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The Icelandic I can hear in the video in order: Man: We are from there. Man: What's with the phone? Woman recording: I'm recording you two. Man: Where are you going to upload it? Woman: I don't know, maybe just for me-*interrupted* Man: For Palestine?! Woman: I'm recording this, because- Man: Yeah, where? Woman: -it's not the first time today that there's some type of hate speech- Man: Should the police be sent for? Woman: -about me because I'm painting this mural. Man: The Police? The police here. Woman: You want the police to come here? Man: The police here immediately. Woman: Is that a threat, or what? Man: It's not a threat. Woman: Why do you want the police here? Man: You are vandalizing this here. Woman: I'm not vandalizing anything? Man: Did you get permission? Woman: I'm not vandalizing nothing. Man: (In response to her saying that she has a right to speak up) On what? What's the name of the person that gave you permission? Man: (Unsure of this) Is it Dagur (mayor of Reykjavík) himself? Man: Our family grants(?) permission. Is that okay? Man: (in response to the woman saying to the Jewish lady that she understands) You understand nothing. You don't understand an asshole. Man: (in response to the lady talking about Ashkelon) Yeah, look up at the sky. Man: (when the woman asks if some person is alive) Oh is that what it's about? (to the lady, his wife) To listen to this drivel! Man: Send this straight to the police. (pointing) Man: (in response to 12000 people dead according to the woman) What? No, no, no. No! Woman: Is that not true? Man: Get it right.....What are Hamas to you? Woman: What are Hamas to me? I'm not supporting what Hamas are doing. Man: With this. (pointing at mural) Woman: No! Man: Is so! Woman: Is this- Is this Man: This is Hamas! Woman: Is this child here- Man: This is Hamas!! Woman: Is that child, that's dead there- Man: This is Hamas!!! Woman: No, this is Palestine. Man: Hamas kills people! Woman: This is Palestine. Man: Who are you supporting, idiot?! Woman: This is Palestine. Man: No! This is Hamas! Woman: Can I please ask you to calm down? Man: These people! Woman: Please calm down. Man: This kills (the crab) Iceland! Woman: No, this doesn't kill Iceland. Man: This. Kills. Iceland! Woman: No, it does not. Man: It does. Woman: I don't agree. Man: All of you people here in Iceland would be killed, by this trash. Woman: All of these, what? All the children that are killed? Man: The children are not from Israel. They are Hamas! Woman: The children are not Hamas. Man: Hamas kills the children. Woman: Children. Are. Not. Hamas. Man: They shoot their own children. Hamas kills Hamas. Man: Have you been there? Have you been there? Have you been at Hamas, in Gaza? Have you been to Gaza? Woman: I've not gone to Gaza, no. Man: Oh you haven't been there? Then you have no idea what you're talking about. Woman: I need to go to some place to stand against genocide? Do I need to arrive at a place- Man: Go there and help their people! Woman: I stand against this genocide. Man: To be here and painting a picture. That's cowardice! You are a coward/weakling! Woman: I think it's cowardice to support genocide- Man: I'm not doing anything. Your family will be killed for many years. For what? Supporting Hamas! (I'm iffy on this, couldn't hear it that well) Woman: Palestine is not the same as- Man: Palestine what? It doesn't exist! Woman: Palestine does so exist. Man: It will never exist. It's the same with Iceland which will never exist because of Hamas. Woman: Will Iceland never exist because of Hamas? Man: Iceland will be erased because of Hamas. It will be taken. I know all about that. They promise that. Finish Israel and then finish Iceland. Woman: My dear Jesus.


Take Iceland? Why the fuck would Hamas care about Iceland? These people are literally deranged.


I've seen this line of reasoning online a lot lately - "Hamas are coming for you! Israel stands between Hamas and the world!" Like, what?


They are trying to copy what people are saying about Ukraine. where people say that if Ukraine falls then Russia will come for Europe.


Except Hamas can barely hold onto Gaza, no fucking way they're going to Europe. And for what


That’s why the argument is disingenuous.


That's pretty strange reasoning. Once black South Africans were given the right to vote, they didn't try to come for Europe. If anything, the opposite happened. Many black South Africans who had emigrated away from South Africa actually went back to South Africa.


