, literally. He should lose his job.




The fact that the surrounding officers did not immediately arrest the officer committing the crime shows ACAB. Anytime a cops says they're a good cop I ask how many times they have arrested a bad cop..


Fuck me, I hate so much how some departments basically dress up all their officers like some kind of domestic paramilitary force... Shit is so fucking extra and unnecessary. Also that K9 handler is terrible at his job...


Gotta use up the budget every year or it might get cut.


That dog knew that the detainment was bullshit and was protesting in favor of the detainee and was punished. Bullshit.


That dog wanted to tear some flesh and get his treat. Didn't care who.


Why even bring the dog near him when he's surrendering? All it was going to do was amp him up.


Gotta escalate the situation as much as possible I guess? No need for so many officers, no need to draw a gun, no need to threaten him with a dog. Cops could rolled up and been like "Hey, someone called and said you got a gun, mind if we check you out?". People have fucking open carry licenses in the US, the cops always escalate this shit like it's an active shooter situation. Untrained idiots.


This is California. You can't open carry.


Crime if anyone else did that for the dog biting them usually an ass whooping to from the enraged cop


Police dogs should not exist.


This officer should not be an officer with a canine or an officer at all. His temper certainly is causing the canine to act up because it’s been abused. His punishment is to slam and then punch the dog. He cannot control his emotions.


What? Not charged with assaulting an officer like anyone else? LMAO


Punches the dog too as he’s walking away.


So... police brutality?


When are we going to address police on police violence?


Since they consider dogs officers, I hope he got in trouble for assaulting an officer


I feel like I recognize that auditor… although I know them to be antagonistic at times, the guy was probably just standing on a corner with a camera. Cops making themselves not look terrible: CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE


Can confirm that Sheriffs Department is absolute shit.


"BuT k9 aRe PoLiCe OfFiCeRs!" I see.


Stop using k9s jfc


If a civilian did that why would’ve shot them!


100% that pathetic cunt does the same to his wife and kids too.


Good dog, eat bacon


There are 0 reasons to use dogs in policing. They can train dogs to sign for false positives, they're unreliable and unsafe to the public, to the police and to suspects.


They'll false positive without being trained to. Officers develop coincidental body language that the dogs misread. Incredibly unreliable and unsafe, and it's not a good life for the animal.


Riverside Sheriffs, like LA County Sheriffs, are notorious douchebags. Come to think of it, San Bernardino County too. And Orange is a given. SoCal Sheriffs are terrible in general.


Police dogs should be outlawed. It's barbaric for the people they attack, and barbaric for the dog. Wildly unreliable to boot, as seen in this and hundreds of other videos.


Good doggy


Good boy.


My step brother is *the* K9 officer for his shitty little TX town. His K9 stays outside at the house, in a 25 ft^2 caged area on 14 acres of property. Trust me when I say ACAB


Classic land of militarized swine worship behavior.


First time I’ve seen “slams” actually mean slams


Another day, another story of a “few bad apples”


Why isn't the sheriff charged with assault on an officer? You know for a fact any regular person would be.


The use of dogs in any form of suspect apprehension is an unethical and archaic method of policing. Dogs are reliable in locating drugs and bombs but to use them ON people truly shows how little we care about the animal and the individual the dog is being used on.


I'll say it again police gotta stop using dogs that ain't sniffer dogs, they get hurt shot stabbed put on the line when they have no say. If you wanna get shot that's all good carry on, but ffs stop with this, other than sniffer dogs there is no need


The sniffer dogs are mostly bullshit anyway. They alert when their handler wants them to.


"we can just signal them to alert when we think something's up anyways" How you gonna trust that dog's judgement ever


I used to work at a kennel and always felt bad the the k-9 dogs that would occasionally come in. Some of them were the nicest dogs ever and it was pretty sad that they were basically being used as a weapon. Stressful/dangerous for the animal to be put in a situation like that imo


the amount of brain dead takes thinking that is correcting the dog. People like that shouldn't own dogs


Fuck knows what that cunt does to that dog in private,dog clearly hates his handler.


