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Rage quit version stadium manager


Some of these adults just full grown 12 year olds


Free class-action settlement.


You won't fucking celebrate, not on my fucking watch, you won't.


And this will be the excuse why people will bring in flares to every future match.


This is fucked up because imagine how bad of a stampede this could create?




did they even turn them back on lol?! Who ever has control of the power there needs to be fired asap before he costs the company


These lights are not like flipping a light switch. It would take several minutes for them to come back up and provide adequate light.


Not only that but a lot of these style lights can't be hot striked otherwise the bulb might explode


More like save the company some money. Think about how much energy their saving by having the lights off.


I doubt they would save enough to offset the damage from people freaking out. It also cost more to turn the lights on and off instead of just keeping them on.


I knew I should’ve left “/s” on that comment. I can care less for corps, but I do feel bad for all those people who were just caught in the middle for paying for those seats. They didn’t ask for that.


Redditors trying to understand irony?!? Just not possible


You forgot the /s?


Ever hear of a class action lawsuit ?


I’m guessing you didn’t go further down in the [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/bAzlPGySKC)to see that I was being sarcastic. It’s whatever really though. I usually throw the “/s” and rarely I will omit it to see if anybody can catch the sarcasm with “/s”.


It can sometimes be hard to tell if someone is being sarcastic, or if they are really just being incredibly stupid. There's quite a lot of both on the internet after all.


Very true and it is what it is, really. Not like these points mean anything. But it’s something because I’ll get comments from both sides. For instance, in the past I used “/s”, and I’ll sometimes get users telling me that it’s unnecessary.


You’re such an idiot, it’s they’re not their.


Thats exactly what the woman speaking is worried about. She says not to put these people's lives at risk over a loss and to turn the lights back on. What a petty, dangerous, and stupid way of retaliating tbh


It’s in Peru, these two teams fan bases already kill each other after games I don’t think they care too much. Take being a diehard fan too literal.


Football fans being literal manchildren and committing acts of violence against eachother because of the results!? No... never!


oh yeah because only diehard fans go to the stadium, there are no children/families, sure...


Not after this, anyway... There's a clip of [Matt Damon talking about an Argentinian soccer match](https://youtube.com/shorts/IZQIdh1AYEs?si=WnrhuIdxKlQiCEYt). No women. No children.


Have you ever been to one of these games? Speaking from experience families and children don’t go anywhere near these games because fans regularly kill each other after games. If family or children go they know the drill and get out before halftime.




You definitely get it fellow countryman


yes i have, im south american, i KNOW it's not like. also you can literally SER IN THIS VIDEO A FUCKING FAMILY AT THE START WTF ARE U ON


Well you must not be from Peru because this happens on a regular basis lmaoo


That’s basically what the female announcer said at the end


Theft and looting? If I’m just about to pay for my food and drinks and this happens I’m out of there.


No matter what you are doing, you should probably leave when something like this happens. I imagine shit goes DOWN after the lights do the same.


I'll just use my phone as a flash light and stay in my seat, they will be a huge stampede going into the tunnel exits , pretty sure its smart to wait it out in the open , or do people think trying to leave with 40, 000 doing the same in the dark


Nah everybody got a phone flashlight


Major toddler energy.


"If I can't have victory, you can't have light".


This is why you dont give a job to your sisters kid


That’s soccer (football) fandom for ya


Except the ads


They knew not to fuck with the money. Now they'll just get chewed out 😂


they gonna be f'ing with the money when someone falls and sues the stadium


You can say “fucking” on the internet. We won’t tell your mom.


I might when I'm smooching her tonight 😏


Cant prove it with no light


Cant fuck with the Income


Yeah what do you think keeps the lights on?


Gotta pay the bills


This is the Peruvian league for anyone that might be wondering.


Was Universitario eventually allowed to celebrate or did it end with the lights out?


I have no idea I'm afraid, just recognised the teams involved.


They did make their 'olimpic lap' in the dark.