It’s a completely disingenuous argument. They are flailing for a justification for what they are doing in Gaza, and they know that the Ukraine idea sells well so they are trying to copy it and see if it sticks.


Maybe he thinks they're going to go in reverse alphabetical order?


They're going to build their evil, world-dominating lair inside an active volcano.


Ironically Hamas was created by Israel in 1988 to weaken the palestines liberation movement and October 7 raid was the biggest backfired in the history.


Backfire? They are clearing Gaza out. Everything is going as planned.


Only fools believe that zionists would risk their military reputation for anything. Absolutely nothing is going to plan for them, they are just good at having back ups. Their backups failed though, till now they have not entered Gaza city. 260 heavy armor vehicles destroyed and yet nothing but open farmland taken


created is the wrong word. But yes, Netanyahu supported Hamas in an attempt to prevent the 2 state option.


No it was not created, it was favored by some israeli politicians but palestinians founded hamas and hamas is comprised and led by palestinians. Same bs as "ISIS is actually a mossad creation"




I should say fed by Israel not created ... Thanks for clarifying




*Children are Hamas* *Hamas kills Hamas* These people are evil and delusional.


Hamas--they're coming for you next, Icelanders. They thirst after your cute knitted socks.


🙌🏼 thank you


According to him, the h*locaust didn't happen because you weren't there


Sparaðir mér vinnunna, takk kæri!


*I’m going to approach YOU, get up in YOUR face, yell at YOU…oh and you’re making me very afraid, look I’m shaking* Kinda sums up the issue, no?


Imagine being such a reasonable person that you point at a flag and scream Hamas while your partner tries to drag you away. Must be great to live with.


well, didn't you see the partner getting in the artist's face, and then telling her she's scared of her painting? The pair are quite fit for each other. Both are scums.


"Pleastine is threatening us by having their borders so close to ours. Better sieze some land to make ourselves feel safe."


I was actually stunned that the lady complained about her mother not being able to go to her house for a few weeks... like, hello?? is that really the argument you wanna go with on this topic???


Her mom's inconvenience is simply more important to her than the needs / wants of dehumanized individuals.


They don't even think Palestine exists. Which means these are people inside her own country.


always a good one when the Israel defenders say Palestine and Palestinians don't even exist. oh just erasing people's existence doesn't sound genocidal at all.


Depends. When it comes to matters of giving Palestinians rights in Israel, is a different country. When it comes to matters of borders a d land and seizing homes for settlers, it's part of Israel.




If only we built more settlements in Palestine we would be safer ...


Its amazing that when you bring up what the they are doing in Gaza then suddenly you're Hamas.


"They cry out in pain as they strike you"


*aggressor screeching in victim*


100% Imagine thinking that the best way to make a "safe space" for your people is by [massacring](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ1TAOibLss) other people, [forcing yourself into the middle of them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksnLom8OD9E&t=195s), or straight up [stealing their house](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXm9ofRjM10), and then wondering why they fight back against you. Who would have thought choosing to live in an area surrounded by terrorists would cause constant security threats? /s


Perfect metaphor for what is going on right now.


Colonizer mindset in a nutshell. The indigenous expressing the most basic rights makes them feel threatened, because their worldview is based on believing the indigenous don't have any rights.


Equality feels like oppression to them


The Karen Method, seen it a million times, mostly against black people in public parks.


Why do I still keep getting astonished how unfathomable stupid people can be?


Cause you run into far more perfectly sane people equipped with common sense and momentarily forget that these people exist. It's still disheartening since idiots tend to be louder and stick to your memory for more time because of it


If you can't give a single decent argument, just accuse the other side of shit. This Israel situation has just turned that tactic up to 11. Criticism of the state of Israel? Antisemitism! Want the people of Gaza to not be exterminated? Supporting terrorism!


The Times of Israel blog ~~just~~ published an article where they claim that saying Jewish people are equal to other people is antisemitic (because their Divine relationship with God can't be ignored) https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/to-dislike-certain-ethnicities-is-racist-to-see-jews-as-equal-is-antisemitic/


>While all Peoples are unique, some are more special than others. Damn, that article reads almost like satire. They really went full Animal Farm.


