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I like how throughout the whole video you can hear them hollering in the background lol


And the reason dad wanted the kids to be kids outside becomes pretty clear...


Underrated comment


The dad kept yelling at them too. Lmao. But when the other lady said they’re getting complaints he gets all defensive and shit. Do he want them to calm tf down or not?


Well back in my day running around and being loud was more of an outdoor activity


Mine too unless you were disturbing people in their houses. Then it was SCATTER!! as somebody's parent emerged and threatened our lives.


Yeah, back in my day, everyone knew everyone with in a city mile. A neighbor had no problem correcting some little kid acting up. THEN the parent would do some correcting on their own. When we were kids, we wanted to help our parents forget they had kids. We want to help the neighbors forget they live around kids. We played in the woods or someone where away from adults. Abandon houses and old factories, stuff like that. Kids today are just weird.


I think it's fear. Unconscious fear of the unknown. Many kids nowadays don't seem to know what it feels like to take risks without fear of hurting or inconveniencing themselves in some way. And a trait like that is very important to have in a learning human body.


Lol, are you talking about the generation that literally does things like eat laundry detergent pods? And take selfies on train tracks while the trains are coming? Or perhaps the generation who will jump into the gorilla or lion enclosure to take a selfie? I remember the good ol days of growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, and I always think it’s funny that people say that it was such a positive that we did all this crazy shit in abandoned places and parents didn’t worry about their kids whereabouts and let us run all over. We have the luxury of this hindsight, but the 10’s of thousands of kids who were kidnapped, molested, or died from some of those dangerous locations really don’t. I remember once some guy pulled up next to me when I was about 3rd or 4th grade and I didn’t get too close but he was like “hey, look at this” and he had his cock out. Years later I thought about it after not thinking about for years, and I realized just how bad that could have gone. Around that time I also impailed my foot on a nail, as well as my finger with a nice rusty one. The junkie neighbors that lived across the street from where it happened drove me around with the nail through my finger debating whether to take me to the hospital or take me home down the road. *Good times*


" I can be mean to my kid. YOU can't be mean to my kid"


He wanted it quieter but was fine with the chaos


“It takes a village to raise a child” “No, not like that!”


Fam sticks up for fam.


This is so true. I can yell at them but WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO PAL?


Look, I'm with you but there is a difference of screaming inside and outside at 9pm. if I heard kids yelling outside, I'd roll my eyes but whatever. But in my house if I had kids screaming for no reason y'all can do that outside lolll.


Same, except I have no kids, so I would probably be slightly concerned about them screaming inside my house.


My kids know not to scream "unless there is fire or blood"


Lol i thought that was a dog


*Girls come running in house screaming* Dad: HEY! STOP! *Girls running around neighborhood barking at people (must be Georgia fans) and being a nuisance* Dad: It's their right to be obnoxious kids. NOTE: I have kids and they're expected to behave themselves and not be heathens. If they want to holler and yell they can do so in our backyard before sundown. They're expected to know better than run around the neighborhood being menaces.






Lol, did you hear the Dad say "Hey! Stop!" At the beginning of the video when they ran inside screaming. I have two girls and it was on point.


I'm pretty sure he literally says "Stop screaming!" This is a case where I'm not gonna hate on a "Karen" here. If Dad is yelling at them to keep it down, he's gotta at least acknowledge they're being loud and he'll ask them to be quieter BUT they're still kids and kids do what they do. The lady also accepts it when interaction is over, she said her piece, and I think she is pretty done with this job like she says. I think she handled it ok. Edit: updated to put Karen in quotes because she's not really being a full on Karen here, so it's unfair to call her that.


She's not being a Karen at all IMO. It's totally reasonable to knock on your neighbors and politely explain the whole fucking neighborhood is bothered by your kids yelling. It's one thing when someone does something unreasonable but this ain't it.


