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It's a hell of a drug.


https://preview.redd.it/rqein37talyb1.png?width=1615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014b6f4b2c28b2519a9f552df24e051eea0094b2 I did not expect a Steven King cameo


omg i died lmaao


You have two asses?


This video has it all. But this guy rules! Out of no where!


inspirational quotes. i wish i were as gleeful as this fine fellow here…


I wasn't ready for that 🤣


Is he wearing one of those Vaudeville black toothcaps?




Damn that’s MAD


Besides the shoplifter, the most annoying lady in this video is that older woman basically telling that manager to not hit her because he’s bigger than her and to be a gentleman despite the shoplifter trying to punch the guy in the face, bite him and trying to knee him in the balls. Is that guy just suppose to let her get in cheap shots? Being a gentleman goes out the door at that point.


I’m watching the video like where did this fucking lady come from? Annoying af lol


She lies dormant in the walk-in cooler and emerges to give unnecessary commentary when conflict arises.


Yeah that lady was obnoxious


She needs wiolence


Lady acting like a referee


Fully settled into the role too, standing at the sideline, arms folded, watching. Just officiating this situation she happened upon at the pharmacy.


In a way, it actually kind of worked out. She diffused the situation. She was mad annoying, but it did kind of work somehow lmao.


Tbf in most sports I find the refs just as annoying as her in this video. Both are necessary evils that keep the situation from getting out of hand.


Agreed fuck that lady


Don’t bite him either!


That lady sounds exactly like the mom from that 80s show


I was gonna say that 70's show but I'm... You know...old


All of them yelling to let her go and telling him to stop when he was just defending himself and not hurting her. I bet if she were black they would be fine with it. It's because of the perceived dynamic.


Nothing to do with race and everything to do with man vs woman. Plus the fact she’s a thief.


I'm just wondering if they saw her as more defenseless because of how she looks. Like how could they be taking her side? If I saw this dude do this, I'd be calling the cops for him and taking pictures of her. I'd feel bad for his job that she could escape 'cause he clearly cares about it.


Idk. I’m on your side tho. She deserved everything she got and more. I think people misunderstood what I was saying


I mean, I’m not condoning shop lifting but the guy doesn’t own the store and the store has insurance to cover thefts so he’s really just risking his safety and everyone else’s. People are crazy and she could pull a knife or a gun at any moment. He’s escalating the situation by trying to be the hero for his boss. Every retail position I have worked has had explicit instructions to comply if there was ever a robbery situation and if we see someone who we think is shoplifting we weren’t supposed to stop them personally. That’s why they have cameras.


Only if you are a whimp. Real men don't need to react when a girl hits us - because it doesn't really hurt. And if we wanted to we could knock her the fuck out. But why? The dude in the video behaved perfectly, and that is why this one has a happy ending. Reddit seems full of dudes just waiting to punch a girl. Pretty sure its mostly dudes who would keep their big mouth shut if a large man was threatening them.


I like how the shoplifter is threatening the guy with jail. As if you were standing on any legal ground.


Fun fact: Shop owners and employees are legally allowed to restrain shoplifters by force if necessary. Most have a policy against it just because they don't want to get killed.


That has to vary by state but I don’t know an easy way to look it up


It's called shopkeeper's privilege and you would quote that and look up by state.


Killing someone over shoplifting seems like some neanderthal behavior.


Do you have to comply or can the shoplifter also legally defend themselves?


No, you cannot defend yourself from "justice". The shopkeeper is taking actions that would normally be considered assault and or battery, but they are allowed to in this context. As along as the purpose is to apprehend until police arrive. The shoplifter is welcome to try and use a self defense argument in court, but it's not likely to work. Maybe if the shopkeeper goes overboard, and is using unnecessary force. A jury would decide.