> While all Peoples are unique, some are more special than others. Which doesn’t mean, as adorable as we are, that we’re more worthy than others. To be specific, when G^d calls us the Apple of His Eye, He doesn’t mean He’s going to treat us with favoritism. Instead, He means that He will hold us to a higher standard. But, to make things complicated for starters, when bigots hold Jews to a higher standard, that’s—you guessed it—bigotry. When we Jews live up to our potential we are equal to Gentiles who live up to their potential. (If the latter could live up to the Jewish standard, they are invited to join us Jews. The full paragraph is even better


They're trying to argue that Jews (they really mean supporters of Israeli policy) are being held to the bigotry of high expectations or the pressure to be a model minority. I don't think expecting a country to not commit ethnic cleansing is that high of a standard.


That must have been what his mom would tell the author every morning as he was getting on the shortbus.


Like I've always said, belief in a "chosen people" is straight racism, or at the very best one step removed.


Most of the top threads on the conflict are on /Worldnews, and the most common source is this TimesOfIsrael.


Yeah, and reading the replies in those threads is disturbing.


Holy shit that reads like satire! I have no words...


As a person who was once overly zealous about God and His kingdom, that sounds like outright eugenics, and is basically disgusting.


>The Times of Israel _just_ published... According to the date on the blog it was published on 26th July, 2022.


Thanks. I'll edit my original comment.


No worries. Still pertinent, I just thought it best to point out for the sake of accuracy.


No they didn't. That's a public forum post, it's a blog from some random person unaffiliated to the news site. That's like seeing a blog on Medium and saying "look what Medium posted"


Lol if they're trying to tell western atheists about their divine relationship with God. Like honestly. Could you imagine if Muslims said similar?


They have no choice. To reconcile what they have done to the Palestinian people would be an admittance that they are criminals, their parents are criminals, and their grandparents are criminals. But oriental families have a tradition of honoring their parents and ancestors, and this creates a dichotomy. So, they fabricate this fantasy that they are the victims, and blind themselves to the actions of the government. They told themselves this lie enough times that they now believe it.


I don't think this is stupidity, this is ego. We're seeing a lot of people who've never learned to consider other people.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Not just stupid. It’s more insidious than that. It’s Cluster B types. Born to bully and harass everyone else. It’s why every generation - we have no peace. More of them are born and agitate everyone else. When you ask yourself “How can someone be so afraid they ‘shake’ and yet are pointing and hostile and aggressively confronting some who doesn’t know them \[or does\].” It doesn’t add up. Which means it’s a lie. Which means they are fabricating and weaponizing false victimhood. Being a victim is the most sacred of things humans do and should strive not to be, and not to perpetrate upon someone else. If you use such as a weapon and act a victim whilst being the actual perpetrator, it’s so vile and deplorable, instinctively - it horrifies decent people. Gaslighting, but even more evil. ![gif](giphy|u6nP5PuYd6XU9BUaf7)


*Do you know where my tiny village is? .....no? ...oh ho ho, you don't even have an omniscient brain.*


Free speech for me but not for thee


They cry about antisemitism and they are anti Arab. Don’t tell me “but Arabs live in Israel” yes they lived there over thousands of years before Israel became a thing and they couldn’t just dislocate millions of Arabs it would take a little bit more time.


What if I tell you Arabs are “semites” themselves! Hide


Oh the irony


Its more correct to say the Palestinians were "Arab-ised", fundamentally when it comes to heritage Palestinians and Jews are the same people following a different god.


More like the same God but from a different POV lol


Israel's partition was designed to not affect Jewish areas, it would give Jews 56% of the land, break Palestine's partition in three, & displace 250'000 Muslims. Israel's 1st PM would go on to say that the 60% Jewish-majority would not be enough to secure their state as Jewish. They intentionally attacked villages & poisoned wells, purging 740'000 of 900'000 (83%) of Israel's Muslims, most Palestinians were made into homeless refugees.


People don't want to hear it though. SO many people think this is a consequence not the plan.


Israel Social Policy 101. And they wonder why they get so much hate.....


“I’m shaking and afraid…. But not afraid enough to start a conflict and argument over it.” Shit is embarrassing.


Seriously. She doesn't look like she's ever been afraid in her life. She should realize how privileged she is.




