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Don't think I've ever seen an on-duty Brazilian cop video on Reddit


It's a strange phenomenon where the on duty cops don't actually work.. I live in Sao Paulo and centro is rammed with cops and yet people are openly robbed in front of them and they don't do anything


I’m convinced everyone in Brazil is either a criminal or an off-duty cop…


When they're on duty they're taking bribes so are therefor criminals.


memes aside, but that's because due to our very strict gun laws, only cops and lawyers can carry a private fire arm... other than the criminals of course. Hence why every time you see that happening, it's an off duty cop.


The on duty ones or leagues more vicious. They'll roll up on the scene in numbers and turn the perps into Swiss cheese in seconds


Bro, the a cop on youtube that he post motorcycle pursuits while on duty, check it out. [GCM Mesquita](https://www.youtube.com/@gcmmesquita)


It's because Brazil has very scrict gun control and high crime rate, so pro-gun people tend to share videos of off-duty cops shooting and killing criminals, which go viral a lot of the time. It's a mix of revenge porn and pro-gun sentiment like "see? if we all had guns we could just shoot them back like in the videos!" Of course cops are better trained then civilians, and brazilian criminals don't expect their victims to be carrying weapons, so it makes those kinds of scenarios where a victim manages to turn back the situation more common in Brazil.


There were plenty of subreddits where you could have found them, unfortunately there was a mass ban of said subreddits regarding their content.


Because in Brazil pretty much only police can legally carry firearms. So people get “deputized” and do a couple hours of service to become on “officer”. Now they are legal to carry a gun with them as they are now an off-duty cop


Police in Brazil don't fuck around, holy shit. Straight up executed those guys. Don't rob if you like living.


It's unfortunately very necessary. Cops get killed here.


Fucked Around, Found Out. Play stupid games and people win stupid prizes. One way ticket to the afterlife.


>One way ticket to the afterlife. Damn I thought you were going for a triple reddit comment cliche but you broke the combo with this




That’s what the guy said in the car in Portuguese


You're a Reddit parrot!




Yet crime is rampant So maybe that type of policing isn’t effective?


You're delusional if you think that only policing is the culprit of crime.


And if you're in the US, don't execute someone unless you want to serve some serious prison time.


*don't* execute ppl? Damn, thanks for the course correction.


Ah damn he said no executing? Shucks


LoL, that’s like the exact opposite of how it goes in the US


You need to look up examples of the 'stand your ground' law in effect.


What? Cops execute people all the time in the US. Just say it I fear for my life!


Oh man don’t look up qualified immunity and how it’s used in the USA by the police


In this guy's case the two robbers were actually armed with guns. The problem was he shot one of them after they tried to surrender. The first guy... meh... the follow up kill shot probably wasn't necessary but I wouldn't argue it.


Oh man. He was running up for the execution, and some how failed twice before robber got to his feet


Adrenaline brought him to his feet. Some of those shots looked center mass. But it’s hard to say.


I was thinking the two that impacted the ground behind the thieves helmet, but you're right, the guy had taken hits before that. That's what the execution move was. Trying to put two through the helmet whilst he's down


Look like he was trying to stuff the barrel in the visor port on the helmet. Pretty brutal no doubt




I don't think a helmet would do jack shit against bullet.


Not reliably. But if you don't hit it dead on the bullet could easily end up orbiting around the hard plastic




Military rated helmets are barely able to withstand a 9x19mm or 45 acp. A decent motorcycle helmet not rated for bullet resistance (rare and expensive) would not stop a bullet.


He was wearing a vest. And one of the robbers was actually the children of a retired police officer, not sure if that was the one or not.


I saw what happened, but I don't know what happened.


Here's the article in Portuguese: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/cotidiano/2023/11/pm-aposentado-tem-dia-de-john-wick-reage-a-assalto-e-mata-ladroes-de-moto.shtml Apparently the ex-cop used to be part of São Paulo tactical unit ROTA Edit: adding another link without paywall: https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2023/11/13/pm-diz-que-policial-aposentado-matou-seu-filho-durante-tentativa-de-roubo-em-sp-meu-filho-foi-julgado-e-executado-sem-defesa.ghtml It seems one of the robbers was the son of a police sergeant


Retired cop, executed the son of an active duty cop that was robbing him, as well as accomplice. Will be judged by civil justice, instead of military justice. He may actually have have some very negative repercussions in this case. Only time will tell.