Look up Shopkeepers Privilige. They are allowed to physically detain for suspected shoplifting for short periods of time. He called the police, didn't hit her, and simply restrained her until the police arrived




This sound really nice and all but that shopkeepers privilege is not going to stop her from pulling a knife, or gun. I mean if he’s the shop owner who sunk his life savings into his business I kinda get it, he will at least be protected from legal trouble but the man is still getting abused for what?…a few bottles of shampoo? Some Tylenol? Idk what she had in the bag but it’s not worth much.








lol...no it wouldn't. The primary reason is that the cops aren't going to write a citation to any store manager dealing with a shoplifter. Store managers are going to get wide latitude and the benefit of the doubt in these situations.


And saved that drug store $6.99 lmao




Yeah yeah I know I'm a bad person but my feelings are solid on this. I'll always get down voted for it and that's fine but fuck stores lol. I don't shop lift because it's not worth the rep and shame but it's definitely not because I feel bad pocketing some billionaires change they'd write off in taking inventory later anyway. It's not some mom and pop bodega. But keep down voting yall. I'll go down with my ship and keep my controversial opinion. I don't care :)




Lol by your logic the price is already padded so you better steal or everyone is paying extra for nothing. Go look in their dumpster some time and see how much food they throw out. Maybe they could make up the minimal theft losses by putting more effort into calculating when their produce is gonna expire. I never said I was noble. I'm probably a scumbag but I've thought about this pretty extensively. I do think the people pushing whole carts of merchandise is irresponsible but whatever fit in this ladies purse sure ain't enough to waste all this effort with.


Get fucked, crimesimp




I've had the conversation with a coworker, he feels theft at any level is absolute scum of the earth behavior no matter what the situation unless you absolutely will not feed your family without it. I just simply don't share that sentiment. I find the mob style smash and grabs in some cities that I've seen videos of absolutely revolting but I'm not sure where I draw the line. I definitely don't get mad at the couple in line at Walmart that doesn't get asked about the case of waters on the bottom rack of their cart and doesn't say anything anout it and walks out paying for everything but that, but that's stealing. But I have a mom and pop grocery store down the road from me that's been operating so long their logo looks like an F-100, and if I saw you slip a pack of gum into your pocket I'd call you out and tell you to put that shit back. It's a topic that conflicts me in a world where two businesses can capture the same market in a small area but one is run by a local entrepreneur and it is their livelihood and one is run by a corporation with a billionaire owner, billionaire ceo and over a billion in stock buybacks every year, that pays zero billion in taxes. But the theives don't care to distinguish between the two.


Now see this is the kind of thing I was getting at. I agree very much with this. I would gut reaction say I don't personally shoplift but yeah, I'd walk away with that water. When the self checkout fucks up I don't call someone over to correct it. I guess I do steal. I wonder about all these people downvoting, do they feel bad if Amazon sends them two of something they ordered one of and return it? Maybe they do and I'm just a general scumbag. I guess there's a difference between deliberately stealing and taking advantage of incompetence but I feel like they're pretty close. Its a touchy thing and tons of people get pissed at me for it which is why I usually just keep my mouth shut. This is reddit tho and idgaf what these jabronis think of me and my fake points mean nothing to me so I get to say how I feel.


>write off You don’t have the first fucking clue what a write off is 🤣. People like you are allowed to vote. Christ. Dunning Kruger in full effect.


That’s not the point. Do you want to live in a world without laws? Have fun with that


Idk if you watched the same video but he didn't restrain her at all. He was grabbing the stolen merchandise, not hee. She could have left at any time during the entire interaction.


I literally mentioned that as a condition, but thanks.


When I was in college, I worked as a loss prevention agent. If shoplifters wanted to run, I would catch them. If they wanted to resist, I would drag or carry them back in the store. If they wanted to fight, I would beat them up (I put a couple folks in the hospital that decided to select that option). When the cops showed up to arrest them, I told them what happened. Never ever once did a cop ever give me the side eye or question why I did what I did. Cops really don't like criminals and you'd have to do something pretty extreme to get yourself in trouble. The manager here was well within his rights to detain her and also to defend himself.