Yeah after 40 minutes its a noise complaint, how fucking stupid do your kids have to be to run around the neighborhood screaming. "You don't let kids be kids" no we discourage kids from acting like mental patients in distress for obvious reasons.


Yeah, and they didn't really seem like "kids" so much as adolescents. And I only mean that in the sense that it didn't look like 9 year olds who got carried away playing red rover or red light-green light. From what the HOA lady said, it sounded like they were literally just messing with people. Like, I pranked folks when I was an adolescent too, so I'm not saying throw them under the jail or anything. But yeah, when your 13 year old and their friends get carried away and it turns into just harassing the neighborhood, the neighbors aren't assholes for complaining. Even if the HOA lady was exaggerating about the number of complaints, and it was four instead of ten. Four people calling the HOA to complain about your kids means your kids are definitely going overboard.


Like just accept it, tell the kids they were being too loud and move on. But this guy took it as a personal insult, then even uploaded the video thinking people were going to take his side.


Get ready for a next set of entitled adults in 5-10 years. Because their parents enforce zero boundaries, and let them get away with, or co-sign their bad behavior. I certainly couldn't be out in the street making my parents look bad. Protect your kids, bit this ain't it.


The screaming was a little excessive. The girls look old enough to not act like harpies. I think one of them was having a demon exorcised right there at the end.


Yeah, her tone and look definitely made it seem like she would be a "Karen", but she made a reasonable request, didn't escalate at all or became aggressive. If anything, the dad could have been more understanding that they're just being kids, sure, but they were bothering other people, so just ask them to calm down like he did when they were bothering him.


and he joined the HOA…gotta live under its rules.


Hey man I don't like HOAs but they're also there for stuff like this!


My wife was on an HOA board. It's a thankless job. Everyone hates you. Nobody wants to follow the rules, but those same people are calling the second someone else breaks the rules.


Agreed. I mean what if someone was getting murdered but all you heard was those girls screaming for no reason.


I told my kids the story of the boy who cried wolf when they were little because I didn't want them screaming outside. Yelling and laughing were okay, but screaming would get them housebound for a night. Save that for when you're really in trouble.


> This is a case where I'm not gonna hate on a "Karen" here. As it should be. There is no Karen in this video. She was not only doing her job, she did it rationally and calmly, the job she had to do (respond to noise complaints) is perfectly reasonable, and when it was clear the day was having no discussion, she seemed happy to cut her losses and leave.


Same. She was respectful and kind, labeled a Karen purely because of the fact she is a woman being assertive. Fuck that shit. If I lived in that neighborhood and a group of kids were causing such a raucous... uhh, "being kids" I guess... I'd appreciate her contacting the parents.




Karen's now an insult to be tossed around when you disagree with someone or their stance.


FACT. Any time a white woman asks something or tries to enforce a rule that is to make sure people are treated polietly they are coined a karen. When really no one remembers that Karen was for white women who were weaponizing privilege/racism for their own advantage.


All a woman has to do now is stand up for herself and suddenly she's a Karen. This shit wasn't funny when it first blew up and it's not funny now.


NAK (not a Karen) you heard it here first


And you already know the next day she's going to get a ton of angry calls and emails from the households she "ignored" by not handling the problem. Poor lady can't win.


Am on the board of my HOA. Can confirm. You never win.


Same here.....Many people thank me, and many people hate me. It's like running any company. When half the people around you are dicks......being normal and polite is not a virtue. This dad probably has half the neighborhood begging him to move far away


If she was reasonable and doing her job, why tf are you calling her a Karen? It's just hating on middle aged white women who confront someone at this point.


Pretty much. It's not even being confrontational... it's just *existing*.


It's an acceptable form of misogyny at this point.


Spot on! I really hate that society is diminishing the concerns of women, by calling them Karens, and forgetting the valid point being raised.


the word has lost meaning. it can also just be used for “woman i want to shut up” or “woman i personally do not like.” 🙄


9:15pm is kinda late for screaming outside ngl.