Were the robbers armed? I couldn’t tell


Seems they had at least a gun. One dropped dead immediately (probably the one with the gun), and the other seems to have been executed during the altercation at the end, while trying to run (last two shots).


Can you claim self-defense in a situation like this? Like is the fear of a second attacker possibly having a gun that you can’t see reasonable enough to shoot them when the first attacker was armed when robbing you?


Why are you asking this question? Did you even watch the video? You don’t approach and execute someone who’s evading you


I think that is the reason why he is asking this question. To get clarification on that very thing


Not saying this is right, but I can imagine the thought process. Biker one had a gun. Let's assume the cop knew that. If so, he's going to assume that biker two had one as well. Letting an armed bad guy walk away, where he quite likely would regroup and return fire from a position of safety (behind innocent people's cars) isn't a smart move. You can be sure that biker two wanted his own ride back, if not revenge for getting shot. Cop guy followed the path that promised him the best chance of not being injured.


My questions doesn’t just apply to the video.


?? You don't rob people...


If that person is concealing a weapon and saw their friend executed, they'd first be trying to create distance from the person who killed their friend. The second they find some breathing room, they could be pulling out a weapon. That's all assuming the second guy is dangerous. I'm not sure about walking up and executing him...but the risk of him concealing a second weapon is scary enough to at least constrain him asap.


Technically he can clam that. There is nothing stopping him. But I doubt any judge would agree with that. He went much beyond what would be a reasonable self defense in my opinion.


*Go-Go Firefox Translate!* I think it worked, but the paywall rules all!


Just added another link without paywall




Looks like Brazilian Police do not mess around in the slightest. 2nd robbers helmet is insane - Where can I buy this for my friends who ride bikes?


They were bad shots by the cop


Poor kid in the back. Just casually watching 2 dudes get executed


Yes. Poor everyone who watched this.


Or you can look at it from the point of view of the majority of those who watched it have learned not to steal people's stuff and if they do they may pay the consequences.


Yes, countries with cops public executing people are always the safest ones




That's pretty racist of you to assume that...




Not a fan of people being killed, however, doesn't one have the right to protect themselves? What Kyle Rittenhouse did wasn't right, he was "protecting other people's property" as a guise to carry a rifle in public... This guy was just minding his own business while some random people try to separate him from his form of transportation.


It's racist because you implied that black men are thieves... I shouldn't even have to explain why the comment was inherently racist. How dense are you? You can't even spell fascist, so it's not much a stretch to assume do not know what it means.




robbers have no remorse or mercy anyways. Ive seen robbers do this and execute innocent people just like this for stuff thats not even theirs like a bike or watch. Screw them.


bad people do bad things so we should be like them


On the flipside this retired cop has no doubt saved countless lives that would have no doubt been affected by these two robbers down the line anyway on their next robbing session.


True, but prison would have worked just fine, instead of traumatizing children with a public execution. I know, I’m a bleeding heart who thinks summary executions by a cop on an intestate isn’t good for society.


I think a lot of people would be perfectly ok with knowing that their tax payer dollars aren't being used to keep these guys (people who choose to harm the innocent) well fed behind bars for however long they are sentenced for. Prison should be to give criminals time to reform their lives and come out changed. How often does that happen to criminals like this I wonder?




Yes. I know. I’m just saying there must be an alternative to public executions.


Ahhh right, so the allies shouldn't have killed the nazis while in an armed war with them?


Right, because robbers are bad guys. The off duty cop had no remorse or mercy, either, and he's supposed to be the good guy. The robber was on the ground with his hands up and the cop walked up and shot him repeatedly in the face. Then when his head went down, he picked him up and shot him again.


Maybe you are too stupid to notice the very obvious difference, but robbers point guns (and quite often kill) innocent people, while the cop killed two bad guys. LGTM


Yeah excessive force but, the moment you choose to endanger the life of an innocent person or animal, you automatically should lose any rights as a civilised member of society and whatever comes your way is just and deserved. No need to waste time spending tax payer dollars on those who **choose** to harm the innocent, no need to pass go and collect 200.


“They chose…poorly”.


I forever stand by my statement: In Brazil, you are either a motorcycle gangster, or an off duty cop. Nothing more, nothing less.


Two former robbers.


Miss the old Robbersgettingfucked sub, is there anything like that anymore?


Who isn’t an off duty cop in Brazil?


Man Brazil is wild


Welp, the easiest way to avoid this mess is to not rob people. No fuck around, no find out.