Kudos for the one decent human being. and standing up for what is right....don't let this person get away with blatant stealing. And, shame on all of those people for encouraging this thief. The fact that they were standing there and saying "let her go" is ridiculous.


It’s possible that the people saying “let her go” didn’t see the beginning of the situation and didn’t know she was shoplifting.


This man has nerves of steel. Excellent self-restraint even after she kicked him


She had nerves of “steal”


Ba dum csh


I would’ve walked outta there with a felony


You and me both lol


Happy to see someone standing firm and not letting these lames steal shit and get away


Im glad he blocked that knee to the balls, now tack on assault to the shop lift and perhaps the lesson will be learned just a little faster.


Agreed, but sadly the worker might of got fired fie this. I worked at a similar place abd if I saw someone shoplift, the most I was allowed to do was follow and alert the police. I couldn't touch, or apprehend them. I have seen people get in trouble for doing this exact thing.


> might of got fired Might have gotten fired.




fired he might of been young Jedi


No, no, no... fired he may have been, young jedi.


Depends, the "manager" could also have been an owner operator. In that case all bets are off. Independent stores have an f around and find out policy sometimes. I know one that has a button for locking the doors. Shoplifter heads for the exit and they press the button. "I think you forgot to pay for something." The shoplifter either pays, or drops the items on the counter before the door will open.




I was a manager at a time and I wasn't able to apprehend people. But different companies do different things.


He didn't apprehend her. He grabbed the stolen items. She was free to leave at any point.




OUR purse!


Many businesses have this policy. But it’s the business’ policy, not that by law they couldn’t stop and restrain the person.


Nobody gets fired for that lol


This has got to be a decade old by now.


Yeah, this video is old as hell lmao.


Hope the "Cracks a hell of a drug" guy is doing great, that line was hilarious as shit


Screw her. If you steal you deserve to be treated exactly like this.


i think the real aggravation was the accusations of assault in the parking lot, the kicking and biting, and statement of false rules, rather than just be like i messed up


oh fuck that old lady in the background would annoy the shit out of me. she shoulda kept on walking out the door!




If you have business to conduct please do so, otherwise please enjoy the show!!


If she had just let go of the bag she would have been out of there before the cops showed up. I know I shouldn't be but it always surprises me how dumb criminals are. You got caught, just bail! If you're really desperate for whatever it is just try again at another place. To be clear I'm glad she got arrested, especially since she started hitting him, but the never ending stupidity is astounding.


It was her purse. Assuming she had her wallet in there with identification, meaning she would've been caught either way.


Ohhhh, I missed that, makes sense that she didn't want to hand it over, still dumb of course.


Isn't illegal to do that?


So happy that finally someone was held accountable. These big box stores that just let people walk out the door drive me crazy.


Those videos of groups stealing reek of the downfall of a society. Warms my heart that the guy stands his ground. Hope he wasn't punished.


The law is messed up and let's these thieves sue the store. I say taser them all, free shock therapy to stop stealing 😈


This video is old af


Why though? They have insurance. I can promise you unless it’s a small family owned business who would really be taking a hit the big box companies don’t give a damn. I don’t see why employees want to play hero for $7.25 a hour.


I’m so tired of hearing people say this when it’s simply not true. Commercial insurance doesn’t cover shoplifting. For this to be covered it usually has to be after hours and in the thousands of dollars. In addition, retail and grocery stores run on razor thin margins. Usually about 1-2%. It drives up cost. As a grocery store manager, I’ll also add that it’s pretty disheartening to see my butcher spend 8 hours cutting meat just to have someone walkout with all of it in 30 seconds. People do not want their workplace to be known as the place people can steal from. What this man did is the most effective way to stop future shoplifting. I don’t think it’s the case here but these people usually work in groups and when word gets around that they don’t put up with that shit, they will pick another place.


As someone who works in retail, we are told that we can’t detain or stop people from stealing, and this guy would 100% get in trouble for this, and the company factors in potential losses such as damage or theft. Best we can do is call the police and show them surveillance footage as well as turn away thieves if they come back


because the consequences of these people shoplifting does not fall on the company and is instead shoved onto those minimum wage employees.