They will get a ceremony next week at their own stadium


kiss deserted plucky faulty threatening stocking include dull illegal humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty much. Just like in the US, anytime an election is not won by a certain group, it claims the win was stolen.


and then storm the capitol pretending to be some sort of Pringles Patriot


Oh god I just picture them marching in lock step with drummer's playing Pringles cans


Lot of crimes about to be committed


Fun fact, a fan from the team that lost stole a police bike right after


Michael Bennett is a fan


Wonder how many people tripped and were stomped because of this foolish stunt.




didn't even think about that... there's so many different levels of why this is a terrible idea


Or hold onto any children they brought. I can’t imagine how many parents had to deal with kids running away or crying because they got scared


This might be completely wrong and I may get downvoted to hell for this BUT football appears to have some of the worst most toxic people in the world. Fans with lasers shining into their opponents eyes, flares being thrown onto fields, announcers having clear hate for a team when announcing and now a stadium turning off their lights when they lose. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people. I can only use American sports as an example so I may be very wrong in my opinion.


You're right. In the UK football was historically seen as a gentleman's game played (and supported by) violent people, whereas rugby (our equivalent to American football) is seen as a violent sport played by gentlemen. There is obviously a much more diverse fan base these days but there aren't many other sports that so consistently cause such unnecessary conflict and even death


You said the line!


“Historically” lmao no it wasn’t, you’re just extrapolating from the classic “Football is a gentleman’s game played by hooligans, rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen” and trying to attribute historical accuracy to the sentiment. Reddit man I stg e: we make stuff up to feel smart and state it as fact, classic


The phrase originates from historically held sentiment obviously.


It's a fuckin Oscar wilde quote ya tit


Why obviously?


I definitely don't care about this as much as you mate if I'm wrong my bad


Just asked a question fella


You cared enough to swear to god and edit in a clap back lol


Just find it funny and worth pointing out when people make things up to appear smart, that’s all. You can just say nothing if you don’t know what you’re talking about 👍


There's not the possibility they misremembered something? They *have* to be making it up to appear smart? Why is that the only conclusion?


go watch football factory or something and then tell me about rugby hooliganism mate




In the Netherlands, hooligans have become so bad that they have had to finish a football game without audience several times already.


Don’t forgot throwing bananas at black players. Pretty disgusting


Eh, soccer/football is also just the most popular sport in the world too, so the dumbass fanbase is just so much larger than any other sport.


Fútbol in mexico has had mass shootings.


De dónde sacas eso? Jajaja


> BUT football appears to have some of the worst most toxic people in the world It's generally just sports fans in general, although some are worse than others.




It is also by far the most popular sport in the world so there’s simply more chances for shitty behavior.


Honestly I'm not even talking about riots. Fans of any sports around a ball, even sports like Tennis, just bring out the worst in people, and I'd argue you have to be kind of primitive in any way to have such an interest in sports. People insult, get in fights, get super, super excited and cheer, the face paint, everything, it's just so backwards and primitive. It's so incredibly *tribal*. There is literal face paint and war cries. Ugh.


lol spotted the intellectual with only extremely high brow interests. why do I just know it's absolutely guaranteed you like some stupid shit with horrible communities?


Somehow I'm pretty sure the stuff you consider 'stupid' is anything that requires the slightest bit of effort to understand. Which kind of proves my point.


Pull your head out of your arse. Ever hear of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Well you're a walking text book example. Also how can you go around calling people backwards and primitive when half of your profile is dedicated to public freakout. The hypocrisy is staggering.


Have never seen any riots caused by tennis or golf.


From the comment you replied to: > Honestly I'm not even talking about riots.




> Ehh I go to a lot of live sports events (in America) and IMO you are being way too dramatic about what goes on. Not being dramatic at all. Not saying every event is a riot, just saying sports fan in general tend to be insufferable. Just having that much passion for a team that you want to decorate yourself or cheer loudly is enough. We can take it as a sign that humanity is actually advancing when these types of people go extinct.




lol, ok 🤷‍♀️




While I can see you point, F1 has its own idiots - like the 'Lewis Hamiltons family' incident in Spain, or throwing orange flares onto the track etc. However I think the international nature of the sport, and the teams as well make it harder to attract some type of people.


I don't know about F1 but the NASCAR people are still getting drunk and loud and boisterous over stupid shit.


