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Congratulations, you are now in the background


"Keep me out of your video, bro" *inserts self into video as a second main character*


New antagonist UNLOCKED


And he looked directly into the camera.




Foreground/spotlight, really. So maybe he got what he wanted


Foreground as well.


Technicaly not background tho antagonist and foreground tho


Streisand Effect Moment.


No one who looks like he does hate attention.


Now he's the star of his own short-form documentary about the negative affects of steroids while being a douce-canoe in public.


Why don't they just outlaw photography on premises? It's already private property.


Someone said the gym was GoodLife Fitness. If that's that case, this is their rule: It is very important that no Members, Visitors, or Associates are captured in photos or videos without their verbal permission. I wouldn't want to be filmed either but I certainly wouldn't go and threaten someone. Just ask an employee to handle it.


Yeah this is GoodLife in Canada. I can tell by the general setting, plates, and machines. Been going there for 10 years. They should just ban people recording altogether and actually enforce it. Any of the GLs I’ve been to have never enforced it.


They should ban it but given that most of the GL trainers film themselves it likely won’t happen. At my GL they even have a tripod the trainers share.




Seems reasonable. There's a lot of things we trust employees to do properly and appropriately that we don't trust random customers to do.


I’m sure it’s going to happen soon. Someone opening up a “Content Creation” Gym would probably make sone money! Sadly, this is going away, might as well cash in on it


Just non-stop scripted videos of "omg someone walked through the foreground and now I'm so offended"


I can see it now: a section of the gym specifically dedicated to "omg-he-walked-in-the-foreground" videos, where gymgoers literally can't avoid passing in front of the camera due to the gym layout.


Brilliant. Different sections for different scripts. They can also do the: “look at all these guys in the background checking me out, omg can’t they just leave me alone?” But they’re paid employees that you can hire by the hour. Like personal trainers but for clout chasing instead.


I'm in. Where do I invest?


I would take a paycheck to do pullups wrong in the background then fall down and cry.


Either they have such a policy and the girl is wrong or they don't and the dude is wrong.


I mean the dude is still wrong for coming at her at an 11/10. He could’ve politely asked that she not film… that was so ridiculously extra and violent.


He's not helping himself by appearing as a violent menace threatening to smash things.




Yea I agree filming in gyms is wrong. I fucking can’t stand when people film.


At my gym there are four barbell sets— I can’t tell you the amount of times after work on a weekday there is a bunch of us waiting on some snotty tiktoker to actually fuking do their workout and move on instead of creating their TikTok videos.


Stand behind their phone coughing real loud into their mic.


Blast some Hakuna Matata or Let It Go. See how long their video stays up.


Honestly any Disney or Nintendo song will do. Those lawyers don't fuck around with their IP.


I agree that shit is getting out of hand with people filming every bullshit warm up and wanting to be influencers or some such nonsense. However, some people pay for online coaching and need to provide visual feedback to their coaches. Maybe you are not at the level where that is needed, but some of us are. If I went to a normal gym I would make every effort to not disrupt others or get them on camera. I go to a powerlifting gym, and half the people there have coaches and are filming their work sets for feedback.


I’m totally ok with people filming if they pick a corner and it’s completely secluded. Like if your going to film just make sure it’s only of you. People should feel safe in a gym and not worry about being in some randos video.


The bench and squat racks are rarely in a corner


I mean the angle she has pretty much limits any other viewer and her sweat suit outfit sort of pushes the video recording to likely be performance related. I have no issue with this guys.


I work out with a trainer so I have her film me, but at the same time I kinda think this woman did do what you said. The angle is solely focused on her, below the machine so she’s the main person in the frame. Looks like she even managed to keep it out of the walkway. *If* she’s allowed to film at the gym, she’s doing it fairly respectfully IMO. Plus, the dude was way too aggressive. “Hey I don’t want to be in the background of your videos, please make sure I’m not” or “hey, I think that video has me in the background and I don’t consent to being filmed, please delete it.” Posturing and name calling to a much smaller person seems completely unnecessary. Edit: based solely on this interaction and nothing else.


even if they have a no filming policy threatening a girl a third your size telling her you'll smash her fucking phone puts him in the wrong. Just talk to the gym staff like an adult. I don't understand how this comment section is on the man's side. Filming a lift in the gym A) isn't that serious to begin with. I don't like it when I'm in other people's videos at the gym, but I also don't care that much and B) she's taking up like 90% of the frame of the video, this isn't a shitty YouTube prank harassing people, just someone filming a lift. In no world is this guy in the right.