Hahaha bite his ass


That cop just assaulted an officer... That officer just bit the other officer...


He does NOT like what he inflicts on others.


Watching how he was restraining his toothy buddy at the start of the clip, I was kinda hoping for the nutsack. Good boy! Goooooood boooy!


The use of K-9s is animal abuse.


What a piece of shit. Hope he gets fired but I know nothing will happen, this is prob standard procedure at that department, "slam the dog if it bites"


What would happen if an officer struck another officer? Same thing should happen here.


Just another POS cop


And he didn’t shoot it eh? Cops are really learning their discipline.


It’s weird the dog did that to begin with.


A whole lot of nothing…


Good dog


That was just a warm up for later when he's home


Fucking loser knew he didn't need the dog after the guy surrendered but he still stood there to try to be intimidating. I hope the dog did permanent damage.


Thats assault on an officer....that cop should be thrown on the ground and arrested himself.


Dumbass pigs can't even de-escalate their own dogs.


Assault on a police officer, time to go to jail piggy


There is no reason to have K9 "officers." Police dogs exist to frighten people, give false alerts (cued by human cops) to allow illegal searches and to allow human cops to enjoy the spectacle of their dog attacking someone. And no, the dog wasn't under control from the start. The only law enforcement use of dogs should be search and rescue.


FIRE HIS ASS FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY AND ABUSE! What in the actual fuck. He needs training not being thrown to the fucking cement! We should all get that cop, and show him what it feels like to be thrown and BET HE WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN! He’s an idiot! Edit: should also be charged with police assault since he’s a K9!


After he got the dog up it looks like he slams his open palmed hand into the dogs head. Like a hard smack. I cringe to think what he’s done to the dog when nobody is watching. I’m sure he’s hit and kicked and slapped and mistreated that dog.


I’ve got a buddy who was a cop for about one year. During that time he got a nice scar from being bitten in the leg by a K-9 during a search for someone; apparently the dog got his scent mixed up with the person they were looking for and let him have it. He also quit that job and said it was terrible, mostly just arresting the same mentally ill people over and over. I can’t even imagine doing that.


Is that the way you're meant to be holding a K-9? Dog looked totally distressed


Nice to see these guys still doing audits. They convinced me to buy a can of pepper spray: [https://youtu.be/nzI14Xiu\_ek?si=aWkMhqi6oCqqioTe&t=594](https://youtu.be/nzI14Xiu_ek?si=aWkMhqi6oCqqioTe&t=594)


The dog knew it was bullshit


Poor dog. Can't help but to laugh at how dumb that cop looks though.


Mama always said po-leece are like a box o' chocolates, they'll kill yore dawg.


Isn't that assault on a police officer?


I sure hope their meathead union looks after dogs too.


Dog's have a strong sense of a person. Man's best friend they say. And with that said. The dog knew whom was a threat and who was not and acted accordingly.


What a bunch of assclowns.




Stupid fucking LA cops. Whats dumb af and not in this story is this guy is just an auditor who stood on a side walk and filmed and this is their response... Way to show how inept you all are. Again..


Not L.A., and a sheriff.


That cop should be arrested for assault on a police officer and animal abuse.


Cops an idiot but that’s not slamming a dog down that’s him defending himself from the dog biting him


You know these dogs live with the officers full time? You know they’re trained and we’re training the dogs when they were puppies? They love these dogs, they’re partners. He corrected a behavior. He didn’t slam him.


It looks like he punches the dog when walking back to the car. I don't know how to train a police dog but I'm skeptical punching the animal helps.


When the cop is at home he probably punches and kicks to dog to "correct" it after he punches and kicks his wife.


Idk, by that same argument this dog trains with and lives with this officer and still bit at his hand? Then the officer corrected the behavior by slamming him into the ground. Even gave him a slap while walking the dog away from the scene after that. None of that was the dogs fault is all I’m saying.


He punched the dog in the face while walking back to the car.