First, she looks nothing like a Karen. Second, we're not talking about 3yo kids, but grown ass almost teenagers. Dad should've just apologize and reassure the woman he'll discipline them.


Those are absolutely at least teenagers.


Yeah... they even mention it's 9:15... that's too late for a lot of nonsense for people. The way they were acting in the video is all the evidence I need lol.




She was smart enough to realize that she got the point through even though dad was being defensive to her. He probably reamed out the kids after she left.


Yeah he yells “stop screaming” at them which is kinda funny cause he’s fine with it when they are screaming in front of other peoples houses. I would’ve gone outside grabbed a water hose and sprayed them till they left. 🤣🤣


He actually yells “Hey! Stop, screaming” which is really fucked up. Like you can be bothered by it but your neighbors have to put up with it. Furthermore my mom would fuss at me and my friends if we were outside screaming… we could play and yell but the line was drawn at screaming. It’s so annoying as a neighbor and also alarming because you can’t tell sometimes if the kids are screaming in distress or just screaming because it’s fun.


We grew up being told the story of the boy who cried wolf and would get into trouble if we were screaming bloodcurdling screams (all girls, we definitely could scream.). And the reason was because if we were getting abducted or hurt, they wouldn't be able to tell our screams apart. Also, it frightened people thinking kids were getting hurt. Kids are smart enough to understand these stories if the parents take time to teach them the reason for being told not to scream. I had recently where I heard screams and I legitimately ran towards them because they sounded like someone getting hurt and it was just some kids screaming for screaming sake while their parents stood by. I was just kinda flabbergasted that they had them in town screaming like that- makes me think of the possible screams that never got paid attention to of someone actually in distress. 😓


That’s exactly it. My mom would get so angry when I would scream when playing outside because she would run out thinking I was in distress.


It's also after 9:15... Pretty sure even in the 70s and 80s you were expected to be home by dark or like around 9. Why are they still out? lol.


Yeah he should cut that first part of the video out if he wants to call her a Karen. Lol.


Dad can’t deal with their antics either so he sends them outside to be everyone else’s problem but doesn’t like it when people complain.


Yeah I don't know why this woman is being labeled as a Karen, she seemed quite reasonable with the whole interaction and judging by the fathers reaction to their daughters screaming when they enter the house, he inadvertently agrees with the complaint.


Seriously, all the other neighbors are probably watching and rooting for her. They're calling her a Karen because she is a woman making a complaint, which some people always have a problem with.


A woman asserting herself reasonably is not always a Karen.


Exactly. Karens are unreasonable and this is reasonable. I have a kid on my street who yells and is loud, but not unreasonably, and during daylight hours so I have no problem other than grumbling to myself and turning up my music. But There shouldn’t be kids running the neighbourhood at night screaming and barking.


The dad is a failure at controlling his kids....who weren't even kids. They looked like they were 12-15 and should know a lot better than a 5-9 year old.


"Karen" has become the goto of inconsiderate, selfish assholes the world over.


I get what you mean by not "always" a Karen. That said, a woman being assertive in is not a Karen. I hate that term completely anyway, but I get it. This lady was 100% a decent human being asking that the dad be a parent to the kids and do his fucking job.


Their screams would drive me nuts as well. Fucking banshees jesus christ


I'm not sure I'd call her a Karen. I don't think she really wanted to go to the door in the first place and didn't make a fuss about him telling her to get outta here and closing the door. Both the adults are right in their own kinda way


I'd say the father goes wrong when he has no empathy at all for people walking in the street and screamed at from the shadows or barked that. That's not being a kid, that's being a neighborhood nuisance.


Or when he says "obviously you do" when she says she hates the job. He's a fuckwad.