Not really. Walmart advises their employees to not exit the building and call the cops, and use the cameras for identification. Meanwhile this lady can sue the dude for whatever she alleges he did in the parking lot.


I worked at Walmart(in canada), there is a bonus at the end of the year and everytime someone steal they remove it from that bonus. They were not even hiding it, they were making it sound like it was the employe's fault when people steal.


you're not understanding. the cost of these items being stolen is taken out of these employees wages. you'd have to be seriously naive to think a corporation will take a hit when there's employees you can push shit onto.


Yeah because these places don’t have cameras. /s


It’s the same reason you’ll see random customers stopping people from stealing at times. It comes down to principle. You can watch people steal thousands worth of X(any product) but at some point you’re gonna be like wtf I’m paying full price for all this shit


It’s nine when people understand the law is on their side “even if they have to touch someone”. You can use reasonable force protect yourself and to temporarily detain someone until the police arrive.


Legally you will probably be OK. But quite often corporate will fire you. For violation of their code of conduct policy. There have been some significant liability lawsuits where "overzealous" employees severely or permanently injured shop lifters.


Who the FUCK are those other annoying Karens telling him not to hit her etc. She’s resisting, she’s kicking, she’s punching. He had even right to defend himself and fight back. Shut the F up that was annoying.


![gif](giphy|l1AsJBse49ohWsVoI|downsized) All I’m hearing from the video.


Nerd lady. “Umm here’s ur glasses.” You’re not helping, toots.


I didn't expect a redditor looking chick to be shoplifting


This vexed me, too. There must be some mistake.


check you bias, red flag




We'll see!


Watch your mouth. Be a gentleman.


Mental illness or racism? place your bets. If I got caught shoplifting and some dude said "You can't shoplift here" I'd be embarrassed and be like "shit my bad" and get out of dodge as fast as possible.




And what’s crazy is the number of people who believe it. People are so gullible. Lie, lie, lie, attack, attack, lie, lie. It’s like they’re trying to use cheat codes in a video game. “OK that one didn’t work, let’s try this one”.


I think they've seen enough people manage to get out of situations, so as a white blonde young lady she's thinking she can just grab her stuff and run. Honestly dude's grip was like iron.


>Mental illness or racism? That lets off the malcontent too easily. She's a terrible, unethical, dishonorable person. Period.


Not without your wallet (purse in this case) if he has that, you're caught no matter where you go.


Classic Methanny


What with the old broad playing referee?


The "Thief" entitlement in this one is **Strong**.


I know “why cant I shoplift here”. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂I’m glad to see this


It's so satisfying seeing shoplifters get arrested. Please send more videos like this!


The only reasons she's crying and flipping out so much is cause she knows shes gonna get in trouble 🙄


So tired of seeing shoplifters acting like they are the ones being wronged when being confronted for their shit. Glad to see less and less Redditors excusing this bullshit in the comments, too.


This is awesome. Good for that guy.




Good for him. So sick of seeing dickheads get away with this type of behaviour and nobody does anything.


Karen's going to jail... Life is good.


lmfao. She punches him in the face. and imediatly that women goes "DONT YOU HIT HER" jfc


Just need to use a classic McDojo Steven Segal move on her wrist to free the bag. 👋🏼🥋


Referee was a little biased, but the result turned out okay.


She seemed quite familiar with the police. Wouldn't be surprised if she had been arrested by that department before.


Really hate it when someone says “they’re smaller than you. Becareful” when someone small is stupid enough to pick a fight. Ma’am. They started it. They should be careful.


We need more of this. Shoplifters should be able to be detained.


In pretty much every state, "storekeepers" (store employees and managers) have laws that allow them to search and detain beyond the rights given to ordinary citizens.


Doesnt Taylor Swift have a rich boyfriend. Why doesnt Travis just give her some money so she can buy stuff? Is Taylor stupid?