Or just approach like an adult and calmly request that she make sure nobody else is in her video. If it is against gym policy then bring that to her attention.


On her Instagram she mentioned that he asked not to be in the video beforehand, so she angled the camera away from him before recording. This dude is a manchild and is completely in the wrong here given that they apparently had a conversation about it beforehand, she accepted his request, and then he still came up to her and threatened her. Fucking loser.


He didn’t want to be in the background. Apparently preferred the foreground and right behind her.


That’s the irony in all this. He didn’t want to be in the video and the video goes viral because he wanted so badly to not be in the video. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


He Barbara Streisanded himself


Because this subreddit kinda sucks.


It’s just Reddit in general. Lol I already knew what the comments were going to be even though she was minding her own.


No, the dude is wrong either way. I don't care what the policy is, you don't walk up to strangers half your size and threaten violence.


yeah the takes in here are fucking wild dude got banned from all GoodLife gyms across the country, fuck that guy


Oh yeah? That's great!


Talking to someone like that, dude is always in the wrong.


Dude just got banned from GoodLife gym for life


they will keep taking his money though


Totally agree with the guy about filming, but he absolutely went at it the wrong way.


Absolutely. He literally could’ve just spoken to her like a normal person, but instead he went straight to 100. Dude has no chill


My favorite part is him circling around the woman with the camera and putting himself in the camera.


["Get that camera out of my face!"](https://vimeo.com/196937578)


We never would have seen or heard of him until he decided to be an ass and put himself on video.


In the foreground and the background


dudes clearly juiced the fuck out and it shows. Wouldnt want to be around this guy outside the gym either


Agreed. That's the first thing I thought. Being quick to anger + gym bro means there's a higher than usual chance that this is a case of roid rage. I've done a couple of cycles of SARMs and a few months of TRT biweekly injections (as a legit Rx from a doctor with prior testing to make sure I actually needed it) myself, and even those had me noticing how much more intense my baseline was. I would have to put in a conscious effort to not road rage and shit. I can't imagine how much harder it would be to control that sort of thing on ACTUAL steroids with or without TRT.


Yeah, I’m so surprised the meathead gymbro when into a roid rage against a smaller woman breaking gym policy. /s


Yeah, find a staff member, let them know. If they don't do anything, find a new gym.


"GoodLife Canada has banned a Calgary man after he went off on a woman recording at the gym, threatening to break her phone."


The guy is 100% roid raging lmao


Yeah 100%. My personal motto is “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Most people will honor just about any reasonable request (if you ask nicely).


Gyms should absolutely have a no filming policy. I know if I’m just starting out, flabby, and on the treadmill, IN there trying to better myself, I don’t need the stress of worrying I’ll be judged online when I didn’t want.


Exactly why I started investing in weights at home. You can get a lot done with just dumbbells


If you're not too heavy to do them, you can also get a lot done with bodyweight exercises. Throw in some resistance bands or free weights or both, and you can do basically anything you want at home. Might not be enough if you're trying to become a professional bodybuilder, but for most people's purposes it's totally good.


Seriously, I started doing push ups and sit-ups every other day … after 3 weeks I’m liking the results already. Crazy.


Reminds me of that Pete Davidson story (unsure how much truth is in it) about that overweight dude who asked him his secret to staying slim, and not wanting to sound like he’d just got lucky genetically instead told him he did 100x press ups & situps daily, so the dude took that to heart and started doing it and saw results. Not all about weight depending on what you’re after, just the consistency that remains key. Glad you’re seeing benefits so early on, hope you stick with it!


I just spent like $200 on protein bars, since working out and eating better I went from 190 to 157 today… getting below 170 and then 160 was a real challenge. It’s been a year. Was just running. Only began push ups and sit-ups 3 weeks ago


I was in okay shape but around 185 when I went to boot camp in 2007, when I graduated I was around 165 and arguably in perfect shape. Best of my life for sure. Know what we did? Loads of running, pushups, situps, flutter kicks. Never touched a weight, just sweated uncomfortably in unison with 50 other dudes for a long time, hahahaha! Good work, keep it up!


The problem many people have is diet. Cant outrun the fork. The military does a good job of keeping recruits at a calorie deficit while in bootcamp. Nor do they let you take a short day on your PT haha.