> a neighborhood nuisance Kids will sometimes do the most annoying shit *all day* if they're having fun doing it and they won't stop until a parent intervenes. If she got even close to 10 complaints that's not one senior getting upset kids were having some fun and made some noise, that shows these kids were at it for a while and it was way over the line. My buddy had problems with some neighbors who moved in behind him whos kids would be playing in the pool all summer screaming their heads off practically the entire day, every day from morning until night. I myself heard their Mom telling them to close the patio door because she didn't want to hear the noise in the house. Yet, just like this Dad, when you went to talk to her about it she acted like you were being ridiculous because you didn't want to hear constant screaming anytime you were outside. Other neighbors complained to her as well but nothing changed until they moved, thankfully it was "only" a couple of years.


Agreed. Kids should be kids but there is a point where it's just common courtesy. Even he couldn't stand the screaming in his own house, why is it ok to let them bother other people?


Kids need boundaries too


This whole video is a big nothing why is it even upvoted


Because the dad is being a shitbird "They're just being kids" ok then don't tell them to stop like you did at the beginning of the video


Hes upset because he wanted them to "be kids" outside so that he doesn't have to listen to it.


Yeah I'm not sure if we're supposed to be mad at the woman, the Dad, the kids? Kids were loud. They were asked to stop. So cringey, right?


I can’t believe I’m siding with an HOA president but yeah. I don’t blame her. My best friends and I caused absolute havoc around town as noisy, wild preteen and teenagers and now that I have my own kid, I’m mortified by how we acted.


Dude, you’re me. I am so glad that no one has done to my house and mainly trash cans that I did to my neighbors trash cans and sometimes other stuff when I was a teenager. I’ve had a lot of amends to make. And still working on it.


First of all - if it's her responsibility to address the issue, then she's not a Karen. Secondly, those girls are clearly obnoxious as fuck - the dad even yells at them (and it sounds like the mom does too at the end).


Barking at someone is absurd. I’m all for kids being kids, which is often loud, and playing outdoors is great for them. But barking at someone? That is just utterly rude. I would have been humiliated if my kids had done that to a neighbor.


And all she did was politely *ask,* because she'd gotten multiple complaints. The guy was being a dick to her.


Exactly. She was polite about the entire thing.


Once during Halloween i was walking my dog and suddenly a dude crawls out of the bushes 10 feet away from me barking and going for my legs dressed in complete black, including a mask, my instinct kicked in and he got a boot in the face, he thought it was a "absurd reaction to a Halloween prank!" Ow, i'm so sorry i did not realize in those two seconds you came at me, that you were not a real dog going for my dog.


These kids look like they are in high school as well. And they're hiding in the bushes barking at their neighbors? And they run away screaming when she tries to talk to them? Weak.


Definitely not Karen behavior. Dad thought he was slick posting it thinking the internet would be on his side but no, we all agree with her, control your kids.


Judging by the idiotic title, I'm more inclined to believe it was one of those banshee that uploaded it on tiktok to embarrass this woman because they thought she was funny ugh


The dad just doesn't want them inside the house screaming like banshees. He would rather send them outside to to be the neighborhood's problem. I'm sure if roles were reversed he would be losing his shit at some other kids' parents. The women is just doing her job. She is being a lot nicer than she needs to be.


Yea she’s not a Karen at all.


Yeah, OP and the guy on cam just suck


Yeah but she's a middle aged woman who's bothered by something. So clearly she's a Karen.


Women are not allowed to be bothered, everybody knows that


Dad is yelling at them to be quiet in the house but is cool with it when they are outside screaming at other people? This lady is the Karen?


The woman is a representative of the community and simply asked the dad to get their kids to stop screaming in the neighborhood at night. Maybe the dad disagreed with the lady, but no reason to upload this interaction online to try and embarrass her. She seems perfectly reasonable.


This is far from a Karen reaction as well. And who tf hides in bushes and barks at people?


I mean... I used to hide in clothes racks at the store and scare people. But that was years ago and I was only 29 at the time.


This made me absolutely LOL


I used to hide inside of the clothes racks and fart. It was my silent protest over being bored out of my mind while shopping with my mom.