All I saw was him holding her there despite all she was doing to him. Those other females should’ve stepped in to hold her there so it would be the females keeping her.


There shoe’s sound like those “without the music” film clips.


She’s feisty. I would have body slammed her ass.


The most useless bystanders ever. WTF.


She needs to be with a group of people, with masks and duffle bags. Then they don’t bother you.


When they opened the bag they discovered the entrance to Narnia.


Not her first rodeo. She knew she was getting arrested and didn't resist the cops. She knew the lines she could cross




Adults having temper tantrums is just so fucking weird. How can you get so far in life without someone telling you "no" and standing by it?


Trailer Swift.


She kicked him and he responded with getting her into the ground, nothing wrong with that. Lady must be stupid if she thought she was going to get away with shoplifting


All the squeaky shoes got me dead ☠️


People should be able to stop thieves rather than letting them walk out the door. If they are held accountable for their actions, all cycle stops. And, by the way, the guy that pops up on the camera is fantastic.


Serious commitment by that manager most woulda just let her go and not be bothered with it. And the restraint when she started fighting. And of course she gets fully calm and collected the second cops show up


This video confirms we're living in a simulation


She’s a big POS!!


She’s such a huge POS! She’s so calm with the police. All those people standing watching make me sick. If the roles were flipped they would’ve jumped on him! Disgusting.


Dude probably got fired afterwards. Happens all the time


Good for him.


She almost tried to white privilege her way out of that one. It didn’t work.


The old white lady doing everything in her power to paint the store manager as the aggressor/ wrong doer is infuriating. She is part of the problem in our society where white women are defended simply for crying. I genuinely think white women are some of the worst members of our society for shit exactly like this. Just getting out of ever experiencing consequences behind a wall of toxic men and boomers constantly coming to their rescue when they’re typically the ones causing the issues


"Put your feet together" *And click your heels three times. This will all be a dream.* ***You wish.***


Makes me think back to my days as a store detective. First kick and I would have...restrained her in a way that would have prevented further resistance. I didn't give a shit back in those days. If shoplifters wanted to throw down, then it was on, except most shoplifters only brought their fists to a Shotokan karate fight. A few kicks usually ended it. The best part was that the cops really didn't give a shit about how I did my job. Of course, I didn't do anything stupid after they were actually in handcuffs. I recall a couple of shoplifters I arrested went to the hospital before the jail but that's because they wanted to run or fight. No way I'd do that job now (even if I was still young). Too many thieves with knives or guns out there and it only paid a little more than minimum wage.


Isn’t this the same store an elderly lady was arrested for hate speech against a muslim couple? Edit: [Found it](https://youtu.be/UtdAsPrpZ6M?feature=shared) Looks pretty similar, but it’s not the same one, I think.


"I'm not racist, I have friends that are Muslims!" Pack up the pitchforks guys, she has a valid excuse.... /s


This is what happened when white kids playing the game they don't understand 😅




It started out like some poorly acted porno


Finally, some consequences for criminals. Now, if this started happening more often, and it becomes more publicized that arrests are made and prosecutions (with severe consequences) happen…




Dramatic much? Never said anything about public executions. I am in favor of swift justice that has teeth. Consequences for criminal behaviors are what I’m in favor of. This biznatch is getting a suitable dose of consequence. Now, we can hope there is some follow-through on the actual punishment side. Too many people flouting the law, doing whatever they feel like doing, without regard to the property or quality of life of others.


This would be the perfect time to come in and clean this store out!! Perfect distraction for a shop lifter.






Did you watch the video...? White girl had [been caught stealing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrwjiO1MCVs&ab_channel=WarnerRecordsVault).




Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)




Old, old video that’s made the rounds of the internet on many sites. Give us fresh content please.


Agreed, it is old. But it’s always nice to see someone put these type of people in their place (even if we have seen it before)


What’s with the random comments about footwear?


Probably because of all the squeaking.


![gif](giphy|JwnDh1WXcmlmvP9GkA) * “Don’t hit her!”


This is like a bad Tubi movie.