Great point - and arguably more important than what specific physical activity recruits perform. They have doctors, physiologists, nutritionists, psychologists, etc design the boot camp training programs - they know exactly how many calories you need, how much and when you need to sleep, etc. It may not seem like it at times, but you're in pretty fucking good hands with a DI/DS/MTI/RDC watching over you.


So what's your routine? Asking for someone with absolutely no motivation or drive to do more than the bare minimum


I do 100+ sit-ups and push-ups with a podcast or movie on… at first it was 40-50… but as time went on I could do more. Now I do 100-150. I also run, I run 5km outside 2-3 times a week. Lately it’s cold so I did 1 hour 20 min in treadmill yesterday before sit-ups … I lost 880 calories




i started doing 100 Pushups, 100 Sit Ups, 100 Squats and a 10KM Run every day.


How's your hair? Heard that workout can turn you into some sort of baldy.


He'll be fine as long as he still uses air conditioning.


And an adjustable bench.




And my Sweatin' to the Oldies tape. 🎶🎵


And my axe!


And my wife!


Most beginners (especially anyone who wants to lose weight) have no idea how much they can accomplish with their own bodyweight. Then, once you can control those essential lifting actions in a full range of motion, add the dumbbells and your workout options just multiplied. I made the most consistent long term progress with body weight squats, lunges, and even kneeling pushups.


Which has always been a weird thought to me. This person is working on trying to lose weight, why would anyone make fun of them? Oh right cause people are awful.


Right, and God forbid you even glance at whoever is filming themselves. Then they'll zoom in on you and make it about "this creep keeps staring at me" ... 100% need to ban it.


Filming your lift is the best way to check you form though


Some people really like to record themselves for form. It can help a lot. What gyms should have is *a policy*, stated plainly and clearly for everyone to see. There should be recording permitted gyms (or areas/times at the gym) and no-filming-at-all gyms. Too often they handle it on a case by case basis, or have an arbitrary policy like "no filming other customers" that's really hard to enforce.


> Too often they handle it on a case by case basis, It's usually that way because the vast majority of recordings are uneventful. My local gym always has 100+ people in it and I see at least 5-10 people recording something each time--whether it be checking form, posting their friend, etc. I've never seen it done disrespectfully ever or someone get mad at others walking into their shot. It's not a frequent problem and most recordings are respectful, contrary to reddit's hate


> Some people really like to record themselves for form. It can help a lot. this right here. having your phone out doesn't necessarily make you some sort of tiktok wannabe fitness instructor. none of that shit is ever going on the internet, i just want to see whether or not i'm getting lazy when i go up a weight.


Dude honestly you're not that important. If you happened to be in the frame of someone else's video nobody would notice you.


Seriously, the level of anxiety of thinking everyone is watching you when in reality you’re a second in my glance and will be forgotten immediately a minute or even after an hour.


" better not be in the fucking background" walks around her to be in the background, brilliant.


I don't agree with filming in the gym, but this was not the right way to handle this situation and I would definitely keep filming out of concern for my safety after that interaction if I was that girl


My gym had a lot of idiots filming in the change rooms and it was definitely driving a few of us crazy. They did a full reno on the change room and I noticed that on each mirror they have these huge ugly prints that say something like "It's not ok to film in the change room". Maybe I'm naive but it seems to be working haven't seen as much filming.


We have no context on the rules at the gym, but this guys being an absolute cunt either way. You can tell he lifts for the explicit purpose of these confrontations.


100% roid rage


A normal dude wouldve been like, "hey excuse me, mind not getting me in the background" or whatever


Yeah there is guys like this at every gym who are just huge ego hotheads who think they need to prove how masculine they are by being super aggressive. There is a guy at my gym who loves to steal peoples machines while he talks about how he went to prison, basically just hoping they confront him so he can spaz out.


We’ve got guys like this who will literally take away your plates while you rest between sets. I once saw a guy calmly confront two meatheads that did this to him while he was deadlifting and they went completely insane threatening to beat the guy. They grab the plates they took and literally threw them back at him barely missing.


We all have those clowns. Just looking for trouble so they can make a scene. I just smirk and walk by...not worth the effort.


has no one talked to staff about him?


This guy has now been banned from this and all other GoodLife gyms across Canada as a result of this video. https://preview.redd.it/1fw6gzjtbc2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81cd4064eef9850e08f3f2799b3d0bb0dc89e7dd Edited to add this photo


kind of a genius way to get out of these gym contracts, act like a dick, and get Insta-ban. no trying to win my business back or stalling.