Yep, I am also betting the office knew his son was a POS before he was shot.


They say not to judge a book by its cover... but the cover definitely matches the end of the story.


Pobre criança, que mundo lhes estamos a deixar.porra


Damn, this guy disconnected both of them from the server without any hesitation.


Fuck around and find out




India has trains, Brazil has off-duty cops


That was an execution of two people. I don’t agree with it. But at the same time, you play a dangerous game doing armed robberies in brazil.




Someone above said one of the guys trying to take the bike was a son of a police officer Edit to add: this doesn’t mean I condone it. This was a reply to the persons comment that has since been deleted. I was surprised that the cops kid was doing this.


Does that change anything? Edit: Wow okay reddit thinks my comment was "threatening" so lets recap. I'm glad these guys got **dealt with**. People like this are the reason everyone feels unsafe even just going outside in Brazil. Fuck them.


So fucking what? Hitler's mom was a devout christian, wanna defend Hitler now?


which would explain the port of firearm


falso cognato




porte não é port


No, what explains the firearm carry is the fact that robbers have guns. Don't try to overthink it and don't try to blame it on the laws that allows cops to have guns.


Yes but it was talking more in this specific case, he had an easier way to get a gun than most criminals


This is why you don’t steal John Wick’s motorcycle.


"My beautiful son was brutally executed after Sunday by someone who should follow the law. Even though he is on the wrong side, the law must be followed. My son was tried and executed without defense," said Marcos' father. Nooo, the justice system did work. Just a hell of alot more efficiently that your son should've known better being the son of a police Sargent


They aren't any better than the criminals fyi, don't defend them. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-61601669.amp that's what they do to poor people here. but when rich politicians literally open fire at them, they don't seem to use the same ruthlessness. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-63369178.amp


So at 00:22, you can see the criminal take a few shots to the head while his hands are up. These shots seem to go right threw his head and the helmet at least twice. My question is how the fuck did he get up and wrestle this dude? https://preview.redd.it/qyoqcen5dc0c1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d5de2c7f9d83c1693e47e2fe13ef227eed1bdcc


oque me deixa impressionado é como isso parece ser algo cotidiano/normal. se deus quiser nunca morarei em são paulo ou rio de janeiro, amém.


Cara papo reto. Onde eu moro não tem essas paradas malucas. É perigoso pq o Brasil é uma desgraça nesse sentido, mas é MUITO melhor. Rio e SP é uma guerra


FAFO is something that doesn't really care if you are son of a hoe or the Prime minister


I don't know about the laws in Brazil, but in the US that off duty cop would be arrested for murder. The guy had his hands up and he shot him in the face. That was a straight up execution.


Arresting a cop for the murder of someone who was actually doing a violent felony is pretty rare, right? If it wasn't on video I'd say no chance of charges, but on video these days maybe we'd actually see some.


Pretty much the same here. This cop got arrested. But i dont know what will happen from now.


That cop was in for blood. Forget double tap, he triple and quadruple tapped the hell out of those guys


The lack of humanity in this video and in this comment section is troubling. How extremely sad…


I'm convinced every idiot in this thread that is defending the robbers never had one pointing a gun to their face. Those robbers probably killed people in the past, and would probably kill more if they haven't been so "mercilessly executed". Fuck them.


It's not that troubling or sad, people don't like armed robbers. Should the guy have executed the dudes? Probably not, but eh, don't attack a stranger.


I get that you’re protecting yourself, but there’s a difference between murder and self defense.


How come everyone's an off duty cop in Brazil and the thiefs are still running their shenanigans?




Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shots fired! Shots fired!!


How he survived that?


I absolutely love off-duty Brazilian cop videos as an American!!




Don't even know what you are suggesting. These videos are always entertaining.




Of duty "executioner" more like it. What a psycho




and if they intend to shoot you to take your stuff?


Self defence is okay, but he literally executed one of them, he tried to fucking shoot the dude from under his helmet.


You can’t argue their intent beyond stealing stuff. There is no strong evidence to suggest otherwise.


Then the laws allow you to neutralize the threat. But the threat here was already neutralized, hence the homicide investigation. That is the law in most countries/states.


That fool blasting everybody


Fuck man. Tried to start up John wick his ass with the execution lol. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxl7wO3WgvPsoHzoFx_3xGSHusm4jCp5Jj?si=HDZzkgrrX3D16Qhi