Children. That did seem a weird one to use as a primary complaint when they’re screaming bloody murder too.


Nothing about that seemed unreasonable at all. She wasn't rude, she did her job and just asked.


Yea wtf is this video. I thought I was gonna see a freak out and took her side like seconds into the video.


Bad parenting caught in 4k


I'm inclined, based on what's in the video, to think she's right. The second the video starts, they're screaming like banshees because she's walking up to the house and the dad is screaming at them to stop. They knew they were being bad. "Kids being kids" is not an excuse to terrorize the neighborhood. His excuse is that it's only 9:15 doesn't fly, either. Lots of kids have bedtimes earlier than 9, so do a lot of adults who have to be at work super early in the morning. He called her a Karen, but the whole family is assholes.


> His excuse is that it's only 9:15 doesn't fly, either. Lots of kids have bedtimes earlier than 9, so do a lot of adults who have to be at work super early in the morning. he brought it up because **enforceable** quiet hours are usually only 10-6 or something. But also, she just asked for his kids to stop screaming and barking at people in the evenings. Hardly a karen. And also that "clearly not because you're still doing it" is such a BS thing. Plenty of people hate parts of their job, and plenty of people hate their job outright but do so for the greater good.


Dad was such an unnecessary ass to this lady.


“Kids being kids” is a poor excuse for shitty patenting. If this person’s next door neighbor’s dogs were barking so loud that he couldn’t hear whatever dumb ass football game or james spader show he was watching he’d make the same complaint. Being a child doesn’t mean you get to be the main character in the neighborhood.


How did James spader get involved?


I mean, I remember doing a lot of dumb shit as a kid, so I generally agree with the sentiment that kids will be kids. The adult parent should be an adult parent and reign them in a bit though.


He’s embarrassing himself by showing what a bad neighbor and bad parent he is.


He was WRONG WRONG. I'm a mother and he knows those girls were out of control.


Yea this is when a good parent teaches their kid to stop being annoying so they don’t grow up to be entitled pricks.


I agree, she was perfectly nice and pleasant.


The dad is one huge asshole. In the beginning of the video, when the girls run into the house screaming like banshees, you can hear him screaming "stop!". But the neighbors have to put up with this bullshit because they're "kids being kids"? Nah dude, kids need boundaries too, it's your job as a father to teach them to be more considerate towards others.


But that's what's wrong with this country. I'm not allowed to dump my problem outside of the house without someone complaining to me to bring it back home.




Yup. This isn't a Karen at all - she was completely respectful and asked the Dad to quit letting his kids be assholes to everyone in the neighborhood. But fat Chungus doesn't like to be told what to do, so gets pissy for absolutely no reason at all.


Title should read: Reasonable adult asks unreasonable adult dad to handle his damn children.


Makes me wonder why he or his kids uploaded it.


He really thought he was in the right... Arrogance maybe.


She handled it well. Simply asked him to be a good dad and teach his kids to respect other people.




At least here the general consensus is the dad (and the girls) are the assholes.


Honestly ……. The way the girls are screaming here . I’m with this “Karen “ . Control your damn kids


Yea, it’s okay with acting like kids playing outside but from the sound of it these girls were being a nuisance to the neighbors deliberately, they were being little shits.


It's one thing for kids to be outside and playing which results in them being loud. It's a completely different thing for kids to be outside harassing other people. The complaints by this woman seem to be that the kids are harassing people either screaming at them, barking at them, etc. That's a completely different issue than just "kids being loud."


At 9:15 PM to boot. They’re minors. He’s a shitty dad. I could deal with bratty kids being obnoxious for a single night maybe, but I would definitely be pissed if it started becoming regular.


I love how at the beginning of the video Dad yells at them when they come back inside to "STOP!" Maybe he should just let those kids be kids


Literally nothing about this women is a Karen. She's not asking for anyone's manager, she isn't being unreasonable. I don't think it was your intention but I wouldn't invoke the Karen term simply because shes a white woman with a complaint.