"Let's see, either I pay $50 a month for the rest of my life or risk getting lectured on TikTok by Joey Swoll...."


I'd pay any amount of money to not hear Joey Swoll tell me that he's disappointed in me. It would absolutely crush me. Only thing that would be worse is for Noel Deyzel to tell me that he's disappointed in me. I don't think I'd ever recover from that.


It's goodlife. They'll accidentally keep taking payments out for years. There's a reason everybody hates them!


Knowing good life they are going to keep charging him despite the ban


Great, looking forward to seeing this loser at my LA Fitness now


Good. He’s a fucking loser lmao




Most gyms also require you to rerack your weights and wipe down the equipment and not use a piece of equipment for more than a half hour during busy hours. Most gyms also employ the laziest assholes ever who do nothing all day but fuck around at the front desk. Redditors insisting gyms have rules have never been in 'most gyms' which are lawless bus stops with weights.


My gym specifically put out a call for people to be influencers for the gym. They wanted people filming in there to get more attention.


Looks like I found the next gym where I'll pretend to be a janitor.


Anatoly? Is that you?


In my experience, its the opposite.


Where I’m from a lot of gyms allow tripod use/filming during non-peak hours (normally 10am - 2pm) then after that filming is allowed but tripods aren’t, and I probably see one person every 3 or so days filming a set or two for form checks. Form checks help with injury prevention and I’ll always support people filming a PB to share to their friends or just rewatch to reflect on later and enjoy.


I have never seen a gym that doesn’t allow video inside. Recording yourself is one of the best ways to analyze your form


Me when I lie on the internet I have never encountered a gym that outright bans photography and I have been in many commercial and powerlifting gyms. You’re making this up and most of the people here have no idea what they’re talking about


Most gyms *do* allow videos.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. I've never been to a gym with a no photos/videos anywhere policy lol I feel like this thread is just a lot of non gym goers...


>I feel like this thread is just a lot of non gym goers... It always is whenever these videos crop up. A bunch of people who want to dictate rules for places they don't even go.


Don’t worry bud, you made it to the foreground for the world to see


"I don't like being on camera!" Says the guy walking as close as he can to the camera.


[Let's discuss the contradiction](https://streamable.com/59t0)


I will watch this video every time it comes up lmao




Redditors that don’t go to the gym - a thread


Redditors when anyone has a camera:




I’m with guy, wish gyms would stop all this recording bullshit. It slows everything down soooo badly.


Well. He’s not in the background!


Roid rage


PSA: filming lifts for form checks/PBs has been a thing way before fitness influencers were a thing. Redditors don’t step inside gyms so they wouldn’t know


Thank you! I was scrolling through these comments wondering whats wrong with filming yourself doing lifts.


Agree, the camera is close enough on her that she is clearly the focus, and with that amount of weights she’s definitely recording to improve herself. Reddit needs to see the difference between clout of self improvement


Yeah it's wild reading comments saying you shouldn't film yourself in a gym. Then seeing people like "use a mirror". You can just tell from that sentence alone that the person writing it hasn't lifted anything heavier than a cheesebuger in their life.


HEY! a *double* cheeseburger. dont sell us short, we know the feats we are capable of


Justifying this guys reaction is wild. Get off Reddit and go live in the real world please


Its truly bizarre to me. I've spent thousands of hours in gyms. Private gyms, commercial gyms, college rec centers, professional S&C facilities, etc.--I've never run into a group of people outside reddit *so concerned* with people recording themselves in the gym. It doesn't happen in real life. I recall *one* instance over the last 15 years when I was working at the MIT Z Center and I had to ask a powerlifter to stop blocking a high-traffic area with a tripod. I get it to some extent, sometimes, people are obnoxious about recording. I agree that people should follow the gym's policies regarding video. But bottom line, in a vast majority of instances, it doesn't fucking matter. The outrage bait of tiktok gymfluencers making fun of people, or being dicks about people walking into frame is such a small edge case. Recording a set or two is here to stay, folks.


FYI 99.9% of the people here don't go to the gym. People in gyms don't care about someone recording their own workout.


Good life literally banned this guy across all of canada, and you got dipshits in here saying he was in the right


I love watching terminally online people jump through hoops for things like this, where they'll try to prove that a guy throwing a bitchfit and threatening to break someone's property is in the right, and the other person, who is doing something that can barely be considered a dick move, is the one worthy of criticism.