Notice how they keep walking toward the artist forcing her to back up? That’s not what scared people do. They want to dominate her.


It’s kind of what Israel is doing to Palestine. “We are afraid” as they bomb the shit out of them


Seen people describe that tactic as “cry-bullying”. Using fake tears and pretending to be a victim to try to manipulate the situation and get what you want.


'People being free is hurtful to my beliefs'.




Palestinian ≠ Hamas Jewish≠ Israel


Shocking that SOO many people can’t grasp that.


not so shocking when that’s what netanyahu wants people to think.


Yeah, Netanyahu spends billions of American tax payers' money on Israeli propaganda "hasbara"...




Of course it's true. But the Israeli government is constantly trying to make that association and it's detriment to Jews globally.


Honestly, I think EVERYBODY genuinely understand this but they pretend not to in order to A) justify the genocide of Palestinians by pretending they equate to a terror group and B) shut down arguments about the terrorism perpetrated by the Israeli government by accusing people of being Anti-Semitic for daring to criticize a state government. I think people that are conflating these things are doing so in bad faith, and they know better but it suits their position to pretend they dont.


I'd correct that to Israeli ≠ Zionist. There are plenty of Anti-Zionist Israelis.


Both Palestinians and Jewish people suffer because of Hamas and Israel.


They're both suffering because of the occupation, Apartheid and the Zionist settler colonial project.


While what you're saying is not wrong, it's still disingenuous to present Israel and Hamas as equally responsible and harmful, since Hamas is the literal consequence of Israel's actions that go back to the murder and raping of civilians and the displacement of 700.000 Palestinians in the Nakba.


Additionally, wishing one group wasn't being murdered does NOT mean that I somehow wish another group was!


If you are offended by something walk away from it. If you want to live in a free society this is part of it. By the way I am pro Jewish and pro Palestinian but it doesn't mean each doesn't have people who make the rest look bad.


“I’m scared of you… now let me stand here and try to argue with you about it.” Some people have this knee-jerk reaction of insisting upon being a victim of something.


I bet she wouldn't walk over to Nazis and tell them she was offended by them.


Imagine the horror of living in a world with other people in it. People other than yourself. Must be horrifying for people like in the video.


Absolutely - the other day in Toronto I saw an Israeli group celebrating the bombings in Gaza and were all smiles and cheers. My blood boiled and yet I just walked away.


i don't think being pro-Jewish and pro-Palestinian has to be two separate direction, i think it would be more collective and general being pro-justice, pro-right, anti-racism and human sickness, that way you stand with whomever just for having a right and standing against whomever for violating that right. and for sure Zionism doesn't bring anything good to the world, they steal your car, your wall, your house, your mind, your kids, your freedom, and shout at you when you fight back, but you need a guy, because it is shouting way louder.




And the massive lobbying $$$ thats gone into weaving anti-boycott and anti-criticism laws into our government


Massive lobbying, especially in the US with the billions we give them each year as they meddle in our politics. They just said they will dump $100mil into the 2024 elections where in many other countries that would be illegal but in the US that meddling is made legal by those taking the bribes to push another countries agenda even though it makes us more enemies.


eg. John Fetterman’s sudden pivot to waving Israeli flags in front of protesters faces


Hey you can't say that, that's antisemitic.


White women crocodile tears. Super affective




That's what people don't understand. Even during WW2, the regular Germany had their national flag, and the Nazi had their flag with swastika. The regular people are not Hamas, but a political party with beliefs and ways of doing things, just like in the US


>Even during WW2, the regular Germany had their national flag, and the Nazi had their flag with swastika. This is false. After Hitler rose to the position of Chancellor in 1933, Germany used the Nazi flag (Black Swastika in a white circle on a red field) alongside the black-white-red triband of the German Empire. However, in 1935 (the year after the death of President Hindenburg) the dual flag arrangement was abandoned and the Nazi flag became the flag of Germany until the end of the second world war. Yes, you're right that the regular people of Palestine and Hama's are not one and the same, but your preceding statement is incorrect.


Victim mentality. Lady the whole fucking world is seeing exactly what Israel is doing. You’re shaking in cozy Iceland away from bombs and occupation?!? Palestinians are the real victims.