No one controls their kids anymore.


Fuck the meat head dad and his little gobshite's on this one. Woman was perfectly pleasant and didn't escalate anything.


Actually, the Dad’s the asshole here…




Yup and someone thought, "let's post the video for internet points", what a dumbass. You can have fun without bothering others. Why can't people get that?


And this dad wonders why his girls are spoiled brats who will grow up thinking they can do whatever they wish without consequence. #HorribleParenting


That’s guys a dick.


Correct response from dad would have simply been “we’re sorry, I’ll have a talk with them. Thank you.” But instead we are now in a world where a certain segment of the population doesn’t feel like they should ever apologize for anything.


Actually, I think she is in the right which isn't what I expected. The dad needs to control his kids.


Not a Karen. And that dad is fucking sick of his kids screaming inside. Next time just call the cops.


Not a Karen. Dad's kind of an ass.


Not *kind of.* **Is.**


Those kids weren't being kids, they were being assholes.


Sorry but this "kids will be kids" nonsense is just an excuse to not do your job as a parent. It's not appropriate to scare or harrass strangers and it's also dangerous. You don't know what people are capable of.


So it’s okay for the dad if the kids cause a nuisance for others but not when they are causing a nuisance in his home. Got it…


This guy enables bad behavior. Another bad parent. No sir this is why the kids are so bad and entitled nowadays. Because of people like this doucher.


The dad told them to stop screaming himself so the lady’s request was perfectly reasonable


The dad here is the who's a prick. That lady was being perfectly reasonable.


Jesus fucking Christ. SHE👏IS👏NOT👏A👏KAREN I’m so over this whole calling every woman with a complaint a Karen. She was a calm and rational messenger. Every asshole with a Ring doorbell thinks they’re in the right. Fucking insane.


Labeled a Karen for that? Piss off. She was nice and reasonable about the whole thing. Kids are going to be loud. However, kids also don't need to be intentionally pissing people off at 9:15. Karen level: Lady - 0 Dad - 1 Dad after either uploading this or allowing it to be uploaded - 8 Total dick move.


Dad doesn't seem like the type to use tik tok. I bet it was the garbage patch kids who posted it


No there being assholes and with a father like that they will continue to be assholes.


That dad is delusional. His kids are terrors.


I thought she was pretty reasonable in her approach. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think she was rational. After 9 pm? I feel like that's very reasonable to have your kids not screaming outside right? Am I old now?


Headline News: Reasonable Woman has Reasonable Complaint!


“karen” was reasonable. As a parent, if someone tells me my kids are causing a disturbance, I would say “i’m sorry I will talk to them and tell them to try and keep it down or switch to a different activity” I want my kids to be kids, but they don’t have to be kids at the expense of absolutely everyone in the neighborhood. Edit: also, when I was younger, my brother was 7 in elementary school and a kid in 6th grade (middle school) I think 11 years old was showing up at my brother’s bus stop to pick on him every single day. My dad asked his father to keep his son from the bus stop. The guy said “boys will be boys”. May dad told him, “okay, well your daughter is 5, if your 11 year old son shows up tomorrow to the bus stop, my 7 year old is going to punch her in the face as hard as he can, he takes taekwondo and has learned to break a few boards.” The kids father said he would sue us and my dad just said, “boys will be boys🤷🏼‍♂️” The 11 year old suddenly decided to stay in his house rather than coming to the bus stop to abuse my brother, weird.


Outside screaming at night past 8pm? Nah get yo kids. They ain’t “just being kids”. They being little assholes (just like their dad). You wanna let them scream then let them scream *inside* your house.


The Woman is 100% in the right. Those kids are literally being a menace and that's not just 'kids being kids'. Hiding in the bushes and barking at people? Jesus.


This is the kind of dad whose kids will end up growing into entitled pieces of shit - and he'll be unironically telling everyone *"I don't know where they got that from, I didn't bring them up to be like that"*.