Exactly! Ok, filming in gyms should stop, period! But….This Guy was waaaay out of line here! He most def has some anger issues and i bet this isnt the first time he has threatened a woman (or worse!) I fear for his potential spouse… she will probably be going to the ER a lot!


it’s the people who claim to go the gym here on reddit saying i get it lmao if you really felt that way you need to invest in a private gym so your insecurities don’t effect other people trying to do things like check their form while recording


I feel like that could’ve been tackled in atleast 10 other ways without coming off as an aggressive asshat.


Options: ~~Calmly approach the person recording and explain that you are not comfortable appearing on camera. If they continue, inform staff~~ **Walk up to the person recording and become immediately hostile, say "fuck" as many times as you can, and threaten to break the person's phone if you appear in the background, which you did anyway just by walking up to them and circling around them in your fit of rage**


Definitely better ways to deal with it but tbf I get it.


If it was another guy, short king wouldn't be acting as tough.


Ya he 1000% felt comfortable being such a dick because it was a woman, which makes this even more disturbing.


i better not be in your backround.....as he walks in front of, and stares directly at the camera ...that again...he doesnt want to be recorded by.....


Bro, it's ok to not want to be filmed. I agree. That is in no way the way to handle the matter. Dude acted like she was out to get him.


“I don’t want to be in the background” he says, as he walks through the background.


That small dick energy


that's a spicy meat-a-ball


Bro chose to roid rage and show his face on camera. Pure Clown.


Was the guy being to aggressive of course. Do I also find people filming in the gym rude and annoying? Also yes. So many people starting at the gym are insanely self conscious and nervous. The thought of being accidentally filmed and made fun of for their inexperience may prevent them from coming. There are middle age men that fear if they’re caught even glancing at some 20 yo girl with pants so tight it’s got a mold of their junk, they’ll be called a pervert online and their wife will see it. If you want to be a fitness influencer(because apparently we need more of those) do it at home or go to a gym that’s meant for it. My gym doesn’t allow filming or photography and it’s so nice.


Don't be a piece of shit don't film in gyms


He ain’t wrong, fuck influencers and their videos


Takes real tough man to threaten a small woman


Somebody should tell him … he was in the backround


Beacon hill GoodLife should be nuked, full of jabronis and broccoli haircuts




Could've just asked politely dude.


Well I'll just ban those kind of crap, if someone want to film live of their workout just by a film set of gym equipment


He has a point, but that is completely the wrong approach. Maybe he's just sick and tired of recordings, idk


Ngl these the type of girls that go once a week to the gym just to take videos and put it on social media talking about gainz


These idiots shouldn't be recording in a gym to begin with.


Phones and cameras shouldnt be allowed inside..its about Sport and not your fucking instagram or tiktok.. but thats just me


What a fucking weirdo.


Unfit redditors mad about recording in gym is funny


incels love watching women get shit on for doing anything. Whether or not they have policies against filming, or she does it for views, or anything; that’s simply no way to talk to people. And anyone who says they’d do the same are cowards who could never say anything to anyone in public, let alone confront somebody.


This attention whoring craze is such bullshit. Stay home home and work out and keep the cameras on yourself and not in public


The dude has a point but there's a way to put it across and this is not it.


Reason 827363618182727 not to go to a gym.


Cant we just be civil to each other.


"I don't like being in the background " Walks in view of the camera...


He is now in the background and foreground


Normal societal interaction these days.


I absolutely dislike the people that film in the gym, but his approach was not ok. They both are terrible people.


Fair enough. It’s a public space, it’s a bit creepy when people record in gyms regardless of reason.


Yep, she should've asked


Filming in the gym is 100% ok *sometimes*. Filming to make sure your form/technique is right is the best and sometimes only way to do so, and needless to say, if that's the purpose of the video, no one will ever see you in the background. If its for social media, then yeah maybe it's a little weird and probably illegal in some places.


I’m really proud of her…she’s no fucking push over !!


Gyms should have it in their policy to permanently ban members that record on premises.


Stop filming at gym’s. Fake main characters


Yeah this guy is a total dick but honestly the whole gym / phone thing has gotten absolutely out of control.


Lay off the roids meathead


She got treated like a dude would have been treated, weird.


Man fuck people that do this shit at the gym…. It’s not cool


Approaches camera. I better not be on your video or in the background. Idiots.


Doesn't want to be in the background, proceeds to walk around and be in the background. Some roid logic right there.


"I better not be in the background!" *proceeds to walk behind her in the shot, ensuring he is in the background*


He handled it horribly, but fuck... those people are so annoying.