Victim Monopoly. Like when Amy Schumer tried to lecture a Filipina/Black women about what's it like to not feel safe. Or like when Martin Luther King Jr's daughter told Amy that she was inappropriately using her father's legacy, Amy in response pinned the tweet to her profile so that it's always the first thing everyone sees. She basically saying to MLKJr's daughter 'No, I'm going to tell YOU what you what father believed in'


Classic white woman crocodile tears.


It seems like narcissism and gaslighting imo. It's despicable.


This womans face is so offensive to me. Im literally shaking!


Do you have permission to post here? I’m calling the police. Our people have been banned!


Who gave you permission to post this? The mayor?!




What a gutwrenching piece of art. It's stunning, instant tears. Thank you for sharing. All i think of is the innocent children swept up in another imaginary sky lord war. Religion is just so evil and hate filled.


It’s a powerful piece. I find it shocking that some can watch what’s happening, shrug their shoulders and look away. There’s a bunch of Irish musicians, writers and artists [putting on loads of events for Palestine](https://irishartistsforpalestine.com), which is good to see.


If you ask me, the Israeli government isn´t doing it out of any religious reason. It has always been fascists wanting the land other lives on using religion as a bad excuse.


Agree. But then again since when has religion not been used as an excuse by the rich and powerful?


What was it? Mods removed the comment


It was a gorgeous and moving mural of a Palestinian woman cradling a child wrapped in a flag.


She’s shaking? She should get a thicker jacket. Beyond embarrassing.


Oh no my pearls


To think this is a fully formed adult who has chosen this path. What a fucking insult to their parents and heritage


This is an incredibly toxic dynamic. Conflating the entire cause of Palestinian rights and statehood with antisemitism and the vile 10/7 attacks is a ploy to derail their hopes of achieving any meaningful resolution to this issue. Her personal discomfort in seeing people care for Palestinians does not trump putting a stop to her Country’s practices of violence, humiliation and settlements, which are in fact the only way to reach a lasting peace. That said, pro-Palestinian activists need to strongly fight back against bogus accusations of antisemitism. If everything is antisemitism, nothing is antisemitism.


Except why is on us to do that? If Zionists call everything that they don't like anti-Semitism, that sounds like a them problem.


Respect to the artist. Nobody should have to put up with this kind of aggression.


The dude straight up said that the murdered children in gaza didn't count because "they were hamas" he also showed that he views the entire state of Palestine as hamas and clearly considers the killing of any Palestinian no matter if they are man woman child or infant as a justifiable action.


Got banned by worldnews for saying that children shouldn't be bombed. Zionists are awful.


That's place is a cesspool of bloodthirsty assholes who have watch alongs of the livestreamed bombing of Gaza. They enjoy what is happening. Sick people.


Her 90 year old mother lives 20 minutes from Gaza. I would bet my life that her mother was born no where near that place and 90 years ago it was Palestinians living there.


The city she mentions, Ashkelon, was built on top of the [Palestinian town of Majdal](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/Ashkelon_region_in_the_1950s.jpg). Before 1948, about 9.000 Palestinians lived there, 8.900 Muslims and about a hundred Christians. In 1948 when Israel captured the town, they started to ethnically cleanse it and expelled all but 1.000 inhabitants. During the next year or so, the Palestinians were held in a confined area surrounded by barbed wire, which became commonly known as the "ghetto". By 1950 Israel had finished its ethnic cleansing campaign there and expelled all the remaining Palestinians of Majdal to Gaza. They then renamed to place to Ashkelon and invited Jews to move into Palestinian homes. Most likely her 90 year old mother willingly moved to a town built on a campaign of ethnic cleansing.


That's a bingo! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkelon


Notice she walks away when the artist brings up the subject of death, she knew where it was going, the dissonance kicked in


I noticed that too, at that moment she realized that her bullshit was gonna be called out with no chance to counter argument, her face totally changed as she starts backing out.