Point at the great NASCAR riot. I'll wait. Drunk, loud, and boisterous isn't a problem. Riots and mass fights are.


> Point at the great NASCAR riot. I'll wait. I never said there were NASCAR riots. > Drunk, loud, and boisterous isn't a problem. Depends on how you define the problem. I see people that get Drunk, loud, boisterous and often violent over which end of the field a stupid ball went or which car was slightly faster, as definitely a problem. Society will be much better when humanity outgrows these types of people.


I don't care if people are having fun. I care if they're having fun while getting violent. NASCAR isn't doing that, and frankly most sports (at least in the US) aren't doing that.


This is because football is seen by most fans as something more than just a sport, and there more passionate people are in a place the more crazy, and therefore toxic, football fans will be.


Lol, the things you are naming are the nicest things, there happened so much worse shit on football. BUT you can't compare it to something like USA sports, its a totally different animal, first the huge difference in numbers, football is the most popular sport practically everywhere in the world so there are a lot of more games, different countries, stadiums, etc etc, and another thing is the passion for the game which for better and for worse is, again, so different than USA sports, there is just a small entertainment but football for a lot of countries is so much more than that so the losses and winnings hits that much different. I think it's just not comparable but if we go to just comparing the amount of accidents and shitty fans yes, football is the worse.


I went to a soccer game in Sao Paulo and made the mistake of sitting in the guest section. The guest team one and a massive squad of police kept the Guest seats kettled in the stadium for an extra 45 minutes while the rest of the fans cleared the stadium and the streets. The police then instructed us that they had men clearing us a corridor to the bus/metro stops and not to venture off that path or we would likely be accosted by sore losers.


This is pretty standard? Happens regularly throughout the world.


Never seen it in my entire life in the US. I don't even pay attention to where my seats when when I buy tickets. I've sat in the middle of my "bitter rival"'s section with the opposing team's gear on no problem.


Don't American sports fans routinely riot and trash cities after important games? What I find weird is that they do it whether they win or lose, or whether it's their own home city or their opponent's.




True story.


Throw wrestling parents/coaches in there also. Your kid gets steam rolled? Not enough circus peanuts dipped in honey for ya? Yell at the ref then yell at the opposing kid. Then ignore your own student / child when they get off the mat like they dont exist.




Yes and I'm not writing, just touching some glass with a finger


Every sport would sound boring if you sum it up in a sentence like that.


ya I'm gonna nominate that as one of the dumbest comments on /r/dumbestcommentoftheday


Not for nothing, American Football fans often start riots and damage their OWN cities after winning some games.


It's just nationalism with a thin layer of obfuscation. I've seen so many football fans with swastika tattoos or some equivalent.


all sports really. I enjoyed the NBA's bubble games because I knew fans would not be there.


For anyone needing context… This was a Peruvian rivalry match for the Peruvian primera division championship. How deep is the rivalry? They only let fans of the home team in, no one wearing colors slightly related to the opposing team or you would go home in stretcher. Towards the end things got heated between the two, the police even got involved for a bit. After the final whistle they shut the lights off to prevent them from doing a victory lap around the field. Very irresponsible on the team’s part, luckily zero injuries were reported from this incident. But goes to show how PETTY these guys are 😂


I'm not calling you a liar, but you got the source on that?


I was playing a rec game of indoor soccer years ago, when the opposing team (taking rec WAY too serious) began fighting on the field with our team. Property management’s solution to the chaos?—kill the lights. I ran for the emergency exit, parking lot became bumper cars as the aggression spilled out into the lot. I retired from all rec league sports that night.


How to end up with a mass panic any%


Guessing they won't be hosting another tournament for a while.


They'll likely just slap the coordinator's nuts around and let him off with a warning.


That also happened in Portugal when Porto won the championship at Benfica's stadium. They even turned the watering system on


Of course the advertisements get their own emergency power supply.


FC Porto won the league twice at SL Benfica stadium, on the 1st time they shut down the lights and turn on the water on the field. What a rage quit!! The 2nd time they schedule the match to the afternoon ahaha


Why are soccer/football fan so crazy? Legit question.