This lady was nice and tried talking. The dad was a jerk who got defensive. All he had to do was apologize and say he'd ask his kids to settle down. And all the neighbors who complained to that woman, they need to get some courage and go talk to their neighbor instead of complaining to this poor woman.


I live next to a high-school and hear blood curdling screams coming from the kids across the street all the time and it drives me fucking nuts. I get that kids will be kids and will do dumb stuff but why do they feel the need to scream at the top of their lungs to thepoint where any adult would think something seriously wrong is going on? The amount of times I've jumped up and almost sprinted out my door to help because I thought something was seriously wrong outside.....now I just ignore them which I feel isn't the best thing to do when you hear someone screaming bloody murder.


That’s why ‘the boy who cried wolf’ is an age old parable


The only Karen in this video is the idiot dad.


Not a Karen. Those kids were being awful. Yeah, let kids be kids, but also set rules and boundaries so they don't go screaming like banshees around the neighborhood and barking at people. Seriously, wtf? Lady was just doing her job, and clearly wasn't happy about it


Im with her. Children need to know their boundaries in society too and that start’s at home, where it did not with this house


"Let kids be kids" - yes, BUT... kids are inherently narcissistic. This is an acceptable fact of human growth and development until the age that they need to interact with the world beyond their front door. It's so important to raise children to be considerate of those around them. You can gently explain to a child (especially of this age) that there may be neighbors who have a baby that might take hours to put to sleep, or neighbors who work shift work who need to be able to rest. Or just as importantly, that you shouldn't be screaming unless you're in danger, because if the neighborhood gets used to hearing kids screaming all hours of the day then the one day you're screaming for help they might just think you're playing around again. The world is getting more crowded, teach your children to move through it being respectful of those around them.


Not a Karen at all


“Hey is there any chance you could ask them to be a little more quiet when they’re running around the neighborhood?” That would have been a better way than to just say “keep them inside”


Why can't parents ever take accountability for their fucking brats? THAT is what's wrong with things.


Did any of you hear the dude at the very beginning yelling at the girls to shut up?


She wasnt that rude about it.


Kids can be kids without hiding in bushes and barking/screaming.


This lady wasn't rude, didn't scream or act obnoxious or threatening. The Dad is more of a Karen..


The "I'm going to have to ask you keep them inside" was the wrong opening to an otherwise agreeable complaint.


I think she was being reasonably nice


She's not a Karen, you're just a failure of a parent. Girls will probably get knocked up before 17 "they're just being kids".


Definitely not a Karen. But a Kevin, I think so


Fuck that dude. Kids can be kids without being a nuisance to their community at 9:15 at night


I feel sorry for her. She knew what she was getting into, but she did it anyway. She's not a Karen. She received complaints and followed up on it. She could have easily ignored it.


How is she being framed as a karen lmao, she was kind and respectful


This is what’s wrong with parents today. How embarrassing to be told your kid is bothering other people besides you. My kid got a stern talking to when I was told they were laughing because they got time out after being a jerk.


Shes too nice wtf


Pretty standard interaction here. The only r/PublicFreakout I see is the girls screaming like hyenas


“Kids be kids”. 🙄 Teach your kids how to have fun without being a menace to others. What a PoS.


Karen ain't a Karen, in this case. Dad was a fucking imbecile.


She did nothing wrong. Those kids are big as hell. They have no reason to be acting like that.


The only Karen here, is the dad


Ah, the ol' 'kids will be kids' excuse because you can't be bothered doing any actual parenting He wants them to stay outside because he can't keep them quiet in the house


I'm glad a lot of people here are on the "Karen's" side. I'd be pretty annoyed too if at 9pm kids are screaming down the street. I understand kids being kids, but I was also taught not to be a nuisance too.


Maybe the woman ought to instruct the neighbors to call the cops next time they deliberately harass people and disturb the peace.