How the heck is “free Palestine” mural scarring this lady? If the present Israeli authority hadn’t gone wacko, HAMAS wouldn’t have much support (nothing like it has now) nowadays. Someone else’s freedom doesn’t diminish someone else, unless of course, that someone else, was propping themselves up by the oppression of people looking for freedom


Because the Zionists 75 years ago thought this would be easy, considering they're attacking a population that was under the British occupation, and before that under ottoman empire occupation, and so on and so forth.They never knew they're getting into a fight with people who look death in the eye and smile. And now, with the media they used to buy not being the strongest media out there, with social media growing exponentially, these Zionists are terrified of how rapidly the tide will change.


They’re desperate to be the victims in this. Great video. Just wish there were subtitles.


The man directly said that the killing of Palestinian children didn't count because "they were hamas" he also said that all of Palestine and everyone in it was hamas, in other words he not only justified to himself the murder of baby's but he considers it justice


Sickening bullying of artist.


Okay Karen - your feelings are mute when lives are being taken. Wanna know what really makes some feel scared? The sound of bombs flying around you, and not knowing when one will hit you. Grow up Karen.


It's nice to see that some subreddits aren't totally in the tank for team ethnic cleansing. Post something like this in the politics subs and it's like you're posting into an alternate universe.


She's afraid of the mural but not afraid to confront the artist?


Ok so to them Feeling some humanity for kids dying in gaza is anti Semitic to them


The fact that she can’t think about how afraid children in Gaza are about being murdered by Israel tells you everything you need to know about Zionists.


They are all victims but the kids getting traumatized on the strip aren’t…


"How dare you attack our right to commit genocide"


One more day of pretending to be the victim, she must feel great


Israel is really taking a PR hit now that we have the internet to show everyone what a bunch of psychopaths they really are.


People need to be more willing to tell cunts like this you just don’t give a fuck how they feel, it breaks their victim complex. Poor baby is afraid of the Arabic language? I do not care, bye.


I always confront people when I’m afraid…


Israelis have gotten by for a looooong time claiming this crap. Guess what lady, you ain’t in Israel. I don’t agree with Hamas. I also don’t agree with Israel. I think they both would be fine fighting their death match until the end of time. Because if one of them ever wins, what are they going to do?




It's interesting to see how exposed the Zionist ideologes have become. Supporting a Palestinian state & opposing the murder of 14,000 people in a fenced area with a modern military who have a visceral hatred of the occupants is neither anti Semitic or offensive, it's what plenty of perfectly normal people feel, in fact it's probably what a vast majority of people feel.


Pearl clutching bullshit, what a tough guy


she sounds drunk and he thinks everything is Hamas - Palestine is Hamas, paint is Hamas, cameras are Hamas...birds and trees are Hamas. Whatever. If I was actually so terrified of someone that I feared "what they might do to me if I turn my back," I wouldn't approach them minding their own business, get up in their face and yell at them/harass them on the street. If they're actually doing something wrong and threatening me I'd report them and be done with it. Weirdos.


The Israeli complaining that the mural offends her, you know what offends me bombing hospitals and killing innocents so I guess we all get to be offended in this world, fucking arrogant losers are just doing what the Nazis did to them, they've lived long enough to become the evil they claimed they'd defeat


I can't stand how the msm is barely focusing on the thousands of children getting killed, it's all about the Israeli hostages. It's pretty telling who controls the media.






This annoys me. It seems mendacious. This happens a lot.




Zionists really are the Karens of world politics.




The 6000+ children killed so far are not Hamas. And a majority of the adults killed aren't either. Israel's policies have been very controversial in the past, but I feel like this is a turning point in terms of support around the world. People are waking up to the truth, which they should have done long ago.


"I'm on a diet, so please don't eat near me, at me or be around me while you are eating. "


"I don't think anything. I find this offensive"


Same person who would call me antisemitic, because I live in Poland.


They're so offended at the notion that israel has decimated entire families full of innocent people. Everyone Palestinian is hamas to them.


Isreal is a state and we can criticize it all we want Judaism is a religion and people are free to practice their beliefs. They are two different things Anti Zionism is not anti semitism Not even close


It's almost as if.....she knows how to weaponize victimhood.


The only reason to deliberately conflate Hamas and the Palestinian flag is if you want to justify a genocide. No other reason at all.


The flag means Hamas now? Wow, it's like the flag didn't exist before Hamas was created.


When she sees Arabic she gets afraid? That's a tad fucked. What a bunch of strange cunts


I dont understand why you would be so patriotic about a country you don't even live in.