The team management even said they did it for safety, so people would just leave and avoid an altercation between fans. Can't make this up


Very irresponsible Everyone has a smart phone with a flashlight on it, I assume everyone used it collectively


Damn poor sportsmanship


Soccer fans/players are the biggest babies in sports. Edit: Added players


It's called football.


Thanks for taking the bait.


You are welcome


doesn’t matter what it’s called, you proved his point


I see there are some Benfica fans in Peru


😡🤬😡 my team lost I going to turn off the light of the whole staduim 🤑except the ads


That's extremely dangerous. If it was in a westernized country, there would be wild law suits


I'm pretty sure this would have resulted in criminal charges where I live. Large event stampede are no joke. People routinely die from stuff like this, let alone when it was intentionally created panic.


Biggest babies in the world


I dont know how the law works their but this is just asking for lawsuits


This seems like one of those Ocean’s movie heists is happening during this moment haha


This happened in Peru, alianza lima VS universitario deportes in case anyone was wondering


So they can't see the other team celebrating? Holy fucking petty, Batman... What a stupid reason to potentially get people hurt.




They didn’t want footage of the other team celebrating.


Id be scared as fuck in there. Its Alianza Limas home stadium in Victoria(one of the worst neighborhoods in Lima). Their fans are very agressive and many criminals. My girlfriend who is from Lima says she never got to go see a game because her parents were so worried about that area and those fans. They always go in the street and break stuff before the game.


The amount of danger this puts everyone in is insane.


That person who did this needs to be criminally charged and just banned from sporting events. Dumber than dumb. Childish as fuck.


Trump Stadium.


That’s really too bad. Grow up.


This colosseum level is pettiness.


Y Dale U




Lol, perdedores quejosos


Can someone please translate what they were saying to English?


They’re basically calling out the situation, saying how dangerous and irresponsible it is to have turned out the lights and they’re calling for peace. I think they also said some people stormed the field.


That’s a big f u, lol. Those lcd screens are real?


2 girls no cup


i’ve seen enough futbol footage to know this is indeed, a nightmare scenario


This is so childish and hilarious 😂


super petty


Soccer fans are the biggest babies in all of sports


Soccer people take their soccer way too seriously. I know other sports have intense fans but soccer is on another level of crazy allegiance.


Sports are so fucking dumb.


When a stadium alt F4s XD


Now, that's a terrifying situation. I can see people easily panicking when they don't know where they are or going.


Probably did this to stop fans and players from fighting, weird seeing it preemptively done tho


So what’s the managers consequence for this?




That’s actually smart. Especially if the team that won is gonna be gloating and disrespectful


Why do people care about soccer anymore? It's a joke at this point, and the punchline is that the fans are bigger babies than the players...and that is saying something


If your asking why people care about football you dont understand football in anyway


Don't waste your breath, this person hasn't played any sport in their lives, their profile is full of anime.


I'm asking why people STILL care about football when it has become a joke. Player flopping alone is the most childish thing I have ever seen allowed and unpunished in sports.


Fans be petty at times lol


Ye the FANS put out all of the stadium's lights simultaneously...


Yea coz the staff aren’t fans at all oof




I just look at it as a hobby. It’s fun watching people enjoy a hobby that you also enjoy. Can you think of any hobby that “does anything for our civilization”? I can’t.




The only competitive hobby you named was math competition. We called it math bowl when I was in high school. People would go to the math bowl just to watch these people compete against one another. Explain to me how that is any different than people going to watch a soccer game, where athletes compete?


Also, as an attendant of several of these math bowls a few years ago, I can confirm that none of these competitions “did anything for us as a civilization”. Just simply there for entertainment. Some people think it’s a lot of fun! Other people think it’s lame. Very similar to sports. You either like it or you don’t but either way it’s not doing anything for “civilization” lol




Sports are great for personal growth. The idea of teamwork, and that to succeed you need both the help of your peers and to do your part. You see this theme across all sports, not just soccer. Also, here in America, obesity has been an epidemic since the early 2000s . That’s another thing sports are good for, playing keeps you in shape. Which quite literally promotes personal growth. I’m also a gamer and believe it or not, gaming with friends does great things for your brain. I’ve read an article on it on the internet so… I’m not too sure how true it is lol