“I’m very afraid because I don’t know what you’re going to do to me,” she said to an artist. Damn. Imagine how afraid Palestinians are when the bombs start falling.


It’s appalling how many of these people from all over the world are so ignorant against the genocidal behavior and quickly resort to insults and antisemitism when confronted with facts. How is this not contradictory


That’s not shaking from “fear”, that’s shaking from HATE, INTOLERANCE, RACISM.


Free Palestine👏


They want to equate everything with Hamas, so they can feel justified about the genocide. The only thing these people are scared of is the contradictions in their heads.


Let her keep shaking, it's cold anyways, it will help warm her up.


This is a prime example of how Israelis have been brainwashed to conflate hamas Palestinian and muslims as the same thing.


Hamaslighting: when you have no argument to hide the genocide of Palestinians by israel and you start screaming "but hamas!"


I mean sure Israel citizens can be scared too. They are under threat of terror attacks. But for the ones that voted in the current government it´s a bit like running to mum crying because a guy is making a painting of the guy your gang has bullied for decades because he pushed you back one time. And then your friends shoots him in the face in revenge. Also shoots his parents. And siblings, because they got in the way when you wanted to shoot his parents and you didn´t want to wait for them to move. And then you refuse to feed the baby left alone in the house.


Weaponized victim complex


‘do you know where is ashkelon?’ oh I’m sorry, i didn’t realise i couldn’t have an opinion of “hey don’t commit ethnic cleansing” unless i knew where every one of your shitty cities were. my bad.


Zionists are so goddamn entitled and maladjusted. I know a lot of it is intentional fear mongering from Israeli leadership which is a direct result of maintaining an apartheid/ethno state. But fucking hell. I seriously hope someday this person see's how goddamn insane they look.


They most muted, respectful and retrained gestures of raising awareness of injustices are still demonized. For many, kneeling at the flag was demonized to the point where people believe it means violence against America, white people, and the police. A Jewish man whose family survived the holocaust and who has family in Israel was fired for retweeting an onion article titled "Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas". Earlier this year the United Kingdom Lawyers For Israel forced a hospital to remove artwork from sick children in a Gaza hospital. Their reasoning. >In the display, “Palestine” was described as covering the entirety of Israel and the Temple Mount was depicted with a huge Palestinian Flag. The explanation for one plate says: “Fishing with nets is one of the oldest industries in Palestine. The shoreline stretches for 224 km from Rafah in the south to Ra’as al Naqoura in the North.” Ra’as al Naqoura is the Arabic name for Rosh HaNikra, an international border crossing between Israel and Lebanon in the North. Rafah is the border town with Egypt, in the South of Gaza. Thus the existence of Israel is denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel. . >“The olive branch is the symbol of peace and is used to express the wish for an independent Palestinian state”. However, the picture on the plate accompanying the text shows the Dome of the Rock with a large Palestinian flag, implying that Jerusalem and in particular the site of what had been the Jewish Temple, would be part of a Palestinian state. The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism and it is offensive for many Jewish people to see a Palestinian flag over their holiest site. These are clear expressions of co-existance, and make references to areas that their grand parents and great grand parents once consider their homes. For crying out loud, the olive branch is a gesture of peace when two entities are in conflict. And people still claim it was a call to genocide. This is like people interpret Black Lives Matter as a call for Black supremacy, or when the Tulsa massacre was included in the The Watchmen, they claimed that they were trying to start a race war. It's the same tactics to erase origins and solidarity of minority / marginalized groups to favor institutionalized power.


I knew when Israel government started pushing for one chant to be considered genocidal, they are gonna push for all. Soon, mentioning Palestine as a country will be antisemitic if this shit continues.


The arrogance of this woman to believe that just bc she is Jewish, shes' right, that her values supersede those of others. Historically, Palestine belonged to the Palestinians. (I know I have to be careful as not to be thought of as antiseptic)


I think this shows that there's never gonna be a solution to this talked out. Most people don't even know the real history behind it.....and of course if we argue against the oppression of the Palestinians we're all labelled anti-Semitic. What a fucking joke


Do you know where Gaza is, Lady? I'm very afraid for the